Good nicknames for games in English. Cool and beautiful nicknames for forums for girls and guys in English and Russian

Nicki for Instagram in English for girls with translation into Russian is one of the most important components for the successful management of this social network. An increasing number of modern users use this service. Of course, there are more girls, but there are also a considerable number of young people. If you carefully consider your own nickname, you can attract more attention to yourself and your profile. This is an ideal opportunity to show off your high-quality photos and new acquisitions. And it helps someone to develop their own business much faster and more successfully.

In the process of choosing the best name for a social network, you should take into account certain tips and useful recommendations. Here are a few of the most basic ones:

  • it is allowed to use special Latin letters consonant with one's own name;
  • it is desirable to use the standard English layout;
  • you can use periods and the usual underscore;
  • additional characters are strictly forbidden to be used at the very beginning of the chosen name or at the end.

Compliance with such requirements and rules for compiling the name of your profile will result in an ideal, sonorous and at the same time easy to remember option.


When choosing the coolest nickname for Instagram for a girl in English, you should not make excessive efforts. This may lead to a ban on the use of the selected phrase. It is strongly not recommended to use words such as follow or like in the process of composing a name.

These are words characteristic of the system that the social network simply will not miss. Even if initially everything goes well and the account is created, the administrators will quickly delete the profile, and without any litigation.

Cool nicknames for Instagram for guys in English

Options such as.alexandr_ivanov alexandr_ivanov cannot be used by a guy. You may encounter a profile blocking, which will nullify all efforts related to the promotion and development of your account.

Beautiful nicknames

To get at your disposal a profile with a fairly beautiful and memorable name, you should give preference not to simple names, but to well-thought-out and correctly composed ones.

Beautiful names can be in English, but they must comply with the following rules and requirements:

  1. It is highly recommended not to use multiple underscores at the same time.
  2. It is then very difficult for people to reproduce such a name in order to find the desired profile on the social network.
  3. To get an attractive name, you should first choose a similar English name.

If you need to change even the most beautiful name for some reason, this can be done through the usual settings. You can carry out this process as many times as you like, the main thing is not to fall into already used options.

Nicky with translation

If you want to use a particularly attractive name in your profile, you should study not those options that are characterized as Russian words spelled out entirely in English. For this purpose, you need to use the usual translation. Here are some of the most suitable cool options:

  • @lucky_Mary - lucky_Mary;
  • @thumbelina - Thumbelina;
  • @happiness_Inside - happiness_inside;
  • @i_wave - i_wave;
  • @blueberry - blueberry;
  • @mermaid_sea - Mermaid_sea.

It is allowed to use other options, and these examples will allow you to gain modern ideas and inspiration. Blindly copying these examples is not worth it. Also, you do not need to swap them or simply insert other characters. It is better to sit and think for a while than to steal from other top users.

cool nicknames

When developing a profile name that does not have a business direction, it is worth using special cool names. In this case, the best result can be achieved by using categories such as:

  1. superhero names.
  2. Cool names.
  3. trend words.

Here are a few examples of such profiles that are quite popular among users - ironman283, lalka_vanek for boys, and kek_ahmet.

What nickname can you come up with on Instagram for girls in English?

If there is no desire to bother and spend time inventing your own original popular name, you can always use ordinary names and surnames, only spelled out in English. The best option would be to write words such as ekaterina.sergeevna, katya_sergeevna or sergeevna.k in the profile header.


If there are some difficulties in the process of registering an account, you can simply type the top names in the search and you can come up with the most ideal option from them. The user will be presented with fairly simple and relatively easy-to-remember words to choose from. If you want to use a simple beautiful English name, you can simply give preference to a beautiful word in this language. The ideal option would be one that, to one degree or another, reflects the essence of the profile.

Summing up

A girl does not need to copy numerous phrases on the Internet and select special interesting names from them. You can simply take a translator and translate your name into Russian or reveal the essence that an open account carries. Everything is quite simple and does not require spending a lot of time. The most important thing is to make sure that the system of this social network was not against the chosen option and did not block the entire profile on Instagram as a whole, no matter how cool it was.


