Psychology types of people kinesthetic visuals audio. Test Auditory, visual, kinesthetic, discrete

The division of people according to the type of perception into visuals, auditory, kinesthetic and digital is conditional. Those who use one channel of experience are few, most people are universal, but one way is more important. Visuals are great at hearing and love music, while audials are familiar with the pleasure of touch.

Visuals are 80-85% of people living on our planet. Who are visuals? People who perceive information primarily through sight. What words do they use? “I see”, “I don’t see the benefit here”, “My point of view is this.” They even use visual images in words. And they think in pictures, perceive information in pictures. And they convey it for the most part in pictures.

Audials, "big ear" - people who perceive by ear. Surely you are familiar with such folk wisdom that women love with their ears. 10-12% of people around the world perceive information primarily through hearing.

Kinesthetics. There are very few such people. According to various sources, they are from 3% to 5-8%. The statistics here do not give exact numbers, but we cannot measure every person on the planet. But on average it is 3-5%.

And there is a fourth category, which scientists, sociologists, statistics for some reason often forget about. These are digital. These are generally few. They are on average 1-2%. These are very rare people. A digital is a person who perceives meaning. Numerical values, proportion, signs, symbols. He is very logical and at the same time intuitive in making decisions, in perceiving information.

Usually a person is more focused on one of the channels - he spends more time in it, he thinks better, and this way of perception is, as it were, more important for him than the others. This does not mean at all that the visual does not hear or feel anything. It only means that vision is more important to him.

According to psychologists, people perceive the world differently in the literal sense of the word. And this applies not only to differences in worldviews or religious beliefs. Just for one, the world is primarily sounds, for another - a picture, for a third - sensations. Now they single out into a separate group those who perceive the surrounding reality as a pure stream of information, material for logical analysis.

Three ways of perceiving the world

Among people there are digitals, visuals, auditory, kinesthetics. The characteristic of each type is based on its way of perceiving the world. For visuals, this is before

just a picture, an image. If you ask a visual to tell you about a walk in the park, he will first of all remember the color of autumn foliage, the blueness of the sky and the bizarre outlines of an old tree. He will tell you what he saw. But it was cold or warm, birds sang or not - for the visual it is not so important.

Auditory, on the contrary, will pay attention primarily to sounds. A conversation with a friend, the rustle of leaves, the singing of birds - this is what he will remember when talking about a walk. The kinesthetic perceives reality as a sensation: the warm rays of the sun, the soft moss, the stiff stalks of grass.

Innovation in classification

The rarest type is digital. Psychologists began to include it in typing lists not so long ago, before only visuals, auditory, kinesthetics appeared there. The characterization of digitals is rather peculiar and even controversial in a certain sense. These are people who perceive the world in the form of a logical picture, a clear

structured schema. For auditory conversation, communication is voice and intonation, for visual - clothes and facial expressions of a partner, for kinesthetic - touch. Digital first of all perceives the semantic component of what was said. He may not remember how the interlocutor's voice sounds or how he looked, but he will accurately assess the degree of argumentation of what was said and the accuracy of logical constructions.

The controversy of singling out these people as a separate group is obvious. The classical definition is based on the dominance of one particular sense organ. Logic, thinking cannot be attributed to the sense organs, this is a way of processing information, and not its perception. Adding digitals to this classification is the same as adding “round” to the list of “large, medium, small”. After all, this is also a characteristic of the subject.

However, psychologists who adhere to the point of view that the digital type has a right to exist always clarify that there are very few such people. This is more the exception than the rule.

External differences of psychotypes

It is possible to determine whether an auditory person, visual or kinesthetic, even on the basis of external observations.

Audials talk a lot and willingly, always listen carefully, although they may not look at the interlocutor. This is not a manifestation of antipathy, they just do not care about the visual component of the information. Audials are sensitive to the slightest shades of intonation, they can only be offended by too rough intonation (although, for example, a kinesthetic person will not pay attention to such a trifle). Visuals, on the contrary, eye with

the interlocutor is not reduced. They will always notice a new hairstyle or a good combination of colors in clothes. Their opinion about the interlocutor is based on external impressions. Clothing, facial expressions, gestures - all this is very important for visuals. But they can listen inattentively, as, indeed, kinesthetics. This is normal for such psychotypes.

