New technology future invention. "Smart" sensors for car tires

Aging diagnostics

Before inventing a “pill against old age”, a team of Russian scientists and programmers, led by a futurologist, founder of the Russian Transhumanist Movement and the KrioRus company, Danila Medvedev, decided to deal with the diagnosis. They decomposed the abstract concept of "old age" into processes that occur in the human body at a certain age, and entered these processes into the scheme. Very specific. Each person has his own - depending on genetics, lifestyle, ecology, economy and many other factors - and is calculated individually. Having such a scheme in hand, the doctor can prescribe anti-aging therapy with precision. It will be possible to pass the diagnostics of aging in 2015.

Supplements for eternal life

The main futurist, founder of the Singularity University and the ideologist of "eternal life" Ray Kurzweil also considers aging to be a complex process that captures the entire body, including the brain. The brain is the same muscle. To keep it in working condition, it needs to be constantly trained and properly fed. To this end, Ray takes daily vinpocetine, phosphatidylserine, acetyl-L-carnitine, ginkgo biloba, EPA / DHA, phosphatidylcholine, SAMe - a total of 250 supplements of his own invention. And this is just a tiny part of the system that the scientist came up with and described with Terry Grossman in the bestseller Transcend: Nine Steps for Living Well Forever. By supporting himself in this way, Ray, who believes in progress, wants to live to see the emergence of new, life-extending technologies. Plus ten years. Plus twenty. Plus one hundred. And then eternity - as in a mathematical paradox about a hare and a turtle, only in reverse.

eco fashion

There is a good chance that we will soon be walking in sneakers with biodegradable polymer soles, wearing glasses made of castor seeds and citric acid, and bags made of leatherette based on vegetable oil. In a word, we will do everything to reduce oil consumption. According to Stella McCartney, we are entering an era of revolutionary eco-friendly fashion. When creating the Adidas Dry Dye T-shirt, the renowned British designer dyed the fabric without the use of water, using half the chemicals and energy.

Lenses for diabetics

Now there are about three hundred and forty-seven million diabetics in the world. And they all need to prick their finger every time they need to check their blood sugar levels (from once a month to five times a day, depending on the severity of the disease). The lenses, on the other hand, will read the information contained in the lacrimal fluid and transfer it to the computer - independently and completely bloodless. Google and Novartis have expressed confidence that this will be possible within five years.

Robot Spouses

According to artificial intelligence expert David Levy (author of the book Love + Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships), by 2050 a person will be able to start a family with a robot. The emotional talking robot is already available in Japan and soon in France for 1,500 euros apiece. Pepper, prototyped by Aldebaran for SoftBank, is able to understand our emotions and experiences - unlike most people.

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Organs to order

In 2012, the Nobel Prize in Medicine went to the organ regeneration project. Its author is Japanese researcher Shinya Yamanaka. He believes that the human body, like a car, can work as long as it wants. The main thing is to replace worn parts with regenerated ones in time. To do this, you just need to introduce into the body its own cells, only brand new ones. Shinya Yamanaka learned how to reprogram certain types of cells at the genetic level so that they become induced pluripotent stem cells (CSPi) and resemble our primary (basic) cells. These cells have the ability to transform as needed, even to restore the heart, even the iris. The main thing is to take care of everything in advance and deposit the biomaterial in the cell bank. There are already two such banks in Singapore and Dubai. In them, for 47 thousand euros, you can preserve your cells in anticipation of the moment when regenerative medicine finally learns to use them.

artificial pregnancy

An artificial reproductive system, which includes the uterus and placenta, connected to the umbilical cord by means of catheters, has passed the first tests. Mice and goats, which developed almost to the due date, underwent the experiment until the birth. In the future, this device will save the lives of many premature babies and will be used in complicated pregnancies. Research is ongoing and perhaps the day after tomorrow we will be able to transplant embryos conceived in vitro into an artificial uterus.

