Definitions of electron current in gases. Electric current in gases: definition, features and interesting facts

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Lecture2 1

Current in gases

1. General Provisions

Definition: The phenomenon of the passage of electric current in gases is called gas discharge.

The behavior of gases is highly dependent on its parameters, such as temperature and pressure, and these parameters change quite easily. Therefore, the flow of electric current in gases is more complex than in metals or in a vacuum.

Gases do not obey Ohm's law.

2. Ionization and recombination

A gas under normal conditions consists of practically neutral molecules, therefore, it is an extremely poor conductor of electric current. However, under external influences, an electron can come off the atom and a positively charged ion appears. In addition, an electron can join a neutral atom and form a negatively charged ion. Thus, it is possible to obtain an ionized gas, i.e. plasma.

External influences include heating, irradiation with energetic photons, bombardment by other particles, and strong fields, i.e. the same conditions that are necessary for elemental emission.

An electron in an atom is in a potential well, and in order to escape from there, it is necessary to impart additional energy to the atom, which is called the ionization energy.


Ionization energy, eV

hydrogen atom


Hydrogen molecule




oxygen atom


oxygen molecule


Along with the phenomenon of ionization, the phenomenon of recombination is also observed, i.e. the union of an electron and a positive ion to form a neutral atom. This process occurs with the release of energy equal to the ionization energy. This energy can be used for radiation or heating. Local heating of the gas leads to a local change in pressure. Which in turn leads to the appearance of sound waves. Thus, the gas discharge is accompanied by light, thermal and noise effects.

3. CVC of a gas discharge.

At the initial stages, the action of an external ionizer is necessary.

In the BAW section, the current exists under the action of an external ionizer and quickly reaches saturation when all ionized particles participate in the current generation. If you remove the external ionizer, the current stops.

This type of discharge is called a non-self-sustaining gas discharge. When you try to increase the voltage in the gas, an avalanche of electrons appears, and the current increases at a practically constant voltage, which is called the ignition voltage (BC).

From this moment on, the discharge becomes independent and there is no need for an external ionizer. The number of ions can become so large that the resistance of the interelectrode gap decreases and, accordingly, the voltage (SD) drops.

Then, in the interelectrode gap, the region of current passage begins to narrow, and the resistance increases, and, consequently, the voltage (DE) increases.

When you try to increase the voltage, the gas becomes fully ionized. The resistance and voltage drops to zero, and the current rises many times over. It turns out an arc discharge (EF).

CVC shows that the gas does not obey Ohm's law at all.

4. Processes in gas

processes that can lead to the formation of electron avalanches on the image.

These are elements of Townsend's qualitative theory.

5. Glow discharge.

At low pressures and low voltages, this discharge can be observed.

K - 1 (dark Aston space).

1 - 2 (luminous cathode film).

2 – 3 (dark Crookes space).

3 - 4 (first cathode glow).

4 – 5 (dark Faraday space)

5 - 6 (positive anode column).

6 – 7 (anodic dark space).

7 - A (anode glow).

If the anode is made movable, then the length of the positive column can be adjusted, practically without changing the size of the K-5 region.

In dark regions, particles are accelerated and energy is accumulated; in light regions, ionization and recombination processes occur.

In gases, there are non-self-sustaining and self-sustaining electrical discharges.

The phenomenon of the flow of electric current through a gas, observed only under the condition of any external influence on the gas, is called a non-self-sustained electric discharge. The process of detachment of an electron from an atom is called ionization of the atom. The minimum energy that must be expended to detach an electron from an atom is called the ionization energy. A partially or fully ionized gas, in which the densities of positive and negative charges are the same, is called plasma.

The carriers of electric current in non-self-sustained discharge are positive ions and negative electrons. The current-voltage characteristic is shown in fig. 54. In the field of OAB - a non-self-sustained discharge. In the BC region, the discharge becomes independent.

In self-discharge, one of the methods of ionization of atoms is electron impact ionization. Ionization by electron impact becomes possible when the electron acquires a kinetic energy W k at the mean free path A, sufficient to do the work of detaching the electron from the atom. Types of independent discharges in gases - spark, corona, arc and glow discharges.

spark discharge occurs between two electrodes charged with different charges and having a large potential difference. The voltage between oppositely charged bodies reaches up to 40,000 V. The spark discharge is short-term, its mechanism is electronic impact. Lightning is a type of spark discharge.

In highly inhomogeneous electric fields, formed, for example, between a tip and a plane or between a power line wire and the Earth's surface, a special form of self-sustained discharge in gases occurs, called corona discharge.

