Where to get the mood for every day. We improve our mood: advice from psychologists

What is a "bad mood"? These are emotions. They may be different. Anger, irritation, resentment, sadness, fear - any of these can become both a cause and a consequence of a bad mood. How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad and the world is not in a hurry to meet us?

Living through certain emotions, a person plunges into various psychological states. The state of resentment, depression, dissatisfaction with oneself or others, anxiety, meaninglessness of what is happening - it is easier for us to call any of these states a “bad mood”.

Oh, this desire of the mind to create illusions and its unwillingness to work! Having told ourselves, a friend, a loved one that we are in a "damn bad mood", we simply allow this state to dominate us.

And you have to be honest and reasonable. It is necessary to analyze each deterioration in mood in order to prevent long-term frustrations and avoid deep immersions in negativity.

How to cheer yourself up, or I'm my own psychologist

Raise, improve mood, restore the taste and joy of life - means to eliminate the cause of his fall, the cause of the loss of taste and joy. But more often than not, it won't work at all. Then you need to accept the reason and change your attitude towards it.

For example, what about bad weather, lingering fogs and rains, lack of daylight and sun, frost penetrating to the bone? Man cannot stop the natural chariot. And this is one of the most serious causes of seasonal depressions and declines in people's vital activity. Let's start with her.

The first way: nature does not have bad weather, and I do not have a bad mood!

Our body is adapted to any manifestation of nature in the area where we live. And only failures in health can seriously and permanently shake our emotional background, which most often happens. The physical level affects the mental. Simply put, the body lacks something and this is reflected in the emotions. What kind of unreasonable joy is there if you don’t lift your head from the pillow in the morning? If before two cups of coffee the pressure is below 90/60? If dampness and wind exacerbate a chronic runny nose, and the skin cracks from frost?

It is necessary to help the body, since it is extremely difficult to raise a bad mood, being in illness or weakness. The following methods will work:

  • the use of vitamin teas;
  • hardening of the body;
  • taking anti-allergic, restorative, prophylactic drugs;
  • adjustment of the daily routine in the direction of increasing the time for rest;
  • adjusting the nutrition system, increasing the amount of water, fruits and vegetables in the diet.
These are well-known methods, but they will support our body in the off-season and at a time when it is especially difficult for our body to stay healthy.

Do not notice the bad weather - you can! If there is eternal spring in the soul.

The second way: I am not a horse, I have the right to rest!

Modern people work hard. And some are aware of this, and some are not. But the result is always the same. Along with chronic fatigue, chronic bad mood comes to us.
And the question “how to cheer yourself up?” in such a situation, it is a question of work, workload, the need for a vacation, or at least a quiet weekend. Is it right to direct all your life force to work, and then spend the money you earn on finding the lost joy of life and spoiled mood? Wouldn't it be better to just not allow it?

Method Three: My Emotions Are My Friends

Human emotions speak volumes. And first of all about bad mood. There is no balance and peace inside, there is no harmony with the outside world, there is no feeling of happiness of being, there is no joy from communication - these states can arise as a result of events that have occurred in the present, the past, and even have not yet occurred.

Why is this happening? Because we worry a lot about the future, we cling to the past and misperceive the present. You can deal with emotions and establish control over them with the help of other people or on your own.
For example, psychological consultations, meetings with people who have similar problems, visiting constellations, etc. help many people. The meaning of all work with negative emotions is to identify the causes that provoke them, to experience emotions, as well as to establish control or turn on the internal observer.

Learn to observe from the outside those who are indignant, irritated, afraid, offended in you. It's not you! You are not that emotion! You are a completely different person! Is not it? You are not fear and not pain, not longing and not anger. Negative energy has simply taken possession of you and your task is to cope with it.

The fourth way: live here and now!

Living today is the most correct position in life. Not destructive for the psyche and for the mind, but creative. Maximum immersion releases from all negative states experienced in the past. And there is no time to worry about the future.

Fifth way: I am not an ostrich with my head in the sand, I love this world!

The world is beautiful! And there are so many pleasures in it that nourish not only the body, but also the soul of a person! Think theaters, museums, circuses, book fairs, horse races or cockroach races, squash or tennis tournaments, sales. It does not matter what it is from the outside world that will pull you out of the sand. The main thing is that you do not want to go back after that! And so that it does not destroy you physically and spiritually. It's not about alcohol and excessive food. It's about creating something beautiful and pleasant.

