Friend in need анализ. Друзья познаются в беде

Работа преподавателя кажется незамысловатой и вполне очевидной — знаешь английский и рассказывай другим, как говорить, писать и т.д. Некоторые считают, что вообще делать практически ничего и не нужно — пришел, поговорил и ушел. Но мало кто, кроме нас, учителей, знает, что огромная часть этой работы остается за кулисами. Ведь каждый урок — это проработанный и тщательно подготовленный материал, адаптированный под конкретного студента, встроенный в структуру циклов уроков таким образом, чтобы не нарушать целостность всего учебного процесса.

Сколько тратить времени

В школах сегодня от учителей требуют тщательной подготовки с написанием письменных конспектов к каждому уроку. Это очень трудо- и времязатратно, особенно для молодых учителей, которые еще не набили руку в этом нелегком деле. В частных школах и курсах этого не требуют, но подготовку к урокам также никто не отменял. Некоторые преподаватели считают, что к каждому уроку следует готовиться около часа, чтобы найти подходящий материал, подготовить или адаптировать задания к уроку. Если у вас два урока в день, то это не страшно, если шесть — то готовьтесь провести остаток жизни за грудой книг или перед экраном монитора. Конечно, можно и нужно все максимально оптимизировать.

Делайте самое необходимое при подготовке к урокам, и тогда это будет занимать у вас в среднем пятнадцать или двадцать мнут. По большому счету, преподавателю приходится работать в основном с одними и теми же учебными материалами . Так, если учебник для вас новый, времени понадобится больше, чтобы тщательно ознакомиться с заданиями, прочитать тексты, прослушать аудио записи, ознакомиться с дополнительными заданиями, представленными в нем. Плюс, потратьте пять минут на продумывание творческих игровых заданий на уроке, и плюс пять минут на то, чтобы все красиво и разборчиво записать.

Первое впечатление

Особенно важна подготовка к первому занятию с новой группой и новым студентом. Первая встреча всегда очень важна, так как откладывает в подсознании у студента впечатление о преподавателе и об уроке с ним. На первом занятии можно заразить студентом огромным зарядом мотивации или отбить желание учиться вообще. Именно поэтому к первому уроку стоит готовиться особенно тщательно. Некоторые современные методисты утверждают, что в норме преподаватель должен потратить весь день на приготовление к уроку с новой группой студентов. Но, к сожалению, не каждый располагает такой роскошью и может позволить себе потратить столько времени, даже при всем желании. Здесь важно учитывать некоторые факторы.

  • Во-первых, это ваш опыт. Если вы только начинаете работать, и у вас еще нет своих наработок, вы не знаете, чего ожидать от первого занятия, как правильно разработать его структуру, то в таком случае вам понадобится значительно больше времени, возможно, пару часов. Если вы — опытный преподаватель, расслабляться не стоит, так как каждый новый студент — это новый «challenge».
  • Во-вторых, важно быть готовым к тому, что у разных людей разный темп . То количество заданий, которое один студент будет выполнять целый урок, другой может выполнить за десять минут. Позаботьтесь о том, чтобы вам не пришлось по ходу урока придумывать, чем же занять своих более активных студентов.
  • В-третьих, помните, что заявленный уровень студента далеко не всегда соответствует фактическому. Часто люди или недооценивают или переоценивают свои знания. Поэтому если задания будут слишком легкие или слишком сложные, толку не будет. Подготовьте как минимум два варианта заданий посложнее и полегче, во время урока уже определитесь, что лучше применить.
  • В-четвертых, позаботьтесь о том, чтобы на уроке не было скучно. Все любят положительные эмоции. Включите в задания игровой момент, возьмите интересные темы для дискуссии или небольшие юмористические статьи. Обязательно похвалите студента.


На счет того, какие материалы использовать при подготовке к урокам, нет однозначного мнения. Некоторые методисты поощряют развитие креативных способностей учителей и всячески поощряют применять их в жизни. Некоторые учителя-энтузиасты рисуют картины, придумывают кроссворды, чуть ли не сами пишут книги. Но есть и противоположное мнение — зачем придумывать велосипед? Есть масса великолепных учебников, которые находятся в свободном доступе в различных ресурсах. В них уже предложена масса интересных и крайне полезных заданий. Они хорошо структурированы, разработаны талантливыми и опытными методистами и педагогами. Просто бери и последовательно выполняй все упражнения по порядку.

