The considered framework of classical mechanics. The main types of lever mechanisms

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Newton is the founder of classical mechanics. And although today, from the standpoint of modern science, Newton's mechanistic picture of the world seems rough and limited, it was it that gave impetus to the development of theoretical and applied sciences for the next almost 200 years. We owe Newton such concepts as absolute space, time, mass, force, speed, acceleration; he discovered the laws of motion of physical bodies, laying the foundation for the development of the science of physics. (However, none of this could have happened if Galileo, Copernicus and others had not been before him. No wonder he himself said: “I stood on the shoulders of giants.”) Let us dwell on the main achievement of Newton’s scientific research - a mechanistic picture of the world. It contains the following provisions:

    The statement that the whole world, the Universe is nothing but a collection of a huge number of indivisible and unchanging particles moving in space and time, interconnected by gravitational forces transmitted from body to body through the void. It follows that all events are rigidly predetermined and subject to the laws of classical mechanics, which makes it possible to predetermine and predict the course of events. The elementary unit of the world is an atom, and all bodies consist of absolutely solid, indivisible, unchanging corpuscles - atoms. When describing mechanical processes, he used the concepts of "body" and "corpuscle". The movement of atoms and bodies was presented as a simple movement of bodies in space and time. The properties of space and time, in turn, were presented as unchanging and independent of the bodies themselves. Nature was presented as a large mechanism (machine), in which each part had its own purpose and strictly obeyed certain laws. The essence of this picture of the world is the synthesis of natural science knowledge and the laws of mechanics, which reduced (reduced) the whole variety of phenomena and processes to mechanical ones.
It is possible to note the pros and cons of such a picture of the world. The pluses include the fact that it made it possible to explain many phenomena and processes occurring in nature, without resorting to myths and religion, but from nature itself. As for the cons, there are many. For example, matter in the mechanistic interpretation of Newton was presented as an inert substance, doomed to the eternal repetition of things; time is an empty duration, space is a simple "receptacle" of matter, existing independently of neither time nor matter. The cognizing subject was eliminated from the picture of the world itself – it was assumed a priori that such a picture of the world always exists, by itself, and does not depend on the means and methods of the cognizing subject. The mechanistic picture of the world, the methods of scientific explanation of nature, developed by Newton, gave a powerful impetus to the development of other sciences, the emergence of new areas of knowledge - chemistry, biology (for example, R. Boyle was able to show how elements combine and explain other chemical phenomena based on ideas about the movement of "small particles of matter" (corpuscles)). Lamarck, in search of an answer to the question about the source of changes in living organisms, relying on Newton's mechanistic paradigm, concluded that the development of all living things is subject to the principle of "increasing movement of fluids." Until the 19th century, a mechanistic picture of the world reigned in natural science, and knowledge was based on methodological principles - mechanism and reductionism. However, with the development of science, its various areas (biology, chemistry, geology, physics itself), it became obvious that the mechanistic picture of the world is not suitable for explaining many phenomena. Thus, while studying the electric and magnetic fields, Faraday and Maskwell discovered the fact that matter could be represented not only as a substance (in accordance with its mechanistic interpretation), but also as an electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic processes could not be reduced to mechanical ones, and therefore the conclusion suggested itself: not the laws of mechanics, but the laws of electrodynamics are fundamental in the universe. Finally, the discovery of the law of conservation of energy in the 40s of the XIX century (J. Mayer, D. Joule, E. Lenz) showed that such phenomena as heat, light, electricity, magnetism are also not isolated from each other (as it is imagined before), but interact, pass under certain conditions one into another and are nothing but different forms of movement in nature. Thus, the mechanistic picture of the world was undermined with its simplified idea of ​​motion as a simple movement of bodies in space and time, isolated from one another, of the only possible form of motion - mechanical, of space as a "receptacle" of matter and of time as an unchanging constant, not depending on the bodies themselves. 5. Late XIX - early XX centuries. marked by a whole cascade of scientific discoveries that completed the undermining of Newton's mechanistic concept. To name just a few of them: this is the discovery of an elementary particle - an electron, which is part of the structure of an atom (J. Thompson), then - a positively charged particle - a nucleus inside an atom (E. Rutherford, 1914), on the basis of which a planetary model of the atom was proposed : Electrons revolve around a positively charged nucleus. Rutherford also predicted the existence of another elementary particle inside the atom - the proton (which was later discovered). These discoveries overturned the still existing ideas about the atom as an elementary, indivisible particle of the universe, its "brick". The next tangible blow to classical natural science was delivered by A. Einstein's theory of relativity (1916), which showed that space and time are not absolute, they are inextricably linked with matter (they are its attributive properties), and are also interconnected by movement. Einstein himself very clearly described the essence of this discovery in his work “Physics and Reality”, where he says that if earlier (meaning the time of the dominance of classical Newtonian mechanics) it was believed that in the event of the disappearance of all matter from the Universe, space and time would be preserved , then the theory of relativity found that both space and time would disappear along with matter. At the same time, the significance of these discoveries lies in the fact that the fact has become obvious: the picture of the objective world is determined not only by the properties of this world itself, but also by the characteristics of the subject of knowledge, his activity, personal position, belonging to a particular culture, depends on the interaction a cognizing subject with instruments, from methods of observation, etc. A huge achievement of the science of the 19th century is a breakthrough to the questions of how the life of human society works, whether it obeys certain objective laws (like nature) or the elements, subjectivism, act in it. The introduction of technology into production, the strengthening of commodity-money relations in the countries of Western Europe made it necessary to find out the reasons, factors contributing to the accumulation of the wealth of the nation. This is how classical political economy arose (XVIII century, Adam Smith), which is based on the idea that the source of wealth is labor, and the regulator of economic relations is the laws of the market. Adam Smith argued that the basis of labor relations are the private, individual interests of individuals. “Each individual ... has in