Diagnostic techniques for younger schoolchildren memory. locomotive - go

Method #1


Equipment: Pairs of words. In one column there are pairs of words with semantic connections, in the other - pairs of words that are not related in meaning:

  • Knife-cut;
  • pen-write;
  • Pupil-school;
  • Chicken-egg;
  • Ice skates;
  • Sky-cancer;
  • Fish-song;
  • Boots-table;
  • tree-roof;
  • Matches-bed.

Research procedure: The teacher invites the child to listen carefully and memorize the words, after which he slowly reads out a pair of words from the 1st column with an interval between a pair of 5 seconds. After 10 sec. break, the left words are read with an interval of 15 seconds, and the child calls the memorized word of the right half of the column. Similar work is carried out with the 2nd column of words.

Results processing: The data from the 1st and 2nd columns are compared, the coefficients of logical and mechanical memory are calculated: the number of correctly reproduced words / 5. The ideal option is 1. It is concluded which words are better to remember with a mechanical or logical connection.

Method #2

Target: Study of visual memory.

Equipment: 20 pictures.

Research procedure: The teacher invites the child to carefully look and remember the pictures (10 pcs.). The interval between the presentation of pictures - 2 seconds. Then you need to take a break - 10 seconds. Next, the teacher mixes the pictures that were presented to the child with new pictures (10 pcs.). Then you need to lay out all 20 pictures on the table. After that, the teacher offers the child to choose and name only those pictures that were shown at the very beginning.

Results processing: The results obtained are expressed as a percentage, and a conclusion is made about the degree of development of visual memory in a child.

Method #3

Target: Study of logical memory and mechanical memory.

Equipment: a short story with clear semantic units, for example, Jackdaw and Doves.

Research procedure: The teacher reads the story and asks the child to reproduce its content.

Results processing: The number and completeness of the reproduced semantic units are counted.

Method #4

Target: To trace the dependence of memorization on personality traits.

Equipment: Words to remember: match, bucket, water, friend, soap, window, school, book, camomile, doll, ice cream, closet, dress, hare, sand.

Research procedure: The teacher invites the child to listen carefully and memorize the words, after which he slowly reads them out with an interval of 5 seconds. After 10 sec. break, the child reproduces the memorized words.

Results processing: When analyzing the results, pay attention to which words are better reproduced by the child. Most often, emotionally colored words or words that are personally significant for the child are remembered better.

Target: The study of the features of logical memory, in particular, the nature of mediated memorization. This technique provides a lot of valuable information about the state of memory and thinking in a child, which can be used to differentiate the SD from the norm or ZPR.

Equipment: 12 words and the same number of related pictures.

Research procedure: A pile of 12 pictures are placed face down in front of the child. Pictures must be put in the order in which the words will be pronounced. The teacher calls the word “play” and invites the child to take the first picture, after which he asks: “Why can you remember the word “play” with this picture (doll)?” The child explains the relationship between the word and the picture, and then puts this picture aside (face down). In the same way, work is carried out with the rest of the pictures and words. At the last stage of the task, the child is asked to take pictures (one at a time) and reproduce the words associated with them. When reproducing words, pictures are not taken in the order in which the child took them when memorizing words.

Results processing: According to L. V. Zankov, normally developing children master the operation of meaningful memorization by the age of 10. Mentally retarded children of this age do not master the techniques of meaningful memorization and recall. The picture only bothers them. Normally developing children of 10 years old remember more meaningfully than mentally retarded children of 15 years of age. Children with imbecility of the indicated age do not even understand the meaning of the proposed task.

A. I. Leontiev)

Target: study of the features of memory (mediated memorization). It provides valuable material for analyzing the nature of thinking, the child's ability to form semantic connections between a word and a visual image (picture).

Equipment: 12 pictures and 6 words to remember.

Research procedure: All 12 pictures are laid out in front of the child in any order, but so that all of them are visible to him. Instruction:“You will need to memorize the words. In order to make it easier to do this, every time I name a word, I need to choose a picture that will later help me remember this word. For example, the picture “glasses” will fit the word “book”, because in order to better (more conveniently) read a book, you need glasses. Next, the child is called words and each time he chooses a picture, he must ask: “How will this picture help memorize the word ... All the cards selected by the child are put aside. After 40 or 60 minutes, the child is randomly shown one picture at a time and asked to remember which word this card was selected for him. At the same time, be sure to ask how you managed to remember this word.

Results processing: It doesn't matter which picture the child chooses. Establishing a connection between a word and a picture is purely individual in nature. It is important that the child establishes a meaningful semantic connection between the word presented for memorization and what is shown in the picture.

AI Leontiev proved that in normally developing children of 7 years and older, mediated memorization prevails over direct memorization. With age, this gap increases even more in favor of mediated memorization. By the age of 15, normally developing children can reproduce all 100% of the material presented. Children with poor working capacity memorize material much better with indirect memorization, since the semantic connection creates an additional support for them to memorize. In normally developing children, semantic connections between a picture and a word are formed easily. They talk about the nature of knowledge, ideas and life experience, sometimes with the help of this technique it is possible to draw a conclusion about the child's ability to generalize. In mentally retarded children, difficulties in the formation of connections are manifested in a slow pace of choosing a picture. The connections are poor and monotonous; the explanations given by the children are sparse and monosyllabic. Sometimes there is excessive detail in the enumeration of the details of the picture, and sometimes, having made the right choice of picture, they cannot express the semantic connection in words. Children with imbecility do not understand tasks.

Method #7

Target: determination of the speed of memorization, completeness, accuracy and sequence of reproduction. It turns out the ability to control their actions, to work with concentration and interest.

Equipment: The text "What did Seryozha come up with?".

Research procedure: The child is given the instruction: “Listen carefully to the story. Then tell me about what I'm about to read." The text is read again only if the child is not able to reproduce it after one listening.

Results processing: Normally developing children, as a rule, completely and accurately reproduce the story from the first listening. For mentally retarded children, fragmentary memorization of material is characteristic. When reproduced, they allow inaccuracies, violations of meaning and sequence. They are not always helped in the form of leading questions.

Method #8

Target : Study of the features of visual memory and attention.

Equipment: 5-6 pictures showing objects familiar to children.

Research procedure: The child is offered to carefully look at and memorize 5 (6) pictures that are laid out in front of him on the table in a certain sequence, for 10 seconds. Then the pictures are removed. After 10 sec. the child is offered a new instruction: "Take the pictures and put them the way they were at the very beginning."

Results processing: Normally developing children, as a rule, lay out the pictures in the right order without much difficulty. Mentally retarded children get confused in the arrangement of pictures, experience difficulties.

Method #9

Target: The study of the features of visual memory and attention.

Equipment: 2 identical pictures, differing from each other in some details.

Research procedure: The child is presented with the 1st picture and offered to carefully look at and remember all the objects on it, their number and location (demonstration of the picture - 1 minute). Then the picture is removed. After 10 sec. 2nd picture is presented. Instruction: "What is the difference between the pictures?" or “What has changed?”

