Recommendations for the rational use of time. How to use time effectively

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Don't waste precious time

According to one of the great people, the most serious crime is not the theft of property, but the theft of time. Sadly, we commit this crime every day.

How many useful and necessary things could be done for people at a time when we are hanging around television screens or doing empty petty things.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to return wasted hours, days, years. But we can learn how to use the time that we have left.

Organization of time incredibly important for modern man. About how to properly organize your life without wasting time in vain, and will be discussed in this article.

Time management is a habit that can be acquired!

What takes a lot of time?

To learn how to use time effectively, consider what a modern person is doing all 24 hours a day.

So, the working day takes from 8 to 12 hours. Of these, really useful activities are given 4-6 hours. The rest of the time we spend on smoke breaks, conversations, coffee, attempts to understand the boss's task and tune in to the working mood.

In order to get to work and return home, residents of large cities spend from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

The lunch break is one hour. Although the meal itself lasts no more than 20 minutes: the rest of the time is spent on the road, the line at the cafe, smoke breaks, etc.

Household chores take from the fair sex from 4 to 5 hours. Women with children spend even more time.

Sleep is 4-7 hours.

As you can see, the schedule is quite tight. However, even in this situation, many manage to lose a lot of time. “In what way?” you ask. Below is a kind of rating of the most empty cases that can be easily abandoned:

>>Change what goes into your brain, and then you can change what goes into it.

Zig Ziglar<<

  • - shopping and boutique shopping (moreover, many go there for the sake of sports interest, having no money with them at all);
  • - reclining at television screens;
  • - communication on the Internet (via Skype, ICQ, etc.);
  • - visiting social networks (going for a "minute" in "Odnoklassniki" or "Vkontakte", you can lose several hours of time);
  • - removal of spam from mailboxes (this is forced to do by office employees - both men and women).

However, this list can be continued indefinitely. Each of us can name dozens more types of activities, because of which we lose a huge number of priceless minutes of life.

After analyzing the current state of affairs, it is unlikely that anyone will want to devote part of their life to useless things, without which they can safely do without.

So what's the deal? Let's learn how to rationally use every precious moment of life, organize time in such a way as to use it as efficiently as possible!

How to learn to use time rationally?

Effective time management

Time management - the science of the correct distribution of time has long been adopted by businessmen who want to achieve tangible results in their activities. It will also come in handy for all those who want to more rationally organize their time, not to waste a single minute in vain.

This also applies to housewives, mothers on maternity leave, and especially those who like to be lazy for an hour or two and do not have time to do what they planned.

So, practical advice on the rational organization of your time.

  1. There is such a method of Neuro Linguistic Programming as "anchoring". It is based on that. That useful activity is tied to a certain "anchor" - words, music, movements, etc. For example, some are inspired by classical music, others by their favorite movie. That is, in order to set yourself up for work, sometimes it is enough to use the desired “anchor”.
  2. Get a diary. Write down the work plan for the day, periodically checking and marking the completed items.
  3. Our life consists of little things, pay attention to them. Instead of a cigarette with a cup of coffee, do something useful - for example, make or check entries in your diary.
  4. Do not refuse to rest if you are tired. A timely respite will not interfere with saving time, but will allow you to gather strength.
  5. Mark the most important things. Group similar tasks. For example, put all the calls that need to be made in a separate column, as well as meetings. Try and complete the points in the same way, the whole group at once - and you will see how convenient and effective it is.
  6. An interesting way to save time was proposed by the French. It is known that our brain is most active before noon. Do the most unpleasant and difficult things in the morning. First, you will be able to do it with the maximum return. Secondly, spend the remaining time with a clear conscience on the more pleasant and easy points of the plan.

You may not yet be ready to admit that you are wasting a lot of time. Sit down in the evening, write down everything that you did during the day in order, minute by minute.

When you see how much time has been wasted on trifles, you will be amazed. And multiplying this time by a week, a month, a year, you will understand why you have not yet achieved your goal in life - and you immediately want to fix everything. And it is in your power.

Remember: careful attitude to time will be the key to a rich, successful life.

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Many families do not know how to properly spend the money coming into the family budget. Millions of people spend thousands of rubles every month on things that are completely unnecessary to them, and after all, extra spending can only be afforded with high incomes. However, making spontaneous purchases is inherent in everyone. Therefore, the question of how to spend money rationally worries almost everyone. The answer to this question can be found in our article, in addition, learn how to allocate your budget and plan all your expenses.

How to learn to save

In order to learn how to save family money, you should not limit your needs, you need to competently manage the available finances. So, how to learn how to spend money rationally and save:

  1. Constantly keep a record of all your expenses, analyze them. Teach yourself to prioritize spending, and secondary, without which you can do without.
  2. Plan your expenses within the framework of the received (earned) funds.
  3. Accustom yourself to set aside money for unforeseen expenses, this will allow you not to take loans during a crisis period (loss of a job, illness, and so on).

