Пьеса на английском языке рождественской истории «To Meet Santa. Рождественская пьеса на английском языке Английские рождественские сказки

Рождество (Christmas Day ). С амый важный день праздника и рождественских каникул, конечно, 25 декабря (25December ), или День Рождества. Каждый год в Британии люди получают подарки на Рождество. Обычай дарить подарки на 25 декабря (25 December ) восходит к Викторианской эпохе. До этого в Британии обмениваться подарками было принято в канун Нового года (New Year"s Eve ) - 31 декабря (31 December ) - или на Двенадцатую ночь (Twelfth Night ) - 5/6 января (5/6 January ) - т.е. на двенадцатый день после Рождества , который выпадает на последний день рождественских святок (C hristmas-tide) и совпадает с Крещением (Epiphany). По давнему обычаю д ети встают очень рано утром и идут искать традиционные рождественские носки (stockings ), заполненные маленькими подарками. Обычно эти носки (довольно больших размеров) родители вешают в детской комнате, часто около кровати детей, пока они спят. Когда дети просыпаются утром, многие из них верят, что Санта Клаус (Santa Claus ) приходил к ним в гости ночью и принёс им подарки. Но подарки в традиционном носке - это не все подарки, получаемые детьми на Рождество. Подарки для более старших детей, подростков и взрослых укладывают вокруг рождественской ёлки (Christmas tree ) также в канун Рождества. Подарки для всех членов семьи старательно укладывают вокруг ёлки, которую украшают обычно разноцветными гирляндами. Большие подарки открываются, когда вся семья собирается вместе в гостиной перед Рождественской ёлкой. Только когда все уже сели вокруг ёлки - не раньше, можно развернуть свой подарок.

Что же едят на Рождество в Великобритании? В традиционный Рождественский ужин (Christmas dinner )входят запечённая индейка (roast turkey ), запечённый картофель (roast potatoes )и брюссельскую капусту (brussel sprouts ), а заканчивается ужин Рождественским пудингом (Christmas pudding ).

День рождественских подарков, второй день Рождества (Boxing Day ) : 26 декабря (26December ) - официальный выходной в Великобритании. Обычно этот день многие проводят перед телевизором и отдыхают после Рождества. В этот день продолжается череда дарения подарков. Состоятельные люди делают подарки прислуге, почтальону, служащим, торговцам и т.п. Почему этот день называется "боксин дэй"? - потому что словом"box" (бокс - "коробок") называется любой Рождественский подарок или коробка с Рождественским подарком, а также и Рождественские наградные, которые дарят в знак благодарности людям за оказанные ими услуги в течение года.

Рождественские открытки (Christmas cards ) : большинство людей в Великобритании отправляют Рождественские открытки своим друзьям и родственникам. Некоторые магазины продают благотворительные открытки (charity cards ). Это означает, что доход от продажи этих открыток пойдёт на добрые дела.

Канун Нового года (New Year"s Eve ): 31-го Декабря во всей Британии отмечают Новый год. Большинство людей проводят этот день с друзьями или с родными. В полночь все берутся за руки и поют старую шотландскую песню " Старое доброе время " ("Auld Lang Syne "), написанную поэтом Робертом Бёрнсом (Robert Burns ). В Шотландии (Scotland )и на севере Англии (North of England ) сразу после полуночи (midnight )люди идут в гости к своим друзьям (go first footing )- они звонят в двери домов своих друзей с надеждой быть первыми, кто войдёт в дом после полуночи. Гость (the first footer )приносит с собой кусок угля (a piece of coal ) и стакан воды(a glass of water) , которые являются символами удачи в Новом году.

День Нового года (New Year"s Day ) : 1-го января британцы традиционно делают обещания (New Year"s resolutions )- они решают что сделать, чтобы улучшить свою жизнь в Новом году. Например, люди принимают решение бросить курить или посещать тренажёрный зал раз в неделю.

