Hypocrisy is the origin of the word. What does the word hypocrisy mean

Modern society is distinguished by rather liberal views in everyday life, and this is manifested in a relatively free attitude to what is happening.

It is customary in society to oppose free views to hypocritical ones, and in this case, a free attitude to life is considered healthy and is the norm. for most of the society. In such a situation, everyone should understand who the “prudence” is.

Meaning of the word

Various explanatory dictionaries provide different interpretations of this word.

The most common use of the word "prudence" in the meaning of a person who is hypocritical, hiding behind ostentatious piety, and focuses on the strict observance of various rules, mainly with one goal, so that his behavior stands out and be noticed by others. That is, this is an outwardly pious person, who in fact is not.

The second meaning suggests that such a hypocrite is engaged in deliberately looking for flaws from others for the purpose of their further censure. He himself does not notice his shortcomings, even if they are the same as those that he ridicules.

According to an entry in Dahl's dictionary, a hypocrite is a two-faced person, a pretender who speaks of his imaginary piety. In addition, in some regions, a beggar and a slut are called a hypocrite.

In Ozhegov's dictionary this lexeme corresponds to the meaning of false holiness or chivalry, a crafty person.

That is, this is a person who deliberately sticks out his compliance with certain standards, and this compliance exists only in words.

In speech, this word used frequently Moreover, the term “prudence” became widespread after the collapse of the USSR, when many people turned to the church in order to receive certain benefits and fit into society, and not for the purpose of saving their souls and faith.

It happens that a person is subject to propaganda and tries keep up with the crowd, often disguising their unseemly deeds and hiding their real views.

Prude traits

Allocate two dashes bigotry:

  • double standards in relation to others and to yourself;
  • exaggerated demands on people.

The favorite pastime of the classic hypocrite is teaching others and defending his point of view. However, their own internal content often does not at all correspond to the views they declare. The hypocrite tries to impersonate a sincere, disinterested person, reads morality, evaluates everyone around, engages in sophistry (substitution of concepts with the help of speech tricks).

He tends to use in speech lexemes: tolerance, justice, equality, honesty, openness.

It is worth considering that in addition to conscious hypocrisy, when a person pretends to be a person with high moral qualities, there is also unconscious hypocrisy. Unfortunately, it is often a symptom of a mental disorder that requires medication or psychotherapy.

As a rule, this is a kind of self-deception and a subconscious attempt to hide their unsightly sides in order to maintain respect in their social circle. The unconscious hypocrite not only lies to himself, but can be aggressive and unable to adequately perceive the world around them.

The history of the word "prudish"

In ancient Rus' before the penetration into the Russian language from the Arabic language of the word "prudence", the word was actively used "empty", with the same meaning. The term itself, it is believed, was one of the first to be used in his work by Omar Khayyam to denounce two-faced people.

By the way, in Russian literature, the image of a hypocrite man was also repeatedly used, for example, in Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" such was the character of Kabanikhi. And Alexander Kuprin’s essay “Hanzhushka” is completely devoted to the phenomenon of hypocrisy, which the author reveals on the example of hangers-on in holy places.

Most linguists are sure that the word "prudish" is still of Arabic origin, because similar words exist in Turkish and Arabic, and they have almost the same sound.

Initially, the words "haji" and "haji" meant pilgrims, but over time they acquired an ironic connotation, and then a negative one. And all because the pilgrim looks like a pious person, but piety can be superficial, because there have been cases of misbehavior among pilgrims that make them doubt their faith.

If you are trying to determine whether you are a hypocrite, you should take the advice of psychologists, take a closer look at whether the words of the object of observation correspond to his actions, whether he works for the public, whether he is tolerant of the shortcomings of the people around him.

If this person matches the above factors in some way, it is likely that you have been watching a prude.

However, one should not judge others. overly strict You should always look after yourself first and evaluate your actions.

Reading time: 2 min

Hypocrisy is a form of hypocrisy, implying the image of piety or piety, the ostentatious desire of a person to adhere to certain norms and the requirement of compliance with them from other people. At the same time, the hypocrite himself often does not comply with what he declares out loud, he is inclined to apply double standards or use feigned piety as a way to justify his inadequacy to the public.

The meaning of the word hypocrisy is close in its perception to duplicity, insincerity, hypocrisy, but is not synonymous with these concepts. The main features for a hypocrite are demonstrative behavior and expressed ideas, excessive emotional richness when positioning their created essence and its difference from the declared virtues. The hypocrite usually clings to his image so strongly that the denial of any immoral traits of his own personality becomes the main task, and therefore his own shadow sides are not recognized at all.

The appearance of the term is closely connected with religion, where the encouragement of the low and unworthy desires of a person was persecuted by the church, so many chose the tactics of censuring such manifestations so as not to fall out of favor. As a result, people remained between two extremes - they were ranked either as sinners or hypocrites. None of the options is optimal, since both close the natural manifestations of man.

