Tongue twisters for children 3 4 years old are short. Games for the development of speech

1. Theoretical part and relevance

Studies have found that the correct pronunciation of sounds is very important for the formation a full-fledged personality. A child with good, intelligible speech comes into contact with peers and adults more easily, can clearly express his thoughts and desires. Defects in sound pronunciation make contact difficult. Often in children with problems in sound pronunciation, there is a delay in mental development.

The development of correct sound pronunciation is very important when a child enters school. One of the reasons for poor performance in the Russian language in elementary school is the insufficiently clear pronunciation of sounds. It is difficult for such children to determine the number of sounds in a word, their sequence, to pick up a word with a given sound. Children with poor or insufficiently developed phonemic hearing have difficulty in mastering writing skills at school.

Research scientists show that 20% of children entering school have defects in sound pronunciation, which proves the need for work to teach children the correct sound pronunciation. Various training exercises, such as:

Articulation gymnastics and exercise.


Tongue Twisters.

2. From work experience.

1. Articulatory gymnastics and exercises.

In order for a child to learn to pronounce complex sounds, his lips and tongue must be strong and flexible, hold the necessary position for a long time, and easily make multiple transitions from one movement to another. All this will help to learn articulatory gymnastics and exercises.

Reasons why you need to do articulation gymnastics.

1. Thanks to the timely practice of articulation gymnastics and developmental exercises speech apparatus children themselves can learn to speak clearly and correctly, without the help of a specialist.

2. Articulatory gymnastics is also very useful for children with correct, but sluggish sound pronunciation, about whom they say that they have “porridge in their mouths”.

It must be remembered that a clear pronunciation of sounds is the basis for learning to write at the initial stage.

3. Classes in articulation gymnastics will allow children to learn to speak correctly, clearly and beautifully.

How to do articulation gymnastics:

First, we introduce the child to the basic positions of the lips and tongue with the help of funny stories about the Tongue. At this stage, he should repeat the exercises 2-3 times. Then repeat all the exercises with him at least 5-6 times.

Do not forget to complete tasks aimed at developing voice, breathing and speech hearing. This is very important for correct sound pronunciation.

All exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus are aimed at solving three tasks and, accordingly, are divided into three groups.

Development of tongue mobility (the ability to make the tongue wide and narrow, hold a wide tongue behind the lower incisors, lift it by the upper teeth, move it back and deep into the mouth).

The development of sufficient mobility of the lips (the ability to pull them forward, round, stretch into a smile, form lower lip gap with front upper teeth).

Developing the ability to hold lower jaw in a certain position, which is important for the pronunciation of sounds. When conducting exercises and gymnastics with a child to develop his speech apparatus and prevent speech problems, you need to remember the following: you need to start classes with static exercises (where the tongue does not perform constant movements, but only occupies one position or another) and move on to dynamic only when the baby has mastered the first stage. Lip exercises can be done in any case.

* fairy stories from the life of the Tongue.

Story No. 1 “House for the Tongue”.

Once upon a time there was a Tongue, a very sad Tongue. Yes, and where to take the fun, if he did not have his own house? The tongue had no choice but to live on the street, and there: in autumn - rain, in winter - snow. It was bad for the Tongue. He often had colds and was sick. But once the Tongue found a house for himself - (what?) - his mouth and was very happy. The house should be a fortress, so the Tongue installed two doors - (what?) - the first door - lips, the second - teeth. There were no windows in Tongue's house, but there were built walls: they could swell like balloons.

What are their names? That's right, those are cheeks. And the ceiling was solid and was called the sky. It was warm in Tongue's house and there were no drafts.

Story No. 2 "The tongue makes repairs."

Because of the constant dampness, the Tongue often had to be repaired. First of all, he aired his house, for which he first opened the first door - lips, and then the second - teeth. After that, he carefully wiped them first from the outside, and then from the inside (children, under the guidance of a teacher, make the appropriate movements, that is, they run their tongue along the inside and outside of the lips and teeth). Then the Tongue took a large brush and painted the ceiling - the sky. It was necessary to paint well and for this he firmly pressed the brush (opening his mouth wide, the child moves his tongue 5-10 times forward - backward - the “Painter” exercise). Having completed this work, the Tongue proceeded to paste over the walls - cheeks with wallpaper. He did it very carefully (children move the tongue from top to bottom along inside both cheeks).

After the repair, the tongue washed the floor (children move the tip of the tongue from side to side under the tongue and near the front teeth, while opening the mouth).

* Articulatory gymnastics and exercises based on sound pronunciation.

Thick bell (la-la-la), thin bell (la-la-la)

Ball (t-sss).

Steamboat (h-h-h).

Soldier (ta-ta-ta), soldiers (yeah-yeah-yeah)

Wind (v-v-v, f-f-f).

Kettle (puff-puff).

We blow off the feather (ffff).

Machine (wee-wee-wee).

The steamer is buzzing (s-s-s - loud - big, s-s-s - quiet - small).

Large hammer (d-d-d), small hammer (m-m-m).

The sound of the wheels of a big train (t-t-t), the sound of the wheels of a small train (t-t-t).

The sound of the clock (tick-tock, tick-tock).-

The song of the big motor (r-r-r), the song of the small motor (r-r-r).

The song of a big mosquito (z-z-z), the song of a small mosquito (z-z-z).

The song of the big pump (s-s-s), the song of the little pump (s-s-s).

Song of the wind (sh-sh-sh).

Song of the beetle (f-f-f).

We are shivering from the cold (in-in-in).

At the doctor's (ah-ah-ah).

The girl feeds the chickens (chick-chick).

Chicks (ti-ti-tiss).

The goose is angry (sh-sh-sh).

Snake (sh-sh-sh).

Chicken (ko-ko-ko).

Murka (kiss-kiss).

The horse gallops (clatter).

Chicken (wee-wee-wee).

Goose (ha-ha-ha).

Cuckoo (cuckoo, cuckoo).

Cat (meow-meow-meow),

Horse (and-th-th).

The frog croaks (qua-qua-qua)

The kid calls his mother (me-e-e - quietly), the mother-goat answers the kid (me-e-e - loudly).

A calf is mooing (mu-u-u - quietly).

The lamb calls mom (be-e-e - quietly), the sheep - mother calls the lamb (be-e-e - loudly).

Rooster on the fence (ku-ka-re-ku).

The wolf howls (woo-hoo).

The dog barks (af-af-af).

*Articulatory games and exercises based on imagination and presentation.

