Traditional methods of scientific and technical creativity. Elements of the theory and methodology of scientific and technical creativity Department of electronic

Creativity is a human activity aimed at creating a qualitatively new, new material, spiritual values. Creativity is opposed by reproductive activity, reproducing existing patterns according to known algorithms of actions. The ability to be creative is one of the most important and striking features of a person as a rational and spiritual being. Man is a creator. Creative thinking requires freedom from stereotypes, emancipation, the ability to get rid of any habitual patterns and standards. In creativity, more than in other types of activity, emotions are important, passion and the ability to experience the joy of satisfaction with what has been created are important. For this, creativity should not be self-alienation and not the result of coercion, but the self-realization of a person.

Engineering (technical) creativity is a special kind of creativity. Engineer means innovator, inventor. Technical activity can also be both productive and reproductive. As in research activities, in engineering and design activities, patterned, algorithmic, logical thinking and heuristic, creative imagination, intuitiveness, insight, and an irrational ability to find non-standard solutions are intertwined. Along with the solution of typical theoretical and practical problems, when the solution algorithm is known in advance, one has to face extraordinary problems that require a creative approach and the development of fundamentally new solutions. The most creative nature is the activity of the inventor. Unfortunately, the process of training engineers does not always realize the task of developing such abilities, as a rule, focusing on developing the skills of algorithmic actions. Often in the most complex innovative inventions, as well as in scientific discovery, the main role is played by intuition, a breakthrough into the unknown. Further - a matter of technology, methodical and systematic study of the idea, a set of logical procedures.

In invention, design, creativity, there is always a struggle between the new and the old, the future against the past, overcoming dogmatism and inertia, conservatism and traditionalism. The creators of the steamboat (Fulton, 1803) and the steam locomotive (Stephenson, 1814) made their way through ridicule, misunderstanding, inertia and ignorance. The least intellectual effort requires an extensive path of development (the path of least resistance). It contains fewer risks, suspense.

The creation of any fundamentally new technical object is the result of creativity. A person lives in an artificially created world of technology, where millions of types of products were once invented by someone for the first time. History has not preserved the names of the inventors of antiquity; the names of the creators of the most significant inventions of the 17th - early 20th centuries are well known. There are millions of engineers doing routine, repetitive, repetitive work. But there are lone geniuses who make a breakthrough to the new. Great inventions are also unique, bear the seal of authorship, like works of art. Even in their titles, the names of the authors are immortalized: the Eiffel Tower, the Kalashnikov assault rifle, Diesel, Martin, etc. In the twentieth century, the names of inventors are also little known to society: the tendency to change the nature of inventive and design activity has intensified: from individual and authorial to collective and impersonal. But in any case, the creative work of specific people is hidden behind each new technical solution.

The demand for engineering creativity is constantly growing: the need for new technologies is growing faster, existing technologies are becoming obsolete faster, the complexity of new technology is increasing, and the requirement to reduce innovation development time is increasing. The increasing complexity of technical devices is determined by the increase in the number of parts, materials used and physical processes.

The ability to be creative, including technical creativity, is largely innate and belongs to the inclinations. But it is also amenable to development, depends on a well-organized learning process, on conditions that stimulate or suppress creative activity. Specialists have developed many methods of engineering creativity. Each method is a set of rules that allow you to find a new solution. At first glance, this seems to be incompatible. How can heuristic activity fit into an algorithm? How can you find template rules for finding non-template solutions? Nevertheless, such rules are formulated by specialists, and among engineers the concept of "invention algorithm" is not surprising.

There are several stages of creating a technical object, each of which is accompanied by a corresponding method of description. The transition from one way of describing an object to another is carried out on the basis of abstraction and concretization procedures.

1) The need is formulated and described to satisfy which the product is created (its function is determined).

2) A technical function is defined and described - a physical operation (transformation of matter, energy, information), with the help of which a need is satisfied.

3) The functional structure of the product is formed and described. At the same time, for each element of the system, its function, its physical operation is determined, indicating the incoming and outgoing flows of matter, energy and information.

4) The physical principle of operation is formulated and described, a schematic diagram of the product is drawn up, in which the place of each element is occupied by a specific physical object.

5) The product is designed, a technical solution arises. It is already more specific, because. the following features are added: the shape and material of the elements, the mutual arrangement of elements in space, the methods of connecting elements, the sequence of interaction of elements in time, the fundamentally important ratios of parameters.