Button contraception

The development of a contraceptive-implant is in full swing, which will be introduced into the female body and activated by a simple click through a switch-relay. The implant is a miniature reservoir that releases a precise dose of progestative hormone every day for sixteen years (validity). Do you want to get pregnant? Put the switch on off and go to the pharmacy for a test. Research is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the idea itself belongs to the founder of Microsoft. The novelty should appear on the US market in 2018.

accelerated puberty

The age of sexual maturity will be 8 years for girls and 10 for boys. Among the factors that accelerate maturation, scientists call obesity. Fat cells produce leptin, which signals to the brain that sufficient reserves have been accumulated to enter reproductive age. Added to this is the factor of harmful substances (bisphenol A, phthalates, pesticides) that affect the male and female endocrine system and upset the balance.

laser cook

Cooking will soon become easier. Your task is to choose a recipe, put everything in the refrigerator on the table, set up the camera and follow the laser pointer. She will show how much and what you need, mark the carcass so that you cut the product, as the recipe says, into “cubes”, and not haphazardly. Negligent culinary specialists will be beaten on the hands - also virtually.

baby without sperm

Women will be able to have a child not only without the direct participation of a man, but even without donor sperm. How? One provides her egg. The other one forms a spermatozoon thanks to the induced pluripotent stem cells, which in this case are transformed into gamete germ cells. This is a 100% female conception, as a result of which only girls will be born. After all, a female spermatozoon created in this way can only carry the X chromosome (only men are carriers of the Y chromosome). Before us is the prospect of a purely female society, which wants to say our loud "no way."

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golden ratio

Gold will beat cancer. Literally. It's simple: kamikaze liposomes a millionth of a millimeter in size, charged with gold particles, are introduced into cancer cells. Upon arrival at the site, the lipid membrane dissolves, the gold is deposited in the tumor cells, then the metal is heated using an infrared laser, and the cancer cells explode from overheating. Mission Complete.

End of asphalt

Asphalt will be replaced by solar panels, and electric vehicles can be recharged on the go. The roads of the future will be free of potholes, potholes and ice thanks to the integrated defrosting system. Surplus electricity will be directed to heating and lighting houses. In terms of texture, close to asphalt (for better adhesion to the soil), solar panels can withstand a load of up to 110 tons. The project is already underway. It is funded by the US National Highway Service.

vertical gardens

In the absence of free space horizontally, gardens and orchards within the city will have to master the vertical. It will look like skyscrapers-trees with 100% autonomous power supply due to solar panels. The first skyscraper farm will start operating in the near future in Seoul.

Avatar psychotherapists

In the near future, psychotherapists will be available at any time of the day or night - in the form of avatars. But this will not prevent them from assessing emotions in real time (like the heroine Scarlett Johansson in the movie “Her”), deciphering the algorithms of “body language” and facial expressions of patients sitting at the monitor. The prototype of a virtual psychotherapist is already ready. His name is SimSensei, and he's the brainchild of the Creative Technology Institute of California.

Memory Detox

Although why spend money on a psychotherapist, if you can just, like a hard drive, clean your memory? Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have discovered the Tet 1 gene, which determines the presence or disappearance of bad memories. If this gene is turned off, we are fixated on an unpleasant event. Conversely, if it is activated with medication, the ability to forget increases. Researchers are developing a molecule that can sweeten memories. It is very important, especially in post-traumatic syndrome.

Drinking rain water

The Ivanka project, presented at Milan Design Week 2014, will turn rainwater into drinkable water. This is not only good for the environment, but also incredibly profitable. It is enough to install a water filter on the roof, which, by the way, has already received a patent.

Bionic hands

Thanks to complex processes that will connect the nerve endings at the site of the amputation of the limb and hundreds of prosthesis electrodes, artificial arms and legs controlled by the power of thought will appear in the near future. Consider half the job done. The rest is half the battle - to recreate the sensations when touched.

digital divide

Despite the growing popularity of the digital detox movement, gadgets will still determine our success in the future. And this is not only an opportunity to acquire the most technically advanced device and the ability to handle it, but also the right to be included in society. That is, moving up the social ladder will be directly related to gaining access to information or to any community.


The world is improving every day, inventing and discovering something new, and without these achievements we would not have come so far.

Scientists, researchers, developers and designers from all over the world are trying to implement something that will simplify our lives and make it more interesting.

Here are some technologies future that take our lives to a completely different level.

New technologies of the future

1. Biorefrigerators

A Russian designer has come up with a concept for a refrigerator called "Bio Robot Refrigerator" that cools food with biopolymer gel. It has no shelves, no compartments, no doors - you just stick your food into the gel.

