Dianetics is modern. Reactive Mind Solution

For thousands of years, man continued to conquer the physical universe with great difficulty, but he knew almost nothing about his most important weapon, about his most valuable asset - the human mind. Despite the fact that there was an obstacle in the form of ignorance, man made progress, but this ignorance led to the fact that he suffers from madness and disease and, most importantly, he is threatened with the destruction of everything he created, if a new one breaks out. war.

Dianetics is the science of thought. The word "Dianetics" comes from the Greek word dianous (from dia - through and nous - "mind" or "soul"). Dianetics includes all reliable data related to thinking. The workings of the human mind and knowledge itself (far simpler things than man previously thought) appear in Dianetics as a system of knowledge that can be used by any person with some mental ability.

No civilization can move forward on the road to stable, lasting survival without a firm and confident grasp of the kind of knowledge found in Dianetics. This is true, because Dianetics, if applied skillfully, delivers exactly what it promises. As far as man is concerned, it can prevent or relieve mental illnesses, neuroses, compulsions and obsessions, and give him physical health by removing the underlying cause of about seventy percent of human diseases. In the family sphere, with the help of Dianetics, greater agreement and harmony can be achieved. As far as nations or smaller groups, such as industry, Dianetics is able to improve governance so much that all these deplorably flawed ideologies for which people fight and die with such frightening zeal can be thrown aside, since we have the actual technology. .

Dianetics extends its influence to everything. At the heart of any human undertakings is human behavior and human thinking. Once a person has an answer to these basic riddles, there is almost nothing left that is ultimately unresolved.

However, for some, Dianetics is something strange and frightening. It penetrates into so many areas and activities, bringing enlightenment there, that it cannot but find and expose those who profit from ignorance and repression and whose exceptional importance is based only on the ability to control other people. What will become of the leader of a revolutionary movement who, by sowing the seeds of hatred and prejudice, overthrows the government, when his troops suddenly realize that the ideology he preaches is outdated and unsuitable for today? What will happen to an organization that existed to treat people (but didn't) for some terrible disease that Dianetics cures with ease? Where then this organization will take appropriations? What about the practitioner who has spent twelve long years studying to become an expert in exorcising demons from insane people, and who unexpectedly learns that after a few weeks of studying Dianetics, any savvy person can get much better results, without causing such harm, How is he?

Dianetics, suddenly appearing among the conflicting, ignorant theories of madness, sickness, hatred and war, plunges into sheer panic those who profit from conflict situations. After every war, a huge number of generals find themselves in the ranks of the unemployed. It can be said that Dianetics is the beginning of the end of the war which man leads with obscurity and ignorance in matters related to his own mind - and many "generals" see their stars begin to dim.

What happens to any field of activity, the source material for which is exclusively unsystematic observations, when natural laws are introduced into it, which, as can be shown, are exact and unchanging? You can't argue with natural laws. The scientist who studies the inanimate nature (tamed centuries ago, unlike his colleagues in the humanities), has at least learned to accept the evidence received through the senses. But the "scientist" - the humanities - has never been taught logic, mathematics, or even scientific methodology. He is a pretender who has settled in the backyard of the sciences of inanimate nature, hoping to bask in the rays of the glory that Newton stood at the origins of.

Because of this, Dianetics is besieged on all sides by many notorious pretenders with their "Indian marshroot oil". They made a profit from the sale of this oil, and a fabulous profit, and those who sold it for them are also in no way going to quietly turn off their trays.

Perhaps the current generation is too ignorant to understand the new science. If so, it would be very unfortunate, because atomic bombs can cause great damage to people, destroy cities and even destroy entire cultures. Perhaps the peddlers of crazy ideologies and destructive therapies are too rich, too powerful, and too selfish to let a ray of hope fall on the dark stage our generation is on. Perhaps Dianetics will only be widely applied tomorrow, if that tomorrow comes.

In 1950, Dianetics had to prove its worth, and it did. Greater tolerance was thus shown for such demands, since none of the currently existing "logies" relating to the human mind has ever been confirmed and they have never been required to do so.

To put it bluntly, established therapies don't work. Their results are almost no different from those that would be obtained if no therapy was carried out at all. What kind of society do we live in, if pretense is taken for something effective, despite all the facts that contradict it!

Dianetics works. No one who has spent any time at the Dianetics Center has the slightest doubt about this. It works even when used by relatively inexperienced people. She works wonders every day. And this is not so strange, because Dianetics is the fundamental knowledge of human activity.

However, Dianetics is not psychotherapy or medicine dealing with psychosomatic illnesses.. Those who need these kinds of things find that Dianetics works quickly and effectively in these areas, so they think it's psychotherapy. Those who have been invaded by Dianetics would like to see it outlawed before their wonderful "marsh root oil" is discredited.

From a long-term perspective, Preventive Dianetics is more important to humanity than Dianetic Processing. Group Dianetics is more important to our war-torn society than all the arthritis remedies put together.

Dianetics is the science that studies the fundamentals of human thought. It considers human activity and brings previously disparate knowledge into the system.

Dianetics has a basic goal, a worthy goal that cannot be discounted or brushed aside because some charlatan is left without a source of income or some revolutionary fails to realize his crazy idea. The goal of Dianetics is a mentally healthy world free of madness, crime and war. If our generation lives to the time when it can take up the task of describing history, then let it dedicate one page with painful feeling to those who, in this chaotic and dark age, sought, out of self-interest and hatred, to stifle truly humanistic science.

The goal of Dianetics is mental health, and only madmen can prevent it.

L. Ron Hubbard: SELF-ANALYSIS A Practical Guide to Self-Improvement


A simple self-help book containing tests and techniques based on the findings of Dianetics.

Don't listen too hard to whowill tell you that this system will notwork. Such a person cannot feelhimself safe if the people around him becometoo strong. A wise man checksbefore speaking. And the critic only followstransient fashion cynical, and imbuedapathy of the century. You have the right to yourpersonal opinion. This system worksor not - you will see from your own experience.No authority in everything Christian the world is not subject to change the laws of nature.

This is the most useful book you will ever have. The Science of Survival book, based on the Hubbard Table of Human Evaluation, contains a method for accurately predicting human behavior - such a method has never existed before. The Human Rating Chart lists all of the manifestations by which one's survival potential can be judged, from highest to lowest, making The Science of Survival the definitive guide to the Tone Scale. Knowing only one or two characteristics of a person, you can use this table to establish his position on the Tone Scale and find out what his other characteristics are - this will allow you to determine exactly what this person is, how he will behave and how his character. Previously, people were convinced that the state of cases could not improve, that it could only get worse. The Science of Survival book also talks about how a person's case can be in different states, and also - and this is a completely new idea - that a person can climb the Tone Scale. Thus, the basis of the modern Table of steps is laid here.

Science of Survival - 1951

Dianetics, a method of spiritual healing: the most effective doctrine of the mind.

Word Dianetics means "through the mind." It comes from the Greek "dia" - "through" and "noos" - "soul", "mind". A more detailed understanding of this word is "how the mind affects the body."

Dianetics is a method of controlling the energy that makes up life in order to increase the efficiency of the body and the spiritual activity of a person.

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Dianetics Initial Theses - 1948

Audiobook Dianetics - 1950

L. Ron Hubbard: DIANETICS 55! Guide to Effective Communication

What obstacles exist in communication and understanding?

Obstacles in communication can cause the destruction of the family, failure in marital or business relationships. Man is as alive as he can be communicate!

Dianetics- this is the most effective technology for working with the mind that a person has. In the book "Dianetics 55!" L. Ron Hubbard takes this technology a step further by offering you fundamental knowledge that you can use to gain a greater understanding of life and increase your abilities.

"Dianetics 55!" includes the incredible discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard, which are the basic principles of communication. Discover how you can use the information in this book to:

– Make your communication easy for other people to understand and gain the ability to convey your ideas to people.

- Learn the secrets of effective communication.

– Increase your ability and competence to live a happier and more successful life.

Dianetics gives you the tools you need to break down the barriers to communication and understanding in your life and realize your full potential.





Many people look at science as an icon. In fact, science, by definition, is just an organized system of facts, seemingly unrelated, that combines these facts into a single whole that has practical application. Organized according to certain fundamental axioms (which can be found in the appendix*), Dianetics is a system of knowledge with practical application by which the riddle of man and his behavior can be solved.

The goal of the search for the energy of life, begun in 1930, was partly achieved with the discovery of the lowest common denominator of existence - the command "Survive!".


L. Ron Hubbard: An Introduction to Scientology Ethics

Can you remove the obstacle from the path to freedom?

At man has never had the opportunity to deal with the consequences of his bad deeds or to say with certainty what decisions will provide a wonderful future.

But now this possibility exists.

You can learn the technology of ethics given in this book and walk the road to freedom with confidence.

What is described in this book is not something that another person does for you. This is your own business. Study this data carefully and apply it to be your own guide and stay true to your own goals.

The world can get pretty wild, but with a full understanding of Scientology ethics and justice, you'll know for sure. How to bring order to your life and the lives of those around you.

Apply the knowledge contained in the book An Introduction to Scientology Ethics and you will always succeed.



L. Ron Hubbard: Handbook for Preclears

L. Ron Hubbard: Handbook for Preclears

by itself will give you more than it could have given in June 1951, much less in June 1950. It includes the results of two more years of intensive work and research. If at any point this text or these processes disagree with the data contained in books or other materials that appeared before December 1951, the data in this book, and not in the earlier work, are correct. The development proceeded very consistently, but sometimes it happens that a person who studies this subject superficially is not able to trace the logic of development.

Ruth Minshull: How to Choose Your People (1972, How to choose your people) - a visual description of the scale of emotional tones with life examples.

Brutally realistic yet inspiring, this book completely exposes all of us while at the same time giving us hope and guidance for the future.

Find out the real truth about the wit, the hard-core alcoholic, the drug addict, the man with the irresistible urge to gamble, and the "nice" man who has such a depressing effect on you.
Learn how to deal with the people you didn't choose to deal with.
Learn how to help yourself and others by maintaining a natural “high”.

A book for a student and a parent, a businessman and an artist, an unemployed person and a social leader, a person in love and a disappointed person - and for anyone who has neighbors.
It also contains information that is especially useful for writers, salespeople, teachers, actors, executives, attorneys, and human resources managers.

Ruth Minshull: Miracles at Breakfast (1973, Miracles for Breakfast) - about the upbringing of children.

When you want to bring order to something, first there is disorder, and then it disappears. If you want to bring order to a society or any part of it, there will be disorder for a while.

