Hunting grounds. Hunting business business plan

Hunting entrepreneurs are often worried about the question: “How to rent hunting grounds?” Where, where, but in Russia there really is plenty to choose from!

The total area of ​​hunting grounds, i.e. the habitat of wild animals, in the Russian Federation is 1.5 billion hectares. The number of animal species that are allowed to hunt (hunting resources) - 228. Scope hunting economy provides a trade turnover of 80-100 billion rubles.

It is more cost-effective than feeding minks and arctic foxes in enclosures. The traditional classification distinguishes between open, forest, marsh and water hunting grounds. Public relations related to their operation are regulated by the Federal Law "On hunting and on the conservation of hunting resources ..."

Forest resources are considered the most demanded. Among them, private hunting grounds are most often organized. There are several classifications. The first of them (according to the age of the stand) uses a ten-year gradation for deciduous trees and a twenty-year gradation for conifers. (Classes 1 and 2 are young stands, classes 3 and 4 are middle-aged, then maturing, ripe and overmature stands).

The second classification, according to D.N. Danilov, distinguishes between swampy, mossy, floodplain, complex, dry and lichen, stony forests. This is the most general classifications actually, there are many more.

The legal classification assumes three groups: the first - public hunting grounds (which, by law, occupy at least 20% of the total), the second - assigned to individuals and legal entities (in fact, the subject of study in this article), and finally the third - grounds, hunting in which is limited or prohibited by the established regime of protected areas.

Those who are interested in how to rent hunting grounds should be oriented towards the second group.

Choice of lands for rent. advance planning

Obviously, an entrepreneur in the field of hunting business chooses for himself such a lease of forest land that is promising and potentially profitable, while using the methods of hunting management work. The activities that it includes are divided into preparatory, field and cameral.

Of course, you have to "measure seven times" before renting a hunting ground. During preparatory activities, documents of land departments of district executive committees, environmental organizations, veterinary services, departments Agriculture. The purpose of the field work is to qualitatively assess the populations of the leased territory.

The final stage of the assessment process is office work, during which the information of the preparatory and field stages is summarized, forest lands are evaluated in value terms, the hunting area is territorially planned, shooting is rationed, biotechnical and conservation measures are planned, and optoeconomic maps and schemes are drawn up. The species abundance of hunting resources, how they are distributed spatially, and the sufficiency of natural forages are assessed.

Thus, anyone interested in how to rent hunting grounds cannot do without a huntsman survey of the grounds.

What area should be rented? Opinions, of course, may vary. We believe that the point of view of Alexei Danilkin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, deserves attention, who believes that an area of ​​ten thousand hectares is suitable for effective regulation of the number of ungulates in the temperate zone. A more moderate approach suggests an area of ​​thirty thousand hectares. The cost of such a lease in its moderate version will cost the entrepreneur $600.

Registration of rent

If you answer the question “how to rent hunting grounds” from a legal point of view, then, of course, we will talk about documentary operations. The main stages of registration of a lease are the acquisition of the status of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, selection and lease of specific lands, conclusion of a hunting agreement with the State Hunting Inspectorate (as a result of winning the auction), obtaining a state license for the use of hunting resources.

Licensing will require you to apply to the appropriate enforcement agency state power, containing information about the future hunting business, as well as the expected qualitative and temporal parameters of the use of wildlife (shooting and restoration). It is reasonable to draw up such an application based on the results of cameral work. In fact, this is a rough business plan for a hunting economy.

The option of acquiring hunting grounds in ownership is possible, but it is much more expensive, and, accordingly, we can talk about profitability here only for long periods of time. It is more of an investment than a business.

Ways of development of modern hunting economy

After acquiring the rights of use, the question of how to organize a hunting farm becomes relevant? An entrepreneur, having rented a hunting estate, not only receives profit from it, but also purposefully works to ensure that this profit becomes higher.

Of paramount importance is the accuracy of determining the number of animals in a given farm at the beginning of the hunting season. This is a cornerstone, from which all the main indicators of the hunting area are planned. First of all, fur-bearing animals, as well as large artiodactyls are taken into account. Their number is estimated in the number of individuals per thousand hectares of land. To do this, first, a count is made on test plots and routes, and then this sample is rounded for the entire territory of the land.

The criterion for the quality of hunting farms is the coefficient of land productivity (this indicator is calculated for each type of animal).

For good lands it is 250, for those with a quality above average - 165, for medium - 100, for quality below average - 50, for bad - 15. In practice, this means, for example, that in good hunting farms there are 2.5 times more animals, than in the average.

To get good land for rent is, of course, great luck. And it usually doesn't happen. Be realistic, you will be rented as a maximum of an average farm.

You have to improve its quality: improve the forage base, increase the protective and nesting properties by increasing the forest cover and enriching the plantations. It may even have to certain area make melioration. Only on the basis of a reliable “stern rear” will it be possible to further develop the hunting business.

With enough food good effect demonstrate additional measures for the artificial settlement of lands with animals and birds.

The success of the hunting economy depends on the rangers

Obviously, an understanding of how to organize a private hunting economy should combine not only entrepreneurial approaches, but also specific aspects jaeger business. Competent management hunting economy should ensure the expanded reproduction of animals and birds.

To do this, one should navigate migrations, know the biology of the main animal species and their ability to restore livestock. However, it is incorrect to assume that it is advisable to increase the population of certain game animals above the optimal one. The food base is deteriorating, and diseases begin. This purposeful activity problem solving How to organize a hunting economy is called hunting management, it is professionally handled by rangers.

Some business moments

Where to start economic activity hunting farm? First, measures should be taken to minimize the number of roads. Ideally, there should be one, leading to the forestry, equipped with a checkpoint and a barrier.

Extra roads, even if deforestation is carried out with their help, one should try to close them legally. And then - dig and fill up. This puts a barrier to autopoaching and prevents a certain number of risks in the future. The cost of clearing the road and equipping the post will be about $1,000.

Documentary support of hunting

What documents serve the hunting business? Each hunter, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Hunting", must have a perpetual hunting ticket of a single federal standard issued by the State Hunting Inspectorate. (Restriction for obtaining it is an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for an intentional crime).

The second document received by the hunter is a permit (license) for hunting. It operates within the framework of the hunting economy that issued it. In turn, the forms of vouchers (licenses) the hunting farm receives from the territorial body of the State Hunting Inspectorate.

