Get what you want from people. Secret: how to get what you want

Every person has goals and plans, dreams and desires.

We constantly want something. But rarely when the intended goals are achieved quickly.

And some goals can slip in place for years, despite all the efforts on your part. So if you don't want to live your dreams, but you want to learn achieve your goals as fast as possible - watch this video.

I have prepared 10 ways for you to help accelerate the achievement of your desired results.

1 - Dive method or Get closer to your goal.

Do you want to learn English? Go to England for 3 months. Full immersion in the language environment will allow you to learn to speak a foreign language from scratch in 3 months. And it will come out to you much cheaper and faster than spending years of your life and thousands of money on language courses, CDs and trainings.

Do you want to master some profession, but they don’t teach it in your city?

Go where they teach.

The closer you get to your goal, the sooner you will reach it.

2 - Find a worthwhile target

The main reason people don't reach their goals is because they are someone else's goals, imposed by their parents, TV or whatever.

Inspiration, passion, increased heart rate, joy, euphoria, the desire to do it all day and night... These are just a few of the emotions that a person experiences when he determines his real goal and begins to achieve it.

If you do not experience these feelings and emotions, then do not waste time - this is not your goal.

Keep looking for your goal. And to make your search go faster - watch this video.

3 - Determine the desired level of achievement of the goal

Let's talk about English again. If you need it just to communicate, then you just need to learn a thousand words and learn to understand the language by ear. And you don’t need grammar and Oxford pronunciation at all. Yes, you will speak with errors, distorting words and phrases, but they will understand you and you will already be able to start communicating.

And if you sit down for grammar, start practicing pronunciation, then without a vocabulary you still won’t start speaking.

The same can be said for money. Get rid of thoughts of becoming a millionaire. That doesn't work. Set a simple goal - double your current income. Once you double it, set a goal to double your income again. And so you will become a millionaire much faster.

4 - Hire a personal trainer, teacher or mentor

Yes, it's expensive. But we are talking now about the rapid achievement of the goal.

The help of an experienced person who has achieved some success will speed up your progress towards your goal tenfold and help you avoid a bunch of unnecessary mistakes.

I'm not talking about how much time and money you will save by getting the help of an experienced person.

And besides, you do not need his support all the time. In many cases, an hour of communication is enough to understand your mistakes and determine the right steps for action.

If you need such help, you can contact me - All the details are here.

5 - Buy all the books on the topic of your goal and read them.

To achieve any goal, knowledge is needed.

In every book you will find at least something that will help you move forward towards your goal.

But we're talking about your goal. This is what you want to achieve. And if you want it, then it inspires you.

Well, no one is stopping you from mastering speed reading. It is quite realistic to read one book a day. And in a month to accumulate enough knowledge on the topic of your goal.

That will help you get started and avoid many mistakes.

6 - Divide the goal into small steps

Or at least determine the step from which you can begin to act.

By setting a goal, in fact, you want to climb Everest. But every journey starts with 1 step.

And to do it, you do not need anything - no plan, no knowledge, no experience. You just need to take it and do it. After 1 step, you will understand what step should be taken next.

And so step by step you will reach your goal.

7 - Trial and error

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb after about 10,000 failed experiments. After 5,000 unsuccessful attempts, a journalist asked him - Why does he continue to do this after suffering 5,000 failures? To which Edison replied - These are not failures. I just got 5,000 steps closer to my goal.

You need to understand that you can achieve your goal only by doing something. And most of your actions will be wrong.

But any mistake gives you knowledge, experience and feedback. And when you take the next step, you will already know and be able to do a little more.

So just double, or rather triple the number of actions and you will achieve your goals much earlier.

8 - Find like-minded people.

All great successes were achieved as a team.

If you have common ideas, plans and goals, then it is much easier to move and develop together. Mutual support, exchange of experience, an objective assessment from the outside - all this will accelerate your progress towards the goal.

