Where is the city of Bishkek. As part of Tsarist Russia

Bishkek from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Bishkek.

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“Agitator for whipping koumiss” - this is how the name of the city of Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, its modern and historical center, is translated. The green city - so the Kyrgyz call it, not only because of the abundance of centuries-old oaks and poplars, dense shade overshadowing the busy boulevards, but also because of the young spirit and optimism of the Kyrgyz capital in the air. Founded in the 7th century, Bishkek today is an extremely young and bustling city: there are a lot of bars and discos, next to which traditional tea houses coexist organically, monuments of independence and sculptures of ancient Kyrgyz heroes do not interfere - on the contrary, they complement each other, but on the streets century-old elders in "kalpaks" and colorful dressing gowns and starlets with a minimum of clothes march interspersed. And koumiss, by the way, is much easier to find here than some foreign “mojito”.

How to get to Bishkek

It is easy to get from Moscow to Bishkek by regular flights of the national carrier Kyrgyzstan Airlines and Russian S7 and Aeroflot. The planes of Kyrgyzstan Airlines take to the air 4 times a week from Moscow Domodedovo. Aeroflot operates one flight daily and two on Wednesday and Friday from Sheremetyevo-F. Flight time is about 4 hours. On S7 wings, you can get to Bishkek only with an intermediate landing in Novosibirsk.

Bishkek's Manas International Airport is located about 30 km from the city. You can get from there to the center of the Kyrgyz capital by taxi in half an hour.

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Transport in the city

It is most convenient to move around Bishkek by taxi - they are very inexpensive and scurry around the streets of the capital in abundance. The car can be "caught" on the street or ordered at any time of the day by calling 150, 152, 154, 156, 166, 182 or 188. A trip within the city will cost 100-300 KGS during the day and 150-500 KGS at night. In any case, it is better to clarify the cost in advance. You can also hire a car with a driver for the whole day - it will cost less than a similar service in rental offices. Count on 1500-2000 KGS per day.

Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Since independence, many street names in Bishkek have changed, therefore, when going to any address, it is better to find out both the old and the new name, and even better, use a noticeable landmark.

Another option is democratic minibuses for 9-14 seats, plying along all the more or less busy streets. The rules for their use are identical to Russian ones: wave your hand at an approaching car, hand over the fare to the driver (15-20 KGS, indicated in the cabin) and loudly announce the drop-off point.

Public transport in Bishkek is represented by buses and trolleybuses. They work from 5:30-6:00 to 21:00-21:30. The fare is 8-10 KGS. You need to enter through the back door, and exit through the front. The fare is paid at the exit of the conductor.

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Cuisine and restaurants in Bishkek

In Bishkek, there are many establishments of Kyrgyz, Asian, Russian, Persian and other friendly cuisines. You can have a cheap snack in fast foods, they serve the Kyrgyz analogue of a hamburger: a sandwich with a flat cutlet and all sorts of vegetable and sauce stuff. Other "fast food" options are samsa, kebabs and a variety of kebabs. Of course, there is also a pizzeria-brasserie in the Kyrgyz capital (and where are they not?) - there you can taste international Italian pizza, pasta and other pasta, French crepes, etc. To thoroughly taste the dishes of the national "haute cuisine", go in the cafe "Labyrinth" (tasty "beshbarmak" is served here), cafe "Mazai" (various hare dishes), cafe "Astana" (chicken shish kebab and live music on weekend evenings), teahouse "Jalalabad" and cafe "Faiza ". You can "sit with taste" in the pompous Four Seasons - gourmet dishes of European and Asian cuisines, live music and the opportunity to dine on the outdoor terrace in the warm season.

You can refresh yourself while walking around the city with a carbonated drink "Shoro" based on wheat flour - it is sold by the glass from street stalls.