General savings rules

If you exclude unnecessary expenses, this does not mean at all that you will lower your quality of life. How not to spend a lot of money or saving rules:

  • Never go shopping hungry or immediately after receiving a paycheck. You must first plan a budget, and then go shopping.
  • Always go to the store with a prepared list of products that you need to buy in advance, and visit only those departments where these products are located. These measures will allow you not to buy completely unnecessary products and trifles.
  • Buy things out of season. Thus, you can significantly save the family budget on things such as a down jacket, leather goods, sheepskin coats, boots, and so on. The only rule is not to lose your head from the discount system and not to buy completely unnecessary things.
  • When paying in a store, do not use credit cards, that is, use only cash, and immediately after making purchases, count the remaining money.
  • If you decide to make a large purchase, you should not give in to impulse, it is better to postpone the time of purchase, weigh everything well and then only purchase this product.
  • Try to buy in bulk whenever possible. If there are some products that are bought regularly, you should try to buy them in bulk, this will save the cost of it, such as personal care products, products with a long shelf life, pet food, household chemicals, and so on.
  • Try to use discount cards and cashback opportunities for discounts.
  • It is reasonable to approach various promotions, protect yourself from the temptation of buying unnecessary things.
  • Do not be tempted by advertising, it is she who is the main enemy of the family budget. You can do without many advertised things or buy a cheaper and not necessarily bad product.
  • Constantly take care of your health, do regular check-ups with a doctor, so as not to start any disease (do not bring the family into illness).

Ways to save money

You can save money in the family with the help of several simple ways:

  • separation method. It is necessary to divide the entire income into 5 equal parts, four of which are intended for four weeks of the month, that is, only one of the four parts is allowed to be used per week. The fifth part is for the last remaining days of the month and for accumulation.
  • Analysis of the costs of all purchases and payment for services. All expenses can be recorded in a notebook, notebook, make an Excel spreadsheet on a work or home computer. Review your spending at the end of each month. This method helps to identify unnecessary costs that can be reduced or completely eliminated.
  • Complete waiver of loans. Vacation loans, for the purchase of household appliances, a computer, a telephone are completely unreasonable decisions. It is much better to accumulate funds and buy the desired thing than to overpay for it in the form of bank interest.

What money is spent on

Before you start drawing up a financial plan, you need to find out where all your money is spent:

  1. Write down how much each of you puts in a common piggy bank.
  2. Write down how much each of you spends on your hobbies and entertainment (cars, salons, needlework, fishing, and so on).
  3. Calculate how much your family spends on food every month.
  4. Rational spending of money also implies that only one spouse, and not both, will have to go to the store.
  5. Try not to buy ready-made semi-finished products, but cook your own food at home.
  6. Calculate the family's expenses for gasoline, medical insurance, Internet, review them and identify what expenses can be reduced.

How to spend money rationally and how mandatory expenses differ from secondary ones

In order to save and rationally spend money, we draw up a family financial plan for a month. First of all, it is necessary to enter all the estimated expenses (in descending order of their significance). Sort all expenses into categories:

  • Urgent payments or mandatory expenses are food, utilities, loan payments (if any), medical treatment.
  • Secondary payments - education, household appliances, clothing, vacation, savings.
  • Non-important payments - restaurants, entertainment, smoking, alcohol, expensive clothes, spas, new technology.

It is necessary to carry funds with you only for current needs. But the question arises: "How much money to spend per day?". Everything is very individual. You need to sit down and calculate the amount that can be painlessly spent for the family budget per day. Desperate shopping lovers need to put credit cards out of their wallets and buy strictly only what was planned.

Where can you save

So, how to spend money rationally or where can you cut your expenses? Let's figure it out. You can cut costs by:

  • utility bills if you install gas and water meters;
  • household appliances, that is, do not buy a product with a huge number of additional functions, this significantly increases its cost;
  • clothes, buying them at sales or at the end of the season;
  • nutrition, reduce meat consumption, reduce the number of desserts, buy products in bulk or at competitive prices; but you should not save on vegetables and fruits, as they are needed for proper nutrition and are rich in all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

We save electricity

For this you need:

  • purchase energy-saving light bulbs;
  • turn off the electricity when leaving the premises;
  • purchase household appliances of class A, AA or A +, they consume less electricity;
  • do not put a refrigerator or freezer near the stove, radiator, battery, in addition, it is necessary to defrost them periodically;
  • disconnect all electrical appliances from the network after using them.

Saving on bad habits

How to spend money rationally? Oddly enough, most of all this question is asked by smokers, beer drinkers, and fast food lovers. If we analyze all the costs of this group of the population, we can find that the costs of bad habits such as cigarettes, alcohol, chips, hamburgers, eat up several thousand rubles from them every month. By eliminating these costs, you can easily save money and stay healthy.

How to save money with a small salary

Small incomes are an incentive to streamline all your expenses. You need to learn to plan all your expenses according to the funds received. You should refuse loans, identify more important ones and adjust them depending on real income. Reduce spending on non-essential needs.

Make a rough menu for the week and make purchases strictly according to the list.

What to spend big money on

There is also a reverse situation, when there is a lot of money, and a person does not know at all where to put it and what to do with it. So, examples of where you can rationally invest your big money:

  1. Travel.
  2. The health of your own and loved ones.
  3. Education.
  4. Buying and furnishing a home.
  5. Rest.
  6. Buying quality goods.
  7. Charity.
  8. Investment in real estate.
  9. Bank deposits.