Kinesthetics during a conversation move a lot, gesticulate. Perhaps they are the most graceful psychotype. After all, movement, the sensation of the body during it - this is their element. The answer to the question "how to define kinesthetics" is obvious. Because it is this type that always tries to touch the interlocutor: to pat him on the shoulder, to touch his hand. This is not an invasion of privacy at all. It's just that kinesthetics feel the world that way.

Why you need to know your type

There are hundreds of personality tests. To find out, it is enough to answer a couple of dozen questions. Auditory, Visual or Kinesthetic? The test will easily determine what type of perception a person has. Nothing to do with tests

“What kind of book character are you” or “Who are you in the animal world” does not have this questionnaire. Information about the type of perception is of great practical importance. After all, it depends, for example, on the preferred method of learning.

Audials are easier to memorize material by ear, visuals need visual information. Kinesthetic learners are better at tasks related to the object world. The characteristic of kinesthetics suggests that the ability to touch, feel an object for them is the main way of knowing the world. Therefore, abstract objects are given to kinesthetics with difficulty.

Types of perception of information and learning

Tests to determine the type of perception of information are recommended to be carried out in kindergartens and schools. So you can find out how best to convey educational material to children. However, this is unlikely to affect the way of teaching. Even if the teacher is ready to change the usual method of presenting the material, it will certainly turn out that there are representatives of each type in the class, which means that you just need to diversify the lessons, using both oral explanations and visual materials.

But this is clear even without tests. But parents can use the information received to good use. Home study of the material can be built on the basis of this knowledge. The kinesthetic child will learn the lesson better if he has the opportunity to use the material embodiment of theoretical knowledge. This is where counting sticks and training models come in handy. When explaining to him exactly how the Earth revolves around the Sun, it is better not to look for a training video, but to take an apple and a lamp. Let the child himself try to make night and day on the “planet” apple, touch the warm “summer” barrel and the cold “winter” barrel. Kinesthetics understand this much better than any explanation.

Methods of assimilation of new material

To learn new information, auditory people usually say it out loud. It is impossible to ask such a person to be silent - he simply will not remember what needs to be learned. Visuals tend to remember what a textbook page looks like, right down to the pictures. But kinesthetics are unlikely to appreciate this, such a way of assimilation of material for

them is useless. Feeling is important for this psychotype. Therefore, while working on the material, they walk back and forth, twirl something in their hands or pull. In the cartoon "DuckTales" the main character Scrooge McDuck had a special room for reflection. In it, he walked in a circle, pondering the solution to another problem. Even paved the path. This character is an example of a classic kinesthetic. It is useless to force a representative of this psychotype to sit still. This will not improve the result, but, on the contrary, worsen it.

The role of types of perception in conflicts

Adults will also benefit from this information. In the heat of family quarrels, it is good to remember that the opponent is not at all cold, indifferent and insensitive. Maybe he just sees the world differently. In a situation where the wife has a kinesthetic psychological type, and the husband has an auditory type, it is quite difficult to find mutual understanding. A man will assume that since a woman talks little to him or talks, but in some “not that” tone, it means that feelings fade away. At the same time, the partner simply will not hear all the words “I love you”, she will miss them. But she will pay attention to the fact that her husband does not hug her, does not hold her hand, does not touch gently.

How to find a common language for representatives of different psychotypes

Partners communicate their feelings, but each in their own language. But they cannot hear or understand each other. The only way out in this case is a compromise. A partner can convince himself as much as he likes that if he does not receive the necessary confirmation of his feelings, but it is still there, it is simply “invisible” for him. Emotional hunger does not lead to anything good. A person needs to really feel loved, and not just theoretically understand the truth of this statement.

Therefore, partners must take into account the needs of each other. Audials need to speak out loud about their feelings, without which full contact is impossible. Kinesthetics need touch. So why not just take your partner by the hand, if it's so important? You just need to remember this nuance. Kinesthetic learners will appreciate this.

You can find a common language with any psychotype. The main thing is to take into account the needs of each other and understand that the partner sees the world a little differently.

From birth, we are all endowed with the ability to perceive the world around us through sight, hearing, smell, as well as taste and tactile sensitivity. However, a person cannot perceive information from the outside equally well with all five senses. Each of us has the ability to perceive through some sense organ is much higher than through all the others. And, depending on such a predominance, the manner of a person’s behavior, traits of his character, etc., differ.

