Nikolai Zabolotsky - evening on the ocean. Clearer than clear


Clear morning is not hot
Meadow running light.
Slowly stretches barge
Way down
on Oka.

Several words willy-nilly
you repeat contract.
Where- then bells in field
are ringing.

AT field are ringing? On the meadow whether?
They are going whether on the threshing?
Eyes on the moment dropped in
whose- then destiny.

Blue distance between pines,
dialect and hum on the threshing floor...
And smiling autumn

Life opened up, but all same
, golden days!
How far away they. God!
God, how far away!

(M. Tsvetaeva)

Blue hills near Moscow...

Blue hills near Moscow
In the air, a little warm - dust and tar.
I sleep all day, I laugh all day - I must
I'm recovering from winter.

I go home as quietly as possible:
Unwritten poems - no pity!
The clatter of wheels and roasted almonds
I love all the quatrains.

My head is empty,
Because the heart is too full!
My days are like little waves
At which I look from the bridge.

Someone's eyes are too tender
In the gentle air barely warmed...
I already get sick in the summer
Barely recovered from the winter.

I feel the silver waters of the Oki,
Forest birch silver tongue.

In the lilac shade, blooming like a chamomile,
Tarusa sleeps like an amber dream.
Ignatovskaya mountain behind the aunt's barn
Red-green I see a break.

Anastasia Tsvetaeva. Foreign land. 1941. Dallag


Blue shadows creep in;
The day is gone. It's dark in the west.
In this sadness, in this desolation,
What is the earth, what is the sky, everything is one.

In the glades, on the dusty lane -
Nobody nettle grace.
Only on road tracks
The age of the century can be guessed.

I will go to the fences and houses,
To the fishermen sleeping over the river
To the old willows that are overflowing
Proud, human longing.

I pass the forest, go around the ravines
And running, swirling thick dust,
Down to the river, so that in motionless moisture
Do not see - guess yourself.

There, pitted with unsteady circles,
Grabbing a broken branch
It hangs in space, upside down
Turned like a negative

But in the eyes, in the furrowed skin,
In each drop with a rainbow border
Randomly I distinguish nevertheless
The age of the century, my eternal age.

Late 1950s Arkady STEINBERG

In the charm of the Russian landscape
There is genuine joy, but it
Not open to everyone and even
Not every artist is visible.

And only when behind the dark thicket of the forest
The evening ray will mysteriously shine,
Ordinary dense veil
From her beauties instantly fall.

The forests lowered into the water will sigh,
And, as if through transparent glass,
The whole breast of the river will lean against the sky
And it will light up wet and light.
And the clearer the details become
objects located around
The more immense are the distances
River meadows, backwaters and bends.

Nikolay Zabolotsky

City of Tarusa

Cozy, peaceful town;
Above the dove eye,
Far from the hustle and bustle of the earth
He breathes blissful peace.

He is all huddled in the hills,
The keys are babbling on the lowlands,
And dilapidated gray houses
And in the middle - an old cathedral

And the bell tower, like a candle.
In the gardens the rooks are screaming, screaming,
The monotonous cry of a rook ...
Below a wide semicircle
Oki sparkling surface.

And there, beyond the shoals, beyond the meadow,
Forests countless army
Crowding along the coastal mountains
And gently sinks in a gentle haze ...
What expanse and grace!

Here is Shitikov, always alive,
Always cheerful, inspirational,
With your talented hand
Tarusu writes incomparably
In foggy haze and snow
And in bright sunshine.

His solemn willows,
Eyes of a blue twist,
The depth of the surrounding distances -
Everything touches the soul to the bottom.

There is a cemetery among the birches
On the shore, above the mountain slope,
Grave on the edge - in it Musatov
Reposed, filled with secret dreams.
The world is unsolved, rich
He took with him forever...

Here is a frisky Tarusyanka jet,
Burle, sparkle on the stones,
And the bright river enchants
Enticing coolness to yourself.

Here are the piles of the forgotten mill,
Wheels overgrown with grass
Around the shady willows
Bent the branches over the water.

Driftwood, stones, dark pool ...
And a lot of pink flowers
Blossoms along the steep bank
Among the wild thickets of bushes.

The horn screams lingeringly, sharply
And, stirring up the bosom of the waters,
Smoke, hissing, with a seething splash,
The white steamer set sail.

Another minute - turn
He completely closed it...
And again there is silence.
The hot sands are silent.

The forest distance turns blue meekly.
And the sandpipers gently cry.
A boat floats with fragrant hay,
Disturbing mirror of the river.

A.V. Cheltsov 1924


Who yearns for the beauty of nature,
Who wants to rest their soul
I advise you in Tarusa
Live three weeks in the spring.