How to start saving money for a dream

In order to start saving money, you need to determine the purpose for which they are needed, for example, buying a car, housing, home renovation, vacation. Then start saving a certain amount of money every month, while you can use additional sources of income, for example, put the accumulated money in a bank on a deposit and receive interest.

Instead of withdrawal, or save without fanaticism

In any case, the main thing is not to overdo it. Save, save or spend wisely. Often cheap goods lose in quality, and this promises additional expenses, because it is not for nothing that the people have a saying - "The miser pays twice."

When purchasing goods for a promotion, you need to find out the reasons for the markdown. After all, it can be an expired product, using which you can get serious health problems and, as a result, extra costs for treatment.

You should not save on children and buy low-quality Chinese goods and toys that can provoke various diseases in the baby.

It is better to give up an extra handbag or a pair of shoes, but not save on health.

Rational spending of funds should be without fanaticism, you should not deny yourself everything, raising money for a brighter future. It is simply necessary to observe the golden rule - do not succumb to the influence of the environment, compare prices, do not succumb to emotions and advertising influence, be moderate in everything.

You need to live here and today, you should not deprive yourself of joys and pleasant moments, but always think about the next day and the next opportunities.

Oh grief! Life has passed and time has flown by

In the darkness of shame, weakness and laziness.

And people found the way to salvation

And they go slowly towards high goals.

Who, if not a student, should save their time?! Time management is the duty of every believer, and for the seeker of knowledge, it is the main concern and the basis of success in his life of learning. And if he manages to use his time correctly and saves it, he will succeed and achieve his goal, and if not, then he will fail and not succeed.

The seeker of knowledge is a merchant, and his capital is time. But the merchant who squanders his capital right and left is stupid and unlucky. Therefore, he should think about what he spends his time on? And let everyone ask himself for every minute, for every second.

Basic principles of time management

The first duty of the seeker of knowledge is to respect his time and use it rationally. Our predecessors, may Allah be pleased with them, treated their time most carefully, for they knew its price better than others. Al-Hasan al-Basri said: "I found people who save their time more than you save your dirhams and dinars!"

Therefore, the predecessors tried in every possible way to spend their time in the study of knowledge. ‘Umar ibn “Abdul” Aziz said: “Indeed, day and night every time they take something valuable from you, so work day and night!”

They said: "Time is like a sword: if you do not overcome it, it will overcome you." They always tried to become better, so that today would be better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today.

Every day, every hour, every moment, they strived to acquire useful knowledge, to do a good deed, to overcome their passions or to benefit someone, so that their labors would not be in vain and would not turn out to be in vain and in vain. They considered it a manifestation of ingratitude and irreverence to spend time without any benefit for themselves and others, if they did not increase their knowledge, did not strengthen their faith, and did not do good deeds. Ibn Mas "ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said:" I do not regret anything as much as the day when the sun went down, life became shorter, and the things I did on that day did not become better.

The seeker of knowledge should save his time, devoting every moment of it to something that will benefit him or teach him something that is needed, try to increase his knowledge every day.

The words of one of the predecessors are transmitted: “If a day comes when I cannot increase my knowledge in order to win the mercy of Allah, then there is no blessing for me that the sun has risen on this day.”

Let every moment for the seeker of knowledge be more precious than any jewels, if people cherish every hour, then the student must cherish every second, every moment. If people compete in accumulating and accumulating wealth, then he should try to be ahead of the times by accumulating useful knowledge. How great is the difference between the accumulation of wealth and the accumulation of knowledge! In a word, if a student manages to fully use his time, he will succeed on the path to knowledge, and may Allah help him!

The student should always endeavor to draw up a detailed plan for his studies and a plan for the memorization of his lessons, and strictly adhere to it.

Time is priceless, because life cannot be reversed. It has its own distinctive features that we need to know well, and based on this, learn how to use it correctly. Here are some of them:

1. Time is fleeting.

2. The time that has already passed cannot be returned or replaced by anything.

3. Time is the most valuable thing a person has. Therefore, the student should not waste his precious time on useless activities, do not abuse what is lawful in terms of eating, drinking, talking, etc.

It is not fitting for one whom Allah has rewarded with knowledge and intelligence to waste his time in disobedience to Allah, to spend it in amusements and idleness. A prudent person will not wish such a thing for himself, and from this a prudent person will resort to Allah ... Prudence, once again, prudence is necessary for a person in order to understand the full value of his life and spend it only in obedience to Allah Almighty. And will he not wish to make the book his friend, which he will not exchange for any of the people who are ready to become his interlocutor? And this is a huge benefit that reasonable and pure-hearted people know about.

The most serious obstacle for a person, preventing him from enjoying the present moment and today, is delaying and postponing his good deeds. And this continues until the word “I will” almost becomes his motto and way of life.

A man from the tribe "Abd al-Qais was told: "Give us good advice." He replied: "Beware of the word "I will."

The student must fill his day with useful knowledge, good deeds and not postpone it until tomorrow, so that his present does not slip away from him and does not turn into an irrevocable past. He must sow today in order to reap the fruits tomorrow, otherwise he will have to repent when repentance will no longer help ...