What is hypocrisy

The characteristic of a hypocrite includes a special set of characterological features and beliefs that manifests itself on a conscious or unconscious level. In the case of awareness, a person deliberately uses a mask of piety, which allows him to criticize others or leave his reputation untouched, and at the same time, such an attitude gives many manipulative possibilities regarding the behavior of others. The conscious aspect of hypocrisy often puts pressure on the feelings of shame or guilt among others and, trying to get rid of unbearable emotions, a person does what the hypocrite inclines with his sermons.

Unconscious hypocrisy is built on self-deception, and possibly psychological trauma, the main meaning of which comes down to a ban on being yourself. Recognition of one's shadow sides, shortcomings, inconsistencies with the standards laid down by the church or family may not be available to everyone. On a conscious level, a person declares truths about goodness, but on a fact in his activity he does the opposite.

Any kind of sanctimonious behavior does not tolerate scrutiny and is rather aggressive about it - a person cannot allow others to doubt his piety, let alone change his model of self-perception. But at the same time, bigots are capable of demonstrative repentance, exposing their bad deeds, which in the end only creates a holier image for them. They do not choose some difficult things for disclosure and repentance that can really damage their reputation, but they repent of trifles with such force, as if there is nothing but this sin for them to commit a crime.

Psychologically, this character trait arose as a protective psychological reaction in order to somehow oppose the moral and ethical norms of society. More often than not, we all have certain shortcomings, but the ideal fulfillment of all moral and ethical requirements leads to psychopathology. In order to prevent severe disorders, the psyche uses hypocrisy as a defense so that it can continue its further existence.

This feature arises only in cases where a person himself has crossed the general or his own personal law, then in order to avoid his own censure, censure of others can turn on. The most ardent preachers are former criminals, and the most pious and sanctimonious ladies are those who previously led a rather sexually promiscuous lifestyle.

Hypocrisy is always about the inconsistency of words with deeds, forms with content, visible behavior with invisible motives. This person has no morality, depending on the situation, he will manifest himself in different ways. The bigots seek to impose their pious opinions through directive and cruel methods, and the purpose of all this is to protect themselves. If no one goes to a brothel, then there will be no humiliating collision with acquaintances, if everyone is brought up within the framework of the absence of theft, then no one will think that others take into their pocket from the general budget.

Imposed idealizations are not destructive for the hypocrite himself, because he does not live according to these principles, but they can become destructive for society, and especially for the child's psyche, formed in such conditions. The inability to accept one's shortcomings, constant condemnation and setting unrealistic conditions makes the victim of a hypocrite eternally due, unhappy, wrong - from such experiences, after a short time, self-esteem collapses, and then the whole personality.

The problem of bigotry

The issue of hypocrisy was more acutely considered a century ago, and now, with the increase in freedoms and general tolerance of society, it is gradually receding into the past. However, its influence turns out to be quite significant, and some moments are transmitted by people as family scripts, churches continue to keep the same way, and grandmothers and teachers of retirement age continue to injure the young psyche with sanctimonious remarks.

It was the perspective of problematicness that was chosen for this behavior, since it gives rise to distrust and suspicion on the part of others, and possible social ties are collapsing. Moreover, in addition to the issue of trust, which can be solved at the individual level, there is also the problem of manipulation by hypocrites of other people - which puts this quality in a number of vices at the public level.

Being a moral formalism in its extreme point of development, hypocrisy is capable of destroying all the value and moral foundations of mankind. An increasing number shackles a person into the impossibility of natural, creative manifestations, leaving only one path of action - prescribed by hypocrites. But it cannot be said that their manipulative influence and the declaration of noble principles will lead to an increase in the percentage of humanity and tolerance. On the contrary, the lack of inner sensitivity, understanding, forgiveness, as well as living by double standards will eventually lead to collapse.

The solution lies in weakening the influence of various institutions of morality (churches, educational institutions, spiritual mentors) and replacing the concept of cruel punishment for disobedience with the opportunity to atone for one's shortcomings, get help in solving problems. At the family level, it is necessary to create trusting relationships and initially deal with the reasons that led a person to such an act or such a state, and only then talk about accepted and acceptable norms.

What is the difference between hypocrisy and hypocrisy

Hypocrisy and, although they are sometimes considered consonant concepts, are not identical. So hypocrisy is only a part, one of the directions of various forms of hypocritical behavior.

What these concepts have in common is that a person’s thoughts do not agree with his behavior, moral values ​​have two bottoms and several meanings, that is, how a person evaluates his life, and the lives of others can be fundamentally different. Hypocrisy is most often deliberate insincerity and secrecy, which has a practical, personal benefit or avoidance of failure. The hypocrite will pretend for profit or personal satisfaction, but the methods for this maneuver can be used in a variety of ways. Bigotry is always limited by morality and benevolence, that is, any behavior can be covered by a variety of good intentions and good nature.

