How to find the square root? Properties, root extraction examples. How to calculate the squaring of walls: simple examples

METHOD 1 PRIME DECOMPOSITION 2. The square root of the product of some terms is equal to the product of the square roots of each term, i.e. √(a x b) = √a x √b Using this rule, take the square root of each square factor and multiply the results to find the answer.)

Src="" alt="METHOD 1 PRIME DECISION 3. Because 5*5=25 => √ 25= 5 4*4=16"> МЕТОД 1 РАЗЛОЖЕНИЕ НА ПРОСТЫЕ МНОЖИТЕЛИ 3. Т. к. 5*5=25 => √ 25=5 4*4=16 => √ 16=4 Значит √ 400=5*4=20 Это важно! -20² тоже дает 400, поэтому ответ надо записать так: √ 400=± 20!}

FIND THE SQUARE ROOT OF: 45; 147; 294; 1573. Using this formula: √(a x b) = √a x √b

METHOD 2 MANUAL SQUARE ROOT This method involves a process similar to long division and gives an accurate answer. 1. divide the root number into pairs of numbers, starting with the fractional part after the decimal point. So, the number 79520789182, 47897 is written as "7 95 20 78 91 82, 47 89 70". For example, let's calculate the square root of the number 780, 14

METHOD 2 MANUALLY CALCULATE THE SQUARE ROOT 2. Draw two lines (as shown) and write the number in the top left as "7 80, 14". It is normal that the first digit from the left is an unpaired digit. The answer (the root of the given number) will be written on the top right.

METHOD 2 CALCULATION OF SQUARE ROOT MANUALLY The number 780, 14 divided into three pairs means there will be three digits 3. For the first pair of numbers (or one number) from the left, find the largest integer n whose square is less than or equal to the considered pair of numbers (or one number). In other words, find the square number that is closest to, but less than, the first pair of numbers (or single number) from the left, and take the square root of that square number; you will get the number n. Write the found n at the top right, and write down the square n at the bottom right.

METHOD 2 CALCULATE THE SQUARE ROOT MANUALLY In our case, the first number from the left will be the number 7. Next, 4

METHOD 2 MANUAL SQUARE ROOT 4. Subtract the square of the number n you just found from the first pair of numbers (or one number) from the left. Write the result of the calculation under the subtrahend (the square of the number n). In our example, subtract 4 from 7 to get 3.

METHOD 2 MANUALLY CALCULATE THE SQUARE ROOT 5. Take down the second pair of numbers and write it down next to the value obtained in the previous step. Then double the number at the top right and write the result at the bottom right with "_×_=" appended. In our example, the second pair of numbers is "80". Write "80" after the 3. Then, doubling the number from the top right gives 4. Write "4_×_=" from the bottom right.

METHOD 2 MANUALLY CALCULATE THE SQUARE ROOT 6. Find the largest number to replace the dashes on the right (you need to substitute the same number instead of dashes) so that the multiplication result is less than or equal to the current number on the left. In our case, if instead of dashes we put the number 8, then 48 x 8 \u003d 384, which is more than 380. Therefore, 8 is too large a number, but 7 is fine. Write 7 instead of dashes and get: 47 x 7 \u003d 329. Write 7 from the top right - this is the second digit in the desired square root of 780, 14.

Choose a tape measure or measuring tape. Choose a tape measure or measuring tape that has markings in centimeters (cm) or meters (m). This fixture will make it easier to calculate the area in square meters, since they were designed in the same measurement system.

  • If you can find a tape measure in feet or inches, measure the area using the available units of measure, and then proceed to the step that describes how to convert other units of measure to square meters.

Measure the length of the area you have chosen. A square meter is a unit of measurement for the area or size of a two-dimensional object such as a floor or field. Measure the length of one side from one corner to the other and record the result.

  • If the length is more than one meter, then count both meters and centimeters. For example, 2 meters 35 centimeters.
  • If the object you are measuring is not a rectangle or square, then read the third section of this article - "Measuring the area of ​​​​complex shapes."
  • If you cannot measure the length at a time, do it in stages. Unfold the tape measure and make a mark where it ended (for example, 1 meter or 25 centimeters), then unfold it again and start from the marked area. Repeat until you have measured the entire length. Then add all the measurements together.

  • Measure the width. Use the same tape measure to measure the width of an object. The measurement must be started by placing the tape measure at an angle of 90º with respect to the length of the object that you have already measured. That is, two lines of a square adjacent to each other. The resulting numbers also write down on paper.

    • If the measured length is slightly less than one meter, then round to the nearest centimeter when you take measurements. For example, if the width is slightly larger than 1 meter 8 centimeters, then simply write "1 m. 8 cm." don't count millimeters.
  • Convert centimeters to meters. Usually, measurements cannot be made exactly in meters. You will get indicators in both meters and centimeters, for example, "2 meters 35 centimeters." 1 centimeter = 0.01 meters, so you can convert centimeters to meters by moving the decimal point 2 digits to the left. Here are some examples.

    • 35cm=0.35m so 2m 35cm=2m+0.35m= 2.35m
    • 8cm = 0.08m, so 1m 8cm = 1.08m
  • Multiply the length by the width. Once you convert all measurements to meters, multiply the length by the width and get the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe object being measured. Use a calculator if necessary. For example:

    • 2.35m x 1.08m = 2.538 square meters (m2).
  • Round up. If you get a lot of decimal places, for example, 2.538 square meters, then round up, for example, to 2.54 square meters. It is likely that you did not take measurements to the nearest millimeter, so the last figures will still not be accurate. In most cases, we round to the nearest centimeter (0.01m). If you need more accurate measurements, read this material.