mind only his own interest, pursues only his own benefit, and in this case he is guided by an invisible hand to a goal that was not part of his intentions. In pursuing his own interests, he often serves the interests of society more effectively than when he consciously seeks to serve them. Later, in the 40s. XIX century, the German philosopher K. Marx criticized classical political economy and managed to reveal the mechanism of capitalist exploitation, creating the theory of surplus value. Both the concept of A. Smith and the teachings of K. Marx can be considered as the first scientific approaches to the study of the laws of social life. However, it would be a mistake to present the matter in such a way that neither philosophers nor men of science thought about society and man before Smith and Marx. Suffice it to recall Plato's doctrine of an ideal state, projects on a just and prosperous society by Thomas More ("Utopia"), Tomaso Campanella ("City of the Sun"). However, these ideas were utopian in nature, they were just “dreams”, there is no need to talk about a scientific approach in this case. True, in the 19th century, the English utopian socialists F. Fourier (1772-1837) and R. Owen (1771-1858), starting from the ideas of the French materialists of the Enlightenment, tried to create a “social science” (F. Fourier), but their teaching about a just society has not freed itself from idealism and utopianism. It should be noted that the influence of the successes of natural science has also manifested itself in the field of the humanities (psychology, pedagogy, history, rhetoric, jurisprudence): the requirements for applying the methods of science (observation, description, experiment) also apply to this area of ​​knowledge. To summarize: By the end of the 19th century, the period of formation of the classical type of scientific knowledge, in the arsenal of which there were significant achievements, had ended. In physics, this is Newton's classical mechanics, later thermodynamics, the theory of electricity and magnetism; in chemistry, the periodic system of elements was discovered, the beginnings of organic chemistry were laid; in mathematics, the development of analytic geometry and mathematical analysis; in biology - evolutionary theory, the theory of the cellular structure of organisms, the discovery of X-rays, etc. By the end of the 19th century, there was a feeling that science had found answers to almost all questions about the world, there was little left to unravel. And suddenly - a new breakthrough - the discovery of the structure of the atom, which entailed a "crisis in physics", which later spread to other branches of knowledge. Today, looking from the distance of past years, we can say that the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. marked the transition from classical science to non-classical (or post-classical). Their differences can be represented as follows:
classical science postclassical science
1. Taking the subject out of the object. Recognition of the subjectivity of knowledge and cognition.
2. Installation on rationality. Accounting for non-rational ways of knowing.
3. The dominance of dynamic laws. Accounting for the role and significance of probabilistic-statistical regularities.
4. The object of study is the macrocosm. The object of study is the micro-, macro- and mega-world.
5. The leading method of cognition is experiment. Modeling (including mathematical).
6. Unconditional visibility. Conditional visibility.
7. A clear line between the natural sciences and the humanities. Erase this edge.
8. Responsible discipline. The predominance of differentiation of sciences. Differentiation and integration (system theory, synergetics, structural method).
Without revealing in detail the essence of the identified distinctive features of postclassical science (to one degree or another, this was done in the course of revealing the stages of development of science), we note that the changes that have occurred in it have had a huge impact on the world as a whole and on the attitude of man towards it. This is manifested, firstly, in the fact that in the modern scientific and technological era there are no unified canons, generally accepted standards in the perception of the world, its explanation and understanding - this openness is expressed in the pluralism of ideas, concepts, values. Another (second) feature of the current situation is the accelerated rhythm of events, their semantic density and conflict. Thirdly, a paradoxical situation has developed: on the one hand, faith in the rational structure of the universe has been lost, and on the other hand, there is a tendency to rationalize, technization of all aspects of life, both society and individuals. The result of these processes is a radical change in lifestyle, a preferential attitude towards everything fleeting, changing, in contrast to the stable, traditional, conservative. Lecture No. 4 The structure of scientific knowledge
    Variety of types of scientific knowledge. Empirical knowledge, its structure and features. Structure and specific features of theoretical knowledge. Foundations of science.
1. In each branch of science - physics, biology, chemistry, etc., there is a variety of types or forms of scientific knowledge - empirical facts, hypotheses, models, laws, theories, etc. All of them differ from each other in the degree of generalization, for example, empirical facts are a kind of empirical reality, represented by various information means - texts, formulas, photographs, videotapes, and simply phenomena observed in everyday life, while the law is the formulation of general statements about the properties and relations of the subject area under study (based on facts) . Let's take a closer look at each of them. The most important task of scientific research is to find, reveal the laws of a certain, objective activity, express them in appropriate concepts, theories, ideas, principles. In its most general form, a law can be defined as a connection between phenomena, processes, which is distinguished by objectivity, concreteness, universality, necessity, repetition and stability. The stability, invariance of laws, however, is always correlated with specific conditions, in the event of a change in which this invariance is eliminated and a new one is generated, which leads to a change in the law, its deepening, expansion or narrowing of the scope. Laws are discovered initially in the form of assumptions, hypotheses. A hypothesis is a form of knowledge that contains an assumption formulated on the basis of a number of facts, the true meaning of which is uncertain and needs to be proven. In the modern methodology of science, the concept of "hypothesis" is used in two meanings:
    as a problematic and unreliable form of knowledge; as a method of scientific knowledge.
In its first meaning, the hypothesis must meet the following requirements:
    compliance with the laws established in science; consistency with the actual material; consistency from the point of view of formal logic (if we are talking about the contradiction of objective reality itself, then the hypothesis must contain contradictions); the absence of subjective, arbitrary assumptions (which does not cancel the activity of the subject himself); the possibility of its confirmation or refutation either in the course of direct observation, or indirectly - by deriving consequences from the hypothesis.
