A teacher should always be strict эссе. Сочинение по английскому языку "An ideal teacher"


Many people, including the students who attend teacher training courses, believe that the profession of teaching is an easy task. In our society a prevalent idea is that any individual can be a teacher and with little sincere effort can become a good teacher.

In reality, experience tells us quite the opposite. Not everybody is capable of excelling as a teacher. There are a lot of personality traits that a good teacher should have to do justice to the profession and the students as well. Without these traits any person would remain incompetent as a teacher.

Obtain Subject Knowledge

Firstly, a good teacher should have enough knowledge on their subject, more than is necessary to teach. Perhaps having sufficient knowledge to teach a subject sounds an obvious one, but for a good teacher it is important to know beyond that. There might be questions from the students which would require deeper knowledge, about the roots of the subjects, beyond the syllabi, to answer. A teacher’s inability of answering such questions might lead to questioning their capabilities. Consequently, a good teacher should always have the knowledge to be in a position to clarify whatever doubts the students might have.

Have a Suitable Personality

A great personality is another thing of primary significance for a good teacher. A good teacher should have a well balanced personality. The students differ hugely one from another, in psyche, in attitude and in approach. So it is never an easy task to connect equally with each and every student. So to build proper communication with the students, a good teacher should acknowledge the different points of view and opinions of all students. A good teacher must take care never to dismiss them and instead, encourage them in every possible way to take an important part in the class.

Be Fair and Just

Thirdly, a good teacher should have the sense of justice. It is of prime significance, while dealing with the modern generations, specially the adolescents. While making a decision, it must be noted that it is applicable to all the students equally. A good teacher should always avoid any kind of biasness and prejudices. Students, who are not fortunate to share the preferences of a teacher may interpret this as injustice. This would create a sense of resentment among them. Accordingly, a good teacher should have enough common sense to treat all students in an egalitarian manner, irrespective of their color, thoughts, religion and status.

Support Students

Lastly, a good teacher should be helpful to the students, to the maximum of his/her abilities. Students often go through tough situations. It can be their personal failures like bad exams, losing matches, failing relationships etc or more grave causes like death in the family or parents divorce. They need help. A good teacher should provide an ear to listen to their troubles and a shoulder to depend upon. Care and support from a teacher, can restore the faith and confidence within the students.

Develop Key Characteristics

In other words, a good teacher should play the part of a surrogate parent. Certain qualities are expected of a good teacher to elicit the best from the students. Following are some of the characteristics that a good teacher should certainly have:

  • A very important attribute of a great teacher is excellence in communication. A teacher has to be comfortable and lucid in explaining different ideas and things.
  • A teacher might feel the urge to yell or shout at students, in certain circumstances, but a good teacher should try to avoid it as much as possible by holding their temper and acting calmly.
  • Great sense of humor is a must for a good teacher. A good teacher should know how to employ wit and humor in a proper manner, to simplify the task. A successful teaching program depends a lot upon the teacher’s sense of humor.
  • Good time management skills are essential for a good teacher. He/She should always value and consequently teach students about the importance of time.
  • When making any evaluations, a good teacher should always adopt an unbiased attitude. The teacher has to be fair enough to assess the students on the singular basis of the performances, and not on personal likings.
  • A teacher must have enough dedication towards their work. Without devoting time elsewhere, engaging him/herself in educational activities is expected.
  • An eye for details makes a teacher meticulous enough. Pre-planned programs would add to productivity.
  • A good teacher should always be a friend and a leader. A teacher’s leadership qualities would make students look up to the teacher as an idol. The teacher must also be a disciplinarian but know how to be amiable at the same time, so that he/she is not alienated from their students.

So teaching can actually turn out to be quite demanding. A good teacher has to integrate the traits of a lucid communicator, an efficient manager, a just evaluator, a strict disciplinarian, an expert counselor and a skillful leader.

Do you agree? What do you feel makes a good teacher?