AxmedOFF, Adogda, Aurinrad, Adrielar, Alsathis, Agamalore, Aralanim, Anardin, Anararim, Andromalace, Ariginn, Akira, Arashizil, Adoratius, Arashigis, Arazil, Agadora, Agagar, Agamaril, Adoth, Alsara, Adorardred, Ariugamand, ALMIK, Akinozilkree, Akisida, Aurilas, Anage, Andromaginn, Arazar, Ariuswyn, Adoradwyn, Alsaswyn, Alsalas, Agagrinn, Arami,Anayamath, Andrordred, Anari, Aralhala, Adriezan, Arazuru, Arashirn, Anayadora, Adrienaya, Andromanis, Anarasius, Ariulace, Anabor, Aurinara, Anaya, Anadwyn, Ananaya


Bufym, Buzaron, Bandilhala, Badi, Beazewyn, Beazelune, Bandinaya, Bragrinn, Bludterror, Bogra, beetle, Bloodsong, Balak, Bragas, Bugar, Bubandis, Balladordana, Balladonara, Broadwood, Baramar, Beazelv, Burihelm, Banin, Bandigelv, Bludmaster, Bludmoon, Blackkiller, Buzalbine, Bonn, Balladwyn, Balladodwyn, Black_girl, Brusk, Briton, Borus, Bladewood, Broadfire, Bludworker, Bandirdin, Ballarin, Bralkis,Ceremand, Cogra, Coirdana, Cordadi, Ceregamand, Chillwind

D- F

Dathis, Dular, Doule, Dut, Dawnfont, Daisida, Delagra, Dameena, Diananrad, Dorira, Dianardin, Dagar, Dulmaran, Dagdaghma, Derri, Dused, Daile, Dule, Drelandis, Dizahn, Dorinaya, Dalara, Doomcliff, Dijar, Doomwind, Darkfang, Darksong, Dumuro, Doulabar, Dorg, Dulkree, Dalariel, Dawnterror, Durn, Dianann, Doomwing, Fanny, Flamebearer, Faelkis, Feloghma, Felkree, Flamebinder, Fed boa, Fauktilar, Felhathis, Flameweaver, Fearlessterror, Forceshaper, Fenrikinos, Fate, Fegor, Fordrelace, Fenrirr, Flamewalker, Fokelv, Fordrelbine, Fenridal, Fetaur, Fern, Faugar, Faebar , Flamesong, Ferr, Frostfont, Fenriktilar


Gavinramath, Gandis, Gravelshaper, Goldendefender, Galore, Granindis, Groran, Gak, Gujora, Ga, Goldsong, Grojin, Galar, Griwield, Gholbizar, Gavinrawyn, Goldcliff, Gusar, Gamuro, Ghonis, Heisen_Berg, House, Hugisida, Hugizius, Hugira, Hugigda, Hugitius, HellDragon , Ishnlv, Iantus, Ironskin, Ironfont, Ironsmasher, Ironshaper, Ironseeker, Ironcrusher. You might be interested in reading an article on how to come up with name on Instagram in combination with a nickname, because 2 of these items are interconnected on the page.


Jolas , JoJoktilar , JoJorg , Jugal , JoJosida , JYKITO , JoJojas , JoJoshakar , Jeavi, Kandis, Kesar, Kalar, Kaktilar, Kuladwyn, Kajin, Karus, Kigagar, Kizuru, Kagazshura, Kelenin, Kazikasa, Keradora, Kat, Keralv, Karisar, Kulanara, Kathrizar, Kirillador, Karin, Keron, Long, Landameena, Lightfire, Lara, Lra_viva, Lairius


My life, Makaroon, Mnerius, Maswyn, Majind, Munn, Mill, Mosida, Mohito, Mira, Mulhala, Mnedwyn, miledi, MULTIK, Mrnst, Munitus, Mikakora, Moraril, Melon, mnnkuf, Miss_Yasia, Mirara, MalanradMejar, Munibandis, Muri, Nejas , Naris , naprimer , Nanis , Nikor , Nelar , Nightbringer, Only you, Opidora, ODAS


PokemonGo, Paincliff, Rainscar, RedShark, Rockworm, RageworkerSall, Ragefire, Sarn, Silverredeemer, Swordstaff, Stoneworker, Shadowrunner, Sazilkree, Silverweaver, Sky, Sairus, Shadowmoon, Salkree, Sotran, Starcaster, Surprise, Sazshura, Shakazilkree, Smile

T - V - W - Y - Z

Truthstone, Truthfury, TaulmaranTell, Tuktilar, Turan, Trashmin, the_dream_of_life, Thetalmeena, Tygot, Terus, tygrazel,Voodoojar, Vik, ve4no_6yx0i, Whitewing,Yasia_forever, Yozil, Yggnrad, Yasia_The_Best, Yggrn, Yozshusida, Yoshura,Zulusar, zmhmmm, Zulkigor, Zalas

Nickname for Instagram / nickname - this is your business card, signature

By registering under a certain name, you sort of define the page and give it a short name. By nickname for Instagram, friends will find you, it will appear in the feed of subscribers. Come up with cool nickname on instagram- it is important and responsible. It is by him that you will be recognized all over the world, unless of course you do everything in order to promote your Instagram (11 tips from self-promotion experts).