Рождественская лексика

Merry Christmas - Весёлого Рождества!
Happy New Year – Счастливого Нового года!
Season’s Greetings! – С нступающими праздниками!
Christmas Holiday’s – Рождественские каникулы
Christmas Eve – Рождественский сочельник
New Year’s Eve – Канун Нового года
Carol – Рождественский гимн/веселая песенка
Bells – Колокольчики
Santa Claus – Санта Клайс
Secret Santa – Невидимый Санта
Three Wise Men – Три волхва
Nativity scene – Сцена рождения
Christmas Tree – Рождественская ёлка
Decorations – Украшения
Ornament – Украшать
Poinsettia – Пуансеттия (Рождественская звезда)
Snowman – Снеговик
Snowflake – Снежинка
Snowball – Снежок
Snowy – Снежная погода
Christmas card – Рождественская открытка
Presents/gifts – Подарки
Toy – Игрушка
Reindeer – Олень
Sleigh – Сани
Turkey – Индейка
The star of Bethlehem – Вифлеемская звезда
Manger – Ясли

Здесь собраны книги об английском Рождестве и Новом годе

Рождественские сказки на английском для детей
Christmas fairy-tales & stories for children
A Christmas Journey Wildsmith Brian
A Christmas Stor y Wildsmith Brian
A Christmas Carol + CD Lesley Sims
Christmas Fun Ruth Hobart
Christmas Stories for Little Children Punter Russell
Christmas Felicity Brooks
Christmas Watt Fiona
Christmas around the world Lesley Sims
Clubhouse Christmas Susan Amerikaner
Horrid Henry"s Christmas Cracker Francesca Simon
Madeline"s Christmas Ludwig Bemelmans
Paddington and the Christmas Surprise Michael Bond
Pocket"s Christmas Wish Ann Bonwill
The Oxford Book of Christmas Stories Dennis Pepper
That"s Not My Snowman Watt Fiona
The Killer Cat"s Christmas Anne Fine
The Battle for Christmas Jeremy Strong
Twas the Night Before Christmas Wordsworth
Видео на Рождество Christmas Video

Рождественские английские песни
Christmas songs, chants, carols
Very First Christmas Carols Felicity Brooks
5+6 Games Christmas Carols + Книга


(The NEW YEAR and the SNOW MAIDEN are knocking at the door. They have presents and a bell in their hands)

New Year:

I am the little New Year, ho, ho!
Here I come jumping over the snow,
Shaking my bell with a merry din

Snow Maiden:

Presents we bring for each and all
Big folks, little folks, short and tall.
Each one from us a treasure may win,
So open your doors and let me in!

New Year:

Some shall have silver and some shall have gold
Some shall have new clothes and some shall have old.

Snow Maiden:

Some shall have water and some shall have milk
Some shall have satin and some shall have silk!

New Year: But each of you a present may win

Snow Maiden: So open your doors and let us in!


(Enter Mrs.CLAUS)

Mrs.Claus: Oh, hello dear New Year! Have you got any present for Santa Claus?

New Year: What? A present for our old Santa? No, here are some presents which he must take to children. And he must hurry! He hasn"t got much time to finish his work!

Mrs.Claus: Poor old Santa... Good-bye, New Year. Merry Christmas!

(Exit New Year. Enter ELF 1 and ELF 2)

Mrs.Claus: Good day, my little elves. Come here! Have you, Elves, ever thought what it is like for our Santa on Christmas morning? He works all Christmas night putting presents in children"s stockings, and when he comes back to a quiet North Pole he is so tired! All people are opening presents and having a wonderful time and poor old Santa is so tired that he can"t celebrate!

1 st Elf:

Think about it. It"s almost shocking!
He won"t even have a Christmas stocking.
Is it too late for us to plan
To celebrate with this kind old man?

Mrs.Claus: What a good idea! No, it isn"t to late! Let"s quickly think of the presents we can make!

2 nd Elf:

Let"s give him new gloves and a hat right away
So the cold won"t get him when he is out in his sleigh.

Mrs.Claus: What about some nice tasty things for the holiday lunch?

2 nd Elf: We"ll make up a tasty brew! Can you cook his favourite stew?

Mrs.Claus: Of course! So, I"m going to the kitchen and you hurry for a surprise for Santa!



Tom: Where are my Christmas presents? There is nothing in my stocking! How awful! Oh, my dear friends, I"m so angry that I forgot to tell you who I am. I am famous Tom Sawyer!

Dorothy: I am Dorothy. Do you know me? You have read about my adventures in the book "The Wizard of Oz". I flew to a magic country in my house with my dog Toto.

Alice: And my name is Alice. Do you know what tale I come from? "Alice in Wonderland", of course!

Tom: Imagine how unhappy I am with these two silly girls following me here and there and everywhere! Woh!

Dorothy: Tom, stop being naughty, please! It"s Christmas Eve!

Alice: It"s Christmas Eve and where are our presents? There is nothing in my stocking!

Dorothy: And my stocking is empty, too!

Tom: What has happened to Santa Claus?

(Enter MRS.CLAUS and the ELVES)

Mrs.Claus: My dear friends, you know how busy Santa is. No wonder he has forgotten!