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2 Мишин Андрей Валентинович Заместитель директора по научноэкспериментальной и аналитической работе многопрофильной гимназии 12 города Твери, учитель английского языка высшей категории. Заслуженный учитель РФ, Почётный работник общего образования Российской Федерации, дважды победитель конкурса лучших учителей России в рамках приоритетного национального проекта «Образование», консультант-эксперт кафедры английского языка Тверского государственного университета, председатель предметной региональной комиссии по английскому языку, сертифицированный эксперт ЕГЭ по английскому языку (разделы «Письмо» и «Говорение»)

3 РАЗВЕРНУТОЕ ПИСЬМЕННОЕ ВЫСКАЗЫВАНИЕ с элементами рассуждения «МОЕ МНЕНИЕ» В соответствии с ГОС полного (общего) образования данное задание называется. Задание 40 является заданием высокого уровня сложности и рассчитано на учащихся, освоивших программу профильного уровня Нельзя ориентировать учащихся на использование заученных учебных текстов или их фрагментов при написании задания 40 Обратите пристальное внимание на формирование у учащихся навыка интерпретации темы. ВАЖНО: не только КАК говорит учащийся, но и ЧТО говорит

4 СПЕЦИФИКА ТЕМЫ Internet shopping is the best way to save your money. Internet shopping isn t a safe way of buying things.

5 СПЕЦИФИКА ТЕМЫ Internet shopping is the best way to save your money. Internet shopping isn t a safe way of buying things.

6 РАЗВЕРНУТОЕ ПИСЬМЕННОЕ ВЫСКАЗЫВАНИЕ с элементами рассуждения «МОЕ МНЕНИЕ» Важно изучить план сочинения, который представлен в демоверсии. План един для всех тем в задании 40.

7 Структура Ваше высказывание с ЭР должно состоять из 5 абзацев: 1) введение 2) выражение вашего мнения плюс аргументация его (2-3 аргумента) 3) выражение противоположной точки зрения на проблему, поднимаемую в эссе 4) выражение вашего мнения (контраргумент) на противоположную точку зрения 5) заключение

8 РАЗВЕРНУТОЕ ПИСЬМЕННОЕ ВЫСКАЗЫВАНИЕ с элементами рассуждения «МОЕ МНЕНИЕ» Разъясните учащимся, что в формулировке задания указан рекомендованный объем будущего письменного высказывания слов.

9 40.You have 40 minutes to do this task. Comment on the following statement. Some people think that What is your opinion? Write words. Use the following plan: 1. make an introduction (state the problem) 2. express your personal opinion and give 2 3 reasons for your opinion 3. express an opposing opinion and give 1 2 reasons for this opposing opinion 4. explain why you don t agree with the opposing opinion 5. make a conclusion restating your position

10 Письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения: общие стратегии строить высказывание в соответствии с предложенным планом; начинать введение следует с общего представления темы и предложения, отображающего ее проблемный характер; во введение перефразировать тему/проблему, данную в задании, не повторяя ее дословно; при планировании письменного высказывания сначала продумать ключевые фразы каждого абзаца; делить текст на абзацы, которые отражают логическую и содержательную структуру текста; каждый абзац должен быть написан соответствующим образом (рекомендуется в первом предложении абзаца выразить его основную мысль и далее ее развивать, подкреплять примерами и аргументами и т.д.); введение и заключение должны быть приблизительно одинаковы по объему; в основной части должно быть как минимум три абзаца, приблизительно одинаковых по размеру; общий объем основной части не должен быть меньше общего объема введения и заключения; особое внимание уделять средствам логической связи текста, как внутри предложений, так и между предложениями.