The hypocrite does not expect high moral deeds from people or that everyone else will unconditionally believe his duplicity - he is disappointed in himself and will be disappointed in others. The hypocrite, on the other hand, will show initially excessive requirements to his relatives and just acquaintances, moreover, he may demand compliance with certain norms from complete strangers and sincerely wonder why others may not comply with the prescriptions of those moral and ethical criteria that he promotes.

The hypocrite will show his duplicity in everything that concerns profit, but the hypocrite will be such only in moments relating personally to his inner picture of correctness. In the case of a hypocrite, personal goals are more likely to be pursued, such as restoring one's reputation by censuring others, disidentifying with one's own negative manifestations, and manipulating others. Hypocrites always pursue profit - winning a good position in order to obtain prerogatives, betrayal for the sake of a position, material security.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

hypocrisy- an ostentatious (demonstrative) form of piety and piety with a secret or obvious infidelity to the professed ideas. A kind of moral formalism and hypocrisy. As Noam Chomsky writes, a prude (hypocrite) is one who applies standards to others that he refuses to apply to himself.

  • demonstrative behavior;
  • extremes in the denial of immorality.

Bigotry can be conscious (hypocritical) and unconscious (unconscious). Hypocrisy in the form of conscious hypocrisy is manifested in a kind of "wearing a mask" of a highly moral person with a clear conscious discrepancy between the real moral character of the "mask" of the righteous. Hypocrisy in an unconscious form can be a kind of lie to oneself, a not quite conscious desire to stand out, gain trust or respect. In the speech-behavioral sphere, the hypocrite uses all the reserves of lies, demagogy, sophistry; in particular, vague concepts (“morality”, “spirituality”, “justice”, “honesty”, “nobility”, “humanism”, “help”, “principledness”, etc.) are actively used. The fuzziness of the semantics of these words makes it possible to make broad and unverifiable statements about the presence/absence of certain qualities both in oneself and in others. Another feature is the abundant use of value judgments, especially emotionally expressed ones, which are designed to block the listeners' desire to rationally test the validity of these assessments. An attempt to undertake such a test provokes a hypocrite usually quite theatrical reaction of anger, indignation, indignation, and the like. All this makes discussions with the hypocrite obviously unpromising, the confrontation is conceivable not in the sphere of words, but in the field of facts exposing the hypocrite.

Psychology of hypocrisy

Hypocrisy hides distrust of people, suspicion, dismissive attitude, the desire to manipulate others. It is a negative form of a person's adaptive reaction to the moral requirements of society. One of the reasons contributing to the manifestations of hypocrisy in Europe was exaggerated religious morality, which overemphasized the concepts of sin, asceticism, etc. Sometimes those who themselves do something that cause censure become hypocrites. Thus, a person justifies himself to himself. For example, many ladies who were previously ladies of easy virtue become hypocrites.

D. von Hildebrand points out the problematic nature of an unambiguous assessment of behavior as hypocritical. Hiding the real features of one’s own life and its discrepancy with the declared norms and ideals may not indicate dishonesty in the strict sense of the word, but the presence of criticism towards oneself with the desire to protect others from the harmful influence of one’s own behavior, which for one reason or another is impossible to change.

word usage

Similar concepts: hypocrisy, empty holiness, hypocrisy, duplicity, doublethink.

A person prone to hypocrisy is called hypocrite


Holiness is a form of religious behavior that occupies an intermediate position between hypocrisy and superstition. According to D. I. Fonvizin, “the empty saint almost never keeps up with mass. He runs to the church not at all in order to pray to God with tenderness of the heart, but in order to kiss all the icons that he can get with his lips. In modern church practice, similar terms “ritual belief” and “bast Orthodoxy” are used. Sometimes hypocrisy in the sphere of religion takes extreme forms of direct falsification with the deliberate creation of an ersatz (usually to obtain social, material and other benefits). This kind of simulative practice often exploits the ignorance of others, as well as all kinds of naive social mythology, which is sometimes found in the religious sphere (the naive attitude “Whatever the priest, the father” is based precisely on mythological thinking and worldview).

hypocrisy in literature

Bigots and empty saints often appeared on the pages of literary works, such as Boccaccio's Decameron (novellas I, 1; I, 6; VI, 10), Rabelais's Gargantua and Pantagruel, Molière's Tartuffe or the Deceiver, Maupassant's Life , Maugham's "Rain" in Western literature, Khayyam's and Rumi's poems in Eastern literature.

Franz makes no distinction between serious music and entertainment music. This distinction strikes him as old-fashioned and hypocritical. He loves rock and Mozart equally.