Dorothy, Alice: Merry Christmas, Mrs.Claus!

1 st Elf: Merry Christmas, everybody! Do you know that we decided to give Santa Claus some presents. He never gets anything on Christmas, you know.

Tom: I"ve got an idea. Old Santa has so much work to do today. What if we help him to take the presents to those children who live not very far away?

2 nd Elf: That will be nice! Here is a bag with presents, the New Year has left it hear. Oh, how heavy it is!

Mrs.Claus: Now everybody has something to do and I am going to make a stew.

Dorothy: Can we help you. Mrs.Claus?

Alice: We would like to do it!

1 st Elf: And I think we must invite children to our party. They will dress up in pretty clothes and we"ll have fun!

Mrs.Claus: But we must hurry - Christmas is coming.



Black Fairy: Oh, I knew it! Santa Claus hasn"t even put a stocking for me. He"s forgotten about me! And they are all talking about him - helping Santa, presents for Santa, a party for Santa... And I"m always alone! O.K. I"ll show them what happens if they forget about Black Fairy! I don"t want them to help that old fat Santa Claus. Oh, what"s that? Christmas presents!? Presents for these naughty, noisy, lazy children? I"ll take them and hide in a good secret place. (to the audience) And if you tell them anything you will never get any presents on Christmas! Do you understand? Never again!


(Enter Tom, Dorothy and Alice)

Tom: It"s time to go. The children are waiting for their presents. (looking around) But where are the presents? Where is the bag?

Dorothy: Where are the presents?

Alice (crying): Somebody has taken the bag! Now the children won"t get the presents!

Dorothy (crying): Poor Santa Claus. Everybody will be angry with him. We wanted to help and now...

Tom: Never again shall I ask any girls to help me! The only thing they can do is cry and weep! It"s cold today and if you don"t stop you will have icicles on your eyes! Stop crying and let me think. There must be a way out. Yes! A Christmas Fairy - Saula is the only one who can help us! She always comes on Christmas Eve to those who need help.


(Distant music and bells are heard, enter SAULA)

Saula: Merry Christmas!

Tom: Saula! I"ve been thinking about you! How do you know that we need your help?

Saula: I heard someone crying. I thought I could help, and here I am!

Alice: Saula, dear, do you know what has happened?

Saula: I don"t, sweetheart.

Dorothy: We decided to help Santa Claus with the presents, you know he is so busy on Christmas Eve...

Saula: How lovely! How kind of you to do it!

Alice: But somebody has taken the bag with all the presents!

Tom: Even I have no idea - who could do such a bad thing!

Saula: Let me think... I guess I know who it is.

All: Do you!?

Saula: Have you ever heard about the Black Fairy of the Christmas Eve?

Tom: Never.

Alice: Yes, I"ve once read about her. People say she is very wicked, nobody loves her and she loves nobody.

Saula: You are right. She always tries to do something bad on Christmas Eve.

Tom: Let me catch her and she will never do anything bad again!

Saula: Don"t be so angry, Tom. Christmas is the time for love and forgiving. Think of how unhappy she is. She"s got no friends, no family. Nobody gives her presents or says Merry Christmas.

Dorothy: Poor thing.

Alice: I"m so sorry.

Dorothy: And what if we give her a present?

Tom: A present for this ...

Alice: Oh, Tom, we must give her a present and say we are sorry nobody wants to be her friend. May be she isn"t as bad as she looks.

Dorothy: We can be her friends.

Saula: You are good girls! That"s just what we must do. Elves! Elves! Have you got one more stocking?


(Enter Elves)

1 st Elf: Merry Christmas Saula!

2 nd Elf: Who do you need a stocking for?

Saula: For Black Fairy.

Elves: Black Fairy?

Tom: These kind women feel sorry for her! And she has stolen the bag with Christmas presents! Have you ever heard anything like that!?

Saula: Tom, be a good boy today. Don"t forget it"s Christmas time.

Tom: O.K. I"ll show you that I can be good. I can even give Black Fairy my tooth as a present. And it"s the best thing I have got!

Dorothy: We"ve got some candies.

2 nd Elf: And I have a nice Christmas bell!

Saula: Here is an apple and a beautiful Christmas card from me. Let us put everything into the stocking and call Black fairy all together.

All: Black Fairy! Black Fairy!


(Enter Black Fairy)

Black Fairy: I haven"t seen your bag with presents! I"ve never touched it.

Saula: Dear, nobody thinks you have!

Alice: We just wanted to say to you -

All: Merry Christmas!

