The spelling of the letter e. capital letter "e"

The letter e is written:
  1. At the beginning of some Russian words: this, this, these, that, such, such, such, such, such, eva, evon, evot (simple), ehma, ek, eka (simple), hey, ege, e-ge- heh heh heh heh.
  2. At the beginning of borrowed words: aesthetics, epithet, popsicle, epic, ether, energy, epigraph, selfishness, evolution, emotion, shocking, etc.
The letter e is also preserved after prefixes: re-examination, save, anti-aesthetic, electrify, re-export, etc.
  1. At the beginning of proper names and geographical names: Emil, Edward, Erasmus, Ernest, Elvira, Ella, Ecuador, Elbrus, Aegean Sea, Elba, etc. However, in the most ancient borrowings of Europe, Egypt, Euripides, Eve, the letter e is written.
  2. In complex words: two-element, political economy, polyester, polioencephalitis, quintessence, etc.
  3. In compound abbreviated words: state district power station, thermal power plant, power transmission line (power line), hydroelectric power station, etc. But the word UNESCO is written with e.
  4. In the middle and at the end of borrowed words after the vowels o and u: poem, aloe, orthoepy, canoe, duet, duel, minuet, silhouette, Suez, pirouette, as well as in foreign surnames and geographical names: Maugham, Hemingway, Wales, Puerto- Rico, Fort Worth, Kuen-Lun, etc. But the word project and its derivatives (design, designed, design, design, design, designer, design, projector, projection, projection) are written through e.
After the vowel a, both the letter e and the letter e are written, for example: maestro, phaeton, but the trajectory, as well as the registry, extravaganza. The spelling of such words is checked in a dictionary.
The letter e is written:
  1. In the middle and at the end of borrowings after consonants:
  1. in common nouns: cafe, puree, pince-nez, meringue, riding breeches, essay, tour, dash, corrugation, dandy, test, model, tennis, synthesis, brown-haired, cottage, phoneme, meter. Exceptions: mayor, peer, sir and their derivatives (city hall, peerage, peerage), plein air, udege, udegee;
  2. in proper names and geographical names: Wagner, Chaucer, Chopin, Romain Rolland, Bizet, Jose, Stendhal, Tuapse, Tananarive, etc. Exceptions: Bela, Bacon, Benescu, Baudouin de Courtenay, Cabet, Ulan-Ude, Huanghe, Suhe- Bator, Sikhote-Alin and some others. The names of foreign newspapers and magazines are spelled differently: some with e (Humanite, Rude Pravo, Tventis Century, etc.), others with e (Fraternite, Revue Militaire Generale, etc.). .). The words magazine (magazine) and journal (newspaper, magazine) are written with e (New York Times Magazine, Wall Street Journal);
  3. in particles, prepositions and conjunctions de, der, del, della, as well as in the words Sen and Ter, which are part of foreign names and surnames: von der Goltz, Andrea del Sartro, Luca della Robbia, Saint-Simon, Ter-Ghevondyan, Angelo de Torro and others.
  1. After the vowel and: patient, diet, sharp, hygiene, polio, requiem, audience, etc. Exception: Marietta, the Associated Press agency and some other proper names.
The letter ё (used to denote the sound [o] after soft consonants) appeared in the Russian alphabet in the 18th century. It was introduced by N. M. Karamzin. But this letter has not been widely used up to the present day: its spelling is considered optional. However, in some cases it needs to be marked.
  1. When it is necessary to prevent incorrect reading and understanding of a word, for example: we learn in contrast to we learn; everything is different from everything; bucket - from a bucket; perfect (participle) - from perfect (adjective).
  2. When you need to specify the pronunciation of a little-known geographical name. For example: the river Olekma, Ega, Tesha, Olenyok, etc.
  3. To emphasize the stress in the surnames: Bokarev (and not Bokarev), Dikarev (and not Dykarev), Görlitz (and not Görlitz), Bodø (and not Buda), etc.
  4. In special texts to indicate stress and correct pronunciation: in primers, school textbooks, orthoepy textbooks, etc., as well as in dictionaries to indicate the place of stress and correct pronunciation.
In foreign words, at the beginning of words and after vowels, instead of the letter yo, yo is written, for example: iodine, iot, district, major, iodoform, iotated, Iozhef, Iokai, Yokul, Jorgen, Yoshkar-Ola, York, Yorkshire, New York, microdistrict , mayonnaise, majolica. The letter combination ё is written in borrowed words if the sounds follow the consonant: battalion, broth, medallion, companion, chignon, postman, canyon, pavilion, etc.
  1. A servant served cocktails and tiny sandwiches (borrowing, excl.) (I. Radunskaya). 2. He wiped his pince-nez (borrowing; after consonants), looked around the room with an attentive look (B. Gorbatov). 3. I arrived there [in Bobrovo] on my white horse and in a white tunic with a stack (borrowing, after a consonant) (A. Blok). 4. Yes, what a war, he also ripened, he is fighting in the En (at the beginning of the word) direction (G. Baklanov). 5. In a tournament of the most interesting composition, the young maestro (borrowing, after a vowel) did not even set himself creative tasks (M. Taimanov).
Target : The formation in the memory of children of a clear, distinct image of the lowercase letter e.