Popular hotels in Bishkek

Shopping and stores

It is worth buying Kyrgyz souvenirs in the TsUM, familiar to us from the common Soviet past - the central department store of the Kyrgyz capital on Chui Avenue, 155. There is a large selection of local handicrafts at affordable prices. Another popular shopping site in Bishkek is the bustling and colorful Osh Bazaar, where you can buy even the most outlandish goods. The Dordoi market sells a variety of household goods, clothes and shoes, and the Ak-Emir bazaar sells fresh products from local farmers: fruits and vegetables, koumiss and soft cheeses, horse sausage and much more. High-quality handicrafts - "kalpaks", felt carpets, items of national costume - are sold in the Kyrgyz Style store at 133 Bokonbaev Street and the cozy Asahi boutique at 136 Chui Avenue. Fans of antiques will be pleased with the real Aladdin's cave at 47 Manas Avenue there are many Kyrgyz and Asian antiquities, as well as iconic things from the Soviet era. For "painting" you should look into the Asia Gallery, cute and original clay products can be found in the art gallery "Saimaluu-Tash", and magnificent (and expensive) embroidery is presented in the art salon "Tumar".

Guides in Bishkek

Entertainment and attractions of Bishkek

Modern sights of Bishkek: the central square of Ala-Too and the statue of Liberty "Erkindik" in the form of a Kyrgyz woman holding the upper elements of the "tyundyuk" yurt, the Parliament building, the State flagpole (changing of the guard every hour from 7:00 to 18:00), the sculptural complex " Manas", depicting the legendary Kyrgyz hero on a faithful horse, surrounded by his wife and adviser, and the Victory Monument.

Among the museums of the city, the Historical Museum is recommended for visiting - here you can see numerous ancient artifacts found during excavations: rock carvings of the settlement of Saimaluu-Tash, runic inscriptions of Talas, household items of the Bronze Age and decorations of nomadic tribes of the beginning of our era, ancient coins. Ethnographic collections deserve special attention: embroidery and national costumes, richly decorated horse harness, felt and woolen carpets, clay and straw products. At the Museum of Fine Arts, you can delve into the intricacies of the installation and internal layout of a traditional yurt, see the national carpets "shyrdaks" and other felt products, and also enjoy the paintings of Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Russian artists. Nostalgic for the Soviet era can go to the Frunze Museum and visit the Sculpture Park with an exposition on the theme "Peace and Labor".

At the Museum of Fine Arts, you can delve into the intricacies of the installation and interior layout of a traditional yurt, as well as see the national carpets "shyrdaks".

Popular parks in Bishkek: Oak Park and Panfilov Park, Kemal Ataturk Park, Erkindik Avenue, planted with oaks and silvery poplars, Young Guard Boulevard.

In the vicinity of the city, it is worth visiting the natural park "Baityk Valley" and climbing Mount Boz-Peldek, which offers a beautiful view of Bishkek. At the southern slope of the mountain there is a cemetery "Khan's graves", where the legendary ruler of the valley is buried. Pay attention to the forged tower with a magnificent dome. You can see rare plants in the Chon-Aryk botanical reserve, and improve your health at the peat mud deposit in the village of Kamyshanovka.

Many travel agencies in Russia undeservedly ignore such a direction as Kyrgyzstan. But in vain! This Asian country, the birthplace of Genghis Khan, is not inferior to others in terms of the abundance of historical and natural attractions. On its territory are the Tien Shan (in translation - "heavenly mountains"). The ranges of the Pamirs also stretched across Kyrgyzstan. Issyk-Kul is located here - an alpine lake with the purest water. Hot sulfuric springs flow here, which return a second youth, give health. The Asian flavor is not diluted here by depersonalizing globalization. Felt carpets, yurts, horse races, plov and koumiss are all features of everyday life. Rest in Kyrgyzstan can be mountainous, beach, wellness. And it will always be exciting and comfortable. In this Asian country, there are many decent hotels with a European level of service. But in this article we will consider only the capital of the state - the city of Bishkek.


This blessed land was mastered by people a long time ago. Archaeologists have discovered the remains of dwellings that date back to the 5th millennium BC. But the settlement on the site of modern Bishkek arose in the 7th century after the birth of Christ. It appeared at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road and the road leading from the central Tien Shan. However, the name of the settlement was not Bishkek, but Jul, and Kyrgyzstan was not yet on the world map at that time. By the 16th century it had lost its significance. The cities standing there began to vegetate, the inhabitants began to leave them. This fate befell Jules. The whole area between the rivers Alamedin and Ala-Archi turned into a pasture.

In 1825, the Kokand Khan Madali founded the Pishpek fortress here. In 1860, the Russians began to lay siege to the stronghold, and two years later they destroyed it to the ground. However, barracks for the garrison were built in its place, and people continued to settle under the protection of the citadel. The settlement received city status in 1878. In 1926, Pishpek was renamed Frunze, in honor of the Soviet commander and native of the city. But with independence in 1991, the old, at least slightly changed name was returned to the city.