Imam al-Hasan al-Basri said: “Beware of postponing things for later, because you live today, not tomorrow. And if you live to see tomorrow, then spend it the same way as today, and if not, then you won’t have to regret what you missed today.

The seeker of knowledge must take advantage of the days of his youth and its golden times. Wisdom says: "Study time - from the cradle to the grave." It is believed that the most excellent time for studying is the flowering of youth, the time of "suhoor" (dawn time) and the time between two night prayers (i.e. evening and night).

The hadith says:

(لن تزول قدما عبد يوم القيامة حتى يسال عن اربع خصال: عن عمره فيما افناه , وعن شبابه فيما ابلاه, وعن ماله من اين اكتسبه وفيم انفقه وعن علمه ماذا عمل به)

“On the Day of Resurrection, the servant (of Allah) will not budge until he is asked about four things: about his life - how did he spend it? - and about his youth - how did he spend it? and about his wealth - from where did he get it and what did he spend it on? - and about knowing it - how did he use it?

Thus, he will be asked about his whole life in general and about his early years in particular.

Youth is only a part of life, but it is especially valuable, since these are the years of the flowering of vitality and firm determination, as well as a period of human strength in the interval between two periods of weakness: the weakness of infancy and the weakness of old age. Youth is a time of activity ... youth is a quickly leaving guest, and if a reasonable person fails to take advantage of it, then his heart will be torn with grief.

Therefore, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

(اغتنم خمسا قبل خمس, شبابك قبل هرمك, وصحتك قبل سقمك, وغناك قبل فقرك,وفراغك قبل شغلك, وحيا تك قبل موتك)

“Take advantage of five things before the arrival of five others: your youth to old age, your health to illness, your wealth to poverty, your free time to employment, and your life to death.”(Al-Hakim).

Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “The Great and Powerful Allah gave his slaves knowledge in their youth, and all goodness lies in youth.” Hafsa bint Sirin said: “Young people! Work hard, because it is only in youth that things are done. And were not the companions of the Messenger of Allah, who believed in him, supported him, helped him and followed the light of the religion sent down to him, most of them young?

And he who fails to take advantage of his youth will repent of his old age. One scientist said to one young man: “Work until the time comes when you can’t do it. I want to do a lot today, but I can’t anymore.” Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "Study religion while you're young."

Let the seeker of knowledge read the following words - and let them be an example for him. Ibn al-Jawzi said: “I watched people in high positions and saw that most of them lose a lot during their period of greatness. Some of them in their youth wallow in sin, others neglect the search for knowledge, others indulge in excessive pleasures. But in old age they all repent, when the former sins can no longer be corrected, when the strength has dried up, and the merits are forgotten. Their old age passes in sorrow and sadness. If the elder comes to his senses in his former sins, he will say: “How I regret those sins that I committed!”. And if he doesn’t come to his senses, he will begin to regret those delights that he can no longer return.

And the one who devoted his youth to the search for knowledge, in his old age gratefully reaps the fruits of what he has sown, and enjoys writing down the knowledge that he has collected in books. He not only does not consider that he has lost any bodily benefits, but also enjoys the knowledge he has acquired.

Free time and health

The good that many people neglect, do not properly appreciate and do not thank for it, is health and free time. It is reported from the words of Ibn "Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both, that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

(نعمتان مغبون فيهما كثير من الناس الصحة والفراغ)

“Many people are deprived of two favors: health and free time”(Al-Bukhari). This means that many people do not use these blessings to do good deeds, but use them to commit sins. Free time should be understood as being unoccupied with worldly affairs and problems that distract a person from his engagement in the affairs of eternal life.

Free time never remains free, it will inevitably be filled with either good or evil. And whoever cannot captivate his soul with righteous deeds, that soul will be captivated by evil deeds. Happy is he who spends his time in good and righteous deeds, and woe to him who spends his time in bad and vicious deeds.

One righteous person said: “Time free from worldly concerns is a great blessing. And if a person shows ingratitude for the benefit rendered to him by giving free rein to his passions and following his desires, then Allah will violate the well-being of his soul and deprive him of that spiritual purity and peace that he had.

In a word, the seeker of knowledge does not waste his life and does not waste a second of his time on matters not connected with knowledge. As necessary, he allocates time for eating, drinking, sleeping, resting after tiring work, performing his duties in relation to family members, a guest, to earn a livelihood, and also breaks away from studies in case of illness or for other reasons that interfere with studies. Some of the predecessors did not stop their studies, even if they had a slight illness or indisposition. Knowledge was their medicine, and they continued to study as best they could.

Taking advantage of every opportunity

There are many worldly concerns, and our needs in this life are endless, so the seeker of knowledge needs to resort to some tricks in order to rationally use the time to which we do not attach much importance and lose it for the sake of imaginary politeness or habit.

a) While eating, while doing housework, as well as in the car, the student can read prayers and adhkars, listen to recordings of the Koran or sermons.

b) He can repeat the Quran or the lesson he has learned as he walks down the street, following the example of our pious scholars. When al-Khatib al-Baghdadi walked along the road, he always read. One of the predecessors, giving advice to his friends, said: “When you leave me, then disperse: perhaps one of you will read the Koran on the way, and if you all go together, you will start talking to each other.”

c) Wherever the student goes, always take a textbook with him. Praise be to Allah, in our time many books are printed in small format, which greatly facilitates this task. The main thing is that the student should have a desire to take advantage of the time that many people simply lose, even many of those who seek knowledge.

