The most interesting fact about Luxembourg. Message about Luxembourg

- a small state in Western Europe, which does not have access to the sea. The political system is a constitutional monarchy headed by the Grand Duke. Luxembourg is not only an economic power, it is also of great historical and strategic importance. On its territory there are numerous ancient fortresses and castles, including an ancient Roman fortress and a French count's castle. During the Spanish era, Luxembourg was an important state that had a great influence on the western hemisphere. Luxembourg City, the country's capital and largest city, is home to several key institutions and organizations of the European Union. Moreover, he personifies the fusion of the cultures of Roman and German Europe.

The official name of Luxembourg is the "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg". The State is the only existing sovereign Grand Duchy in the world.

The capital of the country is the city of Luxembourg, the official currency is the Euro.

Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe and the world.

The parent language of almost all Luxembourgers is Luxembourgish. Despite this, all written official documents and business negotiations are conducted in French. But the first language taught in Luxembourgish schools is German. The German language is also used in the media.

In the distant past, the historical Duchy of Luxembourg was about three times the size of the modern country, it included the bulk of the Belgian province of Luxembourg. The Luxembourg dynasty also had three members elected Holy Roman Emperors: Henry VII (Henry VII; 1312-1313), Charles IV (Charles IV; 1355-1378) and Sigismund (Sigismund; 1410-1437). The last of these, from 1387, was also the king of Hungary. Sigismund's daughter, Elisabeth of Luxembourg, married Albert II of Habsburg, who succeeded his father-in-law and also became King of Bohemia and Hungary. From then on, with the exception of a three-year break, members of the Habsburg dynasty were Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, until its collapse in 1806. Thus, it can be said that the glorious fate of the Habsburg dynasty and the very foundation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were achieved through marriage with a representative of the Luxembourg dynasty in 1422. In addition, thanks to this marriage, in the period from 1506 to 1813, the Habsburgs were Dukes of Luxembourg.

Under the Luxembourg fortress there are many underground passages, the total length of which reaches 21 kilometers.

National Day of Luxembourg is celebrated on June 23, the birthday of Grand Duchess Charlotte.

Due to the great historical importance of the city's fortifications, the entire city of Luxembourg is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Luxembourg is one of the founding members of the European Union, NATO, the UN, the Benelux Economic Union and the Western European Union.

Luxembourg is the least populated state in the European Union, with a population of just 465,000. This state is considered the 20th smallest of all 194 countries in the world.

In 2006, at least 181,000 emigrants lived in Luxembourg, representing 39.6% of the total population. 15% of the country's inhabitants (over 1/3 of all emigrants) are of Portuguese origin.

Between 1944 and 2002, the Luxembourg franc had the same value as the Belgian franc. Since 2002, the currencies of both countries have been replaced by the Euro.

According to the American organization "Heritage Fund" Luxembourg ranked first in Europe and fourth in the world in terms of economic freedom.

In 2007, Luxembourg registered the highest legal salary in the European Union - 1570 ? per month.

Residents of Luxembourg have the highest percentage of mobile phones per capita in Europe (according to 2006 data - 151.7 pieces per 100 people).

Did you know that Luxembourg has been the richest country in Europe for many years? About this and other interesting facts today in our section.

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Despite the fact that the Duchy of Luxembourg is one of the smallest states in Europe, this did not prevent it from becoming the richest country. With all this, Luxembourg leads by a wide margin from other EU countries. Yes, and from other countries of the world.

Statistics are based on the ratio of GDP per capita, as well as the purchasing power of residents. It is the GDP that determines the level of economic development of the state.

So, the level of GDP per capita in Luxembourg is 104,359 dollars. The second place is occupied by Switzerland, its GDP is much less - 78 thousand. In third place is Norway - 69 thousand dollars. For comparison, Russia's GDP is $7,742 per capita.

By the way, the capital of the duchy has the same name as the country - Luxembourg.

Economy Secrets

In terms of income of the population, Luxembourg can also boast: it ranks 4th among other countries. In 2010, there were $128,806 per citizen per year.

First of all, Luxembourg became the richest state thanks to the development of banks. More than 200 banks and about 1,000 investment funds are located in the capital - more than in any other city in the world. All thanks to the fact that the duchy belongs to an offshore zone, as well as the favorable conditions that are provided in the country.

