How to restore nerves after. How to independently restore the nervous system after stress

Nervous disorders: causes, symptoms and therapy

The constant stressful effects that a modern person experiences can not only mobilize all his abilities to solve complex problems, but also lead to a nervous breakdown. Unfortunately, under chronic stress, people rarely realize this.

Prerequisites for the development of disorders of the nervous system

The continuous increase in the frequency of occurrence of diseases of the nervous system makes us talk about the epidemic scale of the problem. Increasingly, young able-bodied people of both sexes suffer from such disorders. Doctors believe that the reason is the negative impact of the modern lifestyle, even if the patient has never received serious injuries and has not suffered serious illnesses that could provoke disorders of the central nervous system. Mental, physical and emotional overstrain is the daily reality of a metropolis inhabitant, almost inevitably leading to various nervous disorders. Up to 3% of the world's inhabitants suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder alone, and these are diagnosed cases. The actual figure will be 2-3 times higher.

Types of disorders of the nervous system

Despite the wide variety of nervous disorders, they can be divided into two large groups - neurosis and autonomic dysfunction.


These are functional disorders of the central nervous system that can be provoked and exacerbated by emotional, mental and physical overload, psychological trauma.

  • obsessive states. Another name is obsessive-compulsive disorder. They can be episodic, chronic, or progressive. Most often they suffer people with high intelligence. The essence of the disorder is the appearance of painful thoughts, memories, actions, emotional states that cannot be controlled and capture all the attention of the patient. As a result, he constantly experiences a feeling of anxiety, from which he tries to get rid of some of his own methods, most often aggravating the situation. An example is the obsessive fear of contracting infectious diseases, when a person tries by all possible means to disinfect the surrounding objects. The causes of obsessive-compulsive disorders can be heredity, past infectious diseases or their exacerbation, hormonal imbalance, sleep and wakefulness. Changes in atmospheric pressure and the change of seasons contribute to the development of obsessive states.
  • neurasthenia. Pathological conditions in which there is increased irritability, fatigue, inability to engage in mental or physical activity for a long time. All this is due to the general depression of the nervous system. Usually, neurasthenia develops after a mental trauma, accompanied by hard work, disturbed sleep and nutrition. Contributing factors in the development of neurasthenia are infections, hormonal disorders, bad habits.
  • Hysteria. A kind of neurosis, in which the demonstrative manifestations of certain emotions do not correspond to their real depth and are intended to attract attention. The causes of hysteria are a tendency to self-hypnosis and suggestion, the inability to consciously control one's behavior. According to clinical signs, hysterical behavior and hysterical seizures are distinguished. Behavioral hysteria is manifested in the constant desire of the patient to be in the center of attention, a tendency to affective actions and manifestations. A hysterical seizure is a short-term state during which the patient remains fully conscious, but may cry, laugh, fall and convulse. The duration of the seizure depends on the impression it makes on others: it will last the longer, the more people are worried. Hysteria develops after mental trauma, seizures can be triggered by any stressful effect.

Neuroses respond well to treatment, as patients retain critical thinking and realize that they need help. Personality disorders in neuroses are not observed.

Autonomic dysfunction

Often this type of nervous disorder is confused with vegetovascular dystonia, but the latter is only one of the manifestations of a nervous disease. Autonomic dysfunction occurs when the internal organs receive incorrect or irregular signals from the autonomic nervous system. This reduces the protective functions of the body, leads to a general deterioration in well-being, disrupts the functioning of internal organs. Symptoms may be similar to migraine, myocardial infarction, osteochondrosis and a number of other pathologies. Autonomic dysfunction develops due to constant stress or is provoked by them, having arisen for some other reason. Autonomic nervous disorders can be part of functional or organic lesions of the entire nervous system.

Condition symptoms

The main signs of a nervous breakdown are increased anxiety, tension, decreased performance, problems with concentration, alternation of lethargy and irritability, sudden pains of unknown origin. If you constantly observe such manifestations in yourself, you must at least reduce your stress level, and it is best to consult a specialist.

Where to go for a nervous breakdown?

Treatment of nervous disorders requires the help of a specialist: a psychologist, neurologist, neuropathologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist. Therapy should be complex, including drug and non-drug methods. It is necessary to treat first of all the cause of the nervous breakdown, only in this case the therapy will be successful. With any clinical picture, the patient is shown calmness.