- Football

- “Fungus” (We represent the tongue in the form of a mushroom. To do this, the tongue sticks to the palate and is held in this position. At the same time, you need to open your mouth as wide as possible without tearing the tongue from the palate).

- “Sweet jam” (We lick the tongue first with the lower lip, and then the upper. And so several times).

- “Needle” (Turn the tongue into a needle. Pull it forward as far as possible).

- “Watch” (The tongue is an arrow. We pull it forward and drive it to the left - to the right).

- “Thick - thin” (we become either thick or thin. To do this, first we puff out our lips as much as possible, then we pull them in as much as possible).

- “Fence - pipe” (First, we stretch our lips to the sides, show our teeth. This is a fence.

Then we stretch our lips with a tube and buzz: “oooo”).

* Articulation games and exercises based on role-playing games.

- "Snowflake". Each child has a snowflake cut out of paper on their palm. The hand freezes, so the snowflake needs to be blown away. And since it is very small and light, you need to blow it off very carefully. Therefore, we will blow on it like this: close your lips, pronounce the sound n once. Don't blow away. Then we pronounce the sound p several times in a row until the snowflake flies off: p-p-p.

- "We warm our hands." You can use this game as a continuation of the previous one. And you can come up with a new plot. For example, this: we sculpted a snowman and our hands were very cold. You need to warm them up. We bring our hands to our mouth and blow on them like this: x-x-x. - "Blow on the ball." Imagine that we have a balloon on our palms. A competition is announced to see who can blow it off the fastest. But you need to blow it gently and slowly.

- "Horses". Children, depicting horses, stand in the "stable". The teacher says: “Morning has come. All the horses go for a walk. Children one after another walk around the room, raising their legs high, like horses. On a signal: “The horses are going home!” - children pronounce “and-go-go” and quickly run to the “stable”.

- “Cars”. Children are divided into two groups and become arches after each other at opposite walls. To the command: "Let's go!" children, depicting the movements of the steering wheel with their hands, go towards each other towards each other. When they meet, they give “Beep, beep” signals so that the cars don't collide.

2. Clean tongues.

Clean tongues are poetic exercises aimed at developing organs articulation apparatus and helping to practice the pronunciation of some sound with their regular repetition.

It is advisable to pronounce them slowly at first, clearly articulating each sound, as if speaking to a deaf person who can read lips. And then the pace should be increased, but without reducing the quality of pronunciation. You can pronounce tongue twisters first in a whisper, while trying to actively work with your lips and tongue, and then loudly, with the same activity of the organs of articulation. Or you can pronounce the text at first with clenched teeth, activating the work of the lips, and then repeat the phrases with clenched teeth.

* Pure tongues, based only on the repetition of practiced sounds and not carrying a semantic load.

- Ba-bo-by - there are pillars in the yard. - Du-do-yes - the wires are buzzing.
- Boo-by-ba - a pipe sticks out of the window.
- Zhi-zhi-zhi - hedgehogs live here. - For-for-for - go home goat.
- Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles. - Zu-zu-zu - my Katya, we are in the pelvis.
- Zhu-zhu-zhu - let's give milk to the hedgehog.
- Well, well, it's already raining.
- Lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside. - Ma-ma-ma - I'm at home myself.
- Lu-lu-lu - the table is in the corner. - Mu-mu-mu - milk to whom.
- Ul-ul-ul - our chair broke. - We-we-we - we read.
- Ol-ol-ol - we bought salt. - Mi-mi-mi - we sing the note mi-and-and.
- Ra-ra-ra - it's time for Katya to sleep. - Sa-sa-sa - a fox runs in the forest.
- Ry-ry-ry - mosquitoes fly. - Os-os-os - there are a lot of wasps in the clearing.
- Ro-ro-ro - there is a bucket on the floor. - Su-su-su - it was cold in the forest.
- Or-or-or - we swept the yard. - Us-us-us - a goose grazes in the meadow.
- Ri-ri-ri - bullfinches on a branch.
- Ar-ar-ar - a lantern hangs on the wall.
- Choo-choo-choo - I'll light a candle now.
- Choo-choo-choo - it's time to extinguish the candle. - Cha-cha-cha - a candle burns in the room.
- Oh, oh, oh, it's night. - Chi-chi-chi - we sat down around the candle.
- Uch-uch-uch - the sun will wake us up.
- Scha-scha-scha - I'm bringing home a bream. - Li-li-li - poplars are visible in the distance.
- Ash-ash-ash - I put on a raincoat. - Le-le-le - there are many of them in our village.
- La-la-la - but the earth is in fluff from them.
- Sa-sa-sa - oh-oh-oh! The wasp is flying! - La-la-la - we all love poplars.
- Sy-sy-sy - we are not afraid of wasps.
- Su-su-su - did any of you see a wasp? - Ta-ta-ta - we have cleanliness at home.
- Sy-sy-sy - we did not see a wasp. - You-you-you - the cats ate all the sour cream.
- So-and-so - we sat down to play loto.
- Si-si-si - carp in the pond. - Ti-ti-ti - they ate almost all the porridge.
- Xia-sya-sya - to catch crucian. - Cho-cho-cho - we put aside sewing.
- Se-se-se - everyone caught carp. - At-at-at - we go for a walk.
- Xia-Xia-Xia - they did not catch crucian.
- Shu-shu-shu - I'm writing a letter.
- Ash-ash-ash - Marina has a pencil.
- Sha-sha-sha - mother washes the baby.

* Clean tongues that look like an ordinary children's poem, in which the practiced sound is often repeated, carrying an obligatory semantic load.

- Why did the little mistress-
Did the bunnies take the green umbrella?
Then, to hide from the wolf
Under this silk umbrella.
- A turkey is coming from the city,
Bringing a new toy.
The toy is not simple -
Painted turkey.
- Hedgehogs lie by the Christmas tree,
They eat needles.
And below, like small hedgehogs,
Last year's cones lie on the grass.
- Made a cricket jump -
He jumped on a branch.
“I don’t want to get into the net,
I'm not a butterfly - a cricket!"
- The goldfinch chirped and clicked,
Inflated like a balloon, cheeks.
A pike looked out of the pond,
I wondered what it was.
- Striped mattresses
Vlas's daughter rinsed.
rinsed, rinsed,
The river has become striped.
- Thunder rumbles loudly in the sky -
A thunderstorm is threatening us.
Do not thunder, do not threaten
Water the beds with rain.
- growled the bear in the den,
The groundhog in the hole was silent,
They growled, remained silent -
And woke up at dawn.

