Russian Language Institute reference. "reference service of the Russian language"

Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradov Russian Academy of Sciences is the leading center for scientific research on the Russian language in Russia and abroad, whose tasks include evaluating speech innovations from the point of view of their normativity and codifying the norms of the literary language in standard dictionaries, grammars, reference books on the culture of speech. From these tasks follow the main directions of the work of the Institute:

  • grammatical and lexical structure of the modern Russian language;
  • creation of fundamental dictionaries, grammars and linguistic corpora, the study of social and pragmatic aspects of the functioning of the Russian language;
  • history and dialectology of the Russian language, creation of historical dictionaries, grammars and dialect atlases;
  • academic editions of monuments of Russian writing.

The results of this activity are dictionaries, monographs, computer funds and databases, the largest record library of sounding Russian speech in all its varieties since the beginning of the 20th century. to the present day, multi-million dictionary card indexes on the texts of Old Russian writing from the 11th to the 17th centuries, as well as unique materials of all dialects of Russia collected under a special program for decades.

In accordance with the tasks of an academic institution, the Institute of the Russian Language determines the current problems of modern Russian studies, coordinates research in these areas, and conducts an examination of scientific works in the country and abroad.

Schools of Academician Yu.D. Apresyan, Academician M.L. Gasparov, Academician N.Yu. Shvedova and others.

The Institute is developing innovative projects, such as the creation of an electronic National Corpus of the Russian Language, which is a new public tool for analyzing the language, studying its diversity and active processes taking place in it.

An important direction of the Institute's activity is the connection with higher and secondary schools. The employees of the Institute give lectures, make public presentations in Russia and abroad, and are the authors of textbooks for schools and universities. The Institute provides regular training for postgraduate and doctoral students, accepts a significant number of trainees - both foreigners and employees of non-Moscow universities, who improve their scientific qualifications.

The Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy.
(c) A.I. Kuprin

What distinguishes a cultured person? That's right, his speech. It can be used to judge the education, outlook and even the mood of the interlocutor.

Unfortunately, the literacy rate of the population in our country is falling every year. Fortunately, the number of people striving for it is increasing.

Speaking and writing Russian correctly is difficult. Even professionals who work with texts on a daily basis make mistakes from time to time.

Linguistic knowledge and skills need to be constantly updated and improved. That is why we have collected for you the top 5 portals dedicated to the Russian language.


- perhaps the most famous reference and information portal about the Russian language.

Sowing "the Russian language for everyone", the developers have collected all kinds of dictionaries on it: from spelling to anthroponymic ones.

Audio dictionaries deserve special attention among them. For example, the dictionary "We speak correctly" - the editor-in-chief of the portal, together with the host of one of the Moscow radio stations, teaches how to "hit" words correctly, and also talks about their origin in a fascinating way.

On GRAMOTE.RU you will find rich theoretical material on the Russian language, and more importantly, practical tasks (exercises and dictations). So everyone can check the level of the language and “paint over” the gaps in their knowledge.

In addition, if you are in doubt about the spelling of a particular word, you can ask the appropriate question and get a qualified answer from the staff of GRAMOTA.

The culture of writing

- an unofficial portal created by a group of enthusiasts from St. Petersburg teachers of Russian language and literature. They consult, edit texts, but most importantly they accumulate educational and reference material on the Russian language.

We are talking about publicistic and scientific articles, as well as dictionaries, spelling, punctuation, pronunciation and other rules.

Particularly interesting is the section that contains typical mistakes that we make in Russian speech and writing.

The site also has a lot of normative and methodological material. Therefore, it will be useful to teachers of the Russian language, as well as their students preparing to take exams.

Web edition of the rules of the Russian language

is a reference site created by a designer and blogger (together with Roman Parpalak and Shurik Babaev).

Here you will not find any dictionaries, tests and forms "question - answer". Only spelling and punctuation rules of the Russian language. But! They are well structured according to the morphemic principle, concise and provided with examples.

At the same time, the main feature of the portal is search. Fast and convenient. You can drive the suffix you are interested in or the whole word with it into the search string; you can write "commas in compound sentences" or just put a "," sign.

