Is it worth it to turn to fortune tellers. How often during the year can you contact your customers and stakeholders

Sister Stephanie's books are known and loved by readers. But this book is special. The ritual presented in it will help you make a request or desire to the Guardian Angel. And not just to ask, but to get a specific answer, recommendation, advice. The book is based on an oracle - a book that makes it possible to hear the advice of the Guardian Angel. Here is a part of the oracle that will help prolong youth and improve health. Even a simple acquaintance with the book endows a person with a special disposition of the Angels, which means good luck and prosperity.

How often can you refer to a book

It depends what you want to get.

If there is a specific recommendation, an answer to a question, a fulfillment of a desire, help in the fight against a disease (of course, any illness should be treated by a doctor, but Angel's advice will speed up and facilitate the healing process), then it is enough to do it once. The recommendations received must be followed until the result appears. As a rule, this (depending on the request) takes from three days to one month.

If your desire is to open a white streak in life, to get strength that will help in any everyday situation, give longevity, then you can turn to the book at least every day. I repeat once again: communication with a book improves life in general, brings good luck and happiness.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Advice of Guardian Angels for every day. To be healthy, live joyfully, long and richly! (Sister Stefania, 2009) provided by our book partner -

How often can I apply to the Employment Centers for benefits?
How many times can you receive unemployment benefits in general?
How often can I reapply for unemployment benefits?
Is there a limit on the number of total UI periods?

I couldn't find answers to these questions anywhere. Here is what is written in the law on employment of the population:

4. Each period of payment of unemployment benefits may not exceed 12 months in total within 18 months, except as provided by this Law.
For citizens who are looking for work for the first time (previously not working); seeking to resume labor activity after a long (more than one year) break; dismissed for violation of labor discipline or other guilty actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation; dismissed for any reason during the 12 months preceding the onset of unemployment, and having paid less than 26 weeks of paid work during this period, as well as for citizens sent by the employment service for training and expelled for guilty actions, each period of payment of unemployment benefits cannot exceed six months in cumulative terms within 12 months. At the same time, the total period of payment of unemployment benefits for these categories of citizens cannot exceed 12 months in total terms within 18 months.

Ie 12 months and after 6 months you can again? Etc?

5. Unemployed citizens who are not employed after the expiration of the first period of payment of unemployment benefits are entitled to receive unemployment benefits again, unless otherwise provided by this Law.
The total period of payment of unemployment benefits to a citizen cannot exceed 24 months in total terms within 36 months.

Ie 2 years and in a year it is possible again? Etc? Or not?

Here's what we've come up with on the subject:

Order of the LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT Committee of 12.08.99 N 138 on INTRODUCING CHANGES AND ADDITIONS to the PROCEDURE OF WORK OF THE TERRITORIAL LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT AUTHORITIES OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW (RECEPTION, REGISTRATION OF CITIZENS, SOCIAL GUARANTEES), APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE LABOR COMMITTEE N01.05. By; After a six-month period of non-receipt of unemployment benefits, the payment of unemployment benefits is resumed in the amount of the minimum wage.

8.1.10. After a 12-, 18-, 36-month period of unemployment, an unemployed citizen acquires the right to receive unemployment benefits again in the amount of the minimum wage in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 31 of the Law.

At the same time, the duration of the new period for the payment of unemployment benefits should not exceed 6.12 months in total terms within 12.18 calendar months. (clause 8.1.10 as amended by the order of the Committee of Labor and Employment dated 05.04.2000 N 117)

The total period of payment of unemployment benefits to a citizen cannot exceed 24 calendar months in total terms within 36 calendar months (12 months of payment of benefits, 6 months of break (during this period they can provide a small financial assistance upon application, this is about 800 rubles per month, only two directions), 12 months payment of benefits, 6 months break, provided that the citizen was not removed from the register of the unemployed).

In Moscow, they also give 850 rubles of the Luzhkov allowance and 1275 rubles for travel. It turns out 2995 rubles. (They promise to eliminate all this soon, according to the new law, the period for paying benefits will not exceed six months within two years, or something like that.)

In the second term of payment of benefits (as in all subsequent ones), you must again receive two refusals to work of your own free will in order to lose it. Cancellations received in previous periods are not cumulative.

After 24 months in Moscow, they are asked to write an application for deregistration. With wording for family reasons. You can get up for the next term in a month.