The idea was proposed by Yuri Dmitriev for the competition Electrolux Design Lab. The refrigerator uses only 8 percent of the house's energy for the control panel and does not need any energy for the actual cooling.

The fridge biopolymer gel uses light generated at cold temperatures to preserve food. The gel itself is odorless and non-sticky, and the refrigerator can be wall or ceiling mounted.

2. Ultra-fast 5G internet from solar-powered drones

Google is working on solar-paneled drones that distribute super-fast internet in a project called Project Skybender. In theory Drones will provide Internet services 40 times faster than in 4G networks, allowing you to transfer gigabytes of data per second.

The project involves the use of millimeter waves to provide the service, as the existing spectrum for mobile communications is too full.

However, these waves have a shorter range than a 4G mobile signal. Google is working on this problem, and if all technical problems can be solved, the Internet of unprecedented speed may soon appear.

3. 5D disks for eternal storage of terabytes of data

Researchers have created a 5D disc that records data in 5 dimensions that lasts for billions of years. He can store 360 terabytes of data and withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

The files on the disk are made up of three layers of nanodots. The five dimensions of the disk refer to the size and orientation of the dots, and their position within the three dimensions. As light passes through the disk, the dots change the polarization of the light, which is read by the microscope and polarizer.

The Southampton team that develops the disc has been able to get the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Newton's Optics, Magna Carta and the Bible onto the disc. In a few years, such a disk will no longer be an experiment, but will become the norm for data storage.

4. Injection of oxygen particles

Scientists at the Boston Children's Hospital have developed microparticles filled with oxygen that can be injected into the bloodstream allowing you to live even if you can't breathe.

Microparticles consist of a single layer of lipid capsules that surround a small oxygen bubble. The 2-4 micrometer capsules are suspended in a fluid that controls their size, as larger bubbles can be dangerous.

When injected, the capsules collide with red blood cells and transfer oxygen. Thanks to this method, it was possible to introduce 70 percent of oxygen into the blood.

5. Underwater transport tunnels

Norway plans to build the world's first underwater floating bridges at a depth of 30 meters under water using large pipes wide enough for two lanes.

Given the difficulty of moving around the area, Norway decided to work on the creation of underwater bridges. The $25 billion project is expected to be completed in 2035.

There are other factors to be considered, such as the influence of wind, waves and strong currents on the bridge.

6. Bioluminescent trees

The development team decided to create bioluminescent trees using an enzyme found in some jellyfish and fireflies.

Such trees will be able to illuminate the streets and help passers-by see better at night. A small version of the project has already been developed in the form of a plant that glows in the dark. The next step will be the trees that light up the streets.

7. Roll-up TVs

LG developed a prototype TV that can be rolled up like a roll of paper.

The TV uses polymer-based LED technology to reduce the thickness of the screen.

Apart from LG, other major electronics manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony and Mitsubishi are working on making screens more flexible and portable.

Technology development in the future

8. Bionic lens for lightRhuman vision

Canadian doctor is going to conduct clinical trials "bionic lenses" that improve 100% vision by 3 times with an 8-minute painless operation.

The new lens will be available as early as 2017, improving the natural lens of the eye. During the operation, a syringe injects a saline lens into the eye, and after 10 seconds, the folded lens straightens and rests over the natural lens, completely correcting vision.

9. Spray clothes

Spanish designer Manel Torres invented the world's first spray-on clothing. You can spray on any part of the body and then take it off, wash it off and wear it again.

The spray is made from special fibers mixed with polymers that give the fabric elasticity and durability. This technology will allow designers to create unique garments with original designs.

10. DNA-derived portraits

Student Heather Dewey-Hagborg creates 3D portraits from DNA found on cigarette butts and chewing gum on the street.

She enters the DNA sequences into a computer program that creates the appearance of a person from a sample. Usually, during this process, a 25-year-old version of a person is issued. The model is then printed into 3D life-size portraits.

11. Shopping in virtual reality

One of these shops was opened at a railway station in South Korea, where you can place an order by photographing the barcode and your purchases will be delivered to your home.

Chain of stores home plus installed six screen doors with life-size images of shelves filled with items you would buy in a supermarket. Under each item there is a barcode that can be scanned and sent using the app.