The trick is to keep goingintroduce order and then the disorder will go awayand……but if you hate clutterand only fight the mess, you neveryou won't be able to put things in order.

L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology.New Look at Life.

Remembering what state the kitchen was in the last time you decided to do a general cleaning, you will understand what I'm talking about.

This can happen in your family if, one evening, you decide to completely change the way you raise your child. He may become more reactive than the day before. He will try to push all your buttons (and he will recognize them). But don't lose your cool.

Of course, you will have difficulties if yourthe child has already been trained, controlled,pushed around, denied his property. On thehalfway through you change your tactics. You are tryinggive him freedom. But he's so suspicious

in relation to you, what will come for himhard time, he will try to adjust.

The transition period will be difficult. But, at the endin the end, you will get a well-managed,a sociable child who cares about you, and thatvery important - who will love you very much.L.Ron Hubbard, Scientology:New Look at Life.

Ruth Minshull: Ups and Downs ( Ups & Downs) - o state AI of a potential source of trouble and its correction and

“The first time it happened shortly after my partner and I started our own business,” said the young director. “I worked hard, but I liked it. Money flowed like a river. I played my favorite game. And then I suddenly fell into a depression. I got mad at everyone, my appetite got worse and I started smoking more. After that, my stomach began to bother me, and wild headaches appeared. My doctor gave me a full examination - blood tests, urine tests - everything. He couldn't find anything that was out of order. "It's nerves," he told me. A week later, I felt great again. I got back into the saddle and everything was going great. But I often fall into this state. I have to leave for several days on my yacht, completely alone. It usually puts me right again.”

Here are the fundamental discoveries that Ron used to get the first Clears, the discoveries that made it possible for the technology to be developed so that it could be used by every person, which was the beginning of the clearing of the planet. These discoveries are only described in Dianetics: Initial Theses.

Audiobook Dianetics: Initial Theses 1948, L. Ron Hubbard FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY Lecture Series, L. Ron Hubbard's WESTERN CONGRESS Lecture Series, CD Health and Confidence - 1955, L. Ron Hubbard FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY , INTRODUCTION TO DIANETICS by L. Ron Hubbard CD, HISTORY OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY L. Ron Hubbard CD, GAMES by L. Ron Hubbard CD, TRAINING AND EDUCATION by L. Ron Hubbard CD, RESPONSIBILITY: HOW TO CREATE THE THIRD DYNAMIC L. Ron Hubbard CD, HOW TO CONTROL HYSTERIA L. Ron Hubbard CD, L. Ron Hubbard's CHILDREN'S SCIENTOLOGY CD, L. Ron Hubbard's THIRD DYNAMIC PROJECT CD, POSTULATE COMING FROM THE GOLDEN AGE L. Ron Hubbard CD, MAN'S NEEDED SEARCH L. Ron Hubbard CD, 1956 Confrontation L. Ron Hubbard, Code of Scientology CD, LEADERSHIP L. Ron Hubbard, 1956 - Salvation CD - mp3 L. Ron Hub bard, CD Money Classic lectures, Anatomy of human problems CD – mp3 31 August 1956, CD Miracles”. L. Ron Hubbard, State of Knowledge CD - mp3 March 16, 1955, The Soul: Good or Bad? CD - mp3, Wrong action is inaction, Dianetics Professional Course Lectures, Mind Machines, Source of Life Energy, FREEDOM CONGRESS. WASHINGTON. JULY 1957, Human Condition Congress, Anatomy of the Human Spirit Congress, Capability Congress, Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress, Clean Hands Congress, Clearing Congress, Clearing Success Congress, Games Congress, London Congress on Human Problems, London Congress on Propagation and aid, London Clearing Congress, London Congress on Nuclear Radiation, Control and Health, Success Congress, Theta Clear Congress, Washington Anti-Radiation and Confrontation Congress, Processing Universes Congress, L. RON HUBBARD. PHILADELPHIA DOCTOR, L. RON HUBBARD. PHOENIX LECTURES, 1949 - Dianetics original theses, 1951 - Life Continuum, 1951 - Science of Survival, 1952 - Scientology First Milestone, 1952 - Technique 88, 1953 - Factors, 1954 - Processing of Universes, 1966 - PIN-PL, Classic Lecture "History Dianetics and Scientology, The Road to Truth Classic Lecture, The Future of Scientology and Western Civilization Classic Lecture, The Conquered Territory Classic Lecture, Something Can Be Done About It, The Loss of Freedom Classic Lecture, 560817- Confusion and Stable Data, 561122 Loss of Freedom, Introduction to Dianetics, Origins of Scientology 1, History of Dianetics and Scientology, The Future of Scientology and Western Civilization, Scientology and Effective Knowledge, How to Solve Stuck Cases, The Hope of Humanity Conquered Territory, Org Board and Life Activities, Para-Scientology, Miracles , You can do something with this, A free being, Can we be friends, Loss of freedom, What can Dianetics do, Can you h Do Something, Can We Be Friends, Professional Mutual Auditing Course mp3


The dynamic principle of existence is "Survive!"

Survival, taken as the only goal is subdivided into four dynamics.

First dynamic - it is the desire of man to survive for the sake of himself and his symbiotes. (By "symbiotes" is meant everything that exists and energy, everything that helps to survive).

The second dynamic it is the desire of man to survive by reproduction; it includes sex, raising children, caring for them and their symbiotes.

Third dynamic - it is the human desire for survival for kin groups, or the survival of the groups themselves and their symbiotes.

Fourth dynamic - it is human's desire for survival for humanity, humanity's desire for the survival of humanity, and groups for humanity, etc. and includes humanity's symbiotes.

Absolute Goal survival - immortality or infinite survival. A person strives to survive as an organism, his own spirit or name in his children, in the group of which he is a member, in all of humanity, in offspring and in other symbiotes.

The reward for survival actions is pleasure.

Axioms of Dianetics

The punishment for destructive actions is death or cessation of survival, that is pain.

Successes increase the survival potential towards infinity.

Failure lowers the survival potential towards death.

The human mind is concerned with the perception and storage of information, making or calculating inferences, formulating and resolving problems relating to the organism on all four dynamics. The purpose of perception, storage, inference, and problem solving is to guide your organism, symbiotes, other organisms, and symbiotes along the four dynamics toward survival.

Intelligence - is the ability to comprehend, pose and solve problems

Dynamics - it is vitality, vigor and perseverance in survival.

And dynamics, and intelligence necessary to achieve something; none of these factors is constant, passing from person to person and from group to group.

Speakers suppressed by engrams that come their way and dissipate the life force.

Intelligence suppressed by engrams that introduce incorrect or misjudged information into the analytical mind.

L. Ron Hubbard







Doctor of Medicine, PhD, psychophysiologist, honorary director of the practical school of higher education (Paris):

“Dianetics is a gentle scientific approach that enables a person to illuminate his inner world and free himself from the conflicts hiding deep in it. The use of Dianetics will convince you of this."


The French actor, who recently starred in the film "Octopus":

“The revival of my sense of independence began with Dianetics. The self-confidence, peace and joy she gave me is amazing. Living is an adventure."


Famous American actor, played in such films as "GRIS", "URBAN COWBOY", "LOOK WHO IS TALKING":

“In January 1975 I was working on my first film in Mexico; there I met an actress who gave me the book DIANETICS to read. She had several auditing sessions with me during the five weeks that filming was going on. That's when I started doing Dianetics because it worked! I have found a tool that helps me solve my life's problems, but I also use it to help others.


"With the help of Dianetics, a person's self-awareness is increased without the use of drugs, hypnosis or other physical means, and he himself is able to find the root cause of his problems."


Philosophy professor whose books are studied in French schools:

“The work of L. Ron Hubbard is entirely directed towards the improvement of man. It is a strong, open and optimistic mindset that looks to the future.”


World famous opera singer and actress:

"Dianetics taught me how to be and stay happy, helped me get rid of my problems, fear, aggressiveness and other things that oppress a person."


1987 world champion in auto racing in the C-2 class (Le Mans):

“I used to be a professional race car driver, but I retired from motorsport. I began to practice Dianetics and through study and auditing I was able to regain my purpose in life and return to my profession. My opportunities have increased, I began to feel more confident in life. As a result, I won the 24-hour race at Le Mans. Without Dianetics, I would never have been able to achieve this and find happiness in life."


Bass guitarist of the rock band “MR.BIG,

“I have been practicing Dianetics for 21 years. All this time I have worked hard to turn my dreams into reality. Life is not easy, sometimes it is cruel, even evil. But I've seen the worst dilemmas solved with Dianetics technology - it's like a miracle. But it's not a miracle, it's Dianetics."


When reading this book, never skip words that you do not quite understand.

The only reason why a person stops studying a subject, does not understand what is being said, or simply is not able to study, is a missing word, the meaning of which is not clear to him.

Feelings of confusion and failure in the assimilation of the subject occur immediately AFTER the misunderstood word.

Has it ever happened to you that when you reach the bottom of a page, you suddenly realize that you don't remember what you just read about? This means that earlier on this page you missed a word whose meanings you either did not know at all or knew its incorrect definition.

Take, for example, the phrase: “Children were found to be calmer during crepuscle, while they were more animated when they were not.” See what happens: the whole sentence seems unclear to you, while in fact your misunderstanding was due solely to one word that you did not understand - “crepuscle”, which means “twilight” or “darkness”.

The words you need to look up in the dictionary will not necessarily be new or unusual. Your interpretation of the simplest word may turn out to be incorrect, which will cause misunderstanding.

The simple truth of not skipping misunderstood words is the most important thing in all learning. Every item you started and dropped contained words you didn't know the meaning of.

Therefore, while reading this book, never skip over misunderstood words. If the material seems confusing and difficult, you are bound to find the misunderstood word before you stop understanding. Do not rush to move on, but go back, BEFORE the place where the material seemed difficult, find the misunderstood word and look up its meaning in the dictionary.


To help readers, some of the most difficult and new words are placed in footnotes on the pages where they first appeared. Other definitions of these concepts are also possible and can be found in dictionaries.

There is a glossary at the end of this book that includes all footnotes and technical terms.

Dedicated to Will Durant

Book One The Purpose of Man

Chapter One The Domain of Dianetics

Chapter Two Clear

Chapter Three The Purpose of Man

Chapter Four Four Dynamics

Chapter Five Conclusions

Book Two The Only Source of All Inorganic Mental and Organic Psychosomatic Diseases

Chapter One The Analytical Mind and Standard Memory Banks

Chapter Two The Reactive Mind

Chapter Three The Cell and the Organism

Chapter Four "Demons"

Chapter five...