Non-drug therapy

Unfortunately, magic pills for the treatment of nervous disorders have not yet been invented, and the patient has to reconsider his lifestyle for the success of the treatment.

  • Breathing exercises and health fitness. The methods of health fitness for patients with nervous disorders include yoga, swimming, callanetics. All these types of fitness help to find peace of mind. Respiratory gymnastics is distinguished by its availability at any time, it can be practiced even during the working day. Diaphragmatic breathing makes it possible to achieve calmness and concentration, helps to saturate the brain with oxygen, and contributes to the normal functioning of all body systems.
  • Physiotherapy and relaxation techniques (massage, acupuncture, hydro-, aromatherapy, etc.). These therapeutic measures are aimed at relieving muscle spasms, improving blood circulation and lymph outflow, activating digestive processes, and stimulating the immune system. During the procedures, the effects of stress are removed.
  • Changing lifestyle and nutrition. The mode of sleep and wakefulness, walks in the fresh air, food rich in protein and vitamins - all this has a beneficial effect on the depleted nervous system. With constant stress, the body experiences a severe deficiency of vitamins, which can be replenished by paying attention to your diet.

Nervous disorders are characterized by the desire of the patient to recover as soon as possible, but this only increases anxiety. Find the strength for long-term treatment will help drug therapy.

Pharmacological approach

Despite the fact that there are over-the-counter drugs on the list of drugs for patients with nervous disorders, self-medication can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, you can start taking them only in consultation with your doctor.

Preparations with a partial sedative effect. Increased anxiety is due to the release of adrenaline into the blood. Drugs such as Valocordin or Corvalol help to cope with this, which relieve anxiety and thereby reduce the load on the cardiovascular system.

Vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and homeopathy. Patients with nervous disorders need to take vitamins C and E, B vitamins, potassium, calcium and magnesium preparations. Without them, the cells do not produce enough energy, the functions of the cardiovascular system decrease, and it is difficult to achieve concentration. Often prescribed drugs "Asparkam" and "Magnelis". Homeopathic preparations Tenoten, Arsenicum Album, Aurum Metallic, Gelsemium, Stress-Gran, bioactive supplements "Mystic", "Hyper", "Passilat", "Revien" and many others act without side effects and are well-known means for relieving the effects of stress among an easily suggestible population, although their therapeutic effect has never been confirmed by any research.

Herbal medicines. Traditional medicine has its own recipes for dealing with stress. One of them is soothing herbal teas from chamomile, motherwort, St. John's wort, passionflower, valerian root. The properties of various herbs were also used in the creation of such preparations as Novo-Passit, Persen and many others. It should be remembered that these drugs may have contraindications and side effects (for example, cause drowsiness).

Prescription drugs. In severe cases of nervous disorders, potent drugs are prescribed, which are available only by prescription. These are tranquilizers and antidepressants - Tazepam, Phenazepam, Amitriptyline, Desipramine and others. They have a number of side effects (for example, the strongest addiction) and contraindications, so they are selected individually and taken strictly under medical supervision.

OTC drugs with a complex therapeutic effect. An example of such a drug is Afobazole. It not only reduces the level of anxiety, tension, irritability, but also helps to eliminate vegetative and somatic manifestations of stress, and also has a slight stimulating effect on the nervous system, which is expressed in improved mood. Taking the drug does not cause drowsiness, weakness, does not reduce concentration.

Expert opinion: a representative of the manufacturing company talks about the drug "Afobazol"

“The action of Afobazole is aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the nervous system. As a result of clinical studies, it was found that while taking Afobazole, 78% of patients showed a decrease in irritability and an increase in mood, 70% felt less tired and more efficient. In general, taking the drug helps to reduce the level of anxiety, normalize the emotional background. Strength and self-confidence appear again. "Afobazol" does not give significant side effects. The therapeutic effect develops from 5-7 days of admission. At the end of therapy, there is no withdrawal syndrome - this is very important. is an inexpensive, popular over-the-counter remedy.”

Despite the fact that taking medication often has a positive effect and is not a complex therapeutic measure, you should not get carried away with it. Resuming the course of taking drugs at your own discretion can be harmful to health. It is better to devote time to competent prevention.