    • Every time you multiply two numbers with the same unit of measure (eg meters), the answer must be written in the same unit of measure (m 2 , or square meters).
  • Let's say that you want to start doing repairs in your own apartment. To do this, you should decide on the amount of materials needed and the amount of money that will be spent on them. So, the budget for repairs is directly related to the quadrature, i.e. with the floor area measured in square meters. Today we will figure out how to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour (or any other) room or even an entire apartment. Consider some aspects and nuances.

    How to calculate the square of a room

    Now let's take a closer look at how the area is calculated. It is worth considering that the shape of the room is not only rectangular. There are other cases, in each of them the calculation is done differently. Let's look at various examples.

    What do you need to calculate

    In order to quickly calculate the required area, you will need:

    • Roulette (with or without lock);
    • Paper where you will write everything down, a pencil and a pen;
    • Calculator for calculations, but you can do it in your mind and in a column on paper.

    All this set is available in almost any home. It is better to take measurements with someone. It will be more convenient, but you can also do it yourself.

    The first step is to take the measurement of the walls. This is done along them. You can measure in the middle if they are filled with furniture.

    3 by 3 how many square meters

    To calculate a room 3 by 3 square meters, there is a fairly simple formula, you just need to multiply the measured length by the width. That is, we take 3 and multiply it by 3 and it turns out that a room 3 by 3 meters is 9 m².

    3 by 4

    Here it is calculated in the same way as in the previous formula. We take and multiply two values ​​\u200b\u200bof 3 * 4 and get 12 square meters.

    3 by 6 how much will it be m²

    And there is nothing new here. Again we take two values ​​- 3 and 6, and then multiply them. The result is 18 m².

    Rectangular room

    If the shape of the room is correct, which is very convenient, and there are no protruding parts, you can easily measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

    Take a tape measure and use it to measure the length and width of the room. Write down the values ​​​​obtained on a piece of paper, so as not to forget. Record the value in meters. Then these figures should be multiplied, and you get the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in square meters. By the way, it is desirable to leave two digits after the decimal point, so if anything, you need to round.

    Wrong room shape

    Sometimes in apartments, and most often in private houses, there are rooms that differ from a rectangular shape.

    To measure the square of a room that is not rectangular or square, you will have to divide it into various shapes such as rectangles, triangles, and so on.

    • If you need to calculate the area of ​​​​a room in the form of a circle, you should use the formula S \u003d D2 / 4, where D is the diameter of the room.
    • The area of ​​a triangular section is calculated according to the Heron formula S \u003d √ (P / 2 (P / 2 -A) x (P / 2 - B) x (P / 2 - C)), where the letters A, B, C mean its sides , and P is the perimeter, respectively.
    • To calculate the area of ​​​​the terrace, if you have a private house, you need to sum the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rectangle and the semicircle.
    • In the case when a segment should be calculated, the formula R2 / 2 (/ 180 - sin) is used. This is a rather complicated calculation. The letter "a" refers to the angle of the segment, which is expressed in degrees.

    How to calculate the square of a wall

    The calculation of the area of ​​​​the walls is necessary when you are purchasing materials - wallpaper, plaster, and so on. In this case, in order to calculate the square of the wall, additional measurements will be needed, for example, how high is the ceiling.

    Wall, excluding windows, doors

    Calculate the square of the walls easy, since the simplest formula is used - the length of the wall is multiplied by the height. Let's say the height is 2.7 meters, and the width is 7 meters, then S = 7 * 2.7 = 18.9 m2. This is the area of ​​the walls.

    How to calculate the square of the floor

    In this case, it all depends on what the geometry of the room is. If the room is of the correct shape, then in order to find out the floor area, you should measure the length or width of the rectangle, square. Square meters are calculated using the formula S = H*B. Where "H" means the length of the room, and "B" the width. If the room is square, just square the length of the side.

    Floor without stove, fireplace

    To do this, these elements should be excluded from the total area, that is, before calculating the total area, you need to know the square meters of a particular object:

    1. We consider what square you have.
    2. Then you should calculate the quadrature of the area where the stove or fireplace is located.
    3. Now from the total area you need to subtract the one that touches the stove or fireplace.

    Room volume

    In some cases, you need to calculate the volume of the room. This is not difficult, you just need to multiply three values: width, length, height. This value is measured in cubic meters and is also called cubature. That is, the same formula as with the calculation of the area of ​​​​the room, only the third value is added, and that's it.


    Now you have received the answer to the question of how the area of ​​\u200b\u200bany room is calculated. Even if it is complex, then it's okay, you need to break it into simple shapes. You can also use the online calculator needed to calculate the square footage of the room. It can be of great help in some cases. By the way, always keep 5-10% of materials in stock, as there may be errors in the calculation.

    The same online calculators may also not work correctly. The best way to calculate everything is to do it yourself.

    When starting any renovation, you need to know how to calculate the area of ​​a room. This knowledge will help you choose the right amount of materials, as well as correctly calculate the dimensions. Such knowledge is also necessary when purchasing real estate, when you need to check the area indicated in the documents.

    Our review will help you remember school knowledge and tell you how to put it into practice. In addition, you can use a special calculator.

    When calculating the areas of the ceiling, floor and walls, you need to figure out how to calculate the square meter. For calculations, you must select a measuring tape or tape measure with divisions in centimeters or meters. Such a device is used for an area in square meters.

    If the value is greater than a meter, then not only meters, but also centimeters are used.

    To correctly carry out the calculations, you can use the calculator of square meters. If necessary, measure the entire length, you can do this in stages. For example, make a mark where the tape measure ended, and then stretch it again.

    The width is also measured with a tape measure. At the same time, it is placed at an angle of 90 degrees to the length. If the length is less than a meter, then it is necessary to round to the nearest centimeter.