You can place an order at the station on your way to work, and the goods will be delivered to your home in the evening.

12. Self-driving cars

Expected that by 2020 there will be about 10 million unmanned vehicles, which will reduce the number of deaths by 2,500 between 2014 and 2030.

Many car manufacturers have already begun to implement some of the automatic driving features in their cars.

There are also many companies trying to develop technologies for self-driving cars, such as Google, which announced a self-driving car prototype. A fully autonomous vehicle is expected by 2019.

13. City under the dome

Construction underway in Dubai a mall called the "Mall of the World" covered by a retractable dome which controls the climate inside, and supplies air conditioning.

The complex will cover an area of ​​4.46 km2 and will include a large beauty and health center, a cultural and entertainment area, hotels with 20,000 rooms and much more. It will be the largest mall with a closed theme park.

14. Artificial leaves that convert carbon dioxide and sunlight into fuel

Scientists have developed new solar cells that convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into fuel using the sun.

While many attempts have been made to convert carbon dioxide into something useful, this is the first time an actual method has been developed. Unlike other technologies that require precious metals such as silver, this method uses a tungsten-based material that is 20 times cheaper and 1,000 times faster.

These solar cells use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce syngas, a mixture of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide that can be directly burned or converted into hydrocarbon fuels.

Technologies of the near future

15. Plasma force field that protects cars from accidents and collisions

Boeing has patented a method to create a plasma field by rapidly heating the air to quickly absorb shock waves.

The force field can be generated using lasers or microwave radiation. The plasma created is air heated to a higher temperature than the surrounding air, with a different density and composition. The company believes that it will be able to reflect and absorb the energy generated by the explosion, protecting those inside the field.

If the technology can be brought to life, it will be a revolutionary development in the military field.

16. Floating cities

Floating ecopolis called Lilypad, was proposed by architect Vincent Callebaut for future climate refugees as a long-term solution to rising sea levels. The city can accommodate 50,000 people using renewable energy sources.

Very intelligent robots will enter our daily lives everywhere. But we will not be separated from them - rather, we ourselves will become partly robots and will be connected with robots ...

What innovations will enter the life of earthlings by 2100? Forecasts on the pages of The Times are made by Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at City University of New York, reports InoPressa.

He expects several important discoveries by 2030. So, no later than this time, contact lenses with Internet access should appear. Professor Babak A. Parviz from the University of Washington (Seattle) is working on a prototype of such a device. In an interview with The Times, he explained that the image will be formed "in front of the eye" using translucent, non-obstructive LEDs. The device will be able to recognize faces, carry out automatic translation from foreign languages ​​and display other information in the field of view.

At the same time, various “spare parts” for the human body are expected to appear on the free market. Already today, scientific advances make it possible to create cartilage, bones, skin, ears, noses, blood vessels, heart valves, bladders and tracheas. This is done as follows: cells taken from the patient's body are seeded on a sponge-like plastic base. After adding a growth catalyst, the cells begin to multiply, and the base gradually dissolves, Dr. Anthony Atala from Wake Forest University told the publication.

Further, by 2030, humanity may have mastered telepathy. Already today, microcircuits are implanted into the brain of the paralyzed, with the help of which they learn to write e-mails, play video games and surf the Internet by the effort of thought; Honda Corporation engineers have created a robot controlled by the same principle. Kendrick Kay of the University of California at Berkeley is working on a "dictionary of thinking": "It is possible that soon it will be possible to reconstruct a picture of a person's visual experience using only measurements of brain activity," he says.

There is a possibility that by 2070 it will be possible to bring extinct animals back to life, Kaku continues. Experts were able to clone the animal from DNA samples taken from the remains 25 years after his death. At the moment, the Neanderthal genome has already been deciphered, and there is talk in the scientific community about the prospects for the revival of this species. “I think it will be possible when we have tools for genetic manipulation. And theoretically, we will have such tools sooner or later. The question is whether it should be done, ”describes the essence of the discussions Robert Lanza from Advanced Cell Technology Corporation.

By 2070, the emergence of technologies to slow down human aging is also expected. Experiments on animals and insects have shown that a 30% life extension can be achieved by "calorie restriction" by the same 30%.