Fast navigation backward: Ctrl+←, forward Ctrl+→

    Scientology is a religious philosophy in the highest sense, as it leads man to unlimited freedom.

    L. Ron Hubbard. Religious philosophy and religious practice.
    July 21, 1960; revised and supplemented April 18, 1967

    Infinite freedom from anything is an ideal trap that all living things fear... Obsessed with the many barriers blocking his path from all sides, a person dreams of freedom. But only when boundless freedom opens up for him, he realizes the aimlessness and nightmare of his own life.

Since L. Ron Hubbard first announced his creation of the “modern science of mental health” in 1950, his work has been the subject of the most heated debate. Followers consider him not only a new incarnation of the Buddha, but also Maitreya, who, according to Buddhist legends will lead the world to enlightenment. To Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard is simply the wisest, most merciful, most brilliant, and simply the most human person who has ever lived. However, a California Supreme Court ruling characterizes Hubbard as "schizophrenic and paranoid", while the London Supreme Court called Scientology an "immoral and socially corrupt" system. The acts of Scientologists have been condemned as criminal offenses in Canada, the United States, Denmark and Italy. A vast amount of documented evidence proves that Hubbard was not who he claimed to be, and that the system he founded does not deliver even a fraction of the benefits it promises.

The Church of Scientology is a fabulously wealthy international corporation with over 270 churches and missions. Using an effective system of deep hypnotic suggestion, Hubbardists achieve the fanatical slavish devotion of tens of thousands of people, until then quite normal and reasonable, by depriving them of their critical sense.


Most people who turn to Scientologists for help are in a state of crisis. The Scientology recruiting technique, which falsely promises to solve all problems, is aimed at manipulating people and developing suggestibility in them. From the very beginning, a feeling of euphoria is evoked in the new convert by skillful manipulation. The desire for a euphoric state, quite comparable to drug addiction, often deprives the members of the organization of any critical attitude towards it. The sect very quickly achieves total control over its member, forbidding him contact with anyone who is critical of her, and instilling in him thoughts of a worldwide conspiracy that exists to destroy Scientology. Its hallmark is fanaticism - immunity to any evidence and evidence. Alas, most Scientologists, faced with criticism of their movement, simply close their eyes and ears.


    All the evidence reveals to us a man who is simply a pathological liar in regard to his background, background and accomplishments. In addition, written evidence and documents reflect his unbridled selfishness, greed, greed, lust for power at any cost, vindictiveness and aggressiveness towards people who, in his opinion, are either not loyal enough to him, or hostile.

      Statement about L. Ron. Hubbard of Judge Breckenridge, Associate Justice of the State of California, in the Scientology Ordinance of 1984.

Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, the founder of Dianetics and Scientology, was born in the USA in 1911. Hubbard claims to have learned to ride a horse before he could walk, and at the age of three and a half he was already riding mustangs. At the same age, he allegedly learned to read and write. Hubbard said that at the age of four he was accepted into the Blackfoot (Blackfoot) Indian clan and became the "blood brother" of the tribe. However, the Blackfoot themselves say that they never had a blood brotherhood ritual and that this is generally one of Hollywood's fantasies. Approximately the same percentage of truth in Hubbard's other boasts. His childhood was not remarkable, and one of his friends of that time recalls that little Hubbard was terribly afraid of horses. Hubbard claimed that his grandfather was a millionaire, owner of thousands of herds. In fact, Lafayette Waterbury worked as a veterinarian in a small town. Several times he tried to go into business and each time burned out.

Hubbard said that his interest in the human mind began at the age of twelve after meeting the American naval physician Commodore Thompson. However, according to the lengthy diaries that Hubbard kept during those years (they were used as evidence in court hearings in California), the teenager did not show the slightest interest in psychological or philosophical ideas.

Hubbard told his followers that from the age of fourteen to nineteen he traveled alone through China, Mongolia, India and Tibet, where he listened to the wisdom of hermits and holy elders. In fact, he was neither in India, nor in Mongolia, nor in Tibet, but his two | trips to China were short excursions accompanied by his mother. In an interview for Adventure magazine in 1935, Hubbard himself admitted that he had hardly seen China.

When the young man was nineteen years old, he entered the George Washington University. He intended to specialize as a builder, but due to poor grades, he was not promoted to the third year. Scientology documents state that Hubbard received a degree in both construction and mathematics. In fact, he could not get a degree, because he did not finish the university; and his grades in mathematics were very unenviable. At university, Hubbard failed miserably in a short introductory course in molecular and atomic physics. However, he later brazenly claimed that he was<<одним из первых физиков-ядерщиков в США”.


During his last semester at university, Hubbard organized a Caribbean film expedition. According to later statements, the expedition collected invaluable materials for the University of Michigan and the Federal Hydrographic Institute. However, Hubbard's expedition was never heard of in any of these establishments. The following announcement about the trip was placed in the university newspaper: “L. Roy Hubbard departs for a cinematic cruise through the pirate haunts of old America." This expedition reached only three ports out of the planned sixteen and did not shoot a single meter of film. In an interview given in 1950, Hubbard confessed that "the expedition was completely frivolous and ended in financial ruin."

Hubbard also talked about the second expedition, which allegedly carried out “the first complete mineralogical survey of Fr. Puerto Rico". And from this expedition, in a strange way, there was no documentation left, probably because, in fact, Hubbard spent most of his stay on about. Puerto Rico spent in an unsuccessful search for gold. Before returning to the US, he worked for a couple of months as an assistant civil engineer.

In February 1940, Hubbard managed to persuade members of the New York Travelers and Explorers Club to accept him as a member. He even managed to get an expeditionary flag for his planned experimental radio expedition to Alaska. Hubbard offered to put the new radio navigation system to the test and used the expedition to get new equipment for his 32-pound ship, the Sorcerer. Scientologists' claims that the American government financed the expedition were not confirmed. Reporting for the Seattle Star in November 1949, Hubbard complained that the "expedition" had been thwarted by persistent problems with the Sorcerer's engine. Hubbard and his first wife spent most of their time in Ketchikan, an Alaska town, where he tried to sell more of his stories to pay his engine bills. In the end, he borrowed money to pay for a return ticket from Alaska - and did not repay this debt until the end of his life.


Scientologists testify that as soon as he left college, Hubbard “began writing science fiction, and within two months his fees reached astronomical sums for the time.” In fact, it took Hubbard several years before he could even partly subsist on royalties. He wrote under such astonishing pseudonyms as Reps Lafayette, Tom Easterbrook, Kurt von Rachen, Captain B. A. Northrup, and even Winchester Remington Colt. Under the pseudonym of Legionnaire No. 148, Hubbard wrote "authentic" stories about his exploits in the French Foreign Legion, but mostly scribbled adventure stories for cheap junk magazines. He has published in magazines such as Adventure Thriller, Ghost Detective, and Mind Blow Novels Magazine. Eventually, he switched to science fiction and began publishing primarily in Amazing Science Fiction magazine. Here are some characteristic names of his creations: "Carnival of Death", "King of Killers", "Air Killers". By 1950, when Hubbard came up with Dianetics, his science fiction writing was very imaginative and rather sloppy in style. Hubbard later introduced many of his science fiction ideas into Scientology.


Prior to attending university, Hubbard attempted to enter the United States Naval Academy but was rejected due to poor eyesight. In 1941, he nevertheless managed to enter the reserve of the navy.

Hubbard was very fond of talking about his inhuman exploits and achievements on the sea during the war years. For example, he claimed to be the first American returned home with severe combat wounds received in the Far East. In fact, he arrived in Australia in December 1941 and was so tired of the bosses because of the constant squabbles that he was sent back to the USA a couple of months later. Upon his return in March 1942, Hubbard was appointed military censor at the New York Post Office.

Scientologists are proud to report that Hubbard has risen to the position of squadron commander. In fact, he was once assigned to supervise the refitting of two small boats in New York Harbor. Another similar appointment was canceled after sailing along the US West Coast. During this cruise, Hubbard managed to engage a number of ships in a 55-hour battle against what he believed were two Japanese submarines. Admiral Gletcher, who examined the incident, stated:

“A careful analysis of all reports convinced me that there was not a single submarine in the area ... The commanding officers of all ships, with the exception of PG-815, claim that they did not see a single sign of the presence of a submarine in the area, and do not think that there was at least one submarine.”

Hubbard ended his "heroic campaign" with a cannon salvo on an island belonging to allied Mexico, which, unfortunately, turned out to be inhabited. He was recalled from his command position, and Rear Admiral Briisted wrote in a report of service discrepancy: “This officer is distinguished by a complete lack of such necessary qualities as environmental assessment, leadership and the ability to act jointly. He does not think about the possible consequences of his actions ... While he is not capable of either a command position or promotion. I recommend placing him on a large vessel where he will be under proper supervision.” On the advice of Rear Admiral Hubbard was assigned to the USS Algol, where he served for several months as one of the navigators. Then he, along with hundreds of other officers, was sent to the courses of military commanders, located in one of the buildings of Princeton University. This fact of the biography further gave Hubbard the opportunity to claim that he was a graduate of a prestigious university. In one of his rare bursts of candor, Hubbard revealed that he had failed his exams and officer courses.


At various times, Hubbard and his followers claimed to have received from 21 to 27 medals and orders, including the Purple Heart, a medal awarded only to those who received a combat wound. However, not only was he not wounded, but, apart from his battle with imaginary submarines, he was never in combat. He received four ordinary service medals while serving in the United States and Australia.

In My Philosophy, Hubbard states: “At the end of the Second World War, I lost my sight due to damage to the optic nerve, limped badly due to wounds in the thigh and back ... My service record said: “a lifelong physical disability.” True, Hubbard says elsewhere that, a few days before the end of the war, he had to fight alone against three junior officers, and all of them could not resist the mighty force of his fists.

In conflicting statements, Hubbard claimed to have spent a year or two at the Naval Hospital at Oak Knoll, where he developed Dianetics, with which he completely cured himself. Scientology sources do not clarify the question of the origin of Dianetics, placing Hubbard's miraculous healing either in 1944, or in 1947, or in 1949.

In fact, Hubbard spent the last months of the war as an outpatient at the Oakland Naval Hospital. There was nothing heroic about Hubbard's diagnosis of a duodenal ulcer, although his eyesight deteriorated markedly from the time the patient entered the hospital to his discharge from the Navy. Due to the loss of vision, he was able to claim a pension from the Federal Veterans Administration.


