Preparing for school at home assignments. Preparing for School: Practical Tips for Parents

, at six or seven years old to give it to the first class and so on. There is no universal answer to these questions - each child is individual. Some children are fully ready for school at the age of six, and with other children at the age of seven there is a lot of trouble. But one thing is for sure - it is imperative to prepare children for school, because it will be an excellent help in the first grade, help in learning, and greatly facilitate the adaptation period.

Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and count.

To be ready for school means to be ready to learn all this, the child psychologist L.A. Wenger.

What does preparation for school include?

Preparing a child for school is a whole complex of knowledge, skills and abilities that a preschooler should possess. And this includes not only the totality of the necessary knowledge. So, what does quality preparation for school mean?

In the literature, there are many classifications of a child's readiness for school, but they all come down to one thing: readiness for school is divided into a physiological, psychological and cognitive aspect, each of which includes a number of components. All types of readiness should be harmoniously combined in the child. If something is not developed or not fully developed, then it can serve as problems in schooling, communicating with peers, acquiring new knowledge, and so on.

The physiological readiness of the child for school

This aspect means that the child must be physically ready for school. That is, the state of his health should allow him to successfully complete the educational program. If a child has serious deviations in mental and physical health, then he must study in a special correctional school that provides for the peculiarities of his health. In addition, physiological readiness implies the development of fine motor skills (fingers), coordination of movement. The child must know in which hand and how to hold the pen. And also, when a child enters the first grade, he must know, observe and understand the importance of observing basic hygiene standards: the correct posture at the table, posture, etc.

Psychological readiness of the child for school

The psychological aspect includes three components: intellectual readiness, personal and social, emotional-volitional.

Intellectual readiness for school means:

By the first grade, the child should have a stock of certain knowledge
he is supposed to navigate in space, that is, to know how to get to school and back, to the store, and so on;
the child should strive to acquire new knowledge, that is, he should be inquisitive;
development of memory, speech, thinking should be age-appropriate.

Personal and social readiness implies the following:
the child must be sociable, that is, be able to communicate with peers and adults; aggression should not be shown in communication, and when quarreling with another child, he should be able to evaluate and look for a way out of a problem situation; the child must understand and recognize the authority of adults;
tolerance; this means that the child must adequately respond to constructive comments from adults and peers;
moral development, the child must understand what is good and what is bad;
the child must accept the task set by the teacher, listening carefully, clarifying unclear points, and after completing it, he must adequately evaluate his work, admit his mistakes, if any.

The emotional-volitional readiness of the child for school involves:
understanding by the child why he goes to school, the importance of learning;
interest in learning and acquiring new knowledge;
the ability of the child to perform a task that he does not quite like, but the curriculum requires it;
perseverance - the ability to listen carefully to an adult for a certain time and complete tasks without being distracted by extraneous objects and affairs.

Cognitive readiness of the child for school

This aspect means that the future first grader must have a certain set of knowledge and skills that will be needed for successful schooling. So, what should a child of six or seven years old know and be able to do?

1) Attention.
Do something without distraction for twenty to thirty minutes.
Find similarities and differences between objects, pictures.
To be able to perform work according to a model, for example, accurately reproduce a pattern on your sheet of paper, copy human movements, and so on.
It is easy to play mindfulness games where quick reaction is required. For example, name a living creature, but discuss the rules before the game: if a child hears a pet, then he should clap his hands, if it is wild, tap his feet, if a bird, wave his arms.

2) Mathematics.
Numbers from 1 to 10.

  • Counting forward from 1 to 10 and counting backward from 10 to 1.
  • Arithmetic signs ">", "
  • Dividing a circle, a square in half, four parts.
  • Orientation in space and a sheet of paper: right, left, above, below, above, below, behind, etc.

3) Memory .
Memorization of 10-12 pictures.
Telling rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, fairy tales, etc. from memory.
Retelling a text of 4-5 sentences.

4) Thinking .
Finish the sentence, for example, “The river is wide, but the stream ...”, “The soup is hot, but the compote ...”, etc.
Find an extra word from a group of words, for example, “table, chair, bed, boots, armchair”, “fox, bear, wolf, dog, hare”, etc.
Determine the sequence of events, what happened first, and what - then.
Find inconsistencies in drawings, verses-fictions.
Putting together puzzles without the help of an adult.
Fold a simple object out of paper together with an adult: a boat, a boat.

5) Fine motor skills.
It is correct to hold a pen, pencil, brush in your hand and adjust the force of their pressure when writing and drawing.
Color objects and hatch them without going beyond the outline.
Cut with scissors along the line drawn on the paper.
Run applications.

6) Speech.
Make sentences from several words, for example, cat, yard, go, sunbeam, play.

