Interests of people by age. Hobbies on resume

Man is a social being and cannot fully live outside of society. Even those who sing of their independence in every possible way need recognition and approval of their activities by other people. Otherwise, a natural question arises: why is all this necessary? Personal interests do not always coincide with social attitudes, morality, and norms adopted in a particular social environment. Sometimes it happens that the beliefs of a certain individual are at odds with the society in which he lives. And then there is conflict.

The world of human interests is so diverse that completely different needs will be decisive for each individual. For some, high material wealth is not only desirable, but also mandatory, while others are more focused on the spiritual aspects of life. Interests are based, first of all, on the needs of the individual himself. Everyone chooses for himself what to achieve and by what methods. Fortunately, the range of human interests is not limited to material goods. It must necessarily include relationships with loved ones, the need to express oneself in some way. What do people need? Let's consider in order.

Basic Needs

These are the needs that are necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body. This includes good nutrition, healthy sleep. If these desires of a person are not satisfied, then he will fall ill very soon, and the question of life will come to the fore. When health deteriorates, the individual will no longer care much about building an effective business or new-fangled clothes. By the way, the need to look beautiful already belongs to social needs, but any person, at least, needs to feel that he has the necessary things for different seasons. Everyone also wants to have a normal, suitable home, so that it can be improved later according to one's capabilities. In other words, you need a roof over your head to maintain a sense of security and well-being.

Having a loved one

For each of us, for the most complete, happy life, a companion is highly desirable, a person of the opposite (or one's own - and this happens) sex, who would support in difficult situations, understand perfectly, and share attitudes.

Walking hand in hand with another person is a big risk and a huge responsibility, because here a person has not only rights, but also obligations. This is a daily inner work that must be done with true dedication and absolute disinterestedness. No wonder the sages say that living with a loved one is a colossal work. Living with an unloved woman (or an unloved man) is obviously a perfect penal servitude. A woman wants to feel secure next to a strong, self-confident man. This can be achieved only as a result of the constant fulfillment of their duties. To live with another person is to serve him.


Creating a family is a responsible step that people decide by mutual agreement, by a joint decision to become each other's support and protection. Meanwhile, there is an opinion in society that every citizen is obliged to have a family. In fact, a person should strive for this only when he is internally ready for everyday service in the name of another person, even the closest person on Earth. You can’t get married or get married without realizing the obligations that you still have to take on. In marriage, you need to constantly give unselfishly, so it would be a good idea to first learn how to care for others.

A question that causes numerous disputes: is a person's family the one from where he came from? After all, even in the Bible, the greatest of books, it is written that "everyone will leave his father and mother" in the name of his own future. However, this does not mean that parents should be forgotten. Yet children have obligations to the dearest people who raised them. Only by learning to live independently, becoming self-sufficient, you can fully help them.


Each of us defines this complex concept differently for ourselves. The main ones would be incomplete without the desire to fully express their individuality, to reveal themselves as a person. In fact, the interest in achieving any high goals is always associated with the desire to remain forever, to gain immortality.

There is no professional activity here. Yes, it often happens that a healthy, gifted person strives for career growth, a good position, but this often has nothing to do with self-realization. The ideal option is when a person’s personal aspirations of the soul coincide with what he does in life. If his dream is a specific position, then this is very positive.

Material wealth

Perhaps this is the most controversial area representing human interests. The list would be incomplete without this extremely important addition. Many people are so attached to money that they cannot imagine how they could exist if there were less money. As appetites grow, so does the need to acquire more and more material goods.

The main thing that a person should understand for himself is that money and material wealth are only means for solving a certain problem, and not the end itself. People often confuse these concepts, mix them together, which is why they subsequently suffer.

It is also quite often identified with a person's profession. Moreover, in Soviet times, it was believed that you need to choose a specialty for yourself once and for all, until you retire, “serve” the state. "Searchers" and "flyers" were not liked, because they did not turn out to be useful to society. Now opinions on this matter have changed. It is much better to find yourself in an interesting business than just to work for money.

An activity that brings moral satisfaction, giving meaning to everything, can be absolutely anything: creativity, your own business, just an occupation, a hobby that gives pleasure. If such activity is consistent with the desire of a person to be independent, to work for himself, then this is even better.


It is known that not every artist eventually becomes a true master. But the creative vein is present in each of us. What do people need? To be heard, to receive recognition, to take place as a person. Why is this so difficult to achieve? The fact is that since childhood, many were inspired with the idea that they should work for the state.

So the majority remain in their hearts as unrecognized poets, artists and musicians, having talent behind them, but continuing to work at the factory from year to year. But personal interests, views on are quite capable of satisfying himself, expressing through creativity. Few develop themselves to such an extent as to be able to take place creatively and earn good money from it. Only a few have the courage to act not according to the rules, but according to the dictates of the heart. Meanwhile, this is a real prospect.

Belonging to a group of people

The desire to work in a team, to achieve recognition of your work, to feel that you are needed, useful - this is the true need of most modern people. Self-employed people often believe that people only need to achieve financial independence in order to feel happy, but this is not entirely true. The need for encouragement from others, the opportunity to be in a team is very significant.

It has been noticed that in the environment of people it is easier to overcome difficulties than alone, so a person feels more confident.


A person is not reduced only to a sense of security and material well-being. A truly living person constantly feels the desire for self-improvement. These can be advanced training courses, obtaining a completely new specialty or additional education.

Admittedly, self-development, however, is not always associated with obtaining a diploma. Interests of a person, a list of additional opportunities may well lead to personal growth. All that is required of a person is a meaningful, clear understanding of what he really wants.

Striving to raise healthy and happy children

The desire to continue the race, to see how children and grandchildren grow up, is considered by many of us to be perhaps the most important thing in life. That is why it often obscures other human interests.

Some people are often ready to sacrifice themselves: a career, personal ambitions, even a happy marriage in order to be able to constantly be close to children, relatives, and support them in every possible way. Material interest seems to such people too petty for them to pay attention to it.

The need to hand over your business to someone

In other words, this desire is called the intention of a mature person to leave behind a successor. It is a fairly common situation where a retired person wants to hand over his position to a candidate who is strong and worthy in all respects. The successor does not have to be a relative, but a responsible person, ready to take on the responsibility of leading the organization that has been left to him.

If we are talking about a simple employee, and not about a former boss, then this intention can be expressed in the desire to teach your children what you can do yourself: knitting, baking pies (mother passes it to her daughter), construction work, physical work (father - son). With age, a person generally has a desire to teach someone. He believes that he has already lived life and therefore knows better how it works. Often this need is not realized by the person himself, but is adjusted to the interests of the person. The list is endless.

Thus, the interests of the individual there are very different. Some are associated with material values, others with spiritual components. Taken together, they contain the interests of a person, a list of his life achievements and opportunities. Of course, each of us independently sets the bar for what heights to reach, but there are common aspirations that are the same for most people.

The word "interest" has many meanings. One can be interested in something and be interested in something. These things are different, although undeniably related. We may be interested in a person in whom we are not at all interested, and we may, due to certain circumstances, be interested in a person in whom we are not at all interested.