The sixth way: how to cheer yourself up by raising it to others?

Friends are the elixir of health and good mood. Take it more often. Do good deeds, give a part of yourself to the world, and it will definitely cheer you up, give warmth and gratitude to those you helped.

Seventh way: my hobby is my outlet

A hobby is a broad definition of a person's individual taste. Some people have many hobbies, others have one, but swallowed them whole. Find time for your hobby, and a bad mood will not be able to get through to you. After all, a hobby is something that pleases your soul. And if it is in harmony and peace, then the external will not upset you.

Eighth way: remember the experienced joy!

Keep in mind the most joyful moments of your life. Your success, acquisitions, trips, meetings, unexpected purchases, sports or creative achievements, happy events in your personal life - all this forms a positive attitude and strengthens the nervous system.

The ninth way: no bad habits - I'm free!

None of the bad habits cultivates a consistently good mood. On the contrary, freedom from them gives a person joy and a feeling of fullness of life. After all, good usually takes the place of bad. This is the law of the universe. Get rid of bad habits, and your mood will be much better!

Tenth way: calm the mind, expand consciousness

Spiritual practice, spiritual growth, spiritual search - this is what will completely allow a person to control himself. Yoga, meditation, mantra chanting, prayer, qigong - the choice of the path is up to the person. Spiritually developed people are always in the same even mood - in a state of complete trust in Life and God!

Today we will talk with you about how to improve your mood and get rid of sadness and longing. In the life of every person there are moments that we call a bad mood. Such a state is unsettling and can overshadow any long-awaited holiday or event. There is apathy to what is happening, a feeling of anxiety and emotional instability.

The reason for this may be failure at work, general fatigue, hormonal disorders. The latter is often found in women. They may have a hormonal imbalance during menopause or before "these" days. This condition significantly impairs the quality of life.

So how to improve your mood, and are there ways to lift it yourself? Psychoanalysts say that each person is an individual, and for each specific case there is a way. A girl will have enough attention from her young man or gatherings with a girlfriend, a man - a well-established conversation in business, etc. Everyone has their own method of how to quickly get rid of a bad mood. The ability to increase a positive attitude in a few minutes helps to get in the right mood. This affects the perception of others around you and affects your career, personal life.

Smile in a bad mood

Everyone wants to know how to keep a good mood. It may change during the day. And not everyone can feel like an optimist all the time, since external stressful everyday factors have a tremendous impact on a person.

Psychologists say that smiling helps maintain mood throughout the day. In human perception, it is associated with positive. But, in addition to the visual perception of joy, a smile is a clear result of the production of the hormone of happiness in the body. When it appears in the blood, we feel bliss, joy. Every girl has a smile. She becomes attractive to others.

Smiling is the first way to deal with a bad mood. Its appearance causes our body to produce endorphins, which quickly change our emotional perception of the environment.

So smile to everyone. You can make a smile by reading jokes, watching a funny movie or a humorous program. Just go to the mirror and make yourself a face - and a smile will appear on your face.

