Write the name in English letters. Rules for writing a surname in Latin letters in a passport

A couple of years ago, some procedures related to the use of passports changed in the Russian Federation. The process of obtaining the document remained the same. But the rules of transliteration have undergone a small but important transformation. This was motivated by the desire of the Russian authorities to switch to the international system of transcription of names and surnames. The changes made it possible to eliminate the confusion associated with the use of previous standards.

The transliteration of names and surnames means the romanization of the Russian text. Simply put, the Cyrillic spelling of letters and their combinations is replaced by Latin. The transliteration rules have changed several times. And now they are brought to international standards.

Before applying for a new passport, you can check the spelling of your name and surname in Latin. This is easy to do on our website. Online transliteration is available absolutely free of charge.

You need to enter the first and last name in Russian. The data is entered in the appropriate form. They will be automatically translated into Latin in accordance with the new transliteration rules.

Key changes

The new transliteration rules affected:

  • Most popular Russian names.
  • Many common surnames in our country.

For example, EGOR in the new spelling format turned into EGOR (instead of YEGOR). And the surname TsAPLIN used to be written in Latin as TCAPLIN. The latest standardized variant is TSAPLIN. Thus, the main changes affected the following Cyrillic letters:

  • The letter "E" is transliterated as "E". Previously, it was represented by the combination "YE".
  • "Y" received a new designation "I", while previously it was written with the letter "Y".
  • The vowel "Yu" when translated is transformed into "I" with the addition of "U". That is, the correct spelling is "IU". Previously, "Yu" turned into the Latin letters "YU".
  • "C" is now denoted by the combination "TS". Previously, the “role” of this letter was the symbols “TC”.
  • "Kommersant", which disappeared under the previous system of romanization of the Cyrillic alphabet, received its designation. Now the "hard sign" is written as "IE".

For example, according to the new standards, YULIA became IULIIA DMITRY - DMITRII, and VALERY - VALERII.

Difference in documents

Do not worry if the spelling of the name and surname in the new passport is different from the old one. This also applies to cases where a ticket for a foreign trip was purchased on a document with the same transcription. The Russians will not have problems with traveling on a passport with a new transliteration. However, especially suspicious citizens have the right to ask to keep the previous version of the letter designation of the name and surname.

How to leave the old spelling

If a citizen does not agree to change the spelling of his name and surname in the new passport, it is allowed to leave the previous version. To do this, a corresponding request is attached to the papers for replacing the identity card. In it, the applicant asks to keep the name and surname as they are indicated in the previous sample. In this case, one should refer to the 28th paragraph of Order No. 211, signed by the FMS in 2014.

The application is written in free form. But the citizen must be sure to indicate the reason that prompts him to leave the previous data. As justification, it is recommended to use documents issued on the basis of a passport. For example:

  • open visa.
  • Residence permit of another state.
  • Marriage certificate obtained outside the Russian Federation.
  • Education documents

Documents must be valid. The applicant submits their copies.

If an error has crept in

It is also possible that the data about the citizen was entered incorrectly in the new passport - they wrote down the wrong letter in the name or surname. This should be immediately reported to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where the applicant received the document. You should first make sure that this is really a mistake, and not a new transcription standard.

If the error occurred through the fault of officials, the citizen will be issued a corrected passport within a couple of hours. The applicant will only have to provide another passport photo. There is no need to re-pay the state fee and write an application.

However, the efficiency of correcting such shortcomings applies only to old-style documents. The necessary amendments to the new generation of identity cards make a little longer. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully check the relevance of the transliteration rules at the time of ordering a new passport for foreign tours.

According to the Russian authorities, the changes in the transliteration rules for the international passport will benefit the owners of this document. It is under the new rules that the names and surnames of Russians are now entered into the passport and documents issued on its basis. The latter, in particular, include tour bookings, visas, foreign residence permits, foreign bank accounts, various certificates, etc.

The most difficult thing in filling out documents for an exit identity card is writing your name and surname in Latin. If we also take into account the frequency of changes in the rules, then we can say that for many this task is overwhelming: often either the acceptance of documents is delayed, or the applicant receives a passport with errors. To avoid such situations, you need to understand the rules by which transliteration is carried out on a passport in 2019.

