Animated tree. Animate and inanimate nouns

Animated nouns include the names of persons and animals: man, daughter, son, Vera, Petrov, Dima, duty officer, cow, goat, goose, starling, carp, spider, etc. These are mostly masculine and feminine nouns. Nouns of the middle gender are few: child, creature (meaning "living organism"), person (meaning "man"), words in -ische (monster, scarecrow, e), substantiated adjectives and participles (animal, insect, mammal). As a defining feature of animate nouns, the ability of the “objects” they call is often noted to independently move, move, which inanimate objects do not possess.
This semantic classification does not coincide with the scientific division of everything that exists in nature into living and non-living: in the science of nature, plants also belong to the living. It does not fit into the framework of the "everyday" understanding of the living and non-living. So, the words dead man, dead man, it would seem, contrary to logic, belong to animated nouns. (Boiled) duck, (roasted) goose in the grammar are also animate. This also includes a doll, a ball (in the language of billiard players), an ace, a trump card, a jack, etc. - words that have nothing to do with the living world. The category of inanimate includes nouns denoting a set of living beings (people, crowd, platoon, flock, swarm, group, etc.), as well as collective nouns such as youth, peasantry, children, proletariat, etc., denoting a set of persons.
The division of nouns into animate and inanimate is built not only on semantic grounds, but also on grammatical ones. The accusative plural of animate nouns is the same as the genitive, and for inanimate nouns it is the same as the nominative. Wed:
I see trees, mountains, rivers, clouds, I see people, cows, birds, insects,
flock of geese
buy cucumbers, notebooks, buttons buy sheep, pigeons, dolls
ate tangerines, ate oranges, chickens, crayfish
filed (fried) eggplant served (fried) partridge
In the singular, the distinction between animate and inanimate nouns is consistently expressed morphologically in masculine words. Wed:
animated nouns I will cook a goose, a rooster we see off a friend to put a guest
inanimate nouns
I will cook soup, broth we see off the steamer to plant potatoes
An exception is masculine words ending in -a. For them, as for feminine nouns, the accusative case does not coincide with either the genitive or the nominative. Wed: I. - a young man, a girl; R. - boys, girls; V. - a young man, a girl.
In animate neuter nouns, as well as inanimate ones, in the singular the form of the accusative case coincides with the form of them. case. For example: Oh, how I love this empty creature \ - groaned Pavel Petrovich (Turgenev). The same is observed for feminine nouns with a zero ending in them. fall: see lynx0, mouse0.
A deviation from the basic norm of expressing the meaning of animation is the formation of wine forms. pad. pl. h. with a preposition in nouns - the names of persons expressing attitudes towards a particular social group: student, nanny, livestock breeder, etc. In constructions with the meaning "become (do) what" these words form the form of wines. pad. as inanimate nouns: promote to general, elect to academician, candidate for deputy, etc.
The names of microorganisms fluctuate between animate and inanimate nouns: microbe, bacillus, ciliate, bacterium, amoeba, etc. They have two forms of the accusative case: (study) microbes and microbes (examine) viruses and viruses (under a microscope); (destroy) bacilli i bacilli. In the professional language, such words are usually used as animate nouns, and in the non-professional sphere as inanimate ones.
One and the same noun in one of its meanings can refer to animate, in another - to inanimate. So, the names of fish in direct meanings are animated nouns: (catch) crucian. Used as the names of foods, they act as inanimate nouns: (eat) sprats, etc.
Animation / inanimateness is peculiarly manifested in the words blockhead, idol, idol, idol, etc., which figuratively denote people. In the meaning of “statue”, these words clearly gravitate to inanimate, and in the figurative meaning of a person, to animate nouns. True, this feature is expressed inconsistently. Compare: From shaving his beard, he creates an idol for himself (Saltykov-Shedrin) and ... make an idol out of this old useless person (L. Tolstoy).
The names of works of art based on their heroes act as animated nouns. Wed: call Rudin and read "¦ Rudin", etc.
Wed See also: see a snake, let (launch) a snake, I make a snake.
The names of the ancient gods are animate nouns, and the names of the luminaries homonymous with them are inanimate: to anger Mars, I look at Mars, honor Jupiter and see Jupiter, etc. ~
They are used as inanimate nouns such as image, character, acting as the names of characters in works of art: to create a strong character; characterize negative types and positive images. Compare: list the characters of the novel, the heroes of the fairy tale, the characters of the fable, but: bring out a comic character.

Have you ever heard words that were put in inappropriate cases? Surzhik sins with this - mixed speech from Russian, Ukrainian and Jewish words. This is due to the fact that the rules of declension in different languages ​​are different.