6) A product design is created. It already specifies all the parameters necessary to create a product, including specific dimensions and other quantitative indicators.

Thus, when moving from the first stage to the sixth, concretization occurs, more and more detailed descriptions of the future product are created. The most abstract first description can be implemented by many specific technical solutions, each technical solution can be implemented in several projects, but each project leads to the manufacture of only one specific type of product. This is evident in the history of technology. If there was an objective need for a certain technical product, and in this case an objective need should be considered such a need that does not depend on individual people, then many inventors could attempt to create such a product. The same need for them could lead to the creation of fundamentally different technical solutions. Testing and practical application eventually led to the fact that one or more of the most effective solutions remained. And specific projects were already minor modifications of the same successful solution. one

Modern complex technology no longer allows for the possibility of inventive activity based only on empirical knowledge, as it was in the days of self-taught geniuses, it requires deep and diverse theoretical knowledge and research. And if earlier one person could combine the functions of an inventor, designer, designer, technologist, now the differentiation of these types of activities, the specialization of the engineering profession, is deepening. Research, design, design, technological engineering activities stand out.

What role does aesthetics play in engineering creativity? Aesthetics is the science of beauty. The beautiful is felt regardless of the possibility of its utilitarian use. In other words, something that is practically useless can be beautiful for a person. Even in applied art, one must distinguish between the utilitarian purpose of an object and its artistic design. Often, when choosing a product, the consumer sacrifices functionality, practicality in favor of an aesthetic criterion. For people not familiar with the tasks of engineering creativity, it may seem that the aesthetic criterion in the creation of technology is taken into account only in the external design of consumer products. In fact, the aesthetic criterion plays an important role at the stage of invention and design of the product. The functional beauty of the product can speak of a perfect technical solution, optimal, simple and at the same time effective. Observation of such a result by the inventor himself can cause aesthetic pleasure similar to that experienced by a person with taste from the contemplation of a work of art or pictures of nature. By analogy, it should be noted that when choosing one or another theory in science, the aesthetic criterion can also be taken into account. The beauty of a theory can testify to its truth. Although this criterion cannot be the main one due to its subjectivity. The concept of beauty varies from person to person.


to the methodological meeting within the week of the Cycle Commission

"General characteristics and methods of technical creativity"

In the search for various means of increasing students' readiness for productive work, we can by no means do without creativity. Today, few people doubt that creativity is a very reliable reserve of labor activity, the development of thinking, and, in general, one of the powerful means of forming a comprehensively developed, harmonious personality - a personality without which it is impossible to imagine our tomorrow's successes. But this problem is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. In fact, it would seem, what is simpler; take and teach students creativity - technical, scientific, artistic. But teaching creativity is a very complex process that requires a systematic and thoughtful approach.

Technical creativity is, first of all, a means of education. Education of such important qualities as respect and love for work, inquisitiveness, purposefulness, the will to win. In the definitions of creativity, we are talking about creating something new, different from what already exists.

The successes of leading foreign enterprises and firms are due to their high-quality machinery and equipment and are the result of creating perfect conditions, truly creative mass activities in the field of technical invention, and prompt implementation of results into practice.

Consider aspects of the development of technical creativity of students.

The complex mechanism of creative thinking is inherent in intuition and logic. Thinking begins where there is a problem situation, which involves the search for a solution in the face of a lack of information. Intuition is a quick decision resulting from a long accumulation of knowledge in a particular area.

One of the problems of creativity is its motivational structure. Motivations (urges) are related to human needs.Slide 2.

The most important type of thinking for creativity is imagination. Creative imagination, fantasy plays a decisive role in the creation of the new and the development of society. This ability must be constantly developed, stimulated and trained.Slide 3.

Activation of creative thinking involves knowledge of the factors that negatively affect it.slide 4.

Strategy plays an important role in the creative activity of students. The strategy of creative activity is a general program of action, the main direction of search and development.

There are five main strategies, namely:Slide 5.

1 Strategy for searching for analogues. Associated with the use of a previously known construct or part of it, a separate function when creating a new device.

2. Combination strategy. It implies the combined use of a wide variety of mechanisms and their functions to build a new design.

3. Reconstruction strategy. Associated with the restructuring of existing structures.

4. Universal strategy. Cknitted with the uniform use of the above three strategies.

5. Strategy of random substitutions. It is applicable in those situations when it is difficult to choose a specific procedure and the correct option is selected through trial and error.