Results processing: Correctly named and incorrectly named items are fixed. Normally developing children cope with the task, correctly name objects that were not drawn or that appeared. Mentally retarded children experience great difficulties, they cannot do without help.

Method #10

Target: Assessment of the state of memory, fatigue, activity of attention.

Equipment: 10 words that do not have any semantic connection between them.

Research procedure: First explanation: “Now I will read 10 words. Listen carefully and memorize. When I finish reading, immediately repeat as many words as you can remember. You can repeat in any order. The teacher reads the words slowly and clearly. When the child repeats them, the teacher puts crosses under these words in his protocol. The second explanation: “Now I will read the same words again, and you must repeat them again: both those that you already called (s) and those that you missed (s) the first time - all together, in any order." The teacher again puts crosses under the words that the child reproduces. Then the experiment is repeated for the 3rd, 4th and 5th time, but without any instructions. The teacher simply says, "One more time." If the child calls some extra words, the teacher writes them down next to the crosses, and if they are repeated, puts the crosses under them. There shouldn't be any conversations.

After 50 - 60 minutes, the teacher again asks the child to reproduce these words (without a reminder). These repetitions are indicated by circles.

Protocol of methodology No. 8 of a mentally retarded child

Words Forest Bread Window Chair Water Brother Horse Mushroom Needle Ice

No. of repetitions

№5 + + + + + +

After 1 hour 0 0 0

According to this protocol, a "memorization curve" can be derived.

Processing of results: In normally developing children, the “memorization curve” is approximately as follows: 5, 7, 9 or 6, 8, 9 or 5, 7, 10, etc., i.e., by the third repetition, the child reproduces 9 or 10 words; with subsequent repetitions (at least 5 times in total), the number of words reproduced is 10. Mentally retarded children reproduce a relatively smaller number of words. They can repeat extra words and get stuck on these mistakes (especially children with current organic brain disease). The “memorization curve” may indicate both a weakening of active attention and pronounced fatigue. Sometimes the "learning curve" can take the form of a "plateau". Such stabilization indicates emotional lethargy, lack of interest (with dementia with apathy).

Method #11

Target: Study of understanding and memorization of texts, features of oral speech of the subjects.

Equipment: Texts: fables, stories that have an allegorical meaning (subtext). They provide an opportunity for further discussion.

Research procedure: The child is asked to listen carefully to the story and memorize it. The teacher reads the text. Then the child reproduces it. The teacher records the oral story verbatim or using a tape recorder (dictaphone). The main attention should be shifted from self-retelling to discussion of the story, that is, to questions and answers about its content.

Results processing: With mild degrees of oligophrenia, a literal, almost correct presentation of the details of the beginning of the story is observed when they do not understand the figurative meaning (subtext) of the story. Normally developing children, as a rule, understand the allegorical meaning (subtext) of the story and reproduce it correctly.

Diagnosis of memory of younger schoolchildren.

1. Methodology "Determining the type of memory"

Purpose: to determine the predominant type of memory.
Equipment: four rows of words written on separate cards; stopwatch.

To memorize by ear: car, apple, pencil, spring, lamp, forest, rain, flower, saucepan, parrot.

To memorize with visual perception: plane, pear, pen, winter, candle, field, lightning, walnut, frying pan, duck.

For memorization with motor-auditory perception: steamboat, plum, ruler, summer, lampshade, river, thunder, berry, plate, goose.

To memorize with combined perception: train, cherry, notebook, autumn, floor lamp, glade, thunderstorm, mushroom, cup, chicken.

Research order.

The student is told that a series of words will be read to him, which he must try to remember and, at the command of the experimenter, write down. The first row of words is read. The interval between words when reading is 3 seconds; the student should write them down after a 10-second break after the end of reading the entire series; then rest 10 minutes.

The experimenter reads the words of the third row to the student, and the subject repeats each of them in a whisper and "writes" in the air. Then write down the memorized words on a piece of paper. Rest 10 minutes.

The experimenter shows the student the words of the fourth row, reads them to him. The subject repeats each word in a whisper, "writes" in the air. Then write down the memorized words on a piece of paper. Rest 10 minutes.

Processing and analysis of results.

The predominant type of memory of the subject can be concluded by calculating the coefficient of the type of memory (C). C = , where a - 10 is the number of correctly reproduced words.

The type of memory is determined by which of the rows had a greater reproduction of words. The closer the coefficient of the memory type is to one, the better developed the given type of memory is in the subject.


2. Methodology "Study of logical and mechanical memory"

Purpose: study of logical and mechanical memory by memorizing two rows of words.

Equipment: two rows of words (there is a semantic connection between the words in the first row, there is no semantic connection in the second row), a stopwatch.

Research order.

The student is told that pairs of words will be read, which he must remember. The experimenter reads to the subject ten pairs of words of the first row (the interval between the pair is five seconds).

After a ten-second break, the left words of the row are read (with an interval of ten seconds), and the subject writes down the memorized words of the right half of the row.

Similar work is carried out with the words of the second row.
Processing and analysis of results. The results of the study are recorded in the following table.

Volume of semantic and mechanical memory

Volume of semantic memory

Mechanical memory capacity

Number of words of the first row (A)

Number of memorizing
shisha words (V)

Coefficient of semantic memory C=B/A

Number of words of the second row (A)

Number of memorizing
shisha words (V)

Mechanical memory coefficient C=B/A

3.Methodology "Semantic memory"

A couple of words to remember:

doll to play

chicken - egg,

scissors - cut

horse - hay,

book to learn

butterfly - fly,

brush - teeth,

drum pioneer,

snow winter,

rooster - scream,

ink - notebook,

cow - milk,

locomotive - to go,

pear - compote, l

ampa - evening.

The course of experience. The subjects are read the words. They should try to remember them in pairs. Then the experimenter reads only the first word of each pair, and the subjects write down the second.

When checking, slowly read pairs of words. If the second word is spelled correctly, then put a “+” sign, if incorrectly or not written at all, put “-”.

A couple of words to remember:

beetle - chair,

feather - water,

glasses are a mistake

bell - memory,

dove - father

watering can - tram,

comb - wind,

boots - boiler,

castle - mother,

match - sheep,

grater - sea,

skid - factory,

fish - fire,

poplar - jelly.

The course of experience. The nature of the presentation and verification are the same as in series A. After the experiment, the number of memorized words for each series is compared and the subjects answer the questions: “Why were the words of series B remembered worse? Have you tried to establish a connection between the words of series B?

Processing of results. For each experiment, it is required to count the number of correctly reproduced words and the number of erroneous reproductions. Record the results in a table:

Logical memory size

Mechanical memory capacity

Number of words of the first row (a 1)

Number of memories

falling words (b 1)

Logical memory ratio

Number of words of the second row (a 2)

Number of memories

falling words (b 2)

Mechanical memory ratio

4. Method "Memory for numbers"

The methodology is designed to assess short term visual memory, its volume and accuracy.