    When calculating square meters with a calculator, it is not always possible to take measurements in meters. The indicator is displayed both in meters and in centimeters. In this case, 1 cm equals 0.01 meters. For example, 98 cm is equal to 0.98 m. That is, you can write 2.98 m. To get the area, you need to multiply the length by the width. You can round the value up.

    It is worth noting other units of measurement:

    • in 1 square pound - 0.093 square meters;
    • in a yard - 0.84 square meters. m.
    • an accurate calculation of materials for repairs is required;
    • hired craftsmen often carry out calculations of payment per square meter, which must be double-checked to exclude fraud;
    • knowledge of calculations is required when choosing an area. Often utility bills are calculated based on the size of the room;
    • to determine the standards of illumination, you also need to know the dimensions of the room;
    • knowing the area, you can always calculate the volume, which is very important when installing heating, ventilation and climate control devices.

    The video gives a simple explanation of the required values:

    For your information! To calculate the area of ​​​​a room of a complex configuration, you can divide a complex figure into simple shapes. After that, you need to find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach figure, and then summarize these results.

    How to prepare for calculations

    Carrying out preparatory manipulations consists in preparing a place for measurements. It is also necessary to prepare the tool and special accessories. It is better if the room is free from foreign objects. Often this happens when measuring in a new house or during repairs. Measurements of the length of the sides are made along the walls. In this case, you need to free up at least some areas for free holding of a tape measure. The measurement results can be immediately transferred to the diagram. Be sure to check the squareness of the room. For this, diagonal lines are measured.

    In addition to a tape measure, you may need a special ruler to check straight lines. It can be a building level or a rule. Sometimes a large construction square is needed. Alternatively, a homemade compass. You can use a piece of cord tied to a sharp pin. For the floor, special measuring accessories can be used. For this, a marker, chalk or adhesive tape is suitable. Take measurements several times. This will avoid the error. Make sure that the measuring tape does not sag. Remember that many measuring instruments have two scales. Do not confuse the metric system and inch.

    Before measuring, sketch out a simple plan - a diagram on paper. This will allow you to correctly distribute all the measurements. It should be borne in mind that many calculation formulas are very complex. In this case, it will not work to count in a column. To calculate without errors, you can use Excel.

    For your information! Professionals for different measurements use special laser roulettes. With their help, you can quickly measure the angular and linear values. In some designs, options are provided to carry out the necessary calculations.

    How to calculate the area: basic options

    Find out how to find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. It is impossible to do this according to the technical passport, since it contains general data for the entire apartment. And the parameters must be calculated for each individual room.

    If the room looks like a square or rectangle, then you can use this formula for calculating the area.

    S=A*B, Where

    A And IN- the sides of the rectangle.

    To take the correct measurements, you need to move all the furniture away from the walls. In this case, the resulting value is expressed in square meters.

    If the shape of the room is incorrect, then you need to put on paper a diagram of the room, but in compliance with all proportions. How to calculate the area will help the division of the scheme into simple geometric shapes. Using a tape measure, all elements are measured, and then the areas of all figures are calculated. After that, all areas must be folded.

    Definition of individual plots:

    • to calculate the value of a rectangular configuration, you need to multiply the width and length;

    • the area of ​​a square is equal to its squared side;

    • area of ​​a triangular shape - multiplying the side by the height, and then dividing by two;

    • To calculate the area of ​​a circle, multiply the radius squared by pi.

    All the resulting areas can be added up if the room consists of them.

    How to carry out simple calculations, you can watch the video:

    To perform calculations using a calculator, you also need to measure the width and length of the room. All measurements must be made in meters. Also, with the help of this device, you can calculate the dimensions of door and window openings.

    Important information! When performing calculations for a room with ledges, columns and niches, it is necessary to take into account their location and configuration.

    How to calculate the area of ​​a triangle

    Let's figure out how to calculate the area of ​​a triangle. If there is an element in the form of a right angle in an irregularly shaped room, then the following formula can be applied:


    There are other options for calculations. To calculate the area of ​​a triangle, you can first determine the quadrature of the rectangle, and then calculate the area of ​​the triangular corner. Then the value of the triangular part is subtracted from the quadrature of the rectangle.

    If there is no right angle, then you can use Heron's formula:


    Wherein a, b, c represent the sides of a triangle, and R- semiperimeter. To find out, all sides should be summed up, and then divided by 2.

    To calculate the area of ​​a given figure, you can multiply the length of the base by the height drawn from this base, and then divide the result by 2.

    How to find the area of ​​a rectangle

    Often there are rooms that look like a rectangle. To calculate the area of ​​a rectangle, an online calculator is considered the best option. But simple calculations can be done independently. There should be no protruding parts. Measure the width and length. Entries must be made in meters.

    To calculate the area of ​​a rectangle, you need to multiply the obtained values. After the decimal point, you can leave only two digits, and round the rest.

    The question often arises of how to calculate the area of ​​a rectangle if there are niches. In this case, the space is divided into several figures, and they are considered separately. There is another formula for calculating area. In this case, the perimeter of the room must be multiplied by the height. To calculate the perimeter, you need to add the length and width, and then multiply them by two.

    How to calculate the area of ​​a trapezoid

    To calculate the area of ​​a trapezoid, it is important to know the lengths of the two parallel sides, as well as the height. In this case, the height is the perpendicular between the sides.

    Here is a formula you can use:


    It should be borne in mind that nothing will change from the angles of the sides. But the height is recommended to measure in several places. This approach will make sure that the two sides are parallel.

    Knowing such a formula is also useful when calculating the areas of premises of polygonal configurations. For example, an unusual space can be divided into a rectangle and a trapezoid.