Careful attitude of predecessors to time

The seeker of knowledge should constantly become acquainted with how the predecessors used their time, reflect on their way of life whenever he discovers in himself laziness and negligence. How did Ibn Hajar and other scholars like him manage to achieve what they have achieved and do what they have done? Some will say that they were brilliant people, they were accompanied by the help of Allah, and their life was blessed. And this is certainly true. But is a blessing given to a person for no reason? And is it really possible to grieve, following in the footsteps of others, instead of striving to earn a better share and change your fate?

The one who is concerned with how to kill time and spend it in any way with benefit or without benefit will never receive the blessings and help of Allah. And if someone asks him for something important, he will apologize and say that he does not have time. How often people complain about the lack of time and the transience of years, but these are only those who waste their time and ruin their lives. And some even admit that they are killing time, but do not suspect that in fact, they are killing their own lives.

The height of aspirations and the greatness of goals encourage a person to value time, since this is his life. And if what one strives for is dear, then it is easy to part with what one sacrifices along the way. Yes, our predecessors were extremely frugal with time and tried not to miss a single second without using it to acquire knowledge. They even regretted the time they spent eating. Al-Khalil said: "The most painful time for me is the time when I eat."

It is reported that Salim ibn Ayyub ar-Razi followed his every breath and never spent time without use: he either copied books, or taught something, or read ... One day he went to his home, and when he returned, he said : “On the way, I read one juz (1/30 part of the Koran)” ... Once his pencil became dull and while he put it in order, he moved his lips. And it was possible to understand what he was reading even when he was just sharpening a pencil, even here not wanting to waste time in vain.

Ibn "Akil said:" I try in every possible way to reduce the time for eating, that I even prefer to eat cake and drink it with water, because I need to chew it less, and I have more time to read or write down something useful, what else He also said: "I never spend a single minute of my life without use. Even when my tongue is no longer able to learn and discuss anything, and my eyes to read, I think, straining my thoughts, lying down and resting "When I get up, it always comes to my mind what to write. And in my eighty years I feel a greater thirst for knowledge than when I was twenty."

The seeker of knowledge needs a precise and thoughtful system, which he must strictly follow in order to make the most of his time. After all, disorder, carelessness and spontaneity are the biggest enemies of the seeker of knowledge. And no one needs the distribution of their time more than students, because they have a huge burden of care, and it even seems to them that there are more things to do than they have time to do.

And the seeker of knowledge must allocate his time between obligatory and other matters so that one does not interfere with the other, insignificant matters do not interfere with important ones, important ones with the most important, and those unconditioned by time - limited in time. Urgent tasks should be done first, and non-urgent tasks after. What is limited in time should always be done on time.

1. Drawing up a detailed plan

The student should always endeavor to draw up a detailed plan for his studies and a plan for the memorization of his lessons, and strictly adhere to it. And it does not matter if from time to time he will make changes to it in accordance with new requirements.

In studies, as well as in trade and military campaigns, a person should draw up a plan of work. A student who sets a clear schedule for his day and then sets to work relieves himself of many worries and acquires a significant boost of energy and diligence. In fact, the plan that a person makes for himself and carries out from day to day soon becomes a common and simple thing for him. In other words, when we need to solve several issues, then most likely we will not cope with some of them, because one issue prevents the solution of another, and the solution of each of them prevents us from completely surrendering to the solution of any one of them. Thus, we uselessly pass from one question to another immediately after we have briefly considered it, casually putting aside the solution of each of them ...

A specific place allotted for classes is no less important than a specific time for this. Have the student have a personal desk and chair for intellectual work only. And after a while this place will symbolize a lesson for him.

Many believe that the secret of success lies in a person's accustoming himself to discipline and constant work. One of the great doctors, William Osler, asked a group of students the following question: "How can you make the most efficient use of your talents with the least amount of effort?" Then he himself answered the question: “I can do this by cultivating the spirit of discipline in myself. I say "education" because it will be quite difficult for many of you to accustom yourself to it. There are people who, from birth, have received a mentality predisposed to discipline. But at the same time, there are people with a different mindset who must declare a long war on themselves in order to eradicate the innate predisposition to disorder and carelessness in business ...

This appeal is dedicated especially to the young, since they are still at the beginning of their life path and the future of each of them depends on the habits that they develop in themselves during this delicate period of life. It is not difficult to observe the usual system in any business, but it is not easy to introduce it into the routine of your daily life. The student should determine for each part of his day an obligatory task to be engaged in at that time, and through exercise and practice develop the ability to concentrate.

As for the detailed presentation of the individual items of the daily routine, everyone determines them for himself. First of all, it is necessary to determine the amount of time that the student is going to devote to studying, but let him not make too “ideal” plans. It will be better if he evaluates his mental abilities in a balanced and fair way, without overestimating himself and not belittling his capabilities. Then you should choose for yourself the time during the day when he would prefer to do mental work, being sure that regularly and daily at this time he will have the opportunity to do this. It is also important to choose different times during the day for your studies. This is not bad, provided that the student makes it a habit to consistently study at this time.