1. Work out the outline of the lowercase letter e.

2. Teach cheating.

3. To form the skill of competent writing.


1. Develop mental operations, oral and written speech of students.

2. To develop students' phonemic hearing, fine motor skills of the hand.

3. Learn to express your thoughts clearly and correctly.


1. To cultivate the need for knowledge, the ability to work in a team, in pairs.

2. To cultivate feelings of mutual assistance, relationships.

During the classes:

Organizing time.(slide 1)

Psychological mood.

Guys, today fairy-tale heroes turned to us for help.(slide 2). Their pyramid has crumbled and they cannot put the rings in the right order. Let's help them?

To do this, you will have to complete several tasks.

Yes, we will help.

Personal: the action of meaning formation, i.e. the establishment by students of the connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.


    Goal setting - setting a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and what is still unknown.

    Control - comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard.

    Knowledge update.

What sound did we meet today in the literacy lesson?

What do you already know about this sound? (drawing up a cluster on the board)

How is a sound different from a letter?

Conclusion: What are we talking about?

You said everything correctly. We can put on the first ring of the pyramid.(Slide 3)

What don't you know or don't know how to do?

Do you want to know?

We got to know the "e" sound

We hear and pronounce sounds, and we write and see letters.

We talked about sounds and letters.

We don't know how to write lowercase and uppercase e.

Yes, we do.


    Structuring knowledge;

    Reflection, control and evaluation of the performance process;

    Analysis of objects in order to highlight features;

    Synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts;

    Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Who has already guessed what the topic of the lesson will be?

(the topic appears on the board)

What is your goal?

Why do you need it?

Letter lowercase e.

Learn to write lowercase letter e, combine it with other letters, write in syllables, words and sentences.

Beautifully and competently write, it will come in handy in life.


    Managing the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of the partner's actions;

    The ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;

    Possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

    Discovery of new knowledge.

    Comparison of printed and written lowercase letter "e" (on the board is a sample of printed and written letter "e")

Look again at these letters. They're alike?

What do they have in common? What elements do they consist of?

In what letters is there a semi-oval?

Do you already know how to write these letters?

So, learning how to write a lowercase letter e will not be difficult for you. (Slide 4)

The letter E on C wonders

It's like looking in a mirror.

There is a tool for sure

Only there is no language.

    Commented showing the letter e on the blackboard by the teacher.

We begin to write the letter e a little below the top line of the working line, round off, lead down to the bottom line of the working line, round to the left. We write the second element of the letter - a short horizontal line in the middle of the semi-oval. It is written with letters e with one separation.

5. Trial action.

Write the letter e in the air, on the palm of your hand, on your neighbor's palm and on your neighbor's back so that he feels, recognizes and remembers this letter.