There are various types of hypotheses: general, particular and working. General hypotheses are the foundation for building the foundations of scientific knowledge; they suggest the patterns of various kinds of relationships between phenomena. Particular hypotheses also contain assumptions, but about the properties of single facts, events, specific phenomena. A working hypothesis is a kind of starting point - an assumption put forward at the first stage of the study, which is a kind of guideline for the research search. It should also be remembered that there are so-called adhoc (hypotheses for a given case) - these are assumptions necessary to solve a number of problems that may later turn out to be an erroneous option. One of the most complex and developed forms of scientific knowledge is theory, which represents a holistic reflection of the regular and essential connections of a certain area of ​​reality. In science, there are certain criteria that a theory must meet. To name just a few of them:
    The theory should not contradict the data of facts and experience and be verifiable on the available experimental material. It should not contradict the principles of formal logic, and at the same time be distinguished by logical simplicity, “naturalness”. A theory is "good" if it encompasses and links together a wide range of subjects into a coherent system of abstractions.
Karl Popper, the philosopher of science, compared theory to networks designed to capture what we call the real world in order to comprehend, explain, and master it. In accordance with this, a true theory must correspond to all (and not some) real facts and satisfy the requirements of practice. Popper called a theory a tool, the test of which is carried out in the course of its application and the suitability of which is judged by the results of such applications. The theory has a complex structure, in which the following components are distinguished: concepts, equations, axioms, laws; idealized objects - abstract models; a set of techniques, methods, rules, evidence aimed at clarifying knowledge; philosophical generalizations and justifications. The core of a theory (which will be discussed later) is an abstract, idealized object, without which it is impossible to build a theory, since it contains a real research program. There are various types of theories: mathematical, characterized by a high degree of abstraction based on deduction. The dominant moment of the mathematical theory is the application of the axiomatic, hypothetical-deductive method and the method of formalization. There are theories of experimental (empirical) sciences - physics, chemistry, biology, etc. In modern science, it is also customary to divide theories into phenomenological and non-phenomenological ones. Phenomenological theories describe the processes, properties and qualities of objects without delving into the essence, without revealing the internal mechanisms (for example, psychological, sociological, pedagogical theories). Their task is to organize and summarize the facts using specific terminology. As a rule, phenomenological theories arise at the initial stage of development of any science. With the development of scientific research, the phenomenological theory is replaced by a non-phenomenological, or explanatory one. Explanatory theories reveal the deep, internal mechanism of the studied phenomena and processes, their interaction, essential stable connections and relationships, that is, laws, moreover, theoretical, and not empirical, since they are formed on the basis of idealized objects. It is possible to give such a classification of theories as reliable and probabilistic according to the degree of their predictability. Reliable ones include theories of classical mechanics, physics, chemistry; to probabilistic - the theory of social sciences and humanities. One should also point out such an important form of scientific knowledge as a problem. The problem is, most likely, knowledge about ignorance, about what should be resolved, which of the many questions that arise during the study of a particular phenomenon, it is important to answer. The ability to correctly identify a problem is often more important than the solution itself. What usually causes problems? They arise either when two different theories collide, or in the case of a contradiction in a separate problem, or they are the result of a collision of theory and observation. The formulation and solution of scientific problems require the choice of certain research methods, which are determined either by its purpose or by the nature of the problems being solved. Further, the use of the conceptual apparatus, with the help of which it is possible to fix certain phenomena. Scientific traditions are of great importance in the formulation and selection of a problem. The variety of forms of scientific knowledge forms its structure, which expresses the unity of stable relationships between the elements of a given system. The structure of scientific knowledge and cognition appears in different sections and, accordingly, in a set of specific elements. The structure of scientific knowledge may differ from the point of view of the interaction between the object and subject of scientific knowledge according to such a criterion as the subject and methods of knowledge, which makes it possible to single out the sciences of nature (natural science), society (social sciences, humanities) and knowledge itself (logic, epistemology). , epistemology, cognitology, etc.), according to the criterion of "foundations of science", where three elements are singled out: a) ideals and norms; b) philosophical foundations; c) scientific picture of the world. The structure of scientific knowledge can also be represented as a unity of its two main levels - empirical and theoretical. In our lecture, as follows from the indicated points of the plan, we intend to consider almost all the criteria by which scientific knowledge was structured. Let's start with the latter, that is, with the relationship between the empirical and theoretical levels of knowledge. 2. Empirical (experimental) knowledge and cognition is an activity based on living, direct contemplation of an object. Its characteristic features are the collection of facts, their primary generalization, description of observations and experiments, their systematization and classification. The most important element of empirical research is a fact (from Latin factum - done, done). The concept of "fact" has the following meanings: 1) a fragment of reality, relating either to objective reality or to the sphere of consciousness and cognition ("facts of consciousness"); 2) knowledge about any phenomenon, event, the reliability of which has been proven; 3) a sentence fixing empirical knowledge (knowledge obtained in the course of observations and experiments). Facts in scientific knowledge have a dual meaning: 1) they form the basis for putting forward hypotheses and constructing theories; 2) are crucial in validating theories. In cases where facts and theory diverge, it takes time to recheck the theory, and only when the contradiction between them becomes insoluble, the theory is declared false. Facts become a “stubborn thing”, “air” or “scientist’s bread” only if they are accepted regardless of whether scientists like it or not, and also if they most fully, comprehensively cover the object of study (we are talking about the inadmissibility of “cutting off » some facts, snatching their separate fragments from the set). On the other hand, one should not chase after a lot of facts. The main goal of the researcher in working with facts is to collect a certain amount of them, to give them meaning, to construct a conceptual system. The collection of facts is carried out using such a method of empirical knowledge as observation. The scientist does not just fix the facts he encounters, he is guided by a certain goal, a hypothesis, and therefore the observation has a systematized, orderly and purposeful character. The scientist does not simply register any facts, but carries out their selection, selection, leaving those of them that are related to the goal set by him.