V.A.Kaspari 1925

Here I see the Oka River,
I stand on its shore.
She is beautiful and sweet
She is thoughtful and kind.

Walking along the river bank
You will see a lot of beauty.
You will see a small town
You will see Tarusa in all its glory:

Her landscape, her expanses,
Her high shores.
And you will carry through the years
All the charms of her then.

Priymak Sofia 7"B" school №1262

... Tarusa has its own glory ... Perhaps, nowhere near Moscow there were places so typical and touchingly Russian in their landscape ... Not without reason, since the end of the 19th century, Tarusa became a city of artists ...

K.G. Paustovsky

No matter how much I had to travel around different countries and across our country, I never met, never saw such a wonderful place dear to my heart as Tarusa.

Svyatoslav Richter

"... The places around Tarusa are truly charming, they are immersed in the purest light air... Tarusa should have been declared a nature reserve long ago..."

K.G. Paustovsky

“The forests all around are burning with an autumn fire. In the mornings, the floodplain of the Oka is filled with blue fog, and then nothing is visible from above, only the tops of the hills stand above the foggy river as red and red islands. Sometimes the distances become cloudy and disappear - the smallest rain begins to fall, and each sheet is dressed with a water film. Then the forest becomes even crimson and juicier, even thicker in tones, as in an old varnished painting ... Grass, fir trees and bushes are woven with cobwebs, and chocolate oak leaves rattle like tin under boots. The tugboats on the Oka are shouting, beacons are lit up in the evenings, tractors are buzzing along the slopes of the hills, and there are such lovely artistic places all around - Aleksin, Tarusa, Polenovo, rest houses all around and such a soft, gentle autumn, although time is already moving towards mid-October ... "


“One of the unknown, but really great places in our nature is located just ten kilometers from the log house where I live every summer,” writes Konstantin Georgievich, “... That great place that I want to talk about is called modestly, as and many magnificent places in Russia: Ilyinsky pool. For me, this name sounds no worse than Bezhin Meadow or Golden Ples near Kineshma... Such places fill us with spiritual lightness and reverence for the beauty of their land, for Russian beauty...

Believe me, I have seen a lot of expanses under any latitudes, but I have never seen such a rich distance as in the Ilyinsky pool, and probably never will.

This place, by its charm and the radiance of simple wildflowers, evokes in the soul a state of the deepest peace and at the same time a strange desire - if you are destined to die, then only here, on this weak sunny breeze, among this tall grass ...

Every time, going on long trips, I always came to the Ilyinsky pool. I simply could not leave without saying goodbye to him, to the familiar willows, to these all-Russian fields ... No! A person cannot live without a homeland, just as one cannot live without a heart.

K.G. Paustovsky

“At the beginning of the 20th century, Tarusa was a charming town (2000 inhabitants) on the banks of the Oka and the Taruska River flowing into it, among beautiful nature almost untouched by civilization ... Tarusa was good! Nature, that is, rivers, forests and meadows, directly approached Tarusa and somehow imperceptibly passed into its green streets with small wooden houses. There were several stone merchant houses only in the center, and the school house and the walls of the former prison on the hill. There were no paved streets, except for the center. Tarusa was all buried in apple orchards. You approach Tarusa by boat or from the Tula coast - even though the city is on the palm of your hand, you can hardly see it because of the garden greenery, only the lighthouses can see the cathedral and the church on Voskresenskaya Gorka. And in the spring, when apple trees bloom, Tarusa flaunts like a bride in a wedding dress.

V. Vatagin

“I will not exchange Central Russia for the most famous and stunning beauties of the globe. I would give all the elegance of the Gulf of Naples with its feast of colors for a willow bush wet from the rain on the sandy shore of the Oka.

K.G. Paustovsky

“I've already lost count of the films I've been in. Many of them have been forgotten, and among the most memorable and most beloved are memories of working on True Friends.

Why? But, believe it or not, the river played a major role in this. The river has brought poetry into our everyday work. The river rallied and made friends with us, the participants in this film.

Early mornings and quiet evenings on the river - what peace they brought with them! And how they taught us to admire the beauty of our native land, how many good thoughts wandered in our heads when our raft slowly floated downstream, and we looked at the wonderful shores that opened before us. Those were good days! And I am convinced that this is possible not only in the film.

Boris Chirkov, actor who starred in the film "True Friends"

Lamiaceae is an annual or perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. It is common in Eastern Europe, where it often grows like a weed. Laminaria can be found near fences or near the banks of a stream. Its beautiful foliage and delicate flowers decorate the garden well. The green carpet persists from early spring until frost. Low-growing varieties cover the ground gracefully, while taller varieties can be used in a large flower garden. An unpretentious plant is known not only for its decorative properties. It is also widely used in folk medicine.