Milan Kundera

In Russia, types of hypocrites were among the first to be brought out by Antioch Kantemir (Satire I) and Lomonosov:

The mouse once, loving the shrine,
Left a beautiful world
Gone into the deep desert
Seated all in Gallan cheese.

Bigots appear in the works of Alexander Kuprin (Hanzhushka), Ostrovsky (Thunderstorm, Enough Simplicity for Every Wise Man), Dostoevsky (The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants), Saltykov-Shchedrin (Lord Golovlyovs).

Many rubais of Omar Khayyam are dedicated to denunciation of hypocrites.

Hanja is:


hypocrisy- ostentatious (demonstrative) or extreme (prone to extremes) form of piety and piety, which is expressed in a demonstrative denial of immorality. A kind of moral formalism and hypocrisy. He interprets the requirements of morality in the spirit of extreme rigorism and intolerance, ignoring questions of the inner moral nature of man. As Avram Chomsky writes, a hypocrite (hypocrite) is one who applies standards to others that he refuses to apply to himself.

Society has a negative attitude towards manifestations of hypocrisy, since such behavior is designed mainly for the public or for self-justification.

The main characteristics of hypocrisy

The main characteristics of hypocrisy:

  • demonstrative behavior;
  • inconsistency of the virtues demonstrated by a person with his true essence;
  • extremes in the denial of immorality (for example, forms of asceticism that are harmful to human health).

Bigotry can be conscious (hypocritical) and unconscious (unconscious). Hypocrisy in the form of conscious hypocrisy is manifested in a kind of "wearing a mask" of a highly moral person with a clear conscious discrepancy between the real moral character of the "mask" of the righteous. Hypocrisy in an unconscious form can be a kind of lie to oneself, a not quite conscious desire to stand out, gain trust or respect.

Psychology of hypocrisy

Hypocrisy hides distrust of people, suspicion, dismissive attitude, the desire to manipulate others. It is a negative form of a person's adaptive reaction to the moral requirements of society. One of the reasons contributing to the manifestations of hypocrisy in Europe was exaggerated religious morality, which overemphasized the concepts of sin, asceticism, etc.

Often hypocrisy is a hidden conflict that can be realized in the form of a neurosis.

word usage

The concept comes from the Arabic word "hajj", that is, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. .

Similar concepts: complacency, hypocrisy, empty holiness, hypocrisy, duplicity.

A person prone to hypocrisy is called hypocrite. Similar concepts: saint, empty saint, hypocrite.


Holiness is a form of religious behavior that occupies an intermediate position between hypocrisy and superstition. According to D. I. Fonvizin, "the empty saint almost never keeps up with mass. He runs to church not to pray to God with tenderness of the heart, but to kiss all the icons that he can get with his lips." In modern church practice, similar terms are used "ritual belief" and "bast Orthodoxy".

hypocrisy in literature

Bigots and empty saints often appeared on the pages of literary works, such as Boccaccio's Decameron (novellas I, 1; I, 6; VI, 10), Rabelais' Gargantua and Pantagruel, Molière's Tartuffe, Maupassant's Life in Western literature , poems by Khayyam and Rumi - in the eastern.

In Russia, one of the first types of hypocrites was brought out by Antioch Kantemir (Satire I) and Lomonosov:

The mouse once, loving the shrine,
Left a beautiful world
Gone into the deep desert
Seated all in Dutch cheese.

Bigots appear in the works of Ostrovsky ("Thunderstorm", "Enough simplicity for every wise man") and Dostoevsky ("The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants").

Bigotry on the Internet

Hypocrisy is not encouraged in Russian Wikipedia (see, for example: VP: Wikipedia content may make you protest). However, the question of the distinction between hypocrisy and morality comes up regularly when discussing topics such as sexuality, drugs, swearing, dissonant names, etc. Online trolls can provoke hypocrisy or accuse conscientious participants of hypocrisy.

see also

  • Pharisees (a trend in Judaism whose adherents are depicted as hypocrites in the Gospel)
  • Hypocrisy
  • Doublethink
  • Splitting consciousness
  • crowding out


  1. http://www.chomsky.info/talks/200202--02.htm
  2. Atheistic Dictionary, Article bigotry(Under the general editorship of M.P. Novikov. - M .: Politizdat, 1986)
  3. (“Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language” by Max Fasmer, 4 volumes)
  4. Fonvizin D.I. Dramaturgy, poetry, prose. M., 1989. - S. 204
  5. Peter, abbot. About popular Christianity // Church Bulletin, 2005, No. 10. - p. 12

What is the meaning of the word "prudence"?