Mechanics- this is a part of physics that studies the laws of mechanical movement and the reasons that cause or change this movement.

Mechanics, in turn, is divided into kinematics, dynamics and statics.

mechanical movement- this is a change in the relative position of bodies or body parts over time.

Weight is a scalar physical quantity that quantitatively characterizes the inert and gravitational properties of matter.

inertia- this is the desire of the body to maintain a state of rest or uniform rectilinear motion.

inertial mass characterizes the ability of a body to resist a change in its state (rest or motion), for example, in Newton's second law

gravitational mass characterizes the body's ability to create a gravitational field, which is characterized by a vector quantity called tension. The intensity of the gravitational field of a point mass is equal to:

The gravitational mass characterizes the body's ability to interact with the gravitational field:

P equivalence principle gravitational and inertial masses: each mass is both inertial and gravitational at the same time.

The mass of the body depends on the density of the substance ρ and the size of the body (body volume V):

The concept of mass is not identical to the concepts of weight and gravity. It does not depend on the fields of gravity and accelerations.

Moment of inertia is a tensor physical quantity that quantitatively characterizes the inertia of a solid body, which manifests itself in rotational motion.

When describing the rotational motion, it is not enough to specify the mass. The inertia of a body in rotational motion depends not only on the mass, but also on its distribution relative to the axis of rotation.

1. Moment of inertia of a material point

where m is the mass of a material point; r is the distance from the point to the axis of rotation.

2. Moment of inertia of the system of material points

3. Moment of inertia of a perfectly rigid body

Force- this is a vector physical quantity, which is a measure of the mechanical impact on the body from other bodies or fields, as a result of which the body acquires acceleration or deforms (changes its shape or size).

Mechanics uses various models to describe mechanical motion.

Material point(m.t.) is a body with a mass, the dimensions of which can be neglected in this problem.

Absolutely rigid body(a.t.t.) is a body that does not deform in the process of movement, that is, the distance between any two points in the process of movement remains unchanged.
§ 2. Laws of motion.

  • First Law n newton : any material point (body) retains a state of rest or uniform rectilinear motion until the impact from other bodies makes it change this state.
Those frames of reference, in relation to which Newton's first law is fulfilled, are called inertial frames of reference (ISR). Therefore, Newton's first law asserts the existence of IFR.

  • Newton's second law (the main law of the dynamics of translational motion): the rate of change in the momentum of a material point (body) is equal to the sum of the forces acting on it

  • Newton's third law : any action of material points (bodies) on each other has the character of interaction; the forces with which the material points act on each other are always equal in absolute value, oppositely directed and act along the straight line connecting these points

here is the force acting on the first material point from the second; - the force acting on the second material point from the side of the first. These forces are applied to different material points (bodies), always act in pairs and are forces of the same nature.


here is the gravitational constant. .

Conservation laws in classical mechanics.

The laws of conservation are fulfilled in closed systems of interacting bodies.

A system is called closed if no external forces act on the system.

Pulse - vector physical quantity that quantitatively characterizes the stock of translational motion:

Law of conservation of momentum systems of material points(m.t.): in closed systems, m.t. total momentum is conserved

where is the speed of the i-th material point before the interaction; is its speed after interaction.

angular momentum is a physical vector quantity that quantitatively characterizes the reserve of rotational motion.

is the momentum of the material point, is the radius vector of the material point.
Law of conservation of angular momentum : in a closed system, the total angular momentum is conserved:

The physical quantity that characterizes the ability of a body or system of bodies to do work is called energy.

Energy is a scalar physical quantity, which is the most general characteristic of the state of the system.

The state of the system is determined by its movement and configuration, i.e., by the mutual arrangement of its parts. The motion of the system is characterized by the kinetic energy K, and the configuration (being in the potential field of forces) is characterized by the potential energy U.

total energy defined as the sum:

E = K + U + E int,

where E ext is the internal energy of the body.

The kinetic and potential energies add up to mechanical energy .

Einstein formula(relationship of energy and mass):

In the reference frame associated with the center of mass of the m.t. system, m \u003d m 0 is the rest mass, and E \u003d E 0 \u003d m 0. c 2 - rest energy.

Internal energy is determined in the frame of reference associated with the body itself, that is, the internal energy is at the same time the rest energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy of the mechanical movement of a body or system of bodies. The relativistic kinetic energy is determined by the formula

At low speeds v

Potential energy is a scalar physical quantity that characterizes the interaction of bodies with other bodies or with fields.


    potential energy of elastic interaction

  • potential energy of gravitational interaction of point masses

Law of energy conservation : the total energy of a closed system of material points is conserved

In the absence of dissipation (scattering) of energy, both total and mechanical energies are conserved. In dissipative systems, total energy is conserved, while mechanical energy is not conserved.

§ 2. Basic concepts of classical electrodynamics.

The source of the electromagnetic field is an electric charge.

Electric charge is the property of some elementary particles to enter into electromagnetic interaction.

Electric charge properties :

1. The electric charge can be positive and negative (it is generally accepted that the proton is positively charged, and the electron is negatively charged).

2. Electric charge is quantized. A quantum of electric charge is an elementary electric charge (е = 1.610 –19 C). In the free state, all charges are multiples of an integer number of elementary electric charges:

3. The law of conservation of charge: the total electric charge of a closed system is preserved in all processes involving charged particles:

q 1 + q 2 +...+ q N = q 1 * + q 2 * +...+ q N * .

4. relativistic invariance: the value of the total charge of the system does not depend on the motion of charge carriers (the charge of moving and resting particles is the same). In other words, in all ISOs, the charge of any particle or body is the same.

Description of the electromagnetic field.

The charges interact with each other (Fig. 1). The magnitude of the force with which charges of the same sign repel each other, and charges of opposite signs attract each other, is determined using the empirically established Coulomb's law:

Here, is the electric constant.


And what is the mechanism of interaction of charged bodies? One can put forward the following hypothesis: bodies with an electric charge generate an electromagnetic field. In turn, the electromagnetic field acts on other charged bodies that are in this field. A new material object emerged – an electromagnetic field.

Experience shows that in any electromagnetic field, a force acts on a stationary charge, the magnitude of which depends only on the magnitude of the charge (the magnitude of the force is proportional to the magnitude of the charge) and its position in the field. It is possible to assign to each point of the field a certain vector , which is the coefficient of proportionality between the force acting on a fixed charge in the field and the charge . Then the force with which the field acts on a fixed charge can be determined by the formula:

The force acting from the side of the electromagnetic field on a fixed charge is called electric force. The vector value characterizing the state of the field that causes the action is called the electric strength of the electromagnetic field.