Where is Bishkek on the map of Kyrgyzstan

The city of Frunze did not immediately become the capital. He acquired this status only in 1936. And before that, it was the administrative center of the Kyrgyz Autonomous Region. Why is the name of the city - Bishkek? The capital of Kyrgyzstan, according to one version, is named after the legendary hero who lived in this area in the 18th century. Bishkek-Batyr gained fame as the Kirghiz Robin Hood. And the word "bishkek" itself is translated as "a club for whipping koumiss." Now it is almost a million people - in 2014 its population was 901 thousand inhabitants. The city is located in the north of the country, only twenty-five kilometers from the Kazakh border. Even in summer there is no heat here. After all, the city is located in the foothills of the Tien Shan at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level. Forty kilometers to the south lies the majestic Kyrgyz Range.

How to get there

There are daily regular flights from Moscow to Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). From Domodedovo, the planes of the airline "Kyrgyzstan" take off, and from Sheremetyevo-F - "Aeroflot". In addition, you can fly to Bishkek from Novosibirsk aboard the S7. The international airport of the capital of Kyrgyzstan is called Manas. It is located twenty-three kilometers from the city. The most convenient way to get from the airport is by taxi - this type of transport is relatively inexpensive. Bishkek is also a developed railway junction. You can get here by train from Kazakhstan. This is a convenient transshipment point to then get to other cities of the country: Kar, Osh, Balykchi, Naryn or Karakol.

Public transport

Small minibuses for 10-12 seats run around the city itself. It is enough to wave your hand in front of an approaching car, hand over the money to the driver and name your drop-off point. You can rent a car, including with a driver. Even more budget transport - trolleybuses and buses. But they stop running at nine in the evening. It is important to know that after independence, the street map of Bishkek is very outdated. You need to know the new name of your destination. But the people in Bishkek are responsive, and if you get lost, do not hesitate to ask passers-by for directions. With the hospitality characteristic of oriental people, you will not only be prompted the right way, but will also be led to the right place. Although it is difficult to get lost in the city - the streets are laid in a checkerboard pattern for better ventilation and ditches.


Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country, besides, it is located far from the big seas, so the climate here is continental. The off-season is short. You can admire the spring, the flowering of mountain poppies and tulips for just a couple of weeks. located in the foothills, protected from the northern cold winds. It is not too cold here in winter. Even in January - the coldest month of the year - there is an average of + 2 ° C during the day. The mountain sun and cloudless weather make the city a real climatic resort. But with the onset of twilight, the air begins to cool rapidly. Even in summer, in a couple of hours, the thermometer can drop from +31 to +14°C. Therefore, getting out into the street in the evening, do not forget to take warm clothes with you.

Bishkek city map

Back in 1938, three administrative districts were established in the capital: Sverdlovsky, Pervomaisky and Proletarsky. In 1962, the latter was renamed Leninsky. Twelve years later, the capital acquired a fourth territorial unit - the Oktyabrsky urban district. After the declaration of independence of Kyrgyzstan, the system of governance changed radically. Now the mayor is standing. His power balances the kenesh. This local government can be compared to our city council. Kenesh and the mayor appoint akims - these are the heads of districts. They form and head the executive authorities - akimats. Currently, the number of administrative units of the city has not increased. There are still four of them. But the districts of Bishkek have grown very much. So, Leninsky includes the urban-type settlements of Chon-Aryk, Orto-Sai and Manas.


Whatever the purpose of your stay in the country: trekking in the mountains, river rafting, horse riding, recovery in mud baths or mineral water resorts, stay for a couple of days in the city of Bishkek. is an attraction in itself. You can just wander through the avenues and squares of the city to see this. You will surely be surprised by the European appearance of Bishkek. The fact is that the plan of the city, with a chess-and-nesting arrangement of streets, was invented by the Russian military command, and the Czechoslovak artel "Intergelpo" was actively engaged in building in the 20s of the last century. Therefore, many buildings were built in the Art Nouveau style popular at that time. Over the past two decades, the city has been adorned with new monuments. On the central square of Ala-Too, Lenin was replaced by the original Statue of Liberty. You need to see the Opera House, the Parliament building, the sculptural group Manas and visit the changing of the guard of honor at the State Flagpole.