9 - Start developing the fundamental foundations for success in life

To quickly achieve your goals, you need to take a lot of action. But you must admit, it is much better to get what you want in a few months than in a few years.

To act a lot, you need to have a high level of vital energy and be able to increase it at the right moments, making yourself more energetic and cheerful.

This video will help you

Also, do not forget about the other foundations of success - physical fitness, self-esteem, mental abilities.

10 - Get rid of the ballast

If you put 10 anchors on the boat, it will go slower. And if you throw them overboard and fix them on the bottom, it will not budge at all.

Therefore, sometimes the fastest way to achieve your goal is to get rid of what prevents you from moving towards it.

Here is a list of ballast that you may have.

Excess weight. Diseases - diagnosed and not. Bad habits. Fears and phobias...

What else is stopping you? Add!

Start ridding yourself of the excess and you will be surprised at how quickly you will fly towards your goal when nothing will hold you back.

And if you want even faster, teach yourself to charge yourself with the energy of inspiration

There is one obvious way to achieve what you want. He can solve any problems as if by magic. It's amazing that we so rarely think of using it! It's called the ability to communicate with people. In conflict situations, you often want to put pressure on the interlocutor in order to achieve something. But this inevitably causes anger in response and often only moves you away from the goal. Instead of wasting nerve cells, demanding and threatening, we suggest using much simpler and more effective methods - communication tactics.

They are so simple and natural that sometimes you can “discover” them completely by accident, following a healthy spiritual impulse.

For example, Marina (Moscow, 32) accidentally used one of the rules of literate communication when she was about to fly to Cyprus on vacation. “Suddenly, my flight was canceled, and I, along with the rest of the passengers, were left to wait in the airport building for who knows what,” she recalls. - Other passengers began to resent, yell at the airport staff, swear ... When everyone more or less calmed down, I went up to the representative of the airline, who had just been shouted at, looked at him with sympathy - he looked so tired! and said: “Is it difficult to work in such conditions? I wouldn't be able to handle that kind of pressure." And, quite unexpectedly for me, he found me a free seat on one of the next flights, and transferred me to business class at no extra charge! After that tub of dirt that other passengers poured on him, he was glad to do a favor for a man who sympathized with him.

Try to remember four communication tactics and practice using them in the right situations.

Good Communication Tactic #1. Let me give you a present

First communication tactics is that you need to formulate your request in such a way that the interlocutor thinks that he is giving you a gift. “One day, my boyfriend and I were waiting for a seat to be found for us in a pretentious metropolitan restaurant,” says Polina, 19. “I looked for a wonderful place by the window. The table was designed for four, so I understood that most likely they would not give it to us. And instead of asking for something, demanding and “throwing show-offs”, I just sighed: “Oh, how nice it would be if we could sit by the window ...” Five minutes later we had that very place.

Why was this phrase able to have such an effect? The fact is that allowing them to take this table, the head waiter was able to feel generous, and not at all "obliged", as if they started to put pressure on him.

Remember, people will almost always do you a favor if you ask for it in a way that makes them feel like heroes afterwards. No one likes to be pressured, it makes the interlocutor defend himself. Appeal to generosity is quite another matter.

At the same time, it is necessary that your voice be as soft, pleasant as the words. After all, people react to the emotional message contained in your voice. If the intonation says “I like you, and I’m not in the mood to swear at all,” the interlocutor will react the way you need.

Good Communication Tactics #2. Sweeten the bait

Remember, flattery is a natural element in communication tactics. Human psychology is arranged in such a way that anyone, having heard a compliment, will try to justify it. Tell someone that he looks good and he will start fixing his hair; praise his amazing sense of humor and he will remember the funniest jokes.

And if you allow someone to be "your hero", he will gladly play this role for you.