Further experiments with charges show that the vector does not completely characterize the electromagnetic field. If the charge begins to move, then some additional force appears, the magnitude and direction of which are in no way related to the magnitude and direction of the vector. The additional force that occurs when a charge moves in an electromagnetic field is called magnetic force. Experience shows that the magnetic force depends on the charge and on the magnitude and direction of the velocity vector. If we move a trial charge through any fixed point of the field with the same velocity, but in different directions, then the magnetic force will be different each time. However, always. Further analysis of the experimental facts made it possible to establish that for each point of the electromagnetic field there is a single direction MN (Fig. 2), which has the following properties:


If a certain vector is directed along the MN direction, which has the meaning of the coefficient of proportionality between the magnetic force and the product, then setting , and uniquely characterizes the state of the field that causes the appearance of . The vector was called the vector of electromagnetic induction. Since and , then

In an electromagnetic field, an electromagnetic Lorentz force acts on a charge moving at a speed q (Fig. 3):

The vectors and , that is, the six numbers , are equal components of a single electromagnetic field (components of the electromagnetic field tensor). In a particular case, it may turn out that all or all ; then the electromagnetic field is reduced to either electric or magnetic fields.

The experiment confirmed the correctness of the constructed two-vector model of the electromagnetic field. In this model, each point of the electromagnetic field is given a pair of vectors and . The model we have constructed is a model of a continuous field, since the functions and describing the field are continuous functions of the coordinates.

The theory of electromagnetic phenomena using the continuous field model is called classical.

In reality, the field, like matter, is discrete. But this begins to affect only at distances comparable to the sizes of elementary particles. The discreteness of the electromagnetic field is taken into account in quantum theory.

The principle of superposition.

Fields are usually depicted using lines of force.

force line is a line, the tangent to which at each point coincides with the field strength vector.

For point immobile charges, the pattern of force lines of the electrostatic field is shown in fig. 6.

The intensity vector of the electrostatic field created by a point charge is determined by the formula (Fig. 7 a and b) the magnetic field line is constructed so that at each point of the line of force the vector is directed tangentially to this line. The lines of force of the magnetic field are closed (Fig. 8). This suggests that the magnetic field is a vortex field.

Rice. eight

And if the field creates not one, but several point charges? Do the charges influence each other, or does each of the system's charges contribute to the resulting field independently of the others? Will the electromagnetic field created by the i-th charge in the absence of other charges be the same as the field created by the i-th charge in the presence of other charges?

Superposition principle : the electromagnetic field of an arbitrary system of charges is the result of the addition of fields that would be created by each of the elementary charges of this system in the absence of the others:

and .
Laws of the electromagnetic field

The laws of the electromagnetic field are formulated as a system of Maxwell's equations.


It follows from Maxwell's first equation that electrostatic field - potential (converging or diverging) and its source are motionless electric charges.

Second Maxwell's equation for a magnetostatic field:

It follows from Maxwell's second equation that the magnetostatic field is vortex non-potential and has no point sources.

Third Maxwell's equation for an electrostatic field:

It follows from Maxwell's third equation that the electrostatic field is not vortex.

In electrodynamics (for a variable electromagnetic field), Maxwell's third equation is:

i.e. the electric field is not potential (not Coulomb), but vortex and is created by a variable flux of the magnetic field induction vector.

Fourth Maxwell's equation for a magnetostatic field

It follows from the fourth Maxwell equation in magnetostatics that the magnetic field is vortex and is created by direct electric currents or moving charges. The direction of twisting of the magnetic field lines is determined by the right screw rule (Fig. 9).


In electrodynamics, Maxwell's fourth equation is:

The first term in this equation is the conduction current I associated with the movement of charges and creating a magnetic field.

The second term in this equation is the "displacement current in vacuum", i.e., the variable flux of the electric field strength vector.

The main provisions and conclusions of Maxwell's theory are as follows.

A change in time of the electric field leads to the appearance of a magnetic field and vice versa. Therefore, there are electromagnetic waves.

The transfer of electromagnetic energy occurs at a finite speed . The speed of transmission of electromagnetic waves is equal to the speed of light. From this followed the fundamental identity of electromagnetic and optical phenomena.

The pinnacle of I. Newton's scientific work is his immortal work "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", first published in 1687. In it, he summarized the results obtained by his predecessors and his own research and created for the first time a single harmonious system of terrestrial and celestial mechanics, which formed the basis of all classical physics.

Here Newton gave definitions of the initial concepts - the amount of matter, equivalent to mass, density; amount of motion equivalent to momentum, and various types of force. Formulating the concept of quantity of matter, he proceeded from the idea that atoms consist of some single primary matter; Density was understood as the degree to which a unit volume of a body is filled with primary matter.

This work outlines Newton's doctrine of universal gravitation, on the basis of which he developed the theory of the motion of planets, satellites and comets that form the solar system. Based on this law, he explained the phenomenon of tides and the compression of Jupiter. Newton's concept was the basis for many technical advances over a long period of time. Many methods of scientific research in various fields of natural sciences were formed on its foundation.

The result of the development of classical mechanics was the creation of a unified mechanical picture of the world, within which the entire qualitative diversity of the world was explained by differences in the movement of bodies, subject to the laws of Newtonian mechanics.

Newton's mechanics, in contrast to previous mechanical concepts, made it possible to solve the problem of any stage of movement, both preceding and subsequent, and at any point in space with known facts that determine this movement, as well as the inverse problem of determining the magnitude and direction of these factors. at any point with known basic elements of motion. Because of this, Newtonian mechanics could be used as a method for the quantitative analysis of mechanical motion.

The law of universal gravitation.

The law of universal gravitation was discovered by I. Newton in 1682. According to his hypothesis, attractive forces act between all bodies of the Universe, directed along the line connecting the centers of mass. For a body in the form of a homogeneous ball, the center of mass coincides with the center of the ball.

In subsequent years, Newton tried to find a physical explanation for the laws of planetary motion discovered by I. Kepler at the beginning of the 17th century, and to give a quantitative expression for gravitational forces. So, knowing how the planets move, Newton wanted to determine what forces act on them. This path is called the inverse problem of mechanics.

If the main task of mechanics is to determine the coordinates of a body of known mass and its speed at any moment of time from the known forces acting on the body, then when solving the inverse problem, it is necessary to determine the forces acting on the body if it is known how it moves.

