five formations. East and West as different types of civilizational development



One of the signs of democracy is elections - the process of formation of state authorities, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Federal laws. Based on the results of the elections, the elected candidates are vested with power. Elections are a legitimate method of forming a political elite and a channel through which the interests of the people will be represented in government. The significance of elections is great, because the people, participating in them, express themselves as a source of power.

Election scale subdivided into:

    federal(elections of the President of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation);

    regional(elections of governors or heads, as well as deputies of the legislative bodies of power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation);

    municipal(election of the mayor of the city or the head of the village administration, deputies of the Assembly of Deputies of the municipality).

The organization and conduct of elections depends on the electoral system. This political institution includes suffrage and the electoral process. Suffrage can be understood in two senses. In the first sense, it is a branch of law, which includes the rules governing the conduct of elections. The second meaning is the right to vote (active suffrage) and the right to be elected (passive suffrage).

The principles of the electoral law of the Russian Federation are:

    principle of universality of elections (all citizens who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote, and those who have reached the age of 21 have the right to be elected to the State Duma, and from the age of 35 - the President);

    principle of equality of elections (one voter = one vote);

    adversarial principle (elections must be alternative, that is, there must be more than one candidate or party);

    publicity principle (there are observers at the polling stations who monitor the observance of all the principles of the electoral law listed above).

Electoral process

The electoral process is a campaign (a series of actions) for the preparation and conduct of elections. The electoral process consists of several stages:

  1. At the first stage, within the time limits established by law (no later than 2.5-3 months before voting day), election date set . Elections of the President of the Russian Federation are appointed by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation are appointed by the President of the Russian Federation. Elections of the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are appointed by them.
  2. This is followed by the organizational stage, in which constituencies and polling stations are created . The constituency is the territory from which the candidate is elected. There are three types of electoral districts: single, single-member and multi-member. The polling station is the place where voting takes place. By law, the number of voters in one polling station must be no more than 3,000.
  3. Formation of election commissions: The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation - the election commission of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the territorial election commission (TEC) - the precinct election commission (PEC). The voters are directly related to the PECs, who count the votes and send them to the TEC. TEC, in turn, transmits data to the IC of the subject of the Russian Federation. And at the final stage, all election commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation transmit data on votes to the CEC of the Russian Federation, which publicly announces the results of the elections.
  4. Compilation of voter lists precinct election commissions on the basis of information issued by LSG bodies.
  5. Nomination and registration of candidates . A self-nominated candidate who has collected the required number of signatures of voters (at least 1% of the number of voters) can be nominated within 60 to 30 days before voting day. A candidate nominated by a party does not need to collect signatures. Candidates are registered by the relevant election commissions.
  6. Election campaign during which candidates or parties acquaint the people with their programs, hold debates with rivals, meetings and meetings with voters. This is a very important stage of the election campaign, when each candidate seeks to attract as many voters as possible to his side. All candidates must be provided with equal conditions for campaigning. Campaigning ends one day before voting day. According to the law of the Russian Federation, officials and authorities cannot campaign for a candidate. Why do you think?
  7. Voting, counting of votes and establishment of results . Voting can only take place on Sunday. Voting time from 08:00 to 20:00. Polling stations are equipped with special booths in which the voter can vote in secret. After voting, your ballot must be thrown into a special ballot box, which is opened only after the polling station closes. The entrance to the polling station closes at exactly 20:00. And if by this time there are voters in the room, they are given the right to vote. After they leave, the polling station is closed, the chairman of the hut / commission opens the ballot box and the counting of votes begins in the presence of observers - authorized representatives of the candidates.
The preparation and holding of elections is financed from the state budget and from the electoral fund of each candidate or party.

Types of electoral systems

The procedure for conducting elections depends on the type of electoral system: proportional or majoritarian.

Features of the majority system:

  • The country is divided into single-mandate constituencies, from which one candidate or one party is elected. Elections under the majoritarian system can also be held in two-member constituencies.
  • Voters vote for a specific candidate or party.
  • The winner is the candidate or party that receives the most votes among others (if the elections are held according to the majority system of a relative majority) or who receives (th) from 50% + 1 vote (if the elections are held according to the majoritarian system of the absolute majority).
  • Candidates are nominated by political parties or through self-nomination.
  • It is used both in the elections of officials (president, head of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, head of a municipality of the Russian Federation), and in elections to collegial authorities (State Duma of the Russian Federation, legislative bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation).
  • Deputies are directly responsible to the voters.