Just as needs and, together with them, social interests - interests in the sense in which we speak of interests in the social sciences - determine "interest" in a psychological sense, determine its direction, are its source. Being in this sense derived from public interests, interest in its psychological meaning is not identical either with public interest as a whole or with its subjective side. Interest in the psychological sense of the word is a specific orientation of the personality, which is only indirectly conditioned by the awareness of its public interests.

The specificity of interest, which distinguishes it from other tendencies that express the orientation of the personality, lies in the fact that interest is a focus on a certain subject of thought, causing a desire to get to know it better, to penetrate deeper into it, not to lose sight of it. Interest is a tendency or orientation of a person, which consists in the concentration of her thoughts on a particular subject. At the same time, by thought, we mean a complex and indecomposable formation - directed thought, thought-care, thought-participation, thought-initiation, containing within itself a specific emotional coloring.

As the orientation of thoughts, interest differs significantly from the orientation of desires, in which the need is primarily manifested. Interest affects the focus of attention, thoughts, thoughts; need - in inclinations, desires, in will. The need causes a desire in some sense to possess the subject, interest - to get acquainted with it. Interests are therefore specific motives of cultural and, in particular, cognitive activity of a person. An attempt to reduce interest to a need, defining it exclusively as a conscious need, is untenable. Awareness of a need can arouse interest in an object that can satisfy it, but an unconscious need as such is still a need (turning into a desire), and not an interest. Of course, in a single diverse orientation of personality, all sides are interconnected. The concentration of desires on some subject usually entails the concentration of interest on it; concentration on the subject of interest, thoughts gives rise to a specific desire to get to know the subject more closely, to penetrate deeper into it; but still desire and interest do not coincide.

An essential property of interest is that it is always directed to one or another object (in the broadest sense of the word). If one can still speak of drives and needs in the drive stage as internal impulses that reflect an internal organic state and are not initially consciously connected with an object, then interest is necessarily an interest in this or that object, in something or someone: there are no absolute interests.<...>The "objectification" of interest and its consciousness are closely connected; more precisely, they are two sides of the same thing; in the awareness of the object to which the interest is directed, and first of all the conscious nature of the interest is manifested.

Interest is a motive that operates by virtue of its conscious significance and emotional attractiveness. In each interest, both moments are usually represented to some extent, but the ratio between them at different levels of consciousness can be different. When the general level of consciousness or awareness of a given interest is low, emotional attraction dominates. At this level of consciousness, there can be only one answer to the question of why one is interested in something: one is interested because one is interested, one likes it because one likes it.

The higher the level of consciousness, the greater the role in interest is the awareness of the objective significance of those tasks in which a person is involved. However, no matter how high and strong the consciousness of the objective significance of the corresponding tasks, it cannot exclude the emotional attraction of what arouses interest. In the absence of more or less immediate emotional attraction, there will be a sense of significance, obligation, duty, but no interest.

The very emotional state caused by interest, or, more precisely, the emotional component of interest, has a specific character, different, in particular, from the one that accompanies or in which the need is expressed: when needs are not met, it is difficult to live; when interests do not receive food or they do not exist, life is boring. Obviously, specific manifestations in the emotional sphere are associated with interest.

Being conditioned by emotional attractiveness and conscious significance, interest is manifested primarily in attention. Being an expression of the general orientation of the personality, interest covers all mental processes - perception, memory, thinking. Directing them along a certain channel, interest at the same time activates the activity of the individual. When a person works with interest, he is known to work easier and more productively.

Interest in a particular subject - to science, music, sports - encourages appropriate activity. Thus, interest gives rise to inclination or passes into it. We distinguish between interest as a focus on an object that prompts us to engage in it, and inclination as a focus on the corresponding activity. Distinguishing, we at the same time connect them in the closest way. But still they cannot be recognized as identical. So, in one or another person, an interest in technology can be combined with a lack of inclination for the activities of an engineer, which is unattractive to him in any way; thus, within unity, a contradiction between interest and inclination is also possible. However, since the object to which the activity is directed and the activity directed to this object are inextricably linked and pass into each other, interest and inclination are also interconnected and it is very often difficult to establish a line between them.

Interests differ primarily in content, which most of all determines their social value. One has interests directed to social work, to science or art, to another - to collecting stamps, to fashion; These are certainly not equal interests.

In interest in a particular object, a distinction is usually made between direct and indirect interest. They talk about the presence of direct interest when the student is interested in the study itself, the subject being studied, when he is guided by the desire for knowledge; they speak of an indirect interest when it is directed not to knowledge as such, but to something connected with it, for example, to the benefits that an educational qualification can give ... The ability to show interest in science, in art, in a public cause, regardless of personal benefits is one of the most valuable properties of a person. However, it is completely wrong to oppose direct interest and mediated interest. On the one hand, any immediate interest is usually mediated by a consciousness of the importance, significance, value of a given object or business; on the other hand, no less important and valuable than the ability to show interest, free from personal gain, is the ability to do business that is not of direct interest, but is necessary, important, socially significant. Actually, if you truly realize the significance of the work that you are doing, then because of this it will inevitably become interesting; thus, the mediated interest turns into a direct one.

Interests, further, may differ in levels of formality. The amorphous level is expressed in a diffuse, undifferentiated, more or less easily excited (or not excited) interest in everything in general and in nothing in particular.

Their distribution is related to the coverage of interests. For some, the interest is entirely concentrated on some one subject or a narrowly limited area, which leads to a one-sided development of the personality and is at the same time the result of such a one-sided development.<...>Others have two or even several centers around which their interests are grouped. Only with a very successful combination, namely, when these interests lie in completely different areas (for example, one - in practical activities or science, and the other - in art) and differ significantly from each other in their strength, this bifocality of interests does not cause any complications. . Otherwise, it can easily lead to a split that will hinder activity in one direction as well as in the other: a person will not enter into anything entirely, with genuine passion, and will not succeed anywhere. Finally, a situation is also possible in which interests that are sufficiently broad and multifaceted are concentrated in one area and, moreover, so connected by the most essential aspects of human activity that a fairly ramified system of interests can be grouped around this single core. It is this structure of interests that is obviously the most favorable for the all-round development of the personality and, at the same time, for that concentration, which is necessary for successful activity.<...>

Different coverage and distribution of interests, expressed in one or another of their breadth and structure, are combined with one or another of their strength or activity. In some cases, interest can be expressed only in some preferred direction, or turn, of the personality, as a result of which a person is more likely to pay attention to one or another object if it arises in addition to his efforts. In other cases, the interest may be so strong that the person is actively seeking to satisfy it. There are many examples (M.V. Lomonosov, A.M. Gorky) when the interest in science or art among people living in conditions in which he could not be satisfied was so great that they restructured their lives and went on the greatest sacrifices to satisfy this interest. In the first case, one speaks of passive interest, in the second, of active interest; but passive and active interests are not so much a qualitative difference between the two kinds of interests, as quantitative differences in their strength or intensity, which admit many gradations. True, this quantitative difference, reaching a certain measure, turns into a qualitative one, expressed in the fact that in one case interest causes only involuntary attention, in the second it becomes a direct motive for real practical actions. The difference between passive and active interest is not absolute: passive interest easily turns into active interest, and vice versa.