This site is indispensable for journalists, copywriters, bloggers and everyone who needs efficiency in editing texts.


- a site about the Russian language and literature. The target audience is quite wide: from philologists and linguists to high school students.

The site also presents all the basic language rules, dictionaries; there is a forum and a help desk to help you deal with complex cases.

From the point of view of the Russian language, there is nothing new on the portal, but the Literature section is very interesting and informative. You will find there a variety of materials on the theory of literature (genera, genres, text, and much more) - an excellent help for novice writers and publicists.


- a site-collection of rules for the Russian language. As in the case of, it contains all the basic rules (plus sections on phonetics, vocabulary and morphology), but they are even more concise.

It is stated that the site will help you improve your literacy and pass exams successfully. This should be facilitated by tests, the link to which is provided after some rules. But alas, the links are not working.

In conclusion, a small survey: what services and portals about the Russian language do you use? Share links in the comments.

Writing well is a useful skill, and it's not that hard to develop it. The best way is through "", a free and cool writing course from the editors of Lifehacker. You will find theory, many examples and homework. Cope - it will be easier to complete the test task and become our author. Subscribe!

Russian language event

in grades 1-4.


Prepared and conducted

teacher of the first qualification

December 2014

Open event in the Russian language "INFORMATION SERVICE OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE" in grades 1 - 4.

Type. Intellectual game.

The form. Competition.

pedagogical opportunities.

    Increasing the level of thinking;

    Deepening theoretical knowledge;

    Expanding horizons;

    The emergence of interest in the Russian language;

    Raising the desire to improve their knowledge;

    The way of organizing free leisure of students;

    Formation of skills of collective search for answers to questions;

    Team building;

    Formation of friendly, comradely relations;

    Identification of creative and organizational abilities of children.

Purpose: to instill love for the native language through the game.


1) develop the creative imagination of children, develop free and expressive speech; to instill love for the mother tongue.

2) to show students how fascinating, diverse, inexhaustible the world of words, the world of Russian literacy, to form genuine cognitive interests; support the desire to learn and enjoy overcoming cognitive difficulties;

3) develop the inquisitiveness, curiosity of each student, the creative abilities of students, expand their horizons and vocabulary.

4) to cultivate the desire to expand their knowledge of the Russian language, to improve their speech; foster a sense of camaraderie, the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: phone, cards, pens, worksheets,

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

Introductory speech of the teacher

Many writers spoke about the beauty and richness of the Russian language. The poet Vyazemsky said:
Language is the confession of the people,
He hears his nature
His soul and life are dear ...
The language we speak is beautiful and rich. In the lessons of the Russian language and literature, we learn to understand the beauty and power of the Russian word. The word must be treated with care. “With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, with a word you can lead regiments behind you,” wrote the poet V. Shefner.

So, let's start our intellectual game "Russian Language Reference Service".

What is "Reference"?

This is a service that we contact for some information, we can call and get an answer to our question.

We will also receive calls. Calls from the heroes of the poem "Telephone" by K.I. Chukovsky. They will ask us various questions, and we will answer them. Today I am on duty at the Help Desk. There will be many calls, I need helpers. To do this, we need to be divided into 2 teams. These teams will fulfill the requests of the callers and at the same time will compete with each other. Each team chooses a captain.

For each correct answer, I will give tokens. The team with the most tokens is the winner and the expert in the Russian language. If the team is ready to give an answer, the captain raises his hand and announces the participant who gives the answer. Shouts from a place, a choral answer to questions do not count. The first team to answer is the one in which the captain raises his hand first (or in turn).

Are you ready to work in the Help Desk? If you are ready, then good luck! Wish you luck!

And here is the first call.

My phone rang.

Who is speaking?



From a camel.

What do you want?

Help, dear, save. Yesterday my son was given homework. How to do it - I do not understand.

The first call "Easier than simple."

Exercise: Some people don't know how to sing correctly. Find in these words what the bear stepped on:

Fly agaric, oven, dry wind, down jacket (ear).

Challenge for the fans:“In what words does the spruce grow?”

Make up new words using the word spruce.