After retiring, Hubbard left his first wife and two small children behind to pursue "witchcraft." As early as 1938, while breathing nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) during an operation at the dentist, Hubbard experienced a hallucinatory vision. He dreamed that during the operation he died and in the realm of the dead he got acquainted with the richest treasury of knowledge. Having recovered, he wrote the book "Excalibur", but he did not succeed in publishing it.

Hubbard's interest in the occult brought him (albeit briefly) into the Rosicrucian society. Then he told one of his friends that he felt protected by a guardian spirit, whom he called the Empress. Many years later he repeated this statement to one of his followers. In 1945, Hubbard befriended Jack Parsons, head of the Pasadena Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) sect founded by Aleister Crowley.

Crowley called himself the Beast 666, a slave of the Antichrist and preached drug use and various sexual perversions. Jack Parsons was a chemist and formerly worked at the California Jet Propulsion Laboratory, but his passion was "witchcraft".

Hubbard and Parsons were fond of sexual rites in order to attract a woman who would wish to become the mother of Babalon - a creature that embodies all the evils of the world. The case ended with Hubbard's disappearance. He took with him not only Parsons' girlfriend Sarah, but also his money. Hubbard, while not yet divorced from his wife, married Sarah Northrup (thus becoming a bigamist) and burst into a series of pitiful letters asking for a pension for his failing health during the war years. In October 1947, when, according to later versions, Hubbard had completely cured himself through Dianetics, he admitted in a letter to the Federal Veterans Administration that he felt a strong urge to commit suicide and begged for psychiatric help.

Hubbard continued to perform rites of black magic and began to use self-hypnosis. Hypnotic "revelations" like "all people are my slaves" appeared in his notebook at that time. His personal papers irrefutably prove that he deliberately feigned war-induced illness in order to secure a pension increase. By this time, Hubbard was already a drug addict: he had developed an addiction to barbiturates, which he began taking when he had an ulcer. He remained a drug addict for the rest of his life, even becoming the head of Scientology and head of the Scientology anti-drug organization Narconon. Although Dianetics claims that all followers can easily give up any bad habit, Hubbard has never even been able to quit smoking. His dependence on tobacco was so strong that he smoked more than 80 cigarettes a day.


Hypnosis was used for research, but then its use was discontinued.

    L. Ron Hubbard. Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

Hubbard demonstrated hypnosis on stage in 1948. Shortly thereafter, he wrote to his literary agent that he had invented a new project that, in many ways, could become a salable commodity. By hybridizing the technique of hypnosis with Freud's old methods, which he quickly abandoned, Hubbard gave birth to Dianetics. After modifying the technique of hypnosis without any further "research", he published the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

In a lecture given in 1909, Freud spoke of a method he had invented for identifying traumatic memories. Patients were asked to recall earlier and earlier “chain” incidents in life until they released an emotional “charge”. Hubbard not only borrowed this idea, but was even too lazy to change a number of Freud's terms. Freud subsequently abandoned this method: it proved to be too laborious and, moreover, could not identify the main traumatic memories. Indeed, even if Dianetics sometimes brings some relief at first, more often than not it leads to the dangerous belief that fictional events are the pure truth. Hubbard took Freud's method, added to it some ideas from Korzybski's then very popular book General Semantics, and based the whole system on the assertion that the initial traumatic events happen to a person in the womb. Hubbard borrowed the last idea from the books of Otto Rank, Nandor Fodor, and J. Seger. Hubbard also claimed that a person can remember his experiences in the mother's womb up to the moment of conception (the so-called "sperm dreams"). It was also borrowed from Fodor, who wrote about "prenatal memory".

Hubbard redefined the already existing term "engram" by calling it a traumatic incident that happened to an unconscious person. The book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health states that by "erasing" these engrams, a person is freed from self-compulsions, obsessions, neuroses, and diseases such as heart failure, poor eyesight, asthma, color blindness, allergies, stuttering, deafness, sinusitis, hypertension, dermatitis, migraine, various ulcers, arthritis, nausea and vomiting of pregnant women in the morning, colds, conjunctivitis, alcoholism and tuberculosis. Hubbard soon announced that his system could cure cancer and leukemia. Of course, Hubbard never provided any scientific support for his incredible claims.

When, finally, the very first engram (or “basis-base” - in Hubbard’s basic-basic) is found and erased, the person allegedly becomes “purified” (or “pure” - “clear”), that is, free from all shortcomings, and possessing extremely high mental abilities. After repeated requests to back up his claims with a demonstration, Hubbard eventually presented the public with a "cleansed" woman. It happened in August 1950 in Los Angeles. Despite Hubbard's claims that a "purified" person develops a photographic memory, the woman, a physicist by profession, could not remember the color of Hubbard's tie, which the public had asked the public to turn his back to the subject specifically for this experiment.

The publisher of Dianetics managed to sell 150,000 copies of the book before being forced to withdraw it from sale. The American Psychological Association issued a statement warning would-be Dianetists that none of the many promises made by the author of the book have any scientific backing. In other words, Hubbard, for the greater “credibility” of his book, simply invented both the cases he describes and the statistics,

When people realized that Hubbard's claims were, to put it mildly, a gross exaggeration, the number of his followers drastically decreased. This was facilitated by the collapse of the first Dianetics foundations and Hubbard's second marriage. Sarah Hubbard accused her husband of torturing her with sleep deprivation, drugs and beatings. She stated that he once strangled her until the Eustachian tube burst in his left ear, which greatly damaged her hearing. Hubbard, having kidnapped their little daughter, fled to Cuba in an attempt to silence Sarah.

However, thanks to the support of millionaire Don Purcell, Hubbard was eventually able to return to the United States, where Sarah agreed to divorce on her husband's terms. In exchange for her daughter, whom she had not seen for several months, she promised to drop the weight of the charge against Hubbard. The Wichita Foundation, founded by Hubbard and Purcell, soon ran into a series of financial difficulties, and Hubbard fled again, leaving the foundation to his creditors. He accused Don Purcell, who had just recently literally saved him, of taking a half-million dollar bribe from the American Medical Foundation, which was interested in ruining him. This was far from the last display of paranoia on Hubbard's part.


    We have discovered a number of new ways to turn people into slaves.

    L. Ron Hubbard, 20th Philadelphia Doctoral Course Lecture 1952

In February 1952, Hubbard was penniless. He was deprived of the rights to propagate Dianetics, most of the followers left him. One of his employees stole the lists of people who supported the Wichita Foundation, and Hubbard began to send them letters with ludicrous attacks on the foundation and more and more pitying requests for money. He also began lecturing at the Hubbard College Lecture Hall to a miserable audience, and in six weeks created an entirely new subject out of almost nothing. Later, he repeatedly expressed his admiration for Aleister Crowley (“my dearest friend”). Indeed, the foundations of Scientology consist of Crowley's "witchy" ideas mixed with a heavy dose of science fiction.

According to Scientology, we are all "spiritual beings" ("theta beings", later "thetans") who have existed for quadrillions of years, incarnating in new and new bodies. Hubbard also assured that, using the new technology he had developed, anyone could achieve supernatural powers. For forty years, none of these claims have received scientific confirmation. During lectures at Hubbard College, Hubbard demonstrated an electrometer, or E-meter, developed by Dianetist Volney Mathison. The meter is actually a lie detector, very similar to the device used by the American police.

In Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, Hubbard states: “Dianetics heals; it heals flawlessly always and from everything.” Two years later, he declared the previous technology to be "slow and mediocre", stating that with Scientology "the blind will see, the lame will walk, the sick will recover, the abnormal will become normal, and the normal will become even more normal."


I want to start my own religion:
this is where you can grab a really huge jackpot.

L. Ron Hubbard. 1949

In the late 1940s, Hubbard sometimes told listeners in conversation that the best way to get rich was to become the founder of a religion. By the time of Hubbard's death in 1986, his personal fortune was estimated to be well over $640 million. He got all his money from Scientology (despite his repeated claims that he didn't even receive royalties from his books). In April 1953, Hubbard wrote to one of his assistants and asked her what she thought of the "religious aspect." Later that year, he registered the Church of Scientology, licensed by his own Church of American Science. This action was kept secret so that Hubbard could distance himself from it. It was not until the late 1960s, when criticism of Scientology's methods by Western governments intensified, that Scientology retreated behind the screen of religion. Scientology "ministers" take a course in Comparative Religion from a single textbook and read Hubbard's text of several ceremonies. All preparation takes several days. They dress like Protestant pastors with a white plastic collar and a Christian-like cross. This is actually a Scientology cross - an imitation of the satanic criss-cross cross designed by the man Hubbard sought to imitate all his life - "sorcerer" Aleister Crowley.


Scientologists recruit most of their followers on the street by offering them a free personality test called the Oxford Capacity Analisys, or OCA Test. This test, which has nothing to do with the University of Oxford, was compiled by a Scientologist formerly in the Merchant Navy with no training in psychology. The enterprising sailor slightly modified the once popular test called the Johnson Temperament Analysis. The current 200-question test will give Scientology extremely detailed intimate information about a person. During its existence, the "Church of Scientology" has more than once willingly used sensitive personal information against former members. In 1991, a letter addressed to all Scientology recruiters offered to take a course on "How to teach people the results of their OCA in such a way that they would want to study Scientology." Another internal document states that the test handler “should, using the data obtained, prove to the test taker what exactly is the cause of all his misfortunes and leads his life to disaster, and then show how Scientology can save him from ... When you point out a low score to him... say, "Scientology can help you get through this." The test is designed in such a way that almost no one can get a high score.

Scientology merchants (“recorders”) receive very rigorous training in the technique of aggressively forcing their merchandise on the customer. The first stage of recruitment is to focus a person's attention on the most problematic moments of his life (“catastrophe”). Hypnotherapists call this “emotional compulsion.” Any strong emotion suppresses critical thinking. The composure of rational thinking is far removed from the intensity of emotions. Then the recruiter instills in the victim the fear that her condition will only get worse, and after that the "solution to all problems" - Scientology - is offered. Whatever the problem, the solution is almost always to be found in the Communication Course and in the acceptance of Hubbard's idea of ​​"suppressive persons."

    Scientology is evil; her technique and techniques are evil; their application in practice is a serious danger to society from a medical, moral and social point of view.

      Resolution of the Special Commission on Scientology established to investigate the Australian state of Victoria, 1965

Although virtually all of the main ideas of Scientology had already been expressed by the end of 1952, Hubbard continued to bring forth new methods that "guaranteed" the cure of all human diseases. He borrowed what he could from various types of psychotherapy and meditation to build a bizarre "bridge" that he claimed led to "unlimited freedom."