The strength of the interest is often, though not necessarily, coupled with its persistence. In very impulsive, emotional, unstable natures, it happens that one or another interest, while it dominates, is intense, active, but the time of its domination is short: one interest is quickly replaced by another. The stability of interest is expressed in the duration during which it retains its strength: time serves as a quantitative measure of the stability of interest. Associated with strength, the stability of interest is basically determined not so much by strength as by depth, i.e. the degree of connection of interest with the main content and personality traits. Thus, the first prerequisite for the very possibility of the existence of stable interests in a person is the presence of a core, a general life line in a given person. If it does not exist, there are no sustainable interests; if it exists, those interests that are associated with it will be stable, partly expressing it, partly shaping it.

At the same time, interests that are usually interconnected in bundles or, rather, in dynamic systems, are arranged as if in nests and differ in depth, since among them there are always basic, more general, and derivatives, more particular. The more general interest is usually the more sustainable.

The presence of such a common interest does not mean, of course, that this interest, for example, in painting, in music, is always relevant; it only means that he easily becomes one (one can be interested in music in general, but at the moment not feel like listening to it). Common interests are latent interests that are easily updated.

The stability of these common, generalized interests does not mean that they are inert. It is precisely because of their generalization that the stability of common interests can be perfectly combined with their lability, mobility, flexibility, and variability. In different situations, the same general interest appears as different, in relation to changed specific conditions. Thus, interests in the general orientation of the personality form a system of mobile, changeable, dynamic tendencies with a moving center of gravity.

Interest, i.e. the focus of attention, thoughts, can cause everything that is somehow connected with feeling, with the sphere of human emotions. Our thoughts easily focus on the cause that is dear to us, on the person we love.

Formed on the basis of needs, interest in the psychological sense of the word is by no means limited to subjects directly related to needs. Already in monkeys, curiosity is clearly manifested, not subordinated directly to food or any other organic need, a craving for everything new, a tendency to manipulate every object that comes across, which gave rise to talk about an orienting, exploratory reflex or impulse. This curiosity, the ability to pay attention to new objects that are not at all connected with the satisfaction of needs, has a biological significance, being an essential prerequisite for satisfying needs.<.. >

The monkey's propensity to manipulate with any object turned into curiosity in man, which eventually took the form of theoretical activity to obtain scientific knowledge. Interest can arouse in a person everything new, unexpected, unknown, unsolved, problematic - everything that sets tasks for him and requires work of thought from him. Being motives, motivations for activity aimed at the creation of science, art, interests are at the same time the result of this activity. Interest in technology was formed in a person as technology arose and developed, interest in fine arts - with the emergence and development of fine arts, and interest in science - with the emergence and development of scientific knowledge.

In the course of individual development, interests are formed as children come into more and more conscious contact with the outside world and, in the process of education and upbringing, master the historically established and developing culture. Interests are both a prerequisite for learning and its result. Education is based on the interests of children, and it also shapes them. Interests therefore, on the one hand, serve as a means that the teacher uses to make learning more effective, on the other hand, interests, their formation are the goal of pedagogical work; the formation of full-fledged interests is an essential task of education.

Interests are formed and consolidated in the process of activity through which a person enters a particular area or subject. Therefore, young children do not have any established stable interests, channels that would determine their direction for any length of time. They usually have only some mobile, easily excited and quickly fading orientation.

The vague and unstable orientation of the child's interests largely reflects the interests of the social environment. Relatively greater stability is acquired by those interests that are associated with the activities of children. As a result, children of older preschool age develop "seasonal" interests, hobbies, which last for some, not very long period, then being replaced by others. In order to develop and maintain an active interest in a particular activity, it is very important that the activity yield a materialized result, a new product, and that its individual links clearly stand out to the child as steps leading to the goal.

Significantly new conditions for the development of a child's interests arise when he enters school and begins teaching various subjects.

In the course of educational work, the interest of schoolchildren is often fixed on a subject that is especially well set and in which children make especially tangible, obvious successes for themselves. Much here depends on the teacher. But at the same time, these interests are mostly short-lived at first. Somewhat stable interests begin to take shape in a secondary school student. The early appearance of stable interests that last for a lifetime is observed only in cases where there is a bright, early-determined talent. Such a talent, successfully developing, becomes a vocation; conscious as such, it determines the stable orientation of the main interests.

The most essential thing in the development of the adolescent's interests is: 1) the beginning of the establishment of a circle of interests, united in a small number of interconnected systems, acquiring a certain stability; 2) switching interests from the private and concrete (collecting at school age) to the abstract and general, in particular, the growth of interest in issues of ideology, worldview; 3) the simultaneous emergence of interest in the practical application of acquired knowledge, in matters of practical life; 4) the growth of interest in the mental experiences of other people and especially their own (youthful diaries); 5) beginning differentiation and specialization of interests. Orientation of interests to a certain field of activity, profession - technology, a certain scientific field, literature, art, etc. is carried out under the influence of the whole system of conditions in which the adolescent develops.

The dominant interests are manifested in predominantly readable literature - in the so-called reader's interests. Adolescents have a significant interest in technical and popular science literature, as well as in travel. Interest in novels, in general, in fiction, increases mainly in adolescence, which is partly due to the characteristic interest of this age in inner experiences, in personal moments. Interests in the stage of their formation are labile and more susceptible to the influence of environmental conditions. Thus, the interest in technology usually inherent in adolescents has especially increased in connection with the industrialization of the country.

Interests are not the product of the child's self-enclosed nature. They arise from contact with the outside world; the surrounding people have a special influence on their development. The conscious use of interests in the pedagogical process in no way means that teaching should be adapted to the existing interests of students. The pedagogical process, the choice of subjects, etc. are based on the tasks of education, on objective considerations, and interests should be directed in accordance with these objectively justified goals. Interests can neither be fetishized nor ignored: they must be taken into account and formed.

The development of interests is accomplished in part by switching them: based on the existing interest, the one that is needed is developed. But this, of course, does not mean that the formation of interests is always the transfer of existing interests from one subject to another or the transformation of the same interest. A person has new interests that replace the dying, old ones, as he, in the course of his life, is included in new tasks and in a new way realizes the significance of those tasks that life sets before him; development of interests is not a closed process. Along with the switching of already existing interests, new interests can arise out of direct succession with the old ones, by including the individual in the interests of the new team as a result of new relationships that he develops with others. The formation of interests in children and adolescents depends on the entire system of conditions that determine the formation of personality. Skillful pedagogical influence is of particular importance for the formation of objectively valuable interests. The older the child, the greater the role can be played by his awareness of the social significance of the tasks that are set before him.

Of the interests that are formed in adolescence, the interests that play a significant role in choosing a profession and determining a person's future life path are of great importance. Careful pedagogical work on the formation of interests, especially in adolescence and youth, at a time when there is a choice of profession, admission to a special higher educational institution, which determines the future path of life, is an extremely important and responsible task.<...>

Each person should have their own interests in one direction or another in life.

Today we will try to figure out what interests the inhabitants of our country have.

1. Books are the most popular group among all. Reading develops our speech, makes it more literate. The format of books today can be electronic, due to the extensive development of the Internet in our country and ordinary paper binding.

2. Communication, as they say, is life. It is doubly pleasant to communicate with interesting, smart people. Many communicate with friends, solve some problems, share their problems.