This system has drawbacks. Let's imagine a situation where parliamentary elections are held according to the majoritarian system. Three single-mandate electoral districts have been created with an equal number of voters, let's say 50,000 people each. Parties No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 are represented in the elections. The voting results were as follows:

In the first constituency, party No. 1 received 10,000 votes, party No. 2 - 20,000 votes, and party No. 3 - 20,000 votes;

The disadvantage of the majoritarian system is obvious: small parties have very little chance of obtaining a mandate, the interests of their voters are left without representation. This shortcoming is eliminated by the proportional electoral system.

Features of the proportional system:

  • A single federal electoral district is being created - an electoral district that includes the territory of the entire country in which elections are held.
  • A multi-member electoral district is an electoral district from which several deputies are elected.
  • Voters do not vote for candidates, but for the political program of the party.
  • Party list voting.
  • Win parties that have passed the electoral threshold (5% of the vote in the Russian Federation).
  • The mandates are distributed in proportion to the percentage of votes received.
  • Most parties have a chance to be in parliament and represent the interests of their voters.
  • It is used only in elections to collegial authorities (the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

But there is also a drawback: a plurality of parties in parliament can interfere with the adoption of a single decision.

In our country, it is used mixed electoral system , which has the features of both majority and proportional. Elections of the President of the Russian Federation, heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and heads of municipalities are held according to the majority system.

Since 2016, the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation have been held in this way: one half of the deputies (225) are elected by the majority system, the other half by the proportional system. To conduct elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the following is created:

    225 single-mandate constituencies, from which one candidate comes out as winners (majority system);

    a single federal constituency from which deputies are elected in proportion to the number of votes cast for the federal lists of candidates (proportional system).

Elections of deputies of the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are held differently in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Thus, in most subjects of the Russian Federation, a mixed electoral system is used for holding these elections, and in the Republic of Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya and some others, a proportional system is used.

Regional state budgetary

professional educational institution "Ivanovo College of Light Industry"

Lesson summary

“Election campaign in the Russian Federation. Legislation of the Russian Federation on Elections»

Koryagina O.Yu., teacher of history and social studies

Ivanovo 2014


Teacher– Koryagina O.Yu.

Subject:"Social science"

Program theme: ODB. 05.5. "Politics as a social phenomenon"

Lesson topic: “Election campaign in the Russian Federation. Legislation of the Russian Federation on Elections.

Content plan.

    The electoral process in the Russian Federation.

    Electoral systems in the Russian Federation.

Lesson Objectives:

    educational :

the formation of new knowledge about elections, the electoral process, electoral systems and legislation governing suffrage and elections in the Russian Federation;

    developing (OK) :

Formation cognitive competencies through the development of the thinking functions of students (identification of essential features, comparison, analysis, generalization) and the ability to work independently with text and video information, improving the skills of working with ICT;

Formation of regulatory competencies through the development of goal-setting and reflection functions;

Formation of communicative competencies through the development of active listening and reasoned presentation of one's position, defending one's point of view.

    educational (OK):

formation personal competencies through the upbringing of an active citizenship and a sense of patriotism, through the legal education of citizens of the Russian Federation; development of responsibility for the quality of work, accuracy; development of independence and initiative, through increasing the self-esteem of students.

Lesson type: the formation of new knowledge.

Methods learning: reproductive, partially exploratory.

Means of education:

    textbook "Social science: 10 cells." ed. L.N. Bogolyubov;

    the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation" (Art. 3.4);

    dictionaries of subject terms;

    a report with a presentation of students;

    handout - lesson work card;

    multimedia installation;

    system unit, monitor, mouse.

Methodical goal: the use of modern information and communication technologies in the lessons of social science to enhance the mental activity of students. Using elements of student-centered learning.

Lesson time: 80 minutes.


Time (min.)

Teacher activity

Student activities

Organizing time.

Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

Report of the headman on the absent and readiness for the lesson.

Goal setting and motivation.

Questions for students:

- Look at the illustrations presented on the slide and tell me which ones are superfluous?