Dorothy: Christmas is the time for love, friendship and forgiving.

Tom: Here is a present for you, Black Fairy!

Black Fairy: A Christmas stocking? For me? Isn"t it a joke?

1 st Elf: No, Black Fairy, it isn"t a joke. We want to be your friends.

Black Fairy: Oh, thank you so much! And I am sorry. It was me. I took the presents. I didn"t want you to help Santa Claus because he never, never brings me presents. I am so sorry. Here is the bag. Forgive me, please!

Saula: We will forgive you if you help us to take the presents to the children. We must hurry or we"ll be late!

Black Fairy: Certainly, with great pleasure!

Saula: I"m leaving you now. You can do everything yourselves and I must help those who are unhappy today. Good-bye and merry Christmas! (exit Saula)


(Mrs.Claus and the Elves)

Mrs.Claus: Everything is ready. We helped Santa with the presents and his stocking is full of presents, too. And the tasty lunch is on the table. But there are no lights on the Christmas tree!

1 st Elf:

We"ll have to hurry to get things done
The computer shows he"s on his last run!

2 nd Elf: Yes, he is coming!

Mrs.Claus: Tom, Alice, Dorothy, come here! (Enter Tom, Alice, Dorothy). I can hear him. He"s going into his bedroom. Let"s turn off the lights and hide. (the stage remains dark and quiet) I"d better go and see what has happened to him. I don"t hear anything! (the lights go up, Mrs.Claus exits and immediately comes back)

Well, little friends, you needn"t hide
Santa"s too tired after his ride
The party food we"ll have to keep
Dear old Santa is fast asleep!

Tom: What if we wake him up?

Alice: Won"t he be angry? He is so tired.

Dorothy: I know a lovely Christmas song about Santa Claus. If we sing it he"ll wake up and won"t be angry.

I"m dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
When the tree tops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow.
I"m dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write.
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white.

Петрова Полина. МНОУ "Лицей", Кемерово, Кемеровская область, Россия
Сочинение на английском языке с переводом. Номинация Люди и общество.

The Christmas story

I am the most unusual Christmas character because I am Santa Claus`s bag. Nobody knows where I was born, how old I am etc. But l will tell you my story and describe my most usual day before Christmas.

I with many other bags were born somewhere in northern Finland, in an unknown factory years and years ago. Nobody knows how long I have been living. I was very small when I was bought. Chimney Sweep bought me. He brought me good luck. I lived with him for about two years. Chimney Sweep sold me to the Postman because he needed money.

Postman needed a bag because he had to deliver newspapers and I helpedhim. We delivered newspaper every day, took me very early and we went to work. I liked it very much, but once he lost me. I was very sad, I hoped that he would find me but he didn`t.

One fine day I was found by one of the Santa Clause`s helpers. He brought me to Santa Clause`s Residence and I began to work there. I worked very diligent and soon on one of Christmas Santa Clause came and said:

"My bag is broken, I need a new bag"

"Take this bag, it is very good" offered one of leprechauns.

"Thank you very much" answered Santa.

"Let`s go to give presents for children!" he said to me.

This was the most magical Christmas in my life.

That`s story how I became Santa Clause`s bag. It was a fairy-tale for me, and now making people happy is my work.

Every Christmas we go round the world and give presents for everybody. Santa puts gifts in the stockings hung over the fireplace, but sometimes he puts piece of coals because some children are naughty (this happens very seldom). I have been working for Santa for many years and I have seen different types of presents but I notice something new every year.

I was waiting impatiently for this Christmas because I had nothing to do. Leprechauns began to prepare for Christmas a few months ago. When Christmas Eve came, I was very happy.

That morning I got up very early because I couldn`t sleep, I was excited (I am excited every Christmas).

"Are you ready to give presents for children?" Santa Claus asked me.

"Yes, I am ready, but I am so excited! What can I do?" I asked Santa in response.

"Think about that you bring happiness for children and you`ll stop worrying" he answered me.

I thought about children, they would be happy when they saw presents by Santa. When we passed Denmark Iheard a strange sound. I didn`t understand where it came from. There was a little cat. He was small, grey, fluffy and very pretty.

"Who will get you?" I asked.

"I don`t know this, I hope that my master will be good and kind" said Little Cat.

Santa presented the cat to a girl in one of London`s suburb. A very good girl lives there and I know that Little Cat is very glad to live with her. I see The Cat is very happy, so we meet them every Christmas and we are friends.

Now I am so glad that I was lost so long ago.