Как всегда, правда, наверное, находится где-то посредине. Самым лучшим способом будет использовать несколько учебников при подготовке к уроку и личные наработки, которые, по вашему опыту, находят отклик у студентов. Крайне эффективно объединять несколько учебников по сходной теме. Например, вы работаете по учебнику Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate и проходите в нем первый модуль, где затрагивается время Present Simple. В дополнение можно взять книгу по грамматике — R. Murphy для взрослых или Round-Up для детей, чтобы дополнительно проработать грамматику. Также можете предложить какую-нибудь грамматическую игру или собственные разработки. Таким образом урок будет насыщенным, затронет все аспекты, и вы сможете максимально качественно проработать данную тему.

Помните, что время, потраченное на подготовку к занятиям, окупится сторицей. Вы всегда будете чувствовать себя уверенно в любой ситуации на уроке, и вас не застанут врасплох. Всегда принимайте во внимание потребности и пожелания ваших студентов, учитывайте их индивидуальные особенности и уровень способностей. Тогда ваши уроки всегда будут интересные, а ваши студенты мотивированны.

Большая и дружная семья EnglishDom

Когда я начала серьезно преподавать в школе иностранных языков, моя первая группа была воплощением мечты любого преподавателя: 10 заинтересованных в обучении, мотивированных, внимательных и терпеливых учеников. Поэтому меня абсолютно не смущал тот факт, что каждый урок я начинала с “How are you today?”

По мере того, как их знания росли, ответы на вопросы становились более обширными, беседа затягивалась и занимала больше 5 минут. К концу семестра мои студенты получили дипломы об успешном завершении A1, а я получила свой первый feedback : Все хорошо, но вот только уже очень скучно каждый урок начинать с одного и того же.

Тогда я всерьез задумалась о том, как правильно начинать урок английского языка.

Почему так важно правильно начать урок?

Пословица гласит: “A good beginning is half done ”. Так и вводная часть урока является ключевым аспектом эффективного преподавание.

Вводная часть урока нужна для того, чтобы:

— презентовать тему урока

— заинтересовать учеников темой

— задать темп урока и нужную для обучения атмосферу

Представьте уставших студентов, которые скорее всего пришли на ваш урок после работы, учебы, возможно, у них был тяжелый день. Наша задача как преподавателей плавно переключить и сфокусировать их внимание на уроке английского языка и подготовить ко всему тому, чем они будут заниматься в течение урока.

Основные принципы вводной части

Для эффективного начала урока нужно помнить о следующих принципах:

1. Вводная часть должна быть короткой и занимать от 3 до 10 минут в зависимости от продолжительности урока.

— если урок длится 30 минут, на разминку оптимально выделить 3 минуты;

— если урок длиться полтора часа, можно провести и 10-минутную разминку.

2. . «Отличный совет, Капитан Очевидность», — скажите вы. Но следует помнить о том, что интерес побуждает мотивацию к обучению и стимулирует желание учиться.

Если ваших студентов заинтересовала тема, которую вы подняли во вводной части, они будут охотнее высказывать мнение, делиться опытом, соглашаться или опровергать информацию.

3. Релевантность . При выборе и разработке заданий для вводной части обязательно имейте в виду конечную цель урока и программу в целом. Несоответствие вводной части и основной части урока может вызвать у студентов непонимание и вопрос «Зачем мы все это делали?»

4. Аутентичность . «Being fully exposed to the authentic materials is one of key factors for language acquisition» . Аутентичные материалы могут послужить повышению интереса студентов, при условии что они выбраны в соответствии с уровнем, возрастом и интересами вашей группы.

Виды заданий для вводной части

Есть два типа вводных упражнений: warmers and lead-ins .

Warmers используются для того, чтобы повысить уровень энергии в классе, создать позитивную и расслабленную атмосферу перед тем, как начнется основная часть урока. Они не всегда могут быть связаны с темой урока. К warmers относятся игры, викторины, скороговорки, песенки и т.д.