Recognize and name a fairy tale, riddle, poem.
Compose a coherent story based on a series of 4-5 plot pictures.
Listen to the reading, the story of an adult, answer elementary questions about the content of the text and illustrations.
Distinguish sounds in words.

7) The world around.
Know the basic colors, domestic and wild animals, birds, trees, mushrooms, flowers, vegetables, fruits and so on.
Name the seasons, natural phenomena, migratory and wintering birds, months, days of the week, your last name, first name and patronymic, the names of your parents and their place of work, your city, address, what professions are.

What do parents need to know when working with a child at home?

Homework with a child is very useful and necessary for a future first grader. They have a positive effect on the development of the child and help in bringing all family members closer together, establishing trusting relationships. But such classes should not be forced for the child, he must first of all be interested, and for this it is best to offer interesting tasks, and choose the most suitable moment for classes. No need to tear the child away from the games and put him at the table, but try to captivate him so that he himself accepts your offer to work out. In addition, when working with a child at home, parents should know that at the age of five or six, children are not distinguished by perseverance and cannot perform the same task for a long time. Classes at home should not last more than fifteen minutes. After that, you should take a break so that the child is distracted. It is very important to change activities. For example, at first you did logical exercises for ten to fifteen minutes, then after a break you can do drawing, then play outdoor games, then make funny figures from plasticine, etc.

Parents should also know one more very important psychological feature of preschool children: their main activity is a game through which they develop and gain new knowledge. That is, all tasks should be presented to the baby in a playful way, and homework should not turn into a learning process. But while studying with a child at home, it is not even necessary to set aside some specific time for this, you can constantly develop your baby. For example, when you are walking in the yard, draw your child's attention to the weather, talk about the season, notice that the first snow has fallen or the leaves have begun to fall off the trees. On a walk, you can count the number of benches in the yard, porches in the house, birds on the tree, and so on. On vacation in the forest, introduce the child to the names of trees, flowers, birds. That is, try to make the child pay attention to what surrounds him, what is happening around him.

Various educational games can be of great help to parents, but it is very important that they match the age of the child. Before showing the game to a child, get to know it yourself and decide how useful and valuable it can be for the development of the baby. We can recommend a children's loto with images of animals, plants and birds. It is not necessary for a preschooler to purchase encyclopedias, most likely they will not interest him or interest in them will disappear very quickly. If your child has watched a cartoon, ask them to talk about its content - this will be a good speech training. At the same time, ask questions so that the child sees that this is really interesting for you. Pay attention to whether the child pronounces words and sounds correctly when telling, if there are any mistakes, then gently talk about them to the child and correct them. Learn tongue twisters and rhymes, proverbs with your child.

We train the child's hand

At home, it is very important to develop the child's fine motor skills, that is, his hands and fingers. This is necessary so that the child in the first grade does not have problems with writing. Many parents make a big mistake by forbidding their child to pick up scissors. Yes, you can get hurt with scissors, but if you talk to your child about how to properly handle scissors, what can and cannot be done, then the scissors will not pose a danger. Make sure that the child does not cut randomly, but along the intended line. To do this, you can draw geometric shapes and ask the child to carefully cut them out, after which you can make an appliqué out of them. This task is very popular with children, and its benefits are very high. Modeling is very useful for the development of fine motor skills, and children really like to sculpt various koloboks, animals and other figures. Teach finger warm-ups with your child - in stores you can easily buy a book with finger warm-ups that are exciting and interesting for the baby. In addition, you can train the hand of a preschooler by drawing, hatching, tying shoelaces, stringing beads.

When a child completes a written task, make sure that he holds a pencil or pen correctly so that his hand is not tense, for the posture of the child and the location of the sheet of paper on the table. The duration of the written assignments should not exceed five minutes, while the importance is not the speed of the assignment, but its accuracy. You should start with simple tasks, for example, tracing an image, gradually the task should become more complicated, but only after the child copes well with an easier task.

Some parents do not pay due attention to the development of fine motor skills of the child. As a rule, due to ignorance, how important this is for the success of a child in the first grade. It is known that our mind lies at our fingertips, that is, the better fine motor skills a child has, the higher its overall level of development. If a child has poorly developed fingers, if it is difficult for him to cut and hold scissors in his hands, then, as a rule, his speech is poorly developed and he lags behind his peers in his development. That is why speech therapists recommend parents whose children need speech therapy classes to simultaneously engage in modeling, drawing and other activities for the development of fine motor skills.

In order for your child to happily go to first grade and be prepared for school, so that his studies are successful and productive, listen to the following recommendations from psychologists and educators.

