Benefits of singing for women. Music and singing will teach you to enjoy life and help you recover from many diseases.

With the beginning of the school year, most parents puzzle over what to do with their child after school. At the same time, every mother dreams that a new hobby would bring her child not only pleasure, but also health benefits. The editors of 4mama will talk about why it is so useful to be a soloist of the school choir.

Singing improves mood

Scientists have proven that while singing, endorphins, the hormones of happiness, are produced in the brain. Thanks to them, mood improves, joy appears, vitality increases, traces of fatigue and stress disappear. So, if your little one is interested in music, consider enrolling him in the school choir. We are sure that such an activity will bring pure pleasure to the child, making it emotional and open.

Singing oxygenates the body

During singing, a huge amount of oxygen enters the body. This improves blood circulation throughout the body, normalizes the heartbeat and blood pressure. Therefore, experts recommend that children who experience weakness, headaches and have pale skin engage in choral singing.

Singing boosts immunity

It has been scientifically proven that those who like to sing less often have a sore throat. In addition, choral vocalists are practically not susceptible to colds. Improving blood circulation helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the vocal cords and lymph nodes, which, in turn, increases local immunity.

With the fact that vocal lessons are beneficial, the art gestalt therapist agrees Anna Tanakova: “There are many professions in the modern world that require the ability to communicate. If a person does not control his voice, does not feel it, and gives out disturbing intonations during a conversation, he is unlikely to be able to achieve career heights.

A beautiful, free voice is an indicator of inner comfort and self-confidence, the main instrument of our self-expression. It is no wonder that throat singing trainings are so popular today - they provide an opportunity to feel a powerful surge of energy due to the disclosure of emotions. A person throws out what has accumulated in the soul for years, receiving relief as a result. After intensive work with the voice, both the soul and the body come to harmony, they begin to “sound in unison”, tension and anxiety are relieved, and communication skills improve.

To health

According to the observations of the teacher of pop-jazz vocals Elena Voskresenskaya, people involved in singing can be divided into several groups. First of all, these are teenagers who want to stand out among their peers. In the second - young women who devote their free time to singing lessons. For pleasure or to surprise a loved one.

“Of course, when they come to a vocal teacher, they do not pursue the goal of improving their health. People just like to sing, or there is a desire to have a beautiful voice - after all, the singer immediately becomes the center of attention, his self-esteem and authority increase, there is an opportunity to express himself in an unusual way, ”explains the teacher. But vocals also have a powerful physiological effect: deep abdominal and diaphragmatic breathing, taken from the practice of yogis, has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, calms and relaxes. Who sings a lot, he rarely gets colds. And when singing, there are vibration sensations, especially in the larynx - there is a so-called massage of the thyroid gland.

Yana(32) admits that she has always been shy: “She was timid and sickly. She entered the Pedagogical University and became a teacher. But once I got into a vocal circle - for company with a friend. Turns out I can sing too! I was just so afraid of it. After some time, she overcame embarrassment and managed to perform with the group at a city event. Creative self-expression brings tremendous pleasure. But the most surprising discovery was that singing helped me cope with bronchial asthma - I no longer experience such difficulties with breathing as before.

All in unison

Many of us love to sing. And the one who claims that he does not like to do this, most likely, is simply shy, furtively removing roulades in the shower. But we'll fix it.

According to the teacher of ethnographic vocal Lyubov Aleksakhina, singing is a natural process: “Wherever I find myself, as soon as I tighten some folk melody, I immediately feel it resonates with the listeners. After all, singing is not only self-expression, but also a way of uniting. People want to be closer to each other, but for various reasons they are afraid to take a step towards each other. A folk song can rally in minutes. And now you already see how strangers smile, join hands to stand in a round dance, try to move and sing in unison. I'm sure everyone can sing. You just need to find a good teacher."

Many people are prejudiced against folk singing, simply because they consider it boring and unfashionable. Meanwhile, this is not just a way to learn a new vocal technique, but also a great opportunity to get to know your culture better. “I accidentally decided to try to sing in the choir - at the institute I saw an invitation to a free elective,” says Irina(24). “As a result, I learned Old Church Slavonic, went to perform in other cities and made many friends with whom I kept in touch even after receiving my diploma.”