To correctly choose the case of nouns, you need to know what form they belong to.

Animate and inanimate nouns

Words misused hurt the ear. For their proper use, there are certain rules, not so complicated. In Rus', from ancient times, living and non-living things were changed in different ways in cases. When the language was systematized, it was determined that there are proper nouns and common nouns, animate and inanimate. Moreover, it is not always possible to independently determine what kind a particular word belongs to. The deceased is inanimate, does not have a soul, but the word is grammatically animated. But plants are alive - they grow, breathe. But inanimate. Why?

There is one aspect of this question that is rooted in mythology. In ancient times, people adhered to other ideas about the living and nonliving things. Hence the set of well-established expressions showing the inanimate nature of the sun (it looks out, gets up, sits down, wakes up, in fairy tales it is asked for advice, and it answers) and dolls (in games it eats, sleeps, walks, speaks, cries). Previously, they were really considered alive and this was reflected in linguistic forms. The word "corpse" has always been considered inanimate, because under it only the shell of the being is considered, while the personality is absent. How to identify animate and inanimate nouns?


Since living and non-living answer different questions, it is good to use this method. Then check the result obtained. After that, we can refine our study in accordance with the exceptions that are better to remember.

1. So, first it is worth finding out who or what is in front of us. So in most cases, you can understand what type the word we need belongs to.

2. In the future, the plural of the desired word is put in the accusative case (for simplicity, it can be designated VP) and find out which case it coincides with. If with a nominative (IP) - this is inanimateness.

  • Toys.
  • Armchairs.
  • Games.
  • Noses.
  • Nicknames.

If with a genitive (RP) - animation.

  • Puppies.
  • Birdies.
  • Animals.
  • Chickens.
  • Friends.

Often this is enough to identify animate and inanimate nouns. The rule has exceptions.

living inanimate

These are dolls, Teddy bears, dogs, bunnies, robots and the like. That is, those toys with which they perform actions, as if they were alive. The existing forms of words will look like this:

  • Dolls.
  • Mishek.
  • Zaichikov.
  • Dogs.
  • Robots.

Some symbols in games are also considered animated. This should be remembered:

  • Kings.
  • Valtov.
  • Queens.

People who have died or perished are considered to be animate: suicide, deceased, deceased, deceased.

  • Suicide.
  • Deceased.
  • Reposed.
  • The dead.

There are many such words, but they are all animate. When it comes to a mortal shell (corpse, body, carrion, carcass) - this is already inanimate.

Fairy-tale and non-material characters (angels, demons, nymphs) are also animated. A regularity is observed: if in the people's mind something is alive - in the declension of such a word VP = RP.

living inanimate

A group, any set, a collection of people, animals or beings classified as living beings are considered to be inanimate. This is a crowd, an army, a people, a herd, a flock, a host. It is correct to say: "I see crowds, armies, peoples, herds, flocks, hosts."

All plants and fungi are inanimate. They have long been considered as food, and not as part of wildlife. Interestingly, some types of seafood (lobsters, oysters, lobsters) first appeared in Russia as exotic dishes. Therefore, in the recipes there is their declension according to the inanimate principle: boil the squid and cut it into the shape of noodles.

What is not visible to the eye is considered inanimate.

These are microorganisms, viruses, embryos, yeast, bacteria. There are interesting exceptions here, though. For example, the attitude towards an embryo changes when it becomes visible - in a test tube.

When it is impossible to determine animate and inanimate nouns

Examples showing the impossibility of attributing a word to a particular division:

  • do automation,
  • see the swordfish.

These words do not decline in numbers. When changing by cases, they have their own form of endings. Therefore, they are beyond animation.

Helper adjectives

Animate and inanimate nouns are determined by the form of the accusative case of agreeing adjectives. Examples:

  • We saw a new student - we saw a new table.
  • Stroked a beautiful puppy - stroked a beautiful blouse.
  • Got big calves - got big trouble.

First, there is a phrase, where the accusative case is equal to the genitive (VP = RP), and then - the nominative (IP).

These adjectives will make it easier to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.

Own and common nouns

All proper nouns got such a name because they are the only ones of their kind. Usually these are names, but there may be nicknames and nicknames. If they find a match - it's rather nonsense. For such cases, there is the word "namesake", for example. Even if it is the nickname of an inanimate toy, it is still animated. There are also inanimate names. These are names given to an institution, work of art, or composition. There are also geographic names.

Common nouns - from the Old Slavonic "to name" (to name) - these are the names of groups of objects or concepts.