3. Collecting something. Many people have large collections of various kinds of books, paintings, CDs, wrappers, stamps, and so on in their homes. This hobby can accompany a person all his life.

4. Playing sports. Sport in its manifestation is very diverse and interesting. Popular sports are football, volleyball, athletics and so on. Sport is movement, and therefore life, movement forward, improvement of a person.

5. Guessing scanwords, puzzles. All this has a good effect on the development of a person's erudition, the ability to think, remember. A lot of people in their free time are engaged in solving this or that question.

6. Virtual games. Not so long ago, game consoles departed, as computers appeared. People often spend several hours a day playing them, without a break. Their number is huge and this is racing, and shooting games and much more. The number of games is constantly growing, and the audience of players in them is growing along with them.

7. Gambling. Games are not only mobile, computer, but also for money. These are, first of all, casinos, gaming clubs, where people often leave all their money, in the excitement of winning a large amount of money. Sometimes it turns into a disease. Many even have to be stopped from this activity.

8. Music. The development of music, its different directions - retro, club, rock (for example, the gas sector), jazz, and so on, led to the formation of a wide range of its fans. Now music is listened to everywhere - on computers, players, flash drives and so on.

9. Film industry. Quite a few go crazy when a new movie comes out, immediately rushing to the cinema nearby. Favorite actors, a good story attracts millions of people to the screens.

10. Cars. Ever since childhood, lovers of cars, growing up, begin to seriously think about how to get a cooler car for themselves. Many spend hours in the garage for this favorite thing.

These are the most popular interests of our society today.

Of course, any person should have his own hobby and maybe even more than one. A person doing something realizes his potential, shows himself.

I noticed a long time ago that most people want to have an interesting life. Well, that is, to make life interesting. As the antithesis of a boring life. There are other options, such as "joyful life", "pleasure", "fun", "easy". But if we conduct a statistical analysis, taking a not too petty-bourgeois sample of the population, then the wording in the form of "interesting" exceeds all other options combined. And why? Just a stereotype? Maybe you are right. After all, if you dig deeper, then boredom is not the antipode of interest, but a separate emotional state associated with forced inactivity. But I still believe that under this social stereotype lies a very fundamental fundamental principle.

Contrasting boredom and interest (not in the strict sense) has the right to life - boredom and interest are really not compatible. As, however, boredom is also incompatible with joy. But people usually think in the polarity of boredom-interest, and not boredom-joy. And it's not just that. The fact is that joy is a stating emotion. It reflects a positive attitude towards a specific object or an event that has already occurred, but not towards a process. Even if you experience joy from the expectation of something good in the future, then the expectation means as if you have already received, i.e. the final is fixed.

Boredom is conceived as a state extended over time. Boredom, as an emotional state, arises precisely in the process itself. Or because of the process itself. So, the emotion "interest" also refers to the process and arises in the process. A person can experience joy in anticipation of an interesting day. In this case, "interesting day" acts as the expected and desired outcome. But the interest itself will arise only directly in the course of the day. It is precisely because of this specificity that the opposition of boredom and interest as process emotions is obtained.

It is quite possible that joy, interest, happiness are closely related factors. For example, an individual, constantly or often doing interesting things, experiences the joy of feeling the saturation of life, and if nothing spoils his life much, then something close to happiness arises. Maybe the mechanisms are different, but I am sure of one thing - if a person does not have more or less stable interesting things, then he is guaranteed regular boredom. An alternative to boredom can only be chronic zadolbannost a lot of "necessary" things, when there is simply not enough time for boredom. But such an alternative can hardly be considered good.

The following follows from boredom - either a permanent flight from her darling begins, or a plunge into a depressive state. And where do you run away from her when you don't know what you're interested in? In small and frequent entertainment, if there is extra money. True, as soon as you embark on this path, the extra money quickly disappears. But this is not important, because in a certain sense, entertainment replaces the meaning of life. Something like this - "if I do not rest and do not have fun, then what for am I working in the sweat of my brow?" Those who have achieved "good" results in this approach to life call it (proudly puffing out their cheeks) - "to live for themselves."

Often a desire for self-affirmation, sexual dissatisfaction of varying severity, the desire to stand out (show off) and other neurotic complexes move along a parallel course. There is not enough time or money to solve all of them individually. All this is woven into a single ball in a certain way of life. And the way of life, my sisters and brothers, is already serious. He, this image, is already pulling you into his system, consisting of the distribution of time, different habits and certain, far from the most useful, people in the environment. And it is extremely difficult to escape or at least significantly change the way of life. After all, any system always resists change. Who tried to change, he knows.

In order to avoid boredom, there must be interest in "life for yourself". It's no secret that the monotonous quickly gets bored. Some even derived a postulate from there, something like - "to be interesting, entertainment must be changed regularly." So, in fact, everything is different. I get bored with a certain type of entertainment ONLY because of the fact that there is really interesting there with "fuck gulkin". This "Gulka horseradish" is exactly enough for a short-term satisfaction of cognitive needs. And since there is nothing more to learn in most entertainment, there is no motive.

In case of coincidence with a real sustainable interest, the activity never gets bored. What I mean by the phrase "real sustainable interest" is most likely not clear. I will explain this below. For now, I’ll just say this - this is what a person is actually seriously and steadily interested in. Stability clearly indicates not a result, but a long-term process. Every person has such an interest, only it needs to be "groped", "digged out" and formalized into some practical form. Then it will be interesting all the time, and there will be no need to look for new "interesting" entertainments.

Such interests are not fully expressed in the form of specific activities. They are generally, being subconscious emotional and motivational phenomenon, are not fully described in words and are not translated into material reality without distortion. Any particular type of activity can only more or less satisfy this motivation, nothing more. Therefore, the phrase "I'm interested in reading detective stories" does not quite accurately reflect the essence. It would be more correct to say something like this - "something in reading detective stories partially satisfies my" interested "need."

Interest as an emotion is, on the one hand, an indicator that some part of this lesson corresponds to your true motives. And on the other hand, it motivates to engage in this particular activity until the useful potential of this business is exhausted. "Utility" is determined by the subconscious according to some of its own criteria and has no direct relation to social utility. As soon as interest is gone, then the usefulness has been exhausted, it's time to move on. But the craving for interest does not disappear. And this unequivocally indicates some kind of meta-motivation - a long-term strategic line of development. Somewhere a person needs to go far, only he himself does not know where, why and who sent him there. There is just a conductor - great interest. Do you remember how the magic ball led Vanka-Tsarevich to Koshcheev's death? That's about it. Such an internal Main Clew is the same Main Interest. In general, I consider interest to be the only strategic emotion, and all other emotional states to be situational.

I will briefly outline how the life of one who has found His Interest and has embarked on the path of its realization "in stone" is changing. Realization in stone means that a suitable practical plane corresponding to interest has been found, a project has been made, and it is already being implemented. The fact that in the process of practice the project can be redone 47 more times does not play any role, since it is not the project that is important, but the interesting activity itself. Usually this happens in two forms - a hobby or a business.