By the year 2100, scientists' dreams of "programmable matter" may come true, which will allow objects to change shape, just as the robot did in the Terminator 2 movie. To date, special microchips the size of a pinhead, the so-called "katoms", have already been created. By changing the electrical charge, they can regroup, due to which they take the form of a sheet of paper, then a cup, then a fork, then a plate, the newspaper claims. The author of the article dreams of a time when "whole cities will rise in the desert at the touch of a button."

At the beginning of the 22nd century, there will be a spacecraft suitable for traveling to the stars, scientists hope. Perhaps at first it will be small, "nail-sized", but very fast, capable of moving at near-light speeds, computers that could be sent out into space by the millions.

Then the earthly civilization, perhaps, will triumph over cancer. Kaku attributes these expectations to a breakthrough in diagnostics: built-in DNA chips in the toilet will allow you to notice the disease at an early stage. In the fight against cancer cells (the word "tumor" will disappear from the English language by this time, he is convinced), smart bombs made in the form of "nanoparticles" will be thrown, the test samples of which are already available today.

Rodney Brooks of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology expects “merge with robots” by 2100: “In 50 years, we will witness the introduction of radical changes in the human body through genetic modification ... We will no longer be limited to Darwinian evolution ... By 2100 in our daily lives very intelligent robots will enter everywhere. But we will not be separated from them - rather, we ourselves will partly become robots and will be connected with robots, ”the expert predicts.

Around the same time, a breakthrough in space tourism should take place, associated with the creation of a space elevator. It is assumed that this invention will reduce the cost of delivering goods to Earth orbit by a hundred times, as a result of which space travel will become accessible to the average person. The cabin will rise to the skies on a cable thousands of miles long, held by centrifugal force from the rotation of the Earth. Hope for the implementation of this project was given by the recent discovery of carbon nanotubes. “There are no physical barriers,” reports Carbon Designs founder Bradley Edwards.

Tags: World, Science and Technology, discoveries, future

In the Denisova Cave in Altai, a phalanx of a child's finger was found, from which it was possible to isolate DNA and prove that this ancient child belonged to a new species of intelligent people, Homo Altaiensis.

And at the Institute of Historical Chronology named after academician Fomenko, they finally proved that the Prussians, Russians, Etruscans and Moldovan plasterers are one and the same people living in Northern Butovo. What kind of discoveries scientists and those who call themselves scientists can please us in the next year, the columnist of the Week fantasizes.

Mathematics of colors

Even before the summer holidays, the supercomputer of the North Caucasian Federal University will be launched, with the help of which an attempt will be made to refute the four-color theorem. A long-established theorem says that four colors are always enough to color a geographical map in such a way that neighboring countries or regions are colored in different colors. By the Day of Russia on June 12, it will turn out that the effect of the theorem does not apply to the North Caucasus, and the supercomputer will burn down.

The Physics of Joy

Following the chain of anthracite - three-dimensional diamond - layered three-dimensional graphite - single-layer two-dimensional graphene, researchers from the Donbass Coal University will take the next step in the manufacture of carbon substances. They will obtain one-dimensional carbon, which has amazing properties of lightness and complete transparency - up to invisibility and impossibility to touch. The invention opens up broad prospects for the manufacture of attributes of the unbearable lightness of being.

Dichlorobutanetriquercetin solution

Chemistry will come to the aid of the fighters against corruption. On the instructions of the special forces, scientists from the closed research institute of special paints (Moscow, highway Entuziastov, 15/2) will create a paint that will mark banknotes offered as a bribe. The paint will not only glow in ultraviolet rays, but 15 minutes after the bribe is given, it will start singing the song "Butyrka, all nights are full of fire!" The composition of the paint (a doubly distilled solution of dichlorobutanetriquercetin in alcohol) will be carefully classified.

Tales of biology

A new species of Javanese toad, mimicking in case of danger under the daughter of the local leader of the tribe (princess), will be accidentally discovered by the expedition of the Anthropological Institute. Miklouho-Maclay in the market town of Leluabang. The princess selling cigarettes at first categorically refused to demimicrize back into a toad, but the leader, called for help, managed to convince her daughter. At the end of autumn, the toad will be studied using computed tomography.