Restoration of the nervous system and prevention of disorders

A well-thought-out treatment strategy and the exact implementation of the doctor's prescriptions, as a rule, give positive results. The patient improves not only well-being, but also the quality of life in general. For further prevention, it is recommended to maintain a healthy diet, fight stress, healthy sleep and sufficient physical activity.

If we consider ways to strengthen the nervous system, first of all, you need to pay attention to the effectiveness of an integrated approach. At the same time, different techniques are used at the same time: relaxation, elimination of a source of stress, bad habits, normalization of sleep and nutrition, taking medications, etc. It is important not only to remove the consequences of nervous system disorders (irritability, aggressiveness, fatigue), but also to eliminate negative factors that contribute to their development.

Causes of nerve problems

Possible options:

  • overwork for a long period, while appetite is disturbed, mood worsens, apathy develops;
  • stress: any situation that is acutely perceived by the patient can affect the central nervous system, in this case the person reacts to a negative factor, showing aggression, irritability;
  • sleep disturbance for a long period of time, while there is a desire to fall asleep, but the body continues to be awake, as a result, symptoms of nervous exhaustion appear: aggression, mood swings, weakness in the body, depression;
  • increased mental or physical activity, which leads to overstrain;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • brain diseases or other pathological conditions that affect the cells of the central or peripheral nervous system;
  • deficiency of certain nutrients, which can affect the function of the central nervous system;
  • violation of the hormonal background, while increasing the likelihood of developing various diseases, because the work of internal organs and systems is disrupted.

Strengthening the nervous system at home

Before starting a course of drug therapy, it is recommended that you first treat the nerves with improvised means. It is possible to normalize the state of the central nervous system in case of its weak and moderate disorders, if the cause of the pathological condition is eliminated, and to support the body. First, negative factors that contribute to the development of a nervous breakdown are excluded, then the function of nerve cells is restored with the help of tonic infusions and decoctions. According to this scheme, one should also act in order to eliminate CNS overstrain in children.

Exercise and physical activity

It is important to move moderately, because intensive training, like physical inactivity, negatively affects nerve cells. During movement, the process of removing stress hormones: adrenaline and cortisol is accelerated. At the same time, there is an increase in the activity of the production of hormones of happiness.

The elimination of the process of excretion of adrenaline and cortisol occurs due to the normalization of blood circulation. This method of strengthening the nervous system after stress allows you to restore microcirculation in the tissues of internal organs. Physical activity contributes to the normalization of the work of internal organs and systems.

Bad habits

The use of alcohol-containing drinks, smoking - these negative factors disrupt the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. As a result, there is a deficiency of vitamins, trace elements responsible for the work of the central nervous system. At the same time, tissue hypoxia develops, which can adversely affect the state of other organs. For this reason, it is possible to restore the nervous system only if the patient gives up bad habits, at least for a while, until the signs of disruption of the central nervous system are eliminated.


Strong nerves can be obtained provided that the food is properly organized. It is important to avoid unbalanced diets, fasting, overeating. It is recommended to include in the diet products that contain the following useful substances:

  • vitamin A - responsible for strengthening the membranes of neurons;
  • B vitamins - contribute to an increase in the body's resistance to stress, normalize metabolism at the cellular level;
  • vitamin C - strengthens nerve cells;
  • vitamin D - allows you to improve the mental state of the patient, helps to remove him from depression;
  • vitamin E - is involved in the process of supplying the brain with oxygen, accelerates recovery after stress.

Additionally, foods containing magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, sulfur, and phosphorus are introduced into the diet. Thanks to micro and macro elements, the central nervous system is restored, a sedative effect is provided. It is recommended to consume legumes, fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, chocolate (black and in moderation), eggs, mushrooms, sprouted wheat, bran.

Daily regime

It is necessary to reduce physical and mental stress. At the same time, the schedule is built in such a way as to ensure the possibility of a full night's rest, and if necessary, a daytime one. An adult is recommended to sleep at least 7, and preferably 8 hours. During the day, you need to take short breaks at work, regardless of the type of professional activity.

In addition, you must follow the regime. This allows you to reduce the amount of stress for the body, because the biological clock is restored, in accordance with which the work of internal organs and systems is built. In addition, during the day you need to spend less time near the TV, computer. Frequent and long walks in the fresh air are recommended.