- On what basis did you determine this?

- What unites all the remaining pictures?

Based on this, formulate the topic of today's lesson.

What are the goals of today's lesson?

Summing up the results of the 2nd stage of the lesson.

Organizes work on joint goal-setting and motivation during the frontal survey.

Helps to correctly formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Projects the topic and objectives of the lesson onto the screen.

With the help of students, summarizes the results of this stage of the lesson.

Identify redundant drawings. Justify your choice. Express their opinions, formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson. Write the topic of the lesson in a notebook.

They listen, comprehend, help the teacher, answer additional questions. Remember.

Updating of basic knowledge.

Questions for students:

- Name the main types of political regimes.

- Define the term "democracy".

- What are the basic principles of democracy.

Summing up the results of the 3rd stage of the lesson.

Organizes a face-to-face survey of students.

Summarizes the results of this stage of the lesson with the help of students.

Analyzes the activities of students at this stage of the lesson.

They answer questions.

Update knowledge.

They listen, comprehend, help the teacher, answer additional questions.

Analyze their activities at this stage of the lesson.

They draw conclusions.

Work on the topic.

Elections as the main instrument of democracy.

Questions to students about elections from their subjective experience:

- Try to formulate a definition of the term "election" based on what you know about elections.

- Try to formulate the main functions of elections based on your knowledge of elections;

- Do you remember when the last elections were held in the Russian Federation and in the Ivanovo region? Who are we

elected in this election?

- Who can be elected in the elections?

- What elections according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation are there in Russia today?

Legislation of the Russian Federation on suffrage and elections.

Working with students:

- Read the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 32), the Federal Law “On the Basic Guarantees of the Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation” (Articles 3, 4) and the text of the textbook (§ 23) and answer the following questions in writing:

  • - What rights are mentioned in these documents?

    - Try to define the term "suffrage".

    - At what age do citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to take part in elections?

    - Who is deprived of the right to vote and for what reasons?

    - Name the main types of suffrage.

    - What are the basic principles of suffrage in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    - What other laws on elections in the Russian Federation can you name?

Checking answers to questions in students' notebooks.

Summarizing the results of this stage of the lesson.

Electoral process.

Report of students on the topic: "The electoral process: the main stages."

Summarizing the results of this stage of the lesson.

Electoral systems.

Students work with the textbook:

(§ 23)

- find in the paragraph the definition of the term "electoral system";

- write down the main types of electoral systems and their features.

Summing up the results of the 4th stage of the lesson.

Helps students to recall the subjective experience of participating in any election.

Helps students formulate a definition.

The correct definition is projected on the slide.

Helps students formulate the basic functions of choices.

Projects the correct answer to a question on the screen.

Helps students to remember the elections taking place in the Russian Federation and in the Ivanovo region.

Helps students to formulate the main elective positions in the Russian Federation.

Helps students answer questions correctly.

Summarizes this part of the lesson. Analyzes the activities of students at this stage of the lesson.

Organizes the work of students with the texts of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation and the textbook.

Helps students to correctly define the term "suffrage".

Helps students to answer questions correctly, reinforces the correct answers.

Organizes check of records in notebooks.

Organizes the performance of students using a presentation with elements of advanced learning.

Explains to students the rules for keeping records in a notebook according to the student's report.

Summarizes and analyzes the activities of students at this stage of the lesson.

Organizes the work of students with a textbook.

Organizes checking of students' notes in notebooks.

Analyzes the activities of students in the main part of the lesson.

Evaluates and comments on grades.

They remember, share their impressions of participating in elections, and analyze.

They draw conclusions.

Remember, express their opinions. Formulate a definition. Write down in a notebook.

They express their opinions, comprehend, formulate the main functions of elections. Write down in a notebook.

They speak, they listen, they comprehend.

Answer the question with the help of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. They draw conclusions.

The answer to this question is with the help of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

draw conclusions

They comprehend, draw conclusions and write in notebooks.

Read, comprehend, draw conclusions, answer questions.

Orally give the definition of "suffrage".

Write down the correct answers in notebooks.

Answer the questions by reading the notes in the notebooks.

Listen, understand, remember.

Students make presentations using the presentation.

Students listen, comprehend, make concise notes in notebooks in the course of the report.