3. Tongue twisters.

What is a patter? At first glance, it seems that a tongue twister is a fun and harmless game of quickly repeating difficult-to-pronounce verses and phrases. But try to immediately correctly and quickly pronounce any tongue twister. For example:

The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.

Happened? It wasn't there. The whole charm of a tongue twister is that you will never say it the first time. Indeed, according to the rules of the game, the tongue twister is not read, but repeated by ear, which is much more difficult. This makes tongue twisters useful exercises that help improve the sound pronunciation, diction of the child, teach you to quickly change the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing difficult combinations of sounds, help eliminate fuzzy pronunciation, as if with porridge in your mouth, and also turns them into exciting game, in word creation.

To learn how to pronounce a tongue twister quickly and correctly, you need to do it gradually and follow several rules.

Learn to pronounce tongue twisters slowly, but clearly, distinctly and without hesitation.

Learn the tongue twister by heart, while memorizing, pronounce it at a normal pace.

Learn to pronounce the tongue twister quickly, gradually increasing the pace.

For an interesting introduction to the tongue twister in the classroom, you can use different fairy-tale characters, for example, forty Marusya is a champion in pronunciation of tongue twisters. There are also special verses that children really like:

Let's sit down on a hillock, let's tell tongue twisters.

Who wants to talk, he must pronounce

Everything is correct and clear, so that everyone can understand. We will talk and we will speak

So right and clear that it was clear to everyone.

it funny poems with which you can start acquaintance with tongue twisters.

The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.

Rake - row, broom - revenge.

Oars - to carry, skids - to crawl.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.

The cuckoo put on a hood, how funny he is in a hood.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.

The quail hid the quail from the guys.

The raven raven crowed.

Kondrat has a short jacket.

A wasp doesn't have a mustache, don't get it. And the mustache.

Crested laughers laughed, laughed.

White sheep beat the drums.

Bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf

The baker baked the dough early in the morning.

The road to the city is uphill, from the city - from the mountain.

Roma was afraid of thunder,

He roared louder than thunder.

From such a roar of thunder

Hiding behind a hillock.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

Centipedes have too many legs.

Bunny Buba has a toothache.

Ivashka has a shirt

The shirt has pockets.

Hoarfrost lay on the branches of spruce,

The needles turned white overnight.

The cat rolled a ball of thread into a corner.

The cat rolled a ball of thread into a corner.

The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground.

And the sailors ate caramel aground for three weeks.

Say a parrot to a parrot: “I will parrot you to a parrot12

The parrot answers him: “Parrot, parrot, parrot!”

Sawdust is falling from under the saw.

I bought Marusya beads for my grandmother.

Chickens and a hen were drinking tea outside.

Watchmaker, squinting his eyes,

Repairs watches for us.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

You can add a visual image of the plot to each tongue twister to simplify its memorization and subsequent playback, especially at the initial stage.

3. Conclusion.

Thus, the material contained in this work can greatly facilitate the preparation for speech development classes for teachers working with preschoolers.

  1. Develop speech breathing, especially when you pronounce them in different pace: slow, medium, fast.
  2. Improve the quality of diction, that is, make the pronunciation clear.
  3. Develop the sensory abilities necessary to "start" and improve speech.
  4. Train intonation: learn to pronounce questions, exclamations and more.

The child usually pronounces tongue twisters with pleasure, because their stories are riddled with humor, or the situations described in these texts look absurd, incomprehensible. All this attracts, laughs and is well remembered.

If the child is just learning to speak

A question that worries many parents. When will he start speaking correctly? - Next question. Teachers advise first to pronounce tongue twisters slowly and quietly. Or even try this speech therapy reception: to speak with the child face to face in the quietest whisper, almost with only lips, the word you communicate with someone who can read lips.

Then repeat the tongue twister a little louder, and so gradually add sound. In order to learn how to speak, it is important for children to see how an adult articulates, which muscles of the face are involved in making sounds. Toddlers visually “read” even the position of the head and body that a person takes in a conversation.



How to get interested in classes?

Here are some tips on how to turn "boring" activities into fun:

  1. Turn everything into a game that is interesting for both adults and children.
  2. Use picture cards and/or rhyming lines.
  3. Intonate pronunciation, read artistically, "by roles."
  4. Start learning phrases at a leisurely pace: pronounce drawlingly, quietly. It is possible even if you say Difficult words quite difficult.
  5. If with speech breathing all right, add speed. That's why they are tongue twisters, to chatter them without straying.
  6. It would be appropriate to compete between children of the same age: who will pronounce faster and cleaner.



Simple tongue twisters for kids 1-2 years old

At the age when the child is just learning to speak, it will be appropriate to train him to pronounce the sounds [g], [d], [h], [s].

To train sounds [g] and [d]

A dove in a blue boa was eating blueberries on a branch.

There is a mountain in the middle of the yard.

Geese are chirping on the mountain, fire is burning under the mountain.

The jackdaw sat on the fence, the rook started a conversation with her.

“Ha-ha-ha,” cackles the goose. “I am proud of my family!”

The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, hollowed out, but did not hollow out, did not hollow out.

Grandfather Dodon blew a tune. He touched Dima with a pipe.

Grandfather Danila shared a melon: a slice - Dima, a slice - Dina.

Nadya didn't finish eating the melon - Nadya got tired of the melon.

Doo-doo-doo - here I go with a song.

Yes, yes, yes - here big cities.

Dee-dee-dee - don't go far.

Do-do-do - they made a nest for the chicks.

To train sounds [h], [s]

Mow the scythe until the dew. Down with dew - and we are home.

The flute whistle with a flute.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sleigh - lope, Senka from his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

Ta-ta-ta, our house is clean.

You-you-you - the cats ate all the sour cream.

Zoya's bunny is called Zaznayka.

Umbrella caught on the fence. There is a pattern in the curls of the umbrella.

Winter morning birch trees ring from the frost at dawn.

Watermelons were loaded from body to body.

"Linguistics" for children 2-3 years old

There is a formation of sounds and their pairs [b] - [p], [c] - [f], [k], [t], [x]. As well as the sounds [m], [n]. Now is the time to set them up and practice.

To train sounds [b] and [n]

Sheep beat drums.

White snow, white chalk, white sugar is also white. But the squirrel is not white, it was not even white.

All beavers are kind to their cubs.

Beavers wander into the cheese forests - beavers are brave!

A bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf baked from dough early in the morning.

Petru baked pies.

The quail sang outside the village, the black grouse sang among the trees. The quail sang and sang - the black grouse quailed.

The parrot says to the parrot: “I, parrot, parrot!”

To train sounds [v] and [f]

Valya wet her felt boots on a thawed patch. Valenka's felt boots are drying on the mound.