Genetics in the service of cynology

After the successful completion of the Human Genome project, Russian geneticists are starting to study DNA extracted from the well-preserved tibia of the Mumu dog, and only recently discovered in the Moscow River near Luzhniki. Scientists are firmly convinced that they will finally be able to answer the question: "Why did Gerasim drown his Mumu?" The hypothesis of a genetic disease of the dog, in some way not yet obvious, associated with Gerasim's disability is considered.

Geography and priority

In connection with the expiration of the Antarctic Treaty, the Russian Geographical Society will face questions of confirming the priority of the Russian Empire in the discovery of Antarctica. It is planned to make a non-stop circumnavigation of the mainland along the route of Bellingshausen and Lazarev, a visa-free visit to the American station Amundsen-Scott at the South Pole and install the titanium flag of the Geographical Society there. From purely scientific experiments, this station will measure the melting point of the ice in Johnny Walker whisky.

Ecology of life

As you know, waste incineration plants did not justify themselves, and their construction was stopped. Based on the latest achievements of science, technologists from the Vozrozhdeniye center will complete the design of waste drowning and landfill enterprises by winter, ensuring the removal of urban waste on the principle of "out of sight".

Archaeological genealogy

In Denisova Cave, the search for the remaining phalanges of the third type of ancient man, apparently related, although hostile to Neanderthals, will continue. Members of the new expedition will have to submit the results of their DNA analysis for kinship with Neanderthals. If the average content of Neanderthal genes in the genome (3%) is exceeded, the researchers will be suspended from work as clearly biased. Anyone who finds at least one more phalanx will have the right to name the object by its own name (for example, homo altaiensis voskoboinnikovis).

Entertaining linguistics

Linguists in the new year will be mainly busy solving the "Yo letter problem". The categorical refusal of printers to use this letter even in words where it is absolutely necessary (for example, yo-my) will lead to the idea of ​​​​an alternative use of the phonetically flawless replacement of this letter with "yo". The authority of Robert Lewis Stevenson ("yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!") will serve as a weighty argument in discussions with publishers and printers, and by the time of the next New Year the word "yolka" will be firmly established in the New Russian language.

It would be possible to continue listing the discoveries that will be made by Russian and foreign scientists in 2011. But let's not rush things - the ability to be surprised and admire the new is one of the most important signs of homo voskoboynikovis ... that is, no, homo sapiens.


The rabbit is not to blame

The craze for the oriental calendar, profitably supported by manufacturers of faience and faux fur animals, this year has reached the point of absurdity. Not only are they going to celebrate the Year of an Animal on January 1, 2011, although according to the Eastern calendar the new year will come only on February 3, there were as many as three of these animals! Like pies, lurid cats made of ceramic dough baked in the microwave by cunning entrepreneurs disperse. Gift bags for useful officials include a toy that slightly resembles a creature from the order of lagomorphs. It is assumed to be a rabbit. The unfortunate live rabbits have already been sold out in all pet stores and are languishing in cages in anticipation of December 31, when they will be pulled out of the prison by the ears and presented to a drunken brother on his wife's side. In the morning, the poor animal will be thrown into the nearest snowdrift.

It's not the rabbit's fault, after all. Although he looks like a hare, he is not a hare and does not even interbreed with this relative of his, which in fact is the symbol of 2011 according to the eastern calendar. The most authoritative Big Japanese-Russian Dictionary, edited by Acad. Nicholas Conrad directly indicates: in the Japanese and Chinese calendars, the corresponding year of the 60-year cycle is the year of the Hare. And not white or yellow, as the merchants say, happily rubbing their playful little hands, but simply the Hare. At the same time, they dragged in Chinese philosophy with its five elements, and the unfortunate rabbit - but in fact a hare - also became "metal". Indeed, each pair of years, in this case 2010 and 2011, corresponds to one of the elements, but this element is not included in the name (hieroglyphs of the year).

But that's more! It was not enough for them to have a rabbit, so the greedy manufacturers of New Year's bullshit also pulled a Vietnamese cat by the ears! Yes, in the Vietnamese bestiary, the hare is replaced by a cat (more precisely, a representative of the subspecies Felis silvestris catus of an indeterminate gender - either a cat or a cat). And what, are you going to celebrate Tet - the Vietnamese new year? In this case, we recall that the cat in Vietnam acts as not only a cute domestic creature, but also an important culinary object. Eat a cat-2011 with rice in soy sauce.