Santa and I have presented many different gifts at this Christmas and I am empty now. But I`m not sad because I think that real fortune is to make a lot of people happy.

Я - самый необычный персонаж рождественских сказок, потому что я - сумка Санты. Никто не знает, где я родился, сколько мне лет и тому подобные истории из моей жизни. Но я сейчас расскажу мою историю и поведаю об одном случае из моей жизни…

Я и множество других сумок появился где-то в северной Финляндии на неизвестной фабрике много лет назад. Никто не знает, как долго я живу. Я был очень маленьким, когда меня купили. Меня купил Трубочист, и он принес мне удачу. Я жил у него около двух лет. Но ему понадобились деньги, и он продал меня Почтальону.

Почтальону нудна была сумка для того чтобы разносить газеты, и я помогал ему это делать. Он разносил газеты каждый день, брал меня очень рано и шел на работу. Он мне очень нравился, но однажды он потерял меня. Я был очень расстроен из-за этого и надеялся, что он найдет меня. Но он этого не сделал.

В один хороший день меня нашел Помощник Санты Клауса, он принес меня в резиденцию Санты, и я начал работать там. Я работал очень усердно, и вскоре пришел Санты и сказал:

"Моя сумка порвала, мне нужна новая"

"Возьмите эту сумке, она очень хорошая" предложили Лепреконы.

"Спасибо большое" ответил Санта.

"Пошли дарить подарки детям" сказал он мне.

Это было самое сказочное рождество в моей жизни.

Эта история о том, как я стал мешком Санты. Это сказка для меня, А сейчас делать людей счастливыми - моя работа.

Каждое Рождество мы объезжаем весь мир и дарим подарки каждому. Санта складывает подарки в чулки, висящие над камином, но иногда он может положить туда кусочки угля, потому что дети бывают непослушными (это случается очень редко).

Я работаю у Санты много лет, и я видел много разных подарков, но в этом году я заметил кое-что новое.

Я с нетерпением ждал это рождество, потому что весь год мне нечего было делать. Лепреконы же начали готовиться к рождеству несколько месяцев назад. Я был очень счастлив, когда наступил Сочельник.

В то утро я проснулся очень рано, я не мог спать, я был очень взволнован (я волнуюсь каждое Рождество).

"Ты готов дарить детям подарки?" спросил меня Санта.

"Да, я готов, но я сильно волнуюсь. Что делать?" спросил я в нетерпении.

"Думай о том, что ты приносишь счастье детым, и ты перестанешь унывать" поведал мне Санта.

Я думал о детях, они должны быть счастливы, когда видят подарки от Санты. Когда мы уже пролетали над Данией, я услышал странный звук. Я не понимал, откуда он идёт. Это был маленький котенок. Он был, серый, маленький, пушистый и очень симпатичный.

"Для кого ты" спросил я.

"Я не знаю этого. Но я надеюсь, что мой хозяин будет добрым и хорошим" сказал Маленький Котенок.

Санта подарил Котенка девочке, живущей в пригороде Лондона. Это очень хорошая девочка, и я знаю, что Котенок очень рад, что живет у нее. Я вижу Маленького Котенка часто, мы встречаем их каждое Рождество и стали друзьями.

Сейчас я даже счастлив, что потерялся много лет назад.

Санта и я подарили множество подарков на это Рождество, и я сейчас пуст. Но я понимаю, что настоящая удача - возможность делать людей счастливыми.

Разделы: Внеклассная работа

Сценарий новогодней сказки на английском языке “When Christmas comes”.

A Russian girl is sitting in am armchair and reading a book of fairy-tales.

Her mother calls her.

Mother: Stop reading books, dear, New Year is coming. Help me to lay the table, please.

Russian girl: Just a moment, Mum. It’s my favourite tale. I wish I were there in the fairy-tale.

Music. Lights go down.

A group of children is singing Christmas carol “Holy night”.

Silent night,
Holy night,
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child,
Holy infant so tender and mild.
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace.
In the forest. (slide “Winter Forest”)

Russian girl is looking around her with great interest.

Russian girl: Where am I? I can’t believe my eyes. Is it a fairy-tale? Oh, it’s cold here. Where shall I go?

A white rabbit appears on the stage. He is in a hurry. He is looking at his watch and taking it in and out of his waistcoat.

Rabbit: Oh, dear, oh dear! I’ll be too late!

Russian girl: What? A rabbit with a pocket and a watch in it? Of course, I’m in a tale. Who’s ever seen a rabbit with a watch?