Lead-ins являются подводкой к основной части и содержанию урока. Цель такого рода заданий мотивировать студентов и сфокусировать их внимание на теме урока, создать связь между темой урока и жизнью студентов (персонализация).

Идеи для вводной части урока

Мы не давно публиковали . Поэтому сегодня рассмотрим идеи для lead-in заданий:

Мультимедийные задания

1. Песни . Перед началом урока, поставьте песню, которая подходит под тему урока. Попробуйте включить песню до того, как придут студенты — пока они будут собираться и занимать свои места, у них уже будет возможность прослушать фрагмент и составить мнение о нем. Как только урок начнется, обсудите, какое впечатление произвела песня, понравилась ли она, о чем в ней поется и т.д.

2. Видео . Используйте музыкальный клип/фрагмент из фильма, сериала и т.д. Для этого вам понадобится проектор. Принцип обсуждения будет такой же, как и с песней.

3. Стоп-кадр . Покажите студентам кадр из видео. Обсудите, что на нем происходит, а что случится далее. После обсуждение можно посмотреть видео до конца и поговорить о том, ожидали ли они такой концовки или нет и почему.

4. Фотография . Обсуждение изображение весьма распространенное задание. Чтобы произвести большее впечатление на учеников, выведите фото на стену или доску с помощью проектора.

Фразы, предложения, цитаты

5. Закончи фразу . Заранее напишите на доске начало предложения (например, I feel the happiest when …) и попросите каждого ученика его закончить, так как он/она считает нужным. Далее может последовать краткое обсуждение.

6. Цитата . Напишите на доске заранее выбранную цитату. Спросите, как ученики ее понимают, согласны или нет, кому бы могла эта цитата принадлежать, почему они так считают и т.д.

7. Идиома/ пословица/крылатое выражение. Попросите ваших студентов объяснить, как они понимают фразу, написанную на доске. Спросите согласны они с ней или нет и почему.

Visual aids

8. Что общего? Подготовьте несколько фотографий на одну тему. Обсудите с ними, что объединяет эти фотографии. Попросите студентов по изображениям угадать тему урока.

9. Moving agree/disagree . Попросите студентов подняться со своих мест. Заранее подготовьте несколько утверждений. Установите правила — если они согласны с утверждением, то они занимают, например, левую часть классной комнаты, если нет, то правую.

10. Moving true/false . Принцип такой же, как и в предыдущем задании. Подготовьте несколько фактов. Если студенты считают что утверждение точное, они занимают одну часть аудитории, если нет, то другую.


11. Используй слово . Заранее выпишите на доску лексику, которую вы недавно проходили. Задайте вопрос, например, «How was your weekend? ». При ответе на вопрос студент обязательно должен использовать одно или несколько слов, написанных на доске.

12. Объясни слово . Заранее подготовьте карточки с новой лексикой (одна карточка – одно слово) и разложите их рубашкой вверх. Студенты должны объяснить значение слов; если ученик не знает слово — пусть попытается угадать его значение, отталкиваясь от темы.

Лайфхаки для вводной части урока

важно заранее подготовить класс к вводной части: написать на доске фразу/выражение/цитату, которую вы будете обсуждать, включить проектор, вывести на экран видео, фото, клип и т.д.

Так еще до начала урока студенты начнут задумываться о том, а что написано на доске, понимать, нравится ли им то, что они только что прочитали/увидели. Так вы запустите процесс обучение запускается еще до начала урока.

вопрос «How are you?» имеет место быть . Но не стоит использовать его в начале каждого урока. Задавайте его до начала урока, когда ученики только заходят в класс.

Используйте этот вопрос во вводной части, если тема урока действительно с ним связана.

Не бойтесь экспериментировать и Happy Teaching!