Is there a person in your environment who likes to rant about honesty, about holiness, about decency, likes to operate with such concepts as morality, morality and humanism? However, you know that in some situations this person behaved far from noble, did not provide timely assistance, did not show compassion. If you know such a person, then it will be easier for you to understand the meaning of the word "prudish", because it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Especially if an example is in front of your eyes.

Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary for help

The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by V. Dal clearly describes the meaning of the word "prudence". He defines a hypocrite as a hypocritical, feigned pious person, a two-faced empty saint.

Ushakov interprets this word as feigned virtue and empty inactive piety.

Ozhegov and Shvedova put the same meaning into the meaning of the word hypocrite - ostentatious chivalry, false holiness and feigned spirituality.

The explanatory dictionary of Efremova describes the hypocrite as an insincere, crafty person.

Main features

We found out the meaning of the word "prudence", but how to recognize such a person? How to determine that loud words about nobility and mercy are just empty arguments? To do this, psychologists advise to look at human behavior.

As a rule, a highly moral person behaves modestly and calmly. But if a person climbs onto the podium, beats his chest and shouts about the desire to help all of humanity and at the same time does not show interest in the fate of a lonely old woman living on the floor below, then this person is one hundred percent hypocrite.

His word is at odds with his deed. For example, if a person preaches decency and fidelity, and he himself is a libertine, then such a person can be safely called a hypocrite.

In life, there is no dazzling white or impenetrable black color. Everything is relative, even the best person has their skeletons in the closet, and even the seemingly most notorious villain can find something bright. But the hypocrite demonstratively condemns any immorality, shows extreme ostentatious intolerance to the shortcomings of others.

So, 3 main features that will tell you that you are a hypocrite:

  • demonstrative behavior;
  • discrepancy between words and deeds;
  • intolerance for the shortcomings of other people.

Psychologists warn

What does the word "prudery" mean, we have already figured it out. Psychologists warn that such people seek to manipulate others, are opportunists. In addition, such behavior may indicate a person’s desire to hide some of his shortcomings, sins from the past. Under the guise of demagogy about morality and the principles of nobility, the prude actually does not trust others and is essentially a cynic.

However, psychologists warn that sometimes a person with a dark past can really regret past unseemly acts, feel remorse, and then his talk about morality and spirituality is sincere. Here you need to focus on the actions of a person.

Is there a synonym for the word "prudence"? Of course have. A hypocrite can also be called a hypocrite, a false person, a cynic, a saint, a Judas, a Pharisee, a two-faced.

Hypocrisy - how to recognize a hypocrite and a hypocrite?

Information about what hypocrisy is, how to recognize a hypocrite and a hypocrite will be of interest to those who want to learn how to recognize people who have a similar character. Such a situation can arise in everyday life - in a company, in a family, at work. At the same time, it is important to draw the attention of a person in time to such unpleasant and sometimes demonstrative behavior.

What is hypocrisy?

Such a type of behavior as hypocrisy is a certain form of self-expression. There are some features of the behavior of hypocrites:

  • it is distinguished by a demonstrative adherence to spiritual ideas without true belief in them;
  • often such people are prone to conscious deception;
  • they expose their actions as disinterested, which is not true;
  • at the same time, excessive demands are made on others, which are not observed by the hypocrite himself.

In most cases, the manifestation of hypocrisy can hide:

  • distrust of others;
  • caution in dealing with people;
  • desire to manipulate certain individuals.

What is the difference between hypocrisy and hypocrisy?

The concepts of hypocrisy and hypocrisy are close in their meaning, but there are some differences between them. So:

  1. Hypocrisy is a type of behavior characterized by insincerity, immorality, the desire to hide true motives for gain or moral satisfaction.
  2. Hypocrisy, like hypocrisy, covers immoral and disrespectful behavior with a virtuous mask, but it chooses to follow spiritual values, deny self-interest and dishonor.

hypocrisy and prejudice

Asking what a hypocrite means, you can get the answer - this is a hypocritical person, condemning others and hiding behind the guise of a pious and moral person. There is an opinion that such condemnation is prejudice. In some cases, hypocrisy can be a defensive reaction to the influence of the surrounding society, its pressure, the imposition of someone else's opinion.

Not everyone is able to resist outside influence, to defend their point of view. In addition, many people have a distrust of others, which makes them secretive, cautious - hence the desire to appear correct and disinterested, which is often difficult to fulfill in reality.

How to recognize hypocrisy?

It is generally accepted that a hypocrite is a person who follows the principles of hiding his true actions and thoughts for the sake of self-affirmation and satisfaction of his whim. We can distinguish some features of this type of people:

  • the hypocrite is characterized by a sharp contrast between words and real deeds;
  • they tend to deceive or exaggerate their moral principles and actions;
  • bigots position themselves as supporters of piety, virtue, spirituality and morality;
  • their behavior is often demonstrative, they like to play in public;
  • sometimes such behavior can be calculated as self-justification.