Based on this, all people can be divided into three types, depending on the predominance of one or another way of perceiving the world around them:

  1. Audials;
  2. Kinesthetics.

Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of each of these types.


For auditory people, the perception of various sounds is primary. This group of people includes those who most accurately perceive information by ear and it makes up about 60% of all mankind. They easily capture the meaning of phrases and texts spoken aloud and without visual accompaniment. However, auditory people have difficulties in perceiving and remembering faces and objects, in contrast to the sounds and voices of people - it will be enough to hear some sound once and it will “settle” in the memory of the auditory person for a long time. It can be said that such individuals live in a world of melodies, rhythms and sounds.

Audials are often characterized by vivid and emotional speech. They are incredibly "come alive" when talking, their speech is filled with many sounds in the form of exclamations, sometimes they almost turn into a scream. And all because the voice of a person of this type, as a rule, is very loud, sonorous and melodic.

In no case should the monologue of the auditory be interrupted, otherwise he may become silent and henceforth not enter into a conversation with the person who interrupted him. Entering into a dialogue with the interlocutor, the audials are at a close distance from him in order to accurately capture the intonation of the speaker.

Often in their conversation they use words such as “quiet”, “sound”, “loud”, “shout”, “listen”, etc. Also often the use of auditory phrases such as:

  • "listen to what I say";
  • "glad to hear you";
  • “I am annoyed by this sound”;
  • "sounds tempting";
  • “what does this mysterious tone mean”;
  • "Your idea sounds great."

Audials enjoy listening to music and enjoy singing, even if they just hum something out loud. Therefore, a person of this type chooses the profession of a composer, musician, psychologist or lecturer.

Even before entering into a conversation with the auditory, it can be recognized by external signs. For example, this person always sits straight, with his neck stretched out and his body slightly forward - this is his perception, it is easier for him to catch information through the sounds coming to him in great detail. Audials have a well-developed chest and breathing is even and deep.

At first glance, it may seem that such a person is somewhat arrogant and stubborn, but in fact, auditory people are very good-natured, always open to conversations and able to empathize. They will not only completely sincerely tell how they are doing, but they themselves will be happy to ask about the life of the interlocutor, listen to his story. It is not typical for auditory people to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, as for them this causes tension and often distracts from the thought that needs to be conveyed or from the perception of another person. And, of course, auditory people love with their ears.

For this type, perception through the organs of vision is paramount. Such a person most fully assimilates the information that is received visually, that is, through the eyes, there are about 20% of them. He perceives the world around him, for the most part, relying precisely on visual images. This is due to the fact that visuals have the most developed visual memory. They, unlike auditory, during a conversation try to stay at a distance from the interlocutor to be able to consider his appearance, clothes, facial features.

In addition, visuals themselves are excellent storytellers, as they can easily retell the event they saw, the picture presented, etc. Extraneous noise does not interfere with them at all, they easily concentrate their attention on the visual description of something: diagrams, pictures, tables, diagrams.

In their speech, they often use the words “look”, “bright”, “distinctly”, “see”, “look”, “I see”, as well as, for example, such phrases as:

If the visual is among a large number of people, then he will try to take a place in the room from which he could see most of those present, because for such a person it is very important how the people around him and himself look. They prefer to wear bright, showy clothes, even if they are completely uncomfortable to wear.

Of great importance for visuals are the interiors of the places where they like to be. Therefore, they approach the arrangement of their home very seriously and with taste. This also applies to the appearance of the food that the visuals eat.

Visuals have some features in character: they are sharp and impetuous. When talking with an interlocutor, they try to catch all his movements, facial expressions, postures and gestures. In addition, they value their personal space very much, and if someone suddenly invades it, a person of the described type involuntarily crosses his arms and legs, as if closing himself off from everyone. Visuals do not like to be touched, do not tolerate hugs.

The posture also, often, gives out a personality of the type described: they always stand and sit straight, if they stoop, then they raise their heads up, for the convenience of perceiving information. Their shoulders are always straightened, and their chest is open, breathing occurs with its upper part.

The fantasy of such people is very well developed, which gives them the ability to be creative. Among the visuals, there are many representatives of creative professions, such as artists, designers. At the same time, they are good at planning and competent systematization of activities: such a person will always clearly distribute tasks among employees, achieving high efficiency in work. The presence of a pre-designed scheme, strategy greatly simplifies their performance of certain tasks.

Love visuals with eyes.