Electric arc discharge was discovered by the Russian scientist V.V. Petrov in 1802. When two electrodes made of coal come into contact at a voltage of 40-50 V, in some places there are areas of small cross section with high electrical resistance. These areas get very hot, emit electrons that ionize the atoms and molecules between the electrodes. The carriers of electric current in the arc are positively charged ions and electrons.

A discharge that occurs at reduced pressure is called glow discharge. With a decrease in pressure, the mean free path of an electron increases, and during the time between collisions, it has time to acquire energy sufficient for ionization in an electric field with a lower intensity. The discharge is carried out by an electron-ion avalanche.

It is formed by the directed movement of free electrons and that in this case no changes in the substance from which the conductor is made do not occur.

Such conductors, in which the passage of an electric current is not accompanied by chemical changes in their substance, are called conductors of the first kind. These include all metals, coal and a number of other substances.

But there are also such conductors of electric current in nature, in which chemical phenomena occur during the passage of current. These conductors are called conductors of the second kind. These include mainly various solutions in water of acids, salts and alkalis.

If you pour water into a glass vessel and add a few drops of sulfuric acid (or some other acid or alkali) to it, and then take two metal plates and attach conductors to them by lowering these plates into the vessel, and connect a current source to the other ends of the conductors through a switch and an ammeter, then gas will be released from the solution, and it will continue continuously until the circuit is closed. acidified water is indeed a conductor. In addition, the plates will begin to be covered with gas bubbles. Then these bubbles will break away from the plates and come out.

When an electric current passes through the solution, chemical changes occur, as a result of which gas is released.

Conductors of the second kind are called electrolytes, and the phenomenon that occurs in the electrolyte when an electric current passes through it is.

Metal plates dipped into the electrolyte are called electrodes; one of them, connected to the positive pole of the current source, is called an anode, and the other, connected to the negative pole, is called cathode.

What causes the passage of electric current in a liquid conductor? It turns out that in such solutions (electrolytes), acid molecules (alkalis, salts) under the action of a solvent (in this case, water) decompose into two components, and one particle of the molecule has a positive electrical charge, and the other negative.

The particles of a molecule that have an electric charge are called ions. When an acid, salt or alkali is dissolved in water, a large number of both positive and negative ions appear in the solution.

Now it should become clear why an electric current passed through the solution, because between the electrodes connected to the current source, it was created, in other words, one of them turned out to be positively charged and the other negatively. Under the influence of this potential difference, positive ions began to move towards the negative electrode - the cathode, and negative ions - towards the anode.

Thus, the chaotic movement of ions has become an ordered counter-movement of negative ions in one direction and positive ones in the other. This charge transfer process constitutes the flow of electric current through the electrolyte and occurs as long as there is a potential difference across the electrodes. With the disappearance of the potential difference, the current through the electrolyte stops, the orderly movement of ions is disturbed, and chaotic movement sets in again.

As an example, consider the phenomenon of electrolysis when an electric current is passed through a solution of copper sulphate CuSO4 with copper electrodes lowered into it.

The phenomenon of electrolysis when current passes through a solution of copper sulphate: C - vessel with electrolyte, B - current source, C - switch

There will also be a counter movement of ions to the electrodes. The positive ion will be the copper (Cu) ion, and the negative ion will be the acid residue (SO4) ion. Copper ions, upon contact with the cathode, will be discharged (attaching the missing electrons to themselves), i.e., they will turn into neutral molecules of pure copper, and deposited on the cathode in the form of the thinnest (molecular) layer.

Negative ions, having reached the anode, are also discharged (give away excess electrons). But at the same time, they enter into a chemical reaction with the copper of the anode, as a result of which a molecule of copper Cu is attached to the acidic residue SO4 and a molecule of copper sulfate CuS O4 is formed, which is returned back to the electrolyte.

Since this chemical process takes a long time, copper is deposited on the cathode, which is released from the electrolyte. In this case, instead of the copper molecules that have gone to the cathode, the electrolyte receives new copper molecules due to the dissolution of the second electrode - the anode.

The same process occurs if zinc electrodes are taken instead of copper ones, and the electrolyte is a solution of zinc sulfate ZnSO4. Zinc will also be transferred from the anode to the cathode.

Thus, difference between electric current in metals and liquid conductors lies in the fact that in metals only free electrons, i.e., negative charges, are charge carriers, while in electrolytes it is carried by oppositely charged particles of matter - ions moving in opposite directions. Therefore they say that electrolytes have ionic conductivity.