The task consists in the fact that the subjects are shown for 20 seconds a table with twelve two-digit numbers that they need to remember and, after the table is removed, write it down on the form.

Instruction:“You will be presented with a table with numbers. Your task is to memorize as many numbers as possible in 20 seconds. After 20 sec. The table will be removed, and you will have to write down the numbers that you remember.

Assessment of short-term visual memory was made according to the number of correctly reproduced numbers.

The norm for an adult is 7 and above. The technique is convenient for group testing.

5.Methodology "Assessment of operational visual memory"

The child's working visual memory and its indicators can be determined using the following procedure. The child consistently, for 15 seconds. each, task cards are presented, presented in the form of six differently shaded triangles. After viewing the next card, it is removed and instead a matrix is ​​offered that includes 24 different triangles, among which are the six triangles that the child has just seen on a separate card. The task is to find and correctly indicate in the matrix all six triangles shown on a separate card.

Mistakes are triangles incorrectly indicated in the matrix or those that the child could not find for any reason.

In practice, to obtain this indicator, proceed as follows. For all four cards, the number of triangles correctly found on the matrix is ​​determined and their total sum is divided by 4. This will be the average number of correctly indicated triangles. This number is then subtracted from 6, and the result is considered as the average number of errors made.

Then the average time of the child's work on the task is determined, which in turn is obtained by dividing the total total time of the child's work on all four cards by 4.

The end time of the child's work on the search for triangles in the general matrix is ​​determined by the experimenter with the help of a question to the child: "Have you already done everything you could?" As soon as the child answers this question in the affirmative and practically stops searching for triangles in the matrix, it is considered that he has completed his work. Dividing the average time the child worked on the search on the matrix of six triangles by the number of errors made finally allows us to obtain the desired indicator.

In order to speed up the process of obtaining information about whether the child correctly or incorrectly found the necessary triangles in the matrix, it is recommended to use their identification by the numbers that are in the lower left corner under each of the triangles in the matrix. So, for example, the first set of six triangles (the set number is indicated by a Roman numeral below it) in the matrix corresponds to triangles with the following numbers: 1, 8, 12, 14, 16; the second set - 2, 7, 15, 18, 19, 21; the third set 4, 6, 10, 11, 17, 24; the fourth set - 5, 9, 13, 20, 22, 23.

Cards with triangles presented to the child in the method of assessing operational visual memory.

Matrix for searching (recognizing) exposed cards with triangles in the method of assessing operational visual memory.

6. Methodology "Assessment of operational auditory memory"

This type of memory is checked in a way close to the previously described. Child with an interval of 1 second. The following four sets of words are read in turn:

month, tree, jump, yellow, doll, bag

carpet, glass, swim, heavy, book, apple

fork, sofa, joke, bold, coat, telephone

school, person, sleep red, notebook, flower

After listening to each of the sets of words, the subject, approximately 5 seconds after the end of reading the set, begins, slowly, the next set of 36 words with an interval of 5 seconds between individual words:

glass, school, fork, button, carpet, month, chair, man,

sofa, cow, TV, tree, bird, sleep, bold, joke,

red, swan, picture, heavy, swim, ball, yellow, house,

jump, notebook, coat, book, flower, phone, apple, doll,

bag, horse, lie down, elephant.

This set of 36 words randomizes the perceived words from all four sets noted above. For their better identification, they are underlined in different ways, than each set of 6 words has its own way of underlining. So, words from the first small set are underlined with a solid single line, words from the second set are underlined with a solid double line, words from the third set are underlined with a dotted double line, and finally words from the fourth set are underlined with a double dashed line. The child must hear by ear in the long set those words that were just presented to him in the corresponding small set. The child has 5 seconds to search for each word in a large set. If during this time he could not identify it, then the experimenter reads out the next word and so on.

Evaluation of results: the indicator of working auditory memory is defined as the quotient of the average time spent on the identification of 6 words in a large set (for this, the total time the child worked on the task is divided by four), by the average number and errors made in this case. Mistakes are all words that are indicated incorrectly, or words that the child could not find in the allotted time, i.e. missed.

7. Study of mediated memory

The purpose of the study: to determine the impact of the system of aids on the memorization of specific concepts.

Material and equipment: sets of test words for memorization, study protocol, writing paper, pen, stopwatch.

Research procedure. The study consists of two experiments and is conducted with one subject.

Experience number 1. The task of the first experiment: to determine the amount of memory of the subject when memorizing verbal material that does not provide for a predetermined system of connections.

The experiment uses the classical method of retaining members of a series. The experimental material consists of 20 unrelated simple words consisting of 4-6 letters. The subjects are tasked with remembering the presented words and, on command, reproducing them on note paper. The experimenter should read the words clearly and quickly with pauses of 2 s. After the end of reading after 10 s. the subject is asked to reproduce aloud or write down on paper the memorized words in any order. The experimenter notes in his protocol those words that are reproduced correctly. Erroneously reproduced words are fixed in the note. The study protocol is as follows.



Experience time:

Instruction to the subject: "I will read you a series of words, listen to me carefully and try to remember them. When I finish reading the words and say "Speak!", name the words that you remember in the order in which you remember them. Attention! Started !"

Words to remember in experiment 1:

1. Fish

2. Pound

3. Bow

4. Leg

5. Hay

6. Power

7. Fire

8. Jacket

9. Bread

10. Scoop

11. Squirrel

12. Sand

13. Teeth

14. Window

15. Handle

16. Stockings

17. Wolf

18. Plant

19. Lily

20. Pie

At the end of the experiment, the subject gives a verbal report on how he tried to memorize the words. This report and the experimenter's observations are recorded in the protocol.

Experience number 2. The task of the second experiment: to determine the amount of memory of the subject when memorizing verbal material with a predetermined system of semantic connections.

In the experiment, the method of retaining pairs of words is used. Just like in the first experiment, the words consist of 4-6 letters. The test subjects are tasked with listening to pairs of words and remembering the second words of each pair. The interval for the experimenter to read pairs of words was 2 s. After the experimenter finished reading the following pairs of words for memorization, after 10 s. he again reads the first words of each pair, and the subject is asked to recall the second words of the same pair. In the protocol of the second experiment, correctly reproduced words are noted, and erroneous ones are recorded in a note.

Instruction to the subject: "I will tell you pairs of words. Listen to me carefully and try to remember the second words of each pair. When I finish reading these pairs, I will read the first words again, and you, in response to the first word mentioned, answer with the memorized second word of the same pair. Attention Get ready to listen and memorize!"