6. Primary fastening.

1) Practicing writing a new letter in cursive.

Open the prescriptions, lay them obliquely. Massage your fingers. Sit up straight and hold the handle correctly.

Where should you start writing the letter e?

How did you know?

Circle the elements on the scoreboard first, and then the entire lowercase letter e.

2) The letter e in the working line.

Look again at how the letter e is written in the working line. (Slide 5)

Write this letter, remember the rules of writing:

    Landing and slope of the letters;

    Spacing between letters;

    Letter height.

Underline the prettiest letter. Show it to your roommate. (Introspection)

Read the syllables below.

How is the letter e connected with other letters?

Circle only those syllables that end in a consonant, hard, voiceless sound.

Check with each other, did you do the right thing? (Mutual check)

Check if you also Who doesn't? Why? (Slide 6)

3) - Who met us today on the page of the primer?

Who remembers who the Eskimos are?(Slide 7)

What is the name of their home?

And what was in the hands of the Eskimo?

What is an eskimo?

Where is the e sound in the word eskimo?

Find this word in the script, read and write it down. Make an analysis of this word (1 person analyzes at the blackboard, the rest in copybooks).

Let's make a conclusion: - What parts do words consist of?(Slide 8). We put the second ring on the pyramid.


We wrote beautifully

And now everyone stood up together.

I name the words. If you hear the sound e, squat, if not, then clap your hands once.

Words: this, tree, floors, skirt, willow, tour, fir, echo.

    Proposal work.

Guess the riddle:

Lives without a body, speaks without a language.

No one sees it, but everyone hears it.

What is an echo?

Slide 9

What can be said about this record?

What task would you suggest?

What shall we call this record?

So how should it be written?

The teacher corrects with a marker.

Write this sentence in your notebook in written letters yourself. But first prepare your fingers.

Finger gymnastics. (1,2,3,4,5 - fingers went out for a walk, etc.)

Who made it?

Who didn't make it?

Check if you have?

(Slide 10)

- Let's conclude:

What does the offer consist of?

We put on the third ring of the pyramid.

(Slide 11)

    Word work.

Read the next entry.(Slide 12)

Words on the slide: these are these floors

What word is missing? Why?

How many items does it represent?

Read the rest of the words.

What can you say about these words?

Match the words with this, these, this.

    Working with a deformed proposal. (work in pairs)

Look at the cards that are on your desks. Read.(Slide 13)

Can this post be called a proposal?


Think together in pairs and discuss how to swap words to get a sentence?

Examination. (Children read out the answers).

What are the rules for writing proposals?

Write this sentence in your notebook with comments.

Check if you did it? If not, find the errors and fix them.(Slide 14)

This house has two floors.

How many e's are in this sentence?

And how many sounds e?


Let's conclude: - What can be made up of words?

We put on the fourth ring of the pyramid.

(Slide 15) Offer.

- What is the name of everything that we just said?

What is the speech like?

We put on the fifth ring of the pyramid.

(Slide 16) Speech.

7. Reflection.

Purpose: the formation of self-esteem and self-analysis.

See what kind of pyramid we helped collect fairy-tale heroes.

Let's read the order of the rings again.

What was the goal at the beginning of the lesson?

Have you reached this goal?

What did you like about the lesson?

Who found it difficult?

Why? What is needed for this?

If you understand everything in the lesson today and there are no difficulties, then put yourself a green circle.

If there is still something to work on, then put yellow.

If much remains incomprehensible, then put red.

Thank you all for the good and friendly work. And fairy-tale heroes thank you too. The lesson is over.

Yes, they are.

They consist of a left semi-oval and a small horizontal line.

In the letters "X", "Zh", "S".


Students practice writing the letter e in the air, on the palms, on the neighbor's back.


Show arrows in the recipe.

Bottom connection.


Inhabitants of the Far North.



Creamy ice cream in chocolate glaze.

Words at the beginning.

Words are made up of syllables.


reflected sound.

With mistakes.

Correct the mistakes and write in written letters.