Museums and parks

Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, is not only the largest city in the country. It is also the main cultural center. There are many museums, theaters, and an art gallery. We recommend visiting the Historical Museum. Its exposition contains the richest collection of artifacts of the Bronze Age, ancient coins that were in circulation on the territory of the Silk Road, household items and jewelry of the nomadic tribes of the Kyrgyz. Runic inscriptions from Talas and rock carvings from the Saimaluu-Tash camp deserve special attention. The Museum of Fine Arts, in addition to paintings by Kyrgyz, Russian and Uzbek masters, contains an interesting ethnographic collection in its collection. Here you can see a complete reconstruction of a traditional yurt with interior decoration, shyrdak carpets, national clothes and shoes, richly decorated horse harness. And those who are nostalgic for a bygone era will find a lot of interesting things for themselves in the Museum of the city of Frunze. The residents themselves call Bishkek the Green City. Even in the greatest heat, you can hide in the dense shade of Young Guard Boulevard and Erkindik Avenue lined with silvery poplars and century-old oaks. You can see rare plants in the Botanical Garden, relax among the cool alleys of Oak Panfilov, Chingiz Aitmatov or Kemal Ataturk.


The largest store in the city - TSUM - is located on Chui Avenue. However, the shopping process should not be limited only to them. Cute boutiques and art galleries are scattered throughout the city, where you can buy beautiful souvenirs at affordable prices. However, most of the points of interest to the tourist-shopper are focused in the center, in the square of Chui, Manas avenues and Bokonbaev street. Antique shops, jewelry workshops, fashion boutiques, shops with traditional embroidery and ceramics alternate with each other. Mostly beautiful felt carpets “shyrdaks”, the national headdress “kalpak”, bloomers, robes “ichken”, jewelry, leather goods are brought from Kyrgyzstan. Markets should not be ignored. The bazaars of Osh, Dordoi and Ak-Emir are very colorful. Even if you do not buy anything, going there can be considered a full-fledged excursion to the world of the East.

What to try

Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) is characterized by the fact that in the local restaurants and teahouses you can taste dishes from all regions of the country. Get ready for the fact that you have to drink a considerable amount of tea - this drink begins and ends the meal. It is served with dried fruits or pastries without fail. Pork is not eaten in a Muslim country, but lamb, poultry, beef and horse meat are eaten in abundance. Be sure to try the most important Kyrgyz dish - beshbarmak - special large noodles with young lamb meat. The name of the dish is translated as "5 fingers", because it is eaten with five fingers. Also, the hallmark of the gastronomy of Kyrgyzstan is chuchuk. Some dishes of national cuisine can shock a Slav. So, sheep's eyes, brain and cheeks are delicacies. Koumiss - fermented mare's milk - is a traditional drink of nomads. Shoro is also sold everywhere. This drink resembles kvass, but is made from unripe wheat grains. The Kyrgyz borrowed many dishes from neighboring Uzbekistan, giving them their own flavor and sound. So, you need to try the local shurpa and Osh plov.


What should a tourist arriving in Bishkek know? Recreation according to the highest standard is provided for you in the hotels Hyatt, Dostuk, Ala-Too, Zhannat, Ak-Keme, Ysyk-Kel and others. In the vicinity of Bishkek, you should visit the "Khan's Graves" (an ancient cemetery), the Chon-Aryk reserve, climb Mount Boz-Peldek. If the purpose of your visit is recovery, then you need to take a course of body wraps in the mud baths, which is located in the village of Kamyshanovka. And in an hour or a little more drive from the city, mountain gorges against the backdrop of snow-capped peaks await lovers of outdoor activities.

The city of Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, is located in the Chui valley near the northern foot of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too at an altitude of 700-900 meters above sea level. The ancestor of Bishkek was the Pishpek fortress, built in 1825. This fortification guarded the caravan routes that stretched from Tashkent through the Chui valley to the Issyk-Kul lake.

This fortification was destroyed after the battle with Russian troops and Kokand invaders and became part of the Russian Empire. In 1897, there were only 6.5 thousand inhabitants in Pishpek. Pre-revolutionary Pishpek looked like an ordinary village with adobe houses, and only with the advent of Soviet power did the city begin to develop.