To feel the joy and benefits of singing, it is not necessary to become a popular singer. If every time you start to purr under the radio while cleaning the apartment or while driving, do not stop, do not hesitate, go towards your desires. "Singers" are less likely to suffer from depression and lack of communication. “Our great-grandmothers were well aware of the positive properties of vocals,” sums up Lyubov Aleksakhina, “it’s not without reason that they sang at every opportunity, at homework or on vacation. It has long been noted that optimists and centenarians are more common among vocal lovers.


Vocal studio "Consonance", tel.: (495) 222-33-71,

Stage Arts Studio "Solo", tel.: (495) 544-72-29,

Center for Vocal Excellence "Voice", tel.: (495) 229-89-06,

TEXT: Galina Akhmetova

Trushina Svetlana Yurienva
Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution
Secondary General Education Cadet Cossack School
Trans-Baikal Territory, Nerchinsky District, with. Znamenka

" Effect of singing on human health

Since the time of the most ancient civilizations, people have known the healing power of sounds uttered by their own voice. Modern medicine has long drawn attention to the fact that singing, especially professional vocal training, has a beneficial effect on human health. Singing is the very necessary tool that allows you to find not only the joy of life, but also significantly improve your health. According to the figurative expression of scientists, the larynx is the second heart of a person. The voice, recovering in the process of vocal training, heals the entire body. Pregnant women are advised to listen to classical music more, calm lullabies are recommended to be sung by expectant mothers themselves. It is useful not only to listen to music, but it is even more useful to sing yourself, because while singing, sound frequencies activate the development of the child, affecting his brain.
Even just listening to music changes a person's mood. Some works calm and pacify, others cheer up. Melodious, quiet, moderately slow, minor music has a calming effect. Psychotherapists often began to use music for treatment, and quite often you can hear musical works in the offices of dentists. Positive emotional experiences with the sound of pleasant melodies enhance attention, activate the emotional central nervous system and stimulate intellectual activity.
Physicians have long paid attention to the beneficial effects of music and singing on people's health. And you don't have to be a professional to benefit from singing. If you're in a bad mood or feeling tense, sing, even if you've never learned to sing. It's one thing to listen to music, but it's quite another to sing yourself, it's much more useful. Scientists have found that during singing, special chemicals are produced in the brain, thanks to which a person feels peace and joy. According to them, singing sets in motion the “molecules responsible for emotions” in the brain, so with the help of singing you can not only express, but also evoke certain feelings. Vibration of the voice is very important for good health. The reproduction of some vowels makes the tonsils and glands vibrate and helps to cleanse the body of toxins.
Singing helps relieve stress. Scientists have found that while singing, endorphins are produced in the brain, a substance due to which a person feels joy, peace, good mood and increased vitality. Thus, with the help of singing, one can evoke and express certain feelings. With the help of singing, you can put your lungs in order, improve blood circulation and complexion, correct your posture, since singing is simply uncomfortable in other positions. When singing, we always straighten up, raise our heads. Peni helps to improve diction and staging of colloquial speech, even correct such a defect as stuttering.

When a person sings, a large amount of oxygen enters his body, while the blood circulation of the whole organism improves, blood pressure decreases, and the heartbeat normalizes. Improving blood circulation has a beneficial effect on the vocal cords, tonsils and numerous lymph nodes, which significantly increases local immunity. For those who like to sing or just hum something under their breath, their throat hurts less often, susceptibility to colds decreases. Improving blood supply during singing leads to the activation of the brain: it begins to work more intensively, memory improves, any information is easier to perceive. Moreover, the improvement of the blood supply to the head as a whole has a rejuvenating effect, the skin condition improves.
Singing, among other things, increases our intelligence, helps to better contact with other people, increases a joyful mood and concentration, and, of course, a working mood. Singing affects health, promotes deeper breathing, activates the lymphatic system in the larynx and, accordingly, the cleansing action of the lymph in the head area and generally improves the blood circulation of the whole body. Children always sing with pleasure, but we adults have forgotten. At the same time, children become calmer, happier and less capricious. It is simply unimaginable how, thanks to singing, we can do so much good for ourselves, and in our own stupidity, we can say that we miss such a moment and do not take it seriously.
There are sounds that can completely restore blood circulation and eliminate congestion
“A” - helps relieve pain of various origins, heals the heart and upper lobes of the lungs, helps with paralysis and respiratory diseases, has a powerful effect on the entire body, contributing to the saturation of tissues with oxygen.
“I” - helps in the treatment of eyes, ears, small intestines. “Cleans” the nose, stimulates the work of the heart.
"O" - treats cough, bronchitis, tracheitis, inflammation of the lungs, relieves spasms and pains, eases the course of pulmonary tuberculosis.
"U" - improves breathing, stimulates the kidneys, heals the throat and vocal cords, as well as all organs located in the abdomen.
“Y” - helps in the treatment of ears, improves breathing.
"E" - improves brain function.