    There is also a special calculator for calculating rectangular and trapezoidal rooms. In this case, the difference is that the length of the rectangle will be the same. If necessary, you can make adjustments with the existing ledges and niches.

    To determine the perimeter, you need to measure the lengths of the four sides, and then add them.

    How to calculate the area of ​​a circle

    Sometimes it is required to calculate the area of ​​a circle, since there may be separate sections of rounded configurations in the room. Such knowledge will also be useful when calculating arched door or window openings. Consider shapes based on a circle. Most often there are segments, quarters of a circle or semicircles.

    Such calculations are necessary if there is a bay window or a combination of a balcony with a room. In this case, the value of the protruding circle is first determined, and then the resulting indicator is added to the rest of the area.

    The following formula is used to calculate the area of ​​a circle:


    π equals 3.14. A is the radius of the circle squared.

    Correct calculation of the sector and segment area

    A special formula for the area of ​​a sector of a circle is included in the calculator for calculations. Such a formula looks like this:

    S= R²*arcsin(c/2R)-0.25*C*√(4 R²-C²);

    How to calculate the area of ​​​​a room: a method for calculating the floor

    You can calculate the floor area. This procedure consists of the following steps. First of all, you need to free the walls of the room. It is better to take measurements in an empty room. If the room is rectangular, then you can multiply the two sides. In reality, the sides may differ slightly, which is why it is important to measure all sides. In some cases, the room may not be the correct configuration. In such a situation, the entire space is divided into separate rectangles. In this case, you can draw a diagram with all sizes. Then the area of ​​individual plots is calculated. By the way, the room will not necessarily consist only of rectangles. It can contain triangles and even circles.

    If you do not know how to calculate the square meters of a room, then you can use a special calculator. When calculating the dimensions, it is not necessary to observe all dimensions up to a centimeter. Rounding is often used. Sometimes it is required to take into account different recesses and ledges in the walls.

    When calculating, it is important to take into account their purpose. If you need to find out the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor installing a warm floor, then you can ignore the space occupied by heavy furniture.

    There are options when different floor levels are used in the room. In such a situation, it is also required to divide the room into separate zones. Do not take measurements along the wall, as it may have a curved surface.

    It is difficult to determine the area by the floor, which has a variety of protrusions in the form of waves or semicircles.

    For your information! If the room is L-shaped, then in addition to two rectangular figures, there is also a triangle in it. To determine its area, you can multiply one leg by another.

    How to calculate wall area

    To determine the area of ​​​​the walls, you need to know how to calculate the perimeter of the room. Determination of the area is often required for the purchase of all kinds of finishing materials. In addition to the length and width of the room, you will need to find out the height of the room, as well as the dimensions of the door and window openings.

    When calculating, it should be borne in mind that the height of the ceilings, even in one room, can vary, especially if the room is an attic type. The values ​​of all walls are calculated separately, and then window and door openings are subtracted from them.

    The exact values ​​​​can be determined using the calculator for calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls of the room. Sometimes you need to determine the volume of the room. In such a situation, it is necessary to multiply three values: the length, width and height of the room. This indicator is measured in cubic meters.

    If the room has a multi-level zoning, then you can carry out the following calculations:

    • measure all sections of the walls. Measurements are recommended to be taken closer to the ceiling;
    • calculate floor area indicators;
    • on each vertical section, it is necessary to measure the length and height, and then multiply these values;
    • add the indicators to the gender value.

    Each room has optimal parameters that can be taken into account when planning a construction site. The minimum living space is 8 sq. m. A general room, such as a hall or living room, can have an area of ​​​​14 to 25 square meters. m. The minimum height of the room is 240 cm. If the ceiling is more than three meters, then such a space is more difficult to heat. The kitchen must have an area of ​​at least 6 square meters. m.

    The correct calculation of the area of ​​​​the room is a guarantee of high-quality repairs. This approach will minimize the cost of purchasing materials.

    If you decide to make repairs in an apartment or house, first of all, you need to choose materials for finishing and understand how many of them you need. To do this, you need to correctly calculate the area of ​​​​all surfaces in the apartment. Of course, you can resort to the help of professionals, while spending extra money. And you can do it yourself. This article is devoted to how to calculate the area of ​​​​a room of different shapes.

    In what cases is it necessary to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room?

    • Of course, first of all, to determine the amount of consumables for repairs. Many people buy them with a margin, and return the surplus to the store. However, in this case, a lot of time is lost, moreover, not all stores provide such a service. Therefore, it is more expedient to correctly calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball surfaces before shopping.

    • In addition, knowing the area, it is easier to plan your budget. After all, even the cost of the work of employees in most cases depends on how many square meters they have to process.
    • The number of lighting fixtures also depends on the area. However, in most cases, complex calculations are not resorted to when choosing fixtures; this issue is usually resolved empirically.

    • And the last. One of the main values ​​​​in the apartment is the volume of the premises (in this case, it is necessary to multiply the area by the height), because depending on it, climatic equipment is selected.

    Important! Be sure to check the area when buying an apartment, especially if you bought it in a new building. After all, the size of utility bills and often the cost of the living space itself depend on it. For example, the developer (in the case of equity participation in construction) is obliged to reimburse the cost of the missing square meters.

    Thus, there are a huge number of reasons why it is necessary to correctly calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. But where to start? First you need to prepare the measured room and tools.

    It is desirable to carry out measurements in a completely vacant room. If this is not possible, clear at least the areas near the walls, because it is along them that measurements will be taken.

    Important! If the room is rectangular, check the correctness of its shape before starting measurements. To do this, compare opposite diagonals. If they are equal, you have a regular equilateral rectangle.