It is important to reduce the intensity of the production of hormones of fear and stress. To do this, you need to eliminate negative thoughts, try to concentrate on positive emotions. Meditations are recommended: allocate 30 minutes a day, you need to turn on relaxing music, remove other noises. Rest during the restoration of nerve cells is an important stage, since at the same time the hormonal background is normalized.

water therapy

It is recommended to visit the sauna or bath. At the same time, the body relaxes, it is cleansed. Additionally, increase the daily amount of water that must be consumed. 1.5 liters of water per day is considered sufficient. However, some practice a different technique - more than 2 liters per day. In this case, you need to focus on the state of human health.

Breathing exercises

You can strengthen the nerves on your own using the method of breathing regulation. Its purpose is to replenish the lack of oxygen in the body. Thanks to this, metabolic processes are normalized, the work of various organs and systems, including the central nervous system, improves. Breathing exercises require deep breaths.

hardening procedures

You can consider the method of hardening. At the same time, immunity increases, the body begins to use hidden resources, which gives energy, improves well-being. Hardening begins gradually, and the duration of stay under cold water should be minimal. Gradually increase it. It is recommended to do douche, alternating water with different temperatures.

How to treat nerves: medications

Training of the nervous system can be carried out simultaneously with the intake of pharmaceutical preparations belonging to the group of sedatives. In this case, it is important to consider the cause of the disruption of the central nervous system. If overwork, stress acts as a negative factor, it is enough to take light sedative medications.

Sometimes the cause of a nervous breakdown is a disease. In this case, highly specialized agents are prescribed that affect the affected tissues and organs. Types of drugs that are often used:

  1. Vitamins to strengthen the nervous system. The goal in this case is to fill the deficiency of nutrients, due to which the work of the central nervous system will be restored faster.
  2. Light sedatives in the form of tablets and drops: Motherwort, Valerian, Corvalol.
  3. Highly specialized drugs, the action of which can be aimed at eliminating other symptoms and causes that affect the central nervous system. They are often available in the form of a solution for injections.

In severe disorders of the central nervous system, antidepressants are prescribed. They are dispensed in a pharmacy by prescription, taken under the supervision of a physician. The disadvantage is the ability to be addictive. For this reason, it is important to take antidepressants on a regular basis. Do not exceed the dosage.

How to strengthen the nerves and psyche with folk remedies

Home remedies are also used to restore CNS function. They contain natural ingredients, more often of plant origin, for example, herbal decoctions, infusions. You can take folk remedies for nerves in courses for a long period, if there are no contraindications to that. Plant components contain useful substances, which allows you to restore the metabolism in the body. At the same time, there is an effect directly on nerve cells.


Treatment with products based on this plant provides a cumulative effect. Valerian has a positive effect on the neuromuscular apparatus, promotes the expansion of blood vessels (mostly coronary), due to which blood circulation is restored. At the same time, the tension of the heart muscle decreases. Tea is brewed according to the recipe:

  • prepare 10 g of dry raw materials, 250 ml of boiling water;
  • valerian is added to water, left to infuse;
  • a glass of this tea is recommended to drink 2 times a day without reference to meals.

The advantage of the tool is the possibility of treatment even during pregnancy. Valerian is allowed for children.


This plant helps to reduce the level of aggressiveness, is characterized by a sedative effect. Preparations based on it are allowed to prescribe to children. Adults drink tea, because in this form the plant acts more intensively. The tool is prepared on the basis of the whole day: take 30 g of dry raw materials, 1 liter of boiling water. The tea is infused until it cools down. It is consumed in equal portions throughout the day.


Means based on this plant act quite gently on the body. They are approved for use even for hypertensive patients. Drink tea based on motherwort. It can be prepared according to the above recipe. The treatment is carried out according to the scheme: the infusion is consumed for 1 week (2 times a day for 1/2 cup), after which they take a break for 3 days, then continue the course.

Obviously, for example, difficulties at work or in personal life, mental recovery should begin with the elimination of the main problems. Until the irritating factor is eradicated, it is useless to try to bring the psyche into balance.

Try to stop replaying the same thoughts in your head. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that worries you. Often problems transferred to paper start to look different. Carefully analyze, decide what needs to be done first to deal with discomfort.

Talk about your condition with loved ones you trust. In addition to speaking out, looking from the outside will help you find new solutions to your problems.