Listen, reflect and draw conclusions.

They read the text of the textbook, comprehend, draw conclusions and write down the answers to the questions posed in notebooks.

Listen, comprehend, draw conclusions on this stage of the lesson.

Consolidation of the studied material.

Individual work of students on task cards (differentiated tasks of different levels of complexity according to the abilities of students).

Tasks for students:

1 option– test;

Option 2- solving a crossword puzzle;

3 option- work with text.

Summing up the results of the assignments to consolidate the acquired knowledge at the main stage of the lesson.

Analysis of students' activities at this stage of the lesson and presentation ratings.

Organizes the work of students on task cards in order to consolidate knowledge with projecting tasks on the screen.

Argues the principle of division of tasks.

Checking the correctness of the tasks with the projection of the correct answers on the screen.

Organizes self-checking answers by students.

Summarizes the results of the tasks and this part of the lesson. Analyzes the activities of students, grades for this stage of the lesson, comments on the grades.

They read tasks, comprehend, turn on logical thinking, perform a task of their choice in writing, task 2 options is performed on a PC.

Carry out self-examination, analyze their answers, draw conclusions.

Listen, comprehend, analyze their activities at this stage of the lesson. Listen to their assessments, draw conclusions on this stage of the lesson.


Analysis of students' activities at all stages of the lesson and grading for the lesson.

Questions for students:

What are the goals for today's lesson?

Have we achieved our goals?

- What aroused your interest in the lesson?

- What difficulties did you experience in today's lesson?

- Did you like today's lesson?

    - What did you do at the lesson today?

- What would you like to change in today's lesson?

Evaluates student performance in class.

Invites students to evaluate their work in the lesson, analyzes and argues students' assessments in the lesson.

Reflection on one's own activities in the classroom.

Evaluate their activities in the lesson, arguing the answers to the questions.

They listen and comprehend the analysis of grades for the lesson, draw conclusions.



1. Draw a poster encouraging citizens to vote.

2. Write an essay-reflection "My vote in the elections is ..."

Offers assignments for the choice of students, based on their subjective experience.

Tasks are projected onto the screen.

Explains how to do them.

Choose a task depending on the level of their preparedness on this topic.

Write down your choice in your notebook.

Presentation on the topic: Social studies grade 11 "Election campaign in the Russian Federation"

1 of 27

Presentation on the topic: Social science grade 11 "Election campaign in the Russian Federation"

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

PLAN OF STUDYING THE THEME: The electoral system is a political institution that ensures the formation of elected bodies of state power. Component of the electoral system: suffrage; electoral process. Types of suffrage: active; passive. Principles of the electoral law of the Russian Federation: alternative elections; general election; direct elections; equal elections; secret ballot. Stages of the electoral process. Types of electoral systems: majoritarian; proportional; mixed. Problems in the election campaigns of recent years. Legal regulation of the electoral system of the Russian Federation.

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

Article 1 1. The Russian Federation - Russia is a democratic federative legal state with a republican form of government. Article 3 1. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people. 2. The people exercise their power directly, as well as through state authorities and local self-government bodies. 3. The highest direct expression of the power of the people is the referendum and free elections. Article 81 1. The President of the Russian Federation is elected for a term of six years by the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. Article 96 1. The State Duma is elected for a term of five years.

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

slide number 5

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slide number 6

Description of the slide:

SELECTION RIGHT IN THE OBJECTIVE SENSE: a set of legal norms on the procedure for elections IN THE SUBJECTIVE SENSE: the right of citizens of the state to take part in elections ELECTORAL REQUIREMENT - a condition established by law that restricts the admission of a person to the exercise of voting rights. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. Article 81 1. The President of the Russian Federation is elected for a term of six years by the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