Words to remember in experiment 2:

1. Chicken - egg

2. Coffee - cup

3. Table - chair

4. Earth - grass

5. Spoon - fork

6. Key - lock

7. Winter - snow

8. Cow - milk

9. Wine - glass

10. Stove - firewood

11. Pen - paper

12. Law - decree

13. Gram - measure

14. Sun - summer

15. Tree - leaf

16. Glasses - newspaper

17. Shoes - shoes

18. Shelf - book

19. Head - hair

At the end of the experiment, the experimenter writes down the verbal report of the subject and his observations about the features of memorizing words in the protocol.

Results processing

For each of the two experiments, the number of correctly reproduced words and the number of erroneous reproductions are counted. The data is entered into a pivot table:

Words reproduced

Analysis of results. When analyzing the results of memorizing two experiments and comparing quantitative indicators, it is important to pay attention to the verbal reports of the subject and the experimenter's observations.

If memorization in the first experiment was direct for the subject, then its volume will be in the range of 5-9 memorized words. But if he memorized more than 9 words, then he used some mnemonic techniques and managed to come up with a certain system of connections that facilitate reproduction in such a short interval.

8. Methodology "Diagnostics of mediated memory"

The material necessary for the technique is a sheet of paper and a pen. Before the start of the examination, the child is told the following words: “Now I will call you different words and sentences and then pause. During this pause, you will have to draw or write something on a piece of paper that will allow you to remember and then easily recall the words that I said. Try to make drawings or notes as quickly as possible, otherwise we will not have time to complete the entire task. There are quite a lot of words and expressions that need to be remembered.

The following words and expressions are read to the child one by one:

House. Stick. Tree. Jump high. The sun is shining.

Cheerful person. Children play ball. The clock is standing.

The boat floats on the river. The cat eats fish.

After reading each word or phrase to the child, the experimenter pauses for 20 seconds. At this time, the child should have time to draw on the sheet of paper given to him something that will later allow him to remember the necessary words and expressions. If in the allotted time the child did not have time or a drawing, then the experimenter interrupts him and reads out the next word or expression.

As soon as the experiment is over, the psychologist asks the child, using the drawings or notes he made, to recall the words and expressions that were read to him.

Evaluation of results

For each word or phrase correctly reproduced according to their own drawing or recording, the child receives 1 point. Correctly reproduced are not only those words and phrases that are literally restored from memory, but also those that are conveyed in other words, but exactly in meaning. Approximately correct reproduction is estimated at 0.5 points, and incorrect - at 0 points. The maximum overall score that a child can receive in this technique is 10 points.

The child will receive such an assessment when he correctly remembers all the words and expressions without exception. The minimum possible score is 0 points. It corresponds to the case if the child could not remember a single word from his drawings and notes or did not make a drawing or note for a single word.

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points - mediated auditory memory is very highly developed.

8-9 points - mediated auditory memory is highly developed.

4-7 points - mediated auditory memory is moderately developed.

2-3 points - poorly developed mediated auditory memory.

      score - poorly developed mediated auditory memory.

9. Method "Memory for images"

Designed to study figurative memory. The technique is applied at professional selection. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the subject is exposed to a table with 16 images for 20 s. The images must be memorized and reproduced on the form within 1 minute.

Instruction:“You will be presented with a table with images. Your task is to memorize as many images as possible in 20 seconds. After 20s. the table will be removed, and you will have to sketch or write down verbally those images that you remember.

Evaluation of results testing is carried out according to the number of correctly reproduced images.

Norm - 6 correct answers and more.

Table "Memory for images"

Diagnosis of the type of memory of younger students


The impressions that a person receives about the world around them leave a certain trace, are preserved, consolidated, and, if necessary and possible, are reproduced. These processes are called memory.

Memory underlies human abilities, is a condition for acquiring knowledge, forming skills and abilities. Without memory, the normal functioning of either the individual or society is impossible.

Memory is the most important characteristic of mental life. Therefore, the problem of memory is one of the most attention-grabbing and most studied problems in psychology.

The beginning of the study of memory as an activity was laid by the works of French researchers, in particular P. Janet. He was one of the first to interpret memory as a system of actions focused on remembering, processing and storing information.

Many foreign and domestic scientists were engaged in the study of memory, such as G. Ebbinghaus, Z. Freud, A. Binet, K. Buhler, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, S.L. Rubinstein, B.V. Zeigarnik, L.S. Vygotsky and others.

It was found that for people with a weak nervous system, additional stimuli interfere with concentration, and for people with a strong one, they even increase concentration.

Depending on the predominant participation in the memory of one or another analyzer, there are visual, auditory, motor-auditoryAnd combinedmemory types. A person with a visual type of memory memorizes and reproduces the learned material mainly in visual images, in contrast to a person with a motor type of memory, in whom the processes of memorization and reproduction are based mainly on motor representations. The mixed type of memory includes people who do not have a predominant development of any one type of memory and who equally use several types of memory in their practical activities.

Primary school age is a special period in the life of a child, which stood out historically relatively recently. The emergence of this age is associated with the introduction of a system of universal and compulsory incomplete and complete secondary education.

At this age, great changes occur in the cognitive sphere of the child. Memory acquires a pronounced arbitrary character. Children involuntarily memorize educational material that arouses their interest, presented in a playful way, associated with vivid aids or images - memories, etc. But, unlike preschoolers, they are able to purposefully, arbitrarily memorize material that is not interesting to them. Every year, more and more training is based on arbitrary memory.

The main characteristics of the memory of younger students:

plasticity - passive imprinting and quick forgetting;

selective character - it is better to remember what you like, and what you need to remember sooner;

increases the amount of memory, improves the accuracy and systematic reproduction;

memorization begins to rely more and more often on various semantic connections, memory acquires an arbitrary character;

children begin to use various special methods of memorization;

memory is freed from the captivity of perception, recognition loses its significance;

reproduction becomes a controlled process;

the figurative component is preserved, memory is closely connected with active imagination.

Memory research is currently occupied by representatives of various sciences: medicine, genetics, psychology, cybernetics and others. Many questions regarding the problem of memory remain controversial.

Knowing the type of memory of the child allows you to choose the right teaching methodology, the way of presenting information, to select the most effective textbooks and teaching aids. It also helps to identify most stressful situations for the child, and therefore, to avoid their occurrence.

1. Research procedure

In my research, I used the technique of diagnosing the type of memory.

The purpose of my research was: to determine the type of memory in a group of children of primary school age by reproducing differently perceived words.

The material and equipment I used are four rows of words written on separate cards.

I offered the subjects in turn four groups of words to memorize them by ear, with visual perception, with motor-auditory perception, with combined perception.

Word groups:












After listening to the first row of words with an interval of 4-5 seconds between words, after a 10-second break, the children wrote down the words they remembered on a piece of paper. Then they rested for 10 minutes. The more words the child memorized by ear, the higher the level of his auditory memory.

Then I showed the children the words of the second row, which, after a 10-second break, my subjects also wrote down on a piece of paper from memory.

