How are the relations of the characters in poor liza. Characteristics of Lisa from the story "Poor Liza"

N.M. Karamzin wrote an extremely touching and dramatic story about a simple and at the same time age-old situation: she loves, but he does not. But before answering the question of what is the characterization of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa", you need to at least refresh the plot of the work at least a little.


Lisa is an orphan. Left without a father, she is forced to go to work: selling flowers in the city. The girl is very young and naive. On one of her “working days”, Liza saw a young man (Erast) in the city who bought flowers from her, paying 20 times more than they cost. Erast said at the same time that these hands should collect flowers only for him. However, he didn't show up the next day. Liza was upset (like all young girls, she was very greedy for compliments). But the next day, Erast himself visited Lisa at her home and even talked to her mother. The young man seemed very pleasant and polite to the old mother.

And so it went on for some time. Erast reveled in the virginity and purity of Lisa, and she (a peasant girl of the 19th century) was simply stunned by the courtship of a young handsome nobleman.

The turning point in the relationship came when Lisa spoke about her possible imminent marriage. She was upset and depressed, but Erast reassured her and painted her future and said that the sky above them would be in diamonds.

Liza cheered up a little - she believed Erast and, on a wave of relief, gave him her innocence. As expected, the nature of the meetings has changed. Now Erast again and again took possession of the girl, using her without a twinge of conscience for his own needs. Then both Liza and the relationship with her bored Erast, and he decided to escape from all this burden to the army, where he did not serve the Fatherland, but quickly squandered his fortune.

Returning from the army, Erast, of course, did not say a word to Liza about this, she herself somehow saw him on the street in a carriage. She rushed to him, but after a not very pleasant conversation that happened between them, the former lover put Lisa out the door, putting money in.

Lisa, out of such grief, went and drowned herself in the pond. The old mother followed her in as soon as she learned about the death of her daughter, she immediately had a stroke, and she died.

Now we are ready to answer the question of what is the characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa".

Lisa's character

Lisa was actually a child, despite the fact that she had to go to work early as her father died. But she did not have time to learn how to live properly. The girl's inexperience attracted a young superficial nobleman who sees the goal of his life in pleasure. In this row is poor Liza with her admiration. Erast was very flattered by the attitude of such a young and such a fresh girl, and she was naive to the extreme. Took the attitude of a young rake at face value, and it was all a game of boredom really. Who knows, maybe even Lisa secretly hoped for the position of a mistress over time. Of her other qualities of character, it is worth noting kindness and spontaneity.

Perhaps we have not described all the facets of the personality of the main character, but it seems that there is enough information here so that the characterization of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa" is understandable and covers the very essence of her being.

Erast and its inner content

The second main character of the story - Erast - is a typical aesthetic and hedonist. He lives only to enjoy. He has a mind. He could be brilliantly educated, but instead the young master just burns his life, and Lisa is entertainment for him. While she was pure and immaculate, the girl was interested in Erast, how the ornithologist was fascinated by the species of birds he had recently discovered, but when Lisa surrendered to Erast, she became the same as everyone else, which means that he got bored, and he, driven by a thirst for pleasure, moved on without really thinking about the consequences of his vile behavior.

Although the behavior of a young person becomes unethical only through the prism of certain moral values. If a person is unprincipled (which was Erast), then he cannot even feel the share of baseness that is contained in his actions.

A person who seeks only pleasure in life is superficial by definition. He is incapable of deep feelings. And, of course, he is an opportunist, which proves Erast's marriage for the sake of money with an already middle-aged widow.

The confrontation between Lisa and Erast as a struggle between light and shadow, good and evil

At first glance, it seems that Lisa and Erast are like day and night, or good and evil. Accordingly, the characterization of Liza from the story "Poor Liza" and the characterization of Erast are deliberately opposed by the author of the story, but this is not entirely true.

If the image of Liza is good, then neither the world nor people need such good. It is simply not viable. Nevertheless, on the whole, a well-written (albeit slightly sentimental) story "Poor Lisa". The characteristic of Lisa, which can exhaustively define her, is naivety, reaching the point of stupidity. But this is not her fault, because we are talking about a peasant girl of the 19th century.

Erast is also not evil in its purest form. For evil, strength of character is needed, and the young nobleman is not endowed with it, to his regret. Erast is just an infantile boy running from responsibility. It is completely empty and empty. His behavior is disgusting, but it is difficult to call him evil, and even more so the embodiment of evil. This is all that the story "Poor Lisa" revealed to us. Erast's characterization is more than exhaustive.

Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" is one of the first sentimental works in Russian literature. In the novel, the main role is occupied by the feelings and experiences of the characters. The plot is based on the love story of a poor peasant woman Liza and a rich aristocrat Erast.

The theme of love in Karamzin's sentimental work is the main one, although others are revealed in the course of the plot, albeit more briefly. For example, the topic of social inequality is also raised, we see that the traditions and conventions of society do not allow loving young people from different classes to start a family. In addition, we observe the disclosure in the story of the theme of inner purity and dignity of the individual, manifested in her actions and attitude towards others: meanness (Lisa's deceit) and Erast's selfish acts (marriage of convenience) are opposed to Lisa's loyalty and sincerity. However, the theme of love as a range of feelings interests the author the most, allowing him to fully create a work of the sentimental genre.

