Humanitarian and socio-economic sciences electronic journal. Economics and Humanities

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dependent personality in modern Russian society in the context of socio-philosophical research.<...>The evolution of the local self-government in Russia (sociological analysis on the example veche self-government). <...>On structural and dynamic performance factors international mediation in internationalized conflicts.<...>Mass media as an instrument of information policy union states Russia and Belarus.<...>Case Templars: from the Holy Sepulcher to the dock.<...>The development of carpet weaving in the villages Korchagskaya valleys in the XIX - early XX century.<...>A Kazakbieva O.I. ., Problems raiding systems in national historiography of the 18th–19th centuries (on the example of Dagestan-Georgian relations) .<...>To the question of the relationship of the union of rural communities Ahvaha with their neighbors in the 17th - first half of the 19th centuries.<...>Problems of definition " incomplete measure» legal capacity of a subject with a mental disorder in civil law.<...>17 UDC 008 Zaitseva Irina Valerievna Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Milena. <...>Jaspers and others) in History, 18 Irina V. Zaitseva Belgorod Institute of Law of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia Milena . <...>In sign activity, material carriers appear - conditional irritants, through which unconditional stimulus carries out a "movement" towards its opposite.<...>In a sense, one can say that unconditional stimulus, a way of mastering it, remaining in one - unchanged - form, as if constantly equal to himself He repeats. “It happens hundreds, a thousand times,” writes about unconditional reflex I.P. Pavlov, - and always gives the same effect.