But Luxembourg is not only the world's largest banking center. Iron ore is mined in the country, and pig iron and iron are also produced. The branches of agriculture do not lag behind in development: vineyards, horticulture, meat and dairy farming.

Despite this level of income, Luxembourg has a huge external debt - almost $2.7 million. When viewed as a percentage of GDP, it is 80%. For comparison, Russia's external debt is 521,000, which is 38% of GDP. In addition, service revenues come from international partners, so the duchy is very sensitive to changes and crises in other countries.

Curious facts about Luxembourg that you did not know before

Fact #1. Luxembourg is the only duchy in the world. The head of state is Grand Duke Henri.

Fact #2. Luxembourg is a dwarf state. Its area is only 2600 square kilometers.

Fact #3. The duchy has the highest minimum wage in the world. In 2016, it was $2,190.

Fact #4. Only 576 thousand people live in the country, more than half of them live in the capital.

Fact #5. The average life expectancy for women is 82.7 years, and for men - 77.6 years.

Fact #6. Luxembourg has three official languages: German, French and Luxembourgish. The last of these is a mixture of Dutch, German and French and has been a dialect for a long time. In addition, English is very popular in the country. By the way, the fact that the inhabitants of Luxembourg speak several languages ​​attracts large foreign companies. There are a lot of US companies here.

Fact #7. A third of the country is occupied by forests. However, the road network is very dense here.

Fact #8. In Luxembourg, the quality of education is one of the best in the world, and the literacy rate is almost 100%.

Fact #9. According to statistics, there are 150 cell phones per 100 inhabitants of the country. This is the highest rate in the world.

Fact #10. Luxembourg is a founding member of the UN, the Western European Union, NATO, the European Union and the Benelux countries.

Fact #11. Luxembourg is home to the RTL Group, one of the largest media holdings. It controls 54 channels and 32 radio stations in 11 countries.

Fact #12. Luxembourgers call themselves "Letzeboya".

Fact #13. Under the Luxembourg fortress, underground passages were once built. Their length is 23 kilometers. The fortress no longer exists, but the passages remain. It is creepy and mysterious here: windows are pierced in the rocks, there are dark chambers and unexpected exits to the surface.

Fact #14. Once the territory of the duchy was about three times larger than it is now.

Fact #15. The name of the city and the country comes from a word from the Upper German dialect "lucilinburch", which means "small town".

Luxembourg is a small Western European state. Despite its tiny size, this country is one of the richest in the world. The history of this state is fraught with many mysteries. The modern development of the country is ahead of many Western European powers. What is the secret? In this article we will discuss the history and modernity of this tiny state. Perhaps some interesting fact about Luxembourg will surprise you very much.

State structure and politics

  • The official name of the country is the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It comes from the word "lucilinburch", which translates as "small town".
  • Luxembourg is today the only duchy in the world.
  • The head of this state is Duke Henri (since 2000).
  • The capital is the city of Luxembourg. It is considered one of the calmest and safest in the world.
  • Another interesting fact about Luxembourg. This country is the birthplace of Robert Schuman, a famous French politician and foreign minister. He is the creator of the plan, during the implementation of which the "Association of Coal and Steel" was formed - the first European community.
  • Travelers will be interested to know that the main official language here is Luxembourgish. It is a mixture of different dialects - French, German and Dutch. It should be noted that these languages ​​are also official in Luxembourg. In addition, most of the population is fluent in English.

Society and economy

  • Speaking about the development of this state, it should be noted such an interesting fact about Luxembourg: here is the highest level in the whole world. It is several times higher than the European average.
  • Today, the Duchy has the highest minimum wage in the world.
  • Luxembourg has one of the best educations in the world. The literacy rate here is 100%.
  • Luxembourg has the largest number of banks in the world.
  • The duchy ranks first in Europe in terms of economic freedom.
  • The population of Luxembourg has the largest number of mobile phones in the world (15 pieces per 10 people).
  • Business is developing very actively in the country. In terms of its effectiveness, it takes 3rd place in Europe (after Finland and Denmark).
  • Luxembourg has the most congested roads in the world. At the same time, there are never traffic jams here.
  • Luxembourg is one of the founders and current members of the EU, NATO, and the UN.


Every traveler or just an interested person knows what Luxembourg is at the present stage. Interesting facts about the country today can be listed endlessly. But not everyone knows what this state was like in antiquity.

The most interesting facts about Luxembourg from history.