Conclusion: Based on the foregoing, we can derive a number of tasks that should be faced by the teacher when activating the creative activity of students:slide 6

    Determine the vital needs of the student, taking into account the factors that hinder the creative process, and form a motivational component for him

    Determine the strategy for further activities

    Select the necessary methods for the development of technical thinking as the basis of technical creativity

For the development of technical thinking in students, the most important thing is to create a setting for a creative search in the student.

For example, you might invite students to visit a tech art exhibit and find a device there that can be used in a new solution. It can be recommended to look through technical literature (magazines, books, certain websites), watch certain TV shows, etc.

A very important psychological characteristic of the development of technical thinking is learning with the use of difficult conditions. For the successful implementation of the creative activity of students and obtaining any final result (obtaining a model, product or sketch, etc.), it is necessary to rely on a variety of methods for solving problematic technical problems.

To obtain the result of creative activity, students can rely on the methods of technical creativity.Slide 7

Experienced teachers believe that it is advisable to teach any one method or to aim students at mastering all the available approaches and methods at once. First, students should be able to freely use a small set of three to five methods. For example, these may be methods widely used in creative activity.

Slide 8

Let us consider a brief description of some methods for the development of students' technical thinking and the implementation of technical creativity.Slide 9

Time Constraint Method (MVO) - is based on taking into account the significant influence of the time factor on mental activity (however, not only on mental activity). Experiments have shown that with an unlimited time for solving a problem, a student can find several options, think through his actions in detail, as well as the desired qualities and structures of objects, etc. With limited time, as a rule, the solution or can be simplified - the student is limited to using what he knows best.

Sudden ban method (MVZ) - lies in the fact that the subject at one stage or another is prohibited from using any typical actions in his constructions.

Speed ​​Sketching Method (ITU) - in such cases, the student is required to draw as often as possible everything that he imagines mentally at one time or another. It may be suggested to continuously "draw" the process of thinking - to depict all the constructions that come to mind. Thanks to this technique, it becomes possible to more accurately judge the transformation of images, to establish the meaning that the concept and visual image of any design have.

New Variants Method (MNV) - consists in the requirement to solve the problem in a different way, to find new options, solutions.

Information deficiency method (MIN) - is used when the task of a special activation of activities at the first stages of the solution is set. In that case, the initial condition of the problem is presented with a clear lack of data necessary to start the solution.

Information overload method (MIP) - is based, respectively, on the inclusion of obviously redundant information in the initial condition of the problem. A variation of this method is a hint given orally and containing unnecessary data that only obscures useful information.

Absurd method (MA) - consists in the fact that it is proposed to solve a task that is obviously impossible. Typical variants of absurd problems are the problems of building a perpetual motion machine.

Slide 10 Brainstorming (MMSH) - lies in the fact that the task is proposed to be solved by a group of students, and at the first stage of the solution they put forward various hypotheses, sometimes even absurd ones. Having collected a significant number of proposals, they work out each of them in detail. This method develops group thinking (work in a team), allows sharing personal experience in solving similar problems among group members.

A modern modification of brainstorming was proposed by the American naval officer Osborn, who during the Second World War was the captain of a transport ship.

One day, fearing an attack by German submarines on a ship, he gathered the entire crew on deck and asked everyone to express their thoughts on how to protect an unarmed ship from a torpedo. One of the sailors suggested that the whole team line up along the side and, when the torpedo approaches, all together blow the mind at it. The torpedo must go off course and pass by. The team laughed and dispersed to the cockpit, but the idea seemed fruitful to Osborn and he installed a powerful fan on board and, during a torpedo attack, blew the torpedo out with a wave stream created by the fan. After the war, Osborne began a detailed study of this method, and his book was widely used in educational institutions and companies in the United States.

The essence of brainstorming is to give a free outlet to thoughts from the subconscious. According to Freud's theory, the controlled consciousness is a thin layer on the mass of the uncontrolled subconscious. When brainstorming, you need to create conditions to unchain the subconscious.


In search of various means of increasing the readiness of schoolchildren and vocational schools for productive work, we can by no means do without creativity. Today, few people doubt that creativity is a very reliable reserve of labor activity, the development of thinking, and indeed one of the powerful means of forming a comprehensively developed, harmonious personality - a personality without which it is impossible to imagine our future successes. But this problem is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. In fact, it would seem, what is simpler; take and teach students creativity - technical, scientific, artistic. But teaching creativity is a very complex process that requires a systematic and thoughtful approach.