In addition, the student needs to determine how much time to devote to each subject and schedule classes in accordance with the time frame. Of course, he will not be able to determine in advance exactly how long he will need to study each subject or when he expects to start the next lesson, because the learning process cannot remain so rigid. But still, it’s better if every day he roughly determines how much time it will take him for a particular lesson, and draws up a schedule on the basis of which he will build his classes. Thus, the student will get rid of the question of which lesson to start with, and stop worrying about the things that he had to do.

But most students don't know how to manage their time. In fact, knowing in detail how to manage one's time is today's first significant step for students towards a lifestyle based on the most efficient daily schedule...

It is very important to think about the reasons for wasting your time and think carefully about how you can make up for every lost minute.

2. Compliance with the daily routine

The seeker of knowledge should not put off until tomorrow what he has to do today. After all, tomorrow he will have other business and duties that will not allow him to do yesterday's business.

I do not put off tomorrow, succumbing to laziness,

What can I do today

Because tomorrow is the day of the one who is weak and in action

Can't do exactly anything.

If the day passes, then the student will take with him everything that was that day. And if he postpones his business today, then tomorrow he will have to complete the work in two days.

Omar ibn "Abdul" Aziz was told: "Delay it until tomorrow." To which he replied: “It’s hard for me to cope with the affairs of one day, but what will happen if two days of work pile up on me ?!” If the seeker of knowledge always fulfills the duties and deeds that he has set for the day, he will gain peace and fully complete his work.

3. Business should be started early in the morning

In the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) it is said:

(اللهم بارك لامتي فى بكورها)

“O Allah! Bless my ummah in their affairs, which they begin in the early morning!”. Ibn Omar, commenting on the words "they start early in the morning", said: "they come early to study and to the mosque in order to take a seat in the front row."

The first part of the day is a blessed time for the traveler, when he travels great distances. But many seekers of knowledge today miss this opportunity to receive the blessing promised to them after the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) uttered the words of prayer (du "a)! Moreover, some of them wake up a few minutes before sunrise, hastily perform morning prayer, then again continue to sleep, as if they had not heard such a hadith!

4. A small deed steadily done is better than a big but fickle one.

The hadith says:

(احب الاعمال الى الله تعالى ادومها وان قل)

“Allah loves most of all those deeds that are done with the greatest constancy, even if they are few.”(Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Imam al-Nawawi said: “This hadeeth encourages constancy in deeds, and it also says that a small but steadily done deed is better than a significant but impermanent one ... A small deed that is constantly done brings much more benefit than significant but not permanent.

Therefore, the student needs to allocate his time, both day and night, in accordance with his abilities and conditions, and specially allocate some part of the time for a certain business, which he will steadily engage in daily, for example, read a certain amount of dhikr and salavat. Allocate the other part of the time for other activities, for example, for the study of religious sciences.

5. Solitude

The seeker of knowledge should sometimes give preference to solitude, because nothing reminds one of eternal life like loneliness... And a person, walking around the market for some time, under the impression of what he sees, forgets what he knows. Solitude, on the other hand, allows a person to calm the soul, gather strength, think about the consequences and stock up on everything necessary for this.

If we look at those who were able to take advantage of the short moments of their lives and achieve such results and fruits of their labor, which causes surprise and amazement, we will see that they were friends only with hardworking, diligent, outstanding and intelligent people who valued their time in the same way. how they valued their lives, because time is life.

And friendship with such outstanding, zealous and cherishing every minute and second people had a serious impact on the activities of such famous people as Imam Ibn Jarir at-Tabari, Ibn "Akil al-Khanbali, Ibn" Asakir ad-Dimashki, Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn an-Nafis, al-Mizzi, al-Dhahabi, Ibn Hajar and other scholars like them, who left behind a colossal, invaluable legacy.

Imam Ibn "Akil al-Hanbali said:" In my youth, Allah in every possible way protected me from sins and limited all my love to love for knowledge and its owners. I never communicated with lovers of fun and was friends only with the same students as myself " The one who is devoted to knowledge, who is accompanied by the help of Allah and who strives for the sublime, you can only see in the company of meritorious, diligent, wise, intelligent and knowledgeable people. him to become like them, or at least like them.

Friendship with such people will teach the seeker of knowledge to be ahead of time, and friendship with bad people will teach him to lose it fruitlessly. Abdullah ibn Mas "ud, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "A person is judged by his friend, because he takes as his friend only his like." And may Allah save us from friendship with bad people.

6. Mental rest and peace

The seeker of knowledge spends all his time studying, but from time to time he needs rest so that later he will not be forced to interrupt all his studies. After all, the human soul does not tolerate monotony. Abdallah ibn Mas"ud said: "Truly, the human soul has aspiration and enthusiasm. But it is also characterized by lethargy and lack of interest. Get down to business when the soul is striving, and let it rest when interest is lost."

Time should be distributed in such a way that there is also time for rest, because after a long work, the soul of a person begins to feel disgust for it, and gets tired just like the body gets tired. "Ali said: "... and it is not proper for a Muslim to burden himself so much that it takes away his strength and prevents him from continuing what he was doing."