First, the citizen gradually ceases to be average, becoming abnormal. And, glory to the Universe, such an abnormality is good! The Lord, the higher mind, or whatever else of the higher powers, just tried to make each person different from all others, unique. But apparently the project was poorly calculated and it turned out that most people do not want to be different at all, but want to be typical. Voluntary climb on the social Procrustean bed. However, it also turned out that many personalities are not needed. it takes a lot of "normal" labor to realize the ambitions of such abnormal ones. And it was decided so - the potential for creativity and power was given to everyone, and then let them decide for themselves who is in the Caesars, and who is in the locksmiths.

Secondly, a person has a real inner value, independent of external factors. And no one can take it away, except perhaps with life. You can take away or destroy the case, but the interest always remains. So that it does not look like pure pathos, I argue. Man lives by emotions and for emotions. Either external events give positive emotions, or something inside. Aspects that consistently give positive are a value for a person. The more value inside, the less you need outside. And what could be a better supplier of positive than constant interest? I haven't found it yet.

Thirdly, the emotion "interest" has one important property - it gives useful life energy. Gives not of course not physiologically, but shakes the energy of the body. In any case, the result is obvious. True, joy also increases energy, but this energy does not have a stable direction and is often spent in useless euphoria. And the energy of interest always has a direction. Purposeful energy allows you to achieve a lot without any "cool will", "victory of laziness" and similar fingered slogans created mainly for the sucker. For completeness, out of negative emotions, energy is increased only by an aggressive circle - anger, anger, revenge, irritation. The rest are downgraded. You can promote your ambitions on aggression, which is why the "avengers" often move mountains. But there are a lot of bad side effects, and the goal is meaningless.

Fourth, self-confidence rises sharply. The individual feels his self-worth and increased independence from society and its consumer values. He is able to make himself "pleasant", and at minimal cost. Like masturbation, only cooler and much more useful. And with the right design, it also with good earnings. In the non-verbal channel, this confidence and self-worth is constantly broadcast to others. People perceive this, and they are drawn to such a person. In everyday language, this is called "an interesting person." And it's not about having any useful information. Everything happens at a deep subconscious level. As a result of improved communication, other areas of life also become more comfortable and successful.

You can still write "fifth", "sixth", but that's enough for now. It is only important that the emergence (and implementation) of the Main Interest, although it will not be a panacea for all ills, but a significant "improver" of the quality of life - no doubt. And this is not an artificial path, but originally laid in the foundation of the psyche. And all you need to do is to feel the direction and build a form of practical implementation adequate to the time.

interest and interest.

The concept of "interest" has 2 main meanings. The first means a certain emotional state. The second is the desire for a certain state (such as a need) - an attitude towards objects and phenomena of reality that have a certain significance for an individual. Significance can be positive, then the interest is to acquire or maintain, or negative - to avoid or eliminate. The second concept arose much earlier and at first had nothing to do with psychology.

At first glance, the concepts reflect completely different categories, which introduces some confusion in communication. Although the fact that most people are satisfied with such a vagueness of terms is easily explained - in the context of ordinary life, certainty is enough. Emotion is understandable, everyone knows it. at least occasionally experienced. And "my interests" are also kind of understandable. But going beyond the limits of everyday life and embarking on the path of complex success, it is better to present these concepts more clearly.

The thing is that under the generally accepted concept of interests-needs, two different branches are hidden. If we leave interest-emotion alone for the time being, then interests in general form will be everything that a person steadily (in this life period) wants. Steadily a person wants everything that is determined by his needs, both primary and secondary. And if everything related to pure survival is not considered an interest, then the higher needs are just that.

Let's consider these 2 branches separately. Take, for example, the need for respect. Any person develops a set of ways to satisfy it, communication with some people suitable for this purpose, gaining a certain status in society, at work, the status of an expert on a forum or something else. The most satisfying and more or less stable ways become his interests. Interest lies in the desire to maintain their status, and possibly improve it. And to the best of his ability and ability, the individual will defend this interest. Let's call this branch practical interests.

But almost every person has activities that cannot be directly attributed to the satisfaction of any of the practical needs. This phenomenon has long been noticed and well studied. The reasons for such "useless" activities do not have an unambiguous interpretation, but the fact of the phenomenon is obvious - people spend a lot of time almost unreasonably. Moreover, people are engaged in such activities with enthusiasm, it is not necessary to force them. Sustainable forms of such activities also become the interests of man. We will call this branch of interest abstract interests.

In these two branches, equally called interests, there are both similarities and differences. The difference is primarily that in the first case, the activity is purely practical. A person is interested not in the process itself, but in the final results. In the second case, the interest is direct and directed exclusively to the process itself and distracted from the result. Goals in such cases may be insignificant, poorly conscious, blurred to a complete abstraction, or drawn into the process artificially. Artificial goal pulling is useful for organizing interest, laying it into a stable form that gives meaning to the process and allows you to track development. But far from any goal can be attracted to this process of interest.

Similar between the branches of interest will be that in both cases it can be accompanied by an interest-emotion. Emotion manifests itself in different ways, but I believe there is a general principle. Firstly, interest-emotion is an indicator that a person is now engaged in his activity, exactly the one that he now needs not from the point of view of duty or conscious decisions, but as his own desire.

Secondly, there will be interest only when the activity brings at least some kind of fruit, even imaginary ones. It doesn’t matter at all that a person is really moving towards a goal or it just seems so to him. He believes that he is moving in the right direction - there is interest, not in the right direction or stagnation - interest disappears. Moreover, the interest-emotion disappears, but the interest-need remains. True, when it doesn’t work out for a long time, then the interest-need can also disappear - the stable form has crumbled. Focusing on - in order to be interesting for a long time, not only an interesting process is needed, but it must also turn out, i.e. a person must see and feel development along the vector of the goal. Even if there is no clear goal, development should still be felt.

On these two grounds, practical and abstract interests are similar. It is quite possible that such a division is conditional and is caused by views on the same process from different angles. To a certain extent, with an ideal adjustment of activity to true intrinsic motivation, such a division may disappear. But be that as it may, in real life in most cases it is possible to determine the dominance of one or another scheme. Therefore, I tend to adhere to such a division.

Practical interests are almost always satiated, which means the existence of a certain limit of increasing results, above which our "insides" signal - "enough". Exceptions are cases of overcompensation. The main signals in the first place will be the loss of interest-emotions and the appearance of laziness in this activity. At the same time, interest in preservation usually remains, but maintenance becomes a boring routine. Want something else. The reason for this "want" is the disappearance of the necessary emotional states necessary for a person. It gets little pleasure, but it's scary to lose.

Part of the abstract interests are also saturable. They are called unstable interests. In children, these are usually the ones that prevail - today it is interesting to draw, and tomorrow to climb trees. In addition to positive emotions and the accumulation of a variety of non-systemic experience, such interests no longer carry any useful load. As they grow older, everyday and status issues gradually begin to conflict with such petty interests, and the latter fade into the background, or even into the background. And if there is no adequate substitute for such small emotional pleasures, then life becomes much more boring.