RESTRICTION OF VOTING RIGHTS ACTIVE PASSIVE state of incapacity (by court decision) being in places of deprivation of liberty (by court verdict) having citizenship or a residence permit of another state committing a grave and especially grave crime (in the case of an unexpunged and outstanding conviction) The state of a criminal record, as a rule, arises from the moment the court verdict enters into legal force, and terminates as a result of the repayment or removal of a criminal record. The repayment of a criminal record occurs if, within a certain period (depending on the severity of the crime) after serving the sentence, the person does not commit new crimes. For certain categories of persons (for example, minors), reduced terms for the repayment of a criminal record may be established. The removal of a criminal record may take place in court before the expiration of this period. The repayment or removal of a criminal record eliminates the criminal legal consequences associated with it. The introduction into the legislation of the deadlines for the expiration of a criminal record reflects a legal presumption: the legislator has reason to believe that after this period, the application of restrictions related to a criminal record loses its appropriateness. The legislation of most CIS countries provides for the following terms for the expiration of a criminal record: in case of conditional conviction - at the end of the probationary period; when condemning a person to punishments not related to deprivation of liberty - 1 year after serving the punishment; when sentenced to imprisonment for crimes of minor or medium gravity - 3 years after serving the sentence; when sentenced to imprisonment for grave crimes - 6 years after serving the sentence; when sentenced to imprisonment for especially grave crimes - 8 years after serving the sentence.

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

PRINCIPLES OF THE ELECTORAL LAW OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ALTERNATIVE ELECTIONS GENERAL ELECTIONS DIRECT ELECTIONS EQUAL ELECTIONS SECRET VOTE NON-ALTERNATIVE ELECTIONS The inscription on the wall: "Tsar's servants, generals, manufacturers, landowners, priests, kulaks have no place in the Soviets" compliance with the "four-term". In such a case, the elections must be universal, direct, equal and secret. The universal nature of the suffrage is expressed in the fact that all citizens who have reached a certain age can participate in elections, regardless of gender, race, social origin and other factors. Equal suffrage means that each voter has the same number of votes and participates in elections on an equal footing. Direct suffrage means that each voter votes directly for the candidate being elected. Secret voting means the establishment of such an order in which there is no control over the will of voters.

slide number 9

Description of the slide:

PRINCIPLES OF THE ELECTORAL LAW OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ALTERNATIVE ELECTIONS GENERAL ELECTIONS DIRECT ELECTIONS EQUAL ELECTIONS SECRET VOTE INDIRECT ELECTIONS UNEQUAL ELECTIONS OPEN VOTING Democratic elections are those that are held subject to the "four-membered" system. In such a case, the elections must be universal, direct, equal and secret. The universal nature of the suffrage is expressed in the fact that all citizens who have reached a certain age can participate in elections, regardless of gender, race, social origin and other factors. Equal suffrage means that each voter has the same number of votes and participates in elections on an equal footing. Direct suffrage means that each voter votes directly for the candidate being elected. Secret voting means the establishment of such an order in which there is no control over the will of voters.

slide number 10

Description of the slide:

slide number 11

Description of the slide:

slide number 12

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slide number 13

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slide number 14

Description of the slide:

MAJORITY SYSTEM - a method of determining the results of voting, in which, in order to obtain a mandate, it is required to collect the statutory MAJORITY of votes of the ABSOLUTE MAJORITY, the candidate who has collected the absolute majority of votes (50% + 1 vote of the elector) is recognized as elected. than any of the competitors 1st round of voting Which officials are elected in the Russian Federation according to the majority system? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the majority system? The President of the Russian Federation we vote for a specific person the personal responsibility of the candidate for his election promises The majority system is a method of determining the results of voting, in which, in order to obtain a mandate, it is required to collect a majority of votes established by law. Majoritarian electoral system can be of two types: relative majority and absolute majority. The majority system of the relative majority assumes that the candidate who received more votes than each of his opponents separately is considered elected. This system makes it possible to determine the winner already in the first round, but often the candidate who, in absolute terms, received a very small percentage of the votes, becomes the chosen one. The majority system of the absolute majority assumes that in order to be elected, a candidate needs to receive an absolute majority of the votes cast in the constituency (50% + 1 vote). The advantage of this system is the simplicity of determining the winning candidate, the disadvantage is the low representativeness of votes. In theory, over 49% of the votes could be lost.

slide number 15

Description of the slide:

MAJORITY SYSTEM - a way to determine the results of voting, in which a statutory MAJORITY of votes is required to obtain a mandate. Majoritarian electoral system can be of two types: relative majority and absolute majority. The majority system of the relative majority assumes that the candidate who received more votes than each of his opponents separately is considered elected. This system makes it possible to determine the winner already in the first round, but often the candidate who, in absolute terms, received a very small percentage of the votes, becomes the chosen one. The majority system of the absolute majority assumes that in order to be elected, a candidate needs to receive an absolute majority of the votes cast in the constituency (50% + 1 vote). The advantage of this system is the simplicity of determining the winning candidate, the disadvantage is the low representativeness of votes. In theory, over 49% of the votes could be lost.