(Caramel, jelly, writer, driver, teacher, furniture, drops, briefcase, potatoes, stranded, mill, Monday, etc..)

For the correct answer, fans also receive tokens. They bring a token to the team they support.

Well done team, coped with these tasks and helped the elephant.

And then the Crocodile called

And with tears he asked:

My dear, good

Do you know proverbs?

Help me write proverbs.

Guys, do you know proverbs?

The second call "Do you know proverbs?"

(1 token for each correct answer).

How rich is our language! And how little we listen to our speech, the speech of our interlocutors. And language is like air, water, sky, sun, something that we cannot live without, but which we are accustomed to and thus, obviously, have devalued. Many of us speak standard, dull, inexpressive, forgetting that there is a lively, beautiful speech!

Proverbs are one of the evidences of picturesqueness, expressiveness of our oral speech. They teach honesty and kindness, courage, wisdom, attentiveness. They can make fun of greed, cowardice, stupidity. Knowledge of proverbs and sayings enriches our speech, makes it very expressive, sharpens the mind and memory.

Here is your next exercise: By the beginning of the proverbs, find the end of them.

Team members take turns reading the beginning of the proverb and finishing.

(Each team receives 2 envelopes with the beginning and end of proverbs.)

1 team:

1. Away is good, ... (and home is better).

2. One for all - ... (all for one).

3. Did the job, ... (walk boldly).

4. You can’t take out without difficulty ... (and a fish from a pond).

2 team:

1. Measure seven times, ... (cut one).

2. You chase two hares, ... (you won’t catch a single one)

3. Hurry up - ... (make people laugh).

4. Do you like to ride ... (love to carry sleds too).

Challenge for the fans:

Replace with one word.

At hand ... (close)
Wash the bones ... (gossip)
Side by side ... (side by side)
From time to time... (sometimes)

Pout your lips ... (offended)
It flew out of my head ... (I forgot).

Thanks to our Russian proverbs and sayings, we all know without which it is impossible to achieve the desired result, in what situation it is easier for a horse to run, and what needs to be done to cut something off just once. Proverbs and sayings have firmly entered our lives. We often use them to express our thoughts more accurately. A saying can play a trick on a person or make fun of his shortcomings.

Now you will hear situations for which you need to pick up proverbs. For a correctly chosen proverb, the team receives 1 token.

(pre-prepared children read for each team in turn)

1. Sveta sat down to prepare her lessons, but she saw her friends through the window and asked her mother for permission to take a walk, and she promised to do the lessons later. What proverb did Sveta's mother remind you of? (Did the job - walk boldly. Deal time, fun hour.)

2. Kolya fished with two fishing rods. It pecked at one, he hooked, drags, suddenly he sees - he pecks at the other. He threw the first fishing rod - and to another. On the other, it fell off, but while he ran up to the first, the fish left the hook. What proverb did the upset boy remember? (If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.)

And then the bunnies called:

Help complete the tasks!

Third call

(1 token for each correct answer).

Assignment to commands:
Add missing the word is the name of the animal.

Hungry like ... (wolf)
Cowardly as ... (hare)
Prickly like ... (hedgehog)
Inflated like ... (turkey)
Talkative as ... (magpie)

Sly as ... (fox)

Stubborn as ... (donkey)

Healthy as ... (bull).

And then the monkeys called:

Please help me make words from letters and name the “extra word”!

The fourth call is "an extra word."

Each team receives envelopes with letters. Make up words from the letters and find the extra word.

1 team: pencil, pen, bucket.

Team 2: ball, car, ruler.

Well done!

Challenge for the fans:

Solve the riddle. What fairy tale character are you talking about?

    From the ballroom of the king

The girl ran home

Crystal shoe

Lost on the stairs.

The carriage became a pumpkin again ...

Who, tell me, is this girl?


2. She taught Pinocchio to write,

And the golden key helped to search

That girl is a doll with big eyes

Like an azure sky, with hair,

On a pretty face, a neat little nose.

What is her name? Answer the question.


3. Mom gave birth to a daughter

From a beautiful flower

Good, little one, simple!

The baby was small.