The significance of technical creativity in the formation of personality traits and the labor development of a young person is extremely high and multifaceted. Technical creativity is primarily a means of education. Education of such important qualities as respect and love for work, inquisitiveness, purposefulness, the will to win.

In the technical creativity of adults today they see a kind of "bridge" from science to production.

The purpose of this course work is to study the scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration and to analyze the recommendations for the master of industrial training in technical creativity.

If we look in Dahl's dictionary, the word invention means - a new, technical solution to a problem, which has a significant difference, giving an economic effect. Inventive activity makes it possible to quickly modernize old and create new equipment and technology, to reduce costs and improve the quality of products. In 1989, the number of inventors who received copyright certificates (AC) in the country amounted to 97 thousand, and the economic effect from the introduction of inventions was 3.9 billion. rub. (at the rate of banknotes in 1989). During the period of independence of the country, these indicators have significantly decreased.

The successes of leading foreign enterprises and firms are due to their high-quality machinery and equipment and are the result of creating perfect conditions, truly creative mass activities in the field of technical invention, and prompt implementation of results into practice. The failures of the country in the development of the economy are mainly due to the lack, along with other reasons: a systematic approach to training, education and development of the inventive principles of the individual; conditions for mass creative activity, etc.


technical creativity student circle

1.1 General characteristics of technical creativity

In the system of creativity, a certain range of objects of psychological study can be distinguished. This is the problem of the essence of creative activity, its specificity and features of manifestation; the problem of the creative process, its structure, flow features; the problem of a creative personality, the features of its formation, the manifestation of its creative abilities; the problem of collective creativity; the problem of the product of creative activity: the problem of teaching creativity, activating and stimulating creative activity, and some others. Let us dwell in sufficient detail on each of these problems, but we will try, at least in general terms, to touch on some of the most natural aspects of creative activity.

In passing, we note that at different times in the definitions of the essence of creativity and creative activity, changing ideas about this important phenomenon were reflected. In one of the most authoritative philosophical dictionaries of the early twentieth century, compiled by the famous idealist philosopher E. L. Radlov, it was noted that creativity is associated with the creation of something, that the ability to create is inherent in the deity to the greatest extent, and a person can only perform relatively creative actions. . Along with such statements, attention was paid to the presence of unconscious processes in the structure of the creative process. Then, with the scientific study of various types of creativity, both the attitude towards it as a whole and the definitions given to creativity changed. Recently, most attention has been paid to the fact that creativity is associated with the creation of a fundamentally new product that has never existed before; creativity manifests itself in various spheres of human activity, when new material and spiritual values ​​are created. “Creativity is the ability of a person that has arisen in labor to create (on the basis of knowledge of the laws of the objective world) a new reality that satisfies diverse social needs from the material delivered by reality. The types of creativity are determined by the nature of creative activity (creativity of the inventor, organizer, scientific and artistic creativity, etc.)”.

In the definitions of creativity, we are talking about creating something new, different from what already exists. Although from a psychological point of view, some of the existing definitions are too categorical (when it comes to creating “never before”), nevertheless, the main thing in the definition of creativity is connected precisely with the creation of a product (material or spiritual), which is characterized by originality, unusual, something significantly different in form and content from other products of the same purpose. In psychological terms, it is of paramount importance that creativity, the process of creativity are experienced as a new subjectively. If from a philosophical, socio-economic point of view it makes sense to consider creativity only that which is associated with the creation of a product that has never been before, then from the psychological side it is important that we can talk about creating something new for a given subject, about subjective novelty. Indeed, in everyday practice, and especially in the practice of mastering new concepts by a preschool child, schoolchild, young worker, solving problems that are new to him, we often deal with creativity, which reflects the process of creating new values ​​for a given subject in the form of a concept , knowledge, skills, problem solving, part creation, etc. In this sense, we can talk about the creativity of a person, which is manifested in his playing, educational, and labor activities.

Therefore, it is important that the psychological definition of creativity should reflect precisely this moment of subjective significance: creativity is an activity that contributes to the creation, discovery of something previously unknown for a given subject.