1. Don't be too hard on your child.
2. The child has the right to make mistakes, because mistakes are common to all people, including adults.
3. Make sure that the load is not excessive for the child.
4. If you see that the child has problems, then do not be afraid to seek help from specialists: a speech therapist, a psychologist, etc.
5. Study should be harmoniously combined with rest, so arrange small holidays and surprises for your child, for example, go to the circus, museum, park, etc. on weekends.
6. Follow the daily routine so that the child wakes up and goes to bed at the same time, so that he spends enough time in the fresh air so that his sleep is calm and full. Exclude outdoor games and other vigorous activities before going to bed. Reading a book before bed as a family can be a good and useful family tradition.
7. Nutrition should be balanced, snacks are not recommended.
8. Observe how the child reacts to various situations, how he expresses his emotions, how he behaves in public places. A child of six or seven years old must control his desires and adequately express his emotions, understand that not everything will always happen the way he wants it. Special attention should be paid to the child if, at preschool age, he can publicly make a scandal in the store, if you do not buy something for him, if he reacts aggressively to his loss in the game, etc.
9. Provide the child with all the necessary materials for homework so that at any time he can take plasticine and start sculpting, take an album and paints and draw, etc. Take a separate place for materials so that the child can manage them independently and keep them in order .
10. If the child is tired of studying without completing the task, then do not insist, give him a few minutes to rest, and then return to the task. But still, gradually accustom the child so that for fifteen to twenty minutes he can do one thing without being distracted.
11. If the child refuses to complete the task, then try to find a way to interest him. To do this, use your imagination, do not be afraid to come up with something interesting, but in no case do not scare the child that you will deprive him of sweets, that you will not let him go for a walk, etc. Be patient with the whims of your desire.
12. Provide your child with a developing space, that is, strive for your baby to be surrounded by as few useless things, games, and objects as possible.
13. Tell your child how you studied at school, how you went to first grade, look through your school photos together.
14. Form a positive attitude towards school in your child, that he will have many friends there, it is very interesting there, the teachers are very good and kind. You can’t scare him with deuces, punishment for bad behavior, etc.
15. Pay attention to whether your child knows and uses “magic” words: hello, goodbye, sorry, thank you, etc. If not, then perhaps these words are not in your vocabulary. It is best not to give the child commands: bring this, do that, put them away, but turn them into polite requests. It is known that children copy the behavior, manner of speaking of their parents.

One of the most pressing issues for moms and dads is preparing children for school. Some parents believe that it is not necessary to prepare children for a new life stage, since the educational institution was created in order to teach them everything.

Others, on the contrary, try to enroll their baby in preparatory courses as early as possible or work with him on their own. Thus, each adult has his own answer to this question.

Do you need to prepare your child for school?

Many children who entered the 1st grade successfully cope with the tasks assigned to them. For some first-graders, the joy of school life is overshadowed by failures. The reason for this is poor preparation for school. This is manifested in the fact that the children inattentively listen to the teacher, cannot sit still during the lesson and perform tasks with concentration. Gradually, they begin to lose interest in learning.

A child's progress largely depends on the level of preparation for school. The child should be told in advance about the study. He must understand that in an educational institution he will be given knowledge that will certainly be useful to him in the future. In addition, the baby should be accustomed to a clear and strict implementation of the daily routine.

Quite a few children entering school are literate. However, some parents do not teach their crumbs to read and write. Such a child, having come to grade 1, may experience certain inconveniences. He will seem like a "black sheep" among his peers. That is why parents should prepare their children.

The role of parents in preparing children for school

Preparing children for school life is not an easy task. Mom and dad play a huge role. They should perform not only the function of parents, but also teachers and educators. When deciding to prepare your child for school on your own, you need to understand that you need to teach your baby not only to read and write. He must learn to think logically, find relationships between something, analyze, draw conclusions. Besides, the child should not be closed.

How can parents prepare for school in grade 1? First, you need compose mode for your baby and in the future to ensure that he complied with it: he went to bed and woke up at the same time, ate according to the schedule, worked out and played at a certain time.

Mum and dad worth it take care of the workplace child. He will need a personal desk, notebooks, pens, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints with brushes, coloring books, a sketchbook, reading books, plasticine and other supplies. It is important that there is no clutter in the workplace.

In the first year of study, parents should conduct "lessons" for the crumbs, which should be no more than 2-3 per day. It is desirable that the lesson lasts for 15-25 minutes, and the breaks between them are not less than 20 and not more than 30 minutes. It is best to conduct “lessons” in the morning after breakfast, because in most schools first graders study on the first shift.

Home-based pre-school activities should include the following lessons:

  • reading;
  • spelling;
  • mathematics;
  • fine arts;
  • foreign language.

Having a reading skill is one of the main conditions for successful schooling, therefore, first of all, the kid should learn the letters. This can be done with the help of special cubes, which show letters and corresponding pictures. This technique is very efficient. Thanks to the images, children memorize letters faster.