slide number 16

Description of the slide:

PROPORTIONAL SYSTEM - mandates are distributed in proportion to the number of votes received by each party (we choose not a person, but a party) Scheme of seats in the State Duma of the Russian Federation by political parties as of December 2011. United Russia (238) Communist Party (92) Fair Russia (64) LDPR (56) PERCENTAGE BARRIER - the share of votes, which, having received, the party will be represented in parliament. In Russia: 2007 - the barrier to the elections of the State Duma was raised from 5 to 7% 2011 - it is also envisaged to grant 1-2 mandates to parties that received from 5 to 7% of the votes 2016 - the barrier will again be 5% 450 deputies DISADVANTAGES OF THE PROPORTIONAL SYSTEM: the impossibility of nominating so-called "independent" candidates deputies do not bear personal responsibility for their actions to the voters, they "hide" behind the party. Under such a system, large districts are formed, from each of which several deputies are elected. Often the entire country becomes the constituency. Elections are held only on a party basis: voting takes place according to party lists, and the population does not vote for specific candidates, but for a political party. The disadvantage of this system is the impossibility of nominating so-called "independent" candidates.

slide number 17

Description of the slide:

slide number 18

Description of the slide:

slide number 19

Description of the slide:

MIXED SYSTEM - an electoral system based on a combination of two systems of representation: proportional and majoritarian Hall of plenary sessions of the State Duma of the Russian Federation In Russia, a mixed system of elections to the State Duma was used until 2003. Since February 17, 2014, a mixed system of elections to the State Duma has been adopted in the Russian Federation: 225 deputies are elected according to the majority system of relative majority 225 - according to the proportional electoral system, a mixed unrelated (parallel) election system, in which the distribution of mandates according to the majoritarian system does not depend on the election results by proportional system (the above examples are just examples of a mixed unbound electoral system); a mixed tie-in electoral system in which the distribution of seats by majoritarian system depends on the results of elections by proportional system. In this case, the candidates in the majoritarian districts are nominated by the political parties participating in the elections under the proportional system. The mandates received by the parties in the majoritarian districts are distributed depending on the results of the elections according to the proportional system. So, in Germany, in the elections to the Bundestag, the main vote is the vote for the state lists of parties. However, German voters also vote for majoritarian candidates. A political party that has received more votes than the number prescribed by law receives the right to represent its candidates who have won in majoritarian districts (“transitional mandates”).

slide number 22

Description of the slide:

slide number 23

Description of the slide:

The Constitution of the Russian Federation. article 77 . The Constitution of the Russian Federation. Article 130 1. Local self-government in the Russian Federation ensures that the population independently resolves issues of local importance, owns, uses and disposes of municipal property. 2. Local self-government is exercised by citizens through a referendum, elections, other forms of direct expression of will, through elected and other bodies of local self-government.

slide number 24

Description of the slide:

slide number 25

Description of the slide:

GLOSSARY ELECTIONS - the procedure for the formation of a state body or the empowerment of an official, carried out through the voting of persons with the right to vote. ELECTORAL SYSTEM - a political institution that ensures the formation of elected bodies of state power. ELECTORAL RIGHT is the principle and condition for the participation of citizens in the formation of elected bodies, a set of legal norms on the procedure for elections. ELECTORAL REQUIREMENT - a condition established by law that restricts the admission of a person to the exercise of voting rights. ABSENTHEISM - the evasion of citizens from participating in elections. ELECTORATE (lat. elector - voter) - a circle of supporters of a particular organization, voters who vote for a particular party in parliamentary, presidential or municipal elections. In a broader sense, it is used as a synonym for the electoral corps of the country.

slide number 26

Description of the slide:

QUOTATION Only the ability to vote constitutes the qualification of a citizen. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), German philosopher. A ballot is stronger than a bullet. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th President of the United States, liberator of American slaves. Never lie so much as during the war, after the hunt and before the election. Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), the first chancellor of the German Empire, who carried out the plan for the unification of Germany. Bad governments are elected by good citizens who don't vote. George Nathan (1882-1958), American literary and theater critic, editor. When I took office, the thing that struck me the most was that things really were as bad as we claimed. John Kennedy (1917-1963), 35th President of the United States.