It is not difficult to come up with a cool nickname on Instagram, since the creators of this network have not introduced any restrictions on the imagination of users. The exceptions are the use of spaces, ampersands, and the word Follow. Users usually take Nicknames on Instagram in English using the first and last name (which is kind of boring and primitive). Stars, for example, take their pseudonym or nickname, which is promoted not only as a nickname, but also as a quick search by tag in all search engines and social networks. By the way, if you need help in getting Instagram followers, go to link . We will help you become as popular as, for example, artists and celebrities (a matter of time).

In recent years, social networks have become popular on a global scale and Nicknames for Instagram in English by name or surname, most likely will already be taken. In order to come up with a cool nickname on Instagram that will not be busy, you can try to manipulate the letters of the first or last name by adding a date. For example - your name is Evgeniy Belousov, the nickname "Evgeniy" or "Belousov" will probably already be taken. With the help of manipulations, you can come up with the nickname "GeniyBel" and add your date of birth, for example, 1983. There are many options and they are inexhaustible, use your imagination and ingenuity, and you will get an original and cool nickname on Instagram.

How to choose cool Instagram nickname for a girl

You can find or invent not only by name, but also by personal characteristics of character or personal merits. There are many options, plus a game of letters, adding large letters, hearts, asterisks and other signs will help any girl to be original when registering and communicating. H ik on instagram for a girl- this is not only the definition of your page for subscribers, but also a state of mind, a kind of one-word assessment of the girl herself at first glance. Therefore, the representatives of the weaker sex are more diverse in their approach to the nickname in social networks. “Honey”, “One in a Million”, “Beauty Baby”, “Lonely Soul”, “Cloud” - the variety of nicknames is inexhaustible and depends only on creativity and imagination, state of mind and personal talents. Every girl starting her Instagram is not indifferent to how many likes other users put on her photo, we have found a way for you that will help get likes on instagram in any quantity for little money.

The service is used by both women and men. But there are still more girls - 60% of the total number of registered. This is not surprising: the desire to draw attention to yourself, show off new purchases or a guy is a feature inherent in women to a greater extent. In this article, you will learn how to choose a username for Instagram in English for a girl so that it is interesting and attracts followers.

At the beginning of the article there will be a selection of nicknames where you will find beautiful names on Instagram for girls.

A selection of nicknames for users of the service

We invite you to look at our selection of nicknames to gain ideas and inspiration.

Also, when registering, you will need to fill out a bio profile. Therefore, we propose to find out in our article about what you can write in your Instagram profile and give advice on its design.

However, blindly copying user nicknames by changing or inserting other characters into them is not necessary. Better to sit and think for a while than to steal from others.

Instagram username, examples for girls:

  • @lucky_Mary - lucky_Mary;
  • @happiness_Inside - happiness_inside;
  • @thumbelina - Thumbelina;
  • @irrepressible_Ann - irrepressible_Ann;
  • @fragile_ballerina - gentle_ballerina:
  • @blueberry - blueberry;
  • @i_wave - i_wave;
  • @mermaid_sea - Mermaid_sea;
  • @pretty_writer - pretty_writer;
  • @pretty_dori - pretty_dori;
  • @life_partner - life_partner;
  • @my_secret - my_secret;
  • @decor_from_me - decor from me;
  • @dominica;
  • @evelyne;
  • @aloizza;
  • @frau_angelika;
  • @kandis;
  • @ladyPatra;
  • @miladora;
  • @p ink_fox - pink_fox;
  • @santana;
  • @nemesis;
  • @dark_Rose - dark_rose;
  • @white_queen - white_queen;
  • @snow_queen - snow_queen;
  • @stewardess#1;
  • @Policewoman - policewoman;
  • @not_yours - not_yours;
  • @mystical_elen - mystical_elen;
  • @diva - diva;
  • @cassandra - Cassandra;
  • @ariel;
  • @brunette - brunette;
  • @blondy_girl - blonde girl;
  • @summer_butterfly - summer_butterfly;
  • @nut - nut;
  • @young_writer - young_writer;
  • @like_rain - like_rain;
  • @unearthly - unearthly;
  • @aerial - aerial;
  • @unreal - unreal;
  • @amazing - amazing;
  • @tigress - tigress;
  • @mini_mouse;
  • @bat is a bat.

Instagram username example for girls in English with translation:

  • copywriter - copywriter.
  • singer - a singer.
  • actress - an actress.
  • designer - designer.
  • photographer - photographer.
  • dancer - dancer.