Anna, 26, an accountant, used this tactic successfully when she realized she had messed up with the paperwork, with two hours left before they were due. “My only chance to fix it was to turn to a new employee — an intern, who seemed to me an unpleasant and irritable person,” she recalls. Anya approached him and, feigning panic, explained the situation to him. Then she said the phrase that saved the day: “I said:“ You are the only person here who knows what can be done ... I really need your professional advice, - Anya recalls. “As a result, he volunteered to help, and we finished the job on time. The “trick” was that I treated him like a true professional, and as a result, he happily proved it to me. ”

Good Communication Tactics #3. Agree!

The essence of this method is to introduce the interlocutor into confusion, always and in everything agreeing with him. Give him as many "you're right!" as he needs.

The fact is that if you agree with someone, then he simply will not be able to perceive you as an enemy or even just an unpleasant person. Naturally, he will be much more willing to help you.

Alexandra, 29, editor, once used this approach at work. “A famous photographer found out that on the cover of the book in which we used his work, there will be a photo of the authorship of another photographer. He was very angry. He threatened to ban the use of all his photographs in the book, which was supposed to go to print today,” she says. Instead of trying to prove him wrong, Sasha said the magic words: "You are absolutely right." “I told him, ‘You are the best photographer on this project, and if I had known at least two weeks ago that you wanted to put your work on the cover, I would have done everything in my power. But now it's just too late to change anything. Is there anything I can do to iron out this misunderstanding?" Thus, by refusing to conflict with him, Sasha ceased to be the "cause" of his misfortunes for him, and there was no one to blame. As soon as he realized that his anger was completely useless and there was no one to conflict with, he waved his hand and allowed everything to be published as it is.

Good Communication Tactics #4. Promise a benefit

Of course, a vulgar bribe has nothing to do with communication tactics- slipping someone a bill, you can offend a person. Instead, hint that you are indebted and someday you will be glad to return the favor. This can help, for example, if you arrived at a hotel and at the reception they can’t find a record that you booked a room. Tell the hotel employee something like, “Thank you for helping me sort out this misunderstanding. You are a wonderful worker, there are very few of them. I want your boss to know about it too. Can you tell me his name?"

Even a vague promise of some benefit can produce great results. This is a good way to tame colleagues: if you need anything from them, just say that you will be very grateful for their help.

For example, use the phrase "I can never repay you, but I will always try." After all, it costs you nothing to tell people that you owe them, and—as with other good communication tactics—everyone wins. You get what you need, and people will be pleased with themselves.

Learn these tactics, train more often and you will see that life will become easier and more interesting.

In our difficult time, many people strive for a prosperous life. They put a lot of effort into it. They are looking for different ways to increase their earnings. Some of them are in the (already habitual) state of looking for a good job, someone, having found one, makes their way to the top of the career ladder with all their might, and some, taking a risk, start their own business. However, no matter which way to generate income is chosen, the goal is the same - to live well.

It will not be news and the fact that many fail to achieve stability in their income. Unfortunately, people often not only fail in their attempts to make good money, but also cannot pinpoint the exact reason for their failure. And this is very bad. If the plan did not work out, but it is clear why, then the chances of achieving the desired result next time are significantly increased. After all, when a person knows what he did wrong, when he tries again, he will no longer step on the same rake. But do not despair, life does not stand still, we are learning, we are gaining knowledge, and there is no need to talk about new opportunities. And since everything is changing all around, then you need to keep up with the changes, and not stand still.

There has been research in business for a very long time on how to achieve the desired results, and not just try, albeit with great enthusiasm. To date, quite a few schemes have been developed to help reach a high level of income. Among all the strategies that are now popular in business circles, there are several that can rightfully be called fundamental. One of these strategies will be discussed in this article. Despite the fact that some people neglect the principles that will be discussed below, it was their application that allowed many to achieve quite serious results. Anyone who wants to feel confident in this life should start with this strategy. So, we are talking about the goal, and its correct setting.