Children on the other side of the stage:

  1. A cat went to town to buy a hat.
    What? A cat with a hat? A hat for a cat?
    Who’s ever seen a cat in a hat?
  2. A cock went to town to buy a clock.
    What? A cock with a clock? A clock for a cock?
    Who’s ever seen a cock with a clock?
  3. A bear went to town to buy a chair.
    What? A bear with a chair? A chair for a bear?
    Who’s ever seen a bear with a chair?
  4. A dog went to town to buy a log?
    What? A dog with a log? A log for a dog?
    Who’s ever seen a dog with a log?
  5. An owl went to town to buy a towel.
    What? An owl with a towel? A towel for an owl?
    Who’s ever seen an owl with a towel?
  6. A hen went to town to buy a pen.
    What? A hen with a pen? A pen for a hen?
    Who’s ever seen a hen with a pen?

Russian girl: Mister Rabbit, wait for me, please!

Lights go down.

Queen’s palace. (slide “Palace”)

The Queen is sitting at the desk. There is a blackboard near the desk. Rabbit comes through the gates and runs into the palace. The Russian girl enters and hides nearby.

Rabbit: Good evening, Your Majesty! I am on time (bows). Let’s start our lesson. May I ask you to write down four irregular verbs?

Queen: All right. Dictate!


Chancellor comes.

Chancellor: Good evening, Your Majesty! May I ask you to put Your signature? To four edicts only.

Queen: Write! Well! But then I won’t write – begin-began-begun. Give me your papers!

Chancellor: Thank you very much, Your Majesty!

Queen: And what shall I write?

Chancellor: Either “execute” or “forgiveness”.

Queen (counts): E-xe-cu-te, for-gi-ve-ness. I shall write “execute” – it is shorter.

Russian girl comes out: Stop it! What have you written?

Queen: Who are you? How dare you speak to me like this? I am your Queen.

Russian girl: You executed a person and didn’t think about him!

Queen: But I can’t write and think at the same time!

Russian girl: It isn’t necessary. First you should think and then you should write.

Queen: If I do that, I shall think and think and think and then I’ll go mad.

Russian girl: Nonsense! And besides, you are not my Queen. I am not from here. I am from Russia.

Queen: Russia? Where is it? Oh, I know, your people live on the other side of the Earth and they walk with their heads downward.

Russian girl: Do you study at school? You don’t know Geography at all. (slide “The map of Russia”)Russia is the largest country in the world with a long and interesting history and culture. Do you know how Russian people celebrated Christmas traditionally?

A group of children is going around the hall and singing Russian folk songs.

Russian girl: Russian people made up a lot of fairy-tales. One of them we prepared for you in a modern version. Can you guess the tale?

Queen: Why should I know it? Mr. Rabbit knows it well.

Rabbit: It’s Russian folk-tale “The Turnip”. But I hardly guessed it.

Queen: As for me I know Math.

Russian girl (writing at the blackboard): How much is six multiplied by six?

Queen: Six times six is eleven. Mr. Rabbit, is it OK?

Rabbit (sadly): OK, Your Majesty.

Russian girl (writing): Multiply eight by eight, please.

Russian girl: Awful!

Queen: And I know Biology very well.

Russian girl: Then answer, when do snowdrops appear in the forest?

Rabbit whispers: In April.

Queen: Snowdrops? Of course, in December, because snow falls in December.

Snowflakes dance.

Russian girl: You are wrong. It’s impossible. Snowdrops blossom in April.

Queen: OK. I want April now. I like snowdrops very much. I have never seen them.

Rabbit: April will come soon. You have to wait only three months or 90 days.

Queen: 90 days! But I can’t wait! Tomorrow we are going to have a New Year’s party. I want to have snowdrops for this party.

Rabbit (sadly): Your Majesty, you can’t break the law of Nature.

It’s winter now….

Music (winter) (slide “Winter”)

Rabbit: Then comes spring with the first dripping of melted snow and snowdrops…

Music (spring) (slide “Spring”)

Rabbit: After spring comes bright summer….

Music (summer) (slide “Summer”)

Rabbit: And then comes golden autumn with a lot of fruit and vegetables, rains and winds.

Music (autumn) (slide “Autumn”)

Queen: I’ll promulgate a new law of Nature! Mr. Rabbit! Sit down and write! I’ll dictate to you. “The grass is green.

There are a lot of flowers in our forest. Bring a basket of snowdrops to our palace for the New Year’s party! “A full basket of gold is awaiting you!” Chancellor!

Chancellor comes.

Queen: Set my seal and proclaim my order!