11 Особо важно в письменном высказывании с элементами рассуждения «Ваше мнение» в основной части сначала высказать своё мнение и аргументировать его (ОДИН АБЗАЦ), затем представить другие точки зрения (ВТОРОЙ АБЗАЦ) и дать аргументацию, почему вы с ними не согласны (ТРЕТИЙ АБЗАЦ); приводя контраргументы, отстаивая свою точку зрения, желательно выражать свое мнение не теми же словами, что раньше, а использовать перифраз, синонимию; в заключительном абзаце (заключении) еще раз указать на проблемный характер темы; показать, что хотя у вас есть свое мнение, вы способны видеть и другие точки зрения; тем не менее, своя кажется вам более убедительной.

12 Объем высказывания с ЭР введение 50 слов основная часть (второй абзац) 80 слов основная часть (третий и четвёртый абзацы) 70 слов заключение 50 слов

13 ВАЖНО НАУЧИТЬ СТРУКТУРИРОВАТЬ свое сочинение, используя соответствующие вводные фразы и клише.

14 Вводные фразы, выражающие ваше мнение I think I believe. In my opinion The way I see it.. It seems to me (that). As I see it.. I doubt whether To my mind, From my point of view,

15 Фразы, перечисляющие точки зрения и аспекты обсуждаемой проблемы в порядке их значимости The first thing to be considered is To start with, In the first place.. First of all To start / begin with Secondly, Thirdly.., Finally Last, but not least.

16 Фразы, добавляющие новые аспекты обсуждаемой проблеме Furthermore / Moreover / What is more. In addition to this / that.. Besides / Also. Apart from this / that.. Not to mention the fact that.

17 Фразы, подчеркивающие контраст, связывающие различающиеся идеи It is argued that.. People argue that There are people who oppose.. Contrary to what most people believe Opponents of this way say. However, On the other hand. In spite of / Despite. Even though / Although. Nevertheless,.. Otherwise,.. Yet,.

18 Фразы, выражающие причины, уточняющие высказывание because.. The reason why. is that.. What I like/dislike about.is This would mean. By doing this. As a result of this..

19 Фразы, приводящие пример, доказательство, аргументацию For example.. For instance Such as, Like, Especially, In particular

20 Заключительные фразы In conclusion / On the whole, To sum up, All in all, All things considered, To put it in a nutshell, Taking everything into account

21 ЗАДАНИЕ 1. Какие из нижеприведенных слов и выражений вводят сравнение/контраст, результат/ вывод, аргумент в поддержку высказанной мысли. Заполните таблицу (в списке есть лишние слова): What s more, firstly; in summary; in spite of; thus, lastly, however, in addition, apart from that, in consequence, moreover, despite; on the other hand, in contrast to this; as a result, because of that, although, whatever, as, and so; nevertheless; in conclusion, besides, while, even if, and yet, equally, to put it briefly. Introducing comparison/contrast Introducing result/conclusion Introducing supporting argument

22 ЗАДАНИЕ 2. В каждой строке связующих слов и выражений есть одно лишнее. Найдите его. 1) when, whenever, moreover, before, until, while, as soon as, after 2) finally, lastly, all in all, in conclusion, in addition, to sum up 3) and, also, too, moreover, what is more, in addition, furthermore, therefore 4) although, because, but, however, on the other hand 1),2), 3), 4)

23 ЗАДАНИЕ 2. В каждой строке связующих слов и выражений есть одно лишнее. Найдите его. 1) when, whenever, moreover, before, until, while, as soon as, after 2) finally, lastly, all in all, in conclusion, in addition, to sum up 3) and, also, too, moreover, what is more, in addition, furthermore, therefore 4) although, because, but, however, on the other hand 1),2), 3), 4)

24 ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Какие из нижеприведенных слов и выражений могут (быть использованы) характерны для введения, основной части, заключения письменного высказывания с элементами рассуждения? Заполните таблицу. Firstly, to begin with, furthermore, moreover, also, In my opinion, I believe, I think, As I see it, In today s world it is important, many people believe but to my mind, However, on the other hand, though, in conclusion, all in all, to sum up, All things considered I believe, In conclusion it is important to remind/add/point out that the issue is far from solving/resolving yet but I think, there is no doubt, there is a dispute, discussion/no agreement, the problem/issue/phenomenon of is/appears to be/has always been many people think that, on the one hand, on the other hand, To begin with, Firstly, secondly, finally, in addition, Besides, Moreover, in spite of this, in fact, As a result, consequently. One major advantage is, As advocates of claim/argue, as critics point out, There are a number of disadvantages/drawbacks, To sum it up, one can come to the conclusion that., To conclude, it appears that.