When hunting licensed animals, i.e., catching them by stalking and pursuing them in a state of their natural freedom, the hunter instead of a permit receives a license from the hunting ground or signs an agreement. It should be noted that the validity of both the voucher and the license is limited in time. After use, the forms of these documents are handed over by hunters to the hunting ground. In addition, control over the observance of the terms of hunting, accounting of forms of vouchers (licenses) is a function of the hunting area.

Organization of activities of the hunting farm

In general, the organization of the activity of a hunting farm is regulated and carried out by its staff. It is these people, who know how to organize a hunting economy, who determine the level of service for hunters visiting the respective lands. The basic range of services provided includes the organization of accommodation and meals, huntsman services, as well as the processing of trophies.

Significantly increase the profitability of the hunting economy additional services: bath services, massage, swimming pool, water routes, games (billiards, volleyball, table tennis), organizing picnics with barbecue, playgrounds for sports games, shooting (shooting gallery), laundry, internet, transport services, ecotourism for hunting.

The overall activity of the enterprise in question is carried out on the basis of a plan that takes into account, in addition to the products obtained directly from the hunting farm itself, also investments in it. It should immediately be noted that the first two or three months after its organization, the hunting economy is working to achieve a break-even point. In the same period, entrepreneurs in the field of hunting business are recommended to conclude agreements with third-party organizations in order to increase the flow of financing.

Hunting State

The minimum staff of a hunting economy includes a manager, a huntsman and a cook. The manager carries out planning of its development and controls the implementation of this plan. Requirements for it: higher education (preferably special), availability of vehicles, experience in the hotel business is welcome.

Personally, he negotiates and concludes contracts with partners, clients, organizes work, controls the staff.

The huntsman must have a higher specialized or secondary education and two years of work experience in this specialty. It takes into account the number of animals, monitors compliance with the rules of hunting, carries out protective measures and measures to regulate the number of animals. He prepares food, salt licks, equips feeding grounds and feeders, artificial nests.

The cook, of course, must be a true specialist in the preparation of game dishes. The success of the hunting business will also depend on his skill. The cook and the huntsman should equip accommodation separately from the guest houses.


Since the main types of costs have already been mentioned by us in this article, it remains for us to show the directions of the profitability of the hunting economy. Each such farm approves its tariffs for trophies taken by hunters. Only a small percentage of them is income from the sale of vouchers and licenses (300–1000 rubles).

The main source of income is payment by hunters (clients of the hunting farm) transport services, services of a huntsman, a cook, accommodation, services related to the processing of obtained trophies (salting, smoking, freezing meat, skinning and processing, intermediary services for the manufacture of stuffed animals). If there is a reservoir at the hunting farm, then it receives additional income from the rental of fishing equipment and payment for the caught fish (tariffication - by weight).

Hunting goods business

Entrepreneurs-hunters, especially from the townspeople, are often interested in what is needed to open a hunting shop? To do this, firstly, you should orient yourself in the legal norms governing the sale of weapons. To open a business, you will need to invest about 3 million rubles in it. Documented permission required local authorities and local ATC and a license to sell weapons. Its price is 150 thousand rubles.

The remaining cost items are typical, relating to all entrepreneurs who open their own business. These are state and tax registration, registration with a statistical agency, rent, a contract for security services, as well as fire alarms. And, of course, the opening of a hunting store is associated with the purchase of inventory ($8-10 thousand) and goods ($5-6 thousand).


To organize a profitable hunting economy is a specific business. For its successful functioning, it is important to combine the skills of rangers, outstanding organizational skills, enthusiasm for service, and unique cuisine.

Successfully and rhythmically work farms that have concluded agreements with large enterprises for the rest of hunters from among their employees. Also promising is the organization of elite hunting, with planned trophies, the development of ecological tourism.

Word of mouth is of great importance: effective hunting that guarantees trophies, as well as a well-established service, is the key to the commercial success of the hunting economy.

Hunting business business plan. How to rent hunting grounds - all the most necessary and useful for business on the site

Many Horizon Zero Dawn guides say that hunting challenges are easy and enjoyable. Don't believe! Even at level 50 and with the best gear, it's still nerdy. We have been postponing writing this guide until the last minute in order to come up with some working strategies. It turned out or not - you decide. The truth is that the most persistent get good buns. Three boxes with excellent weapons (on the instructions of the Hunter's House in Meridian), and as many as four trophies in the piggy bank:

  • All suns within one site
  • Shining suns within the same land
  • All suns in all lands
  • Shining suns in all lands

How to complete all hunting grounds in Horizon Zero Dawn?

To begin with, I would like to give a couple of general tips. First, get to at least level 30. Otherwise, it will be very, very difficult to pass some tests, but on the best time- it's not possible at all. Second, get armor. She makes you invulnerable for a while, which helps a lot in a couple of places. Thirdly, buy and stock up on resources for arrows and traps. What's there, you'll need your own small arsenal. Ready? Well then let's go.

Nora hunting grounds

It would seem that these lands are designed for level 8, a child should also cope. Nothing like this! It was on them that we fought the longest for all the shining suns. To pass, you will need a regular bow and thread thrower. If there is a high-precision bow with rebound arrows, it’s generally good.

Trial "Only parts" - 1:30
Everything is very simple here. It is necessary to knock down 10 containers from the back of the Gumboats. Ride down the rope and immediately hide in the grass. The robots will be right on course. One rebound arrow knocks down 3 components at once. So you only need to hit 4 cars. Even if they start to scatter, it's still not difficult to hit. If there are no rebound arrows, then you will take a little longer to complete this test. The bottom line is that by shooting at the Gum you turn on the alarm counter for him and neighboring robots. If you shoot at such a frightened car a second time, the whole flock will take off and run. Getting into them will be more difficult. One arrow - one component.

Test "Log" - 2:00

This is where I had to fiddle around a bit. The point is to lure the Gumboats under the log trap and then activate it. The following algorithm worked for us: if you drive a flock from the water or to the left, then almost always they run along the road to the right and stop just under the logs. You can carefully run along the top and roll the trap on their heads. You can set the direction of the flock both with the help of a sling, and simply with your appearance. A couple of times we just climbed out of the river, menacingly brandishing a spear.

Test "Explosive Thread" - 3:00

This test is what we struggled with the most. Here you need to kill the Gummen with the help of an explosive thread, set by a thread thrower. In all English guides, robots ran in a disciplined way towards traps, but in ours - exclusively from them. And for no reason at all. As a result, we passed it like this: when you go down the rope, there will be a road immediately to your right. Further to the right is another one, a rope is stretched over it. This is where they need to be mined. One thread - one robot. Then we go further to the right along the rope and from that side we begin to drive the flock into a trap. With proper luck, the cars will run just in the right direction.