Chancellor: But Your Majesty…

Queen: This is my order!

Lights go down.

In the forest. (slide “Winter forest”).

It’s freezing. A giant caterpillar is sitting under the tree covered with snow.

Mr.Rabbit and Russian girl are standing and hesitating in which direction to go.

Rabbit: Let’s go this way. Frosty the famous snowman lives here. I hope he can help us.

Russian girl: I am so tired. What’s the use of looking for snowdrops in winter. Where can I sit down?

Russian girl tries to sit down on a giant caterpillar but jumps up and cries.

Russian girl: What is it? Dear me! It’s a snake!

Caterpillar: First of all can’t you be more polite and stop sitting on a delicate caterpillar?

Russian girl: Caterpillar in winter! It’s incredible!

Caterpillar: Stop talking nonsense. Can’t you see? It’s me. What are you doing here on Christmas Eve?

A group of children is singing Christmas carol “Away in a manger”.

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed

The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.

The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay

The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

Russian girl: We are looking for snowdrops.

Caterpillar: Isn’t it more incredible to look for snowdrops in winter?

Russian girl: Certainly it is. Am I going mad?

Caterpillar: Why haven’t you said before you are going crazy? I am sure only Rudolf can help you – he is also an extraordinary creature. You have to go that way. (Show them the way).

Russian girl: Thank you. Bye.

Rabbit: Thank you Miss (kisses her hand). Shall we meet one day?

Carterpillar: Put down my phone number, ducky. (Hugs and kisses him).

Lights go down. Music.

Lights go up. Russian girl and Mr. Rabbit are going through the forest.

Chorus. Song “Rudolf the Red-Nose Reindeer”.

Rudolf, the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw it
Used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Rudolf
play in any reindeer games.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say,
"Rudolf with your nose so bright,

you would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer

Won"t you guide my sleigh tonight?"

Then how the reindeer loved him,
As they shouted out with glee:
"Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer,
you"ll go down in history!"

Rudolf appears. Russian girl and Mr. Rabbit run to him.

Rabbit: Mr. Rudolf we are so glad to see you. Can you help us to find snowdrops.

Rudolf: Snowdrops? What a strange idea! I can manage to get moss and lichen for you.

Russian girl: But we need snowdrops very much.

Rudolf: You need a real magician, you need Santa.

Russian girl: Where is he? Tell us, please, we are in a hurry.

Rudolf: I can’t tell you. He is very busy now, he is preparing Christmas gifts for children. That’s why nobody knows where he is. But you can ask Frosty.

Rabbit: Who is Frosty?

Chorus. Song “Frosty, The Snowman”.

Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,
With a corncob pipe and a carrot nose,
And two eyes made of coal.
Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say.
He was made of snow but the children know
How he came to life one day.
There must have been some magic in that
Old silk hat they found,
For they put it on his head
He began to dance around!

O, Frosty the snowman,
Was alive as he could be!
And the children say he could
Laugh and play
Just the same as you and me.
Thumpety thump thump,
Thumpety thump thump
Look at Frosty go!
Thumpety thump thump
Thumprty thump thump
Over the hills of snow…

Frosty (appears): Who called me?

Russian girl: Dear Frosty, can you show us the way to Santa’s house. We need his help. It’s Christmas Eve now and we’d like to get a basket of snowdrops on Christmas Day.

Frosty: What strange presents do people want to have on Christmas! OK, if you guess my riddles, I’ll show you the way.

Russian girl: We’ll try and I think children will help us (to the audience). Will you help us to guess Frosty’s riddles?

It’s blue by night,
By day it’s white.
It is cold and not dry,
It falls from the sky. (Snow)

Fat and gay, on a winter day,
He came here with us to stay.
But day by day he grew sad and thin,
And so we brought his younger brother in. (A calendar)

In winter and in summer
They stand in one colour. (A fir-tree and a pine)

This is the season
When children ski
And Santa brings
The bright Christmas tree. (Winter)

Frosty: Let’s go that way. I’ll follow you, you can lose yourselves. (They are going away).

Music. Chorus “I wish I were a snowman”

I wish I were a Snowman,
So tall and big and white.
I’d never have to clean my teeth,
Or go to bed at night.
But maybe Mister Snowman
Is wishing he were me,
For I’ll be here when summer comes,
But where will the Snowman be?

Music. Song “Christmas is coming..”

Christmas is coming
The goose is getting fat
Please, to put a penny
In an old man’s hat
Please to put a penny
In an old man’s hat.
If you have no penny
A half-penny can do
If you have no half-penny
Then God bless you.

