Acceptance of applications for the exam. federal news

By law, a graduate of previous years can apply for testing in any region of Russia - regardless of where he is registered and where he completed his education. However, if you are in the same city where you have registered at your place of residence, you will most likely have to apply in accordance with your registration, even if you live or work on the other side of the city. However, options are possible: the exact regulations for the work of registration points for graduates of past years are established by regional educational authorities and may vary slightly in different regions of Russia. That's why, if you plan to take exams outside the place of residence, it is best to call the USE hotline in your region and clarify where you are eligible to apply.

The hotline numbers can be found on the official portal in the information support section. There you will also find links to regional sites dedicated to passing the exam. It is on them that “verified”, official information is placed on the addresses of points where you can apply for the exam - with contact numbers and opening hours. As a rule, applications are accepted on business days, two or three days a week during specially designated hours.

What documents are required to register for the exam

To apply, you will need to submit the following set of documents:

  • document on complete secondary education (original);

  • the passport;

  • if in the interval between graduation from school and passing the exams you changed your last name or first name - a document confirming this fact (marriage certificate or a change of name or last name),

  • if secondary education was received in a foreign educational institution - a notarized translation of the certificate into Russian.

You do not need to make copies of the documents: after the registration point employees enter all your data into the automated system, the originals will be returned to you.

What you need to know when applying for the exam

By the time of the visit to the registration point for graduates of previous years, you must finally make a list of items that you plan to take - it will be very difficult to change the "set". If school graduates are required to study Russian and mathematics, then this rule does not apply to people who have already received a complete secondary education: you can take only those subjects that are required for admission to a university.

Decide will you write an essay. For eleventh-graders, obtaining a “pass” in an essay is an indispensable condition for admission to exams, but graduates of previous years who take the exam “of their own free will” are not required to do this - they receive “admission” automatically, upon the fact of having a certificate. Therefore, it is better to clarify the issue of writing with the admission committee of the university you have chosen: is its presence mandatory, can it bring you additional points upon admission. If the answer to both questions is “no”, then you can safely not include the essay in the list.

If you are planning to take the exam in a foreign language– decide whether you will limit yourself to the written part only (which can bring up to 80 points), or will also take the speaking part (an additional 20 points). The oral part of the exam is held on another day, and if you are not faced with the task of scoring maximum points, it is not necessary to participate in it.

Choose the dates in which you want to take the exams. Graduates of previous years have the opportunity to take exams both on the main dates (in May-June, simultaneously with schoolchildren) or on an early “wave” (March-). Choose what is more convenient for you.

How is the registration for the exam for graduates of past years

The application process is quite simple, but you should not come to the registration point 10 minutes before the deadline, especially if you apply in the last weeks before the deadline: it is possible that you will have to wait in line for a while.

Documents are submitted in person. To register for exams:

  • you will have to fill out a consent to the processing of personal data and entering them into the AIS (automatic identification system);

  • employees of the check-in point will check your documents and enter your personal and passport data, as well as passport data into the system;

  • you will inform which subjects and in what terms you plan to take, after which an application for passing the exam will be automatically generated indicating the subjects you have chosen and the dates of the exams;

  • you will check the printed application, and, making sure that all the data are correct, sign;

  • the employees of the registration point will give you a copy of the application with a note about the acceptance of documents, a memo for the USE participant and instruct you how and when you will need to come to get a pass for the exam.

How much does it cost to pass the exam for graduates of previous years

The unified state exam is held for all categories of participants, including graduates of previous years, regardless of how many subjects you decide to take. Therefore, the procedure for receiving documents does not imply the presentation of receipts or payment for registration services.

At the same time, in most regions, graduates of previous years can take part in “trial”, training exams, which take place in conditions as close as possible to reality, are evaluated according to the USE standards and allow participants to gain additional training experience. This is a paid additional service offered by the educational authorities - and if you wish, you can use it. However, participation in such "rehearsals" is completely voluntary.

More than 86,000 Moscow graduates are taking the USE this year. reminds you of the rules and procedure for taking the exam, tells you where to find out the results, and also shares tips on how to withstand the psychological stress.