Barbara guarded the chickens, and the crow stole the chickens.

I led the ox into the yard, led the ox by the horns. She led an ox into the barn, and the ox took me into the garden.

Fedya has a jersey, Faya has shoes.

Beans, beans - that's grown beans.

Fedya is afraid of the owl - the owl can get angry.

To train the sound [k]

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Put on a cuckoo hood. How funny he is in the hood.

A mosquito got into Makar's pocket. The mosquito in Makar's pocket disappeared. The magpie crackled about this in the forest: “The cow has disappeared in Makar’s pocket!”

A cow does not eat a box of crusts - a box of hay is more dear to her.

Capa Kapiton bought a pile of caps.

Cap on cap. Under the cap - cap.

The cat of the thread rolled into a corner.

For sound training [t]

Thirty-three striped piglets have thirty-three tails hanging.

They stomp and stomp. They stomped to the poplar, but their feet stomped.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Thirty-three crows in a row chatter, rumble.

The black grouse was sitting in Terenty's cage, and the black grouse with the black grouse was in the forest on a branch.

The fellow ate thirty-three pies with a pie, and all with cottage cheese.

To train the sound [x]

Get up, Arkhip, - the rooster is hoarse.

Crested laughter laughed: "Ha-ha-ha."

Arkhip is hoarse, and Osip is hoarse.

Zakhar sniffed the ear and praised it: “Wow, good ear!”

Prokhor and Pahom rode on horseback.

The fly-pity sat on the ear.



Useful tongue twisters for children 3-4 years old

It is believed that this is the age of mastering hissing and whistling sounds. You can practice their pronunciation with the help of these "rhymes". We have already mentioned the sound [h] - here are all the exercises, except for it.

To train the sounds [w] and [w]

In a hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks and, juggling with knives, eats a thing of figs.

The mice washed the bowls of the bear.

The mouse whispers to the mouse: "You are all rustling, you are not sleeping." The mouse whispers to the mouse: "I will rustle more quietly."

Even your neck, even your ears, you stained with black ink. Hurry up and take a shower, and wash your mascara under the shower. After the shower, dry yourself dry and do not stain your ears anymore.

Masha has a midge in porridge. What should our Masha do? She put the porridge in a bowl and fed the cat.

I knit a vine in the forest. I'm taking a vine to the cart. Goat, do not lick the vine - I will punish!

The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin.

Above Zhora a beetle, buzzing, circling. Zhora is trembling from fear. Why is Zhora trembling so? It's not scary because the bug is buzzing.

A toad, a crane and a yellow bug went to the meadow to visit the hedgehog.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

To train the sound [ts]

A gypsy on tiptoe shouted to a chicken: "Shush!"

The heron was tenacious, the heron did not wait long - with its beak the heron swallowed the whole frog.

The circus performer knows how to prance, train animals and birds.

Once upon a time there were three Japanese: Yak, Yak-Tsin-Drak, Yak-Tsin-Drak-Tsindroni.

The heron scooped up a cup of chamomile tea. The heron has a whole vat of tea, the heron-doctor meets the sick.

To train the sound [h]

The baker baked kalachi in a hot oven.

On Thursday, the fourth, at four and a quarter, four black, grimy little devils were drawing a blueprint in black ink.

On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney.

A blackbird gave a bunch of blueberries to a black daw.

Why does a bee, a bee, have no bangs? I answer why: "The bee does not need bangs."

Chu! There is a cricket in the closet. Clearly audible: "Chok-chok-chok."

To train the sound [w]

Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.

Skinny, weak Koschei is dragging a box of vegetables.

The pike treated the bream with borscht.

Scales at the pike, bristle at the pig.

The pike tries in vain to infringe on the bream.

Tongs and pincers - these are our things.

I drag the pike, I drag. I won't miss the pike.

Toddlers by the age of 3-4 already speak quite smartly, but their speech is still fuzzy and slurred. Usually children aged 4-5 do not pronounce the letter P and many hissing sounds. In order for the baby to learn to speak correctly and clearly, special exercises are needed. Clean tongues for children will help parents deal with kids. All that is needed for this is well-chosen tongue twisters and tongue twisters for a complex letter.

By pronouncing the rhymes of the tongue-twister, children learn to correctly pronounce individual sounds in words. in addition, tongue twisters are needed to train the child’s speech so that all sounds are pronounced clearly and clearly by the baby.

Pronunciation exercises will allow your baby to form correct pronunciation phrases and words with difficult letters. Anchoring clear pronunciation sounds contribute to the frequent repetition of tongue twisters, short rhymes and small poems with a "difficult" letter.

Choose a phrase for difficult letter and take care of your child!

Clean tongues starting with the letter B

Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba- Mom, mom, out the pipe!
Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo- You buy me a pipe too!
Be-be-be, be-be-be-be - I blew on the pipe.
Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba - no need for a pipe!

Ba-bo-by - there are poles in the yard.
Boo-by-ba - a pipe sticks out of the window.

Grandma had a ram
He beat briskly on the drum,
And the butterflies danced
Under the grandmother's window.

Behemoth opened his mouth
Behemoth asks for rolls.

In the primer at Pinocchio
Trousers, bun and boot.

White snow, white chalk,
White sugar is also white.
But the squirrel is not white,
It wasn't even white.

Bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf
The baker baked the dough early in the morning.

The boyar-beaver has no wealth, no good.
A beaver's two beavers are better than any good.

Cleanliness starting with the letter B

Wah-wah-wah, wah-wah-wah - that's tall grass.
You-you-you, you-you-you - even above your head.
Ve-ve-ve, ve-ve-ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass.
Woo-woo-woo, woo-woo-woo - a bouquet of cornflowers narva.

Vanya is sitting on the sofa,
Bathtub under the sofa
In this bath instead of a bath
They often washed Vanechka.

Around the stake loach and hops
Curl on the wattle fence:
Curl, weave, weave,
They are being reopened.

The doctors saved the sparrow and carried him into the helicopter.
The helicopter turned its propellers, agitated the grass with flowers.

Clean tongues for the letter G

Ha-ha-ha - the goat has horns.
Gu-gu-gu - I run across the meadow.
Go-go-go - there is a wagon.

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha - do you want a pie, Galya?
Gu-gu-gu, gu-gu-gu - I can't eat them anymore.
Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi - I don't need pies.
Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo - and I can't either.
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha - where are both pies?

Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!

A goose with a goose walked in single file.
The gander looks down on the gander.
Oh, the gander will pluck the sides of the gander.

