An aimless life and no purpose. Problems with goals

Today is an exact copy of the previous one - the desired result for some and a terrible torment for others. In the realities of the modern world, life without goals, constant tasks is almost impossible, therefore the image of today's person is a person striving for self-development and constant achievement of something. But what about those who are not used to setting themselves some tasks, because such a person feels comfortable just going with the flow.

A clear plan or constant improvisation?

Ancient practices say that the main goal of a person is to live in harmony with himself and nature, not seeking to subdue or achieve anything other than self-understanding. This view of the world is shared by only a minority of the world's population. Technological progress, megacities - such a pace of life does not allow the majority to succumb to the flow, today's man grew up with the idea of ​​​​achieving certain, individual heights. But whether it is worth chasing them, everyone decides for himself.

  • Lack of purpose - harmony. This is perhaps the smallest sample of people who have learned to get along with themselves and the world. For such a person, the goal is equated with the frame from which he seeks to escape.
  • Convenience in the absence of a goal. Such people are most often of a creative warehouse, for them improvisation is the best that can be, because this is how they can feel life and realize themselves.
  • A feigned lack of purpose. These people are pathological victims, seeking to be pitied. The constant search for oneself, which never turns into action, "loss of the taste of life." Such a person actually unconsciously adheres to a clearly set goal, but his life is often boring and monotonous.
  • A robot man or a resident of a metropolis, one whose diary is scheduled literally by seconds. The motto of such a representative is “Life suffocates without a purpose” and his life, unlike the previous type, is never boring. The main thing in the bustle of the days of such a person is to find the line when you need to stop and make a pit stop. It is the search for such a facet that is the weak point.
  • Laziness is the head of everything. Preferential type at the moment. Such a person has a million thoughts, ideas, goals in his head, but he never has time to implement them, because he is busy with other things that, in fact, have no meaning. Due to its prevalence, this type even received its own definition in psychology - a procrastinator.
  • Harmony of purpose. This type delights, because it was he, like the first, who found himself, only in this case in planning and achieving goals. He is not afraid of improvisation, he does not always live by a notebook, but at the same time he manages to do everything and intuitively feels the moment to relax.

Based on the types presented, we can conclude that for the majority, the goal is a guarantee that life will not be boring and monotonous.

Lack of purpose is not always bad. But if you feel that it becomes uncomfortable in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, set a cherished goal and life will change!

  1. The goal is aspiration. If you constantly retreat and cannot achieve your goals, then some psychologists advise starting with small achievements and gradually moving on to larger ones. But most experts say that it is necessary to immediately find a goal that will make you go forward like a cherished star. Motivation is the key to success.
  2. Paper and pen. Be sure to write down your "cherished star" and draw up a rough plan of action.
  3. Pros. Until you put down the pen, write down the benefits that you will get by achieving what you want.
  4. Positive moments are great, but it is also worth prescribing possible difficulties. Thus, with a high probability, you will be able to avoid them.
  5. Deadline. Designate the extreme point to which you will definitely get what you are striving for.
  6. Psychology has proven the success of visualization. Therefore, imagine as vividly as possible how you have already achieved your cherished goal, what you feel, how you look, as many details as possible. Try to believe and live this moment.
  7. Give up the opportunity to retreat. Experts advise using the contract method by writing your goal on paper, points 3,4,5 and the fact that you will definitely reach the end, seal it with a signature and you will not have a step back. When you achieve what you want, such a paper will be one of the many reasons for pride.

These points will surely lead you to success, because, as studies show, it is the achievement of the set goals that is one of the guarantees of happiness and attracting positive moments in life. And a happy person cannot but be successful, his life will definitely not be boring.

Not so long ago I came across a book "Life Without Purpose" American author named Stephen M. Shapiro. This book provides an alternative perspective on personal development and goal setting.

Have you ever heard the question that is now so popular in various personal effectiveness trainings: “Where do you see yourself in five years?”? Have you set your expectations for yourself? Painted a five-year plan for years, months, weeks? If not, did you at least feel guilty for not being able to force yourself to live the way smart people say? :)

If something is important enough to you, you will make time for it and make it a high enough priority. Trying your hand at everything - it's so easy to become the Jack of all trades and the master of none. When we spread our attention, energy and focus on many things, we sometimes fail to hone our skills and knowledge in the area that we would most thrive on and that is best for us.