It is too early for a child who has mastered the alphabet to start reading children's books. The alphabet should be his first book. Parents should approach its purchase very responsibly. There is a wide range of these books on the market, but not all of them are of high quality. There must be a lot of pictures in the alphabet

2. Learn to write

Writing is one of the most difficult processes that every person learns. You should not immediately try to teach a small child to write letters. First of all, he must understand how to properly hold the pen and how to use it.

When preparing for school for classes, you can purchase copybooks in which the child is invited to trace various contours, shapes, and images. Only from the age of 5-6 years is it recommended to start studying writing in block letters, and then in capital letters.

Teaching a child to count is not easy. Parents are often mistaken in thinking that their baby can do this, because he calls the numbers from 1 to 10. The ability to count and list numbers are completely different things. The baby can simply memorize the names of the numbers and their sequence.

Therefore, parents should:

  • to teach the child to "read" the numbers, to recognize their spelling;
  • give the concept of a number series, that is, show the baby a sequence of numbers;
  • show the baby that the specific name of the number and its spelling implies the number of any items.

Numbers should be studied in pairs. For example, in the first lesson, you can set a goal - to remember the numbers 1 and 2, learn how to write them. The next day, it is recommended to repeat the material covered and begin to study a new pair of numbers. After studying the numbers from 1 to 10, you can proceed to determine the number of items. The kid can be asked to count toys or pencils.

Mathematics lessons can be alternated with geometry lessons, where you should introduce your child to various geometric shapes.

4. Learn to draw and sculpt

When preparing for school, tasks in drawing lessons should be aimed at consolidating the material covered in other lessons. You can buy special coloring books with numbers and letters for your kid, you can ask your child to draw objects that look like geometric shapes.

It is definitely worth talking about how to use paints so that they do not merge into one incomprehensible color, and about other small nuances.

Modeling plays an important role. As a rule, children are very fond of working with plasticine. Modeling lessons have a positive effect on the development of kids.

5. Learning a foreign language

Many schools start teaching a foreign language from grade 1. That is why parents should prepare their baby for it in advance. Learning a foreign language is recommended after the child is 5 or more years old.

Parents can use a variety of methods. Currently, there are many manuals on sale that will make it easier for a child to learn a foreign language (illustrated books, audio and video discs). In the process of watching educational films in another language, you should definitely repeat certain words and phrases after the characters. You can keep your own dictionary. Let the kid write down new words there, paste the corresponding pictures.

Approximate schedule of homework in preparation for school

Parents are required to conduct classes from Monday to Friday, as is the case in schools. You can follow the following schedule:

  1. Monday: reading and spelling;
  2. Tuesday: mathematics and drawing;
  3. Wednesday: reading, foreign language, modeling;
  4. Thursday Keywords: mathematics, spelling, foreign language;
  5. Friday: reading, drawing.

Parents should not forget that the baby must be prepared physically. After classes, you can take a walk with the child. Educational games for children in preparation for school will be very useful.

The baby should have two days off - Saturday and Sunday. It is advisable to spend this time with the whole family in nature, have picnics, visit zoos or attractions. In winter, you can go skiing.

Mom and dad with their child should not only learn letters, numbers and geometric shapes. Parents should broaden their child's horizons. The best way is to talk with the baby “about life”, read books together and discuss the events taking place in them.

It is very important to develop the fine motor skills of the child. The kid needs tasks to prepare for school, which develop the dexterity of fingers and hands. Thanks to this, the child will develop faster in general. He will become more diligent and attentive.

A child who has a well-developed memory is much easier to learn. New material is easy to remember. Parents, preparing their baby for school, should pay special attention to memory training. A great way is to memorize nursery rhymes and songs.

It is very important that the child:

  • was able to defend his position, give the necessary arguments;
  • understood the meaning of schooling;
  • positively related to the world around and to himself;
  • understood the meaning of the word "discipline" and knew how to obey the rules;
  • was able, on his own initiative, to work on a task, plan, organize his further actions;
  • aware of the possible consequences of his actions.

Who can be trusted to prepare a child for school?

Not all parents have free time to work with a child. Some don't know how to do it right. In such cases, it is better to entrust the preparation of crumbs to specialists. There are several options:

  1. Enroll the child in a preparatory group at the school;
  2. Use the services of a private teacher;
  3. Enroll your child in kindergarten;
  4. Look for child development centers.

Preparing children for school within the walls of a particular educational institution has many advantages.

First, the child gets acquainted with the class in which classes will be held in the future. The baby, having arrived on September 1, will no longer be so worried.