Another point has to do with the scale of creative activity. In social practice, as a rule, creativity is measured by such categories of novelty as discovery, invention, rationalization. Recently, much has been said about innovative (innovative) activities associated with the introduction of something new into organizational and technological processes. But this kind of activity can be summed up as rationalization.

If we focus on such a working definition of creativity, then it seems appropriate to associate it with solving new problems or finding new ways to solve previously solved problems, with solving various kinds of problems, situational difficulties that arise in production and everyday life.

Before proceeding to consider the structure of the creative c solution of a new problem, let us dwell on an overview of the types of technical creativity. Among the types of professional creativity include invention, design, rationalization, design.

There is a close relationship between all these types of technical creativity. In the first period of intensive development of technology, such a division was not observed, and in the scientific literature it was mainly about inventive activity. Now there is a scientific and practical division of discovery, invention and rationalization proposal, which, moreover, is implemented not only in relation to technical objects. Thus, a discovery is understood as the establishment of a previously unknown objectively existing property or phenomenon. An invention is a substantially new solution to a problem, task that has a positive value for production, culture, etc. Inventions are divided into constructive (devices), technological (methods) and related to the creation of new substances. A rationalization proposal is understood as a local (as opposed to an invention, which is of general importance) solution of a particular problem to improve the functioning of already known equipment in a new specific environment (for example, in some workshop of a plant, but not on a scale of the entire plant, but most of the production). It is clear that in certain cases a rationalization proposal can be an invention.

Design can be "woven" into both inventive and rationalization activities, if their implementation requires the creation of certain structures. The practical difference between inventing, designing, and rationalizing is to be found in the nature of the goals pursued by each of the activities. The invention is aimed at solving a technical problem, a task in general; design - to create a structure; rationalization - to improve the use of existing technology (we take only the aspect related to the solution of technical problems). Thus, we can say this: the inventor is primarily interested in the final effect, the function, the designer is interested in the device that performs the function, and the innovator is interested in a more rational use of the finished device for some private purposes.

Creation- thinking in its highest form, going beyond the known, as well as activity that generates something qualitatively new. The latter includes the formulation or selection of a task, the search for conditions and a way to solve it, and as a result, the creation of a new one.

Creation can take place in any field of human activity: scientific, production and technical, artistic, political, etc.