slide number 27

Description of the slide:

Social science. Grade 11: textbook. For general education institutions: profile. level; ed. L.N. Bogolyubova. M.: Education, 2011. Baranov P.A. Social Studies: Politics: express tutor to prepare for the exam. M. Astrel. 2013. Makarov O.Yu. Social science: Full course. multimedia tutor. St. Petersburg, Peter, 2012. - an educational portal about politics. DISTANCE LEARNING: WHEN PREPARING THE PRESENTATION, MATERIALS WERE USED: SITES FOR PREPARING FOR THE USE: - the official portal of the USE (exam calendar; coding, specification, demo; score transfer scale; personal account). - an open bank of USE assignments. - a bank of USE tasks, it is possible to check the answers, there are comments on all questions. - here you can find detailed plans and assessment criteria for various topics of the social science course. - Internet Lesson on "Elections and referendum" http://foxford. ru/wiki/obschestvoznanie/izbiratelnye-sistemy - lecture notes and a test on the topic "Electoral systems". - Synopsis on the topic "Election campaign in the Russian Federation"

The theoretical teaching of Karl Marx, who put forward and substantiated the formational concept of society, occupies a special place among sociological thought. One of the first in the history of sociology, K. Marx develops a very detailed idea of ​​society as a system.

This idea is embodied primarily in his concept socio-economic structure.

The term "formation" (from Latin formatio - formation) was originally used in geology (mainly) and in botany. It was introduced into science in the second half of the 18th century. by the German geologist G.K. The interaction and change of economic formations were considered by K. Marx in the application to pre-capitalist formations in a separate working material, which lay aside from the study of Western capitalism.

Socio-economic formation - a historical type of society, characterized by a certain state of the productive forces, production relations and the superstructural forms determined by the latter. A formation is a developing social and production organism that has special laws of origin, functioning, development and transformation into another, more complex social organism. Each of them has a special mode of production, its own type of production relations, a special nature of the social organization of labor, historically determined, stable forms of community of people and relations between them, specific forms of public administration, special forms of family organization and family relations, a special ideology and set of spiritual values. .

The concept of social formation by K. Marx is an abstract construction, which can also be called an ideal type. In this regard, M. Weber quite rightly considered Marxist categories, including the category of social formation, "mental constructions." He himself skillfully used this powerful cognitive tool. This is such a technique of theoretical thinking that allows you to create a capacious and generalized image of a phenomenon or group of phenomena at the conceptual level without resorting to statistics. K. Marx called such constructions "pure" type, M. Weber - ideal type. Their essence is in one thing - to single out the main, recurring in empirical reality, and then combine this main thing into a consistent logical model.

Socio-economic formation- a society that is at a certain stage of historical development. The formation is based on a well-known mode of production, which is the unity of the basis (economy) and the superstructure (politics, ideology, science, etc.). The history of mankind looks like a sequence of five formations following one after another: primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist and communist formations.

This definition contains the following structural and dynamic elements:

  • 1. No single country, culture or society can constitute a social formation, but only the totality of many countries.
  • 2. The type of formation is determined not by religion, art, ideology, and even not by the political regime, but by its foundation - the economy.
  • 3. The superstructure is always secondary, and the basis is primary, therefore politics will always be only a continuation of the economic interests of the country (and within it - the economic interests of the ruling class).
  • 4. All social formations, built in a consistent chain, express the progressive ascent of humanity from the lower stages of development to the highest.

According to the social statics of K. Marx, the basis of society is entirely economic. It represents the dialectical unity of productive forces and production relations. The superstructure includes ideology, culture, art, education, science, politics, religion, family.

Marxism proceeds from the assertion that the nature of the superstructure is determined by the nature of the basis. This means that economic relations largely determine the power that rises above them. superstructure, that is, the totality of the political, moral, legal, artistic, philosophical, religious views of society and the relations and institutions corresponding to these views. As the nature of the base changes, so too does the nature of the superstructure.