The solution of this problem led Newton to the discovery of the law of universal gravitation: "All bodies are attracted to each other with a force directly proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."

There are several important remarks to be made about this law.

1, its action explicitly extends to all physical material bodies in the Universe without exception.

2 the force of gravity of the Earth at its surface equally affects all material bodies located anywhere on the globe. Right now, the force of gravity is acting on us, and we really feel it as our own weight. If we drop something, it, under the influence of the same force, will rush to the ground with uniform acceleration.

Many phenomena are explained by the action of forces of universal gravitation in nature: the movement of the planets in the solar system, artificial satellites of the Earth - all of them are explained on the basis of the law of universal gravitation and the laws of dynamics.

Newton was the first to suggest that gravitational forces determine not only the movement of the planets of the solar system; they act between any bodies of the Universe. One of the manifestations of the force of universal gravitation is the force of gravity - this is how it is customary to call the force of attraction of bodies to the Earth near its surface.

The force of gravity is directed towards the center of the earth. In the absence of other forces, the body falls freely to the Earth with free fall acceleration.

Three principles of mechanics.

Newton's laws of mechanics, the three laws underlying the so-called. classical mechanics. Formulated by I. Newton (1687).

First law: "Every body continues to be held in its state of rest or uniform and rectilinear motion, until and insofar as it is forced by applied forces to change this state."

The second law: "The change in momentum is proportional to the applied driving force and occurs in the direction of the straight line along which this force acts."

The third law: "There is always an equal and opposite reaction to an action, otherwise, the interactions of two bodies against each other are equal and directed in opposite directions." N. h. m. appeared as a result of the generalization of numerous observations, experiments and theoretical studies of G. Galileo, H. Huygens, Newton himself, and others.

According to modern ideas and terminology, in the first and second laws, a body should be understood as a material point, and under movement - movement relative to an inertial frame of reference. The mathematical expression of the second law in classical mechanics has the form or mw = F, where m is the mass of the point, u is its speed, a w is the acceleration, F is the acting force.

N. h. m cease to be valid for the movement of objects of very small sizes (elementary particles) and for movements with speeds close to the speed of light

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classical mechanics studies the mechanical motion of macroscopic objects that move at speeds much less than the speed of light (=3 10 8 m/s). Macroscopic objects are understood as objects whose dimensions are m (on the right is the size of a typical molecule).

Physical theories that study systems of bodies whose motion occurs at velocities much lower than the speed of light are among the nonrelativistic theories. If the velocities of the particles of the system are comparable with the speed of light, then such systems are related to relativistic systems, and they must be described on the basis of relativistic theories. The basis of all relativistic theories is the special theory of relativity (SRT). If the dimensions of the physical objects under study are small, then such systems are quantum systems, and their theories are quantum theories.

Thus, classical mechanics should be considered as a non-relativistic non-quantum theory of particle motion.

1.1 Frames of reference and principles of invariance

mechanical movement- this is a change in the position of a body relative to other bodies over time in space.

The space in classical mechanics is considered to be three-dimensional (to determine the position of a particle in space, you must specify three coordinates), obeying Euclid's geometry (the Pythagorean theorem is valid in space) and absolute. Time is one-dimensional, unidirectional (changing from past to future) and absolute. The absoluteness of space and time means that their properties do not depend on the distribution and movement of matter. In classical mechanics, the following statement is accepted as true: space and time are not related to each other and can be considered independently of each other.

Motion is relative and, therefore, to describe it, you must choose reference body, i.e. the body relative to which the movement is considered. Since the movement occurs in space and time, one or another coordinate system and clock should be chosen to describe it (to arithmetize space and time). Due to the three-dimensionality of space, each of its points is associated with three numbers (coordinates). The choice of one or another coordinate system is usually dictated by the condition and symmetry of the task. In theoretical reasoning, we will usually use a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system (Figure 1.1).

In classical mechanics, to measure time intervals, due to the absoluteness of time, it is sufficient to have one clock placed at the origin of the coordinate system (this issue will be considered in detail in the theory of relativity). The body of reference and the hours and scales associated with this body (coordinate system) form reference system.

Let us introduce the concept of a closed physical system. closed physical system such a system of material objects is called, in which all objects of the system interact with each other, but do not interact with objects that are not included in the system.

As experiments show, the following principles of invariance turn out to be valid with respect to a number of reference systems.

The principle of invariance under spatial shifts(space is homogeneous): the course of processes inside a closed physical system is not affected by its position relative to the reference body.

The principle of invariance under spatial rotations(space is isotropic): the course of processes inside a closed physical system is not affected by its orientation relative to the reference body.

The principle of invariance with respect to time shifts(time is homogeneous): the time of the beginning of the processes does not affect the flow of processes inside a closed physical system.

The principle of invariance under mirror reflections(the space is mirror-symmetric): the processes occurring in closed mirror-symmetric physical systems are themselves mirror-symmetric.

Those frames of reference with respect to which space is homogeneous, isotropic and mirror-symmetric and time is uniformly called inertial reference systems(ISO).

Newton's first law claims that ISOs exist.

There is not one, but an infinite number of ISOs. That frame of reference, which moves relative to the ISO in a straight line and uniformly, will itself be the ISO.

The principle of relativity claims that the flow of processes in a closed physical system is not affected by its rectilinear uniform motion relative to the reference frame; the laws describing the processes are the same in different ISOs; the processes themselves will be the same if the initial conditions are the same.

1.2 Basic models and sections of classical mechanics

In classical mechanics, when describing real physical systems, a number of abstract concepts are introduced that correspond to real physical objects. Such basic concepts include: a closed physical system, a material point (particle), an absolutely rigid body, a continuous medium, and a number of others.

Material point (particle)- a body whose dimensions and internal structure can be neglected when describing its movement. In addition, each particle is characterized by its specific set of parameters - mass, electric charge. The model of a material point does not consider the structural internal characteristics of particles: moment of inertia, dipole moment, intrinsic moment (spin), etc. The position of a particle in space is characterized by three numbers (coordinates) or a radius vector (Fig. 1.1).

Absolutely rigid body

A system of material points, the distances between which do not change during their movement;

A body whose deformations can be neglected.