Clean tongues starting with the letter D

Du-do-yes - the wires are buzzing.
Yes Yes Yes - warm water.
Doo-doo-doo - I won't go to sleep.
De de de de - I don't know where.
Dee-dee-dee - sit still.

Yes-yes-yes, yes-yes-yes - don't go there, Vadim!
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo - I'll go there anyway.
Dee-dee-dee, dee-dee-dee - you're dressed, don't go!
Yes-yes-yes, yes-yes-yes - oh! Cold water!
De-de-de, de-de-de - that's the trouble! Vadim, where are you?
Dy-dy-dy, dy-dy-dy - you can only hear it from the water.

The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, but did not hollow it out.
The woodpecker hammers the tree, hammers the bark day and night.
A woodpecker heals an ancient oak, a good woodpecker loves an oak.

Daria gives Dina melons.
Dina has a day, Dima has two.

Rain, rain, don't rain!
Rain, rain, wait!
Let the gray-haired grandfather reach the house!

Clean tongues with the letter J

The hedgehog has quills.
But they do not sew, alas, hedgehogs.
Threads are not needed for a hedgehog.
Same, same, same,
This is a song about a hedgehog.

Zha-zha-zha - two hedgehogs ran away.
Zhu-zhu-zhu-hedgehog I knit a sweater.

Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha - there is a hedgehog at the hedgehog.
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu - somehow I came to a hedgehog.
Zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi - show me a hedgehog.
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu - I'm not friends with snakes.
Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha - already leaves the hedgehog.

I met a hedgehog in the thicket:
- How's the weather, hedgehog?
- Fresh.

Frightened bear cub
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog,
Siskin with a siskin and with a chizhonk,
Swift with a shear and with a three cub.

Clean tongues with the letter Z

Zi-zi-zi, zi-zi-zi - bring the monkey!
Zya-za-za, za-za-za - monkeys are not allowed here.
Zi-zi-zi, zi-zi-zi - if you can't - don't bring it.

For-for-for, for-for-for - a goat is tied here.
Zy-Zy-Zy, Zy-Zy-Zy - a goat has little grass.
Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu - we untied the goat.
For-for-for, for-for-for - a goat climbs into the garden.
Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu - they tied the goat again.

We bought Zina in the store.
Zina was taken home in a basket.
Zina waited for the winter in a basket
We know where Zina is. Go look!

Clean tongues starting with the letter K

cuckoo cuckoo
I bought a hood.
Put on a cuckoo hood -
He's funny in the hood.

A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in a cap style.
A bell is poured, a bell is forged, but not in a bell-like way.
It is necessary to recap the cap, but recap it.
It is necessary to re-bell the bell, and re-bell it.

Clean tongues with the letter L

La-la-la - here's a drink.
Loy-loy-loy - we saw with a saw.
Ly-ly-ly - there is no saw.
Lu-lu-lu - they broke the saw.
Lu-lu-lu - bought a new saw.

Lu-lu-lu- sharpened roofing saw
Li-li-li - salty soup, Ilya's!

Li-li-li, li-li-li - poplars are visible in the distance.
Le-le-le, le-le-le - there are many of them in our village.
La-la-la, la-la-la - but the earth is in fluff from them.
La-la-la, la-la-la - we all love poplars.
Lu-lu-lu, lu-lu-lu - poplars and I love.

In the meadow under the burdock the frog has a summer house,
And in the frog swamp she has a big dacha.

Laika and lap dog barked loudly.
The Oriole sang for a long time over the Volga.

Clean tongues starting with the letter M

Ma-ma-ma - I'm at home myself.
Mu-mu-mu - milk to whom?
Mo-mo-mo - eat popsicle.
We-we-we - we read.
Mi-mi-mi - sing the note mi.

Clean tongues starting with the letter H

Na-na-na - we can see the star.
An-an-an - there is a cockroach on the wall.
No-no-no - a vase on the window.
No, no, no, the lights are burning far away.
In-in-in - a dolphin is swimming towards us.
But-but-but - we'll go to the cinema.
He-he-he is an elephant in the zoo.
Well, well, well, I'll scare you.
Un-un-un - in fairy tales there is a sorcerer.
Eun-eun-eun is the eldest son.
Nu-nu-nu - I will give hay to the horse.
Ny-nya-nya - find me.
Yang-yan-yan - where does thyme grow?

Clean tongues starting with the letter P

Up-ap-up - snoring is heard.
Ip-ip-ip - wheezing is heard somewhere.
Op-op-op - very fat pop.
Op-op-op - press stop.
Po-po-po - our tram goes to the depot.
Oop-up-up - eat, children, soup.
Yap-yap-yap - do not do everything tyap-blunder.

P! We put our lips together.
- P! - we will exhale sharply!
- P, P, P! - we puff deafly,
Sound has no voice!

P, P, P! - let off steam
Samovar full of tea.
Porridge on the stove puffs,
Steam escapes from under the lid.
Steam locomotive lets
Running along the rails.
Floating smoothly on the river
The steamboat blazes…

Our sharp saw -
She didn't drink, she sang.
Didn't drink, didn't eat
Never sat down.
She sang as loudly as she could
Cheerful saw.

The children asked the rooster:
- Why is your name Petya?
So Peter answered the children:
- I can sing well.

Clean tongues starting with the letter R

Ryu-ryu-ryu, ryu-ryu-ryu - how much do I talk?
Ri-ri-ri, ri-ri-ri - from dawn to dawn.
Re-re-re, re-re-re - about the mountain and the hole.
Rya-rya-rya, rya-rya-rya - about lakes and seas.
Ryu-ryu-ryu, ryu-ryu-ryu - I say and say.
Rya-rya-rya, rya-rya-rya - about everything, but, apparently, in vain!

Rya-rya-rya: scarlet dawn.
Ryu-ryu-ryu: I draw the dawn.
Ri-ri-ri: speak clearly.
Ra-ra-ra: I have to go to school.
Re-re-re: games in the yard.
Ro-ro-ro: light feather.
Ry-ry-ry: poems for children.
Ru-ru-ru: entertain the kids.
Ar-ar-ar: steam comes out of the pot.
Or-or-or: we got into an argument.
Ir-ir-ir: the commander builds the company.

Varya's mittens disappeared on the boulevard,
Varya returned in the evening from the boulevard,
And I found Varvara in the pocket of the mittens.

Forty-forty said:
- I, like a fish, keep quiet in the lesson.

Mink under a walnut bush.
A mink lives in a mink.

Clusters of mountain ash burn in the sun.
It burns from mountain ash in the eyes of the guys.