27 The idea that chatting in the Internet can replace real-life communication is becoming more and more popular with each year. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter take over our lives at a meteoric speed and nobody really objects to them. However, I do think that chatting in the Internet is a sheer waste of time. First of all, this means of communication deprives us of a possibility to really interact with a person we are speaking to owing to the fact that emotions can be easily hidden under words and smileys. Moreover, not only do we fail to understand somebody completely, but we also forget all the necessary skills of speaking in public. It can often lead to us being shy and withdrawn when we have to talk with somebody. However, opponents argue that sharing information via the Internet is both faster and more convenient as you can find out everything you want without even lifting a finger. They consider it to be vital and inevitable in our fast-moving world. Despite this widespread belief, I adhere to my own standpoint. There re other means of communication including speaking by phone, for instance, that can turn out as effective as social networks. Furthermore, they will provide you with intellectual enrichment. Seldom can you derive it from chatting in the Internet. To put it in a nutshell, I reckon that it s high time people understood that social networks take control of their personalities and embraced real-life communication instead of it. Albeit socialising in the real world seems old-fashioned, it is in fact much more beneficial than Internet communication.

28 Самое сложное это написать высказывание с ЭР по английскому языку за ограниченное время минут. Поэтому нужно: 1. прочитать задание и определить основную проблему 2. определиться со своей точкой зрения (вы за или против) 3. написать аргументы (2-3) и их обоснование на черновике 4. отразить различные аспекты проблемы (социальные, экономические, моральные) 5. раскрыть один из аспектов более детально 6. писать ВсЭР следует с черновиком, но держа в уме шаблон

29 Структура высказывания с ЭР по английскому языку 1) Введение (introduction - проблема) 2) Ваше обоснованное мнение (2-3 аргумента в защиту вашей точки зрения, 2 аргумента надо раскрыть более полно) 3) Обоснованное мнение других людей (1-2 аргумента) 4) и ещё один ваш контраргумент (почему вы с ними не согласны) 5) Заключение (conclusion)

30 Итак, ваше высказывание с ЭР состоит из 5 абзацев и вы собираетесь приступить к первому, а именно введению. Прочитайте внимательно задание и постарайтесь понять суть проблемы.

31 Вот задание с сайта ФИПИ: Comment on the following statement. The use of mobile phones should be restricted. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write words.

32 Следующее, что нужно сделать, это определиться со своей точкой зрения. Причём постарайтесь быть категоричны. То есть в данном конкретном примере, вы должны сказать: Да, я считаю, что использование мобильных телефонов следует ограничить(+). ИЛИ Нет, я не считаю, что мобильные телефоны следует ограничить(-) Затем вы берете черновик и пишите свои аргументы.

33 РАБОТА НА ЧЕРНОВИКЕ For (pros) Against (cons) 1. МОЕ МНЕНИЕ 1.МНЕНИЕ других людей 2. МОЕ МНЕНИЕ 2. optional 3. optional 4. как КОНТРАРГУМЕНТ

34 Фразы для высказывания с ЭР (введение) Здесь хорошо начать с общего представления темы и использовать следующие фразы. In today s world of it is important for. There is no doubt that. People have always agreed/ believed that

35 Желательно уже во введении обозначить двойственный характер проблемы (то есть две противоположных точки зрения + и -), используя союзы: though, yet, but, etc. can be regarded as step in the right direction/a good way to but not without its problems. it is a controversial question and has always been widely discussed in our society There is a discussion/ no agreement on the matter of

36 ВВЕДЕНИЕ Существует много различных способов коммуникации в наши дни, но, наверное, самый популярный способ общения - мобильный телефон. Одновременно некоторые люди полагают, что мобильный телефон может быть вредным, но лично я не представляю своей жизни без него.