The healing power of some consonants has been scientifically proven.
"B", "H", "M" - improve the functioning of the brain.
"K", "Sch" - help in the treatment of ears.
"X" - frees the body from waste substances and negative energy, improves breathing.
"C" - helps in the treatment of the intestines, is useful for the heart, blood vessels, endocrine glands.

Sound combinations.
"OM" - helps in lowering blood pressure. It balances the body, calms the mind, eliminating the cause of high blood pressure. This sound opens the heart, and it becomes able to accept the world, loving, without shrinking from fear or indignation.
“UH”, “OH”, “AH” - stimulate the release of waste substances and negative energy from the body.
These sounds must not only be pronounced, they must be sung. Be sure to pay attention to the intensity with which the sounds are sung. If there is a cardiovascular disease, then you should not do the exercise too intensely; if therapy of the abdominal organs is necessary - on the contrary, the more intensively, the better.

In Rus', people believed that the soul itself sings in a person and singing is its natural state. If you are in a bad mood, you often get sick, experience fatigue and tension - one piece of advice - sing! Sing all you can and remember, even if you've never learned it. Let your children learn at the music school, and you will sing along with them. It is much more useful to sing not alone, but with the whole family.
Singing is an inexpensive activity and he does not need to study and have a special room for this. Sing and BE HEALTHY!

Gavrilova Elena Sergeevna

Music teacher

GBOU Gymnasium №227

Benefits of singing.

It has been known since ancient times that music can work wonders. It has a positive effect on the general well-being of a person, sets in a positive mood, as a result of which even the dynamics of physiological processes in the body improves.

The role of music in our life is huge. In some cases, it simply improves mood, in others it relaxes and pacifies. Positive emotions that we experience while listening to pleasant melodies concentrate attention, activate the central nervous system and stimulate intellectual activity.

Quiet, melodic, moderately slow and minor works are often used in the medical practice of psychotherapists, as they have a calming effect on patients. Often relaxing melodies can be heard in dental offices.

The song also has a real magical effect. Moreover, its healing power has been known since ancient times. Doctors have long noticed that singing - especially vocal lessons at a professional level - has the most beneficial effect on health.

The larynx is our second heart.

Scientists have found that while singing in the brain, endorphins are produced - substances that are called "hormones of pleasure." Thanks to them, mood improves, joy and peace appear, vitality increases, and stress is relieved. In addition, singing can improve the condition of the lungs, complexion and even correct posture.

American scientists, in particular, conducted research among opera singers. As it turned out, singing not only perfectly develops the respiratory system and chest (they are especially developed in professional singers), but also becomes the key to the health of the heart muscle. The vast majority of professional singers have a life expectancy well above average. That is, pay attention, opera singers are physically healthy people and, as a rule, live long.

The larynx, our organ of voice formation, is figuratively called by scientists the “second heart” of a person. When we sing for our own pleasure or in professional vocal classes, then voice training gives health to the whole body, as if tuning it in the right way.

For children, singing is especially important. It is impossible to overestimate its impact on the health and development of the child. Especially if he attends vocal classes, where a teacher works with his voice apparatus. Look how many children's choirs in our country! And this is by no means accidental, because collective singing also promotes friendship between children. Such children are distinguished from their peers by positive emotionality and self-sufficiency. They have no desire to look for dubious stimulants, let alone addiction to dangerous pleasures.

Overtones to strengthen immunity.

Each sound during the sound of the voice is accompanied by vibrations of overtones - higher frequencies. The role here is played by the proximity to each other of the larynx, in which these vibrations occur, and the brain. Resonating with the bones of the skull and with the brain, which is also responsible for the human immune system, overtones strengthen the body's defenses. What is especially important for the child. Therefore, children who love to sing are much less susceptible to colds than their peers who are deprived of this activity.

