Riddles about space are short. Summary of the didactic game “Riddles about space”

Marina Vladimirovna Shakhnazaryan
Summary of the didactic game “Riddles about space”

BDOU MO Dinskoy district "Kindergarten No. 29"



« Riddles about space»

Made up


Shakhnazaryan Marina Vladimirovna

Target: improve coherent speech.



Encourage initiative and curiosity in order to consolidate acquired knowledge;

Develop the ability to answer a question with a complete answer;


Develop the ability to adequately evaluate a friend’s work;

Improve the ability to listen to a friend’s answer and not interrupt.


Expand children's horizons on the topic « Space» ;

Fix an active dictionary on a topic;

Improve ordinal counting skills within 10;

Develop attention and logical thinking.

Speech material: space, astronaut, stars, sun, solar system, earth, planet, rocket, moon, etc.

Equipment: table with numbered cells for pictures, subject pictures, video materials (perentation « Riddles about Space» , laptop.

Preliminary work:

Search work to select illustrative material on the topic « Space» .

Examination of albums, illustrations and photographs, a globe on the topic « Space» .

Reading books and encyclopedias for preschoolers, learning poems and riddles on the topic.

Progress of the game

The teacher distributes handouts for conducting games. Preparing a presentation on a laptop.

Educator: Dear guys, you and I already know a lot about space. And today I want to test your knowledge. And for this you and I will guess puzzles. Do you agree? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, on your tables there are folders for everyone, and in them there is everything that is necessary for our games. Get a large table with numbers. This is the field for your answers. And in the envelope there are pictures on the topic « Space» . Lay them out in front of you so you can see them all.

While the children are preparing to turn on the presentation.

Educator: I will read to you riddle, and you need to find the answer to it among the pictures that lie in front of you and put it on the playing field according to the number puzzles. For example, in response to the first the riddle will be an astronaut, which means you need to find such a picture and put it on the number 1 on a large field with numbers. After you complete the task, we will find out the correct answer. A picture with the correct answer will appear on the monitor. Is everything clear to everyone? Then let's begin.

Alternately riddles are asked, and children post their answers using pictures on a field with numbers.

Educator: Well done, everyone coped with the task. Guys, did you like the new game? (children's answers) What did you like about her? Please respond with a complete answer. For example: “I liked this game because...” (children's answers). What did we repeat? Well done! Thanks for playing!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the didactic game “Run to the tree” Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the trees that grow on the kindergarten site; learn to quickly navigate and find them.

Summary of the didactic game on FEMP “Magic Buttons!” Didactic game “Magic Buttons” Objectives: to train children in distinguishing, highlighting, naming sets of objects, numbers, and geometric ones.

Educator: Danilova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Didactic game - “Rainbow” Purpose: To consolidate the order of the days of the week of colors in the rainbow, develops.

Summary of the didactic game "Brain Ring" (preparatory group) Objectives: 1) Consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales. 2) Develop memory, reaction speed, and the ability to give a verbal description of actions and objects.

Summary of the didactic game “What foods are healthy and what are harmful?” Summary of the didactic game “What foods are healthy and what are harmful?” Goal: To develop the ability to choose healthy foods correctly.

Summary of the didactic game “Wonderful Bag” with children of the younger group Summary of the didactic game “Wonderful Bag” with children of the younger group. Elena Evgenievna Dolganova, teacher of MBDOU “DSOV No. 24 “FIREFLY”.

Running around the light
Six sons and two daughters,
Years and days will flash by,
But they will not meet.

The very first in space
Flew at great speed
Brave Russian guy
Our astronaut...

At night the stars light up
And they gather into constellations.
Only one shines during the day,
Lighting up everything around.

To equip the eye
And be friends with the stars,
To see the Milky Way
Need a powerful...

Space without air with points of light,
There a comet rushes with its long tail,
Galaxies twinkle, planets circle,
Our rockets are flying to distant stars.

Sometimes she loses weight
Sometimes it gets rounded.
Rules the sky at night,
And in the morning he leaves.

Tiny planet
First warmed by the Sun,
And agile - a year on her
Eighty eight days.

On an airship,
Cosmic, obedient,
We, overtaking the wind,
Let's rush to...

No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That our house is a huge ball.

The rocket has a driver
Zero gravity lover.
In English: "astronaut"
And in Russian …

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,
Arrived in a flock of stars.

Light comes from outside
Across distances.
So she ran across the sky,
Make a wish.

There are miracles on the planet:
Oceans and forests
There is oxygen in the atmosphere
People and animals breathe it.

There is a special pipe
The Universe is visible in it,
See the stars kaleidoscope
Astronomers in...