The phenomenon of electrolysis was discovered in 1837 by B. S. Jacobi, who carried out numerous experiments on the study and improvement of chemical current sources. Jacobi found that one of the electrodes placed in a solution of copper sulphate, when an electric current passes through it, is covered with copper.

This phenomenon is called electroplating, finds extremely wide practical application now. One example of this is the coating of metal objects with a thin layer of other metals, i.e. nickel plating, gilding, silver plating, etc.

Gases (including air) do not conduct electricity under normal conditions. For example, naked, being suspended parallel to each other, are isolated from one another by a layer of air.

However, under the influence of high temperature, a large potential difference, and other reasons, gases, like liquid conductors, ionize, i.e., particles of gas molecules appear in them in large numbers, which, being carriers of electricity, contribute to the passage of electric current through the gas.

But at the same time, the ionization of a gas differs from the ionization of a liquid conductor. If a molecule breaks up into two charged parts in a liquid, then in gases, under the action of ionization, electrons are always separated from each molecule and an ion remains in the form of a positively charged part of the molecule.

One has only to stop the ionization of the gas, as it ceases to be conductive, while the liquid always remains a conductor of electric current. Consequently, the conductivity of a gas is a temporary phenomenon, depending on the action of external factors.

However, there is another one called arc discharge or just an electric arc. The phenomenon of an electric arc was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century by the first Russian electrical engineer V. V. Petrov.

V. V. Petrov, doing numerous experiments, discovered that between two charcoal connected to a current source, a continuous electric discharge occurs through the air, accompanied by a bright light. In his writings, V. V. Petrov wrote that in this case, "the dark peace can be quite brightly illuminated." So for the first time electric light was obtained, which was practically applied by another Russian electrical scientist Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov.

"Yablochkov's Candle", whose work is based on the use of an electric arc, made a real revolution in electrical engineering in those days.

The arc discharge is used as a source of light even today, for example, in searchlights and projectors. The high temperature of the arc discharge allows it to be used for . At present, arc furnaces powered by a very high current are used in a number of industries: for the smelting of steel, cast iron, ferroalloys, bronze, etc. And in 1882, N. N. Benardos first used an arc discharge for cutting and welding metal.

In gas-light tubes, fluorescent lamps, voltage stabilizers, to obtain electron and ion beams, the so-called glow gas discharge.

A spark discharge is used to measure large potential differences using a ball gap, the electrodes of which are two metal balls with a polished surface. The balls are moved apart, and a measured potential difference is applied to them. Then the balls are brought together until a spark jumps between them. Knowing the diameter of the balls, the distance between them, the pressure, temperature and humidity of the air, they find the potential difference between the balls according to special tables. This method can be used to measure, to within a few percent, potential differences of the order of tens of thousands of volts.

1. Ionization, its essence and types.

The first condition for the existence of an electric current is the presence of free charge carriers. In gases, they arise as a result of ionization. Under the action of ionization factors, an electron is separated from a neutral particle. The atom becomes a positive ion. Thus, there are 2 types of charge carriers: a positive ion and a free electron. If an electron joins a neutral atom, then a negative ion appears, i.e. the third type of charge carriers. An ionized gas is called a conductor of the third kind. Two types of conductivity are possible here: electronic and ionic. Simultaneously with the processes of ionization, the reverse process, recombination, takes place. It takes energy to separate an electron from an atom. If the energy is supplied from outside, then the factors contributing to ionization are called external (high temperature, ionizing radiation, ultraviolet radiation, strong magnetic fields). Depending on the ionization factors, it is called thermal ionization, photoionization. Also, ionization can be caused by mechanical shock. Ionization factors are divided into natural and artificial. The natural one is caused by the radiation of the Sun, the radioactive background of the Earth. In addition to external ionization, there is internal. It is divided into percussion and stepped.

Impact ionization.

At a sufficiently high voltage, the electrons accelerated by the field to high speeds themselves become a source of ionization. When such an electron strikes a neutral atom, the electron is knocked out of the atom. This occurs when the energy of the electron causing the ionization exceeds the ionization energy of the atom. The voltage between the electrodes must be sufficient for the electron to acquire the required energy. This voltage is called ionization voltage. Each has its own meaning.

If the energy of the moving electron is less than necessary, then only the excitation of the neutral atom occurs upon impact. If a moving electron collides with a pre-excited atom, then stepwise ionization occurs.