The table will help to change them by cases correctly.

Skills develop well when filling out such a table. You can fill it in by putting all the words in the accusative case, although this is not necessary. You can simply divide the sheet into four parts and write out the suggested words in groups.

Even better to deal with this topic will help special exercises.


They will help to consolidate skills, how to identify animate and inanimate nouns, exercises. You need to substitute the correct word, choose the right case or check the spelling of the written phrase.

Exercise 1

Substitute the correct words in the following sentences.

  • Coming to school, students see (teachers, director, new desks, posters, friends, duty officer, old doors, school crayons).
  • Purchased for the city park (songbirds, carousels, benches, visitors).
  • Being late for work, I had to catch up (a trolleybus, a tram, a familiar taxi driver).

Exercise 2

Choose the correct case in the following sentences.

  • We housed (kittens) and gave (food bags) for them as well.
  • Coming out into the clearing, we saw (boys and baskets of mushrooms).
  • At the zoo, keepers feed (birds) and water (trees).

Exercise 3

Give examples of animate and inanimate nouns suitable in the following cases:

  • Sitting at the table ... and dreaming.
  • The doctors said that ... he was no longer breathing.
  • Ours ... completely crumbled.
  • How brightly this ... today burns.
  • The old one… completely fell apart.


In order for students to remember the above rules well, the teacher can devote a lesson to animate and inanimate nouns. It is good to use a scheme denoting the equality of cases.


Recalling that the plural is being tested, as an exercise, you can suggest naming five animate and five inanimate nouns while looking at the picture. A photo of a puppy with a toy chicken in its mouth will do.

The resulting phrases will not always be correct, this is natural. But especially funny teacher can emphasize. Such a method "on the contrary" will help to remember the incorrect use of cases.

Examples of animate and inanimate nouns that are substituted for missing words will help to understand the rule well. For this exercise, write out in advance on a sheet of sentences with missing words. In their place, one of the suggested words written on the board should be inserted. The teacher makes sure that the students have different options: on one side of the board they are animated, on the other they are not.

As one of the options, the following set of words can be used:

Text suitable for this exercise:

The weather was beautiful on the weekend. The guys ran out into the yard. (?) fed and dressed up their (?). (?) did not attract such games, they launched (?) from the mountain. (?) and (?) pleased the old (?). “Where else can you find such (?),” they said, and were in no hurry to call their (?) and (?) home. And the guys have already taken (?) and (?) and made noisy (?).

The kids will love this lesson. The main thing is to prepare visual material and diagrams well. Good luck!

The purpose of the lesson:

  • to form knowledge and skills to distinguish animate nouns from inanimate ones,
  • to study the features of the declension of animate and inanimate nouns,
  • remember words that are inanimate in Russian.

Lesson type:

Educational and educational.

Nouns according to the type of objects designated are divided into two categories: animated nouns and inanimate nouns.

Animated nouns necessary to refer to all living beings - people, birds, animals, insects And fish. Animated nouns answer the question " Who?"- mother, father, dog, cuckoo, crucian carp, caterpillar, mosquito.

Mostly animate nouns are male And female(child, girl, soldier, fish, frog, etc.).

Animated nouns are rare neuter(animal, child, insect, monster, monster, etc.)

Exercise: Listen to "The Waterman's Song". Name the animate nouns you heard in the song.

Since in grammar and in scientific representation, living and dead nature criteria for animateness or inanimateness differ, animate nouns also include:

  • names or nicknames of fairy-tale characters, myths and legends (Baba Yaga, Koschei, ghost, Pegasus, centaur, cyclops, etc.)

  • names of children's toys (bear, car, doll, tumbler)

  • names of card suits of figures (king, jack, queen)
  • names of chess pieces (queen, bishop, round, knight, etc.)

Exercise: watch the sound filmstrip “Fly-Tsokotuha”, pay attention to what letter the names of the characters of the Fly-Tsokotukha, Grandmother-Bee, etc. are written. Name all the participants in the tale whose name is capitalized, explain why.

Inanimate nouns are necessary to designate all objects and phenomena occurring in reality that do not belong to living nature. Inanimate nouns answer the question " What?- snow, rain, door, darkness, laughter.

Also inanimate are the collective names of many living beings: army, people, herd, flock, swarm and names plants: chamomile, cornflower, oak, coltsfoot, aspen, boletus.

You should know that when writing the names of plants, words that are quite familiar to living beings are used - plants "breathe", "bloom", "reproduce", "are born" and "die", but do not move.