37 INTRODUCTION There are lots of different ways of communication these days, but perhaps the most popular one is a mobile phone. While some people believe that a mobile phone can be harmful. Personally, I can t imagine my life without it.

38 Итак, вы написали введение на черновик и подкорректировали его. Теперь пишите введение на чистовик. Затем вы работаете со 2-4 абзацами: выстраиваете аргументы и контраргументы, вспоминаете из шаблонов слова-связки. Помните, что предложения должны быть логичными, выражать ваше мнение, отражать другие точки зрения.

39 MY OPINION По моему мнению, нам не следует ограничивать использование мобильных, так как они приносят больше пользы (good), чем вреда. Для начала, они достаточно маленькие, чтобы поместиться у нас в кармане (to fit), поэтому мы легко можем взять их повсюду и всегда оставаться на связи (in touch). Кроме того, мобильные телефоны позволяют нам посылать сообщения, которые очень дешевые. Также сегодня мы можем подключиться к интернету (to log on), оплачивать покупки(вещи), фотографировать и посылать фото нашим друзьям.

40 In my opinion, we shouldn t restrict the use of mobiles since they do more good than harm. To begin with, they are small enough to fit into our pockets so we can easily take them everywhere and always stay in touch. Moreover, they let us send short messages, which is very cheap. Finally, today we can log on to the Internet, pay for things we buy, take breathtaking pictures and send them to our friends.

41 ПРОТИВОПОЛОЖНОЕ МНЕНИЕ Однако, некоторые люди полагают, что подростки становятся слишком зависимыми от своих мобильных (become addicted) и проводят много времени играя в игры или отсылая сообщения. Также, некоторые люди боятся, что радиация от мобильных телефонов может вызвать серьёзные заболевания.

42 However, some people believe that teenagers are becoming too addicted to their phones and spend plenty of their time playing games or sending messages. In addition, some people fear that radiation from mobiles may cause serious diseases.

43 Однако давайте опять заглянем в план. Там написано следующее: explain why you don t agree with the opposing opinion Поэтому после того, как вы выразили противоположную точку зрения, вы должны ЕЩЕ РАЗ написать, почему вы с ней не согласны. Вспомните ваш главный контраргумент и перефразируете его.

44 explain why you don t agree with the opposing opinion С моей точки зрения, эти тревоги беспочвенны. Что касается зависимости от мобильных телефонов, то я полагаю, что никто не сходит с ума от них (be crazy), потому что они стали неотъемлемой частью нашей повседневной жизни. Также, до сих пор нет доказательств, радиация и серьёзные заболевания взаимосвязаны (interrelated).

45 From my point of view, these concerns are groundless. As for mobile addiction, I believe that nobody is crazy about telephones nowadays as they have become part and parcel of our everyday lives. Also, there is still no proof that radiation from mobile phones and serious diseases are interrelated.

46 Наконец, переходим к последнему абзацу заключению. Это вывод, в нем вы обобщаете все вышеизложенное, по объёму оно приблизительно равно введению (около слов). В заключении ещё раз подчеркните противоречивость темы и выразите своё мнение.

47 Фразы для высказывания с ЭР (заключение) All in all,. may arouse mixed feelings but still thousands of people every question/ phenomenon/ problem always has its positive and negative sides/ advantages and disadvantages One can only hope that. take full advantage of benefits. I strongly believe that

48 Подводя итог, я хотел бы сказать, что у каждой технологии есть свои достоинства и недостатки. Я уверен, что нам не следует отвергать (reject) мобильные телефоны за то плохое влияние (effect), которое они якобы имеют. Напротив, мы должны научиться, как извлекать все лучшее из них (make the best use of).