The law allows you to stand without deregistration, but this is apparently some kind of departmental order. In addition, there is still one legal subtlety. In order for the next period to be included in the experience, you need to work out at least one day in the interval. And officially, of course.

Quote: "The periods provided for in paragraph 1 of this article are counted in the insurance period if they were preceded and (or) followed by periods of work and (or) other activities (regardless of their duration) specified in article 10 of this Federal law."

If you received 2 refusals to work of your own free will, then they suspend the payment of benefits for 2 weeks, or a month. It is quite possible that this will delete the subsequent experience from the entries in the PRF. But I can't say for sure. We must check.

However, you should not chase after experience. Under the new pension legislation, scores are much more important. If you have 15 years of experience (including standing on the stock exchange, that is, the period of receiving benefits from the employment service), and about 500,000 rubles in your pension fund account (these are the treasured 30 points), then you can not twitch. The experience from the employment service will not add a single penny to the pension.

Even in the case of deregistration with the employment service, you can still receive information about vacancies.

Study (retraining) - these are courses of 2-4 months, every day for 6-8 hours (depending on the profession). The scholarship is about 3000 rubles (at least in Moscow).

Question. I ask you to explain the procedure for providing material assistance to the poor.

Answer. The right to receive state social assistance in the form of social benefits is guaranteed by the Law of the Krasnodar Territory dated June 9, 2010 N ° 1980-KZ “On the subsistence minimum and state social assistance in the Krasnodar Territory”. State social assistance is provided to families and citizens living alone, whose average monthly income, due to reasons beyond their control, is below the subsistence level established in the region for the relevant socio-demographic groups of the population.

The application for the appointment of a social benefit, which is submitted to the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence, indicates information about the composition of the family and the income of family members three months before the month of applying for state social assistance in the form of a social benefit, and also provides documents on the work of all able-bodied family members.

Social allowance is assigned for a period of up to three months. Social allowance is assigned no more than once every six months.

  • only pension recipients;
  • disabled child;
  • disabled person(s).

If there are non-working able-bodied citizens in the family, then the social benefit to the family is assigned subject to their registration at the employment center as unemployed. It is possible to assign a social benefit to a family that includes a non-working able-bodied family member who is not registered with the employment service as unemployed, if, for example, he: takes care of a group I disabled person living together or an elderly person who has reached 80 years of age; a person in need of constant outside care at the conclusion of a medical institution; a disabled child under the age of 18; a child under the age of three; studies full-time in an educational institution; is a recipient of any type of pension. There are some other exceptions as well.

Question. What kind of assistance is provided to large families in the region?

Answer. Families with many children include families in which three or more children under the age of 18 are brought up, and when teaching children in general educational institutions and state educational institutions on a full-time basis of education on a budgetary basis - until graduation, but no more than until they reach the age of 23 years.

The Law of the Krasnodar Territory dated February 22, 2005 N 836-KZ "On social support for large families in the Krasnodar Territory" provides:

  • annual cash payment in the amount of 3,500 rubles for each minor child (paid quarterly in equal installments of 875 rubles per quarter per child);
  • state support for recreation, health improvement of children in accordance with the regional targeted programs;
  • when determining the right to a subsidy, the share of the family's own expenses for housing and communal services within the limits of regional standards should not exceed 15% of the total family income and some other social support measures.

Large families whose place of residence is located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory have the right to an annual cash payment.

To receive an annual cash payment, you must contact the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence with a written application, attaching to it:

  • identity document and registration at the place of residence in the territory of the region;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • certificate from the place of residence on the composition of the family.

The annual cash payment is assigned from the month of applying for it and is set for the period during which the family belongs to the category of large families, but not more than up to the month following the month of the child’s 18th birthday, for which the payment is assigned, and when children are educated in general educational institutions and state educational institutions for full-time education on a budgetary basis - until graduation, but no more than until they reach the age of 23 years. The amount of cash payments to families with many children is subject to annual indexation.

Delivery of the annual cash payment is carried out through banking institutions or through enterprises of the federal postal service.

Question. How much is the annual cash payment to citizens exposed to radiation?