Change the mode of the day and temporarily give up all additional part-time jobs. The most important thing in your situation is to try to achieve inner peace. In the free time, try to walk more and take time for yourself. You can do your favorite hobby or regularly do something that brings you joy - for example, go shopping, and a man - go fishing.

During a difficult psychological period, try not to forget about nutrition. Refrain from fatty, smoked and sweet foods. Eat more easily digestible proteins and vegetables. Remember that the state of our nervous system largely depends on proper nutrition.

Go to bed on time and get at least eight hours of sleep. Not for nothing do doctors say that sleep is the best medicine.

Take up swimming or yoga. With psychological problems, people have muscle clamps that are harmful to health, and also do not allow relaxation, which is very important for people who experience mental discomfort. Physical activity will help unload the muscles, and endorphins released during active movement will help you feel happier.

Feel free to contact a psychologist. The specialist will help to understand the accumulated problems, as well as advise effective trainings for relaxation.

If the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor. Often, mental problems can be caused by a violation of certain organs and systems (for example, endocrine). The doctor will prescribe an examination, and also refer you to a psychotherapist who can help not only with the help of conversations, but also with the appointment of medications that will help your psyche recover faster.

The modern realities of life force us to regularly ask ourselves how to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress.

Hard work, lack of money and time, trouble: we often rush into the pool without thinking about the consequences.

And the price that has to be paid much later is often too high.

How stress affects our organs

To ensure the body recovers from stress, first of all, you need to understand how such a condition affects a person.

adrenal glands

It is this organ that first suffers from stressful situations.

When anxious, our nervous system causes the adrenal glands to secrete hormones such as cortisol.

This is necessary to suppress digestion and immunity in favor of other bodily functions that contribute to the fight against stress.

That is, the heart rate increases, blood sugar levels rise, and so on.

Long-term stress and, accordingly, adrenal dysfunction, over time lead to the following problems:

  1. Feelings of anxiety and sleep disturbance
  2. Decreased immunity and chronic fatigue
  3. The occurrence of allergic reactions
  4. Infertility and chronic depression
  5. Fatigue, insomnia, headaches
  6. Hypertension, asthma and even cancer

Gastrointestinal tract

Chronically elevated cortisol levels can cause increased stomach acid levels, imbalanced gut flora, and abnormal immune responses to certain foods.

In some cases, this leads to food allergies, inflammation of the colon, and intestinal irritability.

reproductive organs

When stressed, the body begins to produce cortisol from pregnenolone to provide other hormones in the body.

Under the worst set of circumstances, this becomes the cause of infertility.

Recovery of the body after stress: instructions

During the rehabilitation period after prolonged stress, it is necessary not only to return to the usual way of life, but also to make up for the lack of positive emotions in the body.

Therefore, you should definitely please yourself with various things.

We have put together a short guide that will make you feel much better.

Point one

Spend time in nature to replenish your natural energy balance.

Walking barefoot on sand, dirt or grass will calm the nervous system and improve blood circulation.

You can start studying the practice of anuloma-viloma pranayama, it is also carried out in the fresh air.

Point two

Do nice things for others.

It is very important to bring as much good into your life as possible. that is why experts recommend doing some good deed every day.

If, due to certain circumstances, you do not have the opportunity to perform a positive act, just focus on what you did before or remember the pleasant things that once made you happy.

For example, you can treat yourself to a cup of tea with buckwheat honey or any other useful yummy.

Point three

Healthy sound sleep is the most important factor in the restoration of the nervous system after stress.

Go to bed before 11 pm and get at least 10 hours of sleep.

This way you maximize the effect of hormones that restore and heal your body.

To fall asleep as quickly as possible, take a bath with a few drops of bitter orange oil.

It will perfectly relax the muscles.

Item four

Engage in workouts.

Physical activity contributes to the release of negative emotions and substances. Yoga classes will be no less useful.

Unlike simple workouts, it helps to find harmony with yourself.

Tip: adjust the intensity of the exercises depending on your condition. You should start with light loads. In no case do not bring your body to exhaustion.

Item five

Minimize exposure to chemicals.

Proper healthy nutrition, drinking exclusively purified water and using dishes made from organic ingredients will help you recover from severe stress.

