Cons of homeschooling. Pros and cons of homeschooling

All children are small adults. Each of them has its own character and its own problems. They have one thing in common - they need to get an education. In later life they must live in society. The quality of their life, and not only theirs, but also the life of their family, will depend on their knowledge and skills. Unfortunately, for various reasons, children are not always able to attend school. For the older generation, school is always the only way to get an education. Nowadays, the problem can be solved with the help of home education. This type of education is suitable for children with disabilities, children with mental problems, children who do not want to go to public places, children involved in sports or creativity.

Parents need to understand that the main thing in the case of home schooling is that all responsibility lies with them, and not with anyone else.

There are several types of homeschooling. It:

  • home education
  • Family education

home education

Not all children have the opportunity to attend school due to poor health. Unfortunately, there are many Russian citizens who are unable to move without assistance. These children differ from their peers only in that they cannot run, jump, or walk. They need to create conditions for the manifestation of their talents, so that in the future they could feel full of society.

Children with disabilities can be educated at home. There are two options:

  1. If you want to educate children according to the general program
  2. If you want to teach children how special

If a child is enrolled in a program for ordinary children, then he receives a certificate of graduation from a standard school. Lessons, their number, intensity, duration of classes, depends on the health of the child and his preferences, as well as on the daily routine. According to the child's condition, you can stop classes or postpone them for a certain period.

The program for special children is individual for each child. The certificate is issued based on the training program.

If you want to know the intricacies of legislation on the education of people with disabilities, refer to the legal framework.

1. A conclusion of a medical institution is required, on the basis of which a conclusion will be provided on the need to educate the child at home

2. Appeal to the school at the place of residence. The school at the place of residence is obliged to provide a special child free of charge with textbooks, literature available in the library.

3. Teachers of the school are obliged to provide advisory assistance to the child.

The wish of the parents

Sometimes the desire of parents comes down to the fact that children should study at home. It should be noted that in this case, the entire responsibility falls on the parents. There are a number of reasons why parents want to take care of their child on their own.

  • child prodigy

Such a child is ahead of the school curriculum. He's just bored in class. The child is not interested in the information that teachers give. He gets distracted in class and doesn't listen to the teacher's explanations.

  • Passion for other activities (sports, art, etc.) does not give the child the time and desire to focus on learning.
  • Parents due to their profession are forced to move often. The child is deprived of the familiar environment, friends, school.

In order to transfer your child to family education, you must:

  • An application to a general educational institution on the choice of a family form of education.
  • Conclude an agreement between parents and the school on the family organization of the child's education.
  • If you have chosen family education, then according to Article 40, paragraph 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", you should be paid money in the amount of 500 rubles.

Pros of homeschooling

  • The child makes his own schedule.

This practice prepares him for independent living. However, parents should unobtrusively control the child's learning process.

  • The child chooses the subjects that interest him

If your child is very fond of literature, then the emphasis on mathematics will be unpleasant for him. In this case, contact with parents is very important. No need to force the child to do what he is not interested in. Basic knowledge in other, non-core subjects will suit both you and the child.

It is also important to realize that putting pressure on a child, you have a bad effect on his psyche.

  • Possibility to exclude negative contacts

Very often children are influenced by "bad company". Drink, smoke, try drugs. With homeschooling, you will be able to control your child with more confidence.

  • Special Items

Every person has the right to do what he likes in his life. You can't make an elephant out of a mouse. Parents often forget about it. If you, in your desire to make your child happy, impose your point of view on the choice of profession, then most likely you will lose the child's trust. It is impossible to force a mathematician to paint pictures. Each person should be engaged in what "the soul lies". If your child is a genius (all children are geniuses), give him the opportunity to realize his dream.

Let's take a closer look at home education, the pros and cons of this phenomenon. As a rule, the transition to home education will require the search for a school in which there is such a form of education. You will need to enroll your child in that particular school. The teachers of this school will be able to help you with textbooks and teaching materials. It is in this school that your child will be assessed for promotion to the next grade, as well as pass all required exams.