But most people have stable abstract interests. This species is practically not saturated. Interest-emotion always accompanies the occupation of "this", as long as the form of the occupation corresponds to the interest itself and there is even the slightest development. Strictly speaking, the very interests of this kind always remain relevant, only forms of development can become obsolete. That's just the question of development of what? Don't know. Maybe a person has some higher purpose, or maybe the phenomenon of stable abstract interests is a side effect of an overabundance of energy. But how things are "really" is not important for the person himself. It is important that this is so, and that interest-emotion leads this person somewhere. This "somewhere" is a certain higher goal, which is only partially comprehensible. So why resist when you can live continuously in pleasure, and even have a good chance of doing great things?

I started the previous paragraph with the words "for most people." Does this mean that there are people who do not have stable abstract interests? This is where many people thought, "what about me"? Do I fall into such a "minority"? In general, the definition of "majority" and "minority" is very relative. Here I define "majority" by potential, not by clearly visible factors. I believe that practically everyone has such sustainable interests in the potential (perhaps buried somewhere in the depths). But with interests already updated, in the form of more or less conscious directions, the situation is much worse. And even for those people who do not have sustainable interests, even in potential, when much is interesting, but briefly, this rapidly changing "much" can always be combined into a kind of meta-interest. Then such a meta-interest will become for them that stable abstract interest, a vector of development within the framework of the highest needs.

Summarizing the above, the following conclusions can be drawn. Behind real interests there are always certain existential goals. Goals are expressed in varying degrees of practicality and awareness, depending on what needs they come from. Interest-emotion always reflects the assessment of progress towards such goals. We do it and it turns out - there is interest. It quickly turns out - enthusiasm. We are marking time - boredom. We roll back - anger or disappointment. You can call interest-emotion an indicator of justified higher expectations. Justified, but not yet fully justified. At the end of the "path" there will be a short-term joy - and start over.

The experience of interest-emotion is a need and a norm for any person. You can consider the experience of interest as the highest need. Or, since interest always accompanies development within the framework of certain goals, one can consider development in a certain direction as a need, and interest itself as an indicator of the correctness of development. In any case, a person needs to constantly move somewhere and regularly experience interest. Purely practical interests, even if they are stable and very important (respect, status), are not suitable for stability because of their saturation. The interest to keep what you have earned by overwork remains, the habit to achieve too, but there is no longer an internal goal to increase - it becomes boring. And trying to build even more in this direction, a person runs into his own lethargy - there is no motivator in the form of emotion.

All interests have the right to life and are significant. And you can't live by "higher", "particularly human", "creative" ideals. Practical interests cannot simply be discarded or replaced by "higher goals". Will not work. Any person is saturated with hierarchical struggle and striving for benefits, whether he wants it or not. And it is necessary to proceed from this reality without idealizations of spirituality and higher essence. Without idealization, but not without spirituality itself and higher needs, whatever they mean. I believe that it is sustainable abstract interests that should be the most significant and integral part of the real life of every person. Otherwise, it will be boring, scary or disturbing (whoever is "lucky" with the circumstances), especially in the second half of life.

Now the question arises about the practical organization of life in accordance with this concept. Ideally, in relation to any set of interests, forms of activity can come up with a lot. But in reality, human resources are limited, and first of all, time. Therefore, it becomes effective not to disperse into a bunch of small and unstable interests, but to concentrate on a few stable and fairly strong ones. The practical ideal then would be the integration of all of them into one practical direction. It’s usually impossible to “collect everything together”, but the most significant ones are real. And it is not necessary to integrate everything at once, you can gradually "rake" them.

Given the difference, and sometimes conflict of interests, in such an integrated system there should always be a clear system of priorities. In our case, this will mean the following - the choice of the main of interests, around which all the others are built. This is important because the results of the whole system depend on the choice. Let's consider several approaches.

Our social norms recommend to put in the first place morally approved practical interests such as money, respected social status, sex appeal, and the like. And abstract interests (indulgence in short) to engage in "free time from work." This approach in modern Western morality corresponds to the concept of a "serious person." Time "free from work" is usually not enough, so "workers" carry out the "integration" of small interests "on the sly". And business owners either simply work less time, or openly integrate, switching from solving business problems to "pampering" and back. It's not really integration, it's just time sharing, which is acceptable but highly inefficient. A constant contradiction, resolved only by willpower and habits.

Real integration will be giving one strong DISTRACT stable interest or group of such interests the highest priority. Practical interests are already integrated into the system as secondary and may change in the course of development. The reward for this approach will be high energy, enthusiasm and, as a result, a high speed of achievement. In slang expressions, this state of mind can be described as "rushing" and "courage". I would like to emphasize once again that the highest priority is given to abstract rather than practical interests. Otherwise, in situations of conflict of interest, the choice will fall in the direction of "daily bread" and gradually come out "as always." Cool, but boring. There are exceptions, but rarely.

Despite the fact that practical interests are of secondary importance, their significance for the overall result is high. Especially some kinds of such interests. Usually they are called ambitions. Among the most useful are the desire for power and the desire for glory. Each person has both, but the degree of expression is different. From there, different ambitions. Integrating with simply interesting activities, it is these interests that determine specific goals, the magnitude of these goals, and indirectly the speed of progress. The inclusion of such "mercantile" vectors in the overall system is essential for serious results.

Glory and power are different directions, most often poorly compatible in one person. As the dwarf comrade Turanchoks said, the actual owner of the whole planet (the film "Through Thorns to the Stars") - "real power must be a secret." And this is always the case - most presidents of different countries are not real rulers, no matter what noodles they hang on TV suckers. Their main functionality is PR, hanging this same noodles on their fellow citizens (internal PR) and figures in other countries (external PR). The real power is exercised behind their backs. In addition, it is rarely concentrated in one hand, but has a distributed character. So, my friend, it is desirable for you to decide in your aspirations for power and glory and to stake on a stronger direction. You can do both if both are strong enough, but still be prepared for a likely choice in the future.

Weaker practical interests, such as the desire for companionship, sexual achievement, the desire to help people, etc. it is also useful to integrate when they are found. When properly integrated, they also give a good practical effect. Even smaller and local interests usually have little practical effect, but their integration saves time and energy for the main direction.

I want to mention one more strong desire of almost all people - the desire for comfort, stability, prosperity. Often this is expressed in the pursuit of money. And it looks like ambition. Such a desire can be comparable in strength to power or fame and it would be worth putting it in that row. But this is not true. The desire for prosperity and money is actually an anti-ambition, although at first it is very similar to the real one. The fact is that here the goal is to calm down, to move into a blissful low-energy state. Protected. And such a desire is based on fears, not ambitions. If it is this desire that prevails in you, it is time to think about whether it is worth tightly integrating it with the Main Interest.

Interest-emotion, or simply about pleasures.

Thinking about success, ambitions, strategic goals and similar delights, many at least sometimes ask a deep metaphysical question - "do I need it"? As with all global metaphysical questions, there is no and cannot be an unequivocal answer. For in the end, any bearer of reason is created for happiness. And goals and successes are just tools.

Happiness, as an integral emotional assessment of the "correctness" of the course of life, is based on individual private emotional states, which are relationships to individual events, objects or subjects - emotions, feelings, moods. In this regard, happiness is, as it were, stretched out in time and is not determined by individual days or even weeks. Of course, you can say - "I was happy yesterday", but it hardly makes much sense.