  • In the Middle Ages, this country was three times larger. Previously, the Duchy included the vast territory of the Belgian province of Luxembourg.
  • Natives of the ruling dynasty of this country managed to take the throne of the Holy Roman Empire three times. These were Henry II, Charles IV and Sigismund.
  • The territory of Luxembourg has repeatedly become the arena of struggle between strong European states. So, in the XV century. these lands came under the rule of France, and in 1555 - Spain. At the beginning of the XIX century. Luxembourg was placed under the control of the Netherlands. In 1839 the territory was divided into 2 parts. The first was under the rule of Belgium, and the other became a component of the German Confederation.


Despite the fact that one can endlessly enumerate interesting facts about Luxembourg, for children and tourists, information about the culture and traditions of this state will be the most fascinating and informative.

  • Starting from the 7th century the main artistic center in the country was the monastery in Echternach. His masters became famous for their beautiful miniatures, which combined Irish and German traditions.
  • Most Luxembourgish medieval castles and fortresses have not survived to this day.
  • The culture of this state took shape under the strong influence of other Western European powers. It should be noted that the musical art of Luxembourg was formed on the basis of German traditions. A striking evidence of this are the annual festivals in Echternach.
  • Almost none of the Luxembourgish artists became famous outside their homeland.
  • Edward Steichen (the founder of American photography) is a native of this small state.


Each tourist will be interested to know the following facts about Luxembourg and its attractions.

  • One of the main places worth visiting here is the Bock casemates. These are the mysterious passages in the rock of Le Boc, built back in the 17th century. Today, in some old residential buildings, there are still underground passages to the Bock casemates.
  • The wine trail is the tastiest attraction in the country. It is located along the border with the Moselle from Schengen to Remich. Interestingly, the most delicious grapes grow on the Luxembourg side, since the fertile valleys are located on the southern slope and receive more sun. Luxembourg wines from the Moselle Valley are known all over the world. In addition, the production of beer, liqueurs, juices, and mineral waters has been established on this territory.

  • Viaden is one of the most picturesque towns in Luxembourg. It is located near Wiltz at the foot of the old fortress. V. Hugo once lived in this town. Today there is a museum on the site of his house. It is especially popular among tourists.
  • Echternach - a city that can rightly be considered Here are located an ancient abbey, one of the oldest churches in Europe, the Church of St. Peter and Paul, the pavilion of Louis XV, the canyon "Wolf's Mouth" and other equally interesting sights. Echternach is considered one of the most popular tourist centers in Luxembourg.
  • "Luxembourg Switzerland" is a special region and the most picturesque place of the Grand Duchy. It is located in the northeast of the country. This area got its name due to its similarity with the most beautiful mountainous regions of Switzerland. This area is famous for its numerous caves, unique flora and fauna, as well as the Beaufort fortress.

  • Luxembourg is the capital of the Grand Duchy.
  • The city is located at the confluence of two rivers: Petrus and Alzet.
  • Luxembourg is divided into 24 districts. However, tourists, as a rule, are only interested in 4. Among them are the Upper and Lower Towns. The first is the historical center, where the main

  • The second is the territory on the opposite bank of the Alzet River, where the main banks, factories, and company boards are located. Of particular interest to tourists is the Station area and Kirchberg (all the main buildings of the European Union are located here).
  • Another interesting fact about Luxembourg is that the two main metropolitan areas (Lower and Upper City) are connected by many bridges. There are over 100 of them here.
  • Luxembourg has many interesting sights. That is why the city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Sights of the capital

Luxembourg, despite its tiny size, is rich in a variety of historical monuments and attractions. Here is the residence of the Grand Duke, a large number of bridges and cathedrals.

  • Consider interesting facts about the Duke's Palace (Luxembourg). Until the end of the XIX century. this building served as the town hall, the residence of the French administration and the Dutch governors. Only since 1890 this palace became the residence of the Luxembourg dukes. The history of the construction of the building is very interesting. Until the 16th century in its place was a Franciscan church. In 1554, it was destroyed by a lightning strike and the entire Upper Town burned down. That is why a new large town hall was erected, which today is the residence of the Luxembourg dukes.
  • The Adolf Bridge is the national symbol of the state. It is located in the beautiful valley of the Petrus River. Its construction began in 1900. The first stone in the bridge was laid personally by Duke Adolf.