Secondly, the future first-grader will get acquainted with the future teacher and other kids with whom he will study. He will not only receive the necessary knowledge at the preparatory courses, learn the duties and rights of the student, but also learn how to communicate with his peers. The only disadvantage of this method of preparation is the risk of overwork in the child.

A very good option is to use services of a private teacher. The specialist will conduct individual lessons at home. Parents' requests will be taken into account. A private teacher will develop a program to prepare the child for school, select the necessary material. This method in most cases gives very good results. The only drawback is that the baby will not communicate with peers.

Parents of children attending Kindergarten, may not worry about the preparation, because there their baby will receive all the necessary knowledge. The advantages of this method are obvious. First, the lessons take place in a familiar environment. Stress in the child is excluded. Secondly, the game form of education prevails in kindergartens. Toddlers very well perceive the information that educators convey to them.

Preparation for a new life stage can be carried out in special development centers. The main features that distinguish them from standard kindergartens are as follows:

  • children work in small groups;
  • the order of activities is built in such a way that the kids are not bored;
  • author's programs for preparing children for school are used, which give a good result;
  • educators, who are highly qualified specialists, give children maximum attention and time;
  • in some centers there are groups of an extended day, as well as a day off. As a rule, after-school work in schools is a rather boring pastime. In children's centers, the baby can choose the activity that he likes. These services will be useful for constantly busy parents.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that admission to grade 1 is a turning point in a child's life. It is very important that the child goes to school prepared both intellectually and psychologically and physically. Learn more about these aspects of school readiness→


With the approach of the day of knowledge, parents often ask themselves the question: how to prepare a child for school so that their beloved child can easily and quickly adapt to school life, easily master the workload and keep up with their peers? It is necessary to prepare a child for school in advance, that is, not a month, a week or a few days before the start of the educational process. If the parents came to their senses in enthusiasm and haste only in August, you should not expect distinctive results from the baby. Competent advice and recommendations from practical psychologists will be relevant for parents of future first-graders and will help prepare the baby for the new school year.

So how do you prepare your child for school at home?

August preparation. August is quite late. What can a baby learn in a month? During this period, he will only have time to realize the importance of the process itself, which is necessary for acquiring further life experience. If the parents did not have conversations with the child regarding the school, stress and long-term adaptation to new living conditions cannot be avoided. To instill reading skills, to teach a child to count, is also unlikely to succeed. This is not a one-day process that requires strong-willed efforts, awareness and purposefulness.

Summer period.

If the child went to kindergarten or attended an early development center, you listened to the recommendations of the educators and diligently followed them, in this case, it is quite realistic to prepare the baby for school via Skype in three months. To achieve positive results, it is necessary to properly distribute the load, deal with the child every day, draw up a daily routine, allocate time for learning, rest, active, developing and outdoor games. Start conversations about school so that when he enters first grade, he has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe education system. Motivate for success, tell about what awaits him soon.

Throughout the year. For a year, a child can be quite successfully pulled up and set up for further productive studies. In addition, during this period, both parents at home and educators in the kindergarten can prepare the baby for school.

Preparation for school from the age of 4. Pediatricians and child psychologists recommend preparing a child for school from an early age. By this age, the baby has already formed self-awareness, the vocabulary is intensively replenished, the grammatical structure of speech is built, detailed generalizations appear - stories, monologues. Preschool age is the most favorable period for the development of memory and thinking. Emotional life by the age of four becomes constant and balanced. Unlike early childhood, the life of a preschooler is very diverse. The kid is included in the systems of the social environment, he has new activities, and with them new motives - competition, rivalry, success, motives associated with the assimilation and consolidation of moral norms. Preschoolers have a clear idea of ​​success and failure. By this time, the preschooler had managed to form as a person. In a playful way, he can already read, draw, write. The age of why begins, the baby shows interest in everything and strives for knowledge of the outside world. Do not suppress this initiative, let the child absorb all the useful and meaningful information. It is very important not to miss this moment and use it to instill value orientations and socially significant skills.

Asking experts when it is better to prepare a child for school, psychologists will unequivocally say that cognitive classes should be started from the age of 4. In this case, going to first class will not cause unnecessary trouble and will not negatively affect children's self-esteem. Of course, the above applies to children who do not have significant deviations and mental retardation.

Where to start preparing for school?


  • The faster the child gets acquainted with the letters, learns to read by syllables and recognize sounds, the more successful the process will be.
  • From an early age, read fairy tales, stories to your baby
  • Discuss the read text, ask questions, let the child learn to retell
  • Make it a rule to learn one letter every day. There are many visual aids, the alphabet on magnets, in pictures, books that will make learning fun and productive.
  • Let the child pronounce the learned letter aloud and find it in the text.
  • The game of association will contribute to quick memorization. Let the baby build an associative array, draw analogies with what this or that letter is associated with.