However, attention should be paid to cases in which it is necessary to clearly understand the differences between animate and inanimate nouns. For example, nouns detachment, group, class, (denoting a collection of people), but nevertheless are inanimate nouns. Or the noun microbe - in biology, a microbe is a living being, but in grammar, a microbe is an inanimate noun.

Activity: Listen to "Song of the Pirates". What type of nouns do the words "pirates", "dearlings", "robbers", "murderers" belong to? Name similar words belonging to this category.

Features of the declension of animate and inanimate nouns

To divide nouns grammatically into animate and inanimate, it is necessary to take into account the features declination :

The accusative form is the same as the genitive form:

  • in animate nouns plural.

Example: Genitive case (plural) - no (who?) - guys, queens, crucians, girls, forty, dolls \u003d Accusative case (plural) - I see (who?) - guys, queens, crucians, girls, forty, dolls) .

Example: Accusative case (singular) - saw (whom?) the dead man = Genitive case (singular) - there was no (whom?) dead man.

Accusative case (singular) - I see (who?) father = Genitive case (singular) - there was no (who?) father ..

The form of the accusative case is the same as the form of the nominative case:

  • plural inanimate nouns.

Example: Accusative case (plural) - I see (what?) - curls, cans, canned food = Nominative (plural) - there is (what?) - curls, cans, canned food

  • for animated nouns (masculine 2 declensions) singular.

Example: Accusative case (singular) - saw (what?) a stone = Nominative case (singular) - there is (what?) a stone here.

Accusative case (singular) - saw (what?) a corpse = Nominative case (singular) - there is (what?) a corpse.

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied up.

Bent over like an old lady

Leaned on a stick

And under the very crown,

The woodpecker hammers at the bitch.

S. Yesenin.

Exercise. Listen to the short story. Which nouns are animate and which are not?


The mouse dried the dryers,

The mouse invited mice.

Drying mice began to eat,

The teeth broke right away.

Exercise. Answer the questions:

"Living and non-living questions"

Who is flying? What flies?

Who's drumming on the roof? What is drumming on the roof?

Who is swimming? What is floating?

Who is silent? What is silent?

Who goes underwater? What goes under the water?

Who hisses? What's hissing?

Questions to reinforce a new topic:

Question answered by animate nouns?

Question answered by inanimate nouns?

Does the animateness-inanimateness of nouns always coincide with the belonging of an object to living (inanimate) nature?

- Is Pinocchio an animate or inanimate noun?

Which noun refers to: "dead man", "people", "detachment"?


Exercise: write the words in 2 columns - animate nouns and inanimate nouns:

Creature, janitor, monster, tin, journalism, youth, insect, engine, coal, corpse, warmth, stubbornness, student, hazel grouse, mushroom, doll, peddler, midge, infantryman, spirit, Sakhalin, children, detachment, steel, coal, poverty, cap, infantry, small fry, general, herd, canned food, table,

larva, aluminum, snake, red tape, crow, fox, mankind, relatives, boyar, Karakum, horse, young growth, genius, youth, bell, milk, chick, silk, scarecrow, pea, tentacle, pea, comrade, cooking, oil, crockery, cement, poor, relative, sugar, tea, honey, kettle, yeast, tea-leaf, herd, whiteness, pity, stubborn, hero, furniture, radiance, delight, heroism, running, journalist, walking, pearls, generals, pearl, freshness, crow.

List of used literature:

Malykhina E.V., Russian language, Geneza, 2008.

L.A. Akhremenkova "To the five step by step", M., Enlightenment, 2008.

Baranova M.T. "Russian language. Grade 6 ”, M. Education, 2008.

Lesson on the topic: “Noun”, Bogdanova G.A., Moscow

Lesson on the topic: "Inanimate and inanimate nouns", Kunina L.V., Rozhdestvenskaya secondary school

Lesson on the topic: “Animate and inanimate nouns”, Ayvazyan N. V., secondary school No. 4, Meleuz, Republic of Bashkortostan

Lesson on the topic: “Animate and inanimate nouns”, Babchenko T. V. MOU secondary school No. 4, Tatarsk, Novosibirsk region.

Edited and submitted by A.A. Litvin

Working on the lesson

Bogdanova G.A.

Ayvazyan N.V.

Kunina L.V.

Babchenko T.V.

Litvin A.A.

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Subjects > Russian language > Russian language grade 6

All nouns are divided into animate and inanimate.

Animated nouns- these are the names of people and animals: man, son, teacher, student, cat, squirrel, lion, starling, crow, perch, pike, insect.