Premium Essay

Submitted By twiddy
Words 338
Pages 2

The author of the text is Maugham William Somerset, an English writer. He is best known by his short stories. The text under analysis is titled «A Friend In Need»
The subject of the extract is drown from life and deals with problems true friendship. The story has a narrative presentation with elements of dialog.
There are no the secondary characters. The main characters are 2 men.
This story is about one of them, the man who had had bad luck at cards. He was down and out and because of it he drunk a lot. He came to his namesake and asked him for a job. But he can’t do anything except swim. And Burton told him, if he swam round the beacon and landed at the creek of Tarumi he would give him a job. And despite of his bad condition after alcohol the hero agreed to do it. He was drowned, but Burton didn’t express any regret about him. He only rubbed his chin and say that he hadn’t got a vacancy in his office at that moment.
The text can be divided into 2 parts.
At the first part the scene ordinary laid at the Barton’s office. And in the second part author tells us of the death of the main character.
To support the emotional impact of the passage the author uses such colorful expression as (down and out, he was all to pieces, kindly little chuckle).
It was not difficult to read this story, because its language is very emotional and expressive and at the same time is rather simple. It doesn’t contain any special terms or complex constructions. And all this makes the story interesting to read. The story is rather instructive. The writer draws our attention to be tolerant of each other, to help our friends in any way, because we also can be in some hard situation.
And if you like such kind of stories I advice you to read it and don’t make such mistakes in…...

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Friends are people whom we turn to when our spirits need a lift. They are always by our side through thick and thin. They stand beside us even when our disposition is not perfectly right and will fight for us if we are oppressed. Therefore, it is clear that friends play a vital role in shaping who we are today. But what qualities exactly do we need to look for in a friend? A friend should always be caring towards you. He or she should take interest in your problems no matter how big or petty your problem may be. A friend should be able to sit beside you and encourage you to keep your chin up even when everyone else is against you. A friend’s empathy and lovingness will also replenish your worn-out soul and will make you realize how important a friend really is. Apart from that, a friend should be an honest person. An honest friend will dissipate any worries that he or she is lying towards you. A friend’s honesty will enable you to trust his or she’s opinion when it comes to telling you the truth about yourself. For example, an honest friend will remand you on your declining grades and will ask you to work harder while a dishonest friend will see it with a blind eye. Therefore, an overall improvement in yourself will be noticeable if you have an honest friend. Moreover, a friend should be generous both emotionally and knowledge wise. A friend who is generous ought to be able to connect with you and provide emotional support. He or she should also be generous when it comes......

Words: 421 - Pages: 2

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Everyone needs good friends that can hold uphold good characteristics and Christian values. The characteristics of a good friend are honesty, love, service, loyalty, and receiving. Honesty - Will you tell me the truth? The best gift that someone can give me is honest affirmation (don’t patronize me) and honest correction. (For more on this idea read this post). Not everyone has the “right” to speak into my life this way. This right is earned by the demonstration of the second characteristic… Love – Will you love me when I’m at the top of my game? Will you love me when I’m in a slump? Love that transcends the “seasons” of life is the “stuff” that genuine friendship is made of! Some people call this “unconditional love.” Service - Will you help me? Friends help one another. These last few weeks we’ve been blessed by our friends who have helped with meals, prep for the yard sale, words of encouragement, babysitting, etc. To all of you, we are grateful to have friends like you. Thank you for your help. Loyalty - Will you “stick it out” with me? Will you defend me when I’m being attacked? Will you stick up for me when I’m not there? A friend is someone who would not have to change the conversation when you walk up. Receiving - Will you receive from me? A friendship is only as strong as the neediest friend. If you’re always helping me but I do not help you, in time you will grow weary of me! BUT when you help me, and allow me to help you we strengthen one another and the......

Words: 279 - Pages: 2

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Friends Friends are people whom we turn to when our spirits need a lift. They are always by our side through thick and thin. They stand beside us even when our disposition is not perfectly right and will fight for us if we are oppressed. Therefore, it is clear that friends play a vital role in shaping who we are today. But what qualities exactly do we need to look for in a friend? A friend should always be caring towards you. He or she should take interest in your problems no matter how big or petty your problem may be. A friend should be able to sit beside you and encourage you to keep your chin up even when everyone else is against you. A friend’s empathy and lovingness will also replenish your worn-out soul and will make you realize how important a friend really is. Apart from that, a friend should be an honest person. An honest friend will dissipate any worries that he or she is lying towards you. A friend’s honesty will enable you to trust his or she’s opinion when it comes to telling you the truth about yourself. For example, an honest friend will remand you on your declining grades and will ask you to work harder while a dishonest friend will see it with a blind eye. Therefore, an overall improvement in yourself will be noticeable if you have an honest friend. Moreover, a friend should be generous both emotionally and knowledge wise. A friend who is generous ought to be able to connect with you and provide emotional support. He or she should also be......