A beginner's introduction to Scientology, i.e., indoctrination, usually begins with a "Communication Routine Training Course," or CPC. It is promised that the courses should increase the ability to communicate. However, according to one expert, they are "the most obvious form of hypnosis of all the types of suggestion used by destructive cults." In the first PKK, two people are forced to silently sit across from each other with their eyes closed. In the second, they have to stare at each other for hours, until they begin to hallucinate and fall into euphoria. The next step is the so-called RPK-0 "Bull": the trainee must sit still, and the "trainer" does everything possible to prevent him. The student then reads aloud scattered phrases from Alice in Wonderland; after that he agrees with phrases read at random from the same book. Training continues at RPK-3, and the trainee will ask the “trainer” two questions an infinite number of times: either “Do fish swim?” or “Do birds fly?”. In the last PKK, the trainee asks the same questions again, trying to ignore the "trainer's" words and behavior, no matter how strange they may be. Repetition is one way to induce a state of hypnotic suggestion or trance. A person who has gone through all these procedures will more easily succumb to the further suggestion and guidance of Scientologists.

After the fellowship courses, the convert usually meets with a Scientology distributor who urges him to complete the "absolutely necessary," albeit extremely expensive, "cleansing marathon." During this “marathon”, a person is forced to take horse doses of vitamins and microelements and run and steam in the sauna for five hours a day. It is known that extremely high doses of vitamins can cause various physiological sensations, including a state close to drug intoxication. Hubbard argued that these reactions are caused by drugs and toxins accumulated in the body, which are excreted from the body. Moreover, he absolutely illiterately, from a medical point of view, stated that LSD is deposited in adipose tissue. This shows the depth of Hubbard's medical ignorance, since LSD is an easily degradable substance, rapidly soluble in water and, therefore, cannot be accumulated in the body. Long stay in the sauna also contributes to the weakening of the ability to critical thinking.

The sequence of the Scientology "bridge" alternates year after year. After a “cleansing marathon” and another conversation with the merchant, the convert can enroll in the “Hubbard Course: The Key to Life” (cost about $8,000), which supposedly frees him from all his previous education, “returning him to the level of literacy.” In fact, the result of this course, during which the “trainers” treat the new adepts as preschoolers, is the development of a childish model of behavior, which makes a person even more dependent on the sect. After the "Hubbard Course: Key to Life" cycle, one takes the "Hubbard Life Orientation Course" and then moves on to "objective processes" or "objectives".

There are several hundred Scientology consultation procedures, or "audit processes," in total. “Lenses” were first introduced in the 50s. As Hubbard stated, it is necessary to show the individual that reactive impulses can be controlled by allowing another person (the Scientology auditor) to control them. In normal - not Scientology - language, this is called "mind control".

The passerby "lens" must obey orders and repeat endlessly unimaginably boring sequential actions. For example, in the "Introductory Duplication Procedure" the auditor and the client (in Scientology terminology "precleared") are together in a room with two tables at different ends of it. On one table is a book, on the other is a bottle. The auditor, again and again, in the same words, orders the "pre-cleaned" to look at the object at the other end of the room, go to it, pick it up, determine its color, weight and temperature. The procedure lasts up to two hours, to be repeated the next day, then again and again ... up to 18 or 20 times. In the end, this laborious ritual leads a person to a feeling of being suspended in the air. Scientologists call this state exteriorization (exit) from the body, although in reality this is just an ordinary effect of a hypnotic trance.

The Scientology "bridge" consists of a series of steps or courses, each with a predetermined outcome. For example, it is believed that after the zero course, clients should be able to “communicate freely with any person on any topic,” and a first-year graduate supposedly gets rid of all problems. In 1959, Hubbard instituted a mandatory "security screening" in which Scientologists are interrogated. They must give answers to long lists of pre-prepared questions concerning their transgressions against morality. During interrogations, an E-meter is used as a lie detector. All data torn from clients during these “confessions” is carefully captured and recorded. This proved to be a highly effective method for coercing anyone who disagreed into silence. The procedure, called “honesty development,” uses the same lists of questions as “safety checks”; it is mandatory for passing in the second year, but then it is repeated with enviable constancy (its cost is from 250 to 500 dollars per hour). Scientologists assume that any of the clients at any time can become a threat to the organization. There is a certain reason for such suspicion, since thousands of people left the sect, including many of its leading leaders.

This is followed by two graduate courses before the "prepurified" enters the modern form of Dianetics auditing. In the New Age Dianetics course, the "pre-cleansed" is asked to experience "past life" events, which leads them to strange fantasies that become more real to them than real life, all the shortcomings of which are now illusoryly compensated. Thanks to Dianetics, the "precleared" finally become "clear" ("clear"), believing that they no longer need their "reactive mind" in which engrams are supposedly stored. Now they are ready for the higher courses of Scientology, to the level of “acting thetans”.


In 1952, Hubbard declared that after Scientology auditing and indoctrination, any person "will gain the ability to easily free others from disease and deviations." Scientologists have spent hundreds and sometimes thousands of hours chasing this illusion and Hubbard's generous promises of supernatural powers. In the late 1960s, Hubbard announced the creation of "operating thetan levels" (OTs). An acting thetan is an individual who supposedly has the ability to "act" without the help of the body. Hubbard did not spare syrup and molasses, describing all the unimaginable possibilities that a person can have after going through the scandalously expensive levels of DT.

DT levels are kept a closely guarded secret by the "Church of Scientology". Nevertheless, the content of most of them has long been known. The first level of DT consists of a series of drilling exercises. For example, a person is invited to roam the streets and count people until he feels euphoric and feels some kind of “self-realization”. In 1992, the price of DT-1 was $2,200. At the second level (price $4200), the DT candidate battles endless lists of phrases and their negatives (such as “I should exist” and “I should not exist”), trying hard to see the light and feel the shock of each phrase. One of the victims had to endure 600 hours of this brain-draining ritual. Next, the DT candidate will have to part with a "minimum donation" of $7,200 to enroll in the DT-3 "Firewall" course. In this course, the client is confided with the great secret that 75 million years ago, the Earth was part of the Galactic Confederation, which was ruled by the evil prince Xenu. The Confederacy was suffering from overpopulation, and Xenu developed a plan to relocate the inhabitants of approximately 76 planets to Earth; there they were destroyed. Then the evil prince placed a hydrogen bomb in every earthly volcano and detonated them, thus tearing the spirits, or thetans, of these victims to shreds. Then he collected these pieces on “electronic tapes” and within 36 days they instilled (implanted) images of future earthly civilizations into them. According to Hubbard, all subsequent cultures and religions are derived from these hypnotic foreign inoculations. For example, he argued that Christ was nothing more than an illusion implanted at the time. After implantation, groups of thetans were bundled; according to the DT-3 course, each living being is a mass of such beams. The next levels, from DT-4 to DT-7, go into further detail about these bundles and the body thetans that make them up. The sectarians are informed that any unprepared person who accidentally hears or learns this terrible information will fall ill and die in terrible agony in a few days. Late in life, however, Hubbard decided to make a commercial film called Revolt in the Stars based on this science fiction story (undoubtedly one of the best he ever wrote).

The content of the pinnacle of Scientology knowledge, DT-8, released after Hubbard's death, is shrouded in strict secrecy. The DT-8 course can only be taken aboard the Scientologist-owned ocean liner Freewinds, and only after a thorough security check that must prove the client's unquestioning devotion to Hubbard and his teachings. One of the former members of the sect claims that at this level the client is introduced into a circle of questions relating to the relationship of man and deity. But instead of turning to the deity with a prayer, the sectarian is asked to recall all the cases in his past lives when he met with God. Then the person is asked to tell what problems he managed to solve through his faith in God (the “initial error”, which deprived him of immunity from faith). Thus, the very principle of faith in God is undermined. As far as we know, in these same courses, Scientologists are told that they live in parallel universes and are ordered to disconnect from their parallel counterparts. As a result, the Scientologist must experience the moment of his own creation and discover all the forgotten aspects of himself. This supposedly leads to a startling discovery of the true nature of the deity. According to former members who have gone through all this absurdity, the discovery that is expected of everyone who has taken this course is the realization that Hubbard is the creator of the universe and everything that dwells in it. In one of the bulletins that came to us with a description of DT-8 (we have reason to believe it is genuine, but we cannot say with complete certainty that this is not a forgery), it is stated that Hubbard is none other than the Antichrist.

Hubbard tightened control over his followers in the mid-1960s by introducing a series of so-called "ethical procedures." Any person who expressed a critical attitude towards Scientology was labeled a "suppressive person" (SP), or anti-social person. A Scientologist who comes into contact with someone labeled as an SP is labeled a "Potential Troublemaker" (PIP) and is barred from further audits and courses. Any Scientologist may be ordered to cut off fellowship or "disconnect" from anyone who is considered an enemy of the "Church of Scientology". “Disconnection” is practically the same as “exclusion from communication” practiced by some extremist fundamentalist groups.

At the same time, Hubbard introduced "ethical conditions" and gave "formulas" that supposedly could raise the ethical status of a person. In the 1960s, Scientology employees sentenced to "reduced conditions" were deprived of sleep. (sometimes for several days in a row), they were not allowed to wash or shave, they were forced to walk with a black mark on one cheek, a chain or a dirty rag on one arm, and they were not allowed to leave the territory of the organization.

In 1967, Hubbard went to sea with his closest assistants. On the ship, any person who did not please him was imprisoned in the anchor compartment of the hold. There, in pitch darkness among the rats, the victim had to squat in dirty water and in his own excrement. Sometimes this went on for two weeks in a row. Even children were placed there on Hubbard's orders. In 1968, this punishment was supplemented by being thrown overboard from the deck, to which everyone was subjected, even those who could not swim.

In 1973, Hubbard replaced these subtly brutal punishments with a new and extremely effective form of humiliation, the "Rehabilitation Project Squad" (RPS, which is still used in Scientology organizations around the world. Those who cannot comply with an order will make a mistake or simply not comply The members of the PR have the right to speak only in response to a question addressed to them, they can eat only the leftovers left on the table, they are allowed to sleep even less than usual employees, they are obliged to immediately and unquestioningly obey any order. They may only engage in physical labor for a full workday before after which they must spend five hours confessing to and confessing to their PIU partners.Only when they have fully submitted to the authority of their superiors are they allowed to leave the PIU.Suppressing the personality in this way can take up to two years .