After giving a 10-minute rest, I read the words of the third row to the subjects, and the children repeated in a whisper each word I read and “recorded” it in the air with their finger. After a 10-second break, the words on the piece of paper were reproduced.

After a break of 10 minutes, the words of the fourth row were read to the children, the children simultaneously followed the card, repeated the words in a whisper and “recorded” them in the air.

My study involved 20 subjects: 10 boys and 10 girls. The age of children is from 9-10 years. All students study at the same school. One program.

List of test subjects:

  1. Tarasov Igor
  2. Shevlyakov Dmitry
  3. Ukrainian Yakov
  4. Kaares Anastasia
  5. Chmerkova Ekaterina
  6. Vozhakova Julia
  7. Gorenkova Marina
  8. Gorenkova Angela
  9. Vopilov Nikita
  10. Trabaeva Violetta
  11. Penkin Igor
  12. Tverdokhleb Victoria
  13. Geraskin Oleg
  14. Gorenkov Dmitry
  15. Bondarenko Nikita
  16. Skripnikov Ilya
  17. Lytkin Danil
  18. Kolotilina Elena
  19. Kolesnikova Victoria
  20. Stolbovskikh Elena

. Processing and analysis of results

The predominant type of memory in a child can be concluded by calculating the coefficient of memory type C.

The type of memory is characterized by which of the rows had a more successful reproduction of words. The closer the memory coefficient is to 100%, the better developed this type of memory is in the subject.

According to the results of the study, we can talk about three levels of memorization: high (more than 80%), average 60-79%), low (memorization volume less than 50-60%).

Memory type study protocol

Last name, first name of the subject Types of memory coefficient of memory type in (%) visual-auditory motor-auditory combined1. Tarasov Igor603050502. Shevlyakov Dmitry302040603. Ukrainian Yakov302040504. Kaares Anastasia706030605. Chmerkova Ekaterina807040606. Vozhakova Julia303070607. Gorenkova Marina606030408. Gorenkova Angela706040609. Vopilov Nikita5030405010 Trabaeva Violetta7030506011. Penkin Igor4030307012. Tverdokhleb Victoria2030303013. Geraskin Oleg4030404014. Gorenkov Dmitry4030403015. Bondarenko Nikita5030404016. Skripnikov Ilya8060608017. Lytkin Danil7050608018. Kolotilina Elena8070606019. Kolesnikova Victoria8070707020. Stolbovskikh Elena80706070

Tarasov Igor

Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that Igor has the best developed auditory perception of 60% (medium level), the level of motor-auditory and combined perception is developed slightly less than 50% of the reproduced words (low level). The child has the least developed visual memory of 30% of the reproduction of words (low level).

Shevlyakov Dmitry

Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that Dima has the best developed combined memory of 60% of the reproduced words (medium level), the level of the motor-auditory type of memory is 40% of the reproduction of words (low level), the auditory type level is 30% of the reproduction (low level). ). Least of all, the child has a developed visual memory of 20% of the reproduction of words (low level).

Ukrainian Yakov

According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that Yakov has the best developed combined type of memory of 50% word reproduction (low level), the motor-auditory type is slightly less developed - 40% word reproduction (low level). The level of development of auditory memory is 30% of reproduction (low level). The child has the least developed visual memory of 20% of the reproduced words (low level).

Kaares Anastasia

According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that Nastya has the best developed auditory type of memory - 70% of the reproduced words (average level), the level of visual and combined types of memory is slightly less developed in 60% of reproduction (average level). Least of all, the child has developed motor-auditory memory - 30% of the reproduced words (low level).

Chmerkova Ekaterina

Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that Katya has the best developed auditory perception of 80% of the words reproduced (high level), the level of visual type is slightly less developed - the memorization volume is 70% (medium level). The combined type also has an average level of development - the memorization volume is 60%. The girl has the least developed motor-auditory perception - the memorization volume is 40% (low level).

Vozhakova Julia

Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that Katya has the best developed motor-auditory perception of 70% (average level), the level of combined perception is slightly less than 60% (average level). Least of all, the girl has developed auditory and visual perception, 30% each (low level).

Gorenkova Marina

According to the results of the study, we can conclude that Marina has the best developed auditory and visual perception of 60% each (low level), the level of combined perception is slightly less than 40% developed (low level). The level of motor-auditory perception is developed by 30% (low level).

Gorenkova Angela

According to the results of the study, we can conclude that Angela has the best developed auditory perception of 70% (average level), the level of combined and visual perception is slightly less than 60% (average level). The level of motor-auditory perception is 40% (low level).

Vopilov Nikita

Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that Nikita has the best developed auditory and combined perception of 50% each (low level), the level of motor-auditory perception is developed slightly less than 40% (low level). The level of visual perception is developed by 30% (low level)

Trabaeva Violetta

According to the results of the study, we can conclude that Violeta has the best developed auditory perception of 70% (average level), the level of combined perception is slightly less than 60% (average level). The level of motor-auditory perception is 50% (low level). The girl has the least developed visual perception - 30% (low level).

Penkin Igor

According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that Igor has the best developed combined perception of 70% (medium level), the level of visual and motor-auditory perception is developed by 30% (low level), the level of auditory perception is 40% (low level).

Tverdokhleb Victoria

According to the results of the study, we can conclude that Victoria has the best developed visual, motor-auditory and combined perception of 30% (low level), the auditory level is slightly less than 20% (low level)

Geraskin Oleg

According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that Oleg has the best developed auditory, combined and motor-auditory perception of 40% each (low level). Visual perception has a development level of 30% (low level)

Gorenkov Dmitry

Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that Dima has the best developed auditory and motor-auditory perception of 40% each (low level of development), visual and combined perception have a level of development of 30% each (low level)

Bondarenko Nikita

According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that Nikita has the best developed auditory perception of 50% (low level), the level of combined perception and motor-auditory development is slightly less than 40% (low level). The level of visual perception is developed by 30% (low level).

Skripnikov Ilya

Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that Ilya has the best developed auditory and combined types of memory in 80% of the reproduced words (high level), the level of visual and motor-auditory type of memory is slightly less developed in 60% of word reproduction (average level).

Lytkin Danil

Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that Danil has the best developed combined perception of 80% (high level), the level of auditory perception is developed slightly less than 70% (average level), motor-auditory perception has a development level of 60% (average level). The level of visual perception is developed by 50% (low level)

Kolotilina Elena

According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that Lena has the best developed auditory type - the amount of memorization is 80% (high level), the level of visual perception is developed slightly less than 70% of memorizing words (medium level). Combined and motor-auditory perception - the volume of reproduction of 60% of words (low level).

Kolesnikova Victoria

According to the results of the study, we can conclude that Vika has the best developed auditory perception of 80% (high level), the levels of visual, combined, motor-auditory perception are developed slightly less than 70% (average level).

Stolbovskikh Elena

Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that Lena has the best developed auditory perception 80% (high level), the level of visual and combined perception is slightly less developed at 70% (medium level). level).