Botanical description

Lamb is a fast growing groundcover. Its lodging stems do not rise above the ground above 15-25 cm. During the year, the stem adds 0.5-1 m in length. A superficial fibrous rhizome can develop from each internode. Shoots actively branch out and quickly cover a large area.

The petiolate, heart-shaped leaves have a soft, textured surface and serrated edges. The main tone of the leaf plate is dark green, yellowish or silvery spots may also be present. The length of the sheet is 3-8 cm, and the width is 2-4 cm.

Upright flower stalks up to 30 cm high grow from the internodes. The shoot is covered with small foliage and flowers. The buds are collected in whorls, they can be painted in pink, purple or white. The two-lipped corolla grows in length by 20-25 mm. 4 filiform stamens with black-purple anthers peep out from the center. After pollination, the fruit ripens - coenobia (a box with four trihedral nuts). Ripe fruits open on their own, which provokes self-seeding. Flowering occurs from late May to October. Fruiting begins in June.

Types and varieties of yasnitka

The genus of lamb contains 25 species and several ornamental varieties.

Lamb white ("deaf nettle"). A perennial plant found in forest clearings and meadows. It has erect, branched stems 15-45 cm high and a creeping rhizome. The upper part of the stems and foliage are pubescent with long villi. Oval-heart-shaped leaves with a serrated edge are located on short petioles. Two-lipped white flowers are collected in the axils of the middle and apical leaves. They bloom in June-September.

Lamiella purple ("red nettle"). The species lives for 1-2 years. It has a thin rhizome and a flexible stem. The shoot can rise to a height of 5-25 cm. It branches from the base and is densely covered with small oval-shaped leaves. Whorled inflorescences are painted in various shades of pink or white. Flowering occurs in April-September.

Lamb spotted (mottled). The perennial plant has upright shoots 30-70 cm high. They are branched only at the base and covered with sparse pubescence. Along the entire length of the stem are petiolate oval leaves with a serrated edge. A narrow silvery stripe is visible along the central vein. Light pink or purple flowers 2-3 cm long are collected in apical inflorescences. Fragrant buds attract a large number of beneficial insects. Flowering occurs in May-October. Decorative varieties:

  • Album - small snow-white flowers bloom on the tops of shoots 18-20 cm high;
  • Beacon Silver - almost all of the wide heart-shaped foliage is painted silver;
  • Aureum - on yellowish leaves, a light stripe is visible in the center, it blooms purple flowers early.

Zelenchukovy lamb (yellow). Perennial with creeping shoots can take root in the internodes. Shoots and leaves are covered with soft pile. The leaf plates are egg-shaped and have a wrinkled surface. Sometimes there is a marble pattern on the foliage. Yellow flowers are collected in false whorls at the ends of the shoots. They have an ovoid upper lip and a pointed, three-lobed lower lip. Long flowering occurs from May to October and is divided into 2 stages. Decorative varieties:

  • Argentatum - leaves have wide silver stripes closer to the lateral edge;
  • Silver Carpet - erect stems up to 20 cm high are covered with narrow serrated leaves with a silvery pattern.


It can be propagated by seed and vegetative methods. Seeds are sown immediately in open ground. Do it before winter or early spring. It is necessary to dig and level the soil, and then distribute small nuts on the surface. They grow fairly well. Flowering is expected in 2 years. Self-seeding occurs often, but it is undesirable to allow it. Lamb is cross-pollinated, after which the varietal characteristics disappear.

Dividing a bush is the more common method of propagation. It allows you to preserve the varietal characteristics of the clam. In the spring, an overgrown bush should be dug up, divided into several parts and immediately planted in different parts of the garden. Rooting is no problem. Flowering is possible in a year.

Rooting cuttings and layering is rarely used and is not suitable for all species. Cuttings are cut in August and rooted in open ground with the addition of peat and sand. Regular watering is very important. Layering is done in September-October. When strong roots appear on the stem, it can be separated from the mother plant and planted in a permanent place in open ground.

Features of care

Laminaria is quite unpretentious, but it is important for her to choose the right place. The plant will develop well in a cool area with bright or diffused lighting. It is best to plant a groundcover under trees with a high and translucent crown.

The soil should be moist and loose. It is advisable to choose moderately fertile soils. Then the lamb will grow more slowly and retain the decorative color of the leaves. On fertile soil, the plant grows too actively and turns green more. In the spring and during the flowering period, it is recommended to feed the lamb with compost.

Good and regular watering is important. Water should not stagnate in the ground. During the drought period, the lamb is very dry and exposed. However, it is worth starting to water it and the shoots are quickly restored.