The basis has absolute autonomy and independence from the superstructure. The superstructure in relation to the basis has only relative autonomy. It follows from this that economics, and to some extent politics, possess true reality. That is, it is real - from the point of view of influencing the social formation - only in the second place. As far as ideology is concerned, it is already, as it were, third place real.

By productive forces, Marxism understood:

  • 1. People engaged in the manufacture of goods and the provision of services with a certain qualification and ability to work.
  • 2. Land, subsoil and minerals.
  • 3. Buildings and premises where the production process is carried out.
  • 4. Tools of labor and production from a hand hammer to high-precision machine tools.
  • 5. Technology and equipment.
  • 6. Final products and raw materials. All of them are divided into two categories - personal and material factors of production.

The productive forces form, in modern terms, sociotechnical system of production, and the relations of production socio-economic. The productive forces are the external environment for production relations, the change of which leads either to their modification (partial change) or to complete destruction (replacement of old ones by new ones, which is always accompanied by a social revolution).

Production relations - relations between people that develop in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods under the influence of the nature and level of development of the productive forces. They arise between large groups of people employed in social production. The relations of production that form the economic structure of society determine the behavior and actions of people, both peaceful coexistence and conflicts between classes, the emergence of social movements and revolutions.

In Capital, K. Marx proves that production relations are ultimately determined by the level and nature of the development of the productive forces.

A socio-economic formation is a set of countries on the planet that are currently at the same stage of historical development, have similar mechanisms, institutions and institutions that determine the basis and superstructure of society.

According to the formational theory of K. Marx, in each historical period, if you make an instant portrait of humanity, a variety of formations coexist on the planet - some in their classical form, others in their surviving form (transitional societies where the remnants of various formations have accumulated).

The entire history of society can be divided into stages, depending on how the production of goods is carried out. Marx called them modes of production. There are five historical modes of production (also called socio-economic formations).

The story starts with primitive formation, in which people worked together, there was no private property, exploitation, inequality and social classes. The second stage is slave formation, or method of production.

Replaced slavery feudalism- a method of production based on the exploitation of personally and land dependent direct producers by land owners. It originated at the end of the 5th century. as a result of the decomposition of the slave-owning, and in some countries (including among the Eastern Slavs) primitive communal system

The essence of the basic economic law of feudalism is the production of a surplus product in the form of feudal rent in the form of labor, food and cash rent. The main wealth and means of production is land, which is privately owned by the landowner and leased to the peasant for temporary use (lease). He pays rent to the feudal lord, in food or money, allowing him to live comfortably and in idle luxury.

The peasant is more free than the slave, but less free than the hired worker, who, along with the owner-entrepreneur, becomes the main figure in the following - capitalist- stage of development. The main mode of production is mining and manufacturing. Feudalism seriously undermined the basis of its economic well-being - the peasant population, a significant part of which was ruined and turned into proletarians, people without property and status. They filled the cities where at the same time the Workers enter into a contract with the employer, or an agreement that limits the exploitation to certain norms, harmonized with legal laws. The owner of the enterprise does not put money in the chest, and puts his capital into circulation. The size of the profit he receives is determined by the situation on the market, the art of management and the rationality of the organization of labor.

Completes the story communist formation, which brings people back to equality on a higher material basis. In a systematically organized communist society, there will be no private property, inequality, social classes and the state as a machine of repression.

The functioning and change of formations is subject to general laws that bind them into a single process of the progressive movement of mankind. At the same time, each formation has its own special laws of emergence and development. The unity of the historical process does not mean that every social organism goes through all formations. Humanity as a whole goes through them, “pulling itself up” to those countries and regions where the most progressive mode of production in a given historical era has won and superstructural forms corresponding to it have developed.

The transition from one formation to another, capable of creating higher production capacities, a more perfect system of economic, political and spiritual relations, is the content of historical progress.

The materialist theory of history of K. Marx is because the determining role in the development of society belongs not to the consciousness, but to the being of people. Being determines the consciousness, relationships of people, their behavior and views. Social production is the foundation of social life. It represents both the process and the result of the interaction of production forces (tools and people) and production relations. The totality of production relations that do not depend on the consciousness of people constitutes the economic structure of society. It's called the basis. Above the base rises a legal and political superstructure. This includes various forms of social consciousness, including religion and science. The base is primary and the superstructure is secondary.