49 In conclusion, I d like to say that every technology has both advantages and shortcomings. I am sure we shouldn t reject mobile phones for the bad effect they might have. On the contrary, we must learn how to make the best use of them.

50 Five-Paragraph Essay Outline Paragraph 1 (Introduction) Thesis Statement Paragraph 2 (my opinion) Topic Sentence Reason1 Reason2 Reason3 Paragraph 3(an opposing opinion) Topic Sentence Reason 1 Reason 2 Paragraph 4(why I don`t agree with the opposing opinion) Topic Sentence Reason 1 Reason 2 Paragraph 5(Conclusion) Thesis Statement restated in different words

51 40.You have 40 minutes to do this task. Comment on the following statement. Some people think that What is your opinion? Write words. Use the following plan: 1. make an introduction (state the problem) 2. express your personal opinion and give 2 3 reasons for your opinion 3. express an opposing opinion and give 1 2 reasons for this opposing opinion 4. explain why you don t agree with the opposing opinion 5. make a conclusion restating your position

52 Comment on the following statement. Write words. 1. Two foreign languages are compulsory at schools in Russia. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? 2. Оne must discuss all important decisions in the family circle. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? 3. Many years ago, young people were more responsible and mature. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? 4. A good teacher should always be strict and exacting. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? 5. Tattoos and piercings make young people look more attractive. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? 6. In our time, clothes play an important part in the life of young people. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? 7. It is very important to get along with your neighbours. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

53 Useful Vocabulary (Opinion Essays) Вводные фразы, выражающие ваше мнение I think I believe. In my opinion In my view The way I see it.. It seems to me (that). As I see it.. I doubt whether Фразы, перечисляющие точки зрения и аспекты In the first place.. First of all обсуждаемой проблемы в порядке их To start / begin with значимости Secondly, Thirdly.., Finally Last, but not least. Фразы, добавляющие новые аспекты Furthermore / Moreover / What is more. обсуждаемой проблеме In addition to this / that.. Besides / Also. Apart from this / that.. Not to mention the fact that. Фразы, выражающие причины, уточняющие Because.., The reason why. is that.. высказывание What I like/dislike about.is This would mean. By doing this. As a result of this.. Фразы, подчеркивающие контраст, It is argued that.. People argue that связывающие различающиеся идеи There are people who oppose.. Contrary to what most people believe Opponents of this way say. However, On the other hand. In spite of / Despite. Even though / Although. Nevertheless, Otherwise, Yet. Фразы, приводящие пример, доказательство, For example / For instance аргументацию Such as, Like, Especially, In particular Заключительные фразы In conclusion / On the whole,to sum up, All in all, All things considered, To put it in a nutshell, Taking everything into account

54 Мишин Андрей Валентинович Заместитель директора по научноэкспериментальной и аналитической работе многопрофильной гимназии 12 города Твери, учитель английского языка высшей категории. Заслуженный учитель РФ, Почётный работник общего образования Российской Федерации, дважды победитель конкурса лучших учителей России в рамках приоритетного национального проекта «Образование», консультант-эксперт кафедры английского языка Тверского государственного университета, председатель предметной региональной комиссии по английскому языку, сертифицированный эксперт ЕГЭ по английскому языку (разделы «Письмо» и «Говорение»)

Как написать эссе (письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения) по английскому языку на 14 баллов? [email protected] Мишин Андрей Валентинович Заместитель директора по научноэкспериментальной

Фразы и примерная структура эссе Начало эссе (фактически - сочинения на заданную тему) - постановка проблемы. В первом абзаце (введении) необходимо сообщить читателю тему Вашего эссе, перефразировав ее,

Начнем с того, что написать эссе на английском языке на ЕГЭ гораздо сложнее, чем написать личное письмо. При его написании потребуется гораздо больший словарный запас и более глубокое знание грамматики,

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40 Сочинение Критерии, подготовка, оценивание Развернутое письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения «Мое мнение» Задание высокого уровня сложности Характеризуется высоким уровнем сложности (В2 по

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Essay topics: Some people agree that teachers should be strict with their students; others believe that teachers with friendly approach will achieve better results.