Hunting grounds at the Meeting of the Valleys

These lands are designed for level 18 and are already walked more cheerfully. You will have to buy at least a sling, and even better a combat bow. Of the skills, concentration and a triple shot are very useful.

Test "Fire fight" - 0:40

In this challenge, you need to hit the fireflame containers on the back of the Runners with fire arrows. At first it seems that there is very little time, but in fact it is enough. The point is not to chase individual robots, but to find a clustered flock. If you hit one of them, you will cause an explosion that will hit nearby cars. So you will most likely count them too. You can look after and mark a suitable flock even before you ride down the rope. Just use a visor.

Test "Shock" - 1:00

In this test, we need to stun the wineskins and knock down the containers under their belly. One waterskin is enough to pass, he has just three canisters with him. stun in this case- it is important. If the car has time to wake up, the result will not be counted to you. So we take a sling with electric bombs and go hunting. This robot is quite slow and clumsy, getting into it is not difficult. It is better to plant several bombs at once for fidelity. After the waterskin flops to the ground, get close to it and knock down the components. Be careful and do not try to shoot through the paw. It only takes a single hit with a rebound arrow.

Test "Cold" - 1:30

In this challenge, robots must be killed while frozen. The most obvious way is to use a sling with freeze bombs. But things somehow didn’t work out with her ... so we went the other way. We take a combat bow and insert three freezing arrows into it at once. Such a hit is guaranteed to freeze a car like a runner. It remains only to finish off with a more impressive arrow. A very convenient way.

Hunting grounds in Zubtsy

Perhaps this is the easiest hunting ground of all. Of the skills, a silent attack is needed and all sorts of stealth skills are useful, such as silent running. Of the weapons, nothing special will be needed, except for the rebound arrows.

Test "Beware" - 2:00

In this challenge, you need to kill four Watchers with a silent attack. This skill is one of the first that we master in the game, so you should not have any problems. Crept up - killed. He walks far from the bushes - they lured him with a pebble, as Rust taught. It is in close combat that a one-shot to the head from the bushes does not work. Again, it is better to mark the cars in advance. By the way, the test can be failed if a couple of Watchers are killed in the wrong way. There are a limited number of them in the location.

Test "Extermination of the hunters" - 2:00

Charm, not a test. You just need to kill two hunters. Without any additional conditions. We've killed enough of them in the whole game. Find and mark them with your visor before you rappel. As a snack, you can treat the robots with a bounce arrow to break invisibility. Well, then do as you please.

Test "Boxes" - 0:50

Here we need to pick up resources from the Scarab boxes. And not from the robots themselves, but only from the boxes that lie in groups of three on the ground. They are healthy enough so don't miss out. There is not much time, so it is better not to get involved in battles and run covertly.

Hunting grounds in the Great River

Quite funny hunting grounds, where you will need excellent command of the rope thrower and the ability to run fast. Designed for level 20. Of the skills, you will need to learn a critical attack.

Test "Detailed Analysis" - 1:30

In this test, we need to destroy the processing block from the bound Bison. Again, it is very important that it is connected exactly. If he manages to free himself, the result will not be counted. So properly nail it to the ground with ropes using a rope launcher and only then take care of the component. It explodes perfectly after being hit by hard-tipped arrows.

Test "Temp" - 1:30

Love to run and climb? Then you will definitely like this test. You need to search the carcasses of the Watchers, which lie on small cliffs. It would seem, what is difficult? First, other machines will want to get to know you. Secondly, shameless kites strive to steal the body you need. If you hit a mechanical bird with an arrow, then she will certainly let go of the Ryskari and want to take care of you.

Test "Fetters" - 2:00

Another rather tedious test of accuracy. Here we need to kill with a critical attack three connected kites. And in order to connect them, you need to get from a rope launcher from a fairly close distance. This is not so easy to do, given their ragged movements. There is no secret. Just practice and sooner or later you will succeed. You need to run up to the connected bird and press R1. This will be the critical attack.

Hunting grounds in Solnechnye furrows

These lands are perhaps our favorite. Big cars, action and everything in an adult way. To pass, you will have to prepare and learn how to intercept control of Likhodey (Ro's cauldron), and even better, Gromozevs (Zeta's cauldron). You can read more about boilers.

Test "Reavers against machines" - 1:10

In this challenge, you need to kill the machines with the help of Likhodeev weapons. The first option is to knock the gun off its back with a jackboom and take matters into your own hands. The second is to simply take control of the villain and set him on the Watchers. See for yourself whichever is more convenient for you. In the second option, the main thing is not to let your tame animal be distracted by large cars. It is he who must deliver the final blow, otherwise they will not be counted.

Test "Gromozev vs Likhodeya" - 2:00

In this case, it is absolutely easier to take control of Gromozev. If you shoot a disk launcher from him, he will no longer lag behind you and will get in the way under your feet. But if you take control, it will also bring benefits. In this case, it doesn't matter how he kills Likhodey, he can simply trample underfoot. But keep in mind that Gromozev is a lazy and non-punctual machine, he does not follow the timer. You will have to bring enemies to him, and even help a little.

Test "Management of Rogues" - 2:40

Here we need to first take control of the two Likhodey, and then kill Gromozev. Moreover, we can kill him ourselves, these are two different consecutive goals. Marks on Likhodeev, as always, it is better to put in advance. Otherwise, this fight will be no different from many others in the game. We usually shoot the animal all the protruding components and actively dodge. It is convenient to use his own disk throwers against him. fall into vulnerabilities very difficult due to their small size.

Specialists of the hunting economy determine its main content in increasing the productivity of the population of game animals and its stabilization at the achieved level (Leopold, 1933). The first steps in this direction are the regulation of production levels. The main task of the hunting economy is to increase the capacity of hunting grounds.

The American hunter W. Grange (1949) pointed out that at present any kind of animal can live on earth only if its habitat exists, to which it is multilaterally adapted. He wrote that since an animal and its habitat, or habitat, are inseparable, they constitute biological unity. In hunting, therefore, in order to get the desired response from the game, it is almost always necessary to change the habitat. Based on the unity of the game with its habitat, the central theme of the hunting economy should be considered the maintenance and preservation plant environment, i.e. primary productivity. This is the first, main step that must be achieved. Creating an abundance of game according to the management plan is possible only when we are aware of the necessary adaptive properties in the relationship between animal and habitat in order to control certain aspects of the habitat in favor of the game.