Around the world, approximately 20% of people are kinesthetic. This is a man of feelings and sensations, his perception of the world - by touch, that is, with the help of movements and through smell, touch. Kinesthetics are characterized by the fact that they carry out deep breathing through the stomach, and not through the chest.

They have a low, deep, hoarse or muffled voice, and their speech is slow, separated by expressive pauses. Kinesthetic learners tend to slouch and sit slightly leaning forward. Their eyes are almost always downcast. In clothes, they value, first of all, comfort, relegating its appearance to the background. By the nature of kinesthetics - very soft and kind people always cheerful and with a good sense of humor. Their image is complemented by plump lips and pink skin, they are prone to fullness.

A kinesthetic person is, first and foremost, a person of action. To learn something, they need to put it into practice for a better perception of information. If a kinesthetician needs to study the instructions for the use of some thing, then he will hasten to try it out in practice once, than he will re-read its contents many times. But this does not mean at all that representatives of this type are too mobile, it is easier for them to learn about the world around them.

Kinesthetic learners have very well developed muscle memory, so they quickly memorize different motor actions, they are easily given sports such as swimming, cycling.

For a person - kinesthetics, the following expressions are characteristic:

  • "make contact";
  • "I feel";
  • "change for the better";
  • "catch something";
  • "hand in hand";
  • "a solid foundation";
  • "govern yourself";
  • "stay calm";
  • “We are very close to solving the problem.”

Kinesthetics, unlike visuals, just love touching and hugging, even with unfamiliar people. Their personal space does not have clear boundaries, so kinesthetics will not take closed poses and reject the desire of another person to approach him. After all, they are sure that you can get to know a person better and make friends with him, mainly through touch. However, kinesthetics are not ready to let everyone into their inner world, but only the “chosen ones”. Not surprisingly, it is kinesthetic have a unique ability to experience strong and deep feelings and their affections are strong and enduring.

How to determine what type of information perception we belong to?

The ability to determine which of the three types you yourself or your interlocutor belong to can greatly simplify your life and improve the quality of communication. For this, there are many special tests that will clearly show your belonging to a particular type. For example, the definition of one or another type will help to adjust the program of learning something for yourself or another person.

Or that can help with relationships with co-workers, with bosses, with friends, as well as with people with whom you want to get to know and make friends. So, for visuals, when perceiving information, facial expressions, gestures are important, for audials - the timbre of the voice, pauses in colloquial speech, intonation, and for kinesthetics, touch is important.

Below are the main characteristics of each of the types that will help you recognize your type right now.

How to recognize an auditory

You are an auditor if:

  1. When making important decisions, choose what sounds best;
  2. When communicating, you are strongly influenced by the tone of the other person's voice;
  3. Your mood is most easily recognized by the sound of your voice;
  4. It gives you pleasure to explain something, to tell the same story over and over again;
  5. You love listening to music. Any melody can lift or, conversely, spoil your mood. The selection of music and performers also depends on the mood;
  6. You easily remember the voices of people, you can recognize them;
  7. Prefer to receive information through the radio, audiobooks, etc.

How to recognize a visual

You are visual if:

  1. Make a decision in favor of what looks best to you;
  2. Your appearance tells what is happening in your life;
  3. You are influenced by different colors;
  4. You judge the people around you, as a rule, by their appearance, regardless of the saying that “they meet by their clothes ....”;
  5. You have an excellent photographic memory, you easily memorize combinations of numbers and, on occasion, accurately reproduce it;
  6. You know the area well.

How to recognize kinesthetic

Finally, you are a kinesthetic person if:

  1. When making important decisions, rely on your feelings;
  2. When talking, you easily feel the state of your interlocutor;
  3. You easily and with pleasure choose comfortable furniture, such as an armchair or a sofa: you just need to sit on it once to understand about comfort in Everyday life;
  4. You prefer clothes made from natural fabrics that are pleasant to the body. You value, first of all, the comfort when wearing clothes, and not its brightness and showiness;
  5. You always write down the information you want to remember. During your studies, you, for sure, were always saved by cheat sheets that you never came in handy, since the information recorded in them was already well deposited in your memory.

In a word, by carefully observing those moments described in the article in each of the three types, you can learn to speak with a person of the corresponding type in his language, and this will undoubtedly help to establish contact with him and get a lot of new information about his personality.