Words: 425 - Pages: 2

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This friend I have is special, whilst young, intelligent and righteous. He lives with me since he was born, a pleasure to have all these years.The strength to face each day can sometimes be drawn from knowing him. When I watch him dribble around with the ball at the street soccer court then knocking it into the goal leaving the opponent frustrated there is unspeakable pride and joy emitting from the core of my heart. How this fine young man has grown from a novice soccer player just three years ago to a forwarder that instill fear to defenders who have to mark him. A elusive player who pass his opponent with ease and elegant he can match the highest standard of the land. The fond memories of the time we spend together still lingers in my mind. Bringing him to the movies, watching him fight with his sisters still sits in my mind. When he is younger, he never kept still and even climb out of the cradle that is meant to restrain him. That is when he is only two years old and that time nearly got a spanking from his grand mother. The coolest transformation is his hair. It uses to be always gelled and groomed into the "curry puff" look that is the trademark look that signifies his childhood days. Curry puff is a local snacks that has ultra ordinary puff when fried. Youth has robbed away that and reinstall a new image to befit the modern time. The "anime" type spike hairstyle is now the replacement. Skinny jeans with a smart tee shirts is the order of the day when he needs......

Words: 472 - Pages: 2

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Friends: 1) Introduction 2) Quality 3) Information Introduction information: School MATES - He may be same class or he may be junior or senoor to me, then we call me as school mate, COllege - same group or other grop and he may be junior or senior to me, then call him as college mate. Class -- same class and may be same section or other section, then we call him as class mate Room - if someone stays with you, then you call it as room mate Tution - all goes to tution, i dont know about him like what class and what college Bench - and same bench in school or college childhood Friend - who you know since childhood close - a close friend is someone you can talk to, and do things with, but you dont always spend time with them best causual - say hi or bye to someone, i dont know about him and also even he doesnt know about me confidential - With whom you share secrets like letters, we can trust him so hwe will not share withg anyone It may be one from your existing friends or it may be some other persons. In some cases, for some people sister or brother may be the best friend it"s important to have friends that you can talk to and share experiences with. My friends make me laugh, but I know I can also rely on them whenever I need help or support. I met most of my freinds at school so we are almost at the same age,some tohers I met through my work who are a little older or younger than me. Good friends don"t bring up things that embarrass...

Words: 312 - Pages: 2

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Friend in Need

Conscience J. Galsworthy Taggart sat up. The scoop under the ranger"s fence, cannily selected for his sleeping-place, was overhung by branches, and the birds of Hyde Park were at matins already. His watch had gone the way of his other belongings during the last three months, and he could only assume from the meager light that it was but little after dawn. He was not grateful to the birds; he would be hungry long before a breakfast coming from he hardly knew where. But he listened to them with interest. This was the first night he had passed in the open, and, like all amateurs, he felt a kind of triumph at having achieved vagrancy in spite of the law, the ranger, and the dew. He was a Northumbrian, too, and his tail still up," as he expressed it. Born in a town, Taggart had not much country lore - at sparrows, blackbirds, thrushes, his knowledge stopped; but he enjoyed the bobbery the little beggars were kicking up, and though a trifle stiff perhaps, he felt fine". He lit his pipe, and almost at once his brain began to revolve the daily problem of how to get a job, and why he had lost the one he had. Walking, three months ago, burly, upright, and secure and jolly, into the room of his chief at the officers of Conglomerated Journals Ltd. , he had been greeted with: Morning, Taggart. Georgie Grebe is to give us an article for the Lighthouse. He won"t have time to write it, of course. I want you just to do us a column he could sign something Grebeish. I"m......