Take a quick look through the telescope -
He walks in orbit.
There he is the boss over everyone,
More than all other planets.
In our solar system
There is no one bigger.

A fragment from the planet
Rushing somewhere among the stars.
He has been flying and flying for many years,

I'm flying around the Earth
I reflect the signal down
So that the audience can
Receive TV channel.

Lush gas giant -
Brother of Jupiter and dandy.
He loves to be close
Rings of ice and dust.

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,
Rushing among the bright stars in the void.
She is not a star, not a planet,
The Mystery of the Universe -...

All planets with poles,
Everyone has an equator.
But planets with belts
You won't find another one.
He is alone in these rings,
Very important gentleman.

Planet blue,
Beloved, dear,
She's yours, she's mine,
And it's called...

An abyss has opened, full of stars,
The stars have no number, the abyss has no bottom.

The carpet was spread out, the peas were scattered.
You can’t lift a carpet, you can’t pick peas.
Starry sky

On the planet blue-blue
The wind is blowing very strong.
The year on it is very long -
Winter lasts 40 years.

There is a special spacecraft,
He sends signals to Earth to everyone.
Like a lonely mysterious traveler,
An artificial...

This is the red planet
Next door to us.
It is in winter and even in summer
Freezing above the ice.
It’s strange, no matter what you say,
The ice is not on top, but inside.

Bottomless ocean, endless ocean,
Airless, dark and extraordinary.
Universes, stars and comets live in it,
There are also habitable, perhaps planets.

It is empty and vast.
It is cold, endless.
Pleasant for planets and stars,
And in time it is eternal.

From which ladle do they not drink or eat, but just look at it?
Constellations: Ursa Major or Ursa Minor

Not a month, not a moon, not a planet, not a star,
It flies across the sky, overtaking planes.

Riddle about the constellation Ursa Major
From which bucket?
They don't drink, they don't eat,
Do they only look at him?
(Big Dipper)

Bear on a block of ice,
Girlfriend in the sky above the wave.
She is a constellation, he is alive
In a shiny fur coat.
He is friends with wind and water,
She is with the North Star.
They can't meet
Bear with Big...

Riddles about the stars
White flowers bloom in the evening and fade in the morning.

Silver grains are scattered on blue ice.

Riddle about the first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin
The very first in space
Flew at great speed
Brave Russian guy
Our astronaut...

Riddles about space
Bottomless ocean
The endless ocean
Airless, dark,
And extraordinary
Universes live in it,
Stars and comets
There are also inhabited
Maybe planets.

Riddle about the satellite
There is a special spacecraft,
He sends signals to Earth to everyone,
And like a lonely traveler
Flies in orbit... .

Riddles about the Milky Way
Milky galaxy,
in which we live
Scattered into space
Sparkling rain.
We can fly around
her someday
Calling our galaxy
We just...
(Milky Way)

Riddles about the meteorite
Almost at the speed of light
The fragment flies from the planet,
Heading towards the Earth, it flies and flies
Heavenly cosmic….

Riddle about planet Earth
Planet blue,
Beloved, dear,
She's yours, she's mine,
And it’s called….

Riddle about a comet
Flashing a huge tail in the dark
Rushing among the bright stars in the void,
She is not a star, not a planet,
The mystery of the Universe -...

Riddles about the moon, month
Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep
Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,
Will not fall asleep in the sky...

Behind the house by the path
Half a cake is hanging.

Riddles about a rocket, spaceship
On an airship,
Cosmic, obedient,
We, overtaking the wind,
Let's rush to...

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,
Flew into a flock of stars.

Floating in space
But not at sea.
It's called a ship
And hovering near the stars.

Riddle about the telescope
There is a special pipe
The Universe is visible in it,
See the stars kaleidoscope
Astronomers in...

The riddle about the black hole
The object exists in the Universe
Insidious, not simple,
He eats stars
Like a sandwich with caviar.
Dangerously inconspicuous
And not visible to the eye,
So dark and dark...
(black hole)

Riddle poems “In space”
author Olesya Emelyanova

A chain of riddles for children (preschool and school age)

To equip the eye
And be friends with the stars,
To see the Milky Way
Need a powerful...

Telescope hundreds of years
Study the life of planets.
He will tell us everything
Smart uncle...

Astronomer- he is a stargazer,
He knows everything inside out!
Only the stars are visible better
The sky is full...

Before Moon the bird can't
Fly and land on the moon,
But he can do it
Do it quickly...

U rockets there is a driver,
Zero gravity lover.
In English: "astronaut"
And in Russian …

Astronaut sitting in a rocket
Cursing everything in the world -
In orbit as luck would have it

UFO flies to a neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda,
It howls like a wolf out of boredom
Evil green...