Inanimate nouns- these are the names of all other objects and phenomena: table, book, window, wall, institute, nature, forest, steppe, depth, kindness, incident, movement, trip.

Note. Division of nouns into animate. and inanimate. does not fully reflect the division into living and non-living things that exists in the world. To animate nouns do not include, firstly, the names of trees and plants (pine, oak, linden, hawthorn, gooseberry, chamomile, bluebell), and secondly, the names of aggregates of living beings (people, army, battalion, crowd, herd, swarm). About words like virus, microbe, as well as a corpse, a dead person, a doll, etc.

Animate nouns are morphologically and word-formatively different from inanimate ones. Animated nouns - the names of female persons or animals - are often motivated by a word that names a person or animal without specifying its gender or (less often) names a male person or animal: teacher - teacher, student - student, student - schoolgirl, Muscovite - Muscovite, grandson - granddaughter.

Animated nouns, as a rule, have the morphological meaning male. or wives. R. and only a few - the meaning of the environments. r., while the belonging of a noun to one or another gender (except for median r.) is defined semantically: nouns husband. R. call a person or animal male, and nouns women. R. - female. Animated nouns. R. called living beings regardless of gender. This or the name of a non-adult creature ( child), or generic type names face, creature, animal, insect, mammal, herbivore.

Inanimate nouns are distributed among three morphological genders - masculine, feminine and neuter.

Paradigms of animate and inanimate nouns in the plural. hours consistently differ: animate nouns in plural. hours have the form of wines. n., coinciding with the form of the genus. P.; genus.p.: no siblings, no animals; vin.p.: saw brothers and sisters, saw animals. Inanimate nouns in plural hours have the form of wines. n., coinciding with the form of them. P.; them. P.: peaches, pears and apples are on the table; wines P.: bought peaches, pears and apples.

The belonging of words to the category of animate or inanimate reveals itself in a peculiar way morphologically. in the system of names, which in their lexical meanings combine the concepts of living and non-living. These are the following cases.

1) Nouns that name such objects that or do not correspond to the ordinary idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba living thing (names of microorganisms: virus, microbe, bacterium) or, conversely, are associatively identified with living objects ( dead man, dead man, doll), are used in the following way: the former tend to be used as inanimate ( observe, study bacteria, viruses, microbes and observe, study bacteria, viruses, microbes; the latter is preferable), the latter are used as animate ( our nets dragged a dead man. Pushk.).

2) Inanimate nouns applied to specific persons or to living beings acquire morphological signs of animation. These are derogatory type names. bag, oak, stump, cap, mattress usually with a defining pronominal adjective: our bag was deceived, you can’t push anything into this oak (stump), I saw this old cap, this mattress.

3) Words idol And idol in meaning (the one who is worshiped, who is adored) (when they are related to a certain person) act as animated: look with delight at one's idol, adore one's idol. The word idol in the meaning. (what is worshiped, imitated; ideal) appears now as animate, then as inanimate: To make an idol out of this old, useless person (L. Tolst.); no need to make an idol out of spelling (gaz.); but: How Desdemona chooses an idol for his heart (Pushk.). Noun idol in meaning (statue, statue, which is worshiped as a deity) in rare cases is used as animated: On the banks of the Danube, the Russians placed a wooden idol of Perun (A. N. Tolst.).

Words blockhead, idol, idol, used abusively in relation to a person, have morphological signs of animation: I don't want to see this fool; And in whom such an idol has ugly! (Sholoh.).

4) Words spirit(an incorporeal supernatural being) genius type when applied to a person, they act as animated: summon a spirit, know a genius, meet a strange type; I set him an example of German geniuses (Pushk.); Not the time to call out the shadows (Tyutch.)(word shadow used in the sense of "spirit, ghost").

5) Words that name animate objects, when used to refer to inanimate objects, may retain morphological signs of animation. These include: a) words reconnaissance, fighter, bomber, janitor(device for mechanical wiping of the sight glass): shoot down an enemy scout, bomber, put a janitor; b) the names of some dances and songs: Cossack, Kamarinsky(subst.): I will dance at your wedding(S.-Ts.); c) names of cars by brands, firms: Moskvich, Tiger, Zaporozhets". All these words can have both forms of vin. p., equal to them. p., i.e., refer the named objects to the category of inanimate, and forms of vin. p., equal to gender. p., i.e., refer called objects to the category of animate.

6) Words used in some games, in particular, in cards and chess; queen, jack, king, knight, bishop are declined like animate nouns: open jack, king; take an elephant, a horse. Following the pattern of declension, names such as jack and king change ace And trump: discard an ace; open the trump card.