At the same time, attract people to cooperation.

Tip: do not scour the Internet and look for nicknames for Instagram for girls in English with translation. Everything is much simpler - open Google translator or take a dictionary. And there, look for words that could be used in the profile name. Be creative and show your personality.

Check the meaning of the word in several sources.

What name to come up with on Instagram for a girl is up to the owner herself. There are many words - only your imagination limits you.

Do not rush to change your nickname - think, look for interesting words. You can change the name at any time using the Edit profile button.

How to change username, we describe in detail in another article.

Almost every Internet user sooner or later faces the problem of choosing a nickname (Nickname - nickname, nickname), a virtual name that will be his business card online. On the one hand, I want to show off originality, on the other hand, to make the “nickname” memorable and unique so that friends can easily find you without confusing you with someone else.

What should a forum nickname look like?

I will give some general tips that will help you get closer to the “gold standard” of a nickname for forums, websites or social networks.

  • Try to use fewer numbers. Attributing the year of birth to your name is not cool, trust me. Another vasya1983 or vladimir94 is unlikely to be remembered by anyone or simply stand out from the gray mass.
  • The nickname must not contain characters that are not on the standard keyboard. For your interlocutors, such a nickname may be displayed incorrectly - in small squares or other “hieroglyphs”.
  • If your usual nickname is busy on the forum, it would not be the best option to create a similar one, but with an assigned index/number. For example, goldenfishGoldenFish2. Moreover, some users may think that both accounts belong to the same person.
  • Brevity is the sister of talent - you should not speed up and make a long, hard-to-remember nickname. 8-13 characters is optimal; 20 characters is the limit. On many resources, you will not even be allowed to overcome it due to a software limitation.
  • A compound nickname (consisting of several words) must be separated. Spaces, underscores, dashes, or just writing individual letters in upper case. For example, I_Run_Hair_Back; Porvo-Bayan.
  • It is better to make nicknames for a forum in English short (difficulties with understanding foreign languages ​​among our users have not gone away), and for longer ones, use Cyrillic or, at worst, legible transliteration.

How to come up with a nickname for a girl forum?

It is quite natural that girls want to be charming and attractive, and on the Internet - to appear so. And this desire then leads to mistakes. The diminutive “Lenochka”, “Nastenka” and other kindergarten terminology are unlikely to create a serious attitude towards you. The same with "cat" nicknames and flaunting mental problems (I_Really_Evil; Lonely-I). There are better options.

Nicknames for forums for girls can be borrowed from:

  • Literary works, fairy tales, mythology. Think about which of the heroines you are like in character.
  • Terms related to women's professions and hobbies, or even men's, which is especially cool (for example, Lena the Mechanic).
  • Beautiful phenomena of nature.
  • Names of great personalities close to your worldview.
  • Other options.

Here is a list of nicknames for girls:

  • olguine omnipotent
  • rake runner
  • The Same Hooligan
  • doll face
  • LaPuLa__Ya
  • princess no sense
  • DIKAYA_k0shkA RED
  • Pretty Pants
  • Alice in search of miracles
  • need? get it!
  • Cookie Monster
  • Parrotnose

How to come up with a forum nickname for a guy?

As a rule, a good male nickname reflects the masculine quality / qualities that are inherent in a person, or a predisposition to a particular professional activity. Although a lot depends on the place here - if the forum is purely entertaining, most are limited to some funny phrase ( Pikh_groin_corpse_Nah or something like that).

But in any case, refrain from using nicknames with erotic-sexual overtones. You will not succeed in the image of a sex giant, but you may well pass for a person with problems.

Ideas for male nicknames can be borrowed from:

  • Technology, science, male professions, hobbies. Military, cars, computers with internet, business and so on.
  • Films and books. Accordingly, it is better to choose a character close to you in temperament.
  • For outstanding personalities - politicians, generals, philosophers, musicians, athletes ... the list goes on and on. For example: Caesar the Third; Beethoven; Tsoi is alive; Fist Tyson.
  • As in the case of female nicknames, you can try natural phenomena, but this time severe: snowfall, storm and stuff like that.
  • Other options.

If, after reading the tips from this article, you still cannot come up with beautiful nicknames for forums, then there are two options left - choose a ready-made name for yourself or generate it using automatic services. There are a lot of such sites on the Internet now. I especially liked - a huge number of ready-made nicknames and nickname generators in English and Russian.

Well, the easiest way is to open a regular Russian-English dictionary and flip through its pages. Ideas for a cool nickname there is a wagon and a small cart.