After analyzing the results of each, you can make a comparative assessment of the results of the two groups of subjects (boys and girls)

If we take a separate group of boys, consisting of 10 people, it turns out that on average they have a better developed combined type of memory - a coefficient of 55%, an auditory type of memory has a coefficient of 49%, visual memory is developed by 32%, motor-auditory by 44% .

Memory types (boys):

In the group of girls, consisting of 10 people, auditory memory will be more developed (memory type coefficient 64%), the combined one has a slightly lower percentage of development - 57%. Visual memory has a coefficient of 55%. Less development has motor-auditory memory - 48% of development.

Memory types (girls):

Comparing the results of both groups of subjects (boys and girls), it turned out that girls, compared with boys, have a higher level of development of all types of memory, where the auditory type of memory is in the lead.

If we take the overall results of both groups, then by comparing them, we can get the overall average results of the development of memory types in a group of subjects in the amount of 20 people. It turns out that auditory memory is better developed in the group. Almost the same development has a combined memory. Slightly less developed motor-auditory memory. The least developed in the group of subjects is visual memory.

Diagram of the general indicators of the development of memory types in a group of subjects in the amount of 20 people

memory reproduction word school

56,5% 56% 43,5% 46%


The conducted research states the fact that people's memory differs. Data processing shows that in some people, auditory memory predominates, while others visual. There are those who are equally well developed, and visual and auditory memory, this combination is also found. In general, the analysis of the data showed that the memory of the subjects in all respects has an average and low level of development. Most of the subjects (70%) completed the tasks of writing the words they remembered with great effort. There were those who succeeded easily, only 30% of them.

A high level of memorization in one or more tasks occurs only in 25% of the subjects. The average level of memorization is found in 65% of the subjects. Low level of memorization in 80% of the subjects.

It can be concluded that the quality of memory in children is very low, which in the future (in the middle classes) may affect their academic performance. Particular attention should be paid to teachers on the visual memory of children. It is less developed in many subjects. And although even if a certain type of memory is laid in each of us at birth, with the help of efforts and work on oneself, one can learn to develop the potential that is in each of us.

Task 4. Diagnosis of attention, thinking and memory in younger students. Methods "Correction test", "Long-term memory", "Remember a couple", "Studying the development of logical operations in younger students"

Get acquainted in practice with the methods of "Correction test", "Long-term memory", "Remember a couple" and "Studying the development of logical operations in younger students." Describe the features of attention, thinking and memory of the subject.

The subjects that children are taught must correspond to their age, otherwise there is a danger that cleverness, fashion, vanity will develop in them.
Kant Immanuel (XVIII century, Germany)

Method "Correction test"

Target: determination of the amount of attention (by the number of letters viewed) and its concentration (by the number of mistakes made).

Methodical(stimulus) material:


















Order of execution and instruction:

“On the form with letters, cross out the first row of letters. Your task is to look through the rows of letters from left to right and cross out the same letters as the first ones. You have to work quickly and accurately. Working time - 5 minutes.

When evaluating the results, we rely on the following indicators of the norm:

♦ for children aged 6–7, the attention span is 400 characters and more; concentration of attention - 10 errors or less;

♦ for children 8-10 years old, the attention span is 600 characters and more, and the concentration is 5 errors or less.

Method "Long-term memory"

Target: diagnostics of the level of long-term memory.

Methodical(stimulus) material: a series of words - table, soap, man, fork, book, coat, ax, chair, notebook, milk.

“Now I will read you a series of words, and you will try to remember them. Get ready, listen carefully. The experimenter reads the above series of words.

A number of words are read out several times so that the children remember. Verification occurs in 7-10 days. The coefficient of long-term memory is calculated by the following formula:

Where A- the total number of words; IN- the number of memorized words; WITH- coefficient of long-term memory.

Processing and interpretation of results. The results are interpreted as follows:

75-100% - high level;

50-75% - average level;

30-50% - low level;

below 30% is a very low level.

Method "Remember a couple"

Target: study of logical and mechanical memory by memorizing two rows of words.

Methodical(stimulus) material: two rows of words. In the first row there are semantic connections between words, in the second row they are absent.

Order of execution and instruction. The experimenter reads to the subject (s) 10 pairs of words of the series under study (the interval between the pair is 5 seconds). After a 10-second break, the left words of the row are read (with an interval of 10 seconds), and the subject writes down the memorized words of the right half of the row.

Processing and interpretation of results. The results of the experiment are recorded in table. 13.

Table 13

Data processing

Test "Studying the development of logical operations in younger students"

Target. The first subtest reveals awareness; second - the ability to classify; third - ability to generalize; fourth - choose analogies. According to L. I. Peresleni and L. F. Chuprova, the test is quite informative for studying the features of verbal-logical thinking in elementary school.

The test can be carried out both individually and in a group of children. Each child is given worksheets with assignments on which he marks his answer (see sample assignment form).

Methodical(stimulus) material. The following is a sample worksheet.

Blank form

Test of the development of logical operations


A. Awareness

1. A boot always has…

lace, buckle, sole, straps, buttons.

2. Lives in warm regions.

bear, deer, wolf, camel, penguin.

24 months, 3 months, 12 months, 4 months.

4. Month of winter.

September, October, February, November, March.

5. Does not live in our country.

nightingale, ostrich, stork, titmouse, starling.

6. A father is older than his son.

often, always, never, rarely, sometimes.

7. Time of day.

year, month, week, day, monday.

8. Trees always have.

leaves, flowers, fruits, root, shadow.

9. Season.

august, autumn, saturday, morning, holidays. 10. Passenger transport.

harvester, dump truck, bus, excavator, locomotive.

B. Exclusion of concepts

1. Tulip, lily, beans, chamomile, violet.

You have read the introduction! If you are interested in the book, you can buy the full version of the book and continue reading.

Diagnosis of memory of younger schoolchildren.

1. Methodology "Determining the type of memory"

Purpose: to determine the predominant type of memory.
Equipment: four rows of words written on separate cards; stopwatch.

To memorize by ear : car, apple, pencil, spring, lamp, forest, rain, flower, saucepan, parrot.

To memorize with visual perception: plane, pear, pen, winter, candle, field, lightning, walnut, frying pan, duck.

For memorization with motor-auditory perception : steamboat, plum, ruler, summer, lampshade, river, thunder, berry, plate, goose.

To memorize with combined perception: train, cherry, notebook, autumn, floor lamp, glade, thunderstorm, mushroom, cup, chicken.

Research order.

The student is told that a series of words will be read to him, which he must try to remember and, at the command of the experimenter, write down. The first row of words is read. The interval between words when reading is 3 seconds; the student should write them down after a 10-second break after the end of reading the entire series; then rest 10 minutes.

Invite the student to silently read the words of the second row, which are exposed for one minute, and write down those that he was able to remember. Rest 10 minutes.