A little about the changes in the rules

If you have long applied to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the FMS) on the issue of issuing an exit passport, then you may not be aware that the rules for writing names and surnames have changed somewhat. The previous transliteration was changed in 2010. It was based on the principle of combining the Russian language with international requirements for the translation of their own names.

In 2015, this system was declared invalid and new regulations were developed. For this reason, everyone who will be will use the new transliteration for a passport. The updated writing system now fully complies with international standards.

Initially, the naming conventions for machine readable documents were applied in practice only by airline carriers that are members of the ICAO (Worldwide Association for Civil Aviation Services). The rules were spelled out in Doc 9303; over time, they went beyond aviation and began to be used by companies in other areas. Today, this standard is also used by the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which is authorized to issue foreign travel documents to Russian citizens.

The main difficulty in writing proper names is the absence of analogues of some Cyrillic letters in the Latin alphabet. These include the following letters: Zh, C, X, H, Sh, Sh, b, b, I, Yu. Combinations of Latin characters are provided for them, which were revised in 2017.

In addition, new designations for the letters Ё, Ъ, Ъ were introduced. Still without translation there is a soft sign.

The new norms have significantly changed the usual spelling of names and surnames for Russians. This gave rise to many questions and doubts. So, let's say, if earlier the name Alexey looked like Alexey, now it has been replaced with Aleksei.

It is worth reassuring fellow citizens: translation from Russian into Latin for a passport is carried out in a special program. The probability of an error in it is excluded, which indicates the groundlessness of unrest. But practice shows that many still receive their documents with incorrect data. What to do in this case, we will tell further.

What is transliteration

The process of transliteration in linguistics means the replacement of characters from one language with characters from another. The main goal is to achieve maximum compliance of the original version with what will be obtained as a result of the transformations.

Do not confuse transliteration with other concepts:

  • Translation is the search for a match for a word in another language;
  • Transcription is the spelling of the sound of a word with special phonemes that convey how the word should be read correctly.

Transliteration is essentially a tracing paper. In our case, this is a tracing paper of words written in Cyrillic, in Latin letters. It is very important that it be carried out in accordance with international standards.

What changes have taken place

To avoid mistakes, you can find many services on the Internet where the transliteration of the Russian alphabet in Latin is carried out online. Such helpers are useful not only, but also. To get an accurate result, you must enter your first and last name into the system as they are written on the birth certificate.

For convenience, we provide a table based on the new transliteration rules. It will help you check the correctness of writing data when receiving a passport.

Russian letterlatin letterRussian letterlatin letterRussian letterlatin letterRussian letterlatin letter


  • the letter C is now transmitted by the letter combination TS, and not TC, as it was before;
  • vowels Ya and Yu should be written according to the new rules using the letter I instead of Y;
  • the letter Y is now written with the Latin letter I;
  • finally found its spelling and a solid sign - IE.

Let's look at the new spelling with examples:

  • Anastasia - Anastasia;
  • Valery - Valerii;
  • Dmitry - Dmitry;
  • Yepikov - Epikov (previously it was Yepikov).

What translation rules should be remembered

If you decide to transfer your personal data yourself, please use the table below. Just replace each letter of your name and surname with the analogue indicated in the column with the Latin alphabet. If you trust the computer more, then use one of the sites that will allow you to translate the necessary words into Latin.

This method will take no more than a minute:

  1. Enter data in the query string.
  2. Click on the button that will start the translation process.
  3. Check out the result.

Such services provide information absolutely free of charge, and you can check both yourself and the document that you receive from the migration service. your task will be to correctly write your first and last name in Cyrillic. But their correct introduction into the system is already the responsibility of a service employee.

Possible problems

Many people are concerned about what problems can arise if the spelling of the surname in Latin letters in the passport does not correspond to the spelling in other documents? Will it be possible to travel abroad with such a certificate? After all, it is well known that a difference of even one letter can lead to the fact that you will have to prove your family ties exclusively in court.