Any land should be considered as a territory intended for a certain kind land use: hunting, haymaking, arable, fishing grounds, etc. - otherwise this is a specifically economic term.

Hunting grounds are territories in which hunting or amateur (sport) hunting is or may be carried out. At the same time, these are territories in which hunting animals permanently inhabit (or have permanent flyways or crossings), or such territories where they are temporarily absent, but there are all conditions for their habitation and exploitation. It is quite obvious that those lands where there are such conditions for the habitat of game animals, but at least for the conditions of public safety, hunting cannot be carried out, cannot be considered hunting. Thus, in England it is considered possible to lease forests for hunting purposes only outside 60 km from large cities.

Our forest hunting grounds are located on the territory of the State Forest Fund of the USSR. Unlike various schemes scientific zoning of the earth's land with its internal water bodies - landscape-geographical, zoogeographic, geobotanical, biogeocenotic, etc. - the tasks of typology of hunting grounds, in particular forests, as an economic category, will also be purely applied. This should not be forgotten and should always be kept in mind, since it does not in the least contradict scientifically based hunting management. Very often, the types of forest hunting grounds identified will coincide with the types of forest biogeocenoses, with forest types and other divisions of natural historical zoning. This is quite natural, since game animals in the forest are part of forest biogeocenoses and always closely interact with many of their other elements. It is important that there may not be such a coincidence for the type of forest hunting ground, because there will be no significant differences for applied purposes between two or three types of biogeocenosis. Less often, there are cases when, according to a practically important feature or property, a type of biogeocenosis forms two or three types of hunting grounds, for example, due to the age stages of succession of forest vegetation or due to different human influences.

Types of forest (and any other) hunting grounds have the right to independent existence only in cases where their allocation expresses a clear practical purposefulness, pursuing this applied tasks hunting economy.

The type of hunting ground is equivalent to scientific terms, as a type of habitat, biotope, station of a species, etc. It is advisable to use it only in relation to each species of hunting animals and birds separately. The point is to reconcile dissimilar demands different types to the environment, and even in different seasons of the year, is extremely difficult, often impossible, and most importantly, it is not caused by practical necessity. Any event in a particular hunting area is always decided for a specific species, and not in general. At the same time, the type of forest hunting ground is an obvious, tangible reality, only its meaning is often different and dissimilar.

The type of hunting ground, like any type, as a result of the typification of natural phenomena, is always a well-known generalization (generalization), therefore, an abstraction from the concrete reality of individual forest tracts. This is the selection of the typical in the diverse, therefore it is impossible to manage and build a farm according to the types of hunting grounds. The site type does not have a specific, real spatial extent. If it is revealed, the land becomes a forest (or other) tract of this type. It is only possible to determine the limits of territories, allotments of a given type of land and the total area of ​​allotments attributed to a certain type.

Objects of management in the forest - limited in nature forest quarters, rangers bypasses, fishing lands and plots, economic units or departments, i.e. areas that are in kind of sufficient size for this and certain natural or artificial boundaries and natural boundaries (clearings, viziers, roads, permanent paths).

For a single species of animal, such territories will mostly be made up of a combination of plots of various types of forest hunting grounds of different dignity and significance for a given species. Only such territories, plots and should receive a total taxation assessment - a characteristic or bonitet. Typologization in itself is only a means for facilitating the overall grading through averaging the grading of individual sites according to their typical, specific grading.

For example, a site consists of a number of sections of two types of land with equal amount areas. The quality class of one type is I, the other is type III, therefore, the average quality class for this territory is II. Hence the grading of the type of hunting ground is, as it were, a semi-finished product on the way to the grading of an economic section of the territory (for example, a huntsman bypass).

All types of hunting grounds used by a given species during the year are unique to this species. Hunting grounds can be distinguished by seasons, highlighting the key grounds of a given season, and also bearing in mind the season that contains factors that are at a minimum and thereby determine total capacity proper lands. The division of hunting forest lands into characteristic and unusual is extremely important. It is no coincidence that from time immemorial hunters have distinguished between beaver, capercaillie, elk, black grouse, hare, marten, sable and other lands. Each species has its own set of characteristic lands, for some species they will coincide, but often their value, quality and seasonal use do not match.

Types of hunting grounds should differ from each other in terms of features essential for each given species (Danilov, 1960). A type of hunting area is a piece of territory, even when it has a significant difference for only one species and only one seasonal factor.

Thus, the type of hunting ground is a concept, first of all, a specific one. However, the lingonberry pine forest will be a type of hunting ground for squirrels, capercaillie, hazel grouse and other species, but its value, quality, capacity and productivity will be different for each species, independent for species using the same food resources, shelters, etc.

The criterion for selecting a type can be not only one seasonal factor, but also the conditions of typological classifications. Let's take deciduous young growth of I-II age class (7-15 years old) in a clearing after a spruce herbaceous-oxalis forest. The attitude of a number of species towards it will primarily be affected by whether this plantation is continuous, or whether it has gaps, clearings, sparse areas, although from a forest typological point of view, in all cases it will be an oxalis-herbaceous birch forest. Therefore, in addition to the type, it is necessary to include in the definition the age and condition of the stand, since these are different hunting grounds. But even this is not enough if we reveal the presence and area of ​​land characteristic of the brown bear. Then we will include in their number only such areas where there are many large rotten stumps and logs inhabited by large wood-boring ants left from the former spruce forest. Such grounds are a special type of bear grounds. Here is an example when a substantiated ecologically and economically singling out of a type does not fit into any classification schemes. In other cases, for some species, small-leaved forests of III-IV age classes are combined into one type of medium-aged deciduous forest, regardless of the species of the first tier of the forest stand. We will not find significant differences for these species here.

A group of complex spruce forests is sufficient for an elk, but not for a squirrel. This type is characterized by a rather meager amount of branch forages (from among the main ones - rowan shoots). Linden and hazel are mostly eaten poorly by elk. It is necessary to distinguish between the types of spruce forests from the group of complex, widely accepted in forest typology: linden spruce forest and hazel spruce forest. The fact is that coppice linden is indifferent to squirrels, and hazel, when it bears fruit, forms an important feed component for it.

The types of forest hunting grounds will be different in terms of the ratio of productivity and conditions for fishing. In the upper reaches of the river Pechory dark coniferous mixed forests along the banks of large rivers (in the Komi language - “sort”) are very fodder, stable lands of high productivity for squirrels, but they are very unprofitable for its fishing because of the height of the plantation and dense foliation of crowns.