Now we are advised in no case not to serve rabbit meat on the table on the New Year, otherwise the rabbit, you see, will be offended - and the year will be difficult and unsuccessful. If the latter is true (every year is difficult in Russia), then the former is complete nonsense. This is the year of the Hare, and rabbit meat is just very tasty and healthy, perfectly absorbed by the body and not too expensive. When buying a butchered rabbit in the market, pay attention to the paw, on which a piece of fur should remain. Otherwise, you may slip a cat. Apparently, because of the anatomical proximity of these animals, the Vietnamese got it all wrong.

By the way, we have 2011 - the year of the bear, the year of elections to the State Duma.

MOSCOW, February 8 - RIA Novosti. More than 70% of Russians are not able to name a single scientific achievement of the country over the past decades - these are the results of a sociological survey by VTsIOM carried out on the occasion of the Day of Russian Science. At the same time, at least ten discoveries of our scientists in recent years have left a noticeable mark on world science.

Gravitational waves

In August 2017, the LIGO detector detected gravitational waves caused by the collision of two neutron stars in the galaxy NGC 4993 in the constellation Hydra. The most precise device felt the perturbation of space-time, although its source was 130 million light-years from Earth. Science magazine called it the top discovery of the year.

The physicists of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences made a considerable contribution to it. The Russians joined the search for gravitational waves on the LIGO detector in 1993 thanks to Vladimir Braginsky, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (passed away in March 2016).

LIGO first recorded gravitational waves (from the collision of two black holes) in September 2015.

Lake Vostok in Antarctica

The Russians own the last major geographical discovery on the planet - Lake Vostok in Antarctica. A giant reservoir is located under a four-kilometer thickness of ice in the very center of the Sixth Continent. Theoretically, it was predicted back in the 1950s by oceanologist Nikolai Zubov and geophysicist Andrei Kapitsa.

It took almost three decades to drill the glacier. Members of the AARI Russian Antarctic Expedition reached the relict lake on February 5, 2012.

Lake Vostok has been isolated from the outside world for at least 14 million years. Scientists are interested in whether any living organisms have survived there. If there is life in the reservoir, then its study will serve as the most important source of information about the past of the Earth and will help the search for organisms in space.

Space project "Radioastron"

In July 2011, the Spektr-R radio telescope was launched into orbit. Together with ground-based radio telescopes, it forms a kind of ear that can hear the pulse of the Universe in the radio range. This successful Russian project called "Radioastron" is unique. It is based on the principle of ultra-long baseline radio interferometry, developed by Academician Nikolai Kardashev, director of the Astrospace Center of the Lebedev Physical Institute.

"Radioastron" studies supermassive black holes and, in particular, ejections of matter (jets) from them. Using the world's largest (recorded in the Guinness Book of Records) radio telescope, scientists hope to see the shadow of a black hole, which is presumably at the center of the Milky Way.

Experiments with graphene

In 2010, natives of Russia Andrey Geim and Konstantin Novoselov won the Nobel Prize in Physics for their research on graphene. Both graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, worked at the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Chernogolovka, and in the 1990s they left to continue their research abroad. In 2004, they proposed a now classic way to obtain two-dimensional graphene by simply peeling it off a piece of graphite with tape. Currently, Nobel laureates work at the University of Manchester in the UK.

Graphene is a layer of carbon one atom thick. They saw the future of terahertz electronics in it, but then they discovered a number of flaws that have not yet been overcome. For example, graphene is very difficult to turn into a semiconductor, and besides, it is very fragile.

A new kind of Homo

In 2010, a sensation spread around the world - a new species of ancient people was discovered who lived simultaneously with sapiens and Neanderthals. Relatives were dubbed Denisovans by the name of the cave in Altai, where their remains were found. The place of the Denisovans on the human family tree was established after deciphering the DNA isolated from the tooth of an adult and the little finger of a little girl, who died 30-50 thousand years ago (it is unfortunately impossible to say more precisely).

Ancient people chose Denisova Cave 300 thousand years ago. Scientists from the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been excavating there for decades, and only progress in the methods of molecular biology has finally made it possible to reveal the secret of the Denisovans.