Of course, like any system, this one has its pros and cons.


Of course, with home education, all attention is focused only on your child. He becomes like the only student in the class. And this cannot but lead to a good result, because you can carefully control the child's preparation in any subject, you can immediately notice gaps in knowledge, you can explain misunderstood material for as long as necessary.

In addition, parents are usually the people who know the child best. It will be much easier for them to make the learning process effective. Especially since they are interested in it.

If you are a sufficiently educated person, at the initial level of education, your own knowledge will be enough. In the future, you can not only teach the child yourself, but also invite the necessary teachers.

You will be able to guide and develop your child in exactly the direction that you think is most suitable for him. You will not need to focus only on the school curriculum - you can always add to the curriculum those subjects that you consider necessary.

With home schooling, the child will not have to be forced to comply with certain general, binding rules for all, if they are burdensome and unacceptable for him (of course, we are talking here only about the rules for organizing the learning process; rules of conduct or moral and ethical standards are a topic for another conversation ).

You can easily control the study load and the condition of your child. The educational process will be organized so that there is no negative impact on the health of your child. Children who study at home have more opportunities for normal recreation. Your child will not have to wake up painfully or adjust to the standard school schedule.

The child will be able to develop his creative abilities to the maximum, because no one will require him to choose template solutions and standard options. And he, for example, will not have to interrupt his creative activities just because the bell rang for everyone. And if he tries to realize some of his creative impulses, ideas or plans, he will have enough time for this.

Your child will be protected from having to get into conflicts with peers while studying. His habits and characteristics will not be a reason for ridicule and pressure from other children.

Homeschooling will bring your family even closer together. Joint activities, common interests - this will help to avoid (or significantly smooth out) conflicts with parents that arise when the child grows up.


Homeschooling your child will require a lot of time and effort from you. After all, you will not only have to deal with the training itself as such, you will have to find material for classes, work it out, and think over additional classes and activities. As a rule, homeschooling requires one of the parents to fully engage in this process, without the opportunity to be distracted by something else.

It is impossible to be truly competent in all areas and in all subjects that your child needs to learn. It may turn out that the child cannot pass the assessment (or pass the exams) because you did not have enough knowledge for quality education.

In addition, even if you really have all the knowledge a child needs, it may turn out that you are not a good enough teacher. If there is a problem - for example, difficulty understanding a topic - special skills and techniques may be needed on how to convey the right information to the child or convey the right experience.

Many people think that studying at home is cheaper than going to school. This is not entirely true. Of course, you will be saved from many expenses that will be required when teaching a child at school. But, if you want to give your son or daughter quality knowledge, you will need a lot of teaching materials. And their cost can be an amount quite comparable with expensive education in European countries.

One of the most important things is communication. The child needs not just any communication, he must learn to interact with peers. The formation of social skills is an equally important part of the learning process. Will the child be able to make real friends if his social circle is limited? Can you somehow compensate for the absence of children next to your child, the absence of joint children's activities, games, holidays, conversations, etc.? However, this can not be too feared if the circle of your own communication is large and includes families with children of a suitable age. Also, as an option, you can send your child to children's institutions of a "non-school" nature - for example, various circles and sections, children's camps (summer health, sports), language schools, etc.

Initially, home education was considered a good way of learning for children with disabilities and health problems, but more and more parents choose this type of education for their completely healthy children. Homeschooling has a number of pros and cons.

Pros of homeschooling

One of the main advantages of such training is an individual approach to the child. Whether it is a parent or a specially hired visiting teacher, home schooling allows you to focus on developing the strengths of the student. In addition, an individual approach can significantly reduce the time for receiving classes, since it is much faster to explain the educational material to one child than to the whole class.

"Homeschooling" is quite convenient for introverted children who can hardly socialize within the school walls. With home schooling, a fairly stable negative relationship “study equals violence against the psyche” is removed, and the child happily accepts new knowledge. Similarly, education can help children who have been ridiculed in school by peers and teachers.