Our organizations are friendly. They exist only to help you.

Throughout the 1950s, Hubbard called for increasingly harsh methods of influencing critics of the sect and people who left it. The "Church of Scientology" has always waged an active war against anyone who used Scientology practices but did not obey orders and did not pay duties. In 1955, speaking of a hypothetical splinter group from a sect, Hubbard wrote: “If you find that a certain group calling itself a “order-working” group has settled ... in your locality, you should do everything possible to it was interesting to live... Laws are very easy to use for intimidation, and a sufficiently large dose of intimidation... usually produces the desired effect and causes (sic!) an occupational disease of this group. If possible, of course, ruin it completely.

In 1958, Hubbard, in the secret Handbook of Justice, introduces the practice of intelligence gathering. Here is what it says: “Intelligence is basically the collection of data about people ... It has always been carried out, about everything and everyone.” This was a prelude to the creation of a Scientology secret police and intelligence bureau, the Guardianship Authority (DA). It holds an "ethical file" for every Scientologist. The file contains the most intimate confessions made during audits and consultations, written lists of sins and violations that every Scientologist is required to make, and a "report on what he has learned." All members of the sect are required to immediately report any, even the most innocent, criticism of Hubbard, his organization, or his teachings by a Scientologist colleague. A Scientologist who fails to immediately file such a report is considered guilty and receives the same punishment as a "violator". These methods are borrowed by Hubbard from the Nazis. You turn each member of the sect into a snitch, devoted only to the sect.

After the introduction of the "ethical" policy in 1965, many people left Scientology and founded an alternative group called "Amprinistika". Enraged, Hubbard ordered: "Pursue these individuals in every possible way," and called for the disruption of their meetings.

The huge sums of money demanded by Hubbard and the mistreatment suffered by his followers, of course, caused public alarm. Forced "disconnections" destroyed many families. In December 1965, Scientology was severely condemned by a special commission of inquiry set up by the government of the Australian state of Victoria. In February of the following year, Lord Balniel demanded that the British Parliament launch its own investigation. anyone who criticizes Scientology, he wrote: “DEFENDING anything is UNACCEPTABLE. The only way to protect anything is to ATTACK”. It attacked without delay.

It was created to promote and disseminate Scientology, to attack critics, and to maintain discipline among sect members. The OU acted like an intelligence agency, infiltrating newspaper editorial offices, psychiatric hospitals, and even government offices. It also played the role of an internal police detachment, forcing people who left the sect to silence. Only a few former Scientologists dared to publicly speak out against the organization, because they knew that all the smallest details of life are known to Scientologists and are kept in "ethical cases". Numerous irrefutable testimonies confirm that these "cases" were used against former members. By 1982, the OU had grown into a powerful organization with more than 1,100 members. In secret directives, Hubbard wrote: “We will successfully bring the following facts to the public consciousness... People attacking Scientology are criminals... If a person attacks Scientology, an investigation of his criminal activities is immediately launched... If a person does not attack Scientology... he is safe ".

The intelligence, or information, bureau of the OU was modeled after the system developed by the famous Nazi spy Gehlen. The OU agents stole medical cards, sent out anonymous letters with compromising information, set up situations in which their enemies fell under the suspicion of the criminal police, blackmailed their opponents, eavesdropped on their private conversations, perused their correspondence, broke any locks to steal the necessary documents, etc. They managed to break into government offices and steal thousands of documents (including Interpol documents on terrorism and documents on the exchange of intelligence materials between the US and Canada). People who spoke critically of Scientology were either broken or intimidated into silence. Thus, in the early 1980s, eleven senior officials of the OU, including Hubbard's wife Mary Sue and her deputy World Guardian Jane Kembler, were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. In July 1992, a Canadian court convicted the Church of Scientology and three of its members of criminal charges.

Ten years earlier, the OU had been replaced by the Office of Special Affairs. The covert mission of the OU and his successor was to uncover and root out a conspiracy against Hubbard that he was sure existed. Hubbard alternately blamed Russian communism, neo-fascism, bankers, psychiatrists, the IRS, and Christian clergy for Scientology's negative public perception. His paranoid imagination saw enemies everywhere. Like a typical psychopath, Hubbard was unable to admit his own mistake. He was completely oblivious to the anti-social nature of the activities that rightly made Scientology the object of general criticism.


In 1966 Hubbard, then living in Rhodesia, was declared persona non grata and expelled from the country. Fearing that the British government would take criminal action against him (he was later banned from entering the UK), Hubbard fled to Las Palmas and founded the "Sea Organization" there. For 8 years, from 1967 to 1975, the flotilla of Hubbard and his retinue (numbering several hundred people) plowed the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean on vessels that were not very suitable for long-distance navigation. The incompetence of the teams has led to many accidents.

Members of the "Sea Organization" were required to wear pseudo-naval uniforms corresponding to their newly acquired naval ranks. Those joining the organization signed a contract for a billion years. The leadership of Scientology became a paramilitary organization under Commodore L. Ron Hubbard. All members of the "Morkontora" were required to be trained in oriental martial arts and weapons. One of the leading "officers" once loudly boasted that the leadership of the "Morkontora" was "inflexible and merciless." In all the hundreds of volumes of Hubbard's writings, it is almost impossible to find the word "compassion". Morcontor members work for the Scientology organization for at least 90 hours a week for a nominal pay. Sometimes for many months their menu includes nothing but rice, beans and oatmeal. The discipline is extremely strict and tough. For the slightest violation, a person is deprived of payment, then his diet and number of meals are reduced, and then they are expelled from living quarters for the night (this is called sleeping on a pig's bunk). Members of the Morkontora are usually denied free access to their children: as a rule, they are allowed only one visit with their children per week, lasting from one to two hours. The children are kept in the “Kadetkontor”, where they are trained to become members of the “Morkontor”. Morning agents' children usually start working for the organization at the age of twelve. Sometimes by the age of fifteen they already grow to high ranks and responsible posts. Some of them already at the age of eight become auditors, listening to the confessions of adults.


In 1966, Hubbard wrote: “Remember, churches are usually thought of as social service groups. And we must act as a social service group.” Since then, dozens of cover organizations have been created under the sect. The goal of some is to create a positive reputation for Scientology among the general public, the goal of others is to recruit new members. The World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE, which means WISE in Russian) issues licenses to Scientologists to use materials developed by Hubbard in business training programs. WIDO members conduct such programs without revealing that the materials they use originated in the depths of Scientology. For example, a scandal erupted in the United States when it was revealed that Sterling Management offered medical professionals to enroll in very expensive courses during which they were recruited into Scientologists. The Association for a Better Life and Education (from the first letters of the English name -ABLE, which means CAPABLE in Russian) leads “social service groups”, such as Criminon (which recruits prisoners to Scientology), “Association of Concerned Businessmen: "Don't I can be silent!" (cutting coupons on environmental anxiety), Applied Scholasticism (teaching people Hubbard's Educational Techniques), and Narconon.


Narconon was founded in the mid-1960s by convicted felon and drug addict William Benitez. Narconon calls itself a rehabilitation program for alcoholics and drug addicts. On several occasions, he managed to get state support in several countries for a short time. True, this support immediately ceased as soon as Narconon's close connection with Scientology was revealed and the entire inconsistency of its methods was demonstrated. Narconon works with the Scientology company Say No to Drugs and is promoted by Hollywood star Kirsty Alli, a Scientologist and former cocaine addict.

For several years, Narconon tried to set up a major center on the Chilocco Indian Reservation in Oklahoma. In December 1991, the Oklahoma Mental Health Commission denied a license to the center, ruling that "there is no credible scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the Narconon program." Moreover, this program was recognized as “unsafe for health”. The Board noted that the number of health workers in Narconon's teams was less than necessary; moreover, drug addicts and alcoholics who passed the program were immediately accepted as employees of the organization. No educational work is done with Narconon patients about the nature of drug addiction and the possibilities of overcoming this ailment, they are simply immediately dragged through the program.

The commission also commented that “Narconon's cure program is too general; it is applied to all patients indiscriminately. There is no individual approach at all.” The Commission noted that Narconon does not track the fate of its patients (which, of course, makes any claim about the effectiveness of the program completely unreliable) and does nothing to help them enter a normal life. Of particular concern to the commission was the fact that clients of the organization, especially alcoholics, are told that if they are not able to drink alcoholic beverages and know when to stop at the end of the program, then this means that they simply have not completed the cure program.

The Narconon program is based on Hubbard's "cleansing marathon", supposedly clearing the body of drug accumulation by ingesting horse doses of vitamins and daily alternating five hours of running and soaking in the sauna. The Oklahoma Mental Health Commission noted that the heat of a sauna is far from safe for anyone and can be deadly for heroin addicts.

The Commission stated that "Narconon staff are inadequately educated and trained to work with clients suffering from drug and alcohol addictions." Its members were completely shocked when they discovered that Narconon allows patients in recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism to have access to drugs and distribute them to other patients in the organization, direct the process of passing other patients through the sauna and direct the recovery of the mentally ill. There was not a single professional psychiatrist, psychologist or narcologist among the employees of Narconon.

The doses of vitamins used in the "cleansing marathon" are so high that they pose a potential health hazard (high doses of some vitamins are toxic, and vitamin B1 can cause a "space-shifting effect" similar to some drugs). The Oklahoma Mental Health Commission has expressed particular concern about the use of the VZ vitamin in the form of niacin, high doses of which can cause liver failure. “During the Narconon program, patients are forced to take excessively large doses of niacin in order to cleanse the body of radiation. There is no reliable medical information confirming the ability of niacin to remove radiation from the body. Rather, on the contrary, a number of very reliable medical testimonies confirm the high degree of risk that a person is exposed to taking high doses of niacin.

So the decision of the Oklahoma Mental Health Commission in August 1992 to allow Narconon to operate without a government license was very strange, especially since the decision stated that all criticism of Narconon remained in place.


    References have been made to a number of unusual characteristics for membership ... and strongly commercially motivated... Members may be considered... too gullible, may be considered deceived, but regardless of this, and regardless of whether the practice of Scientology is harmful and unacceptable, the evidence... proves that in In the State of Victoria, Scientology must be recognized as a "religion" for all relevant purposes.