A child's voice, when trained, is capable of covering a frequency range of approximately 70-3000 vibrations per second. In addition to the fact that these vibrations generally have a beneficial effect on health, they seem to permeate the body of a singing child, helping to cleanse cells and regenerate them. Such a wide range of fluctuations of the human voice also improves blood circulation: high frequencies favor the microcirculation of blood in the capillaries, and low frequencies favor its flow in the arteries and veins.

Sound therapy of internal organs.

Scientists believe that human internal organs are tuned to their own vibration frequencies. Therefore, vocals are a unique means of self-massage for each of them, which contributes to healing and normal functioning. If any organ becomes ill, then its frequency changes. As a result, discord occurs in the work of the whole organism.

When a person sings, it thereby affects the diseased organ, returning it to a healthy vibration. This effect is explained by the fact that when singing, only 20% of the sounds are sent to the outer space, and a significant part - 80% - are turned inward, prompting our organs to work intensively. Sound waves, coinciding with the resonant frequencies corresponding to a particular organ, cause maximum vibration in it and have a direct effect.

Singing and respiratory health.

“The art of singing is the art of breathing correctly,” as they said back in the days of the old Italian school of vocals. And indeed it is. When a person sings, his respiratory muscles are trained and diaphragmatic breathing develops, which in combination improves lung drainage.

With bronchitis, there is an overexcitation of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the work of internal organs. When a person inhales and then holds his breath - which, in fact, is observed when singing - then this part of the nervous system is activated and begins to work better.

A known technique for the treatment of bronchial asthma by learning to sing. In the practice of many teachers specializing in choral art, there have been cases of complete disappearance of seizures in sick children. And no one is surprised when doctors send a child with such a diagnosis to sing in a choir. Singing not only relieves the attacks of this disease, but also cures it.

Vocal lessons are an effective preventive measure in preventing, first of all, colds. Singing is necessary here like air, as it "pumps" the trachea and bronchi, perfectly ventilates and trains the lungs. So, in people who systematically practice vocals, the vital capacity of the lungs increases. From this, the margin of safety of our body becomes much greater.

Singing can also prevent respiratory infections due to the "gas imbalance" in the body that occurs during vocals. When a person sings, he inhales the air quickly. Exhalation is slow. The content of oxygen in the blood decreases, and carbon dioxide - increases. The latter in this case becomes an irritant and "spurs" the immune system, which begins to work more actively in case of diseases.

Vocal lessons and stuttering.

Playing your favorite songs improves pronunciation and speaking practice. By training diction, you can cope with such a defect as stuttering. Therefore, the role of vocal training in improving speech functions can hardly be overestimated. This is especially true for children: the sooner a stuttering child begins to do this, the more chances he will have to say goodbye to this shortcoming forever.

The main difficulty for those who stutter is the pronunciation of the first sound in the word. When singing, the words seem to flow smoothly into each other and merge with the music. When a person listens to others sing, he tries to get in time. At the same time, unnecessary accents in speech are smoothed out.

Experts have proven that a mild degree of stuttering can be eliminated completely. But on condition that a person is engaged in singing regularly. There are known facts when all over the world, with the help of choral singing, children were successfully treated for a mild form of stuttering. Therefore, the main thing here is the regularity of classes.

Let's hit depression with a song.

Since ancient times, the positive role of singing - both solo and choral - in the treatment of nervous and mental ailments has been known. For example, depression, which is common today.

Even in ancient Greece, choral singing was practiced as a remedy forinsomnia, and Aristotle and Pythagoras claimed that it is very useful for mental disorders. Knowledge about this was also known in ancient Tibet: the monks there still recommend singing to curenervous diseases. True, most of this knowledge was at the level of intuition. People in ancient times only guessed such a healing potential in singing, but they did not have the opportunity to substantiate it scientifically.

Singing is useful in any case. Even if a person thinks that nature has deprived him of his voice and musical ear. The ability to express one's inner world in music, in a song is an effective means of relieving internal tension and stress.

A fact that does not need proof: when a person sings, he is in a positive and benevolent mood. Even if he is sad or grief has occurred, then singing carries a tangible relief.

Are you in a bad mood? Are you experiencing tension and fatigue? Are you sick often? I can only advise one thing - sing! It doesn't matter what song it is. It doesn't matter if you remember it well. And even more so, your initial vocal training does not play any role. Most importantly, do it with all your heart! But it's better not alone, but in a circlefamiliesalong with their children.