Submitted by marzieh on Tue, 10/08/2013 - 13:37

In every society education especially schools are very important. Teachers play important roles in their student"s life. Undoubtedly, all of us hear a lot of story about good teacher and bad teacher and we have always had a dream to have a nice teacher. Some people believe teacher should have better relation with their students and other are not agree with this idea.

First let"s consider strict approach teaching. If teachers being so strict at classroom, students are afraid from them and they also afraid when are have done a mistake. Besides, because of their fear they could not learn as their parents expected, so this may causes some distraction in classroom. Meanwhile, when teachers are so strict, student lost their eager to learn new lesson they just try to pass courses.

On the other hand, when teachers follow friendly behavior relationship whit their student, they will see a lot motivation in their students. Firstly, students spend a lot of hours in school, so they should feel safe in school. Friendly teachers able to make a relationship with students and talk with them, sometimes they have solved student"s problem. Besides, students in their classroom have no fear, they can ask every question and also they do their homework more carefully in fact they are enjoying when they are at school.

To sum up, schools have some strict roles and students have to obey these roles. In the classroom, the most important responsibilities of teachers is teaching students and meanwhile prepare them to facing with life"s difficulty in their future. These goals are gain if teachers and student cooperate with each others.

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When I began teaching physics at a university, I was faced with a decision: What kind of instructor will I be?

I have personally had a rainbow of professor archetypes, so I had that experience to decide who I would try to channel.

The 4 main types of professors are…

  • The Juggernaut

This is the professor that will separate the strong from the… slightly less strong. Their homework leaves you confused, their exams leave your head spinning, and the final grades will have you biting your nails. This teacher will not budge on rounding your 89.5% to a 90% because you didn’t earn it . The truth is that if you are passionate about the subject, this style will make you strive for excellence. You likely won’t finish the class with a 4.0, but you will have stretched your understanding of the material to unprecedented heights.

  • The Hippie

These professors are what I call “the GPA boosters ”. Participation is most of your credit, so you can usually pass just by showing up and showing some vague interest in the subject. They often let you turn in assignments late without penalties, exams are just a simple review of the notes, and you won’t have to devote much time to their class. These professors, albeit rare, are usually a disadvantage to students. You are not challenged enough, and the permitted laziness removes any incentive to understand the material in depth.

  • The Genius

This professor is difficult to keep up with. If you fail, you fail. You often find yourself reading a chapter ahead in order to understand the in-depth lectures they give. You often leave class scratching your head, but you learn some interesting things IF you can keep up. The ability to understand a subject does not mean you can teach it effectively. This category is different from the juggernaut because they are rarely helpful during lecture; they tend to be much more helpful during 1-on-1 office hours. If you plan on doing an independent study or personal project, these are the professors with the resources and knowledge you need.

And finally…

  • The “Friend”

This is by far the most difficult line to walk. On one hand, being approachable and relatable can be extremely helpful to students trying to understand material. Students tend to be dauntless when asking questions, approaching you outside of class, and readily show up to office hours as needed. However, it’s too easy to veer too far into this relation. Becoming too personal with the students can lead to conflicts of interest. Being too open can lead to you losing credibility. Worst of all, it is obvious when you are trying too hard. It is certainly refreshing when these professors work out, but only when done right.

What I learned from teaching is that all these archetypes have their pros and cons, and their own varying types of friendliness . I have attempted a variety of combinations, seeing what works best for me. If I got too friendly and students began inviting me to movies and parties, I would take a step back and lean into juggernaut mode for a bit.