    So, to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the following devices are needed:

    1. Roulette. Of course, the electronic device is more convenient, but it has a large error. In addition, complex shapes cannot be measured with such a tape measure; problems can also arise when working with protruding elements. Therefore, the optimal set is a simple tape measure and a ruler. The main thing is to check their accuracy, since many old or children's devices have a decent error.
    2. Pencil.
    3. A sheet of paper for calculations and recording results.
    4. Calculator.

    In addition, you may need a long ruler to check the evenness of the walls.

    How to calculate square meter?

    In square meters, in most cases, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bany surface is calculated. So how to calculate square meter?

    To begin with, if the room is rectangular, you need to measure its length and width. In this case, it is desirable to use a tape measure with applied divisions of centimeters and millimeters. If you can only find a ruler with feet, it doesn't matter, they can be easily converted to square meters.

    Further, the two obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bin centimeters are converted into meters (it’s easier to do it right away) by dividing by 100. Then the two values ​​\u200b\u200bare multiplied, the resulting value is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in square meters. If you have feet, first multiply the resulting values, so you get square feet. Then, to convert to m 2, multiply the resulting value by 0.093 (if the measurements were made in yards, multiply the result by 0.84). In this case, the calculator is an excellent solution for calculating square meters.

    Interesting! On the Internet, there are many online square meters calculators for calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. If a computer is at hand, this method will be the fastest.

    When the figure is received, round it up to 2 decimal places, a more accurate value will be redundant.

    How to calculate the area of ​​​​a room yourself?

    An ideal rectangular room is a rarity. How to find out the area of ​​​​a room with ledges, niches or curved bevels? The simplest thing is to measure the lengths of all the walls, as well as the angles between them, and then draw a plan of your room on a piece of paper (the scale will most likely fit 1:100, that is, one meter in the room will correspond to one centimeter on paper) . Then it is necessary to divide the room into regular shapes (rectangles, triangles, circles, and so on), if possible, and using the formulas for calculating the area, determine the quadrature of each section.

    Below are the most popular figures, descriptions of the calculation methods of which will help answer the question: "How to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room yourself?".

    How to find the area of ​​a rectangle?

    How to calculate the area of ​​a rectangle yourself? A regular rectangular room is the simplest case. To calculate the area of ​​a rectangle, simply multiply its length and width. However, there are also some nuances in this situation:

    1. After measuring one of the sides, the second must be measured strictly perpendicular. Otherwise, measurements can be obtained with a significant error.
    2. To avoid inaccuracies, measure both parallel walls, as often their lengths are somewhat different, and for accuracy it is desirable to take their arithmetic mean. That is, add their values ​​​​and divide by 2.
    3. Do not forget to subtract all kinds of protrusions from the resulting area (or add niches).

    Interesting! There are many programs on the Internet for calculating the area of ​​a rectangle, the online calculator is the simplest and most convenient of them.

    Calculator for calculating the area of ​​​​a quadrangular room

    How to calculate the area of ​​triangles (rectangular and others)?

    In some cases, the corners of the room are strongly bevelled. Then, when the plan is drawn and divided into figures, elements of a triangular shape appear. How to calculate the area of ​​triangles?

    Try to keep all the triangles in your diagram square. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to calculate the area of ​​a triangle, and the result will be with a greater error.

    In fact, a right triangle is half a rectangle, therefore, to find the area of ​​a right triangle, you need to multiply the lengths of its legs (sides adjacent to the right angle) and divide the resulting value by 2. If the figure turned out to be still not rectangular, you can use ( depending on what quantities are known) one of the following formulas:

    1. S=a*h/2, Where h is the height of the triangle, A- the side to which it is lowered.
    2. S=a*a*sina/2. This formula is suitable for an isosceles triangle (that is, with two identical sides), where A is the length of one of the equal sides, and angle a is the angle between equal sides.
    3. S=a*b*sina/2. Also the formula for an isosceles triangle, A- one of the same sides, b- Third side, angle a is the angle between a and b.

    In addition, any triangle can be divided into several rectangular shapes. To do this, draw a line from the top to the opposite side of the figure so that it forms a right angle with it.

    Triangular Room Area Calculator

    Calculating the area of ​​a trapezoid

    A trapezoid is a figure that has four sides, two of which are parallel and two are not. How to calculate the area of ​​a trapezoid yourself? You can go two ways:

    1. Divide the trapezoid into triangles and a rectangle (in some cases, you get only one triangle + rectangle), calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach figure, add them, thereby calculating the area of ​​​​the trapezoid.
    2. Use a simple formula: S= (a+b)*h/2, Where A And b- parallel sides of the figure, h is the height (shortest distance) between them.

    The calculation formula is universal, that is, nothing changes from the direction and size of the side faces. The main thing is to correctly measure the height of the figure, for this, take measurements in several places.

    How to calculate the area of ​​a circle?

    It is quite common for rooms (especially living rooms) to have round ledges, so it is important to be able to correctly calculate the area of ​​a circle. In this case, the main thing is to find out the radius of the circle. To do this, measure the distance from the edge of the arc to the center of the virtual circle by drawing a line between the farthest points of the figure.

    Now, to calculate the area of ​​a circle, we use the formula: S=πR 2, Where π - constant value 3.14, R is the radius of the circle.

    Calculating the area of ​​a circle segment

    Determining the area of ​​a segment of a circle is a more difficult task. First, let's define what a segment is. This is a part of a circle bounded by a chord (a line whose beginning and end are points from the radius on the circle).

    First of all, you need to find the center of the circle, most often it is easier to do this experimentally. For example, asking a friend to take the place of the proposed center, give him one end of the tape measure. Describe the intended circle yourself. Thus, having drawn the required segment, you can begin to calculate the area of ​​the sector of the circle. The formula is quite complicated:

    Therefore, it would be more expedient to use an online calculation on the Internet.