The sentence is written with a capital letter, the words are written separately, a period is placed at the end of the sentence.

The students write the sentence in their notebook.

Children raise their hands.

A sentence is made up of words.

Floors, it has 3 syllables.

A lot, this is plural.

This, this, these.

These are pronouns. They do not name the object, but only point to it.

Children come up with words, for example: tree, flowers, boy, table, etc.

In, house, two, this, floors



Children work in pairs and discuss.

Write down the proposal and check it.



In the letter e, the sound is e.

Words can be used to make sentences.


Oral and written.

1. Everything we say is speech.

2. It consists of sentences.

3. Sentences are made up of words.

4. Words are made up of syllables.

5. Syllables consist of sounds and letters.

Children rate themselves with color circles.

In Russian, the letter uh occurs mainly in borrowed words, but there are few Russian words.

Spelling of the letter E at the beginning of a word and after consonants

Letter uh is used, as a rule, in foreign words and is written at the beginning, for example: uh ra, uh pos, uh Express. In separate words in such cases, e is written: é ger, é res.

Letter uh written also after vowels, except for the letter and , for example: on uh sia, doo uh t, statue uh weaving. Some words have a letter e , for example: about e kt, re e page.

Russian words with a letter uh just a few, for example: uh that, uh such uh X.

Spelling of the letter e

Letter e written after consonants and after c , for example: cough é , cafe é , part é r, shed é vr, gigi e na, di e that. Exceptions: words m uh r, s uh p, p uh R and related ones formed from them (for example m uh ria), as well as some proper names: B uh la, Ulan-Ud uh .


If the word starts with a letter uh , then it is also preserved after the prefix and as part of a compound word, for example: from uh replace, anti uh electron, two uh elemental.

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1. The letters e or e at the beginning of Russian and borrowed words are written in accordance with the pronunciation, for example: ege, eky, this; eucalyptus, Hellenic, ethics - food, spruce, ride; gospel, huntsman, heresy.

2. The letter e is preserved after prefixes with a consonant, in compound words, the first part of which ends in a consonant, in complex abbreviated words and abbreviations, for example: razetaky, save; mezzanine, two-story; political economy, NEP.

3. After vowels, except for and, in accordance with the pronunciation, write e; after and, as a rule, it is written e, for example: aloe, duet, maestro; hygiene, diet, requiem.

Exceptions: project, register, trajectory, extravaganza and some others.

4. After consonants in Russian and borrowed words, e is written, for example: turn white, divisor; neckline, tender.

Exceptions: mayor, peer, sir and words derived from them (mayorship, etc.), plein air (painting or filming in the open air), as well as some proper names: Bela, Dode, Sikhote-Alin, etc.

5. The use of the letter ё is desirable in cases where it is necessary to prevent incorrect pronunciation or a possible misunderstanding of the word as a result, for example: Akgyol lake, Belev city, piece of iron (cf .: piece of iron), cognize (cf .: cognize).

6. In foreign words (at the beginning of words and after vowels), if ё is pronounced, a combination of yo is written: iodine, Yorkshire, major, district and some others.

Exercise 44. Explain the use of the vowels e and e.

Adequate, benefit, Baudouin de Courtenay, bromoethyl, bacon, Bacon, hell, geyser, hyena, decahedron, decollete, dandy, sharp, dielectric, duet; Eva, food, jumble, canoe, muffler, quintessence, cab, cupcake, cottage, lady, maestro, meter, city hall, octahedron, test, pince-nez, piety, pirouette, polio, poetry, therefore, Raphael, silhouette, stand, Suez, Ten, Ulan-Ude, Chopin, hey, era, bookcase, this, ether, echo, echelon.

Exercise 45. Rewrite with missing letters.