My answer to this question is that it depends . If done right, friendly teachers can be approachable and engage students. If done wrong, you aren’t taken seriously and you could face conflicts of interest. I believe every one of these archetypes can be friendly in their own ways, but be aware that being too friendly is always a looming possibility. There is a line between being friendly and being a friend . Just ask yourself, “Is this helping the students? That should be your highest concern.

Being a strict teacher, is it good or bad?

(Discussion Essay)

By: Nastiti Fitria

Normally, students differentiate their teachers according their way of implementing rules in the classroom. There are strict teachers who are very tough on students and lenient teachers who can tolerate their students’ faults. Most people, especially students, like to be given freedom to express their aspiration in class activity rather than to be guided firmly by the teachers. However, the opposite side of people believes that strict teachers can be the effective way to produce extraordinary students. According to Teachers Appreciation Blog , there are two impacts of being strict teachers, the positive and the negative impacts. The positive impacts are well organized class; motivated students; and maximum teacher respect, while the negative impacts are l ess a pproachable

Firstly, the positive impacts of being a strict teacher are well organized class; motivated students; and maximum teacher respect. In order to keep their sense of responsibility and self-discipline, strict teachers would keep their class in control and develop the stern guidelines such as ask the students to stand in front of the class for the whole of the learning activity if one them are shouting or making other noises. It trains their students to learn how to differentiate right and wrong from their mistakes when they are punished for violating the rules. A well-organized class which is controlled by the teacher will enable the students to learn and understand well the materials which are given. By giving the stern guidelines, teachers create a serious learning environment which stimulates the students to study hard. Moreover, students are motivated to be a responsible person and a man of self-discipline gradually by their strict teachers. In fact, students are afraid of being punished when they violate the strict guidelines so that they struggle to obey them. For instance, students are trained to finish their assignments on time; otherwise they have to make it double in hand writing. Besides, to create a well-organized class and motivated students, the most important thing that should be created first in students and teachers relationship is maximum teachers respect. In today’s life we can easily find many students behave in inappropriate ways and seem impolite, such as swearing or shouting in class. That kind of impolite behavior cannot be reduced if there is no certain serious handling that can make them learn their lesson. Therefore, the teachers should apply their stern rules to helps the students understand how to behave well and respect their teachers. As an illustration, when a teacher finds one of her students shouting during the learning activity in class, she asks the student to give an impromptu formal speech in front of the class. If the student does not want to do that, he/she has to write an essay in three pages, should be original and in hand writing.

Secondly, being a strict teacher does not always bring the positive impact, but also the negative impacts: l ess a pproachable ; discouraging attitude; and students’ rebellion. There are many teachers who believe that they can earn respect from students by keeping a stern profile. Teachers with a stern profile who are usually perfectionist do not realize that the students will be afraid to approach them. It will adversely affect the psychology of students, so that they will never feel free to ask questions to the teachers or being active, such as raise their hands to answer questions in the class. It is very important to be a little flexible with the students in order to encourage them to be closer to the teachers so that teachers can help them to solve their problem in learning. Furthermore, their strict guidelines discourage the students from their classes. They try to make excuses for skipping classes, which harms their studies. It is one of their ways to avoid creating mistakes that he/she ends up doing silly mistakes such as mispronounce, which invites further criticism from a strict teacher and hurts his/her confidence. Besides, being a strict teacher will also triggers students’ rebellion because it is an undeniable fact that being a strict teacher often means that we are going to be a teacher with a lot of haters, which are our own students. Those haters usually do not feel comfortable with our stern rules, so they try to oppose those rules by conducting such rebellion. The rebellion itself can be in the form of making noisy, interrupting teachers for unimportant reasons, or even fighting with their friends.

All in all, there are merits and drawbacks of being strict teachers. In the positive side, it creates well organized class; motivated students; and maximum teacher respect. On the other hand, it triggers l ess a pproachable ; discouraging attitude; and students’ rebellion. However, t eachers actually are suggested to choose different teaching style, whether being strict or not, to suit different students.