    How to calculate the area of ​​​​a room: procedure

    1. Preparatory stage. It is necessary to prepare all the tools and fixtures, as well as clear the room.
    2. Measurements. Measure the length of all walls in the room. At the same time, pay special attention to the corners, if they are not straight, be sure to write down their value.
    3. Recording results. There are two ways to go: draw a plan on a piece of paper or apply dimensions directly to the floor (if the room is in the rough finish stage).
    4. Calculations. Moreover, if the calculations are carried out by calculating individual figures, add them very carefully, without forgetting anything and making sure that the figures do not find each other. The main formulas and the calculation procedure are described above, so there should be no problems with this paragraph.

    Important! Measure each length at least twice, so you can avoid inaccuracies and mistakes.

    The figure below shows an uneven room. How to calculate square meters in this case? The following procedure must be followed:

    1. We find the area of ​​the rectangle, not taking into account its bevel in the upper right corner. To do this, we multiply the length of 2.5 by the width of 1.75, it turns out 4.375 m 2.
    2. We find the area of ​​​​the beveled area, this is a right triangle, so it turns out: 0.57 * 0.57 / 2 \u003d 0.162.
    3. We subtract the second value from the first: 4.375-0.162 \u003d 4.213 m 2.
    4. Rounding up to centimeters: 4.21 m 2.

    How to calculate the area of ​​the walls?

    Not a single repair goes through without replacing the wallpaper or painting the walls, because this is the most noticeable surface of any room. To give the walls an attractive appearance, it is often necessary to carry out several stages of repair work: leveling with plaster and putty, priming, finishing (painting, wallpapering, applying decorative plaster). All this requires a large amount of materials, so it is important to know in advance how many of them are needed and how much money it will cost.


    • We determine the perimeter. How to calculate the perimeter of the room yourself and correctly? The main thing is to take measurements not only along the baseboards near the floor, but also in the middle and at the top of the wall, since in most modern and old houses the walls are not perfectly even. In this case, there may be a problem with determining the length of a curved section (for example, part of a circle). Of course, you can use special formulas for calculations, but it’s easier to attach a flexible tape measure tightly to the wall and carefully record its reading. All the obtained values ​​​​must be added.

    Important! When calculating the perimeter, be sure to use a level (especially when measuring in the middle of a wall).

    • Now you need to measure the height of the room. To do this, again, use the level and draw a strictly vertical line on the wall. If there was no level at hand, it doesn’t matter, you can make a vertical plumb line: tie something heavy (for example, a bolt) to the thread and hold it against the ceiling. Under the influence of gravity, the thread will stretch vertically down, and you (or your assistant) will be able to draw a vertical line.
    • Multiply the resulting values, this will be the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls of your room.

    Important! If you are not sure about the evenness of the ceilings, or in a given room it is multi-level, you must consider each wall separately.

    • Now you need to subtract the area of ​​​​window and door openings from the obtained value (do this along the slopes). In some cases, the windows have a round or triangular formula, then you need to use the formulas above.

    In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting a few more important points that you should pay attention to when measuring a room:

    1. When measuring door and window openings, you should not rely on the correctness of their shape. It is better to double-check everything several times to eliminate errors and inaccuracies.
    2. When calculating the consumption of building materials, do not forget that some of them will need several layers, that is, we multiply the resulting room size by several units before shopping.
    3. When buying wallpaper, pay attention to whether it will be necessary to customize the pattern, if so, take them with a large margin. Experts recommend taking even plain wallpapers with a margin, since the color of different batches diverges somewhat, and it may be difficult to purchase suitable material.
    4. When calculating the height of a room, you need to know if this is the final height of the floor, or if it will be raised by leveling or covering. This moment is very important, since in some cases the floor can rise even by 10-15 centimeters due to leveling a too curved floor, insulation, sound insulation, and so on.


    Measuring the area of ​​​​a room is a laborious process, but not difficult. Therefore, it makes no sense to call a special team; with a minimum set of tools, this task can be handled on your own.

    When repairing a residential building, it is required to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of its rooms. This will help to purchase building materials in the right quantity and correctly calculate the budget for repairs. As a rule, if you have simple tools, it will not be difficult to measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bany room.

    How to measure the area of ​​a room

    To measure the area, you need

    • Roulette construction;
    • Notepad or regular sheet of paper;
    • Pen (or better a pencil);
    • Calculator.


    1. The easiest way to calculate the area of ​​​​rectangular rooms. It is enough to measure the length and width of the room using a regular tape measure and multiply them together (before that, you need to convert the resulting numbers into meters). It is important to record all measurements in a notebook, marking the rooms to which they relate. Otherwise, at the end of the process, you will have to remember which room, which area.
    2. The situation is more complicated with the calculation of the area of ​​those rooms that have ledges, niches or an irregular shape. Here you should proceed as follows: you need to divide the space into rectangles of the correct shape and calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach in the way we already know (point 1). Then, adding up all the data, we get the area of ​​​​the room.
    3. If there are columns and other decorative elements in the room, it is required to subtract the area they occupy from the total area of ​​the room. To do this, they are measured with a tape measure (not in a circle, but in a straight line, figuratively outlining a square around the column), and by multiplying the length and width, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe column is obtained.
    4. In a similar way, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwalls is calculated for calculating the purchase of finishing materials. Multiply the length of the wall by its height and subtract the area of ​​the windows and doors.
    5. The area of ​​the room during the finishing work may change. This is facilitated by some materials, such as drywall. When using it during repairs, it should be borne in mind that the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will decrease upon completion of work.
    6. All measurement results, before and after repair, should be stored in a specially compiled table. This will help you not to take measurements every time you need to find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

    A similar calculation method allows you to measure any area of ​​\u200b\u200ba house or land. More information can be found in the article -

    Finding out the area of ​​\u200b\u200brectangular rooms if they are free of furniture or other objects that make measurements difficult is quite easy. It is enough to remember the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle (most rooms in typical apartments have this shape) from the geometry course for grade 7, to have a construction tape measure and at least one assistant with you. But things can get complicated if the room has niches, ledges, or is lined with bulky objects along the walls.