Humanoid lost my way,
Lost in three planets,
If there is no star map,
Speed ​​won't help...

Light flies the fastest
Doesn't count kilometers.
The Sun gives life to the planets,
We are warm, tails are...

All comet flew around,
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space -
This is black...

In black holes darkness
She's busy with something dark.
There he ended his flight

Starship– steel bird,
He runs faster than light.
Learns in practice

A galaxies flying
In loose form as they wish.
Very hefty
This whole universe!

Space is always interesting to everyone. It doesn't matter if you are an adult or a child. We look at the starry sky with curiosity, listen to exciting stories or films with twisted plots about UFOs and flying saucers.

This page contains poems about space, galaxies, stars, comets that can be made to children of school and preschool age. After each riddle the answer is given.

A man sits in a rocket.
He flies boldly into the sky,
And at us in his spacesuit
He's looking from space.

Answer: astronaut

There are no wings, but this bird
It will fly and land on the moon.

Answer: Lunokhod

Wonder bird - scarlet tail
Arrived in a flock of stars.

Answer: rocket

Alone in the sky at night
Golden orange.
Two weeks have passed
We didn't eat the orange
But only remained in the sky
Orange slice.

Answer: moon, month

Spinning top, spinning top,
Show me another barrel
I won't show you the other side
I walk around tied.

Answer: moon

At Grandma's over the hut
A piece of bread is hanging.
The dogs bark and they can’t get it.

Answer: month

Which path has no man ever been on?

Answer: Milky Way

Peas are scattered across the dark sky
Colored caramel made from sugar crumbs,
And only when the morning comes,
All the caramel will suddenly melt.

Answer: stars

The grain scattered at night,
And in the morning - there is nothing.

Answer: stars

The carpet was spread out, the peas were scattered.
You can’t lift a carpet, you can’t pick peas.

Answer: starry sky

Blue ceilings
They are nailed down with gold nails.

Answer: stars on the sky

From which ladle do they not drink or eat, but just look at it?

Answer: Ursa Major or Ursa Minor

No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows: both young and old,
That she is a huge ball.

Answer: Earth

Who changes clothes four times a year?

Answer: Earth

A yellow plate hangs in the sky.
The yellow plate gives everyone warmth.

Answer: Sun

At the door, at the window
There won't be any knocking
And it will rise
And it will wake everyone up.

Answer: Sun

Everyone loves him, but when they look at him they frown.

Answer: Sun

Wanders alone
Fiery eye.
Everywhere it happens
The look warms you.

Answer: Sun

Not a month, not a moon, not a planet, not a star,
It flies across the sky, overtaking planes.

Answer: satellite

Outrunning night and day, a deer runs around the earth.
Touching the stars with his horn, he chose a path in the sky.
You can hear the clatter of his hooves, he is a pathfinder of the Universe.

Answer: satellite

In space through the thickness of years
An icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the object's name is...

Answer: comet

This interstellar
Eternal wanderer
In the night sky
Just introduce myself
And flies away
For a long time afterwards,
Farewell to us
Twitching tail.

Answer: comet

Run, run - you won’t get there,
Fly, fly - not reach.

Answer: horizon

He is both in summer and winter -
Between heaven and earth.
At least go to him all your life -
He will always be ahead. The edge is visible, but you won’t get there.

Answer: horizon

They beat me, stab me, cut me -
I endure everything, I cry with all good things

Answer: Earth

No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That she is a huge ball.

Answer: Earth

No matter how much you drive or walk,
You won't find the end here.

Riddles about space

      From which bucket?
      They don't drink, they don't eat,
      Do they only look at him?

      (Answer: Ursa Major)

      The very first in space
      Flew at great speed
      Brave Russian guy
      Our astronaut...

      (Answer: Stargazer)

      White flowers bloom in the evening and fade in the morning.

      (Answer: Stars)

      In the evening the peas scattered, got up in the morning - there was nothing.

      (Answer: Stars)

      There are scattered peas over the horizon: you can’t rake them with a shovel or sweep them away with a broom.

      (Answer: Stars)

      Sparks burn through the sky, but do not reach us.

      (Answer: Stars)

      Candles glow on top of the trees.

      (Answer: Stars)

      There are fireflies in a basket outside my window.

      (Answer: Stars)

      What can't you lock in a chest?

      (Answer: Stars)

      What is visible only at night?

      (Answer: Stars)

      What's thicker than a forest?

      (Answer: Stars)

      A girl from St. Petersburg was walking, carrying a jug of beads, she scattered them; no one will collect it: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the beautiful maiden.