The absence of an evaluation system is one of the main arguments in favor of homeschooling. From the point of view of psychology as a science, a constant teacher can cause subsequent neurosis in adulthood. Home schooling, aimed not at an external assessment, but at the internal acceptance of the necessary knowledge, allows you to grow a more harmonious and developed personality.

One of the advantages of education at home is the development of technology, the emergence of a huge number of educational courses, developing television films, applications for tablets and programs for PCs. With the help of them, you can not only educate the child, but also increase your own level of knowledge.

Cons of homeschooling

Homeschooling in Russia has a number of disadvantages. The first of them: unpreparedness of parents. Without being a teacher by training, it is quite difficult to plan your day and choose the right teaching method for a particular child.

The second disadvantage can be considered the lack of society around. If a child does not attend circles and sections, out-of-school education can have an impact on a person's sociality, and in the future it will be difficult for him to contact with others.

If parents choose "homeschooling" or "unschooling" as one of the ways to constantly control the life of a child, home education can cause infantilism or, on the contrary, a psychological rebellion against the parent.
In general, before transferring a child to this type of education, it is worth seriously thinking about whether it is necessary for him and his parents.

To make an informed decision about the transition to a new form of education, you need to think carefully, weighing pros and cons of homeschooling.

What can homeschooling do for you and your child?

1. Individual program - individual, not standardized training. At home schooling, you can independently build both the educational program and the curriculum, based on the interests, character traits and academic performance of your child. You can go deep into one topic and go intensively into another. No one else will tell you when and what topic to take, what tasks to do and what textbooks to study. Learning will be an exciting process, full of amazing discoveries and surprises. Of course, do not forget about the timing of certification in order to prepare for this time.

2. Higher results compared to the traditional form of education. It is a proven fact that homeschooled children learn better than their school peers and get better results.

3. Opportunity to devote study time only to study. No one doubts that a huge amount of study time at school is spent not just inefficiently, but simply wasted. And if we add to this classroom and school events, travel time, it turns out that home education can be built much more efficiently than school.

4. Use of the latest technologies and approaches. Homeschooling is the fastest growing alternative form of education. Since family education is chosen by parents who are truly interested in the education of their child, the programs, materials and methods offered are of the highest standard. Modern technologies can make learning more flexible and varied. Children now master the latest technologies often faster than their parents, so new forms of learning are perceived well.

5. Much less time is spent on classes than at school. This is the plus that almost all children at home schooling note. And the reason is not at all that family students are going through some kind of “reduced” program or are not serious about their studies. Just the opposite. It is a responsible approach to classes that makes it possible to pass much more during the study time than in a traditional school. As a result, children master topics faster than their schoolmates.

6. More creativity, less boredom. Who said that learning is what happens within the walls of a school, at a desk, with a textbook in hand and a teacher at the blackboard? And let the majority learn that way. What's stopping you from going to a park to study botany or visiting a planetarium when you're passing through a star system? You are not limited by the school framework, and for you the whole world is an educational space. The opportunity to obtain knowledge not from textbooks, but from primary sources not only increases efficiency, but also develops “passion” for the subject.

7. Learning is more than that. At school, everything is measured by grades in the diary and points for the OGE and the Unified State Examination. At home schooling, children learn to form their own portfolio, which shows real knowledge and skills. And visual results are becoming more and more important for universities, and subsequently for employers.

8. Goals and objectives are set by you. In school, children learn what someone who does not know your child and his needs has formulated. In homeschooling, you choose what, how and when you study.

9. Pointless tests, assignments and reports will be a thing of the past. How can schoolchildren have a desire to learn if they are forced to perform the same type of tasks and meaningless tests?

10. Flexibility and convenience. You no longer need to drive and then pick up your child from school at a certain time. And vacations can be planned for any time, and not just for the “hot season” of summer vacations.