Archaeologists want to restore the appearance of the Denisovan manDirector of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, this year's state prize winner Academician Anatoly Derevyanko hopes that during excavations in the Denisova Cave in Altai, scientists will be able to find a skull or fragments of an extinct human species - the Denisovan man - and restore its appearance.

Superheavy atoms

In the 1960s, Russian physicists predicted an "island of stability" - a special physical state within which superheavy atoms should exist. In 2006, experimenters from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna discovered the 114th element, later called flerovium, on this "island" using a cyclotron. Then, one after another, the 115th, 117th and 118th elements were discovered - respectively, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson (in honor of the discoverer Academician Yuri Oganesyan). So replenished the periodic table.

Poincare conjecture

In 2002-2003, the Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman solved one of the millennium problems - he proved the Poincaré conjecture formulated a hundred years ago. He published the solution in a series of articles on It took his colleagues several years to verify the proof and accept the discovery. Perelman was nominated for the Fields Prize, the Clay Mathematical Institute gave him a million dollars, but the mathematician refused all awards and money. He also ignored the offer to participate in the elections for the title of academician.

Grigory Perelman was born in St. Petersburg, graduated from Physics and Mathematics School No. 239 and the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Leningrad University, worked in the St. Petersburg branch of the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklova. He does not communicate with the press, does not conduct public activities. It is not even known in which country he now lives and whether he is engaged in mathematics.

Last year, Forbes magazine included Grigory Perelman among the people of the century.

Perelman not nominated for academician without his consent, scientists sayThe outstanding Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman cannot be nominated as a candidate for a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences if he does not agree to the nomination of his candidacy, such consent has not yet been obtained, scientists and representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences said.

laser on heterostructures

In the late 1960s, physicist Zhores Alferov designed the world's first semiconductor laser based on heterostructures he had grown. At that time, scientists were actively looking for a way to improve the traditional elements of radio circuits, and this was possible thanks to the invention of fundamentally new materials that had to be grown layer by layer, atom by atom, and from different compounds. Despite the laboriousness of the procedures, it was possible to grow such crystals. It turned out that they can radiate like lasers and thus transmit data. This made it possible to create computers, compact discs, fiber optic communications, and new space communications systems.

In 2000, academician Zhores Alferov was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

High temperature superconductors

In the 1950s, theoretical physicist Vitaly Ginzburg, together with Lev Landau, took up the theory of superconductivity and proved the existence of a special class of materials - type II superconductors. The physicist Alexei Abrikosov discovered them experimentally. In 2003, Ginzburg and Abrikosov received the Nobel Prize for this discovery.

In the 1960s, Vitaly Ginzburg took up the theoretical substantiation of high-temperature superconductivity and wrote a book about it together with David Kirzhnits. At that time, few people believed in the existence of materials that would conduct electric current without resistance at a temperature slightly above absolute zero. And in 1987, compounds were discovered that turned into superconductors at 77.4 Kelvin (minus 195.75 degrees Celsius, the boiling point of liquid nitrogen).

The search for high-temperature superconductors was continued by physicists Mikhail Eremets and Alexander Drozdov, who are now working in Germany. In 2015, they discovered that hydrogen sulfide gas can become a superconductor, and at a record high temperature for this phenomenon - minus 70 degrees. Nature magazine named Mikhail Yeremets the Scientist of the Year.

The last mammoths on earth

In 1989, Sergei Vartanyan, a young fellow at Leningrad State University who studied the ancient geography of the Arctic, came to Wrangel Island, lost in the Arctic Ocean. He collected the bones of mammoths, lying there in abundance, and using radiocarbon analysis determined that they were only a few thousand years old. As subsequently established, woolly mammoths became extinct 3730 years ago. Island mammoths were slightly smaller than their mainland relatives, growing up to 2.5 meters at the withers, so they are also called dwarf ones. An article by Vartanyan and his colleagues about the latest mammoths on Earth was published in Nature in 1993, and the whole world learned about their discovery.

The mammoth genome from Wrangel Island was deciphered in 2015. Now Sergey Vartanyan with Russian and foreign colleagues continue to analyze it in order to find out all the features of the life of pygmy mammoths and unravel the mystery of their disappearance.