Spelling is closely related to reading. Here you can consolidate knowledge and perform exercises with the letters that you have learned.

  • Let the kid learn to write in block letters
  • For learning to write, use notebooks with an oblique ruler.
  • Give the child an example, write letters on the initial line so that he can do the exercise on his own according to your model. If the baby does not succeed, do not blame or scold for the mistake, point out the shortcomings in a friendly manner and do the exercise again. When writing letters, pay attention to the baby's accuracy and attentiveness.

Mathematics classes

For admission to the primary link, math lessons via Skype are essential.

  • To teach a child to count, it is advisable to purchase visual didactic materials. These can be pyramids with a numerical row and accounts, wooden toys depicting animals and numbers, sticks for counting.
  • Count toys, sweets, fruits, toes, hands.
  • Each new lesson, learn a couple of numbers. It is very important that the child memorize them and learn to write.
  • Geometric shapes, the concept of shape and size can be learned with the help of wooden insert frames, or with the help of cookie figures.

Do not limit the child in creativity, modeling, drawing, designing - they perfectly develop fine motor skills, prepare the hand for writing and contribute to the development of higher cognitive processes.

Also, parents of future first-graders are concerned about the psychological health of the baby. How to psychologically prepare him for going to first grade so that he does not feel internal constraint and feels confident? So that the child does not hide in the corners, interacts with other students, joins the learning process and communicates with teachers, it is important that he knows how to: communicate, understand the meaning of schooling, verbally defend his position, plan activities and set goals, be aware of the consequences of his behavior, had clear ideas about the discipline and the internal charter of the school. In addition, it is important that the first-grader has a favorable psychological attitude and an objective self-esteem.

Parents take note!!! Preparation for school should not be limited to reading, writing and counting. Before going to first grade, there should be a parental dialogue with the child, talk with him about how to behave with adults and peers, develop in him a sense of responsibility, independence, talk about discipline. If you notice signs of negativism, concealment, unreasonable aggression in your child’s behavior, immediately consult a child psychologist so as not to start the problem and provoke more alienation.

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So, in the life of your family, a crucial moment has come - the last year before school. Moreover, parents, as a rule, are more worried about this than the children themselves. School is just around the corner, but the child still does not know how to read or write, he does not know poetry, he is only interested in games, cartoons, and in general he cannot sit still for more than three minutes.

What should parents do to overcome the period of entering the school with the least losses for the family?

First of all, you need to calm down, analyze the situation and determine tactics for further action.

Determine your goals and (more importantly) the order in which they will be achieved.

Firstly, do not forget that your preoccupied face, the constant pulling of the child, a sharp change in the rhythm of life (yesterday the baby could walk at least all day long, and today he is assigned a strict regimen) can puzzle the child and develop in him a strong aversion to the school process before the start of the actual training.

In no case should this be allowed, because you still have ten years to study!

Therefore, goal number one can be formulated under the general heading - "do no harm"!

Second, identify the "strengths" and "weaknesses" of your child. What is better developed in it and what is worse: logical thinking, fantasy, memory, auditory perception, etc.

Goal number two: find "weaknesses and tighten them."

Thirdly, it is necessary to form in your child a general positive attitude towards future studies.

So, what do you need to do in order to enter school and further your studies to be successful?

Do not send your child to school if at the time of admission you feel that he is not yet “ready”. The easiest way is not to send him to school until the age of seven.

Practice with your child at home, especially the year before school.

This situation often happens. Parents with tenderness on their faces declare that their six-year-old child is so smart that he is already absolutely ready for school: he reads, and writes, and draws, and recites poetry, and in general, why should he hang around for another year in kindergarten, after all, he will just boring!

Remember, a child is rarely bored. Especially a mobile, hyperdynamic baby, for whom movement itself is life.

If you think that your child has already outgrown kindergarten, you can additionally define him in a circle or section "of interest".

A six-year-old child can be arbitrarily well prepared for school in terms of general education and developed intelligence, but one should not lose sight of his psychophysical condition.

After all, school is discipline, sitting at a desk for a long time, a strict regimen of lessons, communication with teachers and students. Is your baby ready for this? At school, he will not be able to do just what he likes and as much as he wants.

This psychological readiness for school is more important in the first year than anything else.

No preparatory courses and super-responsive teachers will exhaust the problem of shaping a child's school maturity. Your baby needs an individual approach that only the parents themselves will find.

The child needs to work at home. It doesn’t matter to whom: mom, dad, grandmothers, all together. The main thing is the systematic nature of such classes and the general orientation. And there is no need to deny the phrases “the child is not attracted to classes”, “he does not obey his relatives”, “is constantly distracted by extraneous matters”, etc. All in your hands. You can easily prepare your child for school on your own, or at least set it up in the right way.