Psychotherapists talk about simple ways to always be in a good mood. There are some practical tips to help you be optimistic and not let bad thoughts and situations ruin your day.
  1. Music. Psychologists consider it one of the best ways to get rid of a bad mood. However, it should not be mobile and dancing. Listen to the music you like. Psychologists also recommend singing along whenever possible. When longing has settled in your soul, feel free to drive it away with the help of your favorite melody in your headphones.
  2. dance. This may be a continuation of the first point. This will give you positive energy for the whole day. The main rule is to move actively. You can dance to a girl at a disco or at home.
  3. Get out. Often a bad mood appears because of the mess. Minimal tidying up will help to quickly correct the situation. Make it a rule to start your work day by cleaning your desk. You will feel that neatly folded items greatly enhance your mood. If you are at home, take care of arranging comfort in your home. General cleaning, bed linen change will also help to create comfort and thereby improve mood. Take a few minutes a day for this. Thus, you are distracted from bad thoughts.
  4. The right attitude. No matter what happens, always stay optimistic. In any situation, set yourself up for a positive outcome. Assert yourself that everything will be fine - and you can easily overcome the difficulties that have arisen. When you go to a meeting, always think of a positive outcome. There is an expression among the people: "Human thought is material." Therefore, remaining an optimist, you will always easily solve emerging problems.
  5. Talk about a problem. Psychologists believe that problems should be shared. Talk about what is bothering you with a friend, mother, relative. Even just saying it out loud already brings significant relief and uplifting.
  6. Sport. This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of a bad mood. Even being an optimist in life, there are times when you give up. Force yourself to do a couple of physical exercises (squats, jump rope, ab exercises). If possible, go to the gym. This will not only help create a good mood, but also support the girl's figure. A few minutes a day - and your figure can become perfect. A toned body in the mirror always cheers up a girl.
  7. Give yourself joy. Do what you love. Spend a couple of minutes on your favorite game, watch your favorite movie at the cinema or at home, read a book by your favorite author. A girl can pay attention to herself or find a new hobby, passion.
  8. Make a promise to yourself. How to improve mood? Promise to be an optimist and not pay attention to minor troubles. You can always fight back a bad mood. It is possible to become a person with a good and positive attitude, and everyone can do it.
  9. Cold and hot shower. This is a physiological way to create a good mood for yourself. When a person is poured alternately with hot and cold water, the tension goes away.
  10. walks. Each person, lying on the couch and scrolling through negative moments in his thoughts, drives himself into depression. Nature has a colossal positive energy that can be received. Force yourself to go for a walk. A few minutes in the fresh air - and you will feel a significant improvement.
  11. sleep. Bad mood often arises from banal fatigue. How to improve mood? Set aside everything and take a break.

Bad mood with menopause

During this period, a woman feels a certain depression, a frequent change of mood. With menopause, many women become depressed. It is directly related to hormones. How to deal with a bad mood with menopause? Experts advise at the first signs of a decrease in a positive attitude to normalize nutrition and pay more attention to walks in the fresh air.

With menopause, psychologists recommend that it helps to supply oxygen to the body and relieves the general tension in the body as comfortably as possible. Do what you love. You can also become more cheerful during this period with the help of sports. Physical exercise helps blood flow during menopause. This, in turn, supplies the organs with oxygen and helps to better transfer it.

During this period, it is very important for a woman not to become closed and to be able to share her experiences. With menopause, any woman needs support and understanding. Relatives and relatives should remember this and become support and support for her. With their help, it is easier for a woman to endure mood swings. Do not leave a woman alone with her thoughts during menopause, try to cheer her up and support her.

What should be avoided?

Enough has been said about how to keep the mood. But what should not be done? What should be feared? What can lead to serious complications? Psychologists do not recommend a girl:
  1. Eat a lot, it will add unnecessary problems. Getting fat is much easier than losing weight.
  2. Indulge in alcohol or tobacco. They do not help, but exacerbate the problem. Alcohol and tobacco do not help to be more cheerful, but drive you into a state of depression even more.
  3. Control emotions. Many, having a bad mood, inadvertently try to spoil it for others.
  4. Close up. You don't have to think alone. Find a good interlocutor or just say everything that worries you. This will help you become more connected to people and increase your positive attitude.
  5. Revenge. The girl does not go revenge, like any other person. She will not let you be a good-natured person.

Always think about what you are going to do in a bad mood. It is better not to take any action if you are in a negative mood, so as not to regret what you did in the future.

The definition for mood is quite simple - this is how the emotional state of a person (however, not only a person) is characterized. Probably everyone knows that sometimes from what the mood will be in the morning, you can determine how the whole day will turn out, unless, of course, there are any changes.

It is in your power to make sure that poor emotional well-being accompanies you as little as possible. After all, as we all understand, this or that mood of ours affects not only some segment of our life, but also makes adjustments to the daily routine of people close to us. If there is a person in the family who is often in a bad mood, this often has a negative effect on everyone who lives with him to a certain extent. You probably don't want to be that person - it's much better to be someone who charges your family and friends with positivity. Of course, only a very skilled actor can pretend that he is doing great when he is not at all, and if you are not, then you will have to take some action so that there is less reason to be discouraged.

What lifts everyone's spirits

1. Meeting with dear people. Even a very upset person calms down and feels much peace, having met a person who can always support and console him. However, in some cases this is not even necessary - the mere presence of someone close and dear is enough to forget about your hardships, or even to understand that in fact everything is pretty good with you.