During the flowering period, it is recommended to remove wilted inflorescences. This will increase the decorative effect and help to avoid unwanted self-seeding. Regular mowing is necessary to increase the bushiness of the shoots. The lamb is resistant to frost and does not need shelter.

With prolonged flooding of the soil, the roots of the clam can rot. The plant is not susceptible to other diseases. In the hot summer, whiteflies, spider mites, scale insects and mealybugs can settle in the thickets.

Use in the garden

Laminaria is very popular in landscape design. The variegated forms are of the greatest interest. They are used in mixborders, rockeries and for landscaping the space under the trees. The best neighbors for the claret are geyhers, lungworts, hosts, tiarellas.

The plant can be grown not only in open ground, but also in pots, tubs or in ordinary pots for the home. Indoors, the flower will look very impressive, and long lashes can be hung over the edge.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Flowers and young shoots of the white lamb contain many useful trace elements, among them:

  • alkaloids;
  • vitamin C;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils.

Infusions and decoctions are made from harvested raw materials. They are taken orally as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic. Lotions are used to fight skin infections, as well as to heal wounds. Rinsing, bathing and douching with a decoction of the lamb helps to fight gynecological diseases and uterine bleeding.

Doctors did not reveal any obvious contraindications to drugs based on lucidum. It can not be taken only by people with allergies and individual intolerance.

A very interesting poem by N. Zabolotsky "Evening on the Oka". It grabs attention by the name itself. It's about the beauty of nature. Who likes to be in nature on summer evenings, because the evening is the most interesting time of day, when nature takes a break from daytime labors, when the sun, sinking below the horizon, makes the world especially mysterious, when there is a whole palette of colors in the sky ...

The introductory part of the poem talks about how beautiful and diverse the landscape is, only this beauty “is not open to everyone and even
not visible to every artist. Nature will give “genuine joy” and happiness only to those who are able to understand it, to feel their spiritual kinship with it, becoming at some point not just an artist, but a creator: a poet, sculptor, musician, painter...

Evening on the Oka

In the charm of the Russian landscape
There is genuine joy, but it
Not open to everyone and even
Not every artist is visible.
Busy with work in the morning
The labor of the forests, the cares of the fields,
Nature looks as if reluctantly
On us uncharmed people.
And only when behind the dark thicket of the forest
The evening ray will mysteriously shine,
Ordinary dense veil
With her beauty instantly fall.
The forests lowered into the water will sigh,
And, as if through transparent glass,
The whole breast of the river will lean against the sky
And it will light up wet and light.
From the white towers of the cloudy world
Fire will descend, and in that gentle fire,
As if under the hands of a jeweler,
Through shadows will lie in the depths.
And the clearer the details become
objects located around
The more immense are the distances
River meadows, backwaters and bends.
The whole world is burning, transparent and spiritual,
Now he's really good.
And you, rejoicing, a lot of curiosities
You can recognize it in its living features.

Read by V. Tokarev

Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky was born (April 24) May 7, 1903 in Kazan in the family of an agronomist. Nicholas spent his childhood years in the village of Sernur in the Vyatka province, not far from the city of Urzhum. After graduating from a real school in Urzhum in 1920, Zabolotsky entered Moscow University at once in two faculties - philological and medical. The literary life of Moscow captures the poet. He is fond of imitating either Blok or Yesenin. From 1921 to 1925 Zabolotsky studied at the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen in Leningrad. During the years of study, he became close to a group of young authors, the "Oberiuts" ("Association of Real Art"). All members of this association were characterized by elements of alogism, absurdity, grotesque, these moments were not purely formal devices, but expressed, and in a peculiar way, the conflict nature of the world order. Participation in this group helps the poet find his way. His first book of poems, Columns, was published in 1926. This book was a resounding and even scandalous success. Readers were literally stunned by the poetics of the grotesque and tongue-tied tongue, rhythm and meter disturbances, shocking prosaisms, frankly non-literary style. In 1938, he was repressed on false charges and sent to work as a builder in the Far East, in the Altai Territory, Karaganda. In the 1930s and 1940s, Zabolotsky wrote Metamorphoses, Forest Lake, Morning, etc. In 1946, Zabolotsky returned to Moscow. Works on translations of Georgian poets, visits Georgia. In the 1950s, the poems "Ugly Girl", "Old Actress" and others were published, which made his name widely known. In 1957 he visited Italy. Zabolotsky was fond of painting by Filonov, Chagall, Brueghel. The ability to see the world through the eyes of an artist remained with the poet for life. In 1955, Zabolotsky had his first heart attack, and on October 14, 1958, his ailing heart stopped forever.