In particular, scientific creativity is associated with the knowledge of the surrounding world. Scientific and technical (or simply technical) creativity has applied goals and is aimed at meeting the practical needs of a person. It is understood as the search and solution of problems in the field of technology based on the use of scientific achievements.
Throughout human history, scientists and inventors of the past have used the inefficient method of “trial and error” to create something new. Randomly sorting through a large number of possible (conceivable) options, they found (sometimes!) The right solution.
At the same time, the more difficult the task, the higher its creative level, the more possible options for solving it, the more “trials” you need to make. In this regard, creative finds were predominantly random. From the first cart with wheels to the invention of a wheel with a hub and spokes (2 thousand years BC), about two thousand years passed. However, the history of mankind shows that, in general, the period of implementation of creative ideas has a pronounced tendency to shorten. Indeed, if “only” six centuries passed from the printing boards to the invention of printing (1440), and then four centuries before the creation of the typewriter, then, for example, the transistor, invented in 1948, was implemented in 1953. In the era of the modern scientific and technological revolution, the need for new high-level technical solutions has increased significantly and continues to increase, which constantly increases the requirements for productivity, efficiency and quality of creative work.
The implementation of this task is possible only on the basis of a qualitative restructuring of the style of thinking, the development of the theory and methodology of scientific and technical creativity and their wide practical use.
Creativity is a phenomenon that relates primarily to specific subjects and is associated with the characteristics of the human psyche, the laws of higher nervous activity, and mental labor. Some scientists believe that thinking begins where a problem situation has arisen, which involves the search for a solution in conditions of uncertainty, lack of information. Others argue that the determining mechanism of creativity is not logic, but intuition. “Through logic they prove, through intuition they invent,” said A. Poincaré. Indeed, intuition often helps in finding the right solution, however, it should be noted that if earlier the phenomenon of intuition referred to something mystical and supernatural, now it has been proved that intuition has a materialistic explanation and is a quick solution obtained in the result of a long accumulation of knowledge in this area and, consequently, lengthy training. It is rather the result of mental activity than the beginning. Thus, intuition comes as a reward: for the work of a scientist and therefore the complex mechanism of creative thinking, both intuition and logic are inherent.
A specific act of creativity - a sudden insight (insider) - consists in the awareness of something that has emerged from the depths of the subconscious, in embracing the elements of the situation in those connections and relationships that guarantee the solution of problems.
The search for a solution to a creative problem from an interested and qualified scientist is always ongoing! in the subconscious, as a result of which can be resolved; the most complex tasks, and the process of information processing itself is not realized. In consciousness, only the result (if it is received) is reflected. Therefore, it sometimes seems to the researcher that an insight has been sent down to him, that a successful thought has come from no one knows where. It can be stated that a person uses this phenomenon every time he puts off some business in order to let his thoughts ripen, and, thus, counts on the work of his subconscious.
One of the problems of creativity is its motivational structure. Motivations (urges) are associated with needs, which are divided into three groups: biological, social and ideal (cognitive). Biological needs (for example, the principle of economy of forces) underlie worldly ingenuity and the improvement of skills, but can also acquire self-sufficient significance, turning into laziness. Among social needs, the motives for creativity can be the desire for material rewards, for honor and respect in society. Ideal - constitute the needs of knowledge in the broadest sense. They originate from the need for information, inherent in all living things, along with the need for an influx of matter and energy. The satisfaction of any need requires information about the ways and means of achieving the goal. But there is a need for information and as a desire for something new, previously unknown. The most important type of thinking for creativity is imagination. Creative imagination, fantasy plays a decisive role in the creation of the new and the development of society. This ability must be constantly developed, stimulated and trained. There are three types of imagination: logical (deduces the future from the present through logical transformations); critical (looking for what is imperfect in the modern system and needs to be changed); creative (gives rise to fundamental new ideas and ideas based on elements of reality, but not yet having prototypes in the real world).
Activation of creative thinking involves knowledge of the factors that negatively affect it. These factors include lack of flexibility in thinking, force of habit, narrow practical approach, excessive specialization, influence of authorities, fear of criticism, fear of failure, excessive self-criticism, laziness.
The opposite of creative imagination is the psychological inertia of thinking associated with the desire to act in accordance with past experience and knowledge, using standard methods, etc.
In this regard, it is necessary to formulate technical tasks in such a way as to exclude the possibility of psychological inertia and its negative impact on creativity, to strive to develop creative imagination in every possible way.
A creative person has a number of features and, above all, the ability to focus and hold his attention for a long time on any issue or problem. This is one of the most important conditions for success in any kind of activity. Without perseverance, perseverance, purposefulness, creative achievements are unthinkable.

Technical creativity is the most difficult and responsible, because. associated with high investment costs, risks and losses. This fundamentally changes the psychology of creativity, where the goal is commercial and production necessity or expediency, and not the desire of the soul. Technical creativity is designed to earn big money in conditions where time frames, material and human resources are sharply limited. Therefore, there are millions of creators in the humanities, and only thousands of true inventors in humanity.

How are inventions made?

The technology of technical creativity begins with the comprehension of the technical or technological task of the customer. The development parameters and requirements for products are specified, the level of technology to date is determined by countries of the world by conducting patent and market research, analogues and prototypes are found, an inventive problem is formulated, and the more correctly and elegantly it is set, the more perfect and optimal the invention will be. This stage is the most important in design and invention. here comes to the developer understanding of the essence of what should be. As soon as understanding has come, the generation of options for ideas and images of a future product or technology begins. The set task is transferred to the subconscious and is solved there automatically around the clock with the issuance of glimpses of solutions to the consciousness. Consciousness at this time refers to the knowledge mastered by man, the laws of nature (natural science) acceptable for use in a particular case are selected, physical, chemical, geometric effects and principles of action are selected from the base of knowledge known to science in this field of technology. If they are identified and selected, then a new technical system is compiled or synthesized with significant distinguishing features from everything created earlier, the totality of which ensures the emergence of new functions and properties that were specified in the customer’s technical specifications, a new set of orderly interacting, newly developed for a particular case, interconnected elements (details, nodes) with their original placement in space with new relationships and connections.

However, if the level of existing knowledge turns out to be insufficient for the synthesis of a new technical system, then it becomes necessary to conduct research work to obtain it, or rather, to extract it as in battle. Thus, before the invention, i.e. solving a technical problem by technical means, it is necessary to make the discovery of new knowledge in this field of natural science. The true most significant inventions are based on the results of discoveries, built on new principles of action or functioning, which gives a leap in the level of development of technology. But most inventions, and especially useful models, are the elimination of prototype shortcomings in well-known, but original ways. This is mass engineering creativity, close to a craft, which is performed at the level of consciousness using logic and cause-and-effect relationships.