Depending on how people perceive information better, they can be divided into visuals, kinesthetics and auditory. There is also a type of people who are digital. How to distinguish them?


Visuals are people who perceive information through sight. For them, the world is full of bright colors, silhouettes and images. Everything has its own shape, color and smell. For the visual, the appearance, the decoration of the house is important. When meeting, he always first looks at the interlocutor, looks at his appearance, evaluates facial expressions, gestures. The visual likes to clean up the house and put everything in its place. He has a well-developed imagination and memory, so he is able to compose stories, invent and describe any event. Visuals keep records, highlighting them with bright markers. Prone to gesticulation, can be sharp, emotional and impulsive. Always look the interlocutor in the eye. They remember what and how they said, what gestures they used, what facial expressions were at that moment. The words that visuals most often use: “I think”, “you see”, “at first glance”. They realize themselves in creative professions, such as a designer, sculptor, artist, writer.


Audials are sound oriented. Thus, when talking with an interlocutor, they pay more attention to how he speaks. For the auditory, the timbre of the voice, pitch, tempo, and intonation always matter. Thanks to this, they understand the interlocutor better. Audials can often talk to themselves, mutter something under their breath. And it's not a sign of schizophrenia. It's just that they're trying to solve an important task. By saying the problem or their thoughts out loud, they help themselves. Their speech is measured, rhythmic and unhurried. They love to talk, for them hearing a person is more important than seeing. Audials are very fond of music and solitude. Naturally, they often become musicians, because sounds are an integral part of their lives. The phrases they most often use are: “glad to hear from you”, “listen”, “sounds tempting”, “this sound annoys/pleases me”.



Sensations, touch, taste, smell - all this refers to kinesthetics. They will definitely want to touch you when they meet, hold your hand, pat you on the shoulder. Their feelings and emotions come first. Kinesthetics do not know how to hide excitement, jealousy, joy and any other emotions. Therefore, decisions in life are made not with the mind, but with the heart. Kinesthetics love comfortable things, comfortable furniture and will choose a phone not for its functionality (as digital phones would do) and not for its appearance (as visuals would choose it), but for how good it feels, how comfortable it is to hold and fit. whether he is in jeans, and whether he will interfere with walking. Kinesthetics are people of action. They have a hard time with depressions, breakups and falls, because they let every emotion pass through them. Kinesthetics don't talk very much, expressing thoughts with the words: "I feel that", "I was struck by that", "I am very happy/upset/sad/excited that".


Digital people (the percentage of which is very small on earth) perceive the world through logic. They tend to systematize everything, look for strengths and weaknesses, pluses and minuses. They care about the essence of information, its functionality, how they can use it for their own benefit. They are often visited by the thought: “what will this give me?”. From every thing there should be a benefit, from every action - a result. Digital people like to think for a long time, so they are laconic, they have poorly expressed facial expressions, and they rarely use gestures when communicating. Their speech is monotonous, but verbally flexible. And all because every sound matters, these speakers do not like to throw words into the wind and talk about trifles. They love a measured life, they are not in a hurry and they clearly know what they need. Therefore, it is among scientists, scientists and inventors that digitals are most often found. Their favorite words are: "interesting", "I know", "therefore", "logical", "reasonable".

Want to better understand yourself and others? Simplify your life and quickly find a common language with other people? All this is possible and is done quite easily, for this you just need to find out your psychotype or the psychotype of the interlocutor, then further communication will become much easier. About what qualities are characters for a particular type - we will tell in this article.

Who is an auditory

These are people who understand and assimilate the world much better through hearing. Such individuals are quite rare, and their total number on earth does not exceed 7%. In communication, they try to listen carefully to their interlocutor. Sometimes it may seem that the auditory has lost the chain of thought, or stopped listening altogether with their eyes closed, but in fact, with their eyes closed, they absorb information even better.

Audials often face a problem in remembering routes, faces of people, but they always surprisingly clearly remember phone numbers, lectures, phrases, voices, etc. by ear. Due to this peculiarity, they cannot work and concentrate and work in a room where music is playing or the TV is on. In communicating with them, you cannot raise your voice at them, you cannot call them names or scold them, so it will not work to establish a common language with them.