The experimenter reads the words of the third row to the student, and the subject repeats each of them in a whisper and "writes" in the air. Then write down the memorized words on a piece of paper. Rest 10 minutes.

The experimenter shows the student the words of the fourth row, reads them to him. The subject repeats each word in a whisper, "writes" in the air. Then write down the memorized words on a piece of paper. Rest 10 minutes.

Processing and analysis of results.

The predominant type of memory of the subject can be concluded by calculating the coefficient of the type of memory (C). C = , where a - 10 is the number of correctly reproduced words.

The type of memory is determined by which of the rows had a greater reproduction of words. The closer the coefficient of the memory type is to one, the better developed the given type of memory is in the subject.


Quantity correct

reproduced words





2. Methodology "Study of logical and mechanical memory"

Purpose: study of logical and mechanical memory by memorizing two rows of words.

Equipment: two rows of words (there is a semantic connection between the words in the first row, there is no semantic connection in the second row), a stopwatch.

Second row:

    doll - play

    chicken - egg

    scissors - cut

    horse - sleigh

    book - teacher

    butterfly - fly

    snow winter

    lamp - evening

    brush - teeth

    cow - milk

    beetle - chair

    compass - glue

    bell - arrow

    tit - sister

    watering can - tram

    boots - samovar

    match - decanter

    hat - bee

    fish - fire

    saw - scrambled eggs

Research order.

The student is told that pairs of words will be read, which he must remember. The experimenter reads to the subject ten pairs of words of the first row (the interval between the pair is five seconds).

After a ten-second break, the left words of the row are read (with an interval of ten seconds), and the subject writes down the memorized words of the right half of the row.

Similar work is carried out with the words of the second row.
Processing and analysis of results. The results of the study are recorded in the following table.


Volume of semantic and mechanical memory

Mechanical memory capacity

Number of words of the first row (A)

Number of memorizing
shisha words (V)

Coefficient of semantic memory C=B/A

Number of words of the second row (A)

Number of memorizing
shisha words (V)

Mechanical memory coefficient C=B/A

3.Methodology "Semantic memory"


A couple of words to remember:

doll to play

chicken - egg,

scissors - cut

horse - hay,

book to learn

butterfly - fly,

brush - teeth,

drum pioneer,

snow winter,

rooster - scream,

ink - notebook,

cow - milk,

locomotive - to go,

pear - compote, l

ampa - evening.

The course of experience. The subjects are read the words. They should try to remember them in pairs. Then the experimenter reads only the first word of each pair, and the subjects write down the second.

When checking, slowly read pairs of words. If the second word is spelled correctly, then put a “+” sign, if incorrectly or not written at all, put “-”.


A couple of words to remember:

beetle - chair,

feather - water,

glasses are a mistake

bell - memory,

dove - father

watering can - tram,

comb - wind,

boots - boiler,

castle - mother,

match - sheep,

grater - sea,

skid - factory,

fish - fire,

poplar - jelly.

The course of experience. The nature of the presentation and verification are the same as in series A. After the experiment, the number of memorized words for each series is compared and the subjects answer the questions: “Why were the words of series B remembered worse? Have you tried to establish a connection between the words of series B?

Processing of results. For each experiment, it is required to count the number of correctly reproduced words and the number of erroneous reproductions. Record the results in a table:

Logical memory size

Number of words of the first row (a 1 )

Number of memories

falling words (b 1 )

Logical memory ratio

Number of words of the second row (a 2 )

Number of memories

falling words (b 2 )

Mechanical memory ratio

WITH 1 =

b 1

WITH 2 =

b 2

A 1

A 2

4. Method "Memory for numbers"

The methodology is designed to assessshort term visual memory , its volume and accuracy.

The task consists in the fact that the subjects are shown for 20 seconds a table with twelve two-digit numbers that they need to remember and, after the table is removed, write it down on the form.

Instruction: “You will be presented with a table with numbers. Your task is to memorize as many numbers as possible in 20 seconds. After 20 sec. The table will be removed, and you will have to write down the numbers that you remember.

Assessment of short-term visual memory was made according to the number of correctly reproduced numbers.

The norm for an adult is 7 and above. The technique is convenient for group testing.

5.Methodology "Assessment of operational visual memory"

The child's working visual memory and its indicators can be determined using the following procedure. The child consistently, for 15 seconds. each, task cards are presented, presented in the form of six differently shaded triangles. After viewing the next card, it is removed and instead a matrix is ​​offered that includes 24 different triangles, among which are the six triangles that the child has just seen on a separate card. The task is to find and correctly indicate in the matrix all six triangles shown on a separate card.

Mistakes are triangles incorrectly indicated in the matrix or those that the child could not find for any reason.

In practice, to obtain this indicator, proceed as follows. For all four cards, the number of triangles correctly found on the matrix is ​​determined and their total sum is divided by 4. This will be the average number of correctly indicated triangles. This number is then subtracted from 6, and the result is considered as the average number of errors made.

Then the average time of the child's work on the task is determined, which in turn is obtained by dividing the total total time of the child's work on all four cards by 4.

The end time of the child's work on the search for triangles in the general matrix is ​​determined by the experimenter with the help of a question to the child: "Have you already done everything you could?" As soon as the child answers this question in the affirmative and practically stops searching for triangles in the matrix, it is considered that he has completed his work. Dividing the average time the child worked on the search on the matrix of six triangles by the number of errors made finally allows us to obtain the desired indicator.

In order to speed up the process of obtaining information about whether the child correctly or incorrectly found the necessary triangles in the matrix, it is recommended to use their identification by the numbers that are in the lower left corner under each of the triangles in the matrix. So, for example, the first set of six triangles (the set number is indicated by a Roman numeral below it) in the matrix corresponds to triangles with the following numbers: 1, 8, 12, 14, 16; the second set - 2, 7, 15, 18, 19, 21; the third set 4, 6, 10, 11, 17, 24; the fourth set - 5, 9, 13, 20, 22, 23.

Cards with triangles presented to the child in the method of assessing operational visual memory.

Matrix for searching (recognizing) exposed cards with triangles in the method of assessing operational visual memory.

6. Methodology "Assessment of operational auditory memory"

This type of memory is checked in a way close to the previously described. Child with an interval of 1 second. The following four sets of words are read in turn:

month, tree, jump, yellow, doll, bag

carpet, glass, swim, heavy, book, apple

fork, sofa, joke, bold, coat, telephone

school, person, sleep red, notebook, flower

After listening to each of the sets of words, the subject, approximately 5 seconds after the end of reading the set, begins, slowly, the next set of 36 words with an interval of 5 seconds between individual words:

glass, school, fork, button, carpet, month, chair, man,

sofa, cow, TV, tree, bird, sleep, bold, joke,

red, swan, picture, heavy, swim, ball, yellow, house,

jump, notebook, coat, book, flower, phone, apple, doll,

bag, horse, lie down, elephant.