I think there is no need to prove that happiness is primarily promoted by positive emotional states. Different emotional states are responsible for different aspects and work in different ways. Now I will try to prove that interest plays a key role for happiness. Separate rather short periods of happiness can be obtained in a different way, but for a stable happy state, interest-emotion is necessary. But are there other ways to achieve happiness? Let's get a look.

Any positive emotion is perceived by a person as pleasure. Purely theoretically, by making a person continuously experience pleasure, one can immerse him in euphoria that feels like happiness. But the similarity between happiness and euphoria is only in sensations. Happiness leaves a person in a rational state, and euphoria turns off the "brains". Plus, long-term euphoria is destructive for the body - our body is not adapted for "long-playing" emotions, even positive ones. Yes, and of the available methods for achieving prolonged euphoria, so far only chemical preparations, in fact, drugs, can be named. In general, I want to say that this way of achieving "happiness" is definitely a dead end.

Love is sexy, or if more beautiful - romantic. If love is unrequited or burdened with problems, then with pleasures it’s somehow not very good. If everything is good - everything is mutual and there are no insurmountable obstacles, then "happiness" is in full. However, if love is strong, then this is closer to euphoria, only such euphoria is even good for health. However, it is useful only for health, but not for success. Inspired by love, an individual becomes like a capercaillie on a current, which in our society is fraught with trouble. In addition, happy romantic love is always short-term, as it is by nature, a person is not created for such love. Some try to jump from one love to another, but this option rarely works, mainly for some types of teenagers. So happiness cannot be achieved only through love.

Tenderness. Good emotion. And the brain almost does not turn off and gives useful (or at least harmless) pleasure. But short term. Try to experience tenderness for at least an hour in a row! Those who are lucky can experience tenderness in small portions, but often. This is the case with beloved children, cute little animals, and so on. But in any case, this is not enough for happiness, because saturation occurs and the frequency drops. It is almost impossible to manage this emotional state, because. it is tied to sexual instinctual motivation associated with non-romantic forms of love and care.

Joy. Great joy equals euphoria. But frequent small joys may well give a feeling of happiness. The only problem is that joy as a stating emotion arises already upon the fact of the result, and not in the process. Something happened or fell off by itself - I was delighted. And then there is a smooth attenuation of emotion, and even then only because of the inertia of emotional processes, otherwise it would disappear immediately. And that's it, wait for the next one or create a precedent for joy yourself. A fairly long period of preparation, and then a short joy. As for me, building your life on such a basis is somehow dreary. However, our psyche came up with a way out ...

There is another condition joyful expectations, expecting something good in some future. This is a type of hope in a positive way, or is also called anticipation. Waiting for a trip to the Maldives, a weekend with friends and barbecues, a cool new car or something else very pleasant. On this basis of such expectations, many advertisements are based - "feel the joy of touching your fluffy and silky coat after our new shampoo!" Pleasure is expected in the future, but a person already in his fantasies begins to "consume the image of himself", over and over again imagining himself as fluffy and silky. Such expectations can give joy for quite a long time. But in fact, this is not a separate emotion, but a set - a joyful hope. Unlike joy itself, hope is an anticipatory emotion that operates BEFORE what is expected is accomplished. In this it is similar to interest. I can unequivocally say that the overwhelming majority of moderately prosperous individuals try to build their "happiness" precisely according to this principle - in expectations from vacation to vacation, from weekends to weekends, from purchase to purchase. The only strange thing is that among this majority, I do not see happy people. Perhaps something is missing?

Feeling of Self-Importance. Ooo! CHSV is cool and not everyone can do it! It arises as a feeling of its steepness in comparison with the individuals around you. It is able to be both now, in fact, "greatness", in which it is similar to joy (and probably being its variety), and in the form of prolonged expectations in the form of "consumption of the image of Self-Cool". This allows the owner of the CSF to rightfully puff out his cheeks, look down and use a non-verbal form of communication on the fingers, in everyday life known as "fingering". Almost everyone has experienced CSF at least once in their life. And they know that there are few more pleasant pleasures. Moreover, given the long-term effect of this feeling, it could serve as the basis for happiness. Which makes such a scenario (to become cool) extremely attractive as the meaning of life. And what is needed for this is a mere smallness - just to become a cool individual, and it’s even enough just to start feeling like that. But there is a small problem - CSF is not a projection of objective coolness, but compensation for an inferiority complex and is associated with high self-esteem. Therefore, in the long run, the scenario of life with a bet on FSF will lead to boredom in a stable circle of low-level individuals. Or you will have to constantly increase the status, which requires a lot of stress. And the higher, the longer, harder and more dangerous. The latter looks like a desire for power, but it is not. In the pursuit of power, CSV is far from the main thing, there are other goals and other emotions.

CHSV is a special case pride. Moreover, since pride is not associated with real achievements, you can experience it for any reason. Think of something to be proud of and use it. Even with a collection of fridge magnets, even with a great intellect, even if it is useless, even with a predilection for "cutting the truth-womb." So what if no one cares except for you, no one will forbid puffing out your cheeks! In general, the scheme in the case of relying on pride is almost the same as with CSV. True, it should be noted that pride is now out of fashion because of the great impracticality.

Basic positive emotions include Delight And delight. True, some sources shove bliss, a calm conscience, a sense of satisfied revenge and a whole bunch of varieties into it. I consider most of these emotional states to be only shades or derivatives of one or more of the basic ones. But be that as it may, all these emotional states are situational, i.e. appear only sporadically. Therefore, it is difficult to attribute them to stable support pleasures.

In some sources, emotional states include confidence, or otherwise a sense of confidence. If taken on the scale of life, then it will be self-confidence. Indeed, a fairly confident person experiences a certain pleasant emotional state in the background, very similar to a mild form of happiness. No wonder most people want to be confident. Everyone intuitively knows how nice to be sure. More precisely, everyone clearly knows how UNPLEASANT it is to be insecure. It looks like you can move on happily. But there is one small problem that they "forget" to tell the "guru", promising to teach confidence in a short time. The fact is that self-confidence is a systemic phenomenon a number of factors, and as a separate emotional state non-existent. It cannot be taught apart from life itself and the general success in it. Success in life, Happiness, Self-confidence, the Owner of Your Life - these are all concepts of the same order and all are achieved only as a result of the complex development of the individual.

All the basic emotional pleasures have been considered. Except one. of the same interest. All emotions are needed, all emotions are important! And human life from the point of view of psychophysiology implies a chaotic change of emotions and mixing them simply in accordance with emerging situations. Without any preference. Adepts of striving for nature can call it "just living", finding harmony in the uncontrolled flow of life. But if we move away from biology and turn to social statistics, then such a "nature" is unlikely to suit. The vast majority of "naturally living" individuals are not only unhappy, but even dissatisfied with life. Even in very prosperous countries, the percentage of happy adults is extremely small.

If we compare the adult sample with normally living children, the pictures differ sharply. There are many children who are not completely happy, but quite cheerful. Of course, you can say that "de children have no worries and troubles yet, so they are happy for now ...". But such an explanation does not withstand any objective criticism. I see the reason elsewhere. Adults, unlike normal children, lack of interest! And they do not even try to find it, relying on other emotional states due to their upbringing and habits.