Given this, it is very important to double-check how you wrote your first and last name on the application. If everyone - both the applicant and the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - fulfills the obligation assigned to him, with all responsibility, unpleasant moments can be avoided.

If errors are found

Got a passport and found a mistake in it? To begin with, you will have to lift your application and check how your data was recorded in it. If you made a mistake in the first place, then the blame will be placed on you. If the data was incorrectly entered by an employee of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then the migration service will have to answer.

Passport in this case. But you are no longer required to collect documents again. Moreover, you must receive a new passport within two hours. The only thing that will have to be provided is. But this is only if you requested an old format passport.

It is impossible to get a biometric passport in two hours for technical reasons. Even if the employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs make every effort, anyway, you will not see your passport earlier than in a week.

Do not forget that using a passport with incorrect data or typos is strictly prohibited. Such a document is invalid.

What to do with different spelling

The most common situation is . How to be in such a situation? Will you have to prove at the border or at the consulate that you are you?

On this occasion, the migration rules say the following: if the spelling of your name and surname in the old and new passports differ due to changes in the rules of transliteration, representatives of other states have no right to present any claims against you. As soon as the old passport expires, you will simply start using the new document with the correct spelling.

This also applies to bank cards. Immediately after the expiration date, you just need to order a reissue of the card, indicating the name in Latin in the application in accordance with the new rules.

Even some airlines allow their passengers to use tickets that were bought with an old passport: there should be no problems with check-in for a flight.

When we translate a sentence, we capture the meaning of their context. One word can have several meanings, we choose a specific one based on the meaning of the sentence. But what about names? There are names in Russian that do not exist in English. What to do in this case? This is a difficult situation for both English speakers and Russians, because there may be a linguistic misunderstanding. But ... a way out of the situation can be found. Consider Russian names in English, the features of their translation and transliteration, and also consider foreign names that correspond to Russian ones. Forward for new knowledge!

First of all, you should pay attention to transliteration. Transliteration of names is an important point in the correct translation of a Russian name into English. Why is Peter spelled as Pyotr? What is the reason for such a translation? Why can't you just write Petr?

All because there is such a thing as reality. These are peculiar ethno-national features, distinctive characteristics of the people, their customs and way of life, which are not found in other peoples. That is why, in order to eliminate the language barrier, the US State Department has developed a whole methodology that explains the features of translating letters from Cyrillic to Latin. The result can be seen in the table below (with English letters):

A -> A I -> I C -> S b -> omitted
B -> B Y -> Y T -> T Y -> Y
B -> V K -> K U -> U b -> omitted
G -> G L -> L F -> F E -> E
D -> D M -> M X -> KH Yu -> YU
E -> E, YE N -> N C -> TS I -> YA
E -> E, YE O -> O H -> CH
Zh -> ZH P -> P SH -> SH
Z -> Z R -> R Щ -> SHCH

The table shows that not all letters that are in Russian exist in English (good practice to repeat). For example, ъ and ь are omitted in the English language, that is, they do not need to be translated. At the same time, it is important to remember that there are Russian letters, which in English are denoted as two, for example, Ш -> SH, Ц -> TS, Ш -> CH.

On a note! The letters E and Ё are spelled the same in English => E, YE.

Elena will be Yelena, Parfenov will be Parfenov.

But! If we mean the pronunciation of yo, then Ё should be denoted as YO => Peter -> Pyotr.

For students who are just starting to learn the features of transliteration, it can be difficult to catch the difference. In this case, you need to memorize the examples given, and with time and practice, you can easily translate the names yourself.

The letters E and E should be translated as E, but ... if the letter E is at the beginning of a word, after the letters b, b or a vowel, then it should be translated as YE:

  • Elina => Elina
  • Yeremin => Yeremin
  • Medvedev => Medvedev.

Note! Russian letters Y and Y, which do not exist in English, are translated as Y, for example, Raikin -> Raykin, Nasyrov -> Nasyrov.

Special attention should be paid to the endings. The pearls of the Russian alphabet b and b are beyond the understanding of foreigners, so they are simply omitted, that is, they are not translated in any way: Lifting -> Podyomny, Daria -> Darya.