The love of Lisa and Erast flares up at the first meeting. Erast sees Lisa selling flowers and falls in love with a beautiful girl almost at first sight. Lisa cannot forget the mysterious stranger either. Later, Erast finds Lisa's house, where she lives with her mother. He asks her mother for permission to continue to buy all the flowers collected by the girl, and “She will have no need to go to the city often, and you will not be forced to part with her. I can visit you from time to time."

Erast is fond of a pure, trusting and innocent girl. He calls her "shepherdess" and "daughter of nature." For the sake of love for her, he is ready to leave secular life. Lisa also fell in love with Erast. Young people take an oath of allegiance to each other. Lisa is ready for him to hide their relationship from her beloved mother. They enjoy secret meetings and cannot live a day without each other. However, the son of a wealthy peasant soon approached Lisa. Erast opposes their wedding and promises Lisa, despite the difference between them, never to part. The platonic love between them ended and "gave way to such feelings that he could not be proud of, and which were no longer new to him." Erast is gradually losing his former interest in Liza. Soon he informs her that he is going on a military campaign. Lisa yearns for her Erast. And then one day she accidentally meets him in the city. The girl is happy to meet them, but Erast says that, despite his love, he is forced to marry another.

Lisa could not survive this shock. She rushes into the pond, near which they often walked with Erast. So tragically ends the life of Lisa and the story of her love.

Karamzin was one of the first in Russian literature who was able to describe the feelings and experiences of the characters so vividly. The story "Poor Lisa" is filled with subtle psychologism, it shows the inner world of a person, his experiences and desires.

Lisa Erast
Qualities of character modest; shy; timid; kind; beautiful not only in appearance, but also in soul; tender; tireless and industrious. Courteous, with a kind heart by nature, quite reasonable, a dreamer, also prudent, frivolous and reckless.
Appearance A beautiful girl with rosy cheeks, blue-eyed and fair-haired (She worked, not sparing "her rare beauty, not sparing her tender youth"). Lisa did not look like a peasant woman, but rather like an airy young lady from high society. A young, well-dressed man. He had tender eyes and beautiful pink lips. The face is pleasant and kind.
Social status Daughter of a wealthy peasant; later an orphan living with an old mother. A simple peasant girl. A young officer, a nobleman, a rather noble gentleman.
Behavior He supports his sick mother, cannot read and write, often sings mournful songs, knits and weaves well. He leads the life of a real gentleman, loves to have fun and often gambles (he lost his entire estate while he was supposed to fight), reads novels and idylls. Bad for Lisa.
Feelings and experiences Feeling victim. He loves Erast with all his heart. His kiss and the first declaration of love echoed in the girl's soul with delightful music. She looked forward to every meeting. Later, Lisa is deeply affected by what happened. You can see when a young man seduced a girl, thunder struck, lightning flashed. Upon learning that Erast was getting married, without thinking twice, the unfortunate girl threw herself into the river. For Lisa there is no mind, for her there is only a heart. Broken heart. Master of feelings. Most of his time he did not know what to do with himself and waited for something else. He "searched" pleasure in fun." A meeting takes place in the city, and Erast develops feelings for the "daughter of nature". He found in Lisa what his heart had been looking for for so long. But all this affection was more likely an illusion, because a loving person would not have done this, and after the death of Lisa, it is not the loss of his beloved that saddens him, but a feeling of guilt.
Attitude towards others Very trusting; I am convinced that there are only kind and good people around. Lisa is hospitable, helpful and grateful Frequent guest of social events. The story does not say about the attitude towards other people, but it can be concluded that he first of all thinks about himself.
attitude towards wealth Poor, earns money by working (collecting flowers) to support herself and her mother; moral qualities are more important than material means. Pretty rich; everything is measured by money; enters into a marriage of convenience, submitting to circumstances; trying to pay off Lisa with a hundred rubles.