1. All Greek epic songs are composed g ... kzam ... trom. (Chern.) 2. The apartment consisted of six beautiful rooms in linen ... even. (Leek.) 3. After listening and tapping the patient ... nt, the doctor sat down on the corner of the desk. (Cupr.) 4. The evening was planned, however, easily: only "friends at home" were expected. (End.) 5. ... the style of the costume, room, stairs, machine is no less important than the ... style of behavior. (Makar.) 6. At the foot of the watchtower there was a d ... by the od ... s fire brigade. (Cat.) 7. Zhuravlev leafed through the thin, fragile pages, and a small bluish text, printed on a g...ctograph, as if opened the past before him. (Lead.) 8. The cable is broken - and a mighty force goes into this gap. In some fractions of a second, small sensitive r ... le must respond to what happened and save Mr. ... n ... ators at the station from death. (Gran.) 9. Khorobrykh mocked the official eastern ... exotic. (Paust.) 10. It was already late in the evening when Engels returned with several representatives of the m…ria. (Silver) 11. In the general crowd, droshky, wagons, fa…tons creaked with wheels. (Koch.) 12. It was cold in the unheated foy. (Sim.)

Exercise 46. Explain the use of the letter ё and the combination yo.

1. Everything and everyone deceives me - on whom, it seems, to rely, if not on neighbors and relatives. (P.) 2. God gave a bucket, it would be time to remove the hay. (P.) 3. A huge pink Yorkshire pig was lying sideways on the ground at the trough. (Kupr.) 4. Idealists, Buddhists study yogis, publish Theosophy Bulletin. (Bitter.) 5. This is a city, this is New York. (Bitter.) 6. I love Masha, I love passionately, more than life! Six years of separation did not diminish my love for her one iota. (Ch.) 7. Tired eyes rest in the cool twilight of the mosque, lined with cold blue majolica. (S.-M.) 8. The horse case after the troops left Astrakhan intensified even more. (Angry.) 9. On the high bank of the Oka, from where a wide horizon opens, there is a village Okoyomovo. (Paust.) 10. The air of the expanse of the sea, mixed with the smell of smoked fish, iodine, resin, hit my face. (Belyaev)

Literate people know that in foreign (foreign) common nouns, the letter “e” is written after consonants, except for the easy-to-remember words mayor, peer, sir, in which “e” is written. This was the case until comparatively recent times; then the word plein air was added to the list of exceptions, and after the release of the "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation" with the subtitle "Complete Academic Reference" (edited by V.V. Lopatin, M., 2006) a few more words: master (meaning "teacher, master "), racketeering, rap. The same rule applies to derivative (single-root) words, for example. city ​​hall, peerage, racketeer. This series of words is given in the "Handbook ..." as a series of " major» exceptions.

And how many words in the Russian language with the letter "e" after the consonant? This is a question not without interest. (We mean, of course, words in which this letter is written inside the root, and not at the junction of significant parts of the word. The last cases in Russian are not uncommon, for example: superelite, subequatorial(border between prefix and root), bromoethane, demecology, quintessence, counter-enamel, medical examination, pan-hellenicism(border between two bases in a compound word), etc.

It turned out that in the "Russian Spelling Dictionary" (2nd edition, Moscow, 2005, 2007) there are not so few words with the letter "e" in the root: only 104. What are these words? Some of them are quite common, for example laptop, sandwich, taekwondo, fantasy, feng shui, hatchback. In addition, three lexical groups are quantitatively distinguished (in some part they intersect with each other):
- words formed from proper names;
- words with a monosyllabic stem;
- words-exoticisms, borrowed from rare (mainly Eastern) languages ​​and denoting the corresponding exotic realities.

Let's try to figure out why exactly these groups of words, contrary to the rule, are written with the letter "e" in the root after the consonant. Formed from proper names words included in the dictionary, for example, the following: Manhattan, Manhattan(from Manhattan, a borough in New York), Mao Zedong(from Mao Zedong, state and party leader of the PRC in the past), New Hampshire (from New Hampshire, a state in the USA), Rayleigh (from Rayleigh, an outstanding English physicist), Sikhote-Alin(from Sikhote-Alin, a mountainous region in the Far East), Huang Hei (from Huang He, a river in China), etc. There are 18 of them in total, but it is clear that the list of similar words at any time can be replenished with new derivatives from many other proper names - names of persons or geographical names. These words, in accordance with the principles of Russian orthography, retain the spelling of their producer - their own name.