This set of 36 words randomizes the perceived words from all four sets noted above. For their better identification, they are underlined in different ways, than each set of 6 words has its own way of underlining. So, words from the first small set are underlined with a solid single line, words from the second set are underlined with a solid double line, words from the third set are underlined with a dotted double line, and finally words from the fourth set are underlined with a double dashed line. The child must hear by ear in the long set those words that were just presented to him in the corresponding small set. The child has 5 seconds to search for each word in a large set. If during this time he could not identify it, then the experimenter reads out the next word and so on.

Evaluation of results: the indicator of working auditory memory is defined as the quotient of the average time spent on the identification of 6 words in a large set (for this, the total time the child worked on the task is divided by four), by the average number and errors made in this case. Mistakes are all words that are indicated incorrectly, or words that the child could not find in the allotted time, i.e. missed.

7. Study of mediated memory

Purpose of the study: to determine the influence of the system of aids on the memorization of specific concepts.

Material and equipment: sets of test words for memorization, research protocol, writing paper, pen, stopwatch.

Research procedure . The study consists of two experiments and is conducted with one subject.

Experience number 1. The task of the first experiment: to determine the amount of memory of the subject when memorizing verbal material that does not provide for a predetermined system of connections.

The experiment uses the classical method of retaining members of a series. The experimental material consists of 20 unrelated simple words consisting of 4-6 letters. The subjects are tasked with remembering the presented words and, on command, reproducing them on note paper. The experimenter should read the words clearly and quickly with pauses of 2 s. After the end of reading after 10 s. the subject is asked to reproduce aloud or write down on paper the memorized words in any order. The experimenter notes in his protocol those words that are reproduced correctly. Erroneously reproduced words are fixed in the note. The study protocol is as follows.



Date of:

Experience time:

Experience 1

/n words




Verbal report of the subject on memorization and reproduction of words

Experimenter's Observations





Instruction to the subject : "I will read you a series of words, listen to me carefully and try to remember them. When I finish reading the words and say "Speak!", name the words that you remember in the order in which you remember them. Attention! Started !"

Words to remember in experiment 1:

1. Fish

2. Pound

3. Bow

4. Leg

5. Hay

6. Power

7. Fire

8. Jacket

9. Bread

10. Scoop

11. Squirrel

12. Sand

13. Teeth

14. Window

15. Handle

16. Stockings

17. Wolf

18. Plant

19. Lily

20. Pie

At the end of the experiment, the subject gives a verbal report on how he tried to memorize the words. This report and the experimenter's observations are recorded in the protocol.

Experience number 2. The task of the second experiment: to determine the amount of memory of the subject when memorizing verbal material with a predetermined system of semantic connections.

In the experiment, the method of retaining pairs of words is used. Just like in the first experiment, the words consist of 4-6 letters. The test subjects are tasked with listening to pairs of words and remembering the second words of each pair. The interval for the experimenter to read pairs of words was 2 s. After the experimenter finished reading the following pairs of words for memorization, after 10 s. he again reads the first words of each pair, and the subject is asked to recall the second words of the same pair. In the protocol of the second experiment, correctly reproduced words are noted, and erroneous ones are recorded in a note.

Instruction to the subject : "I will tell you pairs of words. Listen to me carefully and try to remember the second words of each pair. When I finish reading these pairs, I will read the first words again, and you, in response to the first word mentioned, answer with the memorized second word of the same pair. Attention Get ready to listen and memorize!"

Words to remember in experiment 2:

1. Chicken - egg

2. Coffee - cup

3. Table - chair

4. Earth - grass

5. Spoon - fork

6. Key - lock

7. Winter - snow

8. Cow - milk

9. Wine - glass

10. Stove - firewood

11. Pen - paper

12. Law - decree

13. Gram - measure

14. Sun - summer

15. Tree - leaf

16. Glasses - newspaper

17. Shoes - shoes

18. Shelf - book

19. Head - hair

At the end of the experiment, the experimenter writes down the verbal report of the subject and his observations about the features of memorizing words in the protocol.

Results processing

For each of the two experiments, the number of correctly reproduced words and the number of erroneous reproductions are counted. The data is entered into a pivot table:

Words reproduced

Experience 1

Experience 2



Analysis of results. When analyzing the results of memorizing two experiments and comparing quantitative indicators, it is important to pay attention to the verbal reports of the subject and the experimenter's observations.

If memorization in the first experiment was direct for the subject, then its volume will be in the range of 5-9 memorized words. But if he memorized more than 9 words, then he used some mnemonic techniques and managed to come up with a certain system of connections that facilitate reproduction in such a short interval.

8. Methodology "Diagnostics of mediated memory"

The material necessary for the technique is a sheet of paper and a pen. Before the start of the examination, the child is told the following words: “Now I will call you different words and sentences and then pause. During this pause, you will have to draw or write something on a piece of paper that will allow you to remember and then easily recall the words that I said. Try to make drawings or notes as quickly as possible, otherwise we will not have time to complete the entire task. There are quite a lot of words and expressions that need to be remembered.

The following words and expressions are read to the child one by one:

House. Stick. Tree. Jump high. The sun is shining.

Cheerful person. Children play ball. The clock is standing.

The boat floats on the river. The cat eats fish.

After reading each word or phrase to the child, the experimenter pauses for 20 seconds. At this time, the child should have time to draw on the sheet of paper given to him something that will later allow him to remember the necessary words and expressions. If in the allotted time the child did not have time or a drawing, then the experimenter interrupts him and reads out the next word or expression.

As soon as the experiment is over, the psychologist asks the child, using the drawings or notes he made, to recall the words and expressions that were read to him.

Evaluation of results

For each word or phrase correctly reproduced according to their own drawing or recording, the child receives 1 point. Correctly reproduced are not only those words and phrases that are literally restored from memory, but also those that are conveyed in other words, but exactly in meaning. Approximately correct reproduction is estimated at 0.5 points, and incorrect - at 0 points. The maximum overall score that a child can receive in this technique is 10 points.

The child will receive such an assessment when he correctly remembers all the words and expressions without exception. The minimum possible score is 0 points. It corresponds to the case if the child could not remember a single word from his drawings and notes or did not make a drawing or note for a single word.

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points - mediated auditory memory is very highly developed.

8-9 points - mediated auditory memory is highly developed.

4-7 points - mediated auditory memory is moderately developed.

2-3 points - poorly developed mediated auditory memory.

    1. score - poorly developed mediated auditory memory.

9. Method "Memory for images"

Designed to studyfigurative memory . The technique is applied at professional selection. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the subject is exposed to a table with 16 images for 20 s. The images must be memorized and reproduced on the form within 1 minute.

Instruction: “You will be presented with a table with images. Your task is to memorize as many images as possible in 20 seconds. After 20s. the table will be removed, and you will have to sketch or write down verbally those images that you remember.

Evaluation of results testing is carried out according to the number of correctly reproduced images.

Norm - 6 correct answers and more.

Table "Memory for images"