To remember something well, they just need to discuss it out loud. Pictures, diagrams - it won't work with them. There are several criteria by which auditory can be identified:

  • You can easily calculate the auditory if you ask him to tell something. In addition to how a person will speak, it is important to listen to the words that he says more often. Audials are characterized by such words as: quiet, loud, audible, and everything else that is directly related to hearing.
  • Audials often speak calmly, slowly, and quietly.
  • It is common for them to avoid conflicts and quarrels, they almost never raise their voice and do not shout.

To find an approach to the auditory, during a conversation, try to mention words close to it: “Do you hear?”, “Speak”, “Ask questions”, “Tell me”, etc. When communicating with such a person, try to pay attention to the sounds around you yourself. Sincerely notice aloud the beautiful singing of birds or the murmur of water. When speaking with the auditory, do not raise your voice, try to speak softly and calmly, and if you have a beautiful voice, then it will become even easier to get closer to the auditory.

Who is a visual

Visuals are the most common of all psychotypes, which is not surprising, because about 88% of all incoming information comes to us through visual analysis. If you like to look at something beautiful, it is important for you to look perfect, before you go out you look in the mirror a hundred times, and the sight of a mess starts to shake you nervously - most likely you are a visual.

Especially often women are found among the visuals. This is exactly the category of ladies who are willing to endure uncomfortable shoes and wear uncomfortable clothes just to look beautiful, put on makeup even to go to the nearest store. Visuals are characterized by the following qualities:

  • Visuals are very sociable, they easily join dialogues, keep up conversations, but as soon as the conversation stops, they can immediately forget all the most important things. And in order for them to learn the information, you need to let them write down what they heard. If the data is not recorded on paper, nothing will remain in their head.
  • They have an innate love for cleanliness and order: the books on the shelf stand tall, the socks in the closet are ironed and folded, not a single speck of dust floats in the air.
  • The clothes make the visual stand out from the crowd. She is always clean, tidy, ironed and beautiful. He attaches great importance even to trifles, although trifles in this matter do not exist for him. Everything is clear in the image - the colors and accessories are combined, the hairstyle is perfect, as is the makeup. A tight synthetic dress in which the body does not breathe? It doesn't matter, but it perfectly emphasizes the figure, and its color is in harmony with the color of the wearer's eyes! Walking around in tight high-heeled shoes all day? For the visual, this is not a problem, but it is beautiful and slims the legs.

Whatever it is, the main thing for the visual is beauty. For them, it is not even so important what exactly will be presented to them, the main thing is that it all be beautiful and packaged properly. Visuals are hard to miss, they catch the eye. And to find a common language with them, you need to appreciate their refined taste and amazing style.

Who is a kinesthetic

Unlike the two previous types, kinesthetics perceive the world through sensations. It is interesting, but we can say that every person is born kinesthetic by nature. To understand this, you just need to remember the kids, who always strive to touch, feel and taste everything. With age, this goes away, but, as you know, not for everyone. Even adults can notice such features as touching and feeling everything around.

Kinesthetic is characterized by:

  • During a conversation, they may not look the other person in the eye, but at the same time, on a subconscious level, they strive to get as close as possible to the person and touch him. This is not at all a manifestation of sympathy, and even more so not harassment, it is simply through such contact that they can better understand and hear.
  • It is common for them to be distracted by their inner experiences and sensations, which is why they often look “withdrawn into themselves”, and they look as if they are bored about something.
  • Kinesthetics are people of action. They do not understand why people think about something for so long, you need to take it and do it. So what if the action will be wrong and then you have to redo everything, the main thing is just to do it.
  • They really appreciate comfort, which may not fit in with order. Their house may be a complete mess, but if they know that everything they need is at hand, they feel at ease.
  • They will prefer an old and worn sweater, which fits so nicely to the body, to a beautiful and fashionable thing. As already mentioned, for convenience for them above beauty.

Summing up, we will give a small example of how each of the representatives of the psychotype perceives a certain situation. Suppose there is a dish on the table:

  • The visual will definitely pay attention to how it is served, how it looks. No matter how they talk about his taste, no matter how wonderful it smells, if his appearance leaves much to be desired, a person of this psychotype will not touch food.
  • The first thing that a kinesthetic person will do is sniff and definitely try. He will not attach importance to the quality of serving and the appearance of the dish.
  • The auditory will want to hear how and from what the dish was prepared and only after that will make a decision to try it or not.

What would you do in such a situation? The answer will show you which psychotype prevails in you. Remember, pure visuals, auditory and kinesthetics do not exist, everyone lives a little from each psychotype, just something is developed more actively.