Problems with goals

It's important for us to find out what we're really good at, passionate about, and most of them have to do and focus on and improve on. Crying wolf too often - the more we talk about the things we want to do but can't do, the more we not only lose credit with others, but mostly with ourselves. We need to learn to walk more than talk and expend our energy doing things rather than talking about them. As the saying goes, let the results speak for themselves and your actions speak.

The author of the book “Life without goals” believes that the approach practiced by modern people to setting and achieving goals, although it allows you to achieve what you want, it would be foolish to deny it, but it brings many problems.

To illustrate that subjugation of oneself to goals is a pernicious thing, the book provides very revealing statistics, for example:

Don't Settle on a Certain Result

Lack of a plan. When we don't plan, we plan to fail. How do you plan to achieve your goal? What action do you need to take? Describe it and get a clear strategy. Having a plan will give us direction, allow us to better set our priorities, and also ensure that we stay on track to achieve our goals. Without one, you will run like a headless chicken and sometimes lead to failure.

A few questions from readers

Not done - you know what you're talking about! This is a diet that started with the best of intentions on a Monday but ends the same day as your employee walks into the office with a box of donuts. "I don't want to hurt her, I'll just have one and start the diet tomorrow," you say.

    41% of Americans say that having achieved their goal in life, they did not feel happier, but experienced disappointment. They even talk about it wealthiest people;

    almost one in five Americans have lost a friend, a loved one, a family, having directed all their efforts only to achieve their goal;

    36% of Americans admit that the more goals they set for themselves, the more stress they experience;

    If no one is going after you completely for what you need to do, there will always be reasons and excuses that can undermine you or cause you to delay the actions you need to take to support your goals. Not having a deadline. Having a deadline causes a person to become more focused and disciplined and creates a sense of urgency; factors that make a person behave and care about their goals.

    When something is open and there is not enough time frame in which to succeed, they are sometimes pushed into the background; this often results in procrastination and sometimes results in things not working out at all. Quit when the going gets tough. Nothing is worth making it easy. Some goals will indeed require our blood, sweat or tears. We live in an age that promotes instant gratification and discourages persistence, and going out is often seen as an option.

    76% of respondents say that, despite all their successes, they often feel that something is missing in life.

From myself I will add that America, and there is no secret in this, sets records for the consumption of various kinds of antidepressants.

Why did I decide to write about this book on my blog? Reading the book, I never ceased to feel that everything that was written in it was very familiar to me, but only presented in a different way. By and large, we are talking about the theme of "here and now", which has become popular in the West under the influence of the ideas of Eastern philosophy. Only here this topic is disclosed from the practical side - this is the main, in my opinion, the value of the book. At one time, the author went on a trip to the United States and interviewed 150 people who are very successful in their field, sharing the principle of life without goals. The stories of these people, along with the story of the author himself, formed the basis of the book.

There is no such thing as overnight success; diligence, dedication and discipline are essential if we are to achieve your goals or change our lives. We must also be willing to put in the time. To be successful, you must know what you want, set goals, and work towards those goals. Success can only be determined personally. What is successful for one person may not be successful for another.

Your definition of success is determined by your values ​​and beliefs. Once you know what you want out of life, there is a common set of skills that can be applied to achieve those goals, whether you want to become a member of a national culinary team, own a restaurant, or teach cooking in a developing country.

So, Stephen Shapiro suggests building your life in such a way that you enjoy living every moment. To do this, it is necessary to give up setting goals no less. How can this be done practically? The author formulated eight secrets of life without goals:

1. Use a compass, not a map

It makes sense to choose direction movement, but not the end goal. How to choose a direction? Not at all for reasons of rationality / expediency, which only inspire boredom. Not guided by the advice of others from the series “no matter how it happened” or “everyone does it that way”. You will be prompted by your spiritual aspirations, your skills and your values.

Once you complete your apprenticeship, there are many career paths available to you. You might want to open your own restaurant, which could mean saving money to buy and develop real estate. You will also have to acquire business management skills. You can work in large hotels, working your way through various positions and properties to become a chef. You may aspire to be an educator, cater at a client's home or film locations, or work in an institution such as a hospital or a ferry.