In 1926, the city was renamed in honor of the revolutionary Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, who was born here. In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the city was returned to its former name in a new interpretation - Bishkek. According to experts, "bishkek" means a stick for whipping koumiss. Koumiss is a national drink made from mare's milk.

Bishkek is the largest city in Kyrgyzstan, with a population of over 1 million people. More than 80 nationalities and nationalities live here. The main language of interethnic communication is Russian.

The city has many interesting places to visit. There are several large museums in Bishkek. These are such museums as the Historical Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum named after M.V. Frunze. In the center of the city there are the Opera and Ballet Theater, Russian Drama Theatre. Ch. Aitmatova, Kyrgyz Drama Theatre, Bishkek City Drama Theatre, State Philharmonic named after. T. Satylganova.

There are many places preserved here that remind of the history of the city. Bishkek remembers history and will gladly tell it to those who visit the small but cozy and hospitable capital of Kyrgyzstan.

I visited a lot of cities that are in Central Asia. I also visited Bishkek. This city is undeniably beautiful, many buildings of the “that” era have been preserved here (I’m talking about the times of the USSR), there are also many interesting sights here.

Bishkek is located in Central Asia

Don't expect it to be a modern metropolis stuffed with skyscrapers and malls. This story is not about the capital of Kyrgyzstan, and in addition, this city is located in a mountainous area, so in principle it is impossible to build especially tall buildings here. Not far from Bishkek there are:

  • Lake Issyk-Kul;
  • Tien Shan mountains;
  • Lake Son-Kul.

The territory of Bishkek itself is quite small, only one hundred and twenty-seven square kilometers. This is about fifteen times smaller than Moscow. So, if you wish, you can safely walk around the capital of Kyrgyzstan on foot up and down. But despite such a small size, almost one million people live in this city. The nearest large settlement to Bishkek is Almaty. It is only two hundred and thirty-five kilometers away.

Climate in the capital of Kyrgyzstan

It is worth saying that this city is located in the Chui valley, and around it is the Ala-Too ridge (it stretches all the way to the Moiynkun desert). Bishkek itself is located at an altitude of seven hundred and sixty meters above sea level. The climate in these places is sharply continental.

January is considered the coldest month here. At this time, the temperature here can drop to minus ten degrees, there is also snow. Well, the warmest month in Bishkek is July. The average temperature of this month is thirty-two degrees with a plus sign.

Where to eat in Bishkek

There are a lot of places in this city where you can try the local cuisine. I really liked the restaurant "Supara". The place is very authentic, the institution is located in a Kyrgyz yurt. As for drinks, I recommend trying bozo, but you can eat lagman and manti. I also advise you to visit the Faiza cafe. The interior here is very simple, without frills. But the food here is quite tasty and reasonably priced. Here I tasted the famous chuchvara for the first time.

Helpful1 Not very good


Probably the most delicious chebureks are prepared in Bishkek. It was from there that I brought the secret recipe for thin dough and juicy toppings. I won’t reveal the secret of the recipe, but I’ll be happy to tell you about the city itself. :)

What is the city of Bishkek and where is it located

Bishkek is a green and young-spirited city in Kyrgyzstan. It is also its capital. The boulevards of Bishkek are planted with centuries-old oaks and poplars.

The population of the city looks very different. Next to the old men in colored robes and skullcaps march half-naked girls. Such a mixture of styles is not surprising for a long time. :)

The nearest neighbors of Bishkek are:

  • Kazakhstan (at a distance of 25 km);
  • foothills of the Tien Shan;
  • Kyrgyz ridge.

The city is located in the mysterious Chui valley in the north of the country.

Bishkek cannot be called a very modern city, but it is beautiful with its pre-revolutionary architecture. The city is just beginning to be built up with now fashionable shopping centers and various entertainment venues.

Is Bishkek interesting for tourists

Definitely yes. In addition to architecture, Bishkek impresses with the beauty of its mountain nature.

And the Ala-Archa National Park is proof of that. Here you can find a transparent waterfall, a glacier and a huge number of beautiful plants: shrubs, flowers and trees.

Many plants of the park are ornamental, melliferous and medicinal.

Entrance to the park is paid. Ala-Archa has been open for tourists since 1951. Special convenient paths run through the park, from which the most successful view of the mountain landscapes opens.

On the territory of the park, you can try yourself as a climber - for this, a whole climbing base is open here.