I definitely believe that interest and its derivatives are absolutely necessary for any person. Moreover, they are the main developing force of man. Of course, not as a biological unit, but as a higher entity. Interest is - Pleasant, Useful, Promising! And all because interest is the only positive emotion that can be experienced in a long-term mode, because. it is directed at the process itself and in support of the process. The only lasting pleasure that can be consciously controlled. The only emotion that, even with high strength, leaves a person in the mind, not only not interfering with useful activity, but on the contrary, strengthening it, making the individual more energetic and fearless.

The above-mentioned conscious control over interest-emotion, of course, will not be direct and total. Forcing yourself simply by willpower or some technique to be interested in any occupation of your choice will not work. Tips like "if the job is boring, make it interesting" although they work to some extent, they are still a snag, forming for a short time indirect interest in the consequences of the work.

Control of one's interest is possible only in a strategic plan. You can find or develop sustainable interests and build them into your lifestyle. Then, depending on the form of organization of such interests, as I already mentioned, it turns out either a hobby or a business. At first, such stable interests simply allow you to periodically experience emotional pleasures, being, as it were, an outlet in the routine of life. But gradually, in the case of a correct definition of the basis and competent implementation, the direction becomes dominant, subordinating secondary interests to itself. What else does a person need from life? A little comfort, security, normal sexual relations, various small joys and that's all - life was a success to the fullest! And there happiness is not far off!

Every person has needs that he must constantly satisfy. They are the basis for the formation of interests. Therefore, in order to find out what a person's interests are, you need to understand how they are related to needs.

human needs

Every day, people are faced with the needs of their body, which they must constantly satisfy, as this supports their existence. The motives of a person's actions reflect his needs. They are divided into the following types:

Biological - the needs that provide life to our body (food, shelter, clothing, etc.).

Social - each person needs communication, recognition of his merits, social connections, etc.

Spiritual - a person must receive knowledge, develop, express his individuality through creativity, etc.

Of course, each of these needs is closely related to the others. The biological needs of man are gradually turning into social needs, which radically distinguishes him from animals. Although spiritual needs are very important, they are still secondary for most people. A person, satisfying them, strives to occupy a higher level in society, that is, to fulfill social needs. You also need to understand that not all needs are equally important and can be fully implemented. A person must reasonably realize his desires and needs, while not violating the established moral standards in society.

Features of interests

Interests are the process of purposeful knowledge by a person of a certain object from the area of ​​​​his needs. They have several features:

  • The personality focuses on a small range of activities and knowledge (medicine, technology, history, music, etc.).
  • The goals and methods of activity that are interesting for a person are more specific than in ordinary life.
  • A person strives for greater knowledge and deepening in the area that interests him.
  • The personality includes not only cognitive processes, as regards the area of ​​interest to him, but also creative efforts are made.

A person's interests always have an emotional connotation, which makes him continue to do this. He seeks to improve his knowledge and skills in the chosen direction, which leads to deepening in a specific area. Interests are not mere external amusement or curiosity. They necessarily contain knowledge, practical activities and emotional satisfaction received from classes in the area of ​​interest.

When learning, a person should be interested, because without this the effectiveness of this process will be very low. First of all, this applies to schoolchildren and students, because they are in a constant stream of information that needs to be mastered. Cognitive interest is a craving for knowledge, a focus on mastering them in different subject areas. Its primary manifestation may be curiosity. It is the child's reaction to something new, allowing him to orient himself and understand the nature of what is happening. The interest of schoolchildren appears only when they begin to consider this area or subject as important for themselves and others. Being carried away by it, the child tries to study in more depth each phenomenon associated with a certain area. If this does not happen, then the interest can quickly pass and the acquisition of knowledge will be superficial.

material interest

Everyone strives for comfort, for a good life. Material interests are the motives of a person's actions aimed at satisfying any deficiency in his life and avoiding unpleasant emotions. Thanks to these aspirations, technical and material progress arose. After all, it is they who convey the desire for more comfortable housing, for the invention of devices, mechanisms and machines that make life easier. All of them increase the comfort and safety of a person. In order to realize this special interest, a person can go in two ways. The first is to become the creator of something new, giving the desired object. The second is to earn money and buy what is required. The process of receiving money for many turns into their material interest, and the activity component is excluded.

spiritual interest

In addition to the material sphere, a person is attracted by the spiritual, since it is more focused on his personality. Spiritual interests are the focus of an individual on activating his potential, enriching experience and developing inclinations. He strives to get vivid emotional experiences. A person tries to improve himself, to be more virtuoso in a certain area, to show his talent. In such an aspiration, a person learns the world around him and develops himself as an individual. Thus, there is a feeling of fullness of life. It is for everyone. For some, it is general knowledge about different areas of knowledge, while for others it is a deep study of one favorite area.

Direct and indirect interest

In relation to one or another object, interest can be direct or indirect. When a person has a direct interest, he is absorbed in the very process of activity. For example, a student tries to learn something new because he likes to learn. If the interest is indirect, then the person is attracted by the results of the work already done. For example, a student studies not because he is attracted to it, but because he wants to get a diploma and find a good job. But these two kinds of interest can move from one to the other.

Passive and active interests

When a person has an interest, he can act to realize it, or he can satisfy it without much effort. On this basis, two types of interest are distinguished:

1) Active - a person is trying to get the object of his interest, while making efforts and actively acting. The consequence is that his personality improves, he acquires new knowledge and skills, character is formed, abilities develop.

2) Passive - a person does not need to make an effort, he simply contemplates the object of interest and enjoys it, for example, listening to music, watching opera or ballet, visiting galleries. But at the same time, a person does not need to show any activity, engage in creativity and perceive the objects of interest to him more deeply.

Benefit and motivation

Performing any activity, a person seeks the benefit from it for himself. Self-interest consists in satisfying his needs, for example, to eat, earn more money, improve his social status, etc. When a person understands that he needs to receive a higher reward, he begins to perform the work entrusted to him much better. Profit is a powerful stimulus for activity. But there are things that are more important for a person. These are his values. If he loses what he cherishes most, then no self-interest will force him to act in this way. To motivate a person, you need to offer her more favorable conditions.

Economic interest

The motive that induces a person to economic activity is called economic interest. It reflects the economic needs of man. For example, an employee, in order to sell his labor power more expensively, needs to show how skilled he is. At this point, he is trying to satisfy his financial needs. Moreover, the more he earns, the higher his self-esteem and social status will be. Competing with other employees, he achieves great results, which positively affects both himself and the entire enterprise as a whole. Therefore, economic interests and needs cannot exist without each other.

Personality and its interests

Great interest always brings a person a sense of satisfaction. Therefore, he strives to develop more and more in this area. The interests of the individual are of great importance for his characterization. They can be strong and deep, completely capturing a person who will do everything necessary to achieve the desired results, overcoming all difficulties. Superficial and weak interests induce only a curious contemplation of the achievements of other people. A person can focus on one thing, or can switch to different activities. He is also able to limit himself to only one specific area or be interested in many branches of knowledge at the same time.

Thus, the interests of an individual can change throughout her life. Self-knowledge helps a person decide what interests him more and what he would like to try his hand at. In doing what fascinates him, the individual can get great pleasure when he reaches the heights of his interest.