Why goal so important? The reason is as follows: our consciousness is arranged in such a way that until a clear, precise and detailed image of the desired reality is formulated, the resources of the personality are inactive. They are in sleep mode. But as soon as the image is created and presented to consciousness, the personality comes into a state of high activity. All internal resources begin to work to achieve the goal. This has been proven by the practice of thousands of successful people who have risen from the very bottom of society to the heights of financial and personal heights. It is also interesting that recognized business coaches insist on the need to write down the goal on paper, and in as much detail as possible. They argue that it is this form of goal setting that “triggers” consciousness. However, it is important not only to write down the goal, but also to do it right. So - how to get everything you want? These are the principles that will determine how much the set goal will affect the person and his result.

1. The goal must be specific. That is, it is necessary to prescribe the image of the desired reality in as much detail as possible. In every detail. This is very important, because if a person does not know what exactly he wants to come to, then he will not come to anything. It's not enough just to want money. You need to see yourself with money. See the lifestyle that will be, with a high level of income. Then consciousness and subconsciousness will aspire to this image.

2. The goal must be measurable. This means that if you want a lot of money, then you need to write down exactly how much money you want to earn per week, per month, per year. Not just a lot, but specific.

3. The goal must be ambitious. The goal must inspire and challenge, otherwise a person will not be able to use the hidden resources of his personality. When a difficult but real goal is set for the mind, there is, so to speak, a sporting interest. There is enthusiasm. If a person does not feel that having achieved this goal, he will win a serious victory (both over himself and over circumstances), then he will not be interested in the goal as such.

4. The goal must be realistic. There is a risk, setting yourself an ambitious goal, overdoing it and trying to jump too high. If the goal is not achievable for the one who sets it, then over time it will bring disappointment, as the feeling will come that there is no approximation to the desired result. It is important to see that every day the finish line is getting closer and closer. This vision will constantly fuel enthusiasm and give strength to fight against any obstacles.

5. The goal must be measurable in time. It is necessary to determine for yourself over what period of time the goal will be achieved. This is important for the reason that people do the planned work at the speed that they themselves set. As practice shows, the same person, the same amount of work, can stretch for a day or two, and can, if desired, complete it in five hours.

In any area, and even more so in the matter of making money, it is simply necessary to apply the principles of goal setting. If a person has clearly defined for himself what exactly he wants to achieve. If his goal challenges him as a person and is achievable at the same time. If it is clear how much time is allotted to achieve it, then a person will confidently move through life, realizing what exactly he is going to. Realizing that it is on his shoulder. Whatever obstacles arise in his path, it will be much easier to deal with them than for a person who simply wants to live better, but has not decided how and when.

Every person can achieve what you want wealth, success, happiness and whatever, if he starts to act. The problem is mainly in fear and uncertainty, since a person is afraid to take the first step, make a mistake and does not know specifically whether he needs this a wish. In this article, psychologists have written in detail for you all the methods and specific proven methods that will 100% lead you to the realization of your desire. Use it too achieve what you want quite simple and fast.

Decide what you really want

The reason why 99% of people today are unhappy and not successful is that they cannot specifically understand what they want. In most cases, people are looking for excuses and how to make it so that they do nothing. But to be rich, happy and successful, you need not only to wish, but also to do. Therefore, write down on a piece of paper, right now, a list of all your desires, review it and decide which desire is the most important for you.

Make a plan of action

In fact, achieve what you want easy and simple, for this you need to draw up a specific plan, according to which you will act daily in order to achieve the desired goal within a specific time frame. To begin with, write on a piece of paper what you need to realize your desire. After that, write down what you can do daily to make your wish come true.

Do at least something every day that will bring you closer to your desired desire.

The most important thing is not just to draw up a plan of action, it is important to do every day what is needed to realize what you want. Make a schedule or anything to regularly do at least something for desire.

Adjust to your desire

To quickly and easily achieve what you want, you need to adapt to your goal, live it and enjoy it. Do now what you would do, having achieved what you want, change yourself to and then the desire will be realized, since there will be no other way out for it.