2. Favourite buisness. It is hard to imagine that someone can not bring a sense of satisfaction to their favorite pastime. It's not about any work at all. Although, it is possible that it is work that brings you a charge of positive emotions! However, most often we are talking about something completely different - shopping, gatherings with a friend in a cafe, reading books, watching movies and much more. Think about what you like to do, and take on this business as soon as you feel that your mood leaves much to be desired.

In fact, improving your perception of the world, which is suddenly shaken, is not so difficult. You don't have to spend a lot of energy trying to force yourself to relax and smile. Start with the simplest techniques, which in the end can be very effective.

1. Treat yourself to shopping

It doesn't have to be a big purchase. Although if finances allow you, and you have been dreaming of some expensive thing for a very long time, but for some reason delayed the moment of purchase, then perhaps it's time to please yourself with a new acquisition. Of course, sometimes expensive things are not needed at all to cheer up - sometimes a bucket of your favorite ice cream or lipstick of your favorite shade is enough. It is very difficult to imagine that such purchases will not leave a pleasant mark on your attitude.

2. Favorite hobby

Many of us have hobbies, and many of us would just like to find a passion for our souls. If you have already acquired an activity that gives you joy, it will not be difficult for you to distract yourself from unhappy thoughts. If you have been doing what you love “automatically” for a long time, and it is completely incapable of redirecting your depressing thoughts in a different direction, then you should find yourself another exciting hobby. Choose activities that require high concentration or those that encourage high physical activity - embroidery, painting, dancing, sports, yoga and more.

3. Gatherings with friends

Sometimes, you can get rid of a bad mood by spending one evening or at least an hour in the company of your closest friends. No matter what you decide to do - sip cocktails at a local cafe, watch an interesting movie at someone's house or relax in nature - in any case, you will soon forget that you were sad just a while ago.

4. Walk

Sometimes a simple walk can have a truly miraculous effect on mood. You can walk, both alone and in the company of close friends. This is especially useful if you have stayed up in four walls - at home, at work or at school. In this case, you simply need a breath of fresh air. Choose calm and cozy squares and parks where you can not only take a walk, but also sit on a bench or drink a glass of juice or coffee.

5. Realization of an old dream

Of course, if we are talking about a dream, then, apparently, it is not too easy to realize it. It happens quite often, but not always. Thinking about our dream, we imagine that sooner or later it will come true, however, most often, if we don’t make any effort, then the dream will remain a dream. Subsequently, looking back, we understand that we had opportunities to achieve what we wanted, but we did not use them. Take a piece of paper and write on it what you need to do to make your dream come true. Maybe it's a matter of one day! Let your dreams come true!

6. Change of image or environment

It happens that a person gets tired either of himself or of the monotony surrounding him. If this is about you, then it is in your power to change the situation. Try to make changes in your usual image - go to the store and take with you to the fitting room things that you previously preferred to bypass, believing that they do not suit you. It is in your power to find new facets of your image. It is also possible that you simply do not have enough new experiences. Well, if you can afford to travel, but even if this is not yet possible, then just try changing your usual routes to work or study, go to new cafes, visit different interesting places that you have not been to.

7. Simply Relaxing Vacation

A long-awaited rest can also save the situation. For some, this is a trip to some interesting place, and for some it is enough to take a hot bath with dense foam to “feel afloat” again.

What can very quickly improve mood in the morning

  • Many note that light physical activity in the morning can create a real miracle with the body - it can be swimming in the pool, exercising in the gym, yoga or a regular warm-up. Starting the day like this will help you cheer up and set yourself up in the right way.
  • This is worth taking care of in the evening - let all the ingredients for your perfect breakfast await you in the refrigerator. However, if there is a good cafe near you that serves breakfast (there are many of them now), then this can also be a great option for you.
  • You can make sure in advance that at home you always have an extra reason to smile. Funny paintings on the walls, pillowcases with cute ornaments, bright dishes and much more can make your home a cozy place where you just don’t want to be sad.
  • If you have time and opportunity, take it for a short walk in the morning park. Surely, after this, peace for the whole day is provided to you.

Raise morale at work

If you periodically encounter such a problem as a breakdown in the workplace, then some tips can boost your morale.