Shopping in Bishkek

Bishkek has a lot of markets and shops selling unique handicrafts and souvenirs purely with Kyrgyz symbols. The most famous shopping areas among tourists are:

Useful0 Not very


This summer I had one very interesting and exotic trip. I had never been to Bishkek before, but I was very enthusiastic about the opportunity to fill this gap. To my shame, I knew little about Bishkek, and where Bishkek is, I knew only approximately, well, except that it is located in Kyrgyzstan and is the capital of this country.

Where is Bishkek located

Bishkek is located in the northern part of Kyrgyzstan, not far from the border with Kazakhstan. Thanks to the Chui valley, in which the city is located, there is a very favorable climate. There is no such unbearable heat as in other regions. It has warm winters and hot summers, and the air is quite humid.

Two rivers flow through the city: Ala-Archa and Alamedin. And Bishkek completely crosses the Big Chui Canal.

Bishkek is located relatively close to two large cities of Kazakhstan - Almaty and Taraz.

And Bishkek is located at the foot of the Tien Shan, about forty kilometers from the Kyrgyz Range. The city is located at an altitude of about seven hundred meters above sea level.

Useful information about Bishkek

I really liked Bishkek. It's nice when a nice guide constantly accompanies. Yes, I am lucky that my old friend lives in this city, whom I saw for the first time in several years.

According to local legends, the name of this beautiful city comes from the local hero Bishkek-Batyr, about whose exploits there are many stories. But there is another legend, according to which the name of the city of Bishkek comes from the term "bishkek", which in the local dialect means a club or a stick in order to mix koumiss.

If we talk about the city itself, then its population is about a million inhabitants. The city is divided into four districts:

  • Oktyabrsky district;
  • Pervomaisky district;
  • Sverdlovsk region;
  • Leninsky district.

In Bishkek, you can travel by trolleybuses, buses, minibuses or taxis. My companion told me that the construction of a subway will soon begin in the city, which should put an end to the transport problem.

The city is very clean, beautiful and green. No wonder it has nine large parks and gardens.

Useful0 Not very


The city of Bishkek is located in the Chui valley at the northern foot of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too on a sloping plain, at an altitude of 700-900 m above sea level.

The fortress became the ancestor of Bishkek Pishpek, which arose in 1825 - a fortification that guarded the caravan routes stretching from Tashkent through the entire Chui valley to Issyk-Kul.

After the battle with the Russian tsarist troops and the Kokand conquerors, this fortification was destroyed and began to belong to the outlying lands of the Russian Empire. In 1897, there were only 6.6 thousand inhabitants in Pishpek.

Pre-revolutionary Pishpek looked more like a dusty village with adobe houses. With the advent of Soviet power, the city began to develop rapidly. In 1926, it was renamed in honor of the revolutionary and commander M.V. Frunze. In 1991, the city was returned to its old name in a new interpretation - Bishkek. According to experts, "bishkek" means - a stick for whipping koumiss - a national drink made from sour mare's milk.

Bishkek is one of the largest cities in Central Asia and the largest city in Kyrgyzstan with a population of more than 800 thousand people, multinational - more than 80 nationalities and nationalities. The main language of interethnic communication is Russian.

There are many places for leisure activities in the city. There are several major museums here, the most interesting of which are Historical Museum located on the "Old Square", a museum Fine Arts, State Memorial Museum. M.V. Frunze. The city center is full of posters Opera and Ballet Theater, Russian and Kyrgyz Drama Theatres, Bishkek City Drama Theater, State Philharmonic named after T. Satylganova.

Many places reminiscent of the history of the city have been preserved here. Bishkek is the only city in Central Asia where the Central Square has preserved monument to V.I. Lenin. Bishkek remembers its history and will gladly tell it to anyone who wants to visit a small but cozy capital.

In addition, in Bishkek we are interested in such places: central park, Ala-Too, madrasah of Abdulkasym, mass grave in oak park, "Manas" complex, Panfilov park and its fountains, the Kyrgyz State Historical Museum, the National Museum of Fine Arts. Aitiev, the A. Tokombaev Museum, the Toktogul Museum of Literature and Art, the Zoological Museum, the Museum of Mineralogy and the State Art Museum.

We are also interested in several places outside the city: Lake Issyk-Ata; Chunkurchak Gorge, Alamedinskoye thermal water deposit, State Botanical Reserve, etc.