Words: 3234 - Pages: 13

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A Friend in Need

The Work of Representation Stuart Hall Summarize by Jesse Tseng 1 Representation, meaning and language At first we have to know that: Representation is an essential part of the process by which meaning is produced and exchanged between members of a culture. It does involve the use of language, of signs and images which stand for or represent things. And surly it is not a simple or straightforward process. How this article exploring the concept of representation connect meaning and language to culture? We will be drawing a distinction between three different account or theories:the reflective, the intentional and the constructionist approaches to representation. Most of this text will be exploring the constructionist approach with two major variants or models of the constructionist approach, the semiotic approach- Ferdinand de Saussure and the discursive approach- Michel Foucault. But we have to answer the question first:what does the word representation really mean? 1.1 Making meaning, Representing things Representation is the production of the meaning of the concepts in our minds through language. There are two processes, two systems of representation. First, there is the system by which all sort of objects, people and events are correlated with a set of concepts or mental representations which we carry around in our heads.(like chair, table) Second, Language is therefore the second system of representation. (When we say......

Words: 2471 - Pages: 10

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A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

3. ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’. Describe how a friend helped you in a difficult time. A friend is someone who always be there for you during thick and thin, who always be our best listener and who will always help us from barking up the wrong tree. Without a friend, ones will feel alone and never know how to socialize with people around him or her. Everyone in this world needs friends as companion in their life. So do I. We can have a lot of friends but to find a true and loyal one is the hardest. I have a best friend and I think she is the best girl I have ever met, El. We were enrolled in the same school since we are 7 years old. We used to be strangers at first but as we were placed in the same class, we get closed to each other. Plus, we are deskmate. She is a kind-hearted person. This pretty Kelantanese girl used to be very down to earth to all people that she met. She lived in a small town, outskirts of Kota Bharu. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her father works as a pediatric specialist in one of the most well-known hospital in Kelantan. While her mom works as an English lecturer in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. I was having a very difficult time when I was 15 years old. It was a calm and quiet night when I’m burning the midnight oil because the PMR was just around the corner. The residents around my housing area all asleep. It was only me and my pile of books. The clock on my pink room’s wall shown that the time was almost half......

Words: 585 - Pages: 3

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Always told me to be careful when choosing your friends and remember that not everyone is your friend. There are three different kinds of “friends” in this life. I classify them according to how well I know them and how well they know me. We encounter each of them every day, whether it be at school, home, or through social media. First, there are the "social media friends" generally known as the person behind the computer screen. Next, there are "acquaintance friends" classmates or short-term friend. Lastly, we have "best friends" our true friends. Social media sites such as Instagram or twitter have “followers” who are people behind their cellphones liking your pictures, commenting on your facebook statuses, but you do not really know who they are. You do not really talk to that person in person, this are different social media friends. Secondly, friends I call "acquaintances." This is because they are closer than your Instagram followers or facebook friends, but they nowhere near as close as your best friend. Acquaintances are usually classmates who evolve into "friends" through social media or hanging out here and there. You typically know the acquaintances name, a little of their family history, and usually have several things in common. Lastly your best friend, you probably grew up together as children. They know everything about you. Just as you know everything about them. You consider them to be like family. "A true friend will see you through when others see that you......

Words: 301 - Pages: 2

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Came into my life and made a big difference. When I was about to give up on life because of health problems and because I lost my sister from Sickle Cell, the most wonderful person walked right into my life. You see all she said was hello, and that goes along way. When i"m sad she"s there, when i"m burdened down with problems she is there. Even though she doesnt know anything about music when i"m upset about a song, or if my choir is not sounding like I want them to sound she is there. So my definition of a friend is her. She epitimizes what a friend is suppose to be. Even though now we are more than friends she still has never left my side. We may argue because i"m so busy, and we may fight because sometimes I have to drive four or five hours just to play for a choir and drag her along, but she is there. Sometimes when i"m sitting in my office thinking, and worrying about something I just pick up the phone and it seems as if all of my problems go away. When she is in need of something she doesn’t even have to ask. Every weekend is special because now she is at LSU in Baton Rouge, so we take turns visiting each other every weekend. So I end by telling you a little story. A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs...