Sometimes the population density of a species per unit area is considered as a criterion for the validity of the allocation. It is unlikely that this is thoroughly even purely practical, since population density is not a stable property of the land. It would be more thorough to single out two groups of lands: with stable and unstable (in time) forage resources. In the absence of overpopulation, twig and herbaceous food will be stable for a certain period of time (an exception is such phenomena as drought), unstable - periodically fruiting seeds of trees and shrubs, fruits, berries, mushrooms, etc.

If we use population density data, then they should be multi-year and from different districts within the range of occurrence of the land type. These data should be expressed as extreme values ​​and long-term average. In practice, when conducting a hunting inventory for 1-2 years, it is difficult to obtain such material.

So, the differences between the types of forest hunting grounds can be qualitative and quantitative (within the given quality). Naturally, when discussing the criterion for selecting a type, the question of the measure of differences arises. The distinction must be such as to satisfy, above all, the requirements statistical validity: if the population density indicator is determined with an accuracy of 20% (which is not often the case in practice), then the difference will be real, it will make a difference of at least 50-60%. Often the accuracy of the counts will be much lower. Our data on stocks of food resources per unit area are even less accurate.

Even when it comes to quality sign, its dimension cannot be bypassed, since we are pursuing, when dealing with types of land, purely practical, economic goals. For example, when typifying forest lands for elk according to the winter season (branch food), it is hardly practical to distinguish between the types of green moss spruce forests by the presence of mountain ash and buckthorn in the meager undergrowth. It is another matter if we evaluate the difference between forest types in terms of nesting conditions for the pine marten. The presence of hollow trees with a diameter of about 30 cm or more is sufficient, not necessarily in the first tier and on each hectare, often quite single topless overmature aspens. Probably, one per 10 ha will be enough and not necessarily in all parts of the habitat of a given individual. There is enough qualitative difference within the same forest type and age class.

Stable correlation with diagnostic features of the type of forest land is important, especially those that are fixed by forest management. In practice, it is impossible to determine quantitative differences in the amount of fruiting of conifers, it is so laborious, and the yield itself is unstable.

It is known that all the main indicators of forest stands and the biogeocenosis of the forest as a whole change in parallel with changes in the fertility of forest soils and the entire complex of habitat conditions. This is reflected in the quality class and type of forest (for which certain quality values ​​are also typical), in chemical composition wood, in the biochemistry of needles and annual shoots, etc. Consequently, the properties of the type of forest hunting ground can be regarded and distinguished without determining each time the forage capacity even for the most important forages.

Usually, by determining the yield from a series of trial plots, from model trees, and in other ways, we create a very exaggerated idea of ​​the practical capacity of land for a given species. The same can be said about the yield of berries and even in more about mushrooms. Here we just don't own the right methods. This is no end to explore. Ultimately, for the type of forest land, it is necessary to know not only the gross stock and yield, but also what part of it can really be developed by game animals (not only in terms of redundancy, but also in terms of availability and specific gravity parts mastered by game).

There are elements in forest lands that are very important for hunting and cannot be included in the characterization of types. Some very incomplete correlation can be established only with age - the formation of small glades-windows, or windows, due to the loss of part of the forest stand. They are extremely important and valuable in the nesting and brooding period of grouse birds, they must be created artificially. In the scheme of types of forest hunting grounds, it is difficult to identify them; they can only be included as elements that increase the quality of the type of forest grounds.

In general, we can talk about a complete conceptual scheme-classification of types of forest hunting grounds. It should be based on the general ecological scheme of forest types of academician VN Sukachev in combination with age classes and species composition of the stand. Such a classification should take into account all the elements that are essential for game animals in terms of species, therefore, it is also needed for forest hunting. This does not mean that in all cases it should be applied in expanded form. The selection should be consistent with the extent of our knowledge of the ecology of the species.

This is only the first stage. The second stage is the selection of what is available in kind within a given territory. The third stage should take into account: 1) the possibility of effective use of types in the practice of a given hunting economy (specific orientation, degree of management intensity); 2) the ability to determine them in practice in kind and to allocate according to forest management materials. This is significant, since usually the hunting management is not able to re-survey all forest management units (no more than 10-20%). It is possible that other types that are important for a given economy can be singled out separately from the less differentiated types.

The multitude of types follows from the practical needs of the economy. Not all cases of practical activity require the entire set of types at once. Usually, events are held for a specific direction, often only seasonally and in stages. We need a set of characteristic seasonal types of land, their location. A different season will require a different set of land types, and so on. Each time we will be dealing with a small number of types.

We talked about the type of forest as a basis. The name should contain its diagnostic features: the dominant species of the upper layer (sometimes the second, if it is typical and well expressed), the dominant species of the undergrowth (especially important for the economy) and plants - indicators of the ground cover (for example, buckthorn-bilberry pine forest).

In typology, it is not necessary to adhere to the same level of precision and detail. For one type of land, the type of forest can be used entirely, for another - the ecological group (for example, lingonberry pine forest and a group of dry lichen, heather, steppe forests), regardless of their different origin, because their significance is similar and small. Probably, for the most part, we will not dissect the complex of raised sphagnum bogs. The significance of its elements for game animals is different, but the degree of their population is always low, therefore, farming in it is impractical, since it is often a complex complex that cannot be mapped.

So, it is impossible to combine all spruce forests into one type. First of all, by age it is necessary to distinguish between fruit-bearing and non-fruitful spruce forests. The size of fruiting by forest types and quality will be significantly different (Danilov, 1953). The same can be said about the distribution of the abundance of blueberries.

It is quite natural to take into account both the area occupied by the type of land on the farm and the limiting sizes of individual allotments. If the type makes up 1-2% of the area and does not occur in sections larger than 0.5 ha, it can be neglected.

However, in all cases it is necessary to go from the complex to the simple. Just as in forest management the area of ​​a quarter and a division is determined by the category of forest management, in the management of forests it is necessary to proceed from the categories of forest management and hunting management.

The type of forest hunting ground can be complex in a number of ways - mixed in the composition of rocks and at the same time uneven in age within adjacent age classes. It can be a special type of birch forest with curtains and single pines, etc. But you always need to know why the type is distinguished and how to master it.

In no case should the scientific and applied classification of types of forest hunting grounds be confused with the set of often enlarged typological categories that are used in practice.

