“Wonderful picture…” A. Fet

The presented lyrics are rather small in volume. But this does not mean that you can quickly and superficially read the verse “Wonderful Picture” by Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich. Despite its brevity, the poem carries a serious semantic load.

When creating this work, dated 1842, the author implemented an interesting idea. The poet did not use a single verb in the text, but at the same time the resulting picture feels quite dynamic. This construction of the poem gives readers the opportunity to guess the implied words themselves. But even without this action, the landscape reproduced by the author does not lose its significance and attractiveness. Fet with sincere admiration describes the wonderful picture that opened up to him on a winter night. The author was attracted by the snowy plain, clearly visible in the bright moonlight, and the distant sound of a running sleigh, rare for such a time. Of course, even these simple, everyday, habitual moments for many are worthy of close attention.

Considering the text of Fet's poem "Wonderful Picture" in a literature lesson in grade 5, it is very important to emphasize its structural features. On our site, poems are easy to learn online or download in full.

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MBOU "Sorskaya secondary school No. 3 with in-depth study of individual subjects"

My reflections on the poem by A.A. Fet

"Wonderful picture"


Mironchuk Ksenia,

7th grade student.


Bezkorsaya L.G.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

Sorsk, 2017

Why did I choose this topic?

A. V. Druzhinina about Fet: “The strength of Fet is that our poet knows how to get into the innermost recesses of the human soul ... The poet explains to us the impulses of our own hearts in front of this or that scene of nature ... The author has the highest degree ... high musicality of the verse ... " .

I wanted to prove that this is true, using the poem "Wonderful Picture" as an example.

Target work :

The study of artistic and visual means of the language of the poem, skillpoet.

Tasks :

- conduct an analytical reading of the text of the poem;

To be convinced of the validity of the words of the critic Druzhinin about the poetic skill of Fet;

Convey your emotional perception of the text.

Study plan .

    Rationale for the choice of topic.

    Purpose and tasks of the work.

    Analysis of the poem "Wonderful picture".

    Own creativity.


wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?

white plain,
Full moon,

the light of the heavens above,
And shining snow
And distant sleigh
Lonely run.

Indeed, a wonderful picture. Only 8 lines, from which some kind of mystery emanates.Winter night.Snow-white plain. Above her in the high skies is a full moon. Shiny snow. And lonely sleighin this snowy area. Very beautiful! And a little sad. And this whole picture is painted with just one complex sentence.. And that's what's amazing: there are 21 words in the poem: 8 nouns, 7 adjectives, 1 participle, 2 pronouns, 3 conjunctions. And not a single word. I thought: why? I reread the poem. And suddenly I realized:the poet does not need verbs in this picture.When reading a poem, you feel that the picture drawn by the poet does not change before our eyes, it is somehow frozen, there is no movement in it. Everything he writes about happens at the same time. And verbs convey movement, the dynamics of changing pictures.

I imagine an endless plain covered with a white, fluffy sheet. Above this vast expanse is a full moon. It is very bright, and from this the sky seems high. Light pours from it in a yellow stream, from which snow glistens.Simple winter landscape. And what a beauty!It is a little sad that the moon is alone in the vast expanse of the sky. A lone sleigh runs across the snowy plain in the distance. But there is a man in the sleigh. And he is alone in this snowy night desert. I understand the feelings of this traveler. Finding yourself on a winter moonlit night in a snowy desert among the endless expanses is probably a test for the soul. From this double loneliness (in nature and in the human soul) it becomes even sadder. And you understand that in Fet man and nature are a single whole. It seems to me that the poet is delighted with this cold beauty of nature. This is felt both in the author's direct assessment (“A wonderful picture, how dear you are to me ...”), and in the selection of epithets. But the poet subtly understands the feelings of a lonely traveler.

Watching the skill of the poet, I saw how accurate and true the epithets are: the plain is “white”, the moon is “full”, the skies are “high”, sleigh "distant", running "lonely". The epithet "lonely" stands out from this series with its coloring, makes the reader think. All together they create a feeling of some kind of mystery, understatement.

Attracts attentionpoem colors: full moon against the background of the night sky, dark silhouette of a sleigh on white snow. This contrast gives a special expressiveness to the winter landscape.

The lines of the poem are short, each of them has two or three, and only one has four words. And one gets the impression of the completeness of the painted picture, everything is so precise, visible. The earthly world (plain, snow, sleigh) and the heavenly world (moon, heaven) merged, united in some kind of mystery. The poem is written in chorea; I learned that this is the time signature most commonly used in folk song. Indeed, the poem resembles a folk song. Cross-rhyming in quatrains is easily perceived, rhymes are accurate.

In the first quatrain, a voiced solid sound [r] is repeated three times. He fills the line with joy, a sense of beauty. It doesn't exist in the second stanza. And that's why this stanza sounds so easy. Buthere the sound [s] is repeated 6 times, which conveys the feeling of light, 4 times [n] - [n ']. There are 7 of these sounds in the first stanza. They are in almost every word. Alliteration makes a poemmusical, bright,beautiful,gives the impression of mysteryand unites the content of the stanzas. Thus, with the help of meter, rich rhyme and alliteration, the poet achieves the lightness of the verse, its musicality.