This year, over 86,000 people have registered for the Unified State Examination in Moscow, more than 54,600 of which are graduates of 2017. The most popular subject, as in previous years, is social science: it was chosen by 58 percent of schoolchildren. 34 percent of the guys pass English, 20 percent pass history.

Isaak Kalina, Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Education "All the conditions for the smooth passing of exams, to ensure equal conditions for those who come to take exams, have been created, and the result depends on how a person prepared for this exam."

306 examination points (PET) in educational institutions were prepared for testing. Two more will work at the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital and the Dmitry Rogachev Center for Children's Hematology, Oncology and Immunology. 45 graduates will take exams at home.

Passport, pen, protractor - what to bring

All exams start at 10:00, but children are allowed into PES from 09:00. You can’t be late, because the time for work for latecomers will not be increased and additional instructions will not be given.

You must present your passport at the entrance. If he is absent for objective reasons, this year's graduate will be admitted only after a written confirmation of his identity by an escort from the school. Graduates of previous years without a passport will not be able to go to PES.

Prepare for exams online. At video consultations, which Rosobrnadzor posted on YouTube, has already more than 74 thousand views. The list includes 11 videos for preparing for various exams - from mathematics and Russian to chemistry and social studies.

Also, schoolchildren try their hand at the My Achievements service, where tests are published in the format of the Unified State Examination and the OGE. The system checks the work as in a real exam. After diagnostics, the user receives detailed information about his work. This helps to understand which topics need to be repeated.

"Unified State Examination for 100", videos and trainings for moral support

Solve as many tasks as possible, pull up weaknesses, do not write off, do not panic - such advice is given by former students. And current graduates from all over Russia even recorded a series of videos in which they urge not to be afraid of exams and share their plans for the future.

How not to panic during exam time? Psychologists advise to focus, relax and calm down, repeat the material for 15–20 minutes before bedtime and in the morning. It also helps to participate in educational events conducted by the Department of Education. For example, at the “Unified State Examination: from year to year” they organized psychological trainings, consultations, and even gave them the opportunity to try themselves as an expert.

Very soon, on May 31, the piggy bank of tips will be replenished with new ones collected by the participants of the competition "USE for 100". The secrets of success will be published on social networks, and the winners will receive prizes. Among them are poems performed by first graders, bad advice, a series of interviews with tenth graders.

Schoolchildren admit that parents are more nervous than graduates themselves. Psychologists give them separate advice on how to help the child. The main thing is to create optimal conditions for preparation and ... not interfere. About a thousand Moscow parents even tried to take the USE themselves in order to feel the atmosphere of the exam, test their knowledge, and help their children prepare.

A complete analogue of the Unified State Examination was passed by 14 thousand metropolitan teachers. Now they have a better idea of ​​what awaits their students.

How to find out the results of the exam

The results of the first exams, which will be held on May 29, will be known no later than June 14. The work processing schedule is on the official USE portal. Graduates can now also receive information about the publication of results, filing appeals and much more on the VKontakte and Facebook social networks, as well as on the Telegram messenger.

You can do it on the portal, using the Unified State Examination Results service, or at your school. In the first two cases, you will need a passport number (without a series) and a code from the notice of registration for the exam.

The third one requires a passport. If the student's parent receives the results, the parent's passport will also be required. If the child is not included in the document, a birth certificate must be presented to confirm the relationship. The authorized person will have to present the child's passport and his own, as well as a power of attorney.

If the graduate does not agree with the scores or believes that the procedure for conducting the exam was violated, an appeal must be filed. The rules for its submission and the processing schedule are on the USE portal.

When can I resubmit

The exam is taken once a year. The exception is graduates of the current year who did not pass the USE in compulsory subjects: Russian language and mathematics (basic level). Those who do not score the minimum points for one of them are sent for retake in an additional period. In other cases, this can be done only next year.

Those who have already fully mastered the school curriculum have the unconditional right to independently choose between the early and the main wave of passing the unified state exam. It:

  • graduates of past years, regardless of the "statute of limitations" of the certificate (those who left the school many years ago and last year's graduates who want to improve their results have the right to take early exams);

  • graduates of technical schools, lyceums and colleges, who have already fully completed the development of the course of a general education school.