However, certain difficulties may arise:

1. A responsibility. When you transition to home schooling, you will be fully responsible for the education of your children. If something goes wrong, you can no longer blame bad teachers or a rigid system. Although the parents of children in traditional schools are also responsible for the education of their children, but, firstly, they share it with the school, and secondly, they have many times less opportunity to influence the result.

2. Time. Except for a rare evening or a day off, when the children are with grandparents, they will be with you: every day, all day long. But this is also one of the advantages of family education. You will finally have time to build a close relationship with your children, to really get closer and get to know each other.

3. Freedom. Now you can send your children to school and go about your business. On the other hand, homeschooling will help you learn how to better manage your time and become more creative. You can use the support of home schooling, contact specialists who will offer the best training program for your child, and you can work remotely and find time for yourself.

4. Qualification. Many parents are not sure that they have enough knowledge, skills and patience to teach their children. But everything can be learned. Homeschooling has taught so many parents to stay calm when their kids are noisy, to be flexible when they're tired, to become wizards when they're bored. There are no perfect parents, just as there are no perfect teachers, but we all develop and learn from our own experience.

5. Lack of knowledge. Are you afraid that your children will have gaps in knowledge, that in the end they will not know something? That they will ask you questions to which you do not know the answer? You can't know everything, and you don't need to. The main thing is to give children the tools to search for the necessary information and teach them how to work with it. In addition, it is so interesting - to look for answers and learn with the children!

6. House restrictions. Most likely, your house does not have a playground, pool or music class, but life is not limited only to the house. You can choose those playgrounds and circles that best meet the needs of your children.

7. Independence. The sudden push for independent living in school makes children rely on each other, and your child's peers also have little life experience. As a result, "the blind leads the blind." Family education provides parents with the opportunity to serve as an authority over children longer and maintain their influence over them, giving them as much freedom and independence as they can bear.

8. Criticism. Most likely, some of your friends and relatives will not support your decision. Well, it's impossible to please everyone. Just remember that schooling is very far from ideal and is subject to even more criticism. But most are used to following the beaten path and do not try to look for better ways.

9. Lack of socialization. Some believe that homeschooled children spend the whole day within four walls and, as a result, do not know how to communicate with their peers. Of course, when switching to family education, the entire responsibility for the socialization of the child falls on your shoulders. But there are a huge number of places where your child can communicate with peers and not feel isolated from society. Circles and sections, developing centers and houses of creativity - you will have a much wider choice than parents who prefer traditional education, because you will have much more opportunities to schedule your child's classes yourself. In addition, the school experience is not always positive, and home schooling will allow you to protect your child from negative influences and give him the opportunity to develop fully.

10. Transition to full-time education. It may happen that you will need to transfer your child back to traditional education from family education. This process is difficult, but it will be easier if the child has the skills of independent work. In addition, these skills will help him achieve higher results in full-time studies compared to his peers.

As with anything, pros and cons are relative terms. Even if difficulties arise, overcoming them can be a plus in the future, because when entering a university, the child will develop all the skills for successful learning. self-education, career development.

Some 100-200 years ago, home schooling was almost the only educational system that existed in tsarist Russia, Europe and the USA, although only children of noble, wealthy and prosperous families who could afford to hire trained tutors.

Gradually, home schooling was transformed into a relic of the past, it became prestigious to study in public schools and boarding schools, but, as you know, everything new is well forgotten old. Currently, homeschooling systems are regaining their former popularity, today this is no longer an innovation, there are an increasing number of children and parents who refuse the generally accepted principles of studying in public schools.

What changed? Why did many parents stop trusting the traditional education scheme, according to which our grandparents and parents themselves were brought up, and why do most children and adolescents continue to study? Can individual homeschooling prepare a child as well as teachers in a comprehensive school?

Let's try to figure out whether it is worth depriving your child of a kind of "school of life" in general education institutions and taking responsibility for the full education of your child at home.

For those who did not know, homeschooling is possible not only because of health problems that prevent the child from attending general education institutions, but also at the parents' own request. If everything is clear with the first case, then the second one raises many questions for the majority: how, in this case, is the transition to family education carried out?