If we talk about the endings IY and YY, popular in Russian, then everything is simple: both endings are translated as Y:

  • Bravy -> Bravy
  • Bold -> Smely
  • Dmitry -> Dmitry

The name Julia, popular in Russian, is translated as follows:

  • Yulia -> Yulia.

Note! Yu and Ya are denoted in English by two letters. But not only them. Zh and X are also denoted by two letters => ZH and KH, respectively, for example:

  • Jacqueline -> Zhaklin
  • Mikhail -> Mikhail.

The letter C, often used in Russian surnames, is translated as TS, Ch - as CH:

  • Chernova -> Chernova
  • Tsareva -> Tsaryova.

As for the letter Ш, it is also translated in two letters - Sh, and Ш - in whole four - SHCH. Let's give examples:

  • Shchitkova -> Shchitkova
  • Shalamba -> Shalamba.

Russian names in English:is there a match?

And now the question is: how to introduce yourself to a foreigner so that he understands that this is your name, and not an adjective for something? What we are talking about? about the same realities. Translation of Russian names is often problematic. Imagine you are speaking to a foreigner My name is Nastya which, if translated literally, would mean My name is Nastya. Word Nastya associated with nasty which in English means disgusting, disgusting, unpleasant. Russian name Nastya when translated into English corresponds to Anastasiasia.

Things are even more fun with Svetlana. Svitlana is associated with the phrase sweat Lana, which means sweaty Lana, or sweet Lana - sweet Lana.

Reference: Love is translated as Lubov. You should not call a woman's name the name of love Love.

If we are talking about names that end in b, then we omit the letter. The name Igor will sound like Igor, while phonetically the word will sound solid. Remember: there are no mitigations in English.

Note! Ivan in English sounds like Ivan. The first letter is I, not AI (some foreigners call Ivanov Ivans, that is, they read the first letter as two. But this is wrong).

Important! It should be remembered that many Russian names are adapted to English ones (they are not written the way we are used to seeing them). Here is a short list showing the spelling of Russian names in English with translation:

Male names

  • Alexander - Eligzande (Alexander)
  • Michael - Michael (Michael)
  • Carl - Charles (Charles)
  • Ivan - John, Ivan (John)
  • Matthew - Matthew
  • Daniel - Daniel (Daniel)
  • Heraclius - Hercules (Heracl)
  • Gabriel - Gabriel (Gabriel)
  • Claudius - Claude
  • Anatoly - Anatole (Anatole)
  • Andrew - Andrew (Andrew)
  • Vasily - Basil (Basil)
  • Benjamin - Benjamin
  • Vincent - Vincent
  • George - George (George) Eugene - Eugene (Eugene)
  • Ephraim - Geoffrey
  • Ilya - Elias
  • Joseph, Osip - Joseph (Joseph)
  • Leo - Leo (Leo)
  • Nicholas - Nicholas (Nicholas)
  • Pavel - Paul (Paul)
  • Peter - Pete (Peter)
  • Sergey - Serge (Serge)
  • Stepan - Stephen, Stephen (Steven, Stephen)
  • Fedor - Theodore (Theodore)
  • Jacob - Jacob

Women's names

  • Agnes / Agnes - Agnes (Agnes)
  • Alice - Alice (Alice)
  • Anastasia - Enesteysha (Anastacia)
  • Antonina - Antonia (Antonia)
  • Valentine - Valentin (Valentine)
  • Valeria - Valery (Valery)
  • Barbara - Barbara
  • Dasha - Dolly Dolly (Dorothy)
  • Eve - Eve (Eve)
  • Eugene - Eugenia (Eugenie)
  • Catherine - Catherine, Catherine (Catherine)
  • Elena - Helen (Helen)
  • Jeanne - Joan (Joanne, Jean)
  • Zoya - Zoe (Zoe)
  • Irina - Irene (Irene)
  • Carolina - Caroline (Caroline)
  • Laura - Laura, Lauren (Laura, Lauren)
  • Maria - Mary
  • Natalia - Natalie (Natalie)
  • Polina - Polina (Paulina)
  • Rita - Margaret (Margaret)
  • Sofia - Sophie
  • Susanna - Susan (Susan)
  • Julia - Julia (Julia)

The list shows that female English names , including really beautiful ones, they can radically differ from Russians. For example, who would have thought that Jeanne would be Joan and Elena would be Helen? The same can be said about the spelling of male names. Is Ivan associated with John? But it is so! Translated into English, Ivan will be none other than John!