At the same time, the student should not overburden himself, so that he does not have a feeling of fatigue and disgust. And, perhaps, he will hate studying and will no longer be able to overcome himself. Let him be moderate in such matters. Every person knows himself better.

However, the rest of the seeker of knowledge is different from the rest of other people, because at any time he tries to acquire some benefit:

a) some predecessors used breaks during the lessons in which they recited hadith to pronounce the words of remembrance of the Great and Mighty Allah (dhikr). Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, talking about the rules of conduct of a muhaddith (a person who tells hadith; an expert and transmitter of hadith), said: “When he stops telling hadith during the Majlis, while resting, he pronounces the words of remembrance of Allah Almighty. So did many of the greatest men of the forerunners."

b) If a student is tired of studying one subject, then he should take up the study of another, because this is better than stopping classes altogether. You can move from one form of occupation to another in order to change the type of activity.

The soul that is tired is not capable of anything,

And you change its state from one to another.

c) Every time a student feels a surge of energy, he should study the lessons. And the study of stories, biographies and stories from the life of predecessors, reading wise sayings and poems can be postponed until another time when he feels tired in himself, and you should choose useful verses, such as verses praising our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him ), poetic collections of Divan ash-Shafi" and Divan Abu al-" Atahiya and other poets who glorified abstinence and detachment (zuhd).


Every person has a unique resource in their life. This time. By learning how to use it wisely, you can radically change your life.

Most probably, such a sad picture is familiar, when unbearably similar days follow each other. Why are there days, sometimes it's weeks, months and even years! But this time can never be returned and lived differently.

Start changing your life today and you will have a happy tomorrow

Every day is a small life. If we do even something insignificant every day, then after a while we will be able to achieve an important goal. Many people dissuade themselves from starting to act at this very moment, because there are supposedly no necessary conditions for this yet. But the fact is that at another moment they will not be either. And indeed, they may never be.

Why has it become fashionable lately to start a new life on Monday? Or from the first of next month? Well, or in extreme cases - from the first day of the New Year? So what now, do nothing all your life waiting for the right moment? Unfortunately, this is exactly what some people do. So they still manage to constantly get angry and complain that they are unhappy and do not live at all the way they would like, and time is slipping away more and more rapidly ...

People are hostages of time

And time really does not wait for anyone. And in childhood, when there are no special worries, it doesn’t feel that way at all. Growing up, people have to learn a lot, then build a career, along the way creating a family. And after all, the more a person's demands grow, the more he feels himself a slave of time. He is sorely lacking. Sometimes you think - well, why is our life so short? After all, it is impossible in such a short time to enjoy all its colors, visit every corner of our planet and learn as much as possible about everything in the world.

The modern world with its high technologies and eternal bustle literally enslaves people. But for all time flows at the same speed. Have you ever wondered why someone achieves in a year what others cannot achieve for many years? Obviously, the point is that everyone is different. Some people are ready to live their whole lives in the “home-work-home” mode. And for others, when they are inactive for a long time, apathy literally begins. Such "energizers" constantly want to try something new, meet interesting people, attend entertainment events. Here everyone decides for himself what is best for him - to take everything from life or to lead a calm, homely lifestyle.

Instructions for action

The issue of time has been particularly acute in recent years. Millions of books are published about the secrets of time management, all kinds of lectures and courses are held daily on how to learn how to properly use every second of your life.

For a long time, we have been urged to plan every day. And there is some truth in this. You will spend your free time much more efficiently by planning it in advance, and not spending half a day thinking about what you will do today. And most importantly, goals need to be written down. Get yourself a diary in which you will record all the main points, and which will subsequently guide you in small steps towards a big goal. Just remember - be able to focus on one thing, and until you are done with it, do not be distracted by anything else. Now there are so many temptations - calls, correspondence, the Internet, TV ... But if you are constantly distracted by everything, you can not cope with the task before the end of the day or do everything anyhow.

Mass epidemic

By the way, about technical means. Yes, it’s hard to imagine our life without a telephone, TV and the Internet. But sometimes they replace the joy of simple human communication. Instead of coming home from work and spending time with their loved ones, many turn on the TV and immerse themselves in series and entertaining talk shows or sit down at the computer to play online games. Social media posts are increasingly replacing face-to-face communication, which allows us to see the glow of eyes or feel the warmth of touch. Of course, we cannot stop using these technological advances, and this is not required. You just need to learn how to do it more rationally. Otherwise, you may not even notice how your whole life will pass in front of a monitor or phone screen.

Know how to prioritize

Let's return to our "instructions". As a rule, the most urgent and important tasks are best done in the morning hours. This will give strength for new achievements and set you up for a productive wave. And the load of unfinished work will keep you from focusing on other things.

Do not try to take on your shoulders all the problems in the world - both work and personal. You can ask for help from one of your relatives or colleagues, who will certainly not refuse you and, perhaps, even do something better than you.

Of course, all people have such things that they put aside in the farthest box from year to year. Time runs inexorably, and things do not get done by themselves. So, maybe it's worth finally starting to deal with them? Gradually solving task after task, you will feel free from that pile of problems that has been weighing you down all the time. And you will no longer wake up with the thought: “Again, I don’t have enough time for anything!”