    Consider several ways to find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

    1. Let's turn to the documentation. This method is as obvious as everyone safely forgets about it. The areas of each room of an apartment or house are indicated in the documents for it. First of all, in the technical data sheet. Try to find this document and if you are lucky, you will be spared the need to carry out measurements and calculations.
    2. Standard area calculation. If the numbers indicate only the total area or you doubt their accuracy, then adopt the standard method for calculating the area of ​​​​a rectangular or square room, two walls of which are available for measurements.
      • take a tape measure (not a tailor's meter!). Measure the length and width of the room, write down the data obtained in the same units of measurement (meters or centimeters);
      • multiply both numbers. The result will be the desired area of ​​​​the room!

      For example: A - the width of the room - 350 cm or 3.5 m, B - its length - 420 cm or 4.2 m. Then the area S \u003d A * B or 3.5 * 4.2 \u003d 14.7 (sq.m)

      If there are ledges in the room (built-in wardrobes, columns), which are also rectangular in shape, you should calculate the area of ​​the latter and subtract them from the total.
    3. Calculating the area of ​​rooms with a shape other than rectangular. In cases where the room has an irregular shape, your algorithm for finding its area will be as follows:
      • sketch the shape of the room on paper;
      • use straight lines to break the drawing into simpler shapes - ideally - into rectangles, triangles, trapezoids, semicircles (well, suddenly you have a very intricate shape of the room);
      • take measurements and calculate the areas of rectangular areas as described above;
      • for that part of the room that has a trapezoidal shape (most often it is the bay windows that have a complex polyhedral or even semicircular shape), measurements of three components are involved in the calculations - the length (A and B) of two opposite parallel sections and the distance between them, which will be the height (h ) trapezoid. It remains to find half the sum of the lengths of the sides and multiply it by the height.

        For example: the smaller side is 1.2m, the larger side is 2.5m, the distance between them (height) is 1.3m. Then the area S = h* (A+B)/2 or S=1.3* (1.2+2.5)/2, i.e. S=2.4(sq.m).

      • also find the area of ​​​​plots of a different shape using the formulas for calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corresponding geometric shapes;
      • the final step is to add up all the obtained areas and get the desired result.
    It is worth mentioning that today there are tools that greatly simplify not only measurement, but also, in principle, eliminate the need to calculate. If there is a laser tape measure with the necessary functions, then in a matter of seconds it will make accurate (up to tenths of a mm) measurements of complex areas, calculate the area and display the result on its screen. But that is another story…

    We received a question from Viktor Vladimirovich: “How is the area of ​​the room being repaired calculated?”.

    Quadrature is a little-known mathematical term that originally meant finding the parameters of the area of ​​a figure or a given type of surface. Repair work is a troublesome task that involves a high-quality and correct calculation of the square meters of the room to be updated. At the moment, in the public domain, you can find a calculator that allows you to correctly calculate the amount of required building and finishing material.

    Carrying out independent calculations

    Before you calculate the area of ​​the room, you need to prepare a tape measure, pencil or pen, calculator, long rail or building level, which will help you calculate the full quadrature of the room to be repaired. All calculations are based on certain calculations.

    Calculate the square of the walls of the room

    It is possible to calculate the area of ​​​​the room in full only by determining the exact dimensions of the walls, floor and ceiling. To count the walls, you should apply a tape measure along all the skirting boards that run along the floor of the measured room. The number of meters received should be recorded.

    Also read articles:

    At the next stage, you need to draw a strictly vertical line from the floor to the beginning of the ceiling. Having received these two values, you should calculate the area by entering the recorded values ​​\u200b\u200binto the calculator. Basic formula:

    Dst x Wst \u003d wall area (meter), where Dst is the length of the wall (meter), and Wst is its width (meter).

    In a similar way, it is necessary to accurately calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the walls in the room, and the calculator greatly facilitates the calculations.

    Calculate the square of window and door openings

    At this stage, you will again need a tape measure and a calculator. Parameters of the area of ​​window openings in meters are measured by window slopes and its window sill. For the height in meters, side slopes are measured, and the width is measured along the length of the sill. The quadrature of a non-standard window opening can be calculated by the formula:

    S \u003d 0.5A x H, where A are the window width indicators, and H are the parameters of its height.

    By analogy, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bany doorway is calculated.

    Calculation of floor and ceiling squaring

    At the next stage, you should find out how many meters the floor area in the room occupies. The opinion that the number of square meters of the floor always corresponds to the parameters of the ceiling is erroneous. However, if the room has a standard shape and is not complicated by architectural solutions, then the formula for calculating both floor and ceiling is as follows:

    S \u003d A x B, where the values ​​\u200b\u200bof A and B are represented by the lengths of adjacent wall surfaces with a common angle.

    The quadrature of a standard floor is calculated according to the same principle as the quadrature of the ceiling surface. The calculator allows you to calculate how many meters is the area of ​​​​the floor and ceiling separately.

    It should be borne in mind that the basis of all calculations is a square meter of area. The calculator can be useful at all stages of calculations.