Words: 543 - Pages: 3

For thirty years now I have been studying my fellow–men. I do not know very much about them. I should certainly hesitate to engage a servant on his face, and yet I suppose it is on the face that for the most part we judge the persons we meet. We draw our conclusions from the shape of the jaw, the look in the eyes, the contour of the mouth. I wonder if we are more often right than wrong. Why novels and plays are so often untrue to life is because their authors, perhaps of necessity, make their characters all of a piece. They cannot afford to make them self–contradictory, for then they become incomprehensible, and yet self–contradictory is what most of us are. We are a haphazard bundle of inconsistent qualities. In books on logic they will tell you that it is absurd to say that yellow is tubular or gratitude heavier than air; but in that mixture of incongruities that makes up the self yellow may very well be a horse and cart and gratitude the middle of next week. I shrug my shoulders when people tell me that their first impressions of a person are always right. I think they must have small insight or great vanity. For my own part I find that the longer I know people the more they puzzle me: my oldest friends are just those of whom I can say that I don’t know the first thing about them.

These reflections have occurred to me because I read in this morning’s paper that Edward Hyde Burton had died at Kobe. He was a merchant and he had been in business in Japan for many years. I knew him very little, but he interested me because once he gave me a great surprise. Unless I had heard the story from his own lips I should never have believed that he was capable of such an action. It was more startling because both in appearance and manner he suggested a very definite type. Here if ever was a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow, not much more than five feet four in height, and very slender, with white hair, a red face much wrinkled, and blue eyes. I suppose he was about sixty when I knew him. He was always neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and station.

Though his offices were in Kobe, Burton often came down to Yokohama. I happened on one occasion to be spending a few days there, waiting for a ship, and I was introduced to him at the British Club. We played bridge together. He played a good game and a generous one. He did not talk very much, either then or later when we were having drinks, but what he said was sensible. He had a quiet, dry humour. He seemed to be popular at the club and afterwards, when he had gone, they described him as one of the best. It happened that we were both staying at the Grand Hotel and next day he asked me to dine with him. I met his wife, fat, elderly, and smiling, and his two daughters. It was evidently a united and affectionate family. I think the chief thing that struck me about Burton was his kindliness. There was something very pleasing in his mild blue eyes. His voice was gentle; you could not imagine that he could possibly raise it in anger; his smile was benign. Here was a man who attracted you because you felt in him a real love for his fellows. He had charm. But there was nothing mawkish in him: he liked his game of cards and his cocktail, he could tell with point a good and spicy story, and in his youth he had been something of an athlete. He was a rich man and he had made every penny himself. I suppose one thing that made you like him was that he was so small and frail; he aroused your instincts of protection. You felt that he could not bear to hurt a fly.

One afternoon I was sitting in the lounge of the Grand Hotel. This was before the earthquake and they had leather arm–chairs there. From the windows you had a spacious view of the harbour with its crowded traffic. There were great liners on their way to Vancouver and San Francisco or to Europe by way of Shanghai, Hong–Kong, and Singapore; there were tramps of all nations, battered and sea–worn, junks with their high sterns and great coloured sails, and innumerable sampans. It was a busy, exhilarating scene, and yet, I know not why, restful to the spirit. Here was romance and it seemed that you had but to stretch out your hand to touch it.

Burton came into the lounge presently and caught sight of me. He seated himself in the chair next to mine.

‘What do you say to a little drink?’

He clapped his hands for a boy and ordered two gin fizzes. As the boy brought them a man passed along the street outside and seeing me waved his hand.

‘Do you know Turner?’ said Burton as I nodded a greeting.
‘I’ve met him at the club. I’m told he’s a remittance man.’
‘Yes, I believe he is. We have a good many here.’
‘He plays bridge well.’
‘They generally do. There was a fellow here last year, oddly enough a namesake of mine, who was the best bridge player I ever met. I suppose you never came across him in London. Lenny Burton he called himself. I believe he’d belonged to some very good clubs.’
‘No, I don’t believe I remember the name.’
‘He was quite a remarkable player. He seemed to have an instinct about the cards. It was uncanny. I used to play with him a lot. He was in Kobe for some time.’