Answer. In accordance with the Law of the Krasnodar Territory dated March 27, 2007 N ° 1209-KZ, the following categories of citizens are provided with an annual cash payment from the regional budget on the territory of the region:

  • disabled people as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant; invalids due to exposure to radiation as a result of the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association and the discharge of radioactive waste into the Techa River; persons with disabilities due to diseases associated with direct participation in the actions of special risk units, citizens who received or suffered radiation sickness associated with radiation exposure to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - in the amount of 1294 rubles;
  • participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant; participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident in 1957 at the Mayak production association and the discharge of radioactive waste into the Techa River; citizens from special risk units - in the amount of 870 rubles;
  • parents, minor children, as well as unmarried widows of the listed persons, as well as persons who died due to exposure to radiation - in the amount of 1732 rubles.

The procedure for providing an annual cash payment is determined by the decree of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory dated July 25, 2007 N ° 654. The said payment is carried out if there is registration at the place of residence on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. To receive the payment, the fact of receiving a pension or the departmental affiliation of the body providing pensions to the applicant does not matter. The annual cash payment is made by the social protection authorities on the anniversary of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The indexation of the named cash payment is carried out annually.

Question. What assistance is provided to the poor in the Krasnodar Territory?

Answer. On the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, low-income families are provided with: state social assistance in the form of social benefits, subsidies for housing and utilities, and low-income families with children - a monthly allowance for a child. State social assistance in the form of social benefits can be received by families that, for reasons beyond their control, have an average monthly income below the subsistence level established in the Krasnodar Territory for the relevant categories of citizens.

The amount of social benefits cannot exceed the difference between the average monthly income of a poor family (a citizen living alone) and the subsistence level of a family (a citizen living alone).

If the difference between the average monthly income of a poor family or a single citizen and the subsistence level of a family or a single citizen exceeds 500 rubles, then the amount of the social benefit is set at 60% of the said difference, but not less than 500 rubles.

The social allowance is assigned for three months to low-income families with many children, as well as to families that include (includes):

  • only pension recipients;
  • only the recipient (recipients) of the pension and the minor child (children);
  • only one parent, minor child(ren) and pension recipient(s);
  • disabled child;
  • only one parent and minor child(ren);
  • disabled person(s).

A social benefit is assigned for three months to a low-income citizen living alone, if he is a recipient of a pension (regardless of age and the department through which he was assigned a pension).

For low-income families not listed above, and for low-income citizens living alone who are not among the recipients of a pension, a social allowance is assigned in the amount of 1000 rubles. per month for up to three months.

Low-income families who have been assigned state social assistance are entitled to apply for it again after 6 months from the date of submission of the previous application for the assignment of social benefits.

Payment for housing and utilities within the limits of regional standards should not exceed the maximum allowable share of the family's own expenses for housing and utilities (22% of the total family income, in the city of Krasnodar - 15%). The amount exceeding the specified amount is compensated by a subsidy for the payment of housing and utilities.

Families with children under the age of 16 (when studying in a general education institution - until graduation, but not more than up to 18 years) are guaranteed a monthly allowance for a child in the amount of 144 rubles; for a child of a single mother - 282 rubles; for a child whose parent evades paying alimony, as well as for a child of a military serviceman who is doing military service on conscription - 208 rubles.

The allowance is assigned to families whose average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence minimum established in the Krasnodar Territory per capita. The monthly allowance for a child is assigned for 24 months. To extend the payment of benefits every two years, the family must document their status as a low-income.

More detailed information on all issues related to support for low-income families can be obtained from the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence.

Question. I am an honorary donor of Russia, a veteran of labor and a home front worker, I receive a pension through the Pension Fund. Can I receive an annual cash payment as an honorary donor and two monthly cash payments as a labor veteran and home front worker?

Answer. Persons awarded with the badge "Honorary Donor of the USSR" or "Honorary Donor of Russia" are entitled to an annual cash payment in the amount of 10,556 rubles. 28 kop. (since January 1, 2012), established by the Law of the Russian Federation dated June 9, 1993 N ° 5142-1 "On the donation of blood and its components", the payment of which is made monthly in equal installments in the amount of 879 rubles. 69 kop. The said Law does not contain restrictions regarding the provision of other monthly cash payments to donors who have a different preferential status.

The Law of the Krasnodar Territory of December 15, 2004 N ° 808-KZ "On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the Krasnodar Territory" labor veterans after the appointment of a pension in the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are guaranteed 50 percent compensation for the cost of paying for housing and utilities and monthly cash payment in the amount of 388 rubles; home front workers - a monthly cash payment in the amount of 564 rubles.

