The third stage: adjustment of the purposes. Planned adjustment of goals

My favourite hobby

Setting and adjusting goals

Removed everything superfluous. Namely - goals with the promotion of groups in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, anyway, I will not deal with them this year, it makes sense that they hang out for goals.

Corrected sports goals. Enough records, I wrote about it. It is better to pull up three sets of twenty reps than one set of 40. It is better to do push-ups with the right technique three sets of 70 reps than one random 200 reps. There will be more sense.

I want to focus entirely on the blog and Facebook groups this year. This is a huge layer of work, there this very work will be enough for more than one year.

In achieving goals, the main thing is to focus on what is important

What else was there, to find a mentor, to join the school of Dovgan's leaders, to shoot a motivational video, everything is past, everything is interesting, but not now...

Damn, put on your headphones and crank it up, this thing rips to pieces.

And yes, the goal is with money. Honestly, I don’t fucking need it, to show how much and what I earn. Whoever earns more will say - a rogue, whoever earns less, will say - a sketcher. Both will be right, I just can't stand empty air shaking, and I despise all shoemakers without boots, all teachers who teach how to make a million, in the hope of snatching at least something from these teachings. Like all cunts and balobolshchikov broadcasting that money is unnecessary garbage. I have not seen a single such exhorter who would have this very money, all these theorists, as a rule, rogue rogues, sitting on someone's neck, unable to force themselves to earn at least something.

I insist that money is one of the components of a happy and interesting life. No money, no happiness, that's all, and that's it. And don't fuck me to hang noodles about light and beautiful. There is no him without money, no. Times are not right.

No motivation, no money

I will start earning more than 2500 euros per month, I will stop monitoring this topic on the blog, I will stop shining. While I am a rogue who has set himself the goal of stopping being such. For the reasons described above, I do not hide, I do not hide behind avatars, nicknames, loud slogans, I do not cover myself with a veil of mystery. It's all garbage, they don't show it for two reasons. 1.because there is nothing to show. 2. because there is something to show. Oh yes, there is a third reason - because they are infantile and irresponsible. Everything is shorter, all Mir!))

Rating agency "Expert RA" has prepared the next rating of management companies. Companies have been much more enthusiastic about disclosure this year. This was partly due to the improvement of the rating methodology with the support of the National League of Governors and the supervisory board we formed. Partly - the sharply increased competition between managers, because the hopes for an ultra-rapid growth in demand for their services have not yet materialized.

In comparison with the previous year, in the first half of this year the growth rate of funds in trust management has significantly decreased - in the first half of 2004 the growth of assets in trust management amounted to 16% against 92% in the first half of 2003. Relatively successfully, managers worked with mutual funds - the demonstrated yields turned out to be significantly higher than the yields on NPFs. Largely due to this, in the group of leaders (rating A ++), for example, two new companies appeared at once - "Management Center" and "Pioglobal Asset Management", whose activities are primarily focused on mutual funds. However, it is worth noting that, despite this, the segment of mutual funds as a whole suffered the most: the growth of assets in trust management in the first half of 2004 averaged 21% against 135% (!) in the same period of 2003.

Growth retardation

The sharp slowdown in the trust management market is explained by the influence of a number of factors.

First of all, the unfavorable situation on the financial markets led to a decrease in quotations. Despite years of efforts to shape the stock market and the experience of several crises, the authorities often continue to act clumsily. What, for example, cost investors the Yukos case, another banking microcrisis. As a result, the increase in assets was not so great (in many cases they even depreciated), and the flow of new customers decreased.

Andrey Uspensky, General Director of Pioglobal Asset Management:

As for the short-term perspective, the political factor is very important in the market now. Take the same situation with Yukos - there is a drop of 10-13% almost daily, take the situation with Gazprom: the deputy's request - minus 14%. This, of course, does not bring certainty to the minds of our investors, who already have a very short investment horizon - for mutual funds it is about four to six months.

In addition, market growth is significantly constrained by the lack of investment retail in Russia. Which is not surprising: retail work in the financial market today is unprofitable for most companies.

Anatoly Gavrilenko, General Director of the management company "Leader":

Despite the fact that the financial market in Russia has existed for quite a long time, we still do not have retail investment banks. And since there is no retail, and pension retail schemes cannot work properly, there are no channels. Yes, this area is expanding, but the growth rate is clearly not what was predicted a few years ago. Here is the banking retail

The second ranking of management companies was compiled in close cooperation with the National Management League (NLU), and also under the supervision of a supervisory board, which included: Bloodless Alexander, Head of the Department for Regulation and Control of Collective Investments of the Federal Stock Market Service (FFMS) of Russia; Brusnikin Nikolai, General Director of NP "Project Center", expert of the Tacis project "Pension Reform"; Captain Maxim, Mutual Fund Expert at PBN Company ; Nikitina Irina, head of department for work with NLU management companies; Podoynitsyn Andrey, President of the NLU.

Joint work was done to refine the rating methodology. Taking into account the amendments made to the methodology, the activity of the management company was evaluated according to three main blocks of criteria:

1. The stability of the company in the market (the amount of funds in trust management, the amount of own funds, the company's experience, professionalism of employees, diversification of the client base).