      (Answer: Stars)

      The sheep scattered on the black field,
      And they lit up with a bright fire.
      So that the fire doesn't go out,
      He is guarded by a horned shepherd.

      (Answer: Stars And Moon)

      A woman walked to the river, scattered peas,
      could not gather with feast or peace,
      not kind people, the shepherd saw. Yarilo took it.

      (Answer: Stars, Moon and Sun)

      Planet blue,
      Beloved, dear,
      She's yours, she's mine,
      And it's called...

      (Answer: Earth)

      In space through the thickness of years
      An icy flying object.
      His tail is a strip of light,
      And the object's name is...

      (Answer: Comet)

      Flashing a huge tail in the dark,
      Rushing among the bright stars in the void.
      She is not a star, not a planet,
      The Mystery of the Universe -...

      (Answer: Comet)

      This interstellar
      Eternal wanderer
      In the night sky
      Just introducing myself
      And flies away
      For a long time afterwards,
      Farewell to us
      Twitching tail.

      (Answer: Comet)

      Bottomless ocean, endless ocean,
      Airless, dark and extraordinary,
      Universes, stars and comets live in it,
      There are also habitable, perhaps planets.

      (Answer: Space)

      An abyss has opened, full of stars,
      The stars have no number, the abyss has no bottom.

      (Answer: Space)

      Where you can't hang yourself.

      (Answer: Space)

      Consists of points of light,
      The room of planets is full.

      (Answer: Space)

      All the zodiac signs are there -
      Aquarius, Virgo, Cancer.
      They glow both night and day,
      The astronomer is looking there.

      (Answer: Space)

      In the blue village -
      The girl is round-faced.
      She can't sleep at night:
      Looking in the mirror.

      (Answer: Moon)

      When I'm round and full
      I give a candle to everyone, I love everyone.
      And on the river and on the sea I make a silver path.

      (Answer: Moon)

      The sky turns white and shines, but does not warm.

      (Answer: Moon)

      Lights the way at night,
      Doesn't let the stars sleep.
      Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,
      There is light in the sky for us...

      (Answer: Moon)

      I walked past and saw a miracle -
      A round dish hangs in the sky.

      (Answer: Moon)

      I walk across the sky at night,
      I dimly illuminate the earth.
      I'm bored, I'm bored alone,
      And my name is... -

      (Answer: Moon)

      Without a head, but with horns.

      (Answer: Month)

      Walks across the sky without arms or legs.

      (Answer: Month)

      A white-headed cow looks into the gateway.

      (Answer: Month)

      A bull in the yard - horns in the wall.

      (Answer: Month)

      Have you noticed in the sky?
      It was the letter "O" at the beginning.
      Turned into the letter “C”
      And by morning he had completely disappeared.

      (Answer: Month)

      Twelve times a year it is born, but during the day it hides from human eyes.

      (Answer: Month)

      It becomes pale during the day and clearer at night.

      (Answer: Month)

      Behind our yard hangs a cheesecake with cottage cheese.

      (Answer: Month)

      A golden egg does not sink at sea and does not burn in fire.

      (Answer: Month)

      The golden trough is rolling on the ice.

      (Answer: Month)

      The reel is rolling;
      Neither a beast nor a bird,
      Neither stone nor water -
      You'll never guess.

      (Answer: Month)

      When all the villages and cities are asleep, he alone does not sleep.

      (Answer: Month)

      A bald ox looks through the gate.

      (Answer: Month)

      Small, hunchbacked - a light to the whole world.

      (Answer: Month)

      He was young, he looked young,
      I got tired in my old age and began to fade,
      A new one was born - he was happy again.

      (Answer: Month)

      There is a bowl of milk over the yard.

      (Answer: Month)

      He doesn’t stand, doesn’t run, but overtakes everyone.

      (Answer: Month)

      He walks at night and sleeps during the day.

      (Answer: Month)

      In the middle of the swamp lies a piece of gold.

      (Answer: Month)

      Horned, not a bull.

      (Answer: Month)

      Born with horns, then loses them.

      (Answer: Month)

      In the evening, a gray stallion looks into the gateway,
      At midnight a stallion runs through the roof.

      (Answer: Month)

      Sivka jumped over the sea, but did not wet his hooves.

      (Answer: Month)

      The sun is hot and he is cold.

      (Answer: Month)

      Now a pancake, now half a pancake, now this side, now this side.

      (Answer: Month)

      Either he’s a pancake, or he’s a wedge, alone in the sky at night.

      (Answer: Month)

      Grandfather has a milk jug over the yard.