On the basis of the said Law, persons who are simultaneously entitled to social support measures established for both labor veterans and home front workers can use social support measures on one basis: either as a home front worker or as a labor veteran. Consequently, an honorary donor, who is both a labor veteran and a home front worker, can receive two cash payments: an annual one - established for honorary donors, and one of the monthly cash payments guaranteed to regional beneficiaries.

At the same time, compensation for expenses for paying for housing and utilities is paid only when choosing social support measures established for labor veterans; home front workers are not entitled to this compensation.

Question. How do I know if I'm in the poor category?

Answer. The current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Krasnodar Territory does not contain a single criterion for classifying citizens as poor.

For example, for the provision of state social assistance, a family is recognized as poor if the average monthly income of all family members living together, for reasons beyond their control, does not reach the subsistence level of the family, calculated by summing up the subsistence levels of all family members.

Question. How to get state social assistance: where to apply and with what documents?

Answer. State social assistance is assigned on the basis of an application that indicates information about the composition of the family and its income three months before the month of applying for state social assistance. An application for the appointment of state social assistance is submitted to the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence or at the place of stay (confirmed by a registration document) of a poor family or a poor citizen living alone.

When applying for state social assistance to the department of social protection of the population at the place of stay, the applicant who does not have registration at the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation additionally submits a document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Question. What is the duration of state social assistance?

Answer. State social assistance may be provided at a time, or monthly for a period not exceeding three months.

Question. How often can I apply for state social assistance?

Answer. If state social assistance has been granted, then the next application may be submitted after 6 months from the date of submission of the previous application for state social assistance.

Question. I am not working, taking care of a child who is 2 years old, receiving benefits. My husband is 35 years old and has not been working for the last six months. Am I right to be denied state social assistance?

Answer. Unfortunately, your family is not entitled to state social assistance, since your husband is able-bodied and must work. The issue of state social assistance in your case may be considered by the social protection authority if your husband finds a job or registers with the employment service as unemployed.

Hello! Please tell me how to understand my mother: the fact is that I recently started going to a psychologist (in order to work through my injuries), but, in addition to this, I often correspond with Irina Grigoryevna (psychologist) by mail, especially if there are some questions. Moreover, sometimes I ask her for clarifications in some difficult life situations. But, according to my mother, this is wrong. Or rather, my mother constantly says that because of any nonsense, there is no need to turn to a psychologist. All domestic issues can be resolved jointly. And the psychologist to address only as a last resort. How can you understand your mother?

TheSolution psychologist's answer:

The frequency of contacting a psychologist depends on the goal that you set for yourself and for the specialist.

The goals of contacting a psychologist can be the following:

  • deal with traumatic past experiences
  • resolve family conflict
  • resolve conflict at work (learn how to behave in situations of intrigue)
  • prepare for partnerships in your personal life
  • develop your personality for a career or business

The frequency and duration of work with a psychologist will be different when solving such problems.

As long as you have little life experience, you may be more likely to encounter situations that require clarification. At the first stage, when you are vulnerable and need knowledge and support, the psychologist works with you more often. You can see a psychologist three to five times a week. Then, when you become stronger and more experienced, the psychologist works with you less often - two or three times a week. When you learn the basic psychological patterns and principles, you can work with a psychologist once a week. When the main problems are resolved, you can rely on your strength and turn to a psychologist occasionally. For example, in a situation of intrigue at work.

You, however, like your mother, can turn to a psychologist for clarification of situations as many times as you need to solve current problems.

The most important thing is to understand that a psychologist is a hired specialist, not a family member. The task of a psychologist is to use the methods of psychology to explain to you how you can improve your life and harmonize relationships. At the same time, the psychologist must work professionally. That is, to provide assistance and at the same time not cross the border at which he becomes a “savior”. You should not be emotionally dependent on a specialist. Analyzing the quality of the work of a psychologist, it is important to take into account three criteria of professionalism.

Three criteria for the professional work of a psychologist.

The psychologist works with you correctly if you become sincere. This means that you show the feelings that you actually experience. It is important not to forget that sincerity always goes hand in hand with tact and delicacy. Sincerity is not cruel.

The psychologist works with you correctly if you become capable of warm emotional relationships with loved ones. This means that you stop suppressing anger and irritation, hushing up conflicts or vice versa, yelling or humiliating each other. In a calm manner, resolve contradictions, learn to understand each other's feelings. And gradually, step by step, build genuine relationships in which everyone is happy.