2. Non-self-sustained gas discharge and its current-voltage characteristic.

Ionization leads to the fulfillment of the first condition for the existence of current, i.e. to the appearance of free charges. For the current to occur, an external force is required, which will make the charges move in a direction, i.e. an electric field is needed. An electric current in gases is accompanied by a number of phenomena: light, sound, the formation of ozone, nitrogen oxides. A set of phenomena accompanying the passage of current through a gas-gas discharge. Often, the process of passing current is called a gas discharge.

The discharge is called non-self-sustaining if it exists only during the action of an external ionizer. In this case, after the termination of the action of the external ionizer, no new charge carriers are formed, and the current stops. With a non-self-sustained discharge, the currents are small in magnitude, and there is no gas glow.

Independent gas discharge, its types and characteristics.

An independent gas discharge is a discharge that can exist after the termination of the external ionizer, i.e. due to impact ionization. In this case, light and sound phenomena are observed, the current strength can increase significantly.

Types of self-discharge:

1. quiet discharge - follows directly after the non-self-sustained one, the current strength does not exceed 1 mA, there are no sound and light phenomena. It is used in physiotherapy, Geiger-Muller counters.

2. glow discharge. As the voltage increases, the quiet turns into smoldering. It occurs at a certain voltage - ignition voltage. It depends on the type of gas. Neon has 60-80 V. It also depends on the gas pressure. The glow discharge is accompanied by a glow, it is associated with recombination, which goes with the release of energy. The color also depends on the type of gas. It is used in indicator lamps (neon, ultraviolet bactericidal, lighting, luminescent).

3. arc discharge. The current strength is 10 - 100 A. It is accompanied by an intense glow, the temperature in the gas-discharge gap reaches several thousand degrees. Ionization reaches almost 100%. 100% ionized gas - cold gas plasma. She has good conductivity. It is used in mercury lamps of high and ultrahigh pressure.

4. Spark discharge is a kind of arc discharge. This is a pulse-oscillatory discharge. In medicine, the effect of high-frequency oscillations is used. At a high current density, intense sound phenomena are observed.

5. corona discharge. This is a kind of glow discharge It is observed in places where there is a sharp change in the electric field strength. Here there is an avalanche of charges and a glow of gases - a corona.

An electric current is a flow that is caused by the ordered movement of electrically charged particles. The movement of charges is taken as the direction of the electric current. Electric current can be short-term and long-term.

The concept of electric current

During a lightning discharge, an electric current can occur, which is called short-term. And to maintain the current for a long time, it is necessary to have an electric field and free electric charge carriers.

An electric field is created by bodies charged differently. The current strength is the ratio of the charge transferred through the cross section of the conductor in a time interval to this time interval. It is measured in amperes.

Rice. 1. Current formula

Electric current in gases

Gas molecules do not conduct electricity under normal conditions. They are insulators (dielectrics). However, if environmental conditions are changed, gases can become conductors of electricity. As a result of ionization (during heating or under the action of radioactive radiation), an electric current arises in gases, which is often replaced by the term "electric discharge".

Self-sustained and non-self-sustained gas discharges

Discharges in a gas can be self-sustaining and non-self-sustaining. The current begins to exist when free charges appear. Non-self-sustaining discharges exist as long as an external force acts on it, that is, an external ionizer. That is, if the external ionizer ceases to operate, then the current stops.

An independent discharge of electric current in gases exists even after the termination of the external ionizer. Independent discharges in physics are divided into quiet, smoldering, arc, spark, corona.

  • Quiet - the weakest of the independent discharges. The current strength in it is very small (no more than 1 mA). It is not accompanied by sound or light phenomena.
  • Smoldering - if you increase the voltage in a quiet discharge, it goes to the next level - to a glow discharge. In this case, a glow appears, which is accompanied by recombination. Recombination - the reverse ionization process, the meeting of an electron and a positive ion. It is used in bactericidal and lighting lamps.

Rice. 2. Glow discharge

  • Arc - the current strength ranges from 10 A to 100 A. In this case, ionization is almost 100%. This type of discharge occurs, for example, during the operation of a welding machine.

Rice. 3. Arc discharge

  • sparkling - can be considered one of the types of arc discharge. During such a discharge, a certain amount of electricity flows in a very short time.
  • corona discharge – ionization of molecules occurs near electrodes with small radii of curvature. This type of charge occurs when the electric field strength changes dramatically.

What have we learned?

By themselves, the atoms and molecules of a gas are neutral. They are charged when exposed to the outside. Speaking briefly about the electric current in gases, it is a directed movement of particles (positive ions to the cathode and negative ions to the anode). It is also important that when the gas is ionized, its conductive properties improve.