    Australian court ruling

Hubbard stated that Scientology is nondenominational and not in conflict with any religion. This statement is absurd and contrary to common sense. In secret writings, Hubbard claimed that Christ is a fake, an implanted hypnotic suggestion. Yoga, and therefore Hinduism, he dismissed as "a booby trap." In one of the interviews, he said that his favorite book is "Twelve Against the Gods", the author of which, William Bolitho, calls Mohammed a psychopath. And, of course, the doctrine of reincarnation, which is an integral part of the Scientology doctrine, is unacceptable to Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Hubbard claimed that Scientology is "twentieth century Buddhism." However, the doctrine of the absence of a soul, which is the basis of Buddhism - "anatta" is completely denied in Scientology, which preaches an immortal and indestructible ego - "thetan". Moreover, Hubbard contemptuously dismissed Buddhism with this statement: “There is no culture in all the history of the world, except perhaps the most disadvantaged and dying, that does not recognize a Supreme Being.”

Scientology contradicts the teachings of all world religions when it claims that the accumulation of material wealth is a virtue and an indicator of spiritual success.

Hubbard divided the "urge to survive" into eight "dynamics": survival as self or through self, family and procreation, through groups, humanity, life forms, through material, spiritual and infinity or the Supreme Being. Hubbard argued that in order to make an intelligent decision, one must determine one's influence on these "dynamics" and choose a path that can satisfy the maximum number of them. No advantage is given to the eighth dynamic, i.e. God, therefore, a solution that satisfies the other seven dynamics is preferable to a Scientologist who proceeds from a purely arithmetic calculation. For any person who believes in God, such a system is completely unacceptable.

Hubbard also rejected compassion. Scientologists believe that everything that happens to a person is caused by himself, so that all the unfortunate are called "victims", "drawing to themselves" all misfortunes. Sympathy is supposed to be treated with disdain, as it is an “inferior” emotional reaction, for example, compared to fear or anger. All actions must fully receive the necessary “ricochet”; therefore, Scientologists do not partner with or donate to charitable organizations (with the exception of their own front organizations) for, as Hubbard once stated:

“When you allow a person to give something in exchange for nothing, you actually encourage crime.” Scientology inspires his followers with contempt for all “external”, which in sectarian jargon are called “black -bearing nigers” and “raw meat”.


    When a person enrolls in our course, consider that he has become ours for all time until the end of the universe - do not allow an “open mind” approach for anyone ... If a person enrolled in us, he boarded the ship, and if he on board, he is on an equal footing with all of us

- victory or death in the struggle for victory. Don't let anyone give Scientology only a part of their being... When Ms. Patticake comes to us to be taught, turn the expression of curious doubt in her eyes into unwavering devotion... The only correct approach to teaching is expressed in the words - we beat you to death, but you won’t be incapable.”

    L. Ron Hubbard. How Scientology Stays Afloat.
    February 7, 1965. Reissued August 27, 1980.

Hubbard has stated that he began studying hypnosis in his early adolescence. Early in his dianetic career, he admitted that he was doing "research" using a deep hypnotic trance. At the same time, he repeatedly admitted that Dianetic procedures can induce trance in patients. The term “hypnosis” itself has been the subject of much controversy. Perhaps the least controversial definition of this phenomenon was given by hypnotherapist Milton Erickson. It reads: "Hypnosis is communication between people that opens access to altered states of consciousness."

Modern psychology recognizes that most mental processes occur on a subconscious level. The hypnotherapist goes to the level of the unconscious in an attempt to introduce beneficial tips there that will become for the person the same motivations as his own decisions. The patient who uses hypnotherapy is explained the mechanism of this process, and he consciously gives permission for it. In Scientology, the same mechanism of influencing a person is used without the person's permission.

Everything that exists, according to Hubbard's definition, is a product of consciousness: "Reality is agreement." "The universe is an appearance that is the product of agreement." Based on this premise, Scientology seeks to change the personal perception of reality and replace it with the views of Hubbard himself. At the same time, Scientology claims that the individual acquires greater self-awareness, greater self-determination.

Scientology claims to be a scientific system, but in fact a person cannot begin an auditing procedure without submitting to a belief system that lies outside the realm of science, which includes the transmigration of souls, the possession of spirits (i.e., “body thetans”), and the existence and influence of engrams.

A number of restrictions are placed on Scientologists to prevent any critical approach to Scientology. Any attempt to explain Hubbard's work is prohibited; All materials should only be quoted verbatim. Rejection of any of the materials is unacceptable: all "realizations" in Scientology consultations must fully comply with Hubbard's sayings about the nature of reality. Any disagreement with Hubbard or his teachings will inevitably lead a person to the Ethics Office, a department of the Scientology domestic police.

A Scientologist has no right to talk about his "case" or problems with anyone except his auditor. Scientology "technology" is, has been, and always will be right and true (even when Hubbard changed it every few months), and failure to achieve grand success (i.e. the euphoric state) is always blamed on the auditor or "prepurified", but never - to technology. Scientologists are taught that any criticism of the system (unless, of course, it comes from Hubbard himself) is always driven by guilt for one's own crimes. The attention of the individual is directed inward, and thus the possibility of seeing any mistake of Hubbard or Scientology is blocked.

Scientology procedures are closely related to hypnotherapy procedures. At RNA level zero, two people have to sit and stare at each other for hours on end. It has long been recognized that fixing the gaze can cause a change in consciousness up to a state of trance. Repetition is also one of the foundations of hypnotic influence, and even Hubbard himself admitted that a number of the procedures he developed were stupefyingly monotonous. A participant in a Scientology procedure can sit for several hours in a row, repeating the answers to the same question that he is asked over and over again, even without changing the wording at all, for example: “How could you start communicating with the victim?”.

So, a person's views on the world and his system of beliefs are completely permeated by Scientology. A Scientologist is not allowed to talk to anyone about DT levels. Thus he separates himself from all mankind, considering the true cause of all diseases and conflicts of evil spirits dwelling in each person. Scientologists do not accept any other view of the world than that prescribed by Hubbard, who rejected hypnotherapy, psychology, analysis, psychiatry and religious communication, arguing that Scientology is the only effective system.

Scientology employees, especially members of the Morcontor, are made even more susceptible to suggestion due to exhaustingly long working days, lack of sleep, insufficient food, and regular stays at the PIU.


    Higher level courses - the most valuable service on the planet. Insurance, houses, cars, stocks, securities, all your savings - all this is transitory and temporary ... There is nothing that can compare with our top-level courses. Their value is incommensurable with anything on this planet - they defeat time itself.

L. Ron Hubbard's Statement on the Acting Thetans Courses.
Flagship Mission Order No. 375.

Aggressive and intrusive methods of trading practiced in Scientology are another way to subtly influence or exert destructive pressure on members of the sect. Scientology clients are constantly intimidated into demanding ever-increasing donations for auditing and indoctrination. It costs about $350,000 to cross the Scientology "bridge" (some Scientologists paid more). As a result of this compulsive “trading”, many Scientologists found themselves homeless and pinned down by unsustainable debt obligations. Conversations with a “merchant” who convinces a client to sign up for the next course sometimes last up to 13 hours in a row, and these conversations use elaborate methods of coercion and suppression of the personality noted and described by experts.

Another disturbing symptom of Scientology's greed is the sale of items associated with Hubbard's name, called "special property." These are limited editions of Hubbard's books and any item with his autograph. These items are foisted on Scientologists with assurances that they are collectibles and that by buying them, people make an extremely profitable investment. In fact, outside the world of Scientology, no one will give a cent for all these items.

But Scientologists charge astronomical sums for each of them. One former member was literally forced to buy "special property" for $50,000 (of which $20,000 was a loan) and was promised that the price of this item would skyrocket soon. Over the next seven years, the unfortunate man tried to sell his "special property" at least for some price, but he did not succeed. Another former cult member purchased a signed photograph of Hubbard for $15,000. This is not a special case - one Scientologist spent more than $150,000 on "special property".

The Scientology organization constantly produces an enormous amount of promotional material, from simple leaflets to television commercials. Although Hubbard had a sharply negative attitude towards psychology, he was always ready to use the fruits of psychological research in the field of advertising and incentive instincts. Careful research determines the keywords, symbols, and colors that potential customers will respond to without causing them critical thoughts. Hubbard boasted that he could manipulate people with this technology.

Scientologists are required to pay thousands of dollars for courses, and then purchase ridiculously expensive books, document collections, E-meters, and tape recordings of Hubbard lectures as necessary materials for each given course. The tapes usually sell for $50-60 each, and Hubbard delivered thousands of lectures in total. Every Scientologist is expected to purchase at least two E-meters costing between $1,300 and $5,000. The production of each E-meter costs only a small part of this amount.


Working with the truth is a very delicate matter... Speak an acceptable truth.

Scientologists claim that there are 7 million members of their church worldwide. However, according to inside materials from 1987, the number of Scientologists on the planet then did not exceed 40,000 people. One often hears statements that Hubbard's books are sold out in millions of copies. In fact, science fiction books are included in the bestseller lists thanks to carefully organized campaigns. It is clear that Scientologists have managed to sell more copies of Hubbard's books than were printed by mass buying AND reselling. One bookstore, for example, received Hubbard's replacement books and found their own price tags on them.


In the 60s and 70s, Scientology began to make extensive use of suing its critics. Although such lawsuits were almost never successful, many journalists became wary of writing about Scientology, and many critics, unwilling to receive endless subpoenas, fell silent. After the abolition of the OU, the number of appeals to the court has significantly decreased. Now Scientologists sue only those whom they consider their main opponents. But on the other hand, the number of appeals to the court against Scientology has increased. In early 1992, Scientologists reportedly had to defend themselves against more than 700 lawsuits.

In a 1984 California Supreme Court ruling, Judge Breckenridge stated: “In addition to violating and abusing the civil rights of its own members, the fair game Scientology organization has harassed, harassed, and intimidated outsiders whom it considers its enemies. them". In formulating the law of "fair play", Hubbard stated that "every Scientologist, without fear of punishment by the Church, may dispossess and harm any SP or group of SPs. They can be lured into a trap, they can be sued, they can be lied to, they can be destroyed physically.” That Scientology actively applies the principle of “fair play” was proven by the London Supreme Court in 1984 (“Child Custody Case”) and by the California Court of Appeal in 1989. Church of Scientology,” the court ruled that the Scientologists applied the principle of “fair play” to him. The court's ruling went on to say: “The behavior of the "Church of Scientology" was absolutely appalling. Using the position of the religious leadership, the "Church of Scientology" and its agents forced Wallersheim to continue auditing, although this posed a serious threat to his mental health ... Wallersheim was forced to submit to the principle of "disconnection" and leave his wife and child, When his mental illness went so far that he began to look for different ways to commit suicide, he was forbidden to turn to professional doctors.