Full lunch break. If your lunch break lasts half an hour or more, try not to spend it at the workplace! Go to a coffee shop nearby, sit in the yard on a bench with a glass of your favorite drink, if possible, take a walk in the square or park. Periodic change of scenery is very important, and if you get such a chance, then you should not neglect it.

Order in the workplace. The cleaner and tidy around you, the easier it will be for you to “breathe”, even if you believe that this order does not affect your work in any way. If your table is littered with a pile of various papers, filled with cups and various rubbish, then even subconsciously it will oppress you. Put things in order around you, and you will see that it will be much easier for you to work.

Plans for the day. In order not to take on a dozen things at once and end up doing nothing, in the morning make a list of those tasks that you need to complete during the day. Immediately estimate how much time you need for this or that business, and try to invest on time without being distracted by extraneous topics.

Plans for the evening. The work will be more fun if you know that after it some kind of reward awaits you! It can be a meeting with a friend, a date, dinner with the family, a walk in the park, shopping and much more. Try to always plan something for the evening. Even the item: “Buy a chocolate bar and watch a couple of episodes of your favorite TV series” is also a great plan!

How to improve your mood if everything is bad

  • If your current period is not at all "sugar" and problems with renewed vigor overwhelm you every day, you need to seriously take care of yourself. First of all, it is important to sleep well. If you surf the Internet or do some business until late at night, and then wake up early in the morning or after dinner, general weakness will accompany you without any special other problems. To prevent this from happening - follow the regime!
  • Even if everything is bad for you, and any joys seem simply inappropriate and uninteresting to you, try to please yourself “through force”. Buy your favorite teas, chocolate, ice cream, go to a beauty salon and the like. Give yourself the little things that used to make you happy.

1. Be in interesting places. If you follow the same route every day, and new impressions are rare for you, then it's time to change that! Every day, the city hosts a lot of exciting events that you have the opportunity to visit if you so desire. Browse the Internet for your city and choose the events that you like the most.

2. Communication with loved ones. Even if you are sorely lacking time for daily meetings with loved ones, you should find time to call them. Be aware of the affairs of people dear to you, share your events with them. As a rule, after such conversations, life becomes easier.

3. Caring for others. Many people report that their mood is lifted, not only when they receive something, but when they give something away. It can be kind words, a material gift, care, attention, and the like. Maybe you belong to the category of such people?

4. Relaxation. Engage in relaxing treatments more often. It can be a visit to the spa, a massage session, and simply - the usual bath. You have probably heard the expression “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”? Take care of your body, its health, and you will already have much less reason to be sad.

What to do to cheer up at home

Watch positive videos to lift your spirits

On the Internet, you can now find many funny videos that involuntarily bring a smile to your face. If you like, for example, cats, just "drive" into the search engine: "Funny videos about cats." You can also easily find "Funny Animal Videos", "Jokes" and many other videos that will quickly be able to cheer you up.

Eat a yummy - an effective way to get rid of the blues

This is one of the most effective ways, especially if you have favorite sweets or other goodies. Cook your favorite dish or, for no extra effort, just go to the store and get what you like. And you can not go anywhere at all, if you don’t want to, but order food at home!

Listen to your favorite music - it will help take your mind off sadness

Perhaps this is something that can normalize the mood of almost any person! Even if it seems to you that now there is no desire to turn on the music, then do it anyway! Don't choose sad songs or ones that make you reminisce about unnecessary memories. Surely, you have your favorite musical artists, whose songs have long been waiting in the wings!

Take care of yourself - combine business with pleasure

Sometimes some self-care procedures are enough to lift your spirits - it's hard not to smile when you see a refreshed and well-rested person in the reflection. Take a bath of hot water, add the necessary oils, sea salt and foam to it. Apply a mask on your face, immerse yourself in water and just relax! Surely, such a pastime will not be in vain for you!

Even the most notorious optimist has bouts of bad mood.

This happens especially often in autumn and winter: daylight hours become much shorter than in summer; lack of sunlight and heat, lack of vitamins - all this affects the mood. And in the rest of the year there are enough reasons for the blues. However, this does not mean that we need to put up with a depressed mood: if we know how to cheer ourselves up quickly, then we will be on an emotional upsurge all year round.

Psychologists have a lot of recipes in their arsenal on how to cope with the blues, loss of strength and bad mood on their own. These tips will help you quickly turn your mood into the mainstream of optimism, joy and cheerfulness.