In practice, a very important property of a forest hunting ground should be considered the degree of its stability. Genuinely stable sites do occur, but they differ in origin and significance. On the one hand, these are self-renewing multi-tiered forests of different ages, both primordial (mainly mountainous) and secondary, that is, those that have restored their original structure after a period of successional development, on the other hand, these are various unexploited (due to economic low value) plantations, such as pine along a sphagnum bog and a number of similar plantations.

Most forest plantations are in one or another stage of age and species succession. Stages have different durability. The most short-term, ephemeral are the initial stages: cutting areas (the stage until the canopy of reforestation forming on it closes) and the stage of young growth (10-20 years). The duration of the felling stage (or renewed burning) is quite variable depending on the availability of self-seeding or the development of stump or root shoots. Sometimes, especially in the northern taiga, many years pass in the stage of grass-moss cover. There are enough cases when reforestation turns out to be completely impossible (more often due to surface waterlogging and growth of moss cover), and the cutting area turns into a mossy wasteland.

The climax stage will be relatively long, that is, the mature forest, including plantations that, from a forestry point of view, become overmature. The duration of this stage depends on human forestry activities.

The life span of individual stages in coniferous and deciduous plantations is different. In deciduous plantations, the development to the climax stage occurs in a generalized expression 2 times faster. In reality, there are significant differences between different hardwoods (for example, between aspen and oak). The hunter, who constantly works in the forests, must remember the pace of succession processes, which determine the continuously changing fodder capacity and other properties of forest plantations. Hence the hunting bonitet - the concept is far from stable even in relation to the same territory.

However, the complexity of the problem of forest hunting grounds in the approach to the forest, as to the habitat of hunting animals, is not exhausted by this. The dignity of a particular tract (section, detour) is made up not only of the bonitet of the individual divisions forming it and different types of land, but also of their mutual combination. The effect of its development by one species or another depends not to a small extent on what a given section borders on.

It is known that a land rich in food, but devoid of shelters and shelters, loses the possibility of developing it by hunting animals. This can be compensated by the proximity to a site that has created a protective environment, but is poor in food only within the radius of daily activity of individuals of this species. For species with a limited radius of diurnal activity, this is a very important condition. Back in 1933, the American hunter and ecologist A. Leopold called this important circumstance interspersion, that is, the interpenetration of two or more types of land. Hence the concentration of life and its manifestations at the junction, the contact of lands, each of which provides the individual vital requirements of the species.

Our studies have confirmed that often the censuses on the boundary line are average between the two contact types of sites. Sometimes they are higher than in each of the replaceable types of land separately. AT different years ratios vary. For example, in the winter of 1938/39 in the Zhiguli Nature Reserve, on a 10 km route, the tracks of a mountain hare were distributed as follows:

Otherwise, the edge (contact) occupied an intermediate position, close to the average, in terms of the number of tracks. In the next winter season of 1939/40, the following data were obtained:

The occurrence of traces fell, but at the contact sites it remained at a higher level.

Everything that is stated here can be called an introduction to the doctrine of the forest habitats of hunting animals and birds and its application in hunting, so a lot of space was devoted to defining the content of the concept and term "hunting ground".

This term is purely applied, economic. In the practice of hunting farms, it is necessary to deal with on-farm subdivisions of the territory that have specific areas and boundaries, which, in the process of hunting taxation, must receive a bonitet class (forest quarters, ranger bypasses or plots, hunting plots, departments, etc.). Bonitet should be specific (year-round, seasonal or key season). Types of forest hunting grounds, their capacities, seasonal bonitets and their combination into groups peculiar to the type of grounds should be the basis of any hunting tax research and practical work, but they should not be involved in everyday economic circulation, resorting to them only when it is necessary to decipher for some purpose final assessment(for example, for activities for hunting land reclamation). The basic principle in hunting taxation should be from complex to simple, simplicity should be the result of hard work and creative generalization researcher. Average interspecific tax rates of the territory can be used only for purely intra-economic practical purposes. general, for example, to estimate the relative productivity of individual plots, while excluding the current population density. In other cases, they may lead to erroneous judgments. Figures should not obscure the real phenomena of wildlife.

In the book edited by Academician V.N. forest species of grouse birds by forest types (more precisely, by groups of types), compiled by the forester Leontiev. The diagram shows that no species is limited to one group of forest types. The only difference is that one species covers a larger number of forest types, and the other a smaller number of forest types. Quite a lot is said in this book about the significance of the age stage in any type of forest, about the significance of the species composition. Obviously, for all the ecological value and importance of the doctrine of forest types, they do not fully explain the patterns of distribution of game animals in the forest environment. In many cases, the forest types identified by forest typologists and geobotanists have too subtle differences in order to be able to identify at least not qualitative, but quantitative differences in the occurrence of individual species. Such differences are probably easier to detect in the invertebrate fauna.

Even such larger categories as the group of types (green mosses, long mosses, etc.) do not limit the distribution of game animals within their limits, although their significance is still very significant and different. Leontiev's scheme showed only differences in the attitude of individual species to those ecological factors on which the classification of forest types by Academician V.N. Sukachev was built: to the degree of richness of forest soils and to the intensity and type of their moisture (stagnant, flowing).

Of considerable importance is the fact that rarely one or another type of forest covers the entire territory in its area, comparable to the radius of activity of an individual. Therefore, to identify quantitative differences in the distribution in different types forests of forest voles and shrews are always a more realistic task than for hunting animals and birds. But it is impossible to deny the existence of differences between forest types and their significance in this case. Another thing is that for the practice of hunting on its modern level it's not needed.

Apparently, it would be more realistic to deal with different combinations of types of habitats, especially since there is undoubtedly a certain regularity in such combinations. Take for yourself a simple example a combination of sphagnum pine or spruce forests in relief depressions with lichen and lingonberry forests on elevations. The classic example we find in the forests of Karelia, but this pattern is much broader. Another example is within the Ruza forestry of the Moscow region, where large areas the range of forest types fits into the framework from complex, hazel types to sorrel forests in combination with brooks (fontinale) in forest floodplains and hollows. Such integration is of economic importance.

Forest typology is most closely related to the quality of habitat conditions and to the quality of forest stands. The connection between the silvicultural grades and the grades of forest hunting grounds is the most direct and immediate, of course, with other equal conditions, i.e. within the same age and breed. Exceptions are rare and only prove the rule. In some cases, in the typology of forest hunting grounds, it is necessary to distinguish forest types, for example, blueberry spruce and sour spruce forests, because their quality as hunting grounds is quite different. It is necessary to take into account the differences between the spruce forest or aspen forest and linden, but there is no need to separate plantings with a predominance of goutweed or blueberries in the soil cover, etc. as forest hunting grounds.