Lights go down.

Santa’s house. (slide “Santa’s house”).

Santa Claus is picking up his bag.

Santa: A new nose for Rudolf, a new broom for Frosty, a beautiful hat for the caterpillar, a basket of snowdrops for the Queen. What else? Ah, they are coming. We’ll see if they gain their presents.

All: Santa, hello. Help us, please!

Santa: All right! I’ve just learnt a new and very modern dance. If you dance with me I’ll make all your wishes come true.

Dance. Everybody is dancing.

The clock strikes.

Santa: Christmas has come!

Song “We wish you a Merry Christmas…” (All participants).

We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year!
Good tidings for you
Wherever you are
Good tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year!

Рисунок 1

Рисунок 2

Рисунок 3

Рисунок 4

Рисунок 5

Рисунок 6

Учитель английского языка,

МБОУ «Гимназия №1», гАнгарск

«Рождественская сказка»

Сценарий театрализованной школьной линейки, посвящённой Рождеству в Англии

Участники: ученики 2-4 классов

Цель: Знакомство с традициями и обычаями Великобритании, воспитание уважения к культуре страны, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка

Аннотация: «Рождественская сказка» это сценарий одного из традиционных внеклассных мероприятий, посвящённых культуре Великобритании и США. В сценарий включены аутентичные рождественские стихи и песни для детей. Дата проведения 24-25 декабря. Длительность 7-10 минут.

Действующие лица: 6 гномов, мальчик и девочка (брат и сестра), Санта, ведущий (может быть учитель)

Декорации: украшенная ёлка, камин

Зрители заходят в музыкальный зал, встают полукругом.

Гаснет свет, под музыку появляются гномики с фонариками в руках (колпачки, варежки, шарфики)

В Канаде, Америке, Великобритании, Франции, Швеции, Дании (по 1 слову)

У всех на уме только одно – люди ждут Рождество! (все вместе).

Гномики говорят по две строчки:

It"s Christmas! Merry Christmas!

Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas!

It’s time for hanging stockings,

It’s time for riding sleighs,

It’s time for Jolly greating,

Snow and holly overeating.

Oh, I love you, Merry Christmas,

You are the best of holidays.

Ведущий: Деревья покрыты сверкающим снегом. Глубокие сугробы укрыли землю. Приближается рождественская ночь. Всё вокруг замерло в ожидании чуда…

The trees are heavy

With gleaming snow.

The drifts are deep.

And world is white.

No breath of wind

Is there below,

Hushed beauty reigns…

It’s Christmas night.

Ведущий: Тихий зимний вечер. На тёмном небе зажигаются звёзды и месяц, в домах и на улицах рождественские ёлки и зажигаются рождественские свечи.

Брат и сестра украшают ёлку возле камина и рассказывают:

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

They are green when summer days are bright.

They are green when winter days are white.

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree

Your branches green delight us.

(В это время зажигаются свечи на камине)

(Дети вешают чулочки на камин)

The stockings are hung,

The carols are being sung.

My heart is field with joy,

Along with every boy and girl.

It’s really hard to go to sleep,

you want to go and take a peep.

And when you are finally in bed,

Visions of Santa dance in your head.

(дети вешают чулочки, задувают свечи, зевая, уходят)

Ведущий: Долго сегодня им не уснуть, как бы на этого гостя взглянуть, Санта проникнет в дом потихоньку и спрячет подарки под ёлку.

Гномы говорят:

  • Who very soon will come our way?

Santa very soon will come our way.

Eight little reindeer pull his sleigh.

Santa’s little reindeer pull his sleigh.

  • Reindeer sleigh, come our way,

Ho,Ho, Ho cherry nose,

Cap on head, suit that’s red,

Special night, beard that’s white –

Must be Santa, must be Santa,

Must be Santa, Santa Claus.

Заходит Санта:

When the clock is striking 12,

When you are fast asleep

Down the chimney broad and black

With my bag I’ll creep.

Jonny wants a pair of skates.

Susy wants a Dolly;

Nelly wants a story book;

She thinks dolls are folly.

Выходит маленький заспанный мальчик с подушкой:

As for me, my little brain

Isn’t very bright:

Choose for me, old Santa Claus

What you think is right.

(Санта берёт за руку малыша и уводит.)

Ведущий: Дети раньше всех встают, за подарками бегут

Открывает, замирает от восторга детвора,

С Рождеством всех поздравляет и кричит: «Ура! Ура!»

Все поют песенку “We wish you a Merry Christmas!”