A real physical process is considered as a continuous sequence of elementary events.

elementary event is a phenomenon with zero spatial extent and zero duration (for example, a bullet hitting a target). The event is characterized by four numbers - coordinates; three spatial coordinates (or radius - vector) and one time coordinate: . In this case, the motion of a particle is represented as a continuous sequence of the following elementary events: the passage of a particle through a given point in space at a given time.

The law of motion of a particle is considered given if the dependence of the radius-vector of the particle (or its three coordinates) on time is known:

Depending on the type of objects being studied, classical mechanics is subdivided into the mechanics of particles and systems of particles, the mechanics of an absolutely rigid body, and the mechanics of continuous media (mechanics of elastic bodies, hydromechanics, aeromechanics).

According to the nature of the tasks to be solved, classical mechanics is divided into kinematics, dynamics and statics. Kinematics studies the mechanical movement of particles without taking into account the causes that cause a change in the nature of the movement of particles (forces). The law of motion of the particles of the system is considered given. According to this law, velocities, accelerations, trajectories of the particles of the system are determined in kinematics. Dynamics considers the mechanical movement of particles, taking into account the causes that cause a change in the nature of the movement of particles. The forces acting between the particles of the system and on the particles of the system from bodies not included in the system are considered to be known. The nature of forces in classical mechanics is not discussed. Statics can be considered as a special case of dynamics, where the conditions of mechanical equilibrium of the particles of the system are studied.

According to the method of describing systems, mechanics is divided into Newtonian and analytical mechanics.

1.3 Event coordinate transformations

Let us consider how the coordinates of events are transformed during the transition from one IFR to another.

1. Spatial shift. In this case, the transformations look like this:

Where is the spatial shift vector, which does not depend on the event number (index a).

2. Time shift:

Where is the time shift.

3. Spatial rotation:

Where is the infinitesimal rotation vector (Fig. 1.2).

4. Time inversion (time reversal):

5. Spatial inversion (reflection at a point):

6. Galilean transformations. We consider the transformation of the coordinates of events during the transition from one IFR to another, which moves relative to the first one in a straight line and uniformly with a speed (Fig. 1.3):

Where is the second ratio postulated(!) and expresses the absoluteness of time.

Differentiating with respect to time the right and left parts of the transformation of spatial coordinates, taking into account the absolute character of time, using the definition speed, as a derivative of the radius-vector with respect to time, the condition that =const, we obtain the classical law of addition of velocities

Here we should pay special attention to the fact that when deriving the last relation necessary take into account the postulate of the absolute character of time.

Rice. 1.2 Fig. 1.3

Differentiating with respect to time again using the definition acceleration, as a derivative of the speed with respect to time, we get that the acceleration is the same with respect to different ISOs (invariant with respect to the Galilean transformations). This statement mathematically expresses the principle of relativity in classical mechanics.

From a mathematical point of view, transformations 1-6 form a group. Indeed, this group contains a single transformation - an identical transformation corresponding to the absence of a transition from one system to another; for each of transformations 1-6 there is an inverse transformation that takes the system to its original state. The operation of multiplication (composition) is introduced as a successive application of the corresponding transformations. It should be especially noted that the group of rotation transformations does not obey the commutative (permutation) law, i.e. is non-abelian. The complete transformation group 1-6 is called the Galilean transformation group.

1.4 Vectors and scalars

Vector a physical quantity is called, which is transformed as the radius vector of a particle and is characterized by its numerical value and direction in space. With respect to the spatial inversion operation, vectors are divided into true(polar) and pseudovectors(axial). With spatial inversion, the true vector changes its sign, the pseudovector does not change.

Scalars characterized only by their numerical value. With respect to the spatial inversion operation, scalars are divided into true and pseudoscalars. With spatial inversion, the true scalar does not change, the pseudoscalar changes its sign.

Examples. Radius vector, velocity, particle acceleration are true vectors. The vectors of the angle of rotation, angular velocity, angular acceleration are pseudovectors. The vector product of two true vectors is a pseudovector, the vector product of a true vector and a pseudovector is a true vector. The scalar product of two true vectors is a true scalar, a true vector times a pseudovector is a pseudoscalar.

It should be noted that in a vector or scalar equality on the right and on the left there must be terms of the same nature with respect to the spatial inversion operation: true scalars or pseudoscalars, true vectors or pseudovectors.

Mechanics is a branch of physics that studies one of the simplest and most general forms of motion in nature, called mechanical motion.

mechanical movement consists in changing the position of bodies or their parts relative to each other over time. So mechanical movement is made by planets circulating in closed orbits around the Sun; various bodies moving on the surface of the Earth; electrons moving under the influence of an electromagnetic field, etc. Mechanical motion is present in other more complex forms of matter as an integral but not exhaustive part.

Depending on the nature of the objects being studied, mechanics is subdivided into the mechanics of a material point, the mechanics of a solid body, and the mechanics of a continuum.

The principles of mechanics were first formulated by I. Newton (1687) on the basis of an experimental study of the motion of macrobodies with small velocities compared to the speed of light in vacuum (3·10 8 m/s).

macrobodies called ordinary bodies that surround us, that is, bodies consisting of a huge number of molecules and atoms.

The mechanics that studies the motion of macrobodies with velocities much lower than the speed of light in vacuum is called classical.

Classical mechanics is based on the following Newton's ideas about the properties of space and time.

Any physical process takes place in space and time. This can be seen at least from the fact that in all areas of physical phenomena, each law explicitly or implicitly contains space-time quantities - distances and time intervals.

A space that has three dimensions obeys Euclidean geometry, that is, it is flat.

Distances are measured by scales, the main property of which is that two scales that once coincided in length always remain equal to each other, that is, they coincide with each subsequent overlay.

Time intervals are measured by hours, and the role of the latter can be played by any system that performs a repeating process.

The main feature of the ideas of classical mechanics about the size of bodies and time intervals is their absoluteness: the scale always has the same length, no matter how it moves relative to the observer; two clocks having the same rate and once brought into line with each other show the same time, no matter how they move.