Hunting animals and birds different time years and for different purposes, they develop various forest hunting grounds, forest types with different combinations of forest stands by species and age. At the same time, the same species develops either the crown zone, and then age and species are of decisive importance, then the subsoil layer with terrestrial vegetation, and then the type of forest becomes very importance and even with such subtle differences as sour, herbaceous-sour, sour-blueberry, herbaceous-blueberry and blueberry spruce forest, aspen forest, birch forest. In other cases, the layer of undergrowth and undergrowth is developed, then the differences in the soil cover are reflected only correlatively, indirectly. First of all, it is obvious that in all cases of applied research it is equally harmful to proceed from any preconceived, "principled" point of view. So far, we have mastered applied ecology too little for this.

When determining the relationship of individual species of forest animals and birds to the types of hunting grounds, one must be very careful and beware of unreasonable generalization.

For example, it is considered a classic position that the capercaillie is a bird pine forests. In general, when comparing the distribution of numbers with the dominance of forest species, this is true. However, the fact is that the wood grouse is very closely related to pine only by its winter food, but already O. I. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky showed that although during the winter the wood grouse eats a lot of pine needles, its reserves per hectare are so food cannot limit the number of capercaillie. In any case, capercaillie inhabits forests where the participation of pine does not exceed 10-15%, where pine is practically found only in small curtains, or even only interspersed with individual trees. (Central Forest Reserve, the central part of the Zavidovsky reserve and hunting economy, Ruza forestry. In last case spring density is 3/1000 ha, i.e. above the average for the region).

In other seasons, the presence of pine for capercaillie is not necessary. So, in the Central Forest Reserve, the current is in an overmature aspen forest. In the Ruza forestry there is current in mixed large forests, in old aspen forests, and even in old birch forests. The presence of oak capercaillie (South Ural, Zhiguli) is also known.

This does not mean that capercaillie can also be settled outside the complex of pine forests, since this is by no means the optimum conditions for capercaillie. Maybe, top scores will be during the resettlement of birds from a similar type of land. However, it would be risky to settle wood grouses from typical biotopes in atypical lands.

So, the Altai maral has been living in the Zavidovsky reserve hunting farm for about 30 years. For many years, it inhabited mainly damp, swampy deciduous forests, and in winter stayed near haystacks. Relatively recently, he mastered almost all central part economy. Marals were exported from the Shabalinsky maral state farm. Marals were also brought to the Pereslavl forest and hunting farm ( Yaroslavskaya oblast), and there they immediately began to develop (primarily agricultural) land adjacent to woodland. The stationary distribution in both cases turned out to be different, which led to different practical conclusions, and the conclusions for the first period in the introduction should have been made taking into account the data on the development local conditions in all distribution areas of this species. And there are many such examples.

All field, forest and wetland areas that serve as a habitat for animals and birds and can be used for hunting are considered hunting grounds. These lands are leased to the hunting user. In the concept of hunting grounds, two sides should be distinguished: ecological - grounds, as a habitat for hunting animals, and hunting grounds - grounds as a production area on which the hunting process is carried out. The hunting grounds must not include territories unsuitable for the habitation of game animals (settlements, roads, quarries). These lands are not leased to the hunting user.

To characterize hunting grounds, categories and types of hunting grounds are distinguished.

Type of hunting ground - these are areas of the territory with similar habitat conditions for game animals (mainly forage and protective conditions). With the same intensity of economic use, areas assigned to the same type of hunting grounds have a homogeneous composition, an equal density of animals and birds, and require the same biotechnical measures.

All lands of the branch of the EE BSTU - "Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry" (fund of hunting grounds) are divided into three main categories:

    Forest hunting grounds.

    Field hunting grounds.

    Wetland hunting grounds.

Forest hunting grounds – Forested lands of the State Forest Fund (SFF) and other land users. They serve as a habitat for ungulates, white hare, upland game, some fur-bearing species of game animals and partly for brown hare.

Table 1.2 shows the distribution of hunting grounds by type in general for the hunting economy.

Table 1.2 - Distribution of hunting grounds by categories and types

Name of types of hunting grounds


Pine young growth

Boron dry

Boron complex

Boron is wet and swampy

Continuation of table 1.2

Spruce forest complex

Spruce grove damp and wet

The birch forest is dry and complex

The birch forest is damp and swampy


broad-leaved plantations

Renewed cuttings

Total forest


Field total


Raised bogs

lowland swamps

transitional swamps

Total wetlands

Total hunting grounds


Area within approved boundaries

As can be seen from tables 1.2 forest hunting grounds leased out occupy more than half of the hunting grounds area (67.5%). Of the forest types, compound boron is most widely represented (34.1%).

The area of ​​oak forests and other broad-leaved plantations, although small (0.6%), but their participation significantly improves the quality of forest land for ungulates (wild boar, deer, roe deer). It should be noted that oak is often found in other plantations as an admixture, as well as in significant quantities in the undergrowth.

Field hunting grounds of the organized economy can be characterized by a significant number of fields used in agriculture.

The main wetlands are concentrated in the floodplain of the Ussa and Peretut rivers. There are no large and medium-sized lakes on the territory of the farm.

The land reclamation network on the farm is very wide, but it is unsuitable for the habitat of near-aquatic mammals and waterfowl, since it does not have a constant water level, is 80% devoid of coastal tree vegetation and is subject to the negative influence of the anthropogenic factor.

Lands unsuitable for game animals ( settlements, of which there are 28 on the territory being arranged, roads, quarries, existing peat extraction) occupy 1400 hectares or 6.1% of the total area of ​​the object being arranged.

        The division of the territory of the hunting economy into hunting economic zones.

There are 4 hunting economic zones on the territory of the hunting farm:

    rest zone;

    zone of predominant hunting for ungulates (seven sites);

    zone of predominant hunting for fur animals, upland, field and waterfowl;

    zone of training, driving and (or) competitions of hunting dogs, birds of prey and decoys (three sites)

The area of ​​the rest zone is 2021.5 hectares or 8.6% of the area of ​​the farm, which is located in the south of the Negorelsky forestry. By the decision of the Uzdensky district of the executive committee No. 759 in the Litvyansky forestry on June 13, 2008. was formed biological reserve of local importance "Lenchino" with an area of ​​288.8 hectares (1.1%). On the territory of which hunting is prohibited, except for hunting in quarters 113 and 133. It is advisable to include the territory of this reserve in the rest zone (except for quarters 113, 133). This means that the total area of ​​the rest zone is 2262.5 hectares (9.7% of the farm area).