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, for a long time there has been a law that allows you to choose the most convenient form of education for the child, however, schools are reluctant to do this, because with every such student who decides to study at home, she loses a certain percentage funding allocated by the state for each child.

For these purposes, parents must write a statement to the school stating the reason why the child will remain in family education. So, the reasons why you should teach your child individually or how to decide for yourself that your baby is not created for the general education system and daily trips to school.

  • Your child is significantly ahead of his peers in development. It often happens that a child, having studied everything that was offered to him in the lesson, begins to get bored, all the other classmates are still absorbed in the process of attention, and this only one is spinning and spinning around, not knowing what to do with himself, distracting others. Teachers, noticing this trend, begin to give them tasks "ahead", offering to jump a year or two to another class. But few people take into account that in such ways even the most hardworking kid may lose the desire to learn, and not everyone can get along with too old classmates, because your child’s psychological and physical development is still at the level of his biological age.
  • If your child is professionally engaged in some extracurricular hobbies, such as sports, dancing, music. Combining quality education and professional sports (dance, music) is sometimes beyond the power of even the most talented child.
  • If your work is connected with constant moving from city to city, because of which the child has to constantly change schools. Such constant changes injure the psyche of the baby, which can affect his academic performance and psycho-emotional state.
  • Sometimes parents refuse to educate their child in general education institutions for ideological and religious reasons.

The pros and cons of homeschooling

In order to make your choice in favor of one form or another, you must carefully weigh all the pros and cons that are present in the individual education of children.

Most parents, when they choose homeschooling for their child, are sincerely convinced that they are able to educate their child on their own, acting as a teacher in any of the disciplines. True, not everyone takes into account that for this you will have to spend a huge amount of time studying literature, choosing textbooks and developing an education program for your child.

If in the primary grades almost any parent is able to educate their child, then the sciences of the senior classes are often beyond the power of the parents themselves. Of course, you can hire paid teachers and tutors for these purposes, but it should be noted that private lessons are not cheap pleasure, which will have to spend a large part of the family budget. Free education in schools may not be the best, but, in any case, an acceptable option for everyone.

There are also positive aspects, for example, freedom of choice. You can always decide for yourself which discipline should be studied now, and which should be postponed, depending on the age and interests of your child.

Another pleasant moment is that it is not necessary to force the baby to sit down at the table at exactly 8 o'clock in the morning and get up at exactly 13 because of it, you can always adjust to the person's biological clock, which will contribute to the active work of the brain.

On the other hand, what about the concept of discipline and organization, which should still be planted in the little heads of our children? At work, in the office or in pairs at the institute, no one will wait for your biological clock, and you will have to work strictly according to the schedule. To prepare for such “working days” of adult life, nevertheless, one should gradually.

The next point is a matter of adaptation and the ability to communicate in society, make friends, find your “allies”, and also repel “attacks of obvious competition”. Of course, a wonderful life experience can be obtained at the same sports sections or any other circles, where there are also peers and their own circle of friends, but still, most psychologists believe that everyone should go through this kind of “school of life”.

Children must temper themselves, look for a way out of different situations, absorb not only positive, but also negative experience, which you definitely cannot teach in theory.

When your child, protected at home from all the difficulties and problems, nevertheless “comes out” and encounters most of them (“difficult boss”, “student life”, “gray working days”, etc.) , he can simply become depressed, not knowing how to live with it all.

On the other hand, it has long been noted that children who study according to an individual system learn information much faster. Topics and tasks that are studied at school for weeks can be completed by a child in a day or two at home, because the child is more concentrated in such conditions, he is not distracted by classmates, he does not have to listen to what can be read and explained several times.

It has long been noticed that the knowledge of such children is a third higher than their peers, besides, they are not loaded with homework and schedules, so free time can be devoted to other sciences that are not particularly considered in school conditions - painting, art, gardening, needlework, etc. .