2. Quality of investment portfolio management (market share dynamics, portfolio management efficiency).

3. Trust on the part of clients (structure of the client base, ownership structure and information transparency).

The situation in the trust management market, which has changed since last year, necessitated adjustment of the weights of the blocks, in addition, a number of criteria were added that made it possible to more accurately assess the position and performance of companies in each of the market segments. In particular, this year the efficiency of work and the dynamics of the company's share were evaluated separately for the markets of mutual funds and non-state pension funds. The criteria included diversification of the client base, which made it possible to take into account the company's marketability to some extent when assessing.

While you want a car of a certain brand and are working hard towards it, and your goal is approaching before your eyes, some bastard engineers from a competing car company are releasing a new model of their car. You, having met this miracle of technology on the streets, in car dealerships or somewhere else, sadly understand that your future car is already hopelessly outdated and you no longer want it. Now you want THIS, but it already costs far less than that. Your financial goal is starting to crumble as the foundation is destroyed - your desire.

Dont be upset. We tend to change our desires from day to day. Such is our nature of the people of the modern consumer society. Accordingly, our goals must also change. This is the natural result of changing our desires.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary from time to time to review your goals and, first of all, your desires. What's the point of going for something you no longer want. And here lies a small trap - people tend to act by inertia. Mechanically. Therefore, they often miss the moment when the desire has already disappeared and it is time to stop its implementation. A natural consequence of such a miss is the lack of satisfaction in achieving the goal. The goal is achieved, and we ask ourselves - so what? And at this moment comes the realization that we no longer need it.

Try not to fall into this trap. Ask yourself regularly, do you still want what you wanted yesterday? And if you don’t want to, then immediately throw it to hell and take on your other aspirations. Do not regret a single drop about it, they say, so much time wasted in vain. Nothing is in vain. After all, you have already been on a certain section of the path. You don't need to go back, just take a different direction on your road. To put it in material terms, you saved up, let's say, for a car, and you almost saved up, and here the new model is just super! So go to her, to your new desire. Moreover, the savings are already there. You just need to tweak the strategy for further savings and that's it!

In general, there is nothing terrible and deadly in changing your goals and desires. Even if this change is quite drastic. After all, you are your own boss, remember? And you don't have to justify yourself to anyone.

In a previous article, speaking about that, I wrote that one of the key rules is an objective adjustment of goals and objectives if necessary. Now I decided to devote a separate publication to this moment, because. it is quite important, and questions about it have already begun to arrive.

So, you have set yourself global, strategic goals and objectives and are moving towards their implementation.

However, the current world around you, the environment in which you are, is very changeable. Everything that directly affects the achievement of your goals can change at any time. Moreover, it can be not only minor, but even fundamental changes. Both for the better and for the worse. And under such circumstances, the tasks set, of course, need to be adjusted taking into account the already new, objective realities.

In addition, adjustment of goals and objectives may also be necessary if you are moving towards your intended goal not as planned: or more slowly (in this case, you may simply have not calculated your strength and set yourself too unrealistic tasks) , or faster (in this case, you underestimated yourself, you are capable of more).

Adjustment of goals and objectives can be carried out in two ways:

1. Only in case of occurrence of unforeseen circumstances affecting the achievement of the goal;

2. Regularly in a certain period. For example, for global goals - annually (according to the results of the calendar year or around the birthday), for intermediate goals - monthly, once a quarter or once a season.

The choice of one of these methods depends on the personal preferences of each person: you need to act in the way that is more convenient for you, as more effective. In my opinion, in the event of unforeseen circumstances or a significant change in the external environment necessary to complete the task, it is imperative to correct the goal in any case.

Let's take an example. You set a goal for yourself: go for a jog in the morning. At some point, the weather deteriorated sharply, there are constant showers, hurricane winds, your treadmill has turned into mud. Naturally, this requires an adjustment to the task due to an unforeseen circumstance: if you continue jogging despite the weather, you will simply make yourself worse, because. get sick. But if you just want to sleep longer, this cannot be considered as an objective reason for adjusting your goals.

Regular adjustment of goals and objectives is already a more complex process, which I propose to break into 3 stages.

Stage 1 . Analysis of the fulfillment of the set goals. At this stage, you need to analyze how you coped with the tasks that you set for yourself for the past period. If these tasks are not completed, you need to find the reason for this and try to eliminate it in the next period. If you overfulfilled and feel more potential in yourself, the goals for the next period can be adjusted upwards.

Stage 2. Analysis of the circumstances that influenced / may affect the fulfillment of the goals. At this stage of adjusting goals, you need to find out if external circumstances have appeared that may interfere or, conversely, contribute to the fulfillment of tasks and, based on this, adjust your goals and objectives up or down.

Stage 3 . Analysis of changes in life priorities. Sometimes a person's priorities in life can change. For example, at first you dreamed of building a career and leaving, but then you rethought something and decided in your own country. Naturally, in this case, a global adjustment of goals and objectives will be required.

At each of these stages, you can change your tasks if there is an objective need for this. In addition, this analysis will give you the opportunity to see how you are moving towards your goal, and this is very important, including as a motivating factor. If you didn’t need to adjust your goals and objectives, this is only a plus, it means that you are doing everything right, and no external factors have appeared that could interfere with you.

I want to remind you once again that you need to write down all your goals, in this case it will even help you with analysis and adjustment: you can always track how your goal has changed over time, and how you have moved towards its implementation.

Once again, I emphasize that life can make its own adjustments to your goals and objectives, but they must be objective. If you often change your goals simply because you are tired of something or you don’t succeed, you are unlikely to be able to do something.

That's all. Join the number of regular readers, learn how to properly manage your personal finances and be successful!