How to stop being a hypocrite?

In society, the problem of hypocrisy is not the last. People with such beliefs and behavior contrary to moral principles are often perceived as impartial, their feigned behavior is sometimes ignored by society. If we take as a basis that the typical qualities of a hypocrite are empty sanctity, hypocrisy and feigned piety, then in order to stop being a hypocrite, it is first necessary to begin work to eradicate them. You can try to exclude the following points from your behavior:

  • it is desirable to stop playing in public;
  • express your opinion without hiding or embellishing it, regardless of whether it coincides with the opinions of others or not;
  • it is important to monitor your actions, not to discuss or condemn others;
  • Of no small importance in correcting sanctimonious manners will be the ability to keep one's word, to ensure that it does not diverge from deeds;
  • the main task for the hypocrite will be the rejection of hypocrisy, deceit and condemnation of other people.

What is worse - hypocrisy or cynicism?

To compare such human qualities, you need to understand their essence. Cynicism refers to the neglect and immoral attitude to cultural traditions and values, demonstrative refusal to comply with generally accepted social and moral norms. Unlike hypocrisy, cynicism involves an open, frank expression of one's ideas without deceit and hypocrisy.

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of which behavior will be worse - hypocritical or cynical. The majority is of the opinion that neither the first nor the second is acceptable in society. It doesn’t matter whether conscious or unconscious hypocrisy is a typical example of hypocrisy, and cynicism is an outright disregard for the rules of morality, both of which are the result of immorality and the denial of traditional foundations, which is unacceptable for the development of a decent and mature society.

Orthodox hypocrisy

The Church allows a person to become closer to God, provides an opportunity for spiritual development and the choice of one's life path. Observance of traditions and fasts is an independent choice of everyone. Religious hypocrisy is a substitution of sincere observance of church commandments with a false appearance of following them. The hypocrite exposes himself as pious, disinterested, although often he is not.

Such hypocrisy does not bring a person closer to God, does not honor him, and sometimes even repels him. Hypocrisy is not considered the best character trait, and the behavior of a hypocrite often irritates people. It is important to remember that such moments should not be missed when raising children, but in contrast, they need to be told about sincerity, kindness and honesty.

What does "prudery" mean?

Hypocrisy is an ostentatious (demonstrative) or extreme (prone to extremes) form of piety and piety, which is expressed in a demonstrative denial of immorality. A kind of moral formalism and hypocrisy. He interprets the requirements of morality in the spirit of extreme rigorism and intolerance, ignoring questions of the inner moral nature of man.

Galina Akulina

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hypocrisy is an ostentatious (demonstrative) or extreme (prone to extremes) form of piety and piety, which is expressed in a demonstrative denial of immorality. A kind of moral formalism and hypocrisy. He interprets the requirements of morality in the spirit of extreme rigorism and intolerance, ignoring questions of the inner moral nature of man.
Society has a negative attitude towards manifestations of hypocrisy, since such behavior is designed mainly for the public or for self-justification.
*1 The main characteristics of hypocrisy
o 1.1 Psychology of hypocrisy
* 2 Usage
* 3 Bigotry in Literature
* 4 See also
* 5 Links
The main characteristics of hypocrisy:
* demonstrative behavior;
* inconsistency of the virtues demonstrated by a person with his true essence;
* extremes in the denial of immorality (for example, forms of asceticism that are harmful to human health).
Bigotry can be conscious (hypocritical) and unconscious (unconscious). Hypocrisy in the form of conscious hypocrisy is manifested in a kind of "wearing a mask" of a highly moral person with a clear conscious discrepancy between the real moral character of the "mask" of the righteous. Hypocrisy in an unconscious form can be a kind of lie to oneself, a not quite conscious desire to stand out, gain trust or respect
Psychology of hypocrisy
Hypocrisy hides distrust of people, suspicion, dismissive attitude, the desire to manipulate others. It is a negative form of a person's adaptive reaction to the moral requirements of society. One of the reasons contributing to the manifestations of hypocrisy in Europe was exaggerated religious morality, which overemphasized the concepts of sin, asceticism, etc.
Often hypocrisy is a hidden conflict that can be realized in the form of a neurosis.
word usage
The concept comes from the Arabic word "hajj", that is, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.
Similar concepts: complacency, hypocrisy, empty holiness, hypocrisy, duplicity.
A person prone to hypocrisy is called a hypocrite. Similar concepts: saint, empty saint, hypocrite.
hypocrisy in literature
Classical literary images embodying hypocrisy - Tartuffe from the comedy of the same name by Moliere, Thomas Opiskin from Dostoevsky's story "The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants".
see also
* Pharisaism
* Hypocrisy
* doublethink
* Splitting consciousness
* Crowding out
1. Atheistic Dictionary, Article Hypocrisy (Under the general editorship of M. P. Novikov. - M .: Politizdat, 1986)
2. (“Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language” by Max Fasmer, 4 volumes)

What does the word hypocrisy mean


Hypocrisy is an ostentatious (demonstrative) or extreme (prone to extremes) form of piety and piety, which is expressed in a demonstrative denial of immorality. A kind of moral formalism and hypocrisy. He interprets the requirements of morality in the spirit of extreme rigorism and intolerance, ignoring questions of the inner moral nature of man. As Noam Chomsky writes, a prude (hypocrite) is one who applies standards to others that he refuses to apply to himself.