Other people are happy to work under a famous chef or in a particular restaurant chain. It all depends on what you want from your job and from life. Goal setting gives your life direction. Goals give you something to work with and provide a sense of accomplishment. While these books focus on work-related tasks, the same process can be used to set and achieve goals in any area of ​​your life. Of course, once you've set a goal, that doesn't mean you have to follow the path hard.

2. Don't be afraid to get lost

There are no right or wrong decisions in life. Since the present moment is important, life is more gaining experience. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with making a suboptimal decision. When you need to make some seemingly important choice in life, there is no point in torturing yourself with long reflections on this matter.

Opportunities can often arise that create a means to shorten your path or change direction. For example, the bankruptcy of the restaurant you work at or a shortage of work may lead you to create your own work or change the direction of your career.

What you want in life depends on what you value and believe in. The first step in setting goals is to think about what is important to you. If you simply base your goals on what others want or think is important, you cannot be happy even if you achieve those goals. Your choices and decisions should be based on what you think, feel and believe.

3. Opportunities often knock on the door, but sometimes the knock is hard to hear.

Subordinating oneself to some goal obviously means that a person cuts off other opportunities for growth and development.

4. Love what you have

People who are dissatisfied with the present obviously live either in the past (regretting something) or in the future (fearing something or vice versa, subjugating themselves to something in the future). Living in the present means appreciating this present.

Your values ​​and beliefs come from your family and your experiences in the world. For example, if you come from a close and loving family where parents and children spend a lot of time together, you are likely to place a high value on family time. You can also develop this value if you feel like you missed that closeness as a child.

What community participation do you choose. How much leisure do you want. How important is religion?, altruism and spirituality to your life.

  • Where do you want to live?
  • What hours do you want to work.
  • How much money do you want to have.
  • What kind of family life do you want.
  • What job and responsibilities do you want.
These factors, in turn, will determine what type of work you want. For example, some people are willing to work long, hard hours at a remote mountain camp away from friends and family in order to make more money and spend time in a remote wilderness.

5. Seek adventure

As soon as we are invited to refuse to submit ourselves to goals, then life, according to the author, should turn into an adventure. I completely agree with him: in life, the process is more important than the result.

6. Become a magnet that draws people to you.

Every meeting, every conversation is an opportunity to meet a person who will change your life.

Note that there is rarely a way to have it all. You must prioritize by deciding which values ​​are more important than others. Sometimes these decisions are long-term. A person whose long-term goals include making money and spending time hiking and fishing may spend many seasons working in a remote environment.

For others, these goals may be short-term decisions that form a stepping stone towards another goal. For example, an attractive salary at an oil drilling camp may allow a person to save enough money to open a bistro or cafe. This person may wish to spend two or three seasons working at the camp, saving as much as possible.

7. Recognize your limitations

The author encourages you to accept your shortcomings and limitations and stop trying to seem like someone you are not. Very valuable advice in terms of building harmonious relationships with others.

8. Don't set yourself up for a certain outcome.

Emotional independence should be maintained - no need to worry about whether it is possible in principle to achieve what you are attracted to. According to the author, and I agree with him again, this secret is the most difficult to follow. In Eastern philosophy, it is believed that non-attachment to the result is, in general, one of the main keys to a successful life.

Before you continue, think about your values ​​and beliefs. What are your priorities in life? What is your current situation? What are your current responsibilities? Goals are statements about what you want to achieve, do or be. For example, "I want to qualify as a chef in the kitchen within the next seven years" is a realistic goal for those completing a chef's degree program. At the end of seven years, you will be able to know whether you have achieved this goal or not. Whether the goal is realistic depends on your situation.

For example, if you haven't completed high school or started an apprenticeship, this goal may not be realistic. “I want to live in a beautiful place” is not a measurable goal. You didn't say when you want to reach this goal, be it city or town, house or apartment. Does this statement mean that you own the place? You can't tell by the way it's worded. The more specific you are about your goals, the more likely you are to achieve them.

Here are the secrets. In the book they are revealed in sufficient detail, and all this is illustrated by the experience of various people.

All eight secrets come down, in my opinion, to one idea - that you need to live in the present moment, without being attached to the result of your activity. Not attached to tomorrow, to plans, to goals. By the way, as I recently did, this approach to life is quite natural for children.