Set a specific date for the implementation of the desired

From a psychological point of view, effective and fast implementation of the desired It is the date you set that affects. Decide for yourself how long it will take you to achieve your desire, and start acting. This date should always and daily be visible to your eye, it will stimulate every person.

How to achieve what you want with the power of thought

In fact, scientists have long proved that our every thought is material, but on the condition that we constantly think about it. When a person concentrates from childhood, for example, on wealth and money, then sooner or later he will become rich. It will also be useful for you to start concentrating on your desire daily for 5-10 minutes. It is important to do this daily, otherwise your thoughts will dissipate and lose their meaning. The reason why people are unhappy and poor is that they scatter their thoughts on what they do not need, they have not learned to concentrate on one desire.

Meditate, calm down

There has not yet been a single person who had a nervous and angry character and reached desire. Mostly calm and balanced people achieve their desires precisely with the help of calmness, perseverance and action, as they realized that nothing can be achieved with nerves and strength, except to get bad health. Therefore, you need to calm your own and start thinking and acting towards a given goal. Look into the future and imagine how you realized your dream, desire, goal, how happy you are from this, then this will significantly speed up the implementation process.

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1. Think Big

2. Set goals

Any difficult task at first may seem unattainable when viewed as a whole. The key to success is breaking it down into several small steps - short-term goals. The completion of a few small tasks leads to the solution of the middle, intermediate goal, and the addition of the latter is the end of your journey, the fulfillment of the main goal and success. Setting a goal is quite simple if you follow a few rules. The goal should be achievable, but difficult enough. It is very important to make sure that it lies outside your comfort zone. Don't set the bar too low. Also, make sure the goal is measurable so you can keep track of your progress. And most importantly, celebrate your success. Every time you reach a new goal, find a way to please yourself with something.

3. Turn on your head

Many of the tasks we face are related to physical activity and physical overcoming - lose weight, run a marathon, get ready for the beach season. But it is the brain, not our body, that is the key to success. Rarely are our physical abilities an obstacle, more often we are hindered by a loss of faith, willpower and interest, which leads to failure. Believing that you can achieve your goal is the most important thing. With faith comes excitement and the desire to invest time, effort, and resources to continue achieving short-term goals. And their achievement increases motivation, which, in turn, strengthens the belief in the achievement of the main goal.

4. Consider all factors

Achieving success is rarely associated with working on any one, decisive factor. The road to the goal requires a synchronous change in a number of things. For example, to improve physical fitness, it is not enough to squat many times. It is necessary to think over a healthy diet system, train your endurance, strengthen all muscle groups, improve sleep, and so on. When drawing up a plan, it is necessary to take into account not only those factors that contribute to achieving success, but also all possible risks of negative influence. For example, if your goal is to quit smoking, then the risk may come from friends who do not share your enthusiasm and constantly offer you cigarettes. The more detailed your plan, the higher your chance of success. If you fail planning, you will most likely fail the whole thing.

5. Sign a contract

For a person who does not have much confidence in himself and is not very motivated, it can be useful to simply agree with himself to complete a task. This approach may seem a little strange to you, but the more formal your agreement with yourself is, the higher the chances that you will take it more seriously. A formal agreement provides the necessary motivation to keep going and maintain the required amount of work until success is achieved. Ask someone close to you to witness this contract, so you will take it more seriously. Signing a contract will increase both the importance of the deal and the prestige of your well-deserved victory. Here is an example of a personal commitment that you could reformulate to suit your own purpose:

“I, the undersigned, hereby promise that I will not drink alcohol on weekdays and will limit my consumption to 12 units of alcohol on weekends.

Witness Signature: »

Greg Whyte, fitness and physical education expert, former athlete, World Modern Pentathlon silver medalist, MBE, University Professor. John Moores (Liverpool, UK) and author of Achieve The Impossible (Bantam Press, 2015). His website is