Society has a negative attitude towards manifestations of hypocrisy, since such behavior is designed mainly for the public or for self-justification.
Read more in the source

Irina Kurochkina / Afanasyeva

Hypocrisy is an ostentatious (demonstrative) or extreme (prone to extremes) form of piety and piety, which is expressed in a demonstrative denial of immorality. A kind of moral formalism and hypocrisy. He interprets the requirements of morality in the spirit of extreme rigorism and intolerance, ignoring questions of the inner moral nature of man. As Noam Chomsky writes, a prude (hypocrite) is someone who applies standards to others that he refuses to apply to himself.

Interlocutor =)

hypocritical, insincere person demonstrating deceitful piety and piety

◆ In general, he was extremely devout, even a hypocrite.

S. Yu. Witte, "Memoirs", 1911

◆ The human body is perfect in all its functions, and only inveterate bigots can pretend that some of them do not exist, like the pedologists ridiculed by Makarenko, who were horrified at the mere hint that a woman has breasts and legs.

V. Sanin, "Do not tell the Arctic - goodbye", 1987

Vsevolod Legotkin

Bigotry can be conscious (hypocritical) and unconscious (unconscious). Hypocrisy in the form of conscious hypocrisy is manifested in a kind of "wearing a mask" of a highly moral person with a clear conscious discrepancy between the real moral character of the "mask" of the righteous. Hypocrisy in an unconscious form can be a kind of lie to oneself, a not quite conscious desire to stand out, gain trust or respect. In the speech-behavioral sphere, the hypocrite uses all the reserves of lies, demagogy, sophistry; in particular, vague concepts ("justice", "honesty", "nobility", "humanism", "help", "principledness", etc.) are actively used. The fuzziness of the semantics of these words makes it possible to make broad and unverifiable statements about the presence/absence of certain qualities both in oneself and in others. Another feature is the abundant use of value judgments, especially emotionally expressed ones, which are designed to block the listeners' desire to rationally test the validity of these assessments. An attempt to undertake such a test provokes a reaction of anger, indignation, indignation, etc. usually quite theatrical. All this makes discussions with the hypocrite obviously unpromising, the confrontation is conceivable not in the sphere of words, but in the field of facts exposing the hypocrite.

Pavel andrushko

KHANZHA vol. Turkish empty, -tka, feigned pious; in general, a hypocrite, two-faced. || Novg. vyat. a rod, a slut and a beggar. To be hypocritical, to be hypocritical. || Sib. to beg, to beg. hypocrisy cf. feigned piety, empty holiness, hypocrisy. hypocrite deeds. Don't Abraham, don't Isaac, don't Jacob, don't be hypocrite.

The concept of "prudence" traditionally arose in medieval Europe as a definition for people with special character traits - falsely pious and pseudo-spiritual. Over time, this concept has been transformed into real life and acquired a broader meaning.

Bigotry as an element of psychology

Very often in everyday life you can hear the common expression: - "Yes, he's a hypocrite!". Most often it refers to people who are hypocritical and two-faced. In fact, the definition of hypocrisy is a slightly different content and, accordingly, speaks of the special properties of behavioral culture:

  1. A person often talks about "high matters", earthly and spiritual blessings, is overly religious. However, the style of his behavior does not correspond at all with his words and, often, such an individual will not come to the aid of the needy, offend the weaker, blame his neighbor and so on;
  2. The hypocrite is inclined to teach, to cite all kinds of examples from the life of his acquaintances as proof of his words, or to quote the biography of great people: discoverers, artists, artists, athletes and others. This is done with the aim of imposing their own system of values ​​and instilling false truths about the kindness of the narrator, his correct views on life. At the same time, the prude himself is prone to commercialism, deliberate deceit, substitution and distortion of facts (for his own justification), inappropriate boasting;
  3. The nobility and disinterested participation of a person who is a hypocrite is very conditional. He gives only those things and performs only those deeds that do not bring him significant hardships. If the “necessary” and “important” affect the field of his own interests, the hypocrite will either not be able to help disinterestedly, or (provided there is no choice) will endlessly reproach the “piece of bread”, exalt himself and his help, put once turned into an awkward, uncomfortable and forever dependent position.