Factors hindering the establishment and achievement of goals. At first, thought, lack of money, education, and time seem to be important factors that prevent people from reaching their goals. However, the success of some people who lack all of these things and have family responsibilities also suggests that other factors are more important. The most important factors that prevent people from achieving their goals are fear of failure, lack of self-esteem, fear of lack of other opportunities, and lack of confidence in their ability to achieve their goals.

By the way, how can you tell if you are maintaining detachment? By the absence of negative emotions and, accordingly, by the presence of positive emotions. For example, you calmly accept the situation when the goal is not achieved. Or when someone has achieved more than you. Or when reaching a goal took more time/effort. Well, or, finally, you hold back your inner jubilation when your neighbor's cow died :)

The key to achieving goals is to first set a goal that you really want: a goal that you are passionate about and willing to work towards. You must believe that you can achieve your goals. There is no point in setting an unattainable goal. You need to have a time frame to achieve your goals. You must recognize that you need the support of others to achieve your goal. This may include your friends and family. You also need to accept that some people won't be supportive and find ways to minimize your interaction with them.

In general, it is appropriate to note that goalaholics, as S. Shapiro calls them, are people who have the achievement of goals in their subcortex. A person who is too serious in life is, after all, a celebrity. As well as a person of principle, tough, boring, irreconcilable. As well as a lover of advice or, God forbid, someone who will break into a cake, but will make you be happy.

Lack of time is a common complaint and a common excuse for not meeting goals. Everyone has only 24 hours a day. Some people have better time management skills. This allows them to do more in one day than others can accomplish. Everyone finds time for the things that matter most to them. If you find lack of time a problem, consider how you manage your time. Do you prioritize your time? Could you delegate some of the responsibilities to others?

Are there any things you could put off or delay in order to reach your goals? Obviously, some people have more obligations than others. Some people also have lower energy levels or a higher need for sleep than others. This may mean that they must allow more time to achieve the same goals or find other ways to achieve those goals. For example, you can only attend one course per year, as opposed to two or three full-time jobs if you are also a full parent.

To sum it up: I think Life without Purposes is a great inspirational read, especially for those who are thinking it's time to make a big change in their lives.

Will you succeed? Don't know. It seems to me that this requires a certain transformation of the mind (that part that is called the subconscious) and just reading one book may not be enough. But, in any case, reading, I'm sure, will be at least fascinating.

Good luck with your life without goals! :)

P.S. An illustration from my latest experience: since I liked the book, I apparently subconsciously set myself the goal of writing it so that everyone would like it. As a result, the first version of this note turned out to be somehow boring and intrusive. I had to abandon the goal - the fuss in the text seems to have become smaller

Translation of an article from

“I can do nothing with the past, as well as with the future. I live now."Ralph Waldo Emerson

The idea that a person should have specific, achievable goals is firmly rooted in our culture. I know I have lived with goals for many years, and in fact, many of my articles are about how to set goals and achieve them.

Now, though, I live without goals, for the most part. This gives you complete freedom and, contrary to what you may have been taught, it absolutely does not mean that you stop achieving something.

This means that you stop limiting yourself to goals.

Consider this conventional wisdom: "." It seems so reasonable, and yet it's obviously not true if you stop thinking like that. Set up a simple experiment: go outside and walk in any direction, and don't be afraid to change direction periodically. In 20 minutes, an hour… You will be somewhere! You just didn't know you were on your way to get there.

And here's the catch: you have to free your mind in order to go where you didn't expect to go. If you live without goals, you are exploring new territory. You will learn unexpected things. You go to amazing places. This is the beauty of this philosophy, but it is also a complex transformation.

Now I live with almost no goals. Sometimes they appear, but I let them go. Life without goals has never been a goal for me. It's just what I learn, what I enjoy, what liberates. It fits in with my lifestyle of following my passions.

Problems with goals

In the past, I set myself one or three goals for the year, and then sub-goals for each month. Then I decided what actions I should take every week and every day, and tried to focus my day on these actions.

Unfortunately, it never goes so smoothly. And everyone knows it. You know you need to work on the next step and try to keep the end goal in mind to motivate yourself. But this step can scare you so much that you procrastinate. And you do something else, or check your mail, or Facebook, or goof off.