    Alternative ways to get data

    A fairly promising and convenient way to calculate the quadrature of a dwelling is to use some special programs. The category of the most popular includes a construction calculator in the online version, which allows you to calculate the quadrature of any type of area. The indisputable advantage of such calculations is the ability to obtain data in the desired format, since the calculator automatically converts units to meters and vice versa.

    If there is no self-confidence, then there is always the opportunity to seek help from experienced professionals who, for a very reasonable fee, will competently make all the calculations necessary at the repair stage.

    Periodically, we need to know the area and volume of the room. This data may be needed when designing heating and ventilation, when purchasing building materials, and in many other situations. It is also periodically required to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. All these data are calculated easily, but first you have to work with a tape measure - measure all the required dimensions. How to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and walls, the volume of the room and will be discussed further.

    Room area in square meters

    • Roulette. Better - with a latch, but a regular one will do.
    • Paper and pencil or pen.
    • Calculator (or count in a column or in your head).

    A set of tools is simple, there is in every household. It is easier to measure with an assistant, but you can do it yourself.

    First you need to measure the length of the walls. It is desirable to do this along the walls, but if they are all full of heavy furniture, you can take measurements in the middle. Only in this case, make sure that the tape measure lies along the walls, and not obliquely - the measurement error will be less.

    Rectangular room

    If the room is of the correct shape, without protruding parts, it is easy to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Measure the length and width, write it down on a piece of paper. Write the numbers in meters, put centimeters after the decimal point. For example, length 4.35 m (430 cm), width 3.25 m (325 cm).

    We multiply the found numbers, we get the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in square meters. If we turn to our example, we get the following: 4.35 m * 3.25 m = 14.1375 sq. m. In this value, usually two digits after the decimal point are left, which means we round off. In total, the calculated quadrature of the room is 14.14 square meters.

    Irregular room

    If you need to calculate the area of ​​​​a room of irregular shape, it is divided into simple shapes - squares, rectangles, triangles. Then they measure all the necessary dimensions, make calculations according to known formulas (there is in the table just below).

    One example is in the photo. Since both are rectangles, the area is calculated using the same formula: multiply the length by the width. The figure found must be subtracted or added to the size of the room, depending on the configuration.

    Complex room area

    1. We consider the quadrature without a ledge: 3.6 m * 8.5 m = 30.6 sq. m.
    2. We consider the dimensions of the protruding part: 3.25 m * 0.8 m = 2.6 sq. m.
    3. We add two values: 30.6 square meters. m. + 2.6 sq. m. = 33.2 sq. m.

    There are also rooms with sloping walls. In this case, we split it so that we get rectangles and a triangle (as in the figure below). As you can see, for this case it is required to have five sizes. It could have been split differently by putting a vertical rather than a horizontal line. It doesn't matter. It just requires a set of simple shapes, and the way they are selected is arbitrary.

    In this case, the calculation order is:

    1. We consider the large rectangular part: 6.4 m * 1.4 m \u003d 8.96 square meters. m. If we round up, we get 9.0 sq.m.
    2. We calculate a small rectangle: 2.7 m * 1.9 m \u003d 5.13 square meters. m. Rounding up, we get 5.1 square meters. m.
    3. We calculate the area of ​​the triangle. Since it is with a right angle, it is equal to half the area of ​​a rectangle with the same dimensions. (1.3 m * 1.9 m) / 2 = 1.235 sq. m. After rounding, we get 1.2 square meters. m.
    4. Now we add everything up to find the total area of ​​​​the room: 9.0 + 5.1 + 1.2 \u003d 15.3 square meters. m.

    The layout of the premises can be very diverse, but you understand the general principle: we divide into simple figures, measure all the required dimensions, calculate the quadrature of each fragment, then add everything up.

    Another important note: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, floor and ceiling are all the same values. Differences can be if there are some semi-columns that do not reach the ceiling. Then the quadrature of these elements is subtracted from the total quadrature. The result is the floor area.

    How to calculate the square of the walls

    Determining the area of ​​walls is often required when purchasing finishing materials - wallpaper, plaster, etc. This calculation requires additional measurements. To the already existing width and length of the room you will need:

    • ceiling height;
    • height and width of doorways;
    • height and width of window openings.

    All measurements are in meters, since the square of the walls is also usually measured in square meters.

    Since the walls are rectangular, the area is calculated as for a rectangle: we multiply the length by the width. In the same way, we calculate the dimensions of windows and doorways, subtract their dimensions. For example, we calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls shown in the diagram above.

    1. Wall with a door:
      • 2.5 m * 5.6 m = 14 square meters m. - the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe long wall
      • how much does a doorway take: 2.1 m * 0.9 m = 1.89 sq.m.
      • wall excluding doorway - 14 sq.m - 1.89 sq.m. m = 12.11 sq. m
    2. Wall with a window:
      1. square of small walls: 2.5 m * 3.2 m = 8 sq.m.
      2. how much does a window take up: 1.3 m * 1.42 m = 1.846 sq. m, rounding up, we get 1.75 sq.m.
      3. wall without a window opening: 8 sq. m - 1.75 sq.m = 6.25 sq.m.

    Finding the total area of ​​​​the walls is not difficult. We add up all four numbers: 14 sq.m + 12.11 sq.m. + 8 sq.m. + 6.25 sq.m. = 40.36 sq. m.

    Room volume

    Some calculations require the volume of the room. In this case, three values ​​​​are multiplied: width, length and height of the room. This value is measured in cubic meters (cubic meters), also called cubic capacity. For example, we use the data from the previous paragraph:

    • length - 5.6 m;
    • width - 3.2 m;
    • height - 2.5 m.

    If we multiply everything, we get: 5.6 m * 3.2 m * 2.5 m = 44.8 m 3. So, the volume of the room is 44.8 cubic meters.