The very first and most important advice is not to succumb to a bad mood and try to pick it up as soon as possible. Some people, falling into despondency, begin to go with the flow of their condition. It is categorically impossible to do this, since especially vulnerable and refined natures can bring themselves to depression in this way. Therefore, as soon as you feel that the mark of good mood begins to fall down, urgently take measures to increase the "indicator"!

Then you can act, guided by your temperament, interests, lifestyle. Fortunately, the choice of possible methods to raise the mood is available for every taste. Let's look at the most common options that work for most people without fail. All methods can be conditionally divided into groups: active and passive (depending on how much energy they require), etc. A wide variety of methods allows you to choose the one that will be most comfortable and acceptable for you.

Active Mood Improvement Techniques

As a rule, these methods require sufficient energy input. Suitable for people who are active, energetic, extroverts by nature, who do not tolerate a bad mood and do not give in to despondency. The following techniques are ideal for them:

  • Get active

No need to indulge in despondency, wrapped in a blanket and sitting in a chair. On the contrary, shake yourself up, go outside. You can just take a walk in the park, or you can go in for sports or just do exercises in the fresh air. For example, just a great remedy for blues is cycling or rollerblading, jogging, swimming pool, skating rink. In winter, when the snow has already fallen, you can play snowballs - this game charges adults with positive even more than children. Believe me, your blues will recede so quickly that you won't even notice! The main thing in this case is to get out of the house. If you are determined to put an end to your bad mood, then, of course, you will not look for excuses in order to stay at home.

  • Do the cleaning

If you still categorically, under no pretext do not want to leave the house, you can direct active actions in another direction: do the cleaning. Psychologists believe that often on a subconscious level it is the mess in our home that puts pressure on us (whether it is a visible mess or chaos in the closet, which only you know about). If your home is far from ideal in terms of cleanliness, feel free to get down to business. Most likely, at first it will be difficult for you, you will force yourself, and finally, it will seem to you that this cleaning will never end, and you will regret that you started it. But as your home starts to become clean and comfortable, you will notice how much your mood will skyrocket. The benefits of this method of dealing with a bad mood are twofold: on the one hand, you get rid of a pessimistic attitude, and on the other hand, you get a clean house in which it is very comfortable.

Women's Mood Enhancement Techniques

These, as a rule, include therapy with gastronomic goodies and primordially feminine things: shopping, gatherings with girlfriends, changing the image, etc.

  • Snacks - in a bad mood

Of course, this is perhaps one of the favorite methods of women to deal with a bad mood: eating sweets. If you are a supporter of this method and excess weight is not your problem, feel free to start eating chocolate, sweets, and cakes. But if you think that sweets are harmful, or for some other reason do not eat them, then bananas will come to your rescue: they not only relieve depression perfectly, but are also very useful. Note that alcohol is not the best friend of women in the fight against blues.

  • Get-togethers with a friend

In order not to be painfully ashamed of eating cakes alone, invite a friend. Gossip, talk heart to heart, sitting in the kitchen or in a cozy coffee shop. Do it against your mood: take off your bathrobe, put on something beautiful (no one talks about an evening dress at home - either a beautiful home suit or a simple cut dress is fine), do a light make-up - for women this is a good weapon against a bad mood.

  • Do what you love

Do you love the theater, but you have so many worries that you constantly don’t have time for it? Postpone all your affairs - there will always be plenty of them - and go to the theater. Or to a museum, gallery, cinema, circus, or just leaf through a catalog with your favorite paintings at home - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you spend time where you have long wanted to visit.

  • Rock out!

Do you think you have no hearing or voice? Then go to karaoke or take a comb and sing "into it" at home! Are you sure you can't dance? So do it! It doesn't matter - at home or in a club, but do it. Jump around, have fun, laugh at the same time - perhaps this method will suit you best. Do whatever you want - even scream (unless, of course, it's not night). Throwing pillows, kicking a sofa or chair (just don’t hurt your leg), “boxing” into the void are good help to relieve stress - all these are powerful psychological techniques that will help in raising your mood.

  • shopping

You can go shopping by yourself or with a friend. It always cheers women up. you can do real shopping, that is, shopping, or you can just walk through the departments, getting acquainted with the collections. Perhaps today you will find the dress of your dreams that you have been looking for for the past six months.