There are names that are easily translated and perceived, for example, Natalia and Natalie, Valeria and Valery. But in any case, the words from the list must be studied in order to stand before the eyes of a foreigner as a literate and educated person.

First name, second name. What is the difference?

When we say first name, it means the first name, second name - the surname. First name can also be replaced with given name, second name with surname or family name. But the middle name is not the fatherland, as some people think, but the middle name in English names. It's no secret that in England children are often called two, three, or even four names. For example, the name for a girl Anna-Marie Lisa Auster is a common thing.

As for the fatherland, it sounds like patronymic. Knowing how to distinguish between first name, surname and patronymic is especially useful for those who are going to apply for a passport. In an official setting, everything is strict and each column must be filled out clearly and correctly.

Examples of how to write a name in English, a fatherland and a surname:

  • Lesovaya Olesya Evgenievna - Lesovaya Olesya Evgen`evna.
  • Koroleva Alexandra Leonidovna - Korolyova Aleksandra Leonidovna.
  • Tatarchuk Igor Grigorevich - Tatarchuk Igor Grigorevich.
  • Somova Irina Yaroslavovna - Somova Irina Iaroslavovna.
  • Krupnov Igor Valerievich - Krupnov Igor` Valer`evich.
  • Anisova Marina Valentinovna - Anisova Marina Valentinovna.
  • Nefyodov Denis Arkad'evich
  • Lisitsina Daria Yurievna - Lisitsina Daria Iurevna.
  • Karelin Vladimir Sergeevich - Karelin Vladimir Sergeevich.
  • Kuzmenko Yulia Filippovna - Kuzmenko Yuliya Filippovna.
  • Fedoruk Roman Konstantinovich - Fedoruk Roman Konstantinovich.
  • Pavlenko Maria Vladimirovna - Pavlenko Mariia Vladimirovna.
  • Kozlova Elena Vladimirovna - Kozlova Elena Vladimirovna.
  • Petrova Aleksandra Pavlovna - Petrova Aleksandra Pavlovna.
  • Ivanova Tatyana Nikolaevna - Ivanova Tat`yana Nikolaevna.
  • Sinitsyn Anton Pavlovich - Sinitsyn Anton Pavlovich.

Summing up

Names in English are an interesting topic to study. How to spell a name in English is the first thing you need to know when you plan to visit a foreign country or visit a government agency. At the same time, it is worth remembering the realities, because in English there may not be analogues to Russian names.

And more importantly: remember about transliteration. If verbally speaking is easy, then spelling can be a problem. Initially, it is important that everything you study is written with transliteration, so that the pronunciation is correct, and the names are correctly transliterated. If you find it difficult to read names in English, then transcription should be your first assistant on the way to solving the problem.

For the first time, the question will definitely arise in front of you - how to fill in the passenger's data to buy a ticket?

In fact, there is nothing difficult here. Just follow the directions and tips on the website where you buy it.

In this article, we will walk you through all the steps of issuing a ticket on the site. On other sites, the sequence may differ, but the principle of filling in the fields will remain the same.

1) Surname and name, and in the case of a flight across Russia, the patronymic is also indicated.

These data are entered exclusively in Latin letters and it doesn’t matter if you fly in Russia or abroad.

In a civil passport, the data of its owner are indicated only in Russian letters, but if you have a new passport (issued after 2011), then you can peep the Latin spelling on the photo page.

At the very bottom is a machine-readable entry, where after PNRUS your name, surname and patronymic are indicated in Latin letters.

Please note that if your middle name ends in "vich", then it can be designated as "VI3" in a machine-readable record. For example, IVANOVICH will be written instead of IVANOVICH

This is a misspelling and VI3 should be replaced with VICH.