As a result, your weekly and monthly goals are pushed back or thrown aside, and you lose confidence in yourself because you are so undisciplined. And the goals are too hard to achieve. And now what? So, you review your goals and set new ones. You create new subgoals and action plans. You know where you are going because you have goals!

Of course, everything will not end with the fact that you will come to the goal. Sometimes you reach it and feel great. But more often than not, this is not the case, and you blame yourself for everything.

I'll tell you a secret: the problem is not with you, but with the system! Goals are a system that is doomed to failure.

Even if you do everything right, it won't work out perfectly. Here's why: you are overly limited in what you can do. When you don't feel like doing something, you have to force yourself. The path is chosen so that there is no room for exploration of new territories. You need to stick to the plan, even if you are drawn to something else.

Some goal systems are more flexible, but nothing is more flexible than having no goals.

How it works

So what does life look like without goals? In practice, it is very different from living with them.

You don't set goals for a year, a month, a week, or a day. You are not obsessed with following a course or taking action. You don't even need an action plan, although it doesn't hurt to write a couple of reminders if you need to.

So what are you doing? Lying on the couch all day, sleeping, watching TV and eating cake? No, you just do. You find what interests you and you do it. Just because you don't have goals doesn't mean you don't do anything - you can create, you can produce, you can follow your passions.

And in practice, it's wonderful: you wake up and do what fascinates you. For me it's usually, but it could be writing a novel, or my next book, or creating a course to help others, or meeting great people, spending time with my wife, or playing with my kids. There are no rules because I am free.

As a result, I get more than if I had goals, because I always do something that interests me. But whether or not I achieve anything doesn't matter: all that matters is what I do, what I love, all the time.

I find myself in places that are beautiful, amazing, amazing. I just didn't know I was going to be there when I started doing something.

Keys to life without goals

I'm not going to give you guides to a life without goals - that would be absurd. I can't tell you what to do - you have to find your own way.

  • Start small. You do not need to radically rebuild your life in order to learn how to live without goals. Start with a few hours without predefined goals and activities. Follow your hobbies during this time. Even an hour will be enough.
  • Grow. Once you get the hang of it, start allowing yourself longer periods—half a day, or a full day, or a few days. Eventually, you will feel confident enough to leave some goals behind and just do what you enjoy.
  • Not only work. Goallessness works in every area of ​​life. Take health and fitness: I used to have specific goals, from losing weight to running a marathon to getting more squats. No more: now I do it simply because I love it and I have no idea where it will take me. And it works great because I enjoy it J
  • Step back from the plan. Plans are not so different from goals. They put you on a predetermined path. But it's incredibly hard to stop living according to a plan, especially if you're a meticulous pedant like me. So give yourself permission to plan when you feel like you need to. But, little by little, get rid of this habit.
  • Don't worry about mistakes. If you start setting goals, that's fine. There are no mistakes on this journey - it's just a learning experience. If you live without goals and fail, ask yourself, is it really a failure? You only fail if you are not where you wanted to go - but if you don't have a destination in mind, there is no failure.
  • Everything is fine. No matter which path you find, no matter where you come from, it's beautiful. There are no bad paths, no bad directions. They are just different, and the difference is amazing. Do not judge, but experience.

And finally

always remember: travel is everything. The destination is not important.

“A good traveler does not have precise plans and intentions to get somewhere”

The 80/20 Rule (Pareto's Law)

For example, Ivanov's main task is to keep accounts, but he does not...

A little motivation

Now excuses will begin again: - I want to open my own business ... You ...

Psychologists and business coaches unanimously say that it is necessary to set and achieve goals in life. Not everyone succeeds. Moreover, some do not understand what all this is for. So, if you tried in vain to achieve something, then you made a mistake - you did not bring the task of moving towards the goal to the fore. Let's see why you need to have a goal in life. We will tell you about what it will give you and why an aimless existence is dangerous.

Purpose is part of the meaning of life

Everyone is looking for the meaning of life and their place in this world. Lack of purpose gives the impression of the futility of existence on this planet. And it is extremely important for a person to realize his own significance. Otherwise he will be unhappy. If a person has clear goals, then he has a place to move, and he clearly understands the meaning of life. Plan everything thoroughly and you will feel that you are not living in vain.