Eliminate the following foods from your diet for a while:

  1. Chocolate
  2. Caffeine
  3. Sugar
  4. Alcohol
  5. white flour products
  6. Nutritional supplements
  7. Oils
  8. Carbonated and artificially sweetened drinks
  9. Roast

Point six

Say no.

Don't overwork, don't settle for what you don't want to do.

Live for yourself, let your body rest and recover. Pamper yourself with a Japanese or Ayurvedic massage that will improve your emotional state.

How to restore the nervous system after severe stress

In terms of its properties and mode of action, stress is practically no different from any serious illness.

It contributes to the creation of such living conditions under which a person gradually begins to perceive everything negative that happens to him as something natural and familiar.

Anxiety keeps us from looking around and forcing us to focus only on negative emotions.

Among other things, while staying in this state, we lose precious time that could be spent on joyful moments, on the full enjoyment of life.

Stress isolates us from others, reduces our ability to make rational decisions, and contributes to a further deterioration not only in general well-being, but in life in general.

To restore nerves after severe stress, you should understand that this feeling is irrational.

And in order to avoid further negative consequences described above, it is necessary to learn how to manage this feeling.

Each of the methods below needs additional support.

Remember to strengthen your body during the recovery period by consuming vitamins from natural products.

Three ways to recover from stress:

  1. Fun
  2. Meditation

After severe stress, it helps to recover, no matter how trite it may sound, the time spent with relatives, friends, relatives.

Equally helpful are doing what you love and enjoying every second. carried out for a pleasant job.

Tip: pets are not only beloved pets, but also natural antidepressants. So if stress becomes a permanent part of your life, get a kitten or puppy. It will definitely make you smile even at the end of the most difficult day at work.

Meditation will help restore the nervous system after stress

Meditation allows you to identify the emotions that consume you, observe the effect they have, and learn how to manage them.

Instead of blindly reacting to external stimuli, you can optimize your thinking process and respond exactly as you see fit.

Awareness of one's thoughts and feelings contributes to the exit from a stressful state and the stability of peace of mind.

Aligning the work of the nervous system will help solve problems that necessarily arise as a result of prolonged exposure to an anxiety state.

It is most important to pay attention to:

  1. Mental condition
  2. inner harmony

The consequences of the impact of negative emotions on the human body are frightening not only in themselves, but also in the number of side effects.

They are especially hard on women, in particular, on pregnant women and on mothers during the feeding period.

Loss of milk can be one of those symptoms that should be dealt with as soon as possible, as it affects the health of the baby.

It is possible to restore lactation after stress only when the mother has completely got rid of the stimulus.

Returning the processes of milk formation to normal will help restore sleep after stress.

Since exactly how, how much and when we sleep affects the overall well-being and quality of life.

As soon as a person begins to get the required number of hours of sleep and finds a way to stabilize the process of falling asleep, almost every aspect of life returns to normal.

You can fall asleep to relaxing music for relaxation.

Tip: start the treatment for any wrong condition with sleep. This is not about the use of sleeping pills, but rather about natural stabilizers. Drink herbal tea with the addition of chamomile, mint or linden.

One of the most difficult questions that arise at a time when the source of anxiety is already behind is the following: how to restore the psyche after stress?

We treat the body for a long time, distract from bad thoughts and struggle with noticeable consequences, but there are also aspects that initially do not have any symptoms.

Mental disorders can make themselves felt both immediately and after many years.

And then you will no longer connect the problems that have appeared with those that were earlier.

These difficulties can be prevented by contacting a specialist in a timely manner.

Recovery of mental balance after stress takes a very long time.

Do not try to rush this process, let everything go on as usual, and then you will achieve breathtaking results!

Do not be afraid to ask friends for help, use anti-stress toys, learn a new hobby, and then you yourself will not notice how quickly you will feel much better.

In the modern world, a person experiences a large number of stressful situations: study, work, family relationships, financial difficulties. Many people try to take everything from life at once. With a lack of time, a person first of all reduces sleep time, begins to eat incorrectly, irregularly, neglects rest, walks. At first, everything works out, since the nervous system has a certain “margin of safety” associated with the reserve in the nerve cells of special substances - catecholamines. They are involved in all metabolic processes in the nervous tissue, providing such important functions as memory, thinking, mood, attention, performance. And the thing is that catecholamines are synthesized slowly, and if they are used up at a faster rate than they are formed, exhaustion of the nervous system occurs.