Rule one.

Determine the period of greatest performance of the child.

You probably know that your baby (as, indeed, all children) have “bad” days and even hours. Forcibly making him do something at this time (for example, write or read) is difficult, and sometimes not possible at all. To insist is to destroy both him and your nerve cells in vain.

Teach your child to control their own mood.

Sometimes periods of greatest performance can be calculated. Some children are especially successful in the morning, before the kindergarten. So, they should not be tormented in the evenings. Others, on the contrary, get up with difficulty, but in the evening they are active and can write, read, solve examples, etc. until late. Such periods of activity can only be calculated by trial and error. And it is better to do this precisely in the preschool period, based on their characteristics of the baby, and not on their own ideas about what is better and what is not.

Rule two.

A clear ritual of the lesson.

For classes to be successful, for your child to have at least some attention and at least some internal discipline in his head, he, first of all, needs external discipline.

Do not treat homework as pampering, otherwise the child will have the same attitude towards learning at school. No work on the kitchen table while mom is at the stove, no TVs, tape recorders, radios, etc. on.

A child preparing for school needs a permanent place for daily activities. This place should be organized correctly, one might even say, textbook. A table and a chair of the desired height, the light is on the left (if the child is left-handed, then the light is on the right), there is nothing superfluous on the table, sitting at the table, the child should not look out the window and preferably not the wall.

Ritual is the key word in the lesson.

As a rule, the classes themselves - drawing sticks-hooks - do not cause visible difficulties for the child. The main task of parents is not to let the child be distracted. And you need to do this without visible pressure, without shouting and generally raising your voice. Everything should be calm, tactful, confident.

The hope that the child will perform tasks on his own from the very first time (especially if he is a hyperdynamic child) is small. At the beginning of training with the baby, you will have to “sit”. The tedious drawing of the same icons without parental control will lead to utter disgrace in the notebook, which, first of all, will upset him, as well as lower his self-esteem and ultimately may lead to disappointment in his ability to learn in general.

Rule three.

Working out the correct sequence of tasks.

Many teachers recommend starting work with the most difficult task, gradually moving on to easier ones. But such a rhythm is far from suitable for all children; faced immediately with difficulties at the very beginning of work, the child, figuratively speaking, “gives up” and completely loses his already low concentration, interest and readiness to work. Children love to do what they can and hear words of approval. Difficulties can only stimulate adults, mature personalities. Therefore, you need to start completing tasks from the easiest (from the point of view of your child), from the one that will definitely work out. Then you need to move on to more difficult tasks, reaching the maximum level of difficulty approximately in the middle of the lesson. Finishing the lesson, in this case, you will also be a fairly easy task. And at the end, you can generally repeat something from the material already covered. Thus, the child will have a feeling of success of the whole lesson as a whole.

Rule four.

Under any circumstances, proceed only from the characteristics of your child.

Children are always ready to cooperate. It is almost always possible to prepare a child with normal intelligence for an average general education school, but sometimes it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the baby in a very bizarre way. Never label your child . Don't break his mind. He will succeed.

Preparedness number one.

Considering all the above tips, however, do not strive to stuff your baby with a bunch of knowledge about everything - it is not so much the volume that is important, but their quality. That is, parents should not only teach the child to read and write, but also develop speech, the ability to distinguish sounds, create conditions for the development of motor skills, especially hand and finger movements.

In other words, parents need:

Develop the child's ability to listen;

Teach reading comprehension;

Develop the ability to retell; make visual comparisons;

Solve simple problems with him;

Together with the child, analyze, compare words.

All this is necessary in order for the future student to be able to:

Listen to an adult and take his instructions, guided by them during class;

Recognize the need to ask if the task is not clear to him;

Evaluate your work;

Own the concepts of "more", "less", "same", "same", "short", "long", "older", "younger";

Compare the simplest things.

Your child may be screened when they enter school.

Remember that you brought the child to school in order to be taught there, that is, he does not at all have to know the answers to all questions, be able to read, write, etc. The main thing is psychological readiness so that the child does not get embarrassed, answers questions, the answers to which he knows, shows a general awareness of his name, where he lives, what his parents do.

Preparing your child for the upcoming interview is essential. At home, this is most conveniently done in the form of a game.

To test verbal-logical thinking, come up with a certain topic and ask the child to tell everything that he thinks about this, you can ask him, for example, what sports he knows, why people need transport, what kind of person is called kind, etc.

To develop attentiveness and acuity in listening, say a sentence and ask the child to repeat it. See how accurately he succeeds, the sentences can be very different, for example: “It rained in the morning, but in the afternoon the sun came out and it became warm.”