The presence of a goal saturates with a deep meaning everything to the smallest detail in life. The whole charm is that a person perceives as satisfaction not only the very fact of getting what he wants, but also experiences tremendous pleasure in the process. Therefore, he is happy in his work on himself and moving towards achievements. Serious goal-setting is something that everyone must go through, since this factor gives many gifts of fate and causes a sea of ​​vivid emotions.

Purpose helps you control what happens

Our life is like a huge turbulent river. And the mission of a person can be compared with a ferry from one coast to another. A man without a goal goes into the unknown and floats chaotically on the waves, waiting for where fate will take him. He believes that he is at the mercy of external factors, and he himself prefers to do nothing.

A purposeful person confidently travels from one coast to another. Despite the storm, a person will strive to swim across the river - try and show strength, swim against the current, think over his path and possible risks, row hard with oars and hands.

Purposefulness is a way of self-expression

A person who cannot find and express himself in life in any way suffers greatly from this, as he feels himself inferior. In fact, everyone has hidden talents, they just need to be awakened and worked hard in the right direction. Then you can become successful in any field. A person who chooses existence without a goal prefers to deal with everyday problems and does not dare to do extraordinary things, so he may never know about his huge potential.

As soon as a goal appears, a person can break out of the gray monotonous everyday life, he leaves the comfort zone and works tirelessly to get what he wants. If you want to get what you never had, you will have to perform unusual actions, learn new knowledge and skills, be ready for pronounced changes and development. This way you can open up and explore yourself better.

if a person has clear goals, then he feels the meaning of life, controls what is happening, can express himself and be effective in various areas, is self-confident, has inspiration and a good mood

A purposeful person is effective

Train yourself to clearly set and be sure to achieve goals - from small to large. In this case, you will become as productive as possible. As soon as you understand what you really want, then a plan of action will gradually be created in your mind. Try to divide complex tasks into several small parts to make it easier to move to the finish line.

It is important to set not only long-term, but also short-term goals. Think about what you can do immediately to be successful. When you start moving according to step-by-step instructions, life's difficulties will be invisible. The habit of going to the goal increases the effectiveness of the individual in various areas of life.

Having a goal gives you confidence

Many people deprive themselves of the benefits of life from self-doubt and lack of self-confidence. They become insecure for various reasons, but it is possible to improve their mood. If you learn to quickly recognize, formulate and achieve goals, you will absolutely acquire many positive qualities.

A very useful habit is to write down all your achievements in a diary, draw up graphs and fill out tables. Looking at this data, you will not doubt yourself and will feel important and strong. Fixing your plans and victories allows you to analyze actions and, if necessary, rebuild your strategy.

Great if you use coaching. The support of a specialist motivates, helps to believe in oneself and significantly raise self-esteem. A self-confident person knows what he wants and will never leave what he has started in the middle of the road. Your merits will definitely be noted by others, and this is a strong reason for self-confidence and healthy self-esteem.

Purpose gives inspiration

If you give up and do not want anything, do not succumb to apathy and depression. You need to find something that inspires you and fills you with vitality. Purpose will help you live and work in peace. When a person moves towards the cherished final reward, he gets pleasure already in the process, he is constantly in an upbeat creative mood, it is pleasant to communicate with him.

Purposeful people are satisfied with life

Without goal setting, it is difficult to be satisfied with your life. Work on yourself and see that you can achieve anything in life, you have enough strength. When a person moves towards a goal, he does not notice the negative and is completely satisfied with his own life.

That a purpose in life helps you feel the pleasure of your existence is not just words, but the result of research. For example, look at athletic and fit people - their lives are good.

When a person knows what he wants, the impossible is possible for him. Start setting goals and you will be able to believe in your unlimited possibilities. It is very important to draw up a plan correctly, act clearly and not lose faith in a brilliant result.

Reasons for failure: lack of purpose.Unbelievable, but true: many people do not know that there is a concept of "goal", just as they do not understand how important its role is in the process of achieving the desired. Planning is a necessary thing both in everyday life and in the workplace. You know, there are only two ways to shop: either go to the store with a list of what you need in your hands to get exactly what you need, or go randomly, and then, be sure, under the influence of persuasion rushing from all sides, you will get a lot of unnecessary rubbish, even spending what served as an emergency reserve. It is the same with holidays: when planning a route, we try to schedule it in such a way that we don’t get bored even for a short time. So, the goals are our ideas that we want and try to implement. And this is not an ordinary desire, this is a dream come true. Lack of purpose is like football without the obligatory rolling of the ball into the goal.