  • Take care of yourself

Do you never have time for yourself? Then go ahead to the salon: update your haircut, get a manicure (and do not forget to choose a bright varnish), go to a professional beautician. If there is no financial opportunity to visit a beautician, do your own facial massage at home, apply a mask, do a wrap or body scrub. Self-care always cheers up any woman.

But teach that in a depressed state it is better to refrain from cardinal changes in the image: of course, if you are a risky person and love change, then go ahead. But if you tend to make decisions impulsively, and then, as a rule, regret them, it is better not to cut your long hair to a boy haircut, otherwise you will definitely not avoid a new wave of discouragement. If you have long dreamed of such a haircut, but did not dare to take this step, who knows, perhaps today is the time to make your dream come true?

  • Change your image

Want to quickly cheer yourself up? Try on a new look! A bright dress or high-heeled shoes is ideal, because in case of an unsuccessful experiment, everything is easy to return to normal. you can play not only with the colors of clothes, but also with styles: used to wearing jeans and sneakers - get a feminine dress out of the closet; accustomed to a business suit - choose, on the contrary, clothes in a pronounced casual style. If you only wear make-up on the holidays, put on your make-up now, even if you're at home. Do it contrary to your usual image!

Passive Mood Improvement Techniques: Relaxation

These methods are aimed at relaxing the body. They work well for people who are calm, energetically passive, introverts. In addition, these methods are effective if a bad mood is a consequence of chronic fatigue, which is often the norm in modern people.

  • indulge in dreams

If you are a calm person by temperament and you are really “treated by native walls”, then stay at home. It will be great if you are alone at home. If not, then you can retire to the room. Create a cozy atmosphere for yourself: light candles or an aroma lamp with relaxing essential oil; turn on your favorite music quietly, sit back and just think, dream. Do not be afraid to dream - after all, dreams come true sooner or later. You can read affirmations: “I am in a good mood”, “I am happy”, “I am happy”. It is only important that you sincerely believe in it and speak consciously, with feeling.

  • Relax

Some women find a warm bath helpful. Only not ordinary, but with sea salt, foam, essential oils. Also remember to light candles and turn off the electric light. Lie down with your eyes closed, inhale the aroma of essential oils. The effect will be stronger if you take a bath at a different time than usual - then this procedure will seem even more mysterious and magical.

Psychological techniques for self-help

There are also techniques that help everyone without exception, regardless of psychological and personal characteristics. Some of these techniques are quite difficult to perform psychologically, but they are very effective.

  • Keep your posture and laugh

Another simple way that quickly cheers you up and does not require any time, money or effort. It consists in the fact that you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, as if you are in a corset. Then raise your head high and smile broadly. All! Just smile sincerely, of course. You can do this in front of a mirror.

You can just stand in front of the mirror and smile at your reflection. For most people, this causes a lot of emotions: someone feels like a complete fool, someone even starts to cry. At first, your smile will be more than modest, but your task is to make it wider and wider, and then start laughing. The main thing here is not to stop, but to laugh heartily. For no reason. Just. This is a powerful emotional release.

  • Finish unfinished business

It is unlikely that this method can be called pleasant, but if deep down you know that the cause of a bad mood is precisely the unfinished business that hangs on your soul like a stone, then no matter what you try to do to cheer up, only one thing will help you - complete it case. Therefore, pull yourself together and bring this matter to the end. You can give yourself a set that when you're done, you'll go to the movies or buy yourself some new clothes, or, despite the diet, eat cake. So it will be easier for you to tune in and get the job done.

vitamins for seasonal depression

The decline in mood in people most often occurs in the autumn-winter period. Therefore, you need to have a few more ways in stock: your diet should contain as many fruits and vegetables as possible (citrus fruits and sauerkraut are especially good), also drink fruit drinks and teas from fresh berries (cranberries are perfect), drink a complex of vitamins. And do not forget that the room must be light (fluorescent lamps are best), spend more time in the fresh air.

It’s also good to decorate your home in winter, fortunately, we have such a wonderful holiday as the New Year: decorate the apartment with rain, put up a Christmas tree, stick snowflakes on the windows - there is now a huge selection of such tinsel in stores that will enliven any interior and cheer up.

Drive away the negative and turn on the positive! We offer 10 ways to cheer up! Come in and smile!