In addition, some categories of eleventh-graders also have the right to take the exam without waiting for the end of the last academic year. These include:

  • graduates of evening schools who this year will go to military service;

  • children who, after leaving school, leave for permanent residence in another country - regardless of whether we are talking about emigration or a student visa to continue education at a foreign university or college;

  • participants of all-Russian or international competitions, olympiads or competitions - if the period of competitions or training camps coincides with the main stage of passing the exam;

  • eleventh-graders who in May-June will be in sanatoriums and other medical institutions on health-improving or rehabilitation programs;

  • graduates of Russian schools located outside Russia - if they are located in areas with difficult climatic conditions.

In order to be able to take the exam ahead of schedule, eleventh-graders must write an application addressed to the director of their school, indicating the reason.

The main advantages of passing the exam in the early period

There is a common myth that the USE options for the early period are easier than for the main one. This is not the case, the level of difficulty of the options for all examinees of the current year is similar. However, some organizational features of the spring "wave" do allow some to achieve higher scores.

Less people - less nerves

The early period for passing the exam is incomparable in terms of mass with the main one. For example, in 2016, throughout Russia, 26,000 people passed exams ahead of schedule - and in the summer "wave" the number of examinees approached 700,000. As a result, not hundreds of extremely excited schoolchildren gather in megacities at exam points - but only a few dozen people ( and in smaller settlements, the number of “early” can go to a few). In addition, some graduates of previous years who applied for the exam may change their mind by the day of the exam and not appear for the test - as a result, 6-8 examiners can sit in an audience designed for 15 people. Moreover, some of them will be adults who usually perceive the exam than the average schoolchildren, “wound up” by numerous conversations that the USE will decide their fate.

This makes the overall psychological situation during the exam an order of magnitude less nervous. And, as the experience of many graduates shows, the ability to calm down and concentrate during the passing of the exam plays a decisive role. In addition, with a small number of applicants, the time for preliminary briefing and “organizational questions” is significantly reduced: printing and distributing tasks, checking the coincidence of bar codes, monitoring the completion of forms, and so on. And this also reduces the "degree of excitement."

Clear organization

Early delivery of the exam is considered the official start of the examination campaign. At this time, only a few examination points are working in the regions, while great attention is paid to the organization of work in them. Therefore, despite the fact that it is during the early period that all procedural innovations are usually “run in”, failures, technical problems and organizational violations usually do not occur. And the probability of encountering, for example, a lack of additional forms or the absence of hours in the audience tends to zero.

Predictable microclimate in the classroom

Passing exams at the end of May and June is fraught with another danger - on hot days it can be very stuffy in the exam room, and the direct rays of the summer sun can add to the discomfort. At the same time, the organizers of the exams do not always agree to open the windows. In the spring, during the heating season, the air temperature in the classroom is more predictable, and you can always dress “for the weather” so that you don’t get cold and sweat during the exam.

Quick check

During the early period of the Unified State Examination, the workload on experts checking papers is much lower - and, accordingly, papers are checked faster. It’s still not worth waiting for the results the next day after the exams - the official deadlines for checking the work of the early period are usually 7-9 days, while the scores can be published a couple of days before the deadline. During the main period, students usually have to wait for the results of the exam for about two weeks.

Time to develop an admissions strategy

Those who pass the USE ahead of schedule already by the end of April know their results for sure - and they have another two months to analyze in detail their chances of entering a particular university in the chosen direction, “targeting” go to open days and so on. And, even if the results turned out to be lower than expected, there is plenty of time to find a way out of this situation.

In addition, graduating students who “shoot back” with exams can spend the last two months of school life in a very relaxed way. While their classmates are diligently preparing for exams, writing samples and running around tutors, they can go about their business with a sense of accomplishment.

Disadvantages of early delivery of the exam

Less preparation time

The main disadvantage of passing the exam in the early period is obvious: the earlier the exam date, the less time for preparation. This may be especially important for graduates of the current year - after all, some topics of the school course included in the USE program can be studied in the fourth quarter of the last school year. In this case, you will have to get acquainted with them on your own, or with the help of a tutor.