Individuals refuse to have a goal for fear that they may fail to achieve it, or that others will misunderstand such a goal, or that someone will mock both the idea and the performer. Fear takes root, and to overcome it, you need to learn to be silent about your goals. By the way, silence is a very good way to remain extremely honest with yourself. Often people set goals for themselves not in order to improve themselves, but solely out of a desire to impress others. If you translate the intention into phrases, then it sounds something like this: “Look at me! It doesn’t matter what I really am, the main thing is that others see me that way, ”or “Look, this is how I imagine myself” - in a word, people do not adjust the image for themselves, but themselves for the image. But goals should correspond to the end results that you are striving to achieve, and not be a list of points for yourself, the main goal of which is to impress others.

There are people who have no goals due to an acute lack of time. In fact, they simply do not have time to put them in front of them at least as a first approximation, because they are too busy making money. And, of course, there is no time to really make money! There are people who are simply afraid that they will fail, continually moaning “I can’t, I can’t!”. And behind these plaintive moans, they completely forget that failures are a necessary life experience and a very important milestone on the way to successful activity.

What is the result of not having a purpose in life?

(direction "Aims and means")

Life goes breathless without an aim.

F. M. Dostoevsky

Life is a movement along the endless road of being with the pursuit of a certain goal. Someone sets this goal clearly and achieves it, getting confused, making mistakes, suffering or rejoicing, reaching the pinnacle of truth. And someone lives life carelessly, aimlessly, without thinking about its meaning. However, both those and others sooner or later ask themselves the question “Why did I live? And for what purpose was he born? ”, Like Lermontov’s Pechorin. Then comes the comprehension of those deeds and actions that you did or did not do on the path of life.

The lack of a goal in life in all religions is considered one of the deadly sins, because it leads a person to moral and physical death: either a person burns his life (“Eugene Onegin”), or hurries to his favorite sofa to hide from worldly storms (“Oblomov” ).

In fiction, the search for the meaning of life by heroes, or the lack of such actions, is one of the main themes. No less interesting to writers is the study of the human soul in the absence of a goal in life: what are the consequences of such an existence of a personality, that is, what does it all lead to?

Here in Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Evgeny Onegin is a vivid example of such an aimless existence of a personality. And why set goals for a person who has practically “everything”: not a poor father who “gave two balls annually”, hired tutors to educate and raise his son. Yes, and uncle "on time" died, leaving Eugene a considerable legacy. Young, educated, "very nice", according to the conclusion of high society, a person. He sleeps until almost noon, "walks on the boulevard." He visits trendy restaurants and goes to the theater just to draw attention to himself - this, perhaps, is the circle of the main "occupations" of the hero. A.S. Pushkin shows what this aimless existence of the hero leads to: to apathy (spleen), to the loss of friendship (and even the unjustified murder of a friend in a duel), to the loss of true love (Tatyana Larina), and the absence of a family. And even a trip abroad does not save Onegin from mental suffering.

No less interesting in terms of research is another literary hero - Ilya Oblomov from the novel by I.A. Goncharova. His existence, as he himself explains to his friend Andrei Stolz, began “with extinction”: well, it was not customary in the Oblomov family to work, let alone set goals. Ilyusha and formed in this "Oblomov" like a chick in an egg. Even love could not lift him off the couch (Olga Ilyinskaya succeeded for a short time). Neither the family later nor

born son - nothing revived Oblomov to life, did not become the goal of existence. The writer, examining the mental state of the hero, shows the reasons for this, and most importantly, the result is death, not only mental, but also physical.

A person who does not set life goals is like an out of control boat sailing to nowhere. And there is a risk of being washed ashore or stranded. Only a conscious existence with clear goals, according to psychologist Nikolai Kozlov (the book "Correct Clear Life"), makes us get up from the couch, give up useless deeds and run to fulfill our plans and dreams. Otherwise, spiritual and physical death.

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