Is one of the smallest Western European states, it may surprise you. This state with a monarchical constitutional system is of outstanding economic and strategic importance. In addition, the most interesting things about Luxembourg can be told by numerous historical and cultural monuments that have been perfectly preserved here since the Middle Ages. Today, key institutions and organizations of the EU work in the state, and Luxembourg itself is considered the personification of the merger of German and Roman Europe.

It’s worth starting to list interesting facts about Luxembourg from the fact that officially the power is called the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which makes it the only sovereign duchy in the world. The local population communicates mainly in Luxembourgish. It is a dialect of German. At the same time, all documentation in the Duchy is in French, and the first language in school is German. Amazing, isn't it?

Interesting facts about Luxembourg can be listed endlessly. So, in the past, this small power occupied an area three times larger than the modern one. In addition, members of the Luxembourg dynasty laid the foundation for the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Habsburg dynasty.

Modern Luxembourg

Today the Duchy is an example of a modern economically developed country. The level of GDP per capita in the state is three times higher than in Europe, which makes it the highest in the world, and, accordingly, Luxembourg itself is one of. The average salary here is the highest in Europe. As for the efficiency of doing business, Luxembourg is in third place behind the leaders, which are Denmark and Finland. Interesting information about Luxembourg: in a country where 465 thousand people live, more than 150 banks are open, and the RTL Group is a world leader in the field of television and radio broadcasting.

Did you know that the length of the underground manholes, which are located under the Luxembourg fortress, is 21 kilometers, and the entire Duchy is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, since the city's fortifications are of great historical value? And if you count the number of mobile phones purchased by Luxembourgers, then each has 1.5 gadgets.

It will be interesting to learn the features of one of the most developed and wealthy countries in the world - Luxembourg. If you are going to go to this wonderful corner of our planet, then interesting facts about Luxembourg just need to know!

So let's get started!

  1. Each country has its own full name. So Luxembourg is officially spelled like this: "The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg." It is curious that this is the only duchy in the world today.
  2. The head of state is called the "Grand Duke".
  3. The name Luxembourg comes from the German "lucilinburch", which translates as "small city".
  4. An interesting fact is that Luxembourg is one of the smallest sovereign states in the world. Its area is only 2,586.4 km².
  5. The population of Luxembourg is approximately equal to 500 thousand people, that is, about half a million. This is less than in any millionaire city!
  6. An interesting fact is that GDP per capita in Luxembourg is significantly higher than the European average.
  7. Luxembourgers also have the highest minimum wage in the world.
  8. The average life expectancy for men is 77 years, for women - 82 years.
  9. Luxembourg has three official languages: Luxembourgish, French and German. Read a detailed article about.
  10. No matter how surprising this interesting fact may sound, one third of the territory of this tiny country is occupied by forests.
  11. one of the highest in the world.
  12. The literacy rate of Luxembourgers is 100%.
  13. There are 12 communes in the duchy that have city status.
  14. An outstanding French writer once lived and wrote immortal works in the commune of Vianden. Today in this city there is the Hugo Museum, which is very popular among European tourists.
  15. A lot of EU organizations are located in the city of Luxembourg because the duchy provides very favorable working conditions. More than 200 banks and over 1,000 investment funds are located offshore in Luxembourg, which is much higher than in any other city in the world.
  16. Here it is important to emphasize an interesting fact, which, for sure, you already knew. The fact is that in the state of Luxembourg the capital is the largest city and has exactly the same name as the country itself: Luxembourg.
  17. The state ranks 4th in the world in terms of income of the population.
  18. And this interesting fact about Luxembourg will interest travelers. The fact is that the underground communications of ancient fortresses surprise with their size. So you can wander more than 20 kilometers through underground passages, which in itself is very unusual.
  19. The exceptional historical values ​​that the ancient Duchy of Luxembourg is full of have prompted UNESCO to include the country on the World Heritage List.
  20. Luxembourg is a founding member of the European Union, NATO and the UN.
  21. On the territory of the duchy is the largest television and radio company in all of Europe.
  22. An interesting fact of Luxembourg is the following indicator. Here, most of all in the world of mobile phones per capita - 15 pieces per 10 people. However!
  23. Landmarks of Luxembourg

    Neumünster Abbey
    Basilica with the tomb of Willibrord
    View of the Grund
    Bourshed Castle
    Vianden Castle
    Adolf Bridge
    City Hall of Luxembourg