Burton sipped his gin fizz.

‘It’s rather a funny story,’ he said. ‘He wasn’t a bad chap. I liked him. He was always well–dressed and smart–looking. He was handsome in a way with curly hair and pink–and–white cheeks. Women thought a lot of him. There was no harm in him, you know, he was only wild. Of course he drank too much. Those sort of fellows always do. A bit of money used to come in for him once a quarter and he made a bit more by card–playing. He won a good deal of mine, I know that.’
Burton gave a kindly chuckle. I knew from my own experience that he could lose money at bridge with a good grace. He stroked his shaven chin with his thin hand; the veins stood out on it and it was almost transparent.

‘I suppose that is why he came to me when he went broke, that and the fact that he was a namesake of mine. He came to see me in my office one day and asked me for a job. I was rather surprised. He told me that there was no more money coming from home and he wanted to work. I asked him how old he was.

‘“Thirty–five,” he said. ‘
“And what have you been doing hitherto?” I asked him.
‘“Well, nothing very much,” he said.

‘I couldn’t help laughing.

‘“I’m afraid I can’t do anything for you just yet,” I said. “Come back and see me in another thirty–five years, and I’ll see what I can do.‘
“He didn’t move. He went rather pale. He hesitated for a moment and then he told me that he had had bad luck at cards for some time. He hadn’t been willing to stick to bridge, he’d been playing poker, and he’d got trimmed. He hadn’t a penny. He’d pawned everything he had. He couldn’t pay his hotel bill and they wouldn’t give him any more credit. He was down and out. If he couldn’t get something to do he’d have to commit suicide.

‘I looked at him for a bit. I could see now that he was all to pieces. He’d been drinking more than usual and he looked fifty. The girls wouldn’t have thought so much of him if they’d seen him then. ‘

“Well, isn’t there anything you can do except play cards?” I asked him. ‘
“I can swim,” he said.
‘“Swim!” ‘I could hardly believe my ears; it seemed such an insane answer to give. ‘
“I swam for my university.”

‘I got some glimmering of what he was driving at, I’ve known too many men who were little tin gods at their university to be impressed by it. ‘

“I was a pretty good swimmer myself when I was a young man,” I said.

‘Suddenly I had an idea.’

Pausing in his story, Burton turned to me.

‘Do you know Kobe?’ he asked.
‘No,’ I said, ‘I passed through it once, but I only spent a night there.’
‘Then you don’t know the Shioya Club. When I was a young man I swam from there round the beacon and landed at the creek of Tarumi. It’s over three miles and it’s rather difficult on account of the currents round the beacon. Well, I told my young namesake about it and I said to him that if he’d do it I’d give him a job.

‘I could see he was rather taken aback. ‘
“You say you’re a swimmer,” I said. ‘
“I’m not in very good condition,” he answered.
‘I didn’t say anything. I shrugged my shoulders. He looked at me for a moment and then he nodded. ‘
“All right,” he said. “When do you want me to do it?”
‘I looked at my watch. It was just after ten.
‘“The swim shouldn’t take you much over an hour and a quarter. I’ll drive round to the creek at half past twelve and meet you. I’ll take you back to the club to dress and then we’ll have lunch together.”
‘“Done,” he said.

‘We shook hands. I wished him good luck and he left me. I had a lot of work to do that morning and I only just managed to get to the creek at Tarumi at half past twelve. But I needn’t have hurried; he never turned up.’
‘Did he funk it at the last moment?’ I asked.
‘No, he didn’t funk it. He started all right. But of course he’d ruined his constitution by drink and dissipation. The currents round the beacon were more than he could manage. We didn’t get the body for about three days.’

I didn’t say anything for a moment or two. I was a trifle shocked. Then I asked Burton a question.
‘When you made him that offer of a job, did you know he’d be drowned?’

He gave a little mild chuckle and he looked at me with those kind and candid blue eyes of his. He rubbed his chin with his hand.

‘Well, I hadn’t got a vacancy in my office at the moment.’