In July 1992, the "Church of Scientology" was convicted of illegally entering the Royal Mounted Police in Toronto, Ontario, as well as the offices of the Canadian Revenue Office, the Attorney General of Ontario and the government of the same province. The Hubbard spy network has managed to steal thousands of important documents.


As the Wallersheim case has amply demonstrated, Scientology audits can have profoundly destructive consequences. After interviewing 48 groups, Conway and Siegelman showed that former Scientologists had the highest levels of tantrums, hallucinations, sexual shifts, and suicidal tendencies. They estimate that a full recovery from the effects of Scientology takes an average of 12.5 years.

Members of the sect are literally “up to their ears” stuffed with Hubbard's delusional and anti-scientific views of the universe. They come to realize themselves as a small elite group, besieged from all sides by a gigantic conspiracy. Scientologists speak and think in a bizarre language invented by Hubbard (explanatory dictionaries of Scientology exceed a thousand pages). Hubbardists are trained to always appear calm and cheerful, no matter how they really feel. Most of them become a kind of drug addict, unable to live even a short time without regular auditing sessions. There is no such aspect of personal life that the sect would not invade, checking it with quotes from Hubbard (and he managed to express his opinion on everything from running a business to raising children).

Scientology programs its members to strongly reject psychiatry and psychology, so that even former members almost never voluntarily turn to psychiatrists or psychologists for help. The situation is complicated by the fact that most doctors do not have information about the experience of being in a sect and, therefore, cannot provide effective assistance to victims of psycho-abuse. So it turns out that most of the former Scientologists end up in other sects or groups that broke away from Scientology, such as “Est” (“Forum” or “Identifier”), “Avatat”, “Dianasis”, “Reappraisal Consulting” or "Idenix".

Specialists and doctors who observed former Scientologists diagnosed their condition as "post-traumatic stress disorder." One psychiatrist has come to believe that Hubbard has turned inside out the healing processes used to relieve obsessive-compulsive disorders, thus artificially leading clients into a syndrome of obsessive-compulsive disorders, which in turn led to a number of mental disorders. Former members report a high percentage of mental disorders caused by the so-called "chronic fatigue syndrome" - a lack of desire and energy. However, no scientific studies have been conducted on these reports so far.


In June 1992, a Canadian court convicted the Church of Scientology of criminal charges. Because of the Scientology method of infiltration, the leading political parties in Germany have banned the admission of Scientologists into their ranks. Scientology is under investigation in France and Spain. In February 1992, the Council of Europe adopted a recommendation for member states of the European Union to subsidize information groups that educate the public about new religious movements. So far no action has been taken on this recommendation .


If your friend or relative is involved in Scientology, it is very important not to force him to change his mind. It is better to treat him with friendliness and sympathy, show a sincere desire to listen to him. If you show him anti-Scientology publications, he can only reinforce his delusion, become defensive, and lose the desire to associate with you. Of course, one should not prevaricate and hide one's attitude to Scientology, but in no case should one express it assertively or aggressively. Give a loved one the opportunity to freely speak out, to talk about everything that he considers his acquisition. The ability to fully speak out is the most important thing for a person, since the need to express ideas often clarifies the thought process. Don't try to think for him. Don't interrupt him or make snide remarks. In a friendly atmosphere, he will discover for himself a number of contradictions inherent in Scientology. If you push him to search for these contradictions, he may simply stop listening to you. Only when you are sure that your loved one does not feel threatened by you, ask if he wants to see any anti-Scientology materials, and only if he agrees, give them to him. In no case should you give him anti-sectarian materials without asking his consent.

Violent "deprogramming", usually associated with the kidnapping of a victim of a sect, is immoral and illegal. In the case of Scientology, it is usually ineffective. However, there are a few non-violent counselors who have enough knowledge of Scientology to help victims of the sect re-evaluate their membership.

© Translation from English by A. Dvorkin, 1995 A trap of unlimited freedom. Collection of articles on Scientology, Dianetics and L. R. Hubbard. Ed. A. L. Dvorkina. - M., Publishing House of the Brotherhood of St. Tikhon, 1996. - 160 p.

Dianetics - doctrine Ron Hubbard, which is based on the technique of working with mind, which allows you to get rid of negative feelings and emotions, to recover from diseases caused by psychological causes (psychosomatics).

According to Hubbard, the main cause of ailments and problems that a person experiences is reactive mind, which accumulates records of all experienced negative moments (illnesses, injuries, stresses, etc.). Such entries in Dianetics are called engrams. Target dianetic methodology is deliverance from engrams, cleansing the mind from them. Repeated passage through engrams allows to exclude their negative impact on the person.

In Dianetics there are a number of states:

  • preclear- a person who embarked on the path of purification;
  • Release- a person who has achieved some success along the way;
  • Clergy- a person who has completed purification, a person who makes the most of his life potential.

Dianetics theory holds that the main purpose mind - provide survival individual, while there are several levels of survival (from personal to group). Intelligence is of two types:

  • analytical mind- the conscious part of the mind, which a person consciously used for everyday tasks. It is believed that everything that a person sees and hears is stored in the analytical mind, except for moments of pain and unconsciousness;
  • reactive mind associated with the unconscious. Its purpose is to provide meaningless reactions of the body to danger, survival in critical situations. All experiences associated with negative emotions and pain are reflected in the reactive mind.

The impact of the reactive mind can be seen in the following example. For example, a person fell down a ladder and noticed a cat during the fall. This engram will be stored in the reactive mind, depositing all the senses that were experienced during the fall—sounds, sights, smells, and so on. In the future, a person may unconsciously experience a headache at the sight of a cat, as from a bruise that he experienced when falling, since the cat is part engrams. Based on this, followers of Dianetics recommend refrain from talking next to a person who is unconscious, in pain, during medical operations and in other similar situations, so that words were not engrammed.

There is a special procedure for clearing engrams in Dianetics called odditing. The procedure is that one person asks certain questions or commands to another person, which are related to finding moments of pain or painful emotions and working with such moments, and which that person can understand and perform. It is especially emphasized that odditing does not contain elements of hypnosis or other hidden influence, and it is also unacceptable to use this procedure in states of alcoholic or drug intoxication. In a Dianetics procedure, moments of pain and unconsciousness (engrams) lose negative energy and the ability to affect a person are erased from the reactive mind and become part of the analytical mind as experiences and memories.

Having completed purification and reaching the state clergy The person has the following qualities:

  • A Clear can make full use of his mental abilities and imagination endowed by nature;
  • Clear has much more physical energy than it was before;
  • Health the clear is much better than that of an "ordinary" person;
  • Clear has a higher resistance to diseases;
  • Ethical and moral clear standards are high enough;
  • Clear has an increased ability enjoy;
  • Love for the clear it is not something uncontrollable, causing pain and suffering;
  • Individuality the clear manifests itself with greater force;
  • Clear is more capable create and engage creative activity.

There are the following kinds Dianetics:

  • Individual Dianetics, Standard Dianetics- teaching as described by Hubbard, as opposed to later modifications;
  • Preventive Dianetics- practice aimed at preventing the appearance of engrams;
  • Children's Dianetics Describes the application of Dianetics procedures to children.

History of Dianetics

Creating Dianetics, Hubbard edited and summarized their knowledge and experience gained in various fields of science and practice. Hubbard studied Freud's theory, traveled around Asia, learning local practices, studied engineering, mathematics, and nuclear physics at the university.

In 1945 Hubbard on myself experienced the application of Dianetic principles, which allowed him to partially restore lost sight due to damage to the optic nerves and get rid of mobility difficulties as a result of wounds in the thigh and back. As a result, he came to the conclusion that the state of mind primary in relation to the physical state of a person, that is, by changing the state of mind, you can change the physical state of the body, and not vice versa. In the 50s, Hubbard opened an office in Los Angeles to continue the study of Dianetics (Hollywood actors, writers, directors become his followers), and uses Dianetics for treatment in hospitals and psychiatric hospitals.

In 1950, the first book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of the Mind, was published. This edition becomes bestseller. In the future, in the United States, across the country, open numerous groups for the practice of Dianetics, by the end of the twentieth century, Dianetics was being practiced in 160 countries peace. From Dianetics arose an applied religious philosophy, which Hubbard called Scientology.

critics Dianetics note the fact that despite the scientific nature of the presentation, this theory cannot be recognized as official science, which brings it closer to religious teachings.

According to Hubbard, Dianetics has the following advantages and fundamental differences:

  1. It contains a therapy method that allows cure everything mental illness, also physical psychosomatic illness;
  2. It brings a person to a state in which he capabilities many times higher than the average level, while maintaining and increasing individuality person;
  3. Dianetics gives a complete understanding of all the possibilities of the mind, and as it turns out, they are much more than previously thought;
  4. In Dianetics there was open the essence of man, it is established that man is basically good;
  5. Dianetics discovered and demonstrated through clinical and laboratory research single source of mental disorders;
  6. Dianetics finally established what the possibilities are human memory, what is its ability to retain information, and also how great is a person’s ability to remember what is stored in memory;
  7. Dianetics discovered how potential has intelligence in terms of recording information, and concluded that this potential is not at all the same as previously thought;
  8. Dianetics put forward germ theory diseases, complementing biochemistry and Pasteur's work on germ theory and thus covering the whole field;
  9. With the advent of Dianetics disappears the "need" to destroy the brain through shock therapy or surgery in order to make mentally ill patients "more compliant" and "adapt them to the situation";
  10. Dianetics Explains Physiological Effects drugs and drugs, as well as substances produced by the endocrine system, and this explanation has practical use; Dianetics also provides solutions to many of the problems posed endocrinology;
  11. Dianetics is raising new levels of research in areas such as education, sociology, politics, military affairs etc.
  12. Dianetics contributes to cytology, as well as other research areas.

Dear visitors! We would like to inform you that by decision of the courts the centers of Dianetics and Scientology were liquidated in some cities of Russia (for example, St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Khabarovsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, etc.). A number of Ron Hubbard's works have been placed on the list of extremist materials by court order (sections 1170-1176 of the Federal List of Extremist Materials). In addition, the Russian Ministry of Health prohibits the use in medicine of detoxification methods and other methods of Scientology and Dianetics arising from the teachings of R. Hubbard (Order of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 1996 No. 254 On the abolition of the "Methodological recommendations" Detoxification program ""). We also draw your attention to the fact that against some leaders of training centers that use Scientology and Dianetics in their work, criminal cases have been opened in Russia and Kazakhstan.