      (Answer: Month)

      Decorated the night blue with silvery orange,
      And only a week passed - there was a slice left of it.

      (Answer: Month)

      A tired shepherd walked behind countless flocks at night.
      And when the rooster crowed, the sheep and the shepherd disappeared.

      (Answer: Moon and Stars)

      A golden boat floats on the blue sea

      (Answer: Month in Heaven)

      Above grandma's hut
      A piece of bread is hanging,
      The dog barks
      But he can’t get it.

      (Answer: Month, Moon)

      A fragment from the planet
      Rushing somewhere among the stars.
      He has been flying and flying for many years,

      (Answer: Meteorite)

      Which path has no man ever been on?

      (Answer: Milky Way)

      Above the forest, above the mountains, a carpet spreads out.
      It is spread over you and over me,
      Sometimes it’s gray, sometimes it’s blue, sometimes it’s bright blue.

      (Answer: Sky)

      Above your head is an endless blue ball.

      (Answer: Sky)

      What kind of ceiling is this?
      Now he is low, now he is high, -
      Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,
      It's a little bluish.
      And sometimes so beautiful
      Lace and dark blue.

      (Answer: Sky)

      The carpet is laid, the peas are scattered. -
      Can't lift a carpet
      Not a single pea can be picked.

      (Answer: Sky in the Stars)

      The blue bag is full of white buttons.

      (Answer: Sky And Stars)

      I'll look out the window:
      Antoshka is standing behind the window,
      And Antoshka's
      A basket full of turnips.

      (Answer: Sky And Stars)

      The blue field is strewn with silver.

      (Answer: Sky And Stars)

      A letter was written on blue velvet,
      and I won’t let the priests read this letter,
      no devils, no smart men.

      (Answer: Sky And Stars)

      One shepherd tends thousands of sheep.

      (Answer: Sky And Stars)

      Golden millet is scattered across the blue canopy.

      (Answer: Sky And Stars)

      The peas are scattered along a hundred roads, no one will collect them: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the fair maiden, nor the white fish.

      (Answer: Sky And Stars)

      The blue ceilings are nailed down with gold nails.

      (Answer: Sky And Stars)

      Blue tray
      And tall and spacious,
      Too many to count on the tray
      Scattered grains.

      (Answer: Sky And Stars)

      The black hat is an armful of lights.

      (Answer: Sky And Stars)

      The sieve is vito, covered with a sieve.

      (Answer: Heaven and Earth)

      Two stand
      Two are walking
      Two between them
      The clock is guarding.

      (Answer: Heaven And Earth, Sun And Moon, Day And Night)

      The path less traveled
      Sprinkled with peas.

      (Answer: Sky, Stars)

      The field is not measured, the sheep are not counted, the shepherd is horned.

      (Answer: Sky, Stars And Moon)

      The oven is full of pies, and in the middle is a loaf.

      (Answer: Sky, Stars And Moon)

      I'll pave an unearthly path,
      I'll sprinkle some peas
      I'll put a crust of bread.

      (Answer: Sky, Stars And Moon)

      I'll spread out the matting
      I'll sprinkle some peas
      I’ll put the kvass in a tub,
      I'll put a crust of bread.

      (Answer: Sky, Stars, Rain, Month)

      There are flat cakes all over the pan,
      In the middle is a loaf.

      (Answer: Sky, Stars, Moon)

      A gray horse grazes in a blue clearing.

      (Answer: Sky, Month)

      A steep-horned bull walks along the high road.

      (Answer: Sky, Month)

      A black swan scattered miracle grains across the sky.
      The black one called the white one, the white one pecked the grain.

      (Answer: Night And Day)

      Egor, Egorka, fell into a bucket,
      He himself did not drown and did not stir up the water.

      (Answer: Reflection of the Moon in Water)

      Rapidly rushing
      Scientist firebird.
      The body is armor,
      The tail is made of fire.
      Team from Earth
      Will hear in the distance
      And a clear order
      Will do it immediately.
      Like a tornado it will come
      And the target will hit.
      Firebird habits
      Develop without looking back.

      (Answer: Rocket)

      Wonder bird, scarlet tail,
      Arrived in a flock of stars.

      (Answer: Rocket)

      On an airship,
      Cosmic, obedient,
      We, overtaking the wind,
      Let's rush to...

      (Answer: Rocket)

      There is a special spacecraft,
      He sends signals to Earth to everyone.
      Like a lonely mysterious traveler,
      An artificial...

      (Answer: Sputnik)

      There is a special pipe
      The Universe is visible in it,
      See the stars kaleidoscope
      Astronomers in...

      (Answer: Telescope)

      What can't be done in space?

      (Answer: Fall, Hang)