Very often there are cases when the task seems unsolvable. In this case, professionals develop excitement and healthy anger, a passionate, burning desire to achieve the goal, at the same time there is faith in success and a feeling that the solution is somewhere close - the emotional state is approaching inspiration.

The technology of such technical creativity involves the joint work of the soul, consciousness and superconsciousness, where the intuition of a professional is connected, leading like a pilot along a narrow fairway to the goal. In this state, the inventor tries to build in his mind an image of the future product or process, but only fragments of an integral system appear (like a vague image of a work in the humanities). Consciousness turns through the soul into the superconsciousness, which has access to information and knowledge of the Cosmos. From the superconscious, the answer to the task set by the soul comes to consciousness (at the most unexpected moment) in the form of an image of the missing fragments and their interconnections. The moment of arrival of the solution of the problem from the superconsciousness into the consciousness is very bright and it is impossible to miss it. This phenomenon known to professionals is called insight or insight. The only thing left for consciousness is to perform the synthesis of a new integral technical system in a virtual form and describe this emerging structure verbally, supplementing it with schemes, signs, symbols, drawings in a static state, and then in dynamics, i.e. describe its operation, principle of operation and functioning, optimal operating parameters, shapes and dimensions, applicable materials and types of energies.

The materialization of a virtual image through a verbal description is a very difficult task, because it requires a good knowledge of the language of presentation and writing skills. This is exactly what the “techies” lack and they often remain misunderstood, despite the excellent solution of the technical problem. Consequently, engineers must be part-time and humanitarians in order to, having excellent command of the language, bring their works to consumers, convincingly proving the benefits of using the proposed development.

Unlike humanitarian works, technical works, for example, inventions, are strictly regulated in terms of structure and form of writing, and in addition to the technical description of the essence of the development, they contain a legally significant part called the claims. The claim is, in fact, an information model (frame) of a new development, and it is necessary to master the art of patenting and writing at the same time in order to gracefully state the created technical work in words in one sentence. Therefore, there are very few professional talented inventors.

All the work of the inventor may be in vain if the patent office, after conducting a qualification examination, does not recognize the development as an invention due to non-compliance with the criteria for patentability: world novelty, inventive step, industrial applicability.

Only in technical creativity, satisfaction and pleasure from the achieved result is incomparable with anything - this is the triumph of the mind and soul of the highest standard. A somewhat similar state occurs in the soul from the victory of the body in sports competitions, when a world record is set.

Scientific creativity

The third type of creativity is research creativity, which is intended for the extraction of new knowledge that enriches the base of fundamental, theoretical and applied science.

Scientific creativity is exploratory in nature and is not focused on commercial results. The highest achievements of scientific creativity are discoveries, the most significant of which are awarded Nobel Prizes. The rights to discoveries are not patented, which emphasizes their universal heritage, and the authors are only given a diploma certifying their merits and priority.

In scientific creativity, the main work is to create new methods for setting up experiments and conducting them, processing the data obtained, synthesizing new hypotheses, theories, laws, patterns, natural phenomena, physical effects and other scientific products from them. Like inventors, scientists also have insights and phenomenal guesses - this is the apotheosis of creativity.

Scientific creativity is of a social nature and scientists, as a rule, are united in specialized institutes and laboratories of academies of sciences and branch institutes to carry out specific topics of research work, targeted scientific and technical programs, including international and other orders, as a rule, state ones. Fundamental research tools are very complex and expensive, and all metrological support is unique, therefore, unlike lone inventors, there are no lone scientists. Scientific professionals are awarded academic degrees and titles, and the most talented, hardworking and successful, starting as junior researchers, become academicians.

The results of research and development under the law are considered to be works of science, the main of which are: monographs, manuscripts of dissertations, scientific and technical literature, reports on completed research works, articles, reviews, etc.

The obtained new theoretical knowledge is transferred to industry science, innovation managers and venture capitalists for implementation in specific products or services in order to identify, form and satisfy market demand.

The era of the knowledge-based economy has arrived. The results of a person's creative activity, legally properly executed, turn into intellectual property - the main commodity of the civilized world.