If you've read a fairy tale

Do you know what the daughter's name was ... (Thumbelina)

4. Grandmother lives in the forest,

Gathers various herbs

The floor in the hut is swept with a broom,

In a mortar it flies through the sky,

From the bone of her leg,

This lady's name is...


5. Grandfather and woman lived together,

They sculpted a daughter from a snowball

But the campfire is hot

Turned a girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name?

(Snow Maiden)

Team responses for the completed task.

And then the bear called

Yes, as he began, as he began to roar.

Wait, bear, don't cry

Explain what you want?

Fifth call "Lost"

Words fled, they must be properly settled in the house. Words on cards.

The house number matches the number of syllables.

Who lives in which house?

1 2 3 4

elephant squirrel rhinoceros antelope

lion ... fox leopard ... ...

House number 1 - words consisting of one syllable.

House number 2 - words consisting of two syllables.

House number 3 - words consisting of three syllables.

House number 4 - words consisting of four syllables.

And then the herons called:

Please help me name the baby animals:

We have eaten frogs today,

And our stomachs hurt.

Quest for the fans.

The sixth bell "The game is a chant."

Name the babies of the animal world.

(1 token for each correct answer).

Teams are assigned in turn.

The cat is a kitten. The dog is a puppy.

Goose - gosling. Starling - starling.

The horse is a foal. A pig is a piglet.

Cow - calf. Sheep is a lamb.

A turkey is a turkey. A hen is a chick.

The snake is a snake. A frog is a frog.

And then the pig called:

    Is it possible to answer questions?

Seventh call "What is the name of the place where ..."

    Sell ​​products -

    Sheared -

    Accepting laundry for laundry

    Sewing clothes -

    You are being treated

    Give at the time of the book -

    Vegetables are grown in winter

    Car storage -

    Teaching children -

    Cooking food at home

    Clowns work

(Library, greenhouse, garage, school, kitchen, circus, hairdresser, laundry, atelier, hospital.

Eighth call.

And recently two gazelles

They called and sang:



Have we forgotten all the words?

Help, help solve puzzles.

Each team receives a puzzle card.

The seal will call, then the deer.

Teacher: While our teams are doing the task, we will play with our fans.

Game with fans.


The sailors sang with joy

Hooray! They reached ... (goals)

Drowsy lives with us,

Fluffy ... (animal)

How much sun on the edge!

On our noses ... (freckles)

I left early in the morning,

I look, two are grazing ... (sheep)

Children laugh while swimming in the river

Weeping ... stands in the distance (willow)

Fog hung among the branches,

A redhead flies into the grass ... (leaf)

And yesterday morning Kangaroo:

Do you know the task "Who is faster?"

Ninth call "Who is faster?".

(1 token for each correct answer).

Compose a riddle of encrypted syllables and guess it.

(syllables are written on boats).

2 dit, 3 de, 8 ni, 1 si, 4 vi, 9 tse, 10 a, 5. tsa 12. sa, 6. c, 11. ko, 14. y, 16. tse, 7 topics, 13. on , 15. Li.

(The girl is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street.)

Quest for the fans.

Sometimes one letter changes the meaning of the whole sentence. So it happened with some sayings: they became simply ridiculous. And what were they?

You can't ruin a car with oil.

They cut the forest - caps fly.

The midge knows whose meat it ate.

I didn't sleep for three nights

I'm tired.

I would like to sleep


But as soon as I lay down - a call!

Who is speaking?



Trouble! Trouble!

Run here quickly!

What's the matter?




Our hippo can't remember the words.

Oh if you don't come

He won't remember the words

The Behemoth dies, disappears.

Okay! I'm running! I'm running!

If I can, I will help!

Next call

The game "Accent - a magical transformation."

Task: change the place of stress so that you get a new word.

Read the word and say the resulting word.

Each team is given the following words:



(1 token for each correct answer)


Teacher: Guys, today you are great! So many questions answered! Help all heroes! You showed your knowledge of the Russian language, your love for the study of this subject, and showed your ingenuity. And most importantly, you learned a lot of interesting material and fell in love with the Russian language even more. We give medals to all participants of the tournament, and sweet prizes to active participants. Good luck with your further study of the Russian language!