If your passport is an old one, then don't worry, there is a way out in your case too. Use the online transliteration service at http://translit-online.ru/pasport.html. He will make transliterations in accordance with the requirements of the migration service.

Name and surname transliteration table for international passport

a-a b-b c-v d-g d-d e-e e-e f-zh h-z i-i d-i k-k l-l m-m n-n o-o p- p r-r s-s t-t y-u f-f x-kh ts-tc h-ch w-sh u-shch s-y u-e ​​yu-iu i-ia

With the help of the transliteration service or independently, using the transliteration table above, data is also entered for children under 14 years old who can fly with a birth certificate.

2) The date of birth is indicated in the format recommended by the site. As a rule, this is dd.mm.yyyy.

3) Citizenship - determined by the country that issued your passport. If you have citizenship of several states, then the one whose passport you will use during your trip is indicated.

4) The series and number of the international passport are indicated without spaces and sign No. For flights within Russia, you can use both a foreign and a general passport. For children - a birth certificate or a passport. For flights abroad - only a passport.

The ticket is issued for the passport on which you are flying. The one that you will present at check-in for a flight and at border control if you are flying abroad.

5) The validity period is indicated only if the ticket is issued on a foreign passport. There is no expiration date for birth certificates and national passports.

6) A mile card is indicated at will and if available. You can leave this field blank.

Well, that's all, all the passenger's data has been entered and now you only need to pay. On the site, you can do this with a bank card or in cash in the network of Svyaznoy salons.

14 Mar 2016 Anna Lump

To buy a plane ticket, a future traveler needs to choose a suitable site for this and fill out a special form for purchasing tickets, and here most Internet users may have problems. Airlines require personal data in the Latin alphabet, and the number of letters in the Russian alphabet is greater than in any other that uses the Latin alphabet, such as English. The main difficulty is the translation from Russian into Latin of those letters that are found only in the Russian alphabet. How, then, to write your data correctly? This article lists all the nuances that translate from Russian into Latin for air tickets.

What is transliteration

The method of replacing Russian-Cyrillic letters with Latin ones is called transliteration, or transliteration. The main goal of the method is to bring each letter of the Russian alphabet to the maximum correspondence to a similar Latin letter or their combination.

The current (data as of July 2018) transliteration standards are regulated by Order of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 4271 dated March 29, 2016 and comply with the international standards of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization).

Buying a ticket

Note! Until 2016, the Orders of the FMS of Russia dated 2010, 2012 and 2014 were in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. On the Internet, you can find sites containing an online translator for full name for air tickets (from English online translit), but often the information provided there may already be outdated, so you should use such sites very carefully, carefully checking the results of their work.

Do not confuse transliteration with transcription: transcription is not used for air tickets. Transcription is a combination of special characters that determine the sound of the word. During transliteration, the word is rewritten with letters of another alphabet without changing its meaning.

Important! Transliteration for online tickets is used without fail when filling in the data for buying a ticket abroad, and it does not matter whether the passenger plans to fly with a Russian or foreign airline.

Even if a Russian-language site is used to purchase a ticket, which does not contain a direct instruction on how to enter data, only Latin letters must be used.

The websites of some Russian airlines allow you to enter data in Russian, then the replacement of words will be carried out automatically.

Note! In this case, there is a possibility that the data on the ticket and in the foreign passport will differ, which may cause problems during check-in for the flight. It is better to transliterate manually.

For domestic trips in Russia, the use of transliteration to purchase an air ticket is not necessary: ​​it will be correct to fill in both Russian and Latin.

Using transliteration to buy tickets in 2018

After a suitable site for purchasing an air ticket is found, the necessary flight is selected, in order to complete the purchase procedure, it is required to enter the passenger's personal data, in particular, full name, in a special form on the site.

For example, on the website of the Aeroflot airline, it looks like the one shown below.

Aeroflot website

The general rules for buying air tickets are: the translation of the name and surname is carried out in strict accordance with the data of the document on which such a ticket will be issued.