The first "running in" of changes in the KIM USE

Control and measuring materials for most subjects are undergoing changes, and the early period for passing the exam is also the first of all innovations “in combat conditions”. During the preparation for the exams of the main period, the examinees and their teachers use as "official guidelines" both the FIPI demo version and the versions of the pre-terms published "after the fact". Those taking the exam in the spring are deprived of such an opportunity - they can use only a demo version as an example of a set of tasks. Therefore, the chances of encountering an unexpected assignment during the early period are much higher.

Fewer opportunities to prepare

Schoolchildren taking exams in March-April do not have the opportunity to take part in trial exams, which usually take place at the very end of the school year. However, district departments of education usually conduct training exams at earlier dates - but most often this service is paid.

In addition, the use of services for self-preparation for the exam can also cause difficulties: laying out options corresponding to the KIM of the current year, the owners of such services, as a rule, are guided by the terms of the main period. And, if you are taking a subject that is expected to change dramatically this year, the chance that a month before the early exam you will be able to find a service with a sufficient number of “plausible” options that are well adapted to the exam of the current year is quite low.

Taking exams from home

Since the number of those taking the USE ahead of schedule is small, the number of examination points is also greatly reduced. For example, residents of all districts of a large (and geographically “scattered”) city can take the exam in this subject at only one point. And for those who live in remote or “problematic” areas of the city in terms of transport, this can be a serious disadvantage. Especially considering that exams in different subjects can be held in different places in the city, so the route and travel time will have to be recalculated each time.

A session at the university is the period of passing exams by students, after their six-month study at the university. The session is winter and summer, respectively, and for most students is one of the most difficult and responsible periods of study, but not for all. There are people for whom passing a session does not represent costs and incredible efforts. We will immediately exclude students who pay for exams from this list, this article is not about that.

Let's start with the fact that each student should ask himself the question why he came to this or that university. To get a diploma or to gain real knowledge that he will use throughout his life? People who study for a piece of cardboard that formally reflects their knowledge, as a rule, have a very hard time passing a session. They do not perform practical tasks, rarely appear in pairs. Hence the conclusion: study for the sake of gaining knowledge, attend all classes, write lectures, they will help you when passing the exam, and you do not have to read mountains of material from books. As a rule, answers to all exam questions can be found in the lecture notes that students write in lecture classes, and if you have all the notes, this will greatly facilitate your life while preparing for the exam. Reread at home the material that you wrote down at the lecture to consolidate it. Do not forget that teachers are your friends in terms of studying, and it is equally important for them that their students pass the session, so do not hesitate to clarify the points of the material that you do not understand, because then it can be very difficult to figure it out.

It's much easier to get an automatic credit than you think. The exception is perhaps the very first session of the first course. Here the student is checked how he is determined to learn. You will be required to attend classes and complete all tasks that are not difficult to complete if you have mastered the lecture material. Find out right away at the beginning of the school year which of the teachers puts the test automatically, and from which it is simply impossible to get it. Usually, teachers talk about this in the very first training sessions. Set a goal for yourself to get an automatic.

If possible, do not refuse to write a scientific report or other single work that is not given to all students. Grab it and try to connect the teacher, it will only play into your hands. You will earn the location of the teacher, you will be in sight, and with his help, make your work easier to a minimum.

Now let's move on to preparing for the exam. And the first picture that can appear in the imagination is the image of a student sitting at a table and surrounded by books at 3 o'clock in the morning on the very last day before the exam. This, of course, is also an option, but, frankly, not the easiest. To avoid this, do not postpone the preparation until the last day. Usually 3-4 days are given so that the student can fully prepare. Make a work plan for 3 days so that during this time all the questions are sorted out by you. At the consultation before the exam, ask questions that you could not understand. Thus, on the 4th day you will not have incomprehensible moments. Review the material and, most importantly, get enough sleep so that you wake up in the morning with a fresh head.