2 table version

Lisa Erast
Appearance Unusually beautiful, young, fair-haired. Handsome, young, stately, charming
Character Gentle, sensual, meek, trusting. Weak-minded, two-faced, irresponsible, cowardly, naturally kind, but windy.
Social status Peasant girl. The daughter of a wealthy peasant, after whose death she became impoverished. Secular aristocrat, rich, educated.
Life position You can live only by honest work. You need to take care of your mother, not upset her. Be honest and kind to those around you. Life was boring for him, so he often looked for entertainment.
Attitude towards moral values Valued moral values ​​above all else. She could retreat only for the sake of someone, and not on her own whim. He recognized morality, but often deviated from its principles, guided only by his own desires.
Relationships with wealth Considers money only as a means of subsistence. Never pursued wealth. Considers wealth the fundamental factor of a cheerful, happy life. For the sake of wealth, he married an elderly woman whom he did not love.
Moral Highly moral. All his thoughts were highly moral, but his actions contradicted this.
Attitude towards family Devoted to her mother, passionately loves her. Not shown, but likely devoted to family.
Attitude towards the city She grew up in the country, so she loves nature. Prefers life in the wilderness of urban secular life. Entirely and completely urban man. He would never trade city privileges for country life, just for the purpose of having fun.
Sentimentalism Sensual, vulnerable. Does not hide feelings, is able to talk about them. Sensual, impetuous, sentimental. Capable of experiencing.
Attitude towards love He loves purely and devotedly, completely and completely surrendering to feelings. Love is like entertainment. In a relationship with Lisa, he is driven by passion. When there are no more inhibitions, he quickly cools off.
The Importance of Public Opinion It doesn't matter to her what they say about her. Depends on public opinion and position in society
Relationships Her feelings from the very beginning were crystal clear. Falling in love grew into strong love. Erast was the ideal, the one and only. The pure beauty of Lisa lured Erast. At first, his feelings were brotherly. He did not want to interfere with their lust. But over time, passion won.
Strength of mind I could not cope with the pain in my soul and betrayal. Decided to commit suicide. Erast had the fortitude to plead guilty to the girl's death. But still there was not enough strength of mind to tell her the truth.
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  • Composition based on Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa"

    The main characters are Lisa and Erast. Lisa is a simple peasant woman. She was brought up poor. but loving family.
    Young people meet by chance meeting in the city, and subsequently fall in love.
    Erast at first liked their platonic relationship, he "thought with disgust ... about the contemptuous voluptuousness that his feelings used to revel in." But gradually relations developed, and chaste, pure relationships were no longer enough for him.
    Lisa understands that she does not fit Erast according to her social status, although he claimed that he would “take her to him and live with her inseparably, in the village and in the dense forests, as in paradise.”
    However, when the novelty of sensations disappeared, Erast changed to Lisa: dates became less and less, and then a message followed that he needed to go to work. Instead of fighting the enemy, in the army Erast "played cards and lost almost all of his estate." He, having forgotten all the promises given to Liza, marries another in order to improve his financial situation.

    In Erast's Actions, characterize him as a windy, frivolous person, but nevertheless, until the end of his life, he was tormented by a sense of guilt for Lisa's death. In this sentimental story, the actions of the characters are not so much important as their feelings. The author is trying to convey to the reader that people of low origin are also capable of deep feelings and experiences. It is the feelings of the characters that are the object of his close attention. The author describes in particular detail the feelings of Lisa (“All the veins in her throbbed, and, of course, not from fear”, “Liza sobbed - Erast cried - left her - she fell - knelt down, raised her hands to the sky and looked at Erast .. . and Liza, abandoned, poor, lost her senses and memory”). The writer reveals the inner world of his characters through a description of nature, an internal monologue, the narrator's reasoning, a description of the relationship between the characters.

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    The story of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin "Poor Liza" has become a typical example of sentimentalism. Karamzin was the founder of this new literary trend in Russian literature.

    In the center of the story is the fate of the poor peasant girl Lisa. After the death of her father, her mother and she were forced to rent out their land for pennies. “Besides, the poor widow, almost incessantly shedding tears over the death of her husband - for even peasant women know how to love! - day by day she became weaker and could not work at all. Lisa alone… not sparing her tender youth… worked day and night — weaving canvases, knitting stockings, picking flowers in spring, and picking berries in summer and selling them in Moscow.”

    There she met and fell in love with a young man named Erast, belonging to the nobility. He was also infatuated with the girl. They started dating. But then Erast lost a large sum of money in cards and, in order to improve his position, he decided to marry a rich widow. Unable to bear the betrayal of her beloved, Lisa committed suicide by throwing herself into the water.

    Throughout the story, Erast's attitude towards Liza does not remain unchanged. At first, when he meets an attractive girl and becomes infatuated with her, he behaves in such a way as to make the most favorable impression on her and her mother. He shows courtesy, kindness, participation in the cares of a poor family. When Lisa first shows her mother a young man she loves, the old woman likes him too. “The young man bowed to her so courteously, with such a pleasant air, that she could think of him nothing but good.” Having got to know Lisa better, Erast sought to alleviate the difficult financial situation of both women, showed concern for them. material from the site

    However, giving the author's characterization of his hero, Karamzin notes the duality of his nature: “... this Erast was a rather rich nobleman, with a fair mind and a kind heart, kind by nature, but weak and windy. He led a distracted life, thought only of his own pleasure, looked for it in secular amusements, but often did not find it: he was bored and complained about his fate. Already with this characteristic, the author makes it clear that Erast's feeling towards the poor girl may turn out to be short-lived. This is what happens afterwards. When life circumstances force Erast to part with Lisa, he does it in a completely different way than one would expect from his previous behavior.

    He does not go for direct deception, but avoids meeting with his abandoned beloved, and when such a meeting happens by chance, he does an even more outrageous act: he offers Lisa money and demands that she no longer try to see him.

    Such betrayal does not go unpunished. At the end of the story, we learn that “Erast was unhappy until the end of his life. Having learned about the fate of Lizina, he could not be consoled and considered himself a murderer.

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