I have poppies and chamomile on my pocket.

Khariton has four crayfish and two newts in his aquarium.

There were three priests, three Procopius priests,
Three Prokopevich.
They talked about the priest, about Procopius the priest,
About Prokopievich.

Kar! crow cries.
— Theft!
Guard! Robbery! The missing!
The thief crept early in the morning!
He stole the brooch from his pocket!
And a nice box!
"Stop, crow, don't cry!"
Don't scream, shut up.
You can't live without cheating!
You don't have a pocket.
- How? ! —
The crow jumped
And blinked in surprise.
Why didn't you say it before? !
Kar-r-raul! Kar-r-rman ukr-r-rali!

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass:
One firewood, two firewood, three firewood;
Firewood along the yard
Firewood across the yard -
Will not accommodate a yard of firewood;
Get firewood out of the yard!
Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard!

Forty forty for their forties
Forty shirts, scribbling without quarreling.
Forty shirts stitched on time -
Immediately quarreled
Immediately quarreled
Forty-forty immediately quarreled.

A healthy radical got into a fight with a cow!

Clean tongues starting with the letter C

Sya-sya-sya, sya-sya-sya - they didn’t catch crucian.
Se-se-se, se-se-se - everyone caught carp.
Si-si-si, si-si-si - crucians in the pond.
Sya-sya-sya, sya-sya-sya - that would catch crucian carp!
Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa - oh-oh-oh, a wasp is flying!
Sy-sy-sy, sy-sy-sy - we are not afraid of wasps!
Su-su-su, su-su-su - did any of you see a wasp?
Sy-sy-sy, sy-sy-sy - we did not see a wasp.
Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa - guess where the wasp is.

Sa-sa-sa: there is a wasp on the table.
Su-su-su: we are not afraid of the wasp.
Sy-sy-sy: the sting is sharp at the wasp.
Se-se-se: let's give jelly to the wasp.

The titmouse said with a laugh to her neighbor:
- Become the most agile magpie seeks!

Oh, you canopy, canopy, canopy
Sleepy Senya came out into the canopy.
And Senya stumbled in the passage,
And somersault through the steps.

Sun-Sun - golden bottom.
The sun is the sun shine.
The sun - the sun burn.


Ta-ta-ta - we have cleanliness at home.
You-you-you - all cats ate sour cream.
Tu-tu-tu - pour milk to the cat.
Ti-ti-ti - we almost ate porridge.
Cho-cho-cho - we put aside sewing.
So-and-so, we played loto.
At-at-at - we will go for a walk with you.
At-at-at - we take a scooter with us.

All day, where the stump -
I braid the wattle and unweave.
Under the wattle all day - a shadow!


Wa-wa-wa - the kids are crying in the stroller.
Ay-ay - who was lost, I don’t understand.
Uuuuuu - the wolf howls in the forest.
Uh-uh-uh - our iron has heated up.
Uch-uch-uch - a beam of sun shines through the window.
Ur-ur-ur - the cat told us: "Moore!".

Clean tongues starting with the letter F

Fa-fa-fa - there is a sofa in the corner.
Af-af-af - the count lives in the castle.
Fe-fe-fe - he lives in Ufa.
Fe-fe-fe - we'll go to the cafe.

Feofan Mitrofanych
Three sons of Feofanych.

The wizard Felix lived in the mountains
With the letter F and the Phoenix bird.
Felix lit the flashlight,
The Phoenix bird was on fire.

Clean tongues starting with the letter X

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha - we have two roosters.
Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee - all the roosters are fighting.
Hoo-hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo-hoo - their beaks are all down.
Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee - stop fighting, roosters!
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha - two roosters without tails.

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha - for lunch we have an ear.
Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee - let me try the soup.
He-he-he, he-he-he - salt alone in your ear.
Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee - I do not want such a soup!

Crested laughter laughed with laughter:
- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Clean tongues starting with the letter C

Tsy-tsy-tsy - the chicks want to eat.
Tsu-tsu-tsu - they gave us a cucumber each.
Tsy-tsy-tsy - we washed the cucumbers.

Tso-tso-tso, tso-tso-tso, the hen laid an egg.
Tsu-tsu-tsu, tsu-tsu-tsu pussy reaching for the egg.
Tsa-tsa-tsa, tsa-tsa-tsa scat, kitten, from the egg!
Tsu-tsu-tsu, tsu-tsu-tsu, don't let him near the egg!
Tso-tso-tso, tso-tso-tso, we ourselves will eat the egg.
Tsy-tsy-tsy, tsy-tsy-tsy drove away? Well done!
Tse-tse-tse, tse-tse-tse, here is the tale of the egg.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - listen to the tale to the end.
Tsu-tsu-tsu - the case is nearing the end.
Tsy-tsy-tsy - we chop off all the ends.
Tse-tse-tse - what will we learn at the end?
Ets-ets-ets - the end of winter.
Ets-ets - a starling flies.
Tsa-tsa-tsa - we saw a starling.
Tsy-tsy-tsy - starlings sing in the yard.

The tit bird is not great, but clever.
The chicken drinks water from a saucer.

Clean tongues starting with the letter H

Cha-cha-cha-cha, - a candle burns on the table.
Cho-cho-cho-cho, - oh, how hot it is for a candle.
Choo-choo-choo-choo, - I will blow on the candle.
Chi-chi-chi-chi, I'll blow out the flame at the candle.

Cha-cha-cha - a bunny is sitting at the doctor.
Choo-choo-choo - the doctor goes to the rook.

Four turtles have four baby turtles.

The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.
The turtle makes everyone laugh because it's not in a hurry.
And where to rush to someone who is always in his house.

On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney,
Blackness in the chimney. Find a cat there!

Clean tongues starting with the letter Sh

Sha-sha-sha-sha - our Tanya is good.
Sho-sho-sho-sho - sings well.
Shu-shu-shu-shu, - sings a song to the baby.
Shi-shi-shi-shi, - kids love songs.

Sixteen mice walked
And six carried pennies;
And the mice, which is worse
Noisily rummage pennies.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies.
Two mice that were worse carried two pennies.

Clean tongues starting with the letter W

Scha-scha-scha-scha - in the rain I get wet without a raincoat.
Schu-shu-shu-shu - I'm looking for an umbrella for myself.
Shche-shche-shche - I will walk in a raincoat.
Shche-shche-shche-shche - and more in boots.