Foreign proper names are a special group to which not all writing rules apply. They have their own spelling. They are less mastered by the Russian language, since, even being borrowed words, they always retain a direct connection with the foreign prototype, unlike common nouns. The peculiarity of their spelling, in particular, is expressed in a more visual display of a foreign language pronunciation using graphic means. One such means is to use the letter "e" to emphasize the hard pronunciation of the preceding consonant.

words with a monosyllabic base(i.e. "short", the basis of which without an ending is only one syllable) is also quite a lot - 19, for example: geg "joke, witticism", devas "evil spirits in Iranian mythology", crack "a type of drug", ket" single-masted sailing ship", meng "slang: man", ten "in medieval England: a representative of the service nobility", hand "a unit of length in the English system of measures", sheng "Chinese reed musical instrument", etc. If we consider only the roots (and not words, i.e., exclude all derivatives) with the letter “e” after the consonant, then the percentage of monosyllabic roots among all the roots of the list will be about a third of the total.

How to explain it? What is the reason for such a large percentage of "short" words among borrowings with "e" after a consonant? The results of simple arithmetic calculations suggest that there is a tendency to use the letter "e" in monosyllabic words. Perhaps this happens because in a monosyllabic word the letter “e” is always under stress and, therefore, the sound it denotes and the solid consonant sound preceding it are pronounced as clearly as possible and are accordingly indicated in the letter. It is also quite probable that writers draw an unconscious analogy with the exception words that have become established in the language, mayor, peer, sir, which also have a monosyllabic stem.

34 words from the list can be attributed to exoticisms and their derivatives: devas "evil spirits in Iranian mythology", kakemono "a picturesque scroll in a Japanese house", kendo "bamboo stick fencing is a national Japanese martial art", netsuke "miniature figurines, traditional for decorative -applied arts of Japan", neshi "from Chinese: a variety of pears", renga "genre of Japanese poetry", sensei "in Japan: teacher", trynte "Moldovan national wrestling", taekwondo "Korean national martial arts without weapons", tendai "school of esoteric Buddhism", Feng Shui "Chinese art of living in harmony with nature", etc. Here the use of the letter "e", uncharacteristic of the original Russian vocabulary, is an indicator of the alienness of these words to the Russian language, their exoticism.

However, the field of application of the letter "e" in writing is not limited to dictionary spellings. In spontaneous written practice, there are massive uses of this letter after consonants - both in those words that have already come to the attention of lexicographers, and in completely new ones, not yet recorded in dictionaries.

The letter "e" is a relatively "young" letter in the Russian alphabet: it appeared only in the 18th century, shortly after the establishment of the civil alphabet. Its original purpose is to use at the beginning of a word or word root ( this, eh, so), after vowels in borrowed words (poet, dieta) and in some borrowed proper names (Edison, Suez). According to the outline, this letter (the so-called "e reverse") was an old Slavic turned in the other direction. As you know, this graphic innovation was not accepted by everyone kindly. Three leading writers - V.K. Trediakovsky, M.V. Lomonosov and A.P. Sumarokov - they considered the letter superfluous and ugly, about which Sumarokov expressed himself as follows: "so we brought food into our ABC of a freak." According to Academician Ya.K. Grot, “this letter is introduced into our press (...) of course quite thoroughly: it meets a very positive and indisputable condition for the completeness of any alphabet - that each special sound must be depicted and a special sign, that the same mark should not be given a double sound meaning "(Grotto. Controversial issues of Russian spelling from Peter the Great to the present. 1876, pp. 313-314). As opposed to the letter "e", it depicts a clear, not ioted sound.

Despite the rejection of this letter by some writers and scientists, it not only took root in the Russian script in the originally designated positions, but also extended its use to new positions: it gradually began to be written after consonants in foreign words. However, there have been and still are many contradictions in this usage.