You can check your child's vocabulary like this. Ask in turn about a word (the topic should be very different) and see how complete and detailed the child's answer will be. It is important that he not only be able to explain the meaning of the word, but also do this not only with the help of practical actions, gestures, drawing, but also verbally describing as fully as possible.

This is reminiscent of the game “cow” or “crocodile”, beloved by many, with the only difference being that here the words can and should be explained with the help of other words.

An approximate set of words is: “car, letter, pen, leather, ride, umbrella, cut, sharp.”

Check how well your baby "feels" the words, let him explain which of the given words is longer, which is shorter and why. Words can be very different: ball and ball, earth and worm, whale and cat.

Another very useful game. The adult begins by saying: “We are going to visit grandma and take apples with us.” The child repeats what was said and adds something else: “We are going to visit grandma and we are taking apples and bananas with us.” And so on. At some stage, you can intentionally make a mistake in the listing and see if your baby notices.

The school will have to take in information by ear. Slowly say ten diverse words, for example: grass, five, hand, sun, dress, pencil, phone, nose, cup, house. Let the child repeat the words that he remembered, the norm is 6 words.

Don't forget visual memory. On a piece of paper, draw twelve 3 × 3 squares and in each of them draw something, for example, a sun, a letter, a house, a car. Do not repeat drawings. Have the child look at the drawings carefully for 30 seconds. Then turn the paper over and ask the baby to list the pictures that he remembered (the normal level is 8 pictures).

Determine the self-esteem of the future student. This is an important factor in successful learning, because your child's knowledge will be assessed every day and it is necessary for him to respond correctly to both praise and criticism from the teacher.

Let the child give a positive or negative answer to each of the ten proposed words-characteristics about himself, for example: good, kind, smart, polite, hardworking, etc. the average level of self-esteem is 4-7 points.

Do not rush to get upset if your child's performance is not very high. The main thing to remember is that the preparatory courses, the upcoming interview at school, and the home rehearsal are just a collection of the necessary information that will help to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the future student, which will give food for thought to parents and teachers.

Hello again ! Today we will talk about how to prepare a child for school at home. In fact, this process is a serious task, and can educational toys help in this, which games to choose in order to reach the goal. Let's take a look at these questions:

  • When should you start preparing your child for school?
  • what the child should know;
  • what needs to be developed;
  • What games can help with this?

There are parents who believe that kindergarten and school are some life stages that the child goes through independently under some guidance from teachers. But in order for your child to be at the level, keep up with their peers, the attention of mom and dad to the issue of preparing for school and at all stages of education is extremely necessary.

From the degree of readiness of a preschool child (physical, moral and intellectual) depends on how successfully and easily he enters into a new atmosphere for him and starts a completely new activity for him. Parents of the future first-grader and educational games and toys can help a lot with this.

When to start preparing for school and with what

It's worth getting ready early. From a very early age, it is necessary to choose the right games for the development of your baby. And here children can help development games. At an early stage, study the names of various groups of objects with your baby. The game "Name it all in one word" will help you.

With an older toddler (3-4 years old), you can already play such games that are aimed at developing logic, and these are: “Find the extra”, sets of cubes for compiling a picture, puzzles (first large enough, then smaller and smaller).

Development of fine motor skills

The value is such an indicator as fine motor skills. She also needs to be trained from the cradle. All kinds of finger gymnastics for the baby will be useful and enjoyable when the baby grows up, pencils and paints will help you. Drawing is very conducive to the development of finger motor skills. Use recipes to train your fingers. It's worth starting with hatching, then those tasks will do where you need to circle various elements and continue writing a line with a given element. Later, use those prescriptions where the arrows indicate the direction in which it is worth writing certain signs (whether printed letters or numbers).

Educational toys such as:

  1. various laces;
  2. sensory boxes and pouches;
  3. developing rugs;
  4. voluminous books.

These very useful toys can be purchased at children's stores, or you can make on your own at home, even with your toddler.

Reading ability

Today, the level of reading ability is extremely important for a child who is about to become a schoolboy. The student's progress largely depends on the ability to read. When the baby is still small, try to read to him more. Children like it very much. It's nice pastime with your baby in the future will play a good role in his school life.

Try to learn letters and syllables with him, let him learn to read and understand what is read. At this stage, educational toys can also be useful, such as, for example, collect words from syllables, find hidden letters. These games in the form of cards , bright , colorful and interesting for a child , can be purchased on the shelves of almost any of the children 's stores .

The ability to listen

Although even this is not the main thing. In school life, the ability to listen is very important, namely, to hear an adult (teacher). Try at preschool age to develop in your child the understanding that he has already become an adult. Start consulting with him, tell your child how your day went, ask about the events of his day.

How to start preparing for school