Osh-osh-osh, osh-osh-osh - we will cook borscht.
Scha-scha-scha, scha-scha-scha - there are no beets for borscht.
Shchi-shchi-shchi, shchi-shchi-shchi - let's cook cabbage soup better.
Schu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu - I'll look for cabbage.
Osh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh - don't put the horsetail in the pot!
Schu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu - I'll look for a carrot.
Scha-scha-scha, scha-scha-scha - brother brought home a bream.
Shchi-shchi-shchi, shchi-shchi-shchi - let's eat cabbage soup first.

I brush my teeth with this brush, my shoes with this brush,
I clean my trousers with this brush, I need all three brushes.

I'm dragging the pike, dragging, I won't miss the pike.

The pike swallowed the brush, the brush tickles her throat.
- An amazing thing! What kind of fish did I eat?

Here are such speeches and rhymes for the differentiation of sounds. You can write in the comments your tongue twisters that helped you cope with a difficult sound.

Good luck with your audio!

One of the main tasks of the child of the first five years of life is the development of speech. This includes mastering a sufficient supply of words, and the rules for their construction, and the correct pronunciation of sounds. mother tongue. The success of this important business for the baby depends primarily on the family. But if the poverty of the vocabulary of their baby, the parents notice errors in the construction of phrases and strive to correct them, then the defects in diction in the child (except for the sound p) are often not recognized by them in time. This is where experts come in to help. kindergarten.

Properly selected counting rhymes and tongue twisters for children 4-5 years old in kindergarten are becoming one of the most popular exercises for developing speech. But take advantage of the funny and useful word games parents can, and everyone who is interested in working out the purity of sounds in children, shaping beautiful, correct diction in them.

Rhymes, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, sayings - all these are excellent educational ones that serve to develop the memory, speech and diction of the child. They are known to people, probably from the time when a person began to speak. In some ways they are similar, but slightly different.

Rhymes are rhyming quatrains that are used in different games in order to choose a driver. They were created not to develop diction, but to streamline the game. There are no deliberately complicated sound combinations in them. On the contrary, they are easy to remember. Although for a child of 3-5 years old, many sounds are difficult to pronounce even without complication.

But since counting rhymes are important part games, children willingly learn them and then repeat them themselves, without deliberate prompting by adults. Since at such a moment it is important for the child to be understood by other participants in the game, he strives to pronounce the words clearly and legibly. So counting rhymes serve to develop the memory and speech of children. Summer, autumn is the best time for children to play outdoors using counting rhymes.

Russian tongue twisters and tongue twisters, unlike the counting rhyme, intentionally include words and combinations of sounds that are difficult to pronounce quickly.

Clean tongues, like sayings, are folk art, a verbal joke, a trap for the tongue of someone who tries to pronounce quickly outwardly simple words. What makes them difficult is the order and selection in the sentence.

Tongue twisters are almost the same as tongue twisters. Not without reason, these words often replace each other, but a tongue twister can have famous author. Often, Russian tongue twisters or tongue twisters are sayings and proverbs designed in a playful, playful form. That is, phrases that carry life experience. “You can’t change our sexton to become” (you can’t change a person)

Today, experts come up with and develop such developing speech therapy poems that will help the child work out the pronunciation of a particular sound.

Tongue Twisters. Cartoons for the little ones

Sound L

They begin to learn counting rhymes, tongue twisters already with children of three to four years. These are pronunciation exercises. simple letters- L, N, T. At this age, it is not so easy to pronounce even these sounds clearly.

Sound G

In mastering the sound G, counting rhymes, sayings, games will help kids. For example, such a game as "Geese, geese, ha-ha-ha ...".

It is also necessary to develop auditory attention, learn to distinguish similar sounds - G. K, X. This will help children learn tongue twisters with similar sounds.

Mixed sound exercises

Only having worked simple sounds, with preschoolers 4-5 years old, they move on to mastering more complex, mixed sounds. These include hissing sounds, R, C.

To work them out, children not only learn poems, sayings and counting rhymes, but also perform special exercises for the development of speech.

For good diction in children, it is necessary to develop auditory attention, correct setting breathing, the articulatory apparatus itself - the muscles of the tongue, lips.

To develop the correct inhalation and exhalation with a child, you can play such games:

  • The "biggest bubble" is blowing soap bubbles.
  • Another exercise that serves the same purpose is Paper Football. A small, light ball rolls from a thin piece of paper. The task of the baby is to blow it into the gate indicated by some objects.
  • "Storm in a teacup". A tube is lowered into a glass of water and the baby blows out air, trying to arrange as many bubbles as possible.

Sound Zh

Tongue twisters with hissing sounds are quite insidious. In contrast to the sound R, which is difficult for children and inability.

Unlike the sound R, which is difficult for children and the inability to pronounce it is heard immediately, hissing sounds are pronounced, but not cleanly, confusing with others that are similar. For good diction, it is necessary that the sibilants are pronounced correctly.

To consolidate the pronunciation of the hissing, you can play the game “Depict Winter” with the children, where they must voice the sound of a blizzard, the whistle of a blizzard, etc. with their voice. Or depicting summer, depict the buzzing of insects.

R sound

In mastering the sound R, the development of the articulatory apparatus is especially important. Therefore, it is necessary to learn complex sayings, counting rhymes or funny poems with this sound in combination with doing gymnastics for lips and tongue. For example, these exercises:

  • "Brush". Depicting whitewashing, drive the tongue across the sky forward and backward.
  • "My walls." Move your tongue to the right - to the left along the inside of the teeth, first at the top, then at the bottom
  • "Up down". The protruding tongue swings up and down.

As a tongue twister, you can use the well-known children's nursery rhyme "The magpie-crow cooked porridge ..."

Complex tongue twisters

The next step in mastering sounds is complex tongue twisters. Difficult tongue twisters are those that train not one letter, but the pronunciation of three sounds at once. If only two letters are worked out in them, then it is necessary in a very difficult sound combination.

How to learn such difficult sayings with children? Here are some tips.

  1. At first, the adult slowly pronounces developing tongue twisters together with the child, then the pace gradually increases.
  2. It is better to learn poetic tongue twisters by beating the rhythm with your palms. This will help your child remember them.
  3. If the child does not understand the meaning individual words or the entire patter, explain them to him. Comprehension will make it easier to remember and help avoid mistakes in pronunciation.
  4. Don't force the kids, play with them when they feel like it.
  5. Don't scold if something doesn't work.


As a rule, speech is well developed in children 3-4 years old. However, many kids find it difficult to make hissing sounds and the letter R. Therefore, it is important to choose the right tongue twisters and tongue twisters for children 3-4 years old. Not only parents or speech therapists should deal with the children, but also educators in kindergarten. Then the baby will quickly begin to speak all the necessary sounds, and subsequently letters.