  • how to pass a student exam

If you believe official statements and information that is already gradually emerging on the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam in 2017, the basic principles for conducting the Unified State Examination, introduced by Vasilyeva's predecessors, will remain in force next spring. In particular, it will still be possible to take mathematics at the basic and profile levels, and the oral part will remain in the USE in English. The exam, as before, will be held in three "waves" - from March 14 to April 7 (preliminary), from May 29 to June 30 (main) and from September 4 to 15 (reserve for retaking the exam in Russian and the basic level mathematics). 11th graders will have to choose exams for the main wave before February 1. For graduates of previous years and a number of other categories of those wishing to take the exam, this period is much longer - they can finally decide 2 weeks before the exam.

Technical changes in the exam procedure in 2017 will affect three subjects: biology, physics, chemistry. So, test tasks with a choice of answers will disappear from the control and measuring materials in these subjects, and the number of tasks in KIMs about biology and chemistry will slightly decrease (instead of 40 tasks that graduates of 2016 pored over, chemists will be offered 34 questions, biologists - 28). At the same time, the time for the biology exam will increase by half an hour - from 180 to 210 minutes. The procedure for passing exams in other subjects will not change.

The essay that has already become familiar, which Russian schoolchildren will write in early December for the third year in a row, will not disappear anywhere. It will continue to be assessed according to the "pass-fail" system. Universities, like last year, will be able to “convert” its results into additional points at their own discretion.

It should be noted that radical innovations in the USE procedure in 2017 are not yet expected. At the moment, the Ministry of Education and Science is not only cautious with its own initiatives, but is also in no hurry to continue and develop what its predecessors started. For example, the third mandatory exam (it was supposed to be English) will not appear yet, and the department is in no hurry with the oral part in other subjects. So far, it is assumed that the oral part of the Russian language exam will appear in 2018. This will happen if in 2017 this mechanism is successfully tested in some regions, where ninth grade graduates will be offered to take the exam in this format.

The only, but quite tangible, radical innovation of the 2017 admission and graduation campaign may be the so-called all-Russian screening work. This is an analogue of the traditional, but rather forgotten annual tests, which will be held in subjects that are not mandatory for passing the Unified State Exam. In the spring of the coming year, schoolchildren will be tested in physics (April 25), chemistry (April 27), biology (May 11), geography (May 16) and history (May 18). It is expected that the tasks, as in the case of the Unified State Examination, will be the same for the whole country. True, there is no information about how the authorities intend to deal with the inevitable “mutual assistance” in social networks associated with a large number of time zones (when the exam ends in the Far East, it will not start in Moscow yet), and whether those caught cheating will be punished yet . Note that neither the admission to the exam, nor the assessment of its result, the test work will not affect. As conceived by the authors of the idea, they are needed solely to assess the level of knowledge and, accordingly, the effectiveness of the educational process in a particular school.

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science has summed up the preliminary results of the Unified State Examination in Mathematics at the profile level, which was held on June 2.

The average score of participants increased by almost 1 point compared to last year and amounted to 47.1 points. The number of participants who failed to pass the minimum threshold of 27 points decreased by 1%. In total, about 391,000 participants took part in the USE in specialized mathematics.

“The level of complexity of the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level in 2017 did not change. Preliminary results of the exam show that the participants did better this year. We can also state a more conscious choice of the USE level in mathematics by graduates: fewer participants signed up for both exams at once, the profile USE was chosen mainly by graduates who need mathematics to enter a university,” said Sergey Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor.

Thanks to the introduction of scanning technology for the answer forms of USE participants at the examination points, the processing of the results was promptly completed. Participants in the USE in mathematics at the profile level will be able to find out their result two days ahead of the deadline. This can be done through your personal account on the USE portal -

On June 28, in the main period of the USE in 2017, there is a reserve period for passing the USE in mathematics. The graduates of previous years who want to improve their result will be able to take the exam on this day. Also, the USE in mathematics will be able to retake the graduates of the current year who received a positive USE result in the Russian language, but do not have a satisfactory USE result in mathematics at either the basic or profile level. For retake, such graduates can choose any level of the USE in mathematics - profile or basic.