There may be options here:

  • If this is a passport issued after March 2016, you just need to enter your data on the site as it is written in Latin letters in the passport.
  • If this is a passport issued before March 2016, you must also enter your full name in Latin, as in the passport. In this case, the rule of correspondence between the entered data and the passport data dominates the transliteration rules adopted by the Ministry. The law of the Russian Federation provides for the right of every citizen to apply and issue a passport with such a spelling of his full name in Latin, which is already used for his bank card, driver's license or other documents.
  • If this is a general passport or birth certificate, then the transliteration of the name and surname will have to be done independently.

On the Internet, you can find information that in a general passport issued after 07/01/2011, the Latin version of the name and surname can be viewed in a machine-readable entry on the photo page. This is not entirely true. The rules for filling out a machine-readable entry in a civil passport are currently regulated by another regulatory act of the Russian Federation - Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 851 of November 13, 2017 - and its norms diverge from international standards.

Machine-readable entry in the passport of the Russian Federation

How to transliterate yourself? Very simple - you need to replace each letter of the first and last name with a Latin letter or a combination of them in accordance with this table:

Russian alphabetLatin analogue
3 Z
bnot used

Using the example of such common names as Alexander, Natalya, Vyacheslav, Dmitry, transliteration for air tickets will be carried out as follows:

  • Alexander in Latin should be translated for the ticket like this: Aleksandr. If the passenger has a rarer name - Alexander - then it will be translated as Aleksander. The combination of Russian letters "ks" according to the old rules changed to the Latin "x", according to the new rules, it is written as "ks".
  • Natalia should be transliterated for the air ticket as Natalia. The soft sign is ignored, and the Russian letter "ya" turns into the combination "ia".
  • Vyacheslav in Latin for an air ticket is written as Viacheslav. In this example, the Russian “I” is changed to “ia”, “ch” becomes “ch”, the rest of the letters are translated into their more understandable Latin-English counterpart.
  • Dmitri should be transliterated for the air ticket as Dmitrii. The Russian letter "y" changes in the same way as the Russian "and".

The translation of the surname into Latin for air tickets does not provide for the presence of a hyphen, if any, in the Russian version of the surname. For example, the surname Petrov-Vodkin is eventually converted into Petrovvodkin. The same rule applies to names.

The words obtained as a result of transliteration are entered into the appropriate fields of the site. On the English-language site, the Name, Given Name or First Name field is provided for entering the name, for the surname - the Surname or Last Name field, sometimes Familia.

Additional Information! To enter a middle name, the field is called Middle Name, on some sites it may be absent. Information about the patronymic can be entered in any language - this will not be considered an error, this is due to the fact that for trips abroad only information about the first and last name is required.

Correction of transliteration errors

Most often, users experience the following problems when filling in personal data:

  • Error or typo in at least one character of the name or surname.
  • Name and surname are interchanged.
  • The name or surname on the ticket does not match what is written in the passport. For example, in the case of a woman buying a ticket for a previous surname before marriage.

The rules of all air carriers say that the ticket must be issued without errors and in accordance with the data of the document provided, for violation of these rules, various fines are provided in the company's tariffs. But in practice, many air carriers ignore minor errors if there are few (usually up to three), if the inconsistencies are only in transliteration and the sound of the name or surname has not changed significantly.

However, this is not to be hoped for. If an error is found when issuing a ticket, you must contact the airline as soon as possible and report the presence of inaccuracies in the ticket, it is possible that errors will be corrected free of charge and as soon as possible.

The need to correctly translate your full name into another language is an integral part of buying a ticket for an air flight abroad. Transliteration rules in Russia have often changed in recent years, so you should carefully consider how correctly the full name will be written, especially if online translators are used for this.

The main thing to remember is that each letter should be replaced separately, but in such a way that there are no discrepancies with the document on which the ticket is purchased. Even if the name in the passport is indicated using the old transliteration rule, this is the spelling that will be the most correct. The main thing is not the correctness of the translation of letters into Latin for the air ticket, but the correspondence of the data in the plane ticket and in the passport.

Using these basic rules will help to avoid possible problems when buying a ticket and when checking in for a flight, which means it will save time and money, which is so necessary for travel.