Why do we need tongue twisters and tongue twisters

This form of education is necessary in order for the child to develop diction correctly. With the help of tongue twisters and tongue twisters, hearing is developed, vocabulary, thinking, memory and much more.

The teacher must not only clearly pronounce the sounds, but also change the intonation. After all, it is very important for children to understand the essence of a poem or a tongue-twister. Intonation can be with good notes, loud sounds or quiet. In the article, we will consider tongue twisters and tongue twisters for children 3-4 years old for the most complex sounds.

If the child does not hear individual sounds, then it is necessary to pay attention to which pronunciation depends individual sounds, words and subsequently sentences. In order for the baby to improve the development of speech every day, it is necessary to practice from an early age.

Clean tongues for children: simple sounds

Some babies cannot pronounce letters such as L, N, T. You should start with them. Until the child learns to speak simple sounds, he will not be able to pronounce more complex ones. Clean tongues for children in kindergarten are taught both collectively and individually.

It all depends on the child, on how he learns the material. The first tongue twister teaches not only to pronounce sounds, but also to share with friends.

1. Al-al-al - the hare jumped across the field,

Ol-ol-ol - he found a carrot there,

Il-il-il - a friend asked him,

Al-al-al - and he gave a carrot to a friend.

2. An-an-an - we knock on the drum,

Yang-yan-yan - they brought us a button accordion,

Na-na-na - the music is written,

Ta-ta-ta - she plays tra-ta-ta.

3. So-and-so - summer will come soon,

Ti-ti-ti - children are walking cheerfully,

Tu-tu-tu - we will take a coin,

Tu-tu-tu - buy a big candy.

Complicated tongue twisters

When you have passed the easy stage, you can move on to the difficult one. To do this, you need to teach more complex tongue twisters with children. For children 3-4 years old, it is very important to learn how to pronounce them.

After all, the development of speech in the future depends on them. Complex sounds are considered such: R, Sh, Ch, Ts.

1. Ash-ash-ash - the children built a new hut,

Osh-osh-osh - the house turned out good,

Sho-sho-sho - how good it is in our house,

Sha-sha-sha - our Masha came to us,

Ash-ash-ash - helped build a hut.

2. Chu-choo-choo - I want to go outside,

Cha-cha-cha - I have a task,

Che-che-che - you have to eat, not otherwise,

Chi-chi-chi - eat and jump into the street.

3. Tso-tso-tso - Kolya found an egg,

Tsu-tsu-tsu - then I saw a chicken,

Tso-tso-tso - I realized whose egg,

Tse-tse-tse - again gave it to the chicken.

4. Ro-ro-ro - winter will come soon,

Ra-ra-ra - the snow will be made of silver,

Ri-ri-ri - children walk until dawn,

Re-re-re - the game is in full swing.

Clean tongues for children 3-4 years old in verse help to remember and pronounce them better. At this age, the kids are still restless, so you need to deal with them for a short time, a maximum of 10 minutes. Then it is advisable to take a break and again in game form study.

Tongue twisters for children of the younger group

Classes with kids should be fun and relaxed. If you don't force it. After all, then he will lose the desire to practice. Tongue twisters are a great game that helps to develop the child's speech even more. It is important that the baby has developed phonemic hearing.

1. Sa-sa-sa - a wasp is flying towards us, there is a lot of black stripe on the back of the wasp.

2. Tanya, Sanya and Anya have a cage with big spiders.

3. Sasha and Masha are walking with Dasha. Natasha also came to them. They walk in our yard.

4. Bunny jumped on the lawn, he walked and jumped, and caught a grasshopper.

5. Oh, what beautiful rams play on a big and bright drum.

6. Cute red chanterelles took matches from mom. Chanterelles went to the edge, almost set fire to the top of the tree.

7. Katya sang a song on the big ladder.

8. Our Masha ate porridge, treated Misha, Sasha. The children ate a lot of porridge.

9. A hedgehog needs snakes for dinner.

The above tongue twisters will help to cope with difficult sounds. To do this, try to pay attention to the development of speech as often as possible. If you regularly engage with children, then there is every chance to teach them to speak quickly and correctly.

Games for the development of speech

It is useful for children to play not only tongue twisters or tongue twisters. It is also necessary to play games with children, which are very important for the development of speech. Thanks to them, classes can be held a little longer than the appointed time.

Game "Continue the chain"

The teacher calls the word, and the child selects an adjective for it. For example, what is a cat? Children pick up: white, gray, fluffy, soft, kind, gentle, affectionate, etc. Such questions can be asked on any subject.

Game "Animal Description"

The teacher shows the children a card with a cow and asks them to describe it in turn. Let one child say what color the animal is, the other kid remembers how it talks.

You can also ask the children who milks the cow and what she gives people, what she eats, etc. There can be a lot of such cards. These are marine animals, forest or domestic.

Game "Edible-inedible"

The teacher puts all the children in a circle, and he himself becomes in the center. Then the teacher throws the ball to the guys in turn, while naming the object. For example, a chair. If it is inedible, the baby does not catch the ball. And if the teacher named, for example, an apple, the child must catch the ball. Such a game for children is not only educational, but also very interesting. If a child at 3 years old does not quite understand the meaning, then at 4 years old he will play with pleasure.

Interesting tongue twisters for children 3-4 years old. Junior group only learns the basic sounds and letters, so the teacher should not rush when learning. Children need to slowly and clearly pronounce each word and stop at a separate, more complex sound.

If the kids do not want to engage right now, do not force them. Indeed, otherwise, many children will lose the desire to learn and develop. Therefore, work with babies only when they have good mood and there is desire.

When playing with children, do not forget to take small breaks to rest, gain strength and perseverance.

If the children fail certain sound Don't scold or punish them. Remember that every child is different and should be approached accordingly. All children need support, understanding, affection. Be patient when dealing with small children.


We reviewed tongue twisters for children 3-4 years old. In kindergarten, the card file of such games is large, and it is possible to give each child enough attention so that his speech development improves.

Many educators and parents themselves come up with tongue twisters and tongue twisters. You can also involve children in this activity. After all, then their imagination and intelligence develop better.

Clean tongues for children are both complex and simple. It all depends on the sounds and knowledge of the baby. Many children do not like to repeat and learn for a long time, so if you see that there is no attention from the kids, stop playing this kind of game with them. Better continue the next time you understand their readiness.

Teach your little ones, but remember that interest is very important to them. Therefore, do not forget to conduct all classes only in a playful way.