How to restore the nervous system? This question is being asked by more and more people. The nervous system regulates the activity of all organs, ensuring their correct and uninterrupted operation. Therefore, signs of its exhaustion will be not only fatigue, irritability, decreased performance, depression, but also diseases of the internal organs (as they say, all diseases are from the nerves). All the processes taking place in our nervous system are so subtle and fragile that they cannot be touched, seen, but it is very easy to break them. The process of restoring the nervous system is the establishment and maintenance of its normal operation, the restoration of depleted reserves of biologically active substances.

How to restore the nervous system after stress: general recommendations?

For many years there was an opinion that “nerve cells do not regenerate”, but now scientists have proven that this is not so. All nerve cells are prone to regeneration (recovery), only it happens very slowly. In order to stimulate this process, you do not need to make any exorbitant efforts. First of all, you need to reconsider your attitude to life, reassess your values, set priorities.

1. Normalization of sleep. During sleep, the body is restored, exhausted during the working day. For a healthy sleep it is very important:

  • try not to overwork too much during the day;
  • do not overeat at night (try to have dinner with light food and at least 3-4 hours before bedtime);
  • comfortable bed;
  • a constant supply of fresh air during sleep (in summer, sleep with an open window, in winter - airing the bedroom before going to bed).

Sleep is the best medicine.

2. Proper regular nutrition that provides the body with all the necessary substances.

3. Regular walks in the fresh air (at least 1 hour a day).

4. If you feel that the nervous system is failing, take a vacation (a few days are enough), forget about everything, turn off the phone.

5. Change of activity: alternation of physical, mental work and rest.

6. Lesson "for the soul", which delivers positive emotions.

7. Positive attitude: try to find positive moments in any, even unpleasant situation.

Folk remedies for the restoration of the nervous system. Folk remedies have a very beneficial effect on our nervous system, they are easy to prepare at home, and folk medicines certainly will not hurt.

1. A drink of warm milk with honey before bed will help to cope with insomnia.

2. Nuts with honey, lemon and dried fruits. Twist dried apricots, walnuts, prunes and lemon in a meat grinder, add honey. Take a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

3. Mix beetroot juice in equal proportions with honey. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals, for up to one month.

4. Garlic with honey: Grate 250 g of garlic, mix with 250 g of liquid honey, leave the mixture for a week. Use 1 tbsp. spoon for 30 min. before meals until the medicine runs out.

Herbs for the nervous system. Numerous herbs are also used to restore the nervous system (you need to be careful with them, an overdose of some of them can lead to serious consequences):

  • tea with mint and lemon balm, valerian;
  • baths with a decoction of poplar, birch leaves, coniferous baths before going to bed;
  • tinctures of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort 25-30 drops in 30 minutes. before meals three times a day.

Drugs that restore the nervous system. To restore the nervous system, it is highly undesirable to resort to medical treatment; in the initial stages of nervous exhaustion, in most cases it is possible to get by with general recommendations and the use of traditional medicine. But in advanced, advanced cases, you still have to use drugs:

1. Sleeping pills (at the initial stages, these are over-the-counter drugs: somnil, melaxen in 1/2 tablets 15-20 minutes before bedtime, if they do not help, prescribe zopiclone, somnol). Use them for no more than a month, followed by a dose reduction.

2. Means that improve the body's resistance to stressful situations (adaptol 1 tablet 2 times a day for 20 days).

3. Nootropic drugs to maintain the functioning of nerve cells (nootropil, olatropil, piracetam).

4. Antidepressants (amitriptyline, fluoxetine).

In complex therapy, vitamins are necessarily used (vitamins of group B are especially relevant for nervous tissue - neuromultivit, milgamma, neurovitan).

Products to restore the depleted nervous system. Nutrition for problems with the nervous system should be complete and must contain:

  • calcium (dairy products, cabbage, beets);
  • potassium (beans, peas, bananas, millet);
  • magnesium (nuts, egg yolk, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • iodine (seaweed, fish, shrimp);
  • iron (beef, spinach);
  • lecithin (egg yolk, sunflower seeds);
  • B vitamins (black bread, cereals, vegetables and fruits);
  • vitamin C (citrus fruits, strawberries, rose hips).