The last line speaks of a lonely sleigh run. From the word "lonely" a little sad, butfeelings of loneliness do not arise, but there is a feeling of the unity of man and nature. It seems to me that the "wonderful picture" painted by the poet is close to the true Russian soul.Fet managed to convey in a small poem the beauty of a winter night, a feeling of love, a slight sadness, spiritual unity with his native nature.


My reflections on the content of the poem, observations of the skill of the poet allow us to conclude that A. A. Fet is a great master of verse. He knows how to excite the soul with painted pictures of nature, evoke feelings, positive emotions, i.e., according to the critic Druzhinin, “he knows how to climb into the innermost recesses of the human soul ... he has a high musicality of verse ...”.

I want to reread the poem, again and again experience high emotions.

My poem.

Silvery snow, On fluffy branches,
Falling, spinning, Bullfinches dance,
He is from century to century, In winter colors
Lays down in flakes. Lights are on...

I wanted to convey the idea of ​​the eternity of nature, its greatness and beauty, and that this greatness and eternity cannot be fully comprehended. And therefore, nature always excites, makes you feel that you are a small part of it, makes your heart beat faster.

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Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (real name Shenshin) (1820-1892) -
Russian poet, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1886).

Afanasy Fet was born on December 5 (November 23, old style), 1820
in the village of Novoselki, Mtsensk district, Oryol province. He was illegitimate
son of the landowner Shenshin and at the age of fourteen, by decision of the spiritual
consistory received the surname of his mother, Charlotte Fet, at the same time
lost the right to nobility. Subsequently, he achieved hereditary
noble rank and returned the surname Shenshin, but the literary name -
Fet - remained with him forever.

Athanasius studied at the verbal faculty of Moscow University,
here he became close to Apollon Grigoriev and was a member of a circle of students,
heavily engaged in philosophy and poetry.
University environment (Apollon Alexandrovich Grigoriev, in the house
whom Fet lived throughout his studies, students Yakov Petrovich
Polonsky, Vladimir Sergeevich Soloviev, Konstantin Dmitrievich Kavelin
etc.) contributed to the formation of Fet as a poet in the best possible way.
While still a student, in 1840, Fet published the first collection of his
poems - "Lyric Pantheon". Special resonance "Pantheon" is not
produced, but the collection drew the attention of critics and
opened the way to key periodicals: after its publication, poems
Feta began to appear regularly in Moskvityanin and Otechestvennye

Fet entered the history of Russian poetry as a representative of the so-called
"pure art". He claimed that beauty is the only goal
artist. Nature and love were the main themes of Fet's works.
But in this relatively narrow sphere, his talent manifested itself with great
glitter. ...

Afanasy Fet especially skillfully conveyed the nuances of feelings, vague,
fugitive or barely nascent moods. "The ability to catch the elusive" -
this is how criticism characterized this feature of his talent.

The poem "Wonderful Picture", created in 1842, is one of the most
bewitching poetic paintings by A. Fet.

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon,

the light of the heavens above,
And shining snow
And distant sleigh
Lonely run.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon,

the light of the heavens above,
And shining snow
And distant sleigh
Lonely run.

The ability to convey all the beauty of the surrounding nature in a few phrases is one of the most striking distinguishing features of the work of Afanasy Fet. He went down in the history of Russian poetry as an amazingly subtle lyricist and thoughtful landscape painter, who managed to find simple and precise words, describing rain, wind, forest, or various seasons. At the same time, only the early works of the poet differ in such liveliness and accuracy, when his soul was not yet overshadowed by a sense of guilt in front of the woman he once loved. Subsequently, he devoted a huge number of poems to Maria Lazich, moving further and further into love and philosophical lyrics in his work. Nevertheless, many early works of the poet have been preserved, which are filled with amazing purity, lightness and harmony.

In 1842, Afanasy Fet wrote the poem "Wonderful Picture", masterfully depicting a winter night landscape. For such works, the poet was often criticized by venerable writers, believing that the lack of deep thoughts in poetry is a sign of bad taste. However, Afanasy Fet did not claim to be an expert on human souls. He was just trying to find simple and accessible words to describe what he sees and feels. It is noteworthy that the author rarely expressed his personal attitude to the surrounding reality, trying only to fix various objects and phenomena. Nevertheless, in the poem “Wonderful Picture”, the poet cannot help but admire and, talking about a frosty winter night, admits: “How dear you are to me!”. Fet feels a special charm in what surrounds him - "a white plain, a full moon" bring to the life of the author long-forgotten feelings of joy and peace, which are enhanced by "a distant sleigh running alone."

It would seem that in the recreated picture of the winter night there is nothing remarkable and worthy of attention. Probably, the poem itself was written at the moment when Afanasy Fet was making a short journey through the vast Russian expanses. But the tenderness that the author puts into every line of this work indicates that such a night walk gave the author incomparable pleasure. Fet manages to convey his true feelings and remind us all that you can experience happiness even from simple and familiar things that we often simply do not pay attention to.