Many workaholics, when planning their lives, do not think about rest at all. He just doesn't fit into their busy schedule. “I have no time to relax,” they say. But this is fundamentally a misconception.

When to pause

Probably everyone sooner or later felt so tired mentally and physically that they didn’t want anything at all. This is the very bell when you need to sit down and think critically - what can you refuse in your frantic schedule? Are you really filling your life with those hobbies that bring you great pleasure or is it time to do something else? But are unnecessary, pessimistic people who could be deleted from your environment taking away your strength and energy? By doing this “review” of your life and taking the right actions, you will feel happier. Time can work for you, you just have to want it.

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Time is the most valuable gift that life can give us. A truly successful person always spends his time wisely - that's why he gets so much done in such a short time. For a modern woman, this axiom is more relevant than ever, because the combination of work and career makes itself felt: less and less time is left for yourself and your needs, but you really want to do everything and live a full life. Hence the constant fatigue, neurosis and irritability - the burden of responsibility and haste makes itself felt.

Plan your time

Time planning is perhaps the most effective step towards clearing debris. If you think that this will take extra time and will not be effective, try to schedule your tasks for at least one day, arranging them in order of priority. Get yourself a beautiful diary that you will be pleased to take in your hands, and write down all the plans there.

Highlight the most important and primary tasks in your diary in a different color so that you constantly pay attention to them. After completing them, move on to less important things, and so on. The most important thing is to leave yourself some margin, do not set clear time limits. Life is not a series of clearly defined time frames, there are also force majeure events that can easily get you out of a rut. That's why it's so important that the time frame stays blurry - in case of unexpected problems, everything can easily be replayed.

If you don't know how to divide cases, try this simple system:

1. Important and urgent matters;

2. Important but not urgent matters;

3. Unimportant but urgent matters;

4. Unimportant and not urgent matters.

Highlight each group with a specific color. At first it will be difficult, but over time you will get used to it, and you will easily distribute your responsibilities.

Show willpower

Try to limit the so-called "time traps" - activities that distract and waste time without giving anything in return. It can be gatherings on the Internet on your favorite site, watching the next episode of the series, reading newspapers or watching TV. Such traps quickly and permanently take away precious time that could be spent on learning English or doing other important things. Often, without noticing it, you can spend a decent amount of time, and again in a hurry to do the necessary things, driving yourself into an endless circle of fatigue.

Do one thing at a time

No matter how multitasking you are, no matter how well you manage to do many things at the same time, the golden rule of time management is that when doing a task, give yourself completely to it. The fact is that when doing several things at the same time, it is very easy to miss small details, because of which you will have to return to the same thing more than once. As a result, you spend much more time on the task than you could have spent initially, if you took care of this business from beginning to end. Fight the temptation to show your best side and do everything at once - anyway, in the end you will either have to ask for outside help to complete a difficult task, or again fall down from fatigue.

The second aspect - try to immerse yourself in the task as much as possible and absorb information that is relevant to your current case. This will increase work efficiency. No one is able to switch from one thing to another instantly, without wasting time. However, it takes a lot of energy to keep attention on one big thing. Therefore, have on hand a few small things that do not require immersion in them with your head, preferably purely mechanical. They will allow you to be distracted without losing attention, in addition, our psyche is such that monotonous work that does not require mental effort helps to concentrate on truly important matters and increases brain activity.

Constantly analyze

Keep track of what you spend a lot of time on and think about how you can change it. For example, a large amount of time is spent on finding and choosing what you will cook and buy products. The solution is simple: write lists of what you need to purchase in advance. Use unoccupied time slots to plan your menu.

Keep a sleep schedule

No matter how much you want to finish everything on time and go to bed a little later, it is better to sacrifice unimportant things and go to bed on time. Fatigue and lack of sleep greatly reduce performance, and the next day it will be more difficult for you to complete your to-do list.

Delegate your responsibilities

Do not try to take on all the responsibilities and heroically cope with them. If you look around for a moment and look around, then the picture that opens will surprise you - the world will not fall apart if things are done by someone else, and your friends and colleagues can do everything perfectly.

Call work

When doing any business, it is very difficult to keep track of the time frame. Set a reminder on your smartphone, or use a special computer program - divide the day into time periods. For example, set a timer for fifty minutes of work and during this period of time do not be distracted by anything, do only the right thing. Then set the same timer for rest.

The intervals can be different: for example, forty minutes of work and twenty minutes of break, or fifty minutes of work and ten breaks. The most important thing is that during the period of time allocated for work, do only business, and during the period of time allocated for rest, free your head from work. This method allows you not to keep track of time and at the same time distribute it effectively.

Take care of optimization

No matter how much time you spend on your affairs, if most of the time is spent on preparation, you will never be in time for anything. Try to keep your workplace in order, do not allow clutter. Think about how you can make it so that searching for things and preparing for another business takes as little time as possible?

Don't forget to rest

Ability to work is not an endless resource, and rest is necessary even for workaholics. Spend time on yourself, allow yourself walks with friends, gatherings in a cafe. Life is not only work, then vivid impressions will not only fill your life, but also allow you to feel its fullness, and this will definitely affect your performance.