Welcome to the motivational site! 😉

Each of us has such days when everything falls out of our hands, the people around us are annoying, and sometimes we even break down on loved ones, and then feel guilty.

But often, in order to avoid trouble, you just need to change your thoughts and feelings in time.

How to cheer up?

Surely you have asked this question more than once!

Mood control is real!

This can be done at any time: at home, at work, on a walk.

As soon as the mood begins to deteriorate, the blues, fatigue and depression pile up, you can remember these ten simple mood “switches”.

How to cheer up? 10 ways!

    Favorite music.

    Everyone knows what a huge impact music can have on a person.

    Always keep a mobile phone or a player with headphones at hand.

    Favorite melodies will help you relax, and you will not notice how your thoughts will change their course.

    An important point - the music should not be sad, otherwise it will only get worse.

    It is best to make a playlist with songs that always cheer you up.

    Let the music be light, bright, life-affirming, let it inspire you.

    How to cheer up? Watch a comedy movie.

    Another simple way to please yourself.

    Everyone knows that laughter prolongs life and improves health.

    Therefore, arrange yourself an evening of laughter or, if possible, watch comedies at least all day long.

    And to keep your mood up during a busy work week, watch funny videos on the Internet several times a day.

    These can be videos about animals or any other funny collections that will help you distract from problems.

    How to cheer up? Treat yourself to something you've been dreaming about for a long time.

    To do this, it is not necessary to buy a new car or go on a trip around the world.

    Surely you have some long-standing desires, for the fulfillment of which there was not enough time.

    Take a ride on the attraction, buy yourself a chocolate bar or a whole cake (girls - forget about the unfortunate calories for at least a day :)), feel like a child, do not hesitate to treat yourself.

    How to cheer up? Please someone else.

    Forget about yourself, about your problems, about your bad mood and think about who you love.

    Think of how to please this person, how to cheer him up and turn your fantasy into reality.

    Make a surprise for someone you care about, and his joy and gratitude will cheer you up too.

    How to cheer up? Go to nature.

    It’s good if you have the opportunity to go to the forest or to the lake, but if this is not possible, you can just take a walk in the park, relax in the shade of trees, enjoy the peace and beauty that only nature gives.

    If it is winter outside, and even the view from the window depresses you, you can again call for help from photos or videos with beautiful landscapes.

    Find something of your own, something for the soul, which is pleasant to look at for you.

    Someone loves sunrises, someone loves mountains or fields, someone loves flowering trees. Look for what your soul will respond to.

    How to cheer up? Do what you love.

    If you have a hobby, take it up.

    Creativity is always uplifting.

    If you don't consider yourself a creative person, do something that you love.

    It can even be cleaning the house if it brings you joy. Or shopping.

    Think about what you would like to do right now.

    How to cheer up? Get some sleep.

    It happens that in order to cheer yourself up, just enough sleep.

    Often our irritability is caused by fatigue and overwork, and a few hours of healthy sleep will help you look at your problems from a different perspective.

    Photos of loved ones.

    If it is not possible to communicate with loved ones, look at their photos.

    It is good if you have a mobile phone with photos or a digital camera with you.

    Surely there are stored pictures of your favorite people who will warm you.

    If you are at home, look at photo albums or pictures on your computer.

    Frozen moments, keeping the atmosphere of the joyful events of your life, will make you smile and relieve stress.

    How to cheer up? Have a get-together with friends.

    Invite friends for tea, cook something delicious. Joint cooking, by the way, also cheers up.

    Remember funny incidents from your life, share them with each other.

    How to cheer up? Remember everything that makes you happy.

    This method is good because it does not require anything but your imagination.

    You can use it at any time - when you are traveling in transport or standing in a tedious queue.

    Take a break from the routine and start to remember everything you love in order.

    Think about your hobbies, your favorite books, animals, music styles, clothing styles that you like, focus all your thoughts on what pleases you. This will help you quickly gain a positive attitude.

Do you want to laugh heartily? Read this article:

Choose the ways that are close to you and manage your mood at any time, depending on the circumstances.

Use several methods at once if you feel really bad.

One thing can help you today, another thing tomorrow.

Choose, try, come up with your own ways, and very soon you will become the master of your thoughts and feelings, and negative emotions will simply disappear!

And for the mood, I suggest you watch a positive video!


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