The boundaries of the biological reserve of local importance "Lenchino" are as follows: in the north - from northwestern corner sq. 111 Litvyansky forest area of ​​Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry in the western direction along northern border quarters 111, 112 and the northern border of allotment 2, quarter 113 of the Litvyansky forestry of the Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry; in the east - eastern border sections 2, 6, 11, 15 of quarter 113, further along the eastern border of quarters 133, 149, 166 of the Litvyansky forestry of the Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry enterprise; in the south - along the southern border of block 166, along the western border of blocks 166 and 149; along the southern border of quarters 148 and 147 of the Litvyansky forestry of the Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry; in the west - along the western border of blocks 147 and 130, along the western border of block 111 of the Litvyansky forestry of the Negorelsky educational and experimental forestry enterprise to the starting point.

7 areas of predominant management of ungulates have been identified. The area of ​​this zone in the economy is 13087.5 hectares or 56.2% of the territory.

The zone of driving, training of hunting dogs (3 sites) with a total area of ​​725 hectares or 3.1% of the territory.

The rest of the area is reserved for hunting small game, which is 7215.0 or 31.0% of the territory where hunting for ungulates can also be carried out.

The concept of "hunting grounds" has changed significantly due to changes in the role of hunting in human life. Now the interpretation of hunting grounds as areas inhabited by game animals is not enough. The involvement in the economic use of more and more vast territories has led to a deterioration in living conditions and a decrease in the number of game animals. The increasingly acute shortage of hunting resources led to the introduction of resource-saving forms of their use.

Now only such territories are recognized as hunting grounds where game animals live, it is allowed to get them and hunting is conducted. This definition excludes from the hunting grounds reserves and sections of national parks organized for the conservation of specimens. natural nature along with all the animals living there, including hunting ones. Excluded from hunting grounds and densely populated areas, green areas around industrial centers, the settlements themselves. In such areas, game animals do not live permanently, but occasionally appear during their seasonal movements or fleeing persecution in hunting grounds. Hunting is contrary to the principles of the safety of the local population.

Types and purposes of hunting grounds.Hunting grounds according to the nature of use are divided into 3 categories. The first includes lands of common use, in which hunting is permitted within the established time limits in compliance with the rules for its conduct, and access to them is open to all hunters with corrected hunting documents. In the European part of Russia, very few hunting grounds of this category have been preserved, and within the Moscow region they do not exist at all. The second category includes hunting reserves. A part of the hunting grounds is allocated for them in order to improve the living conditions and reproduction of some animal species by restricting the access of hunters to them and prohibiting hunting. In sanctuaries, the ban on the extraction of a species or group of game animals is temporary, in contrast to reserves, where it is permanent and applies to all species of animals. The third category is formed by assigned hunting grounds assigned to state, cooperative, public organizations who receive the priority right to use the resources of game animals within the boundaries of hunting farms. The hunting economy as an organizational and economic unit in the system of using the state hunting fund was legally formalized with the relevant government decrees back in 1930 by the USSR. Since then, the depersonalization in the use of hunting resources has been eliminated, which is more in line with the already completed transformation of hunting into one of the leisure activities. The strengthening of the role of unions of hunting societies in the management of farms increased the interest of hunters in the rational use of the livestock of game animals, contributed to the expansion of work on the protection and reproduction of their stocks. The basis of the activity of the farms was the provision of conditions for hunting and for the reproduction of the state hunting fund.

Categories of hunting grounds. Hunting grounds as animal habitats are divided into 4 categories, differing in the composition of the animals living in them and the conditions for hunting: forest, field, swamp and water. The main categories are divided into additional ones, for example, water ones - into lakes and rivers, which can be small and large, and the forest category includes, for example, in addition to the forest itself, also shrubs, burnt areas and clearings. Field hunting grounds are divided mainly into arable land and meadows. Swamps can also be different; they are divided into forested and non-forested, upland and lowland, in accordance with the characteristic features of the species composition of the animals living in them. This division of the territory is also necessary because the organization of hunting in each case is built differently, and the differences relate not only to the types of game animals, but also to the timing, the hunting season, safety rules, and much more.

In specific territories, even the main categories of hunting grounds can be presented in full or truncated form and in different ratio the areas they occupy. Hence the differences in the species composition and abundance of game animals in a particular territory, and, consequently, the possibility of obtaining one or another number of these animals and organizing hunting for them. The more widely and on a sufficient area the main categories of hunting grounds are represented, the more diverse are the possibilities for using the livestock. Accounting for the state and quality of hunting grounds is the basis of hunting management. This helps to navigate in what kind of animals, what habitat conditions exist and what stocks of these hunting species are available. Without knowing this, it is impossible to decide how many and what species of animals can be harvested, in what time frame and what types of hunting can be organized in a given territory. The number of animals is not the same in different years, so there is a need to find out and evaluate the hunting situation in each area of ​​the territory allotted for hunting. These works can only be carried out by professionals, so the entire hunting process can be divided into a preparatory stage and an implementation stage. At the first stage, mainly hunting professionals work. The success of the next stage depends on the quality of the work performed by them, which is always carried out with the participation of the consumer - the hunter who has expressed a desire to participate in one or another type of hunting, to get one or another type of hunting animal. The costs in the first stage must be compensated in the second.

All these circumstances influence the development and the very existence of amateur hunting, especially in such a densely populated and industrial Moscow region. Relations between land tenants are aggravated here due to the growing shortage of lands rich in game animals, especially the forest category. The discrepancy between the interests of the hunting economy and the interests of other land users and the fact that hunting societies, as public associations that have legal rights, act as secondary users of leased lands in relation to primary - agriculture and forestry. Hunting grounds are being redistributed among users, the boundaries of hunting grounds are changing, and their number is decreasing. Within the Moscow region, various associations of amateur hunters have about 3.5 thousand hectares of hunting grounds in their use. Hunting can be carried out in 61 hunting farms, most of which are assigned to the Moscow Society of Hunters and Fishermen. These farms are maintained mainly at the expense of the MOOiR, part of the financing is made at the expense of funds earned by hunting farms. In the future, the cost of hunting for the amateur hunter will undoubtedly increase, which may different consequences for the hunting economy of the region.

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