A lie that aims to create the image of a "Christian" and a "victim". The hypocrite will always build a “good Samaritan” who provides for everyone or withstands serious moral stress for the benefit of someone. Such a person makes an elephant out of a fly and does not understand the expression "temporary participation" or "help". Moreover, he will do everything in his power to make this temporary assistance permanent and full-scale. The idea that someone can do without him and there will no longer be a reason to build from himself "the most important and most disinterested" for a hypocrite is simply unbearable.

The difference between hypocrisy and hypocrisy and arrogance

The main difference between hypocrisy and ordinary hypocrisy and arrogance is its narrow focus. Most often, hypocrisy manifests itself as a persistent violation of the processes of self-consciousness and self-determination in only one area - family, social, labor, and so on. Mechanisms of lies, duplicity, beautiful words are included only at certain points in time and under certain conditions - for example, to hide guilt for a bad deed.

Hypocritical people with inflated self-esteem behave the same under any circumstances and at any time.

Bigotry in religion and culture

As early as the 15th century, Noam Chomsky wrote that a “prudence” is someone who applies standards to others that he refuses to apply to himself. For the definition of the spiritual and religious component, this definition fits perfectly.

How does a religious hypocrite behave?

He creates the appearance of a true believer, observing all the commandments and canons. However, in fact, the behavior of this person is far from the norms of morality and morality.

Confession means little to a hypocrite. In other words, he does not feel guilty for what he has done, he only understands that it is “bad” and reports it. His main goal is to seduce the rector, the holy father, in order to come to him at any time to cry, in each story creating a reason for self-praise;

Subtle exposure of other people's shortcomings. In an effort to cover up their own flaws and imperfections in the religious, socio-cultural life, the hypocrite will always look for weaker people or those who make mistakes. This is done with the aim of psychologically harassing a person, writing off their mistakes on him, resonate against the background of a more imperfect person.

moral persecution. The hypocrite never shuns showing off, resentment when disagreeing with his opinion, betrayal, and the like. Therefore, until the moral image of the hypocrite reaches the state that he needs, he will go over the heads and apply all methods of influence.

Absolute illiteracy. Often people with erased moral guidelines do not consider it necessary to delve into other people's problems or master new subjects. They have enough of the knowledge, skills and abilities that they have already acquired in the process of studying / working in their place. They strictly ignore and suppress other methods and new knowledge, considering it heresy and a violation of general rules.

Hypocrisy is an ostentatious (demonstrative) form of piety and piety with a secret or obvious infidelity to the professed ideas. A kind of moral formalism and hypocrisy. As Noam Chomsky writes, a prude (hypocrite) is one who applies standards to others that he refuses to apply to himself.

The main characteristics of hypocrisy are demonstrative behavior; inconsistency of the virtues demonstrated by a person with his true essence; extremes in the denial of immorality (for example: forms of asceticism that are harmful to human health).

Bigotry can be conscious (hypocritical) and unconscious (unconscious). Hypocrisy in the form of conscious hypocrisy is manifested in a kind of "wearing a mask" of a highly moral person with a clear conscious discrepancy between the real moral character of the "mask" of the righteous. Hypocrisy in an unconscious form can be a kind of lie to oneself, a not quite conscious desire to stand out, gain trust or respect. In the speech-behavioral sphere, the hypocrite uses all the reserves of lies, demagogy, sophistry; in particular, vague concepts ("justice", "honesty", "nobility", "humanism", "help", "principledness" and the like) are actively used. The fuzziness of the semantics of these words makes it possible to make broad and unverifiable statements about the presence/absence of certain qualities both in oneself and in others. Another feature is the abundant use of value judgments, especially emotionally expressed ones, which are designed to block the listeners' desire to rationally test the validity of these assessments. An attempt to undertake such a test provokes a hypocrite usually quite theatrical reaction of anger, indignation, indignation, and the like. All this makes discussions with the hypocrite obviously unpromising, the confrontation is conceivable not in the sphere of words, but in the field of facts exposing the hypocrite.

Psychology of hypocrisy

Hypocrisy hides distrust of people, suspicion, dismissive attitude, the desire to manipulate others. It is a negative form of a person's adaptive reaction to the moral requirements of society. One of the reasons contributing to the manifestations of hypocrisy in Europe was exaggerated religious morality, which overemphasized the concepts of sin, asceticism, etc.

Often hypocrisy is a hidden conflict that can be realized in the form.

D. von Hildebrand points out the problematic nature of an unambiguous assessment of behavior as hypocritical. Hiding the real features of one's own life and its discrepancy with the declared norms and ideals may not indicate dishonesty in the strict sense of the word, but the presence of criticism towards oneself with the desire to protect others from the harmful influence of one's own behavior, which for one reason or another is impossible to change.