Space and time have remarkable properties symmetry that impose restrictions on the flow of certain processes in them. These properties have been established by experience and seem so obvious at first glance that there seems to be no need to single them out and deal with them. Meanwhile, if there were no spatial and temporal symmetry, no physical science could arise or develop.

It turns out that the space uniformly and isotropically, and the time is uniformly.

The homogeneity of space lies in the fact that the same physical phenomena under the same conditions occur in the same way in different parts of space. All points of space, therefore, are completely indistinguishable, equal in rights, and any of them can be taken as the origin of the coordinate system. The homogeneity of space is manifested in the law of conservation of momentum.

Space also has isotropy: the same properties in all directions. The isotropy of space is manifested in the law of conservation of angular momentum.

The homogeneity of time lies in the fact that all moments of time are also equal, equivalent, that is, the course of identical phenomena in the same conditions is the same, regardless of the time of their implementation and observation.

The homogeneity of time is manifested in the law of conservation of energy.

Without these homogeneity properties, the physical law established in Minsk would be unfair in Moscow, and the law discovered today in the same place could be unfair tomorrow.

In classical mechanics, the validity of the Galileo-Newton law of inertia is recognized, according to which a body that is not subject to action from other bodies moves in a straight line and uniformly. This law asserts the existence of inertial frames of reference in which Newton's laws (as well as Galileo's principle of relativity) hold. Galileo's principle of relativity states, that all inertial frames of reference are mechanically equivalent to each other, all the laws of mechanics are the same in these frames of reference, or, in other words, they are invariant with respect to the Galilean transformations expressing the space-time connection of any event in different inertial frames of reference. Galilean transformations show that the coordinates of any event are relative, that is, they have different values ​​in different reference systems; the instants of time when the event occurred are the same in different systems. The latter means that time flows in the same way in different frames of reference. This circumstance seemed so obvious that it was not even mentioned as a special postulate.

In classical mechanics, the principle of long-range action is observed: the interactions of bodies propagate instantly, that is, at an infinitely high speed.

Depending on the speed with which bodies move and what are the sizes of the bodies themselves, mechanics is divided into classical, relativistic, and quantum.

As already mentioned, laws classical mechanics are applicable only to the motion of macrobodies, the mass of which is much greater than the mass of an atom, at low speeds compared to the speed of light in vacuum.

Relativistic mechanics considers the motion of macrobodies with velocities close to the speed of light in vacuum.

Quantum mechanics- mechanics of microparticles moving at speeds much lower than the speed of light in vacuum.

Relativistic quantum mechanics - the mechanics of microparticles moving at speeds approaching the speed of light in a vacuum.

To determine whether a particle belongs to macroscopic ones, whether classical formulas are applicable to it, one must use Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. According to quantum mechanics, real particles can only be characterized in terms of position and momentum with some accuracy. The limit of this accuracy is defined as follows

ΔX - coordinate uncertainty;
ΔP x - uncertainty of the projection on the momentum axis;
h - Planck's constant, equal to 1.05·10 -34 J·s;
"≥" - more than a value, of the order of ...

Replacing momentum with the product of mass times velocity, we can write

It can be seen from the formula that the smaller the mass of a particle, the less certain its coordinates and speed become. For macroscopic bodies, the practical applicability of the classical method of describing motion is beyond doubt. Suppose, for example, that we are talking about the movement of a ball with a mass of 1 g. Usually, the position of the ball can practically be determined with an accuracy of a tenth or a hundredth of a millimeter. In any case, it hardly makes sense to talk about an error in determining the position of the ball, which is smaller than the dimensions of the atom. Let us therefore ΔX=10 -10 m. Then from the uncertainty relation we find

The simultaneous smallness of the values ​​ΔX and ΔV x is the proof of the practical applicability of the classical method of describing the motion of macrobodies.

Consider the motion of an electron in a hydrogen atom. The mass of an electron is 9.1 10 -31 kg. The error in the position of the electron ΔX in any case should not exceed the dimensions of the atom, that is, ΔX<10 -10 м. Но тогда из соотношения неопределенностей получаем

This value is even greater than the speed of an electron in an atom, which is equal in order of magnitude to 10 6 m/s. In this situation, the classical picture of movement loses all meaning.

Mechanics are divided into kinematics, statics and dynamics. Kinematics describes the movement of bodies without being interested in the causes that caused this movement; statics considers the conditions for the equilibrium of bodies; dynamics studies the movement of bodies in connection with those causes (interactions between bodies) that determine one or another character of movement.

The real movements of bodies are so complex that, when studying them, it is necessary to abstract from details that are not essential for the movement under consideration (otherwise the problem would become so complicated that it would be practically impossible to solve it). For this purpose, concepts (abstractions, idealizations) are used, the applicability of which depends on the specific nature of the problem of interest to us, as well as on the degree of accuracy with which we want to obtain the result. Among these concepts, the most important are the concepts material point, system of material points, absolutely rigid body.

A material point is a physical concept that describes the translational motion of a body, if only its linear dimensions are small in comparison with the linear dimensions of other bodies within the given accuracy of determining the body coordinate, moreover, the body mass is attributed to it.

In nature, material points do not exist. One and the same body, depending on the conditions, can be considered either as a material point or as a body of finite dimensions. Thus, the Earth moving around the Sun can be considered a material point. But when studying the rotation of the Earth around its axis, it can no longer be considered a material point, since the nature of this movement is significantly influenced by the shape and size of the Earth, and the path traveled by any point on the earth's surface in a time equal to the period of its revolution around its axis, we compare with the linear dimensions of the globe. An aircraft can be considered as a material point if we study the movement of its center of mass. But if it is necessary to take into account the influence of the environment or determine the forces in individual parts of the aircraft, then we must consider the aircraft as an absolutely rigid body.

An absolutely rigid body is a body whose deformations can be neglected under the conditions of a given problem.

The system of material points is a set of bodies under consideration, which are material points.

The study of the motion of an arbitrary system of bodies is reduced to the study of a system of interacting material points. It is natural, therefore, to begin the study of classical mechanics with the mechanics of one material point, and then proceed to the study of a system of material points.