Home schooling for health reasons. How to transfer a child to home schooling? Grounds for transferring a child to home schooling

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The trend of abandoning school education is gaining popularity every year. The child is homeschooled and then takes exams externally. In order for a student to study at home, the state must provide certain grounds.

Reasons for transferring a child to home schooling

The term individual learning refers to different types of learning without going to school. They differ from each other depending on the reasons:

  • Family - the organization of studies by parents who act as teachers.
  • Home study with partial school attendance for medical reasons.
  • Individual schooling for health reasons - teachers come to the house by prior agreement. Designed for children with disabilities.
  • External study. Suitable for students with a high level of knowledge.
  • Distance learning. Convenient for those who want to receive knowledge from more qualified teachers. Communication with them takes place remotely via the Internet.

How to switch to homeschooling

Transferring a child to homeschooling in Russia is possible with permission from the education authority. They will make a positive decision in the following situations:

  • the student is mentally ahead of his peers;
  • the work of parents is associated with constant moving;
  • the child is engaged in some business that will later become his profession (artist, athlete, musician, etc.);
  • ideological or moral principles of parents;
  • due to serious health problems, the student does not keep up with the school curriculum (oncology, epilepsy, and others).

For health

In this case, the basis for home study is medical reasons. Among them, the presence of chronic diseases in the student, long-term outpatient treatment or the protracted nature of the disease. Steps for parents to transition to homeschooling:

  1. A medical certificate must be issued through the KEK (control and expert commission). You need to contact your doctor for written recommendations. After their submission to the KEC, a conclusion will be made. In the medical certificate, the diagnosis and the duration of the recommended study at home (from 1 month to 1 year) are recorded, the signatures of the doctors and the round seal of the clinic are put.
  2. In the name of the head of the educational institution in which the child studied, it is necessary to draw up a written application with a request to transfer the student to an individual curriculum. It is accompanied by a certificate of KEC.
  3. Based on the documents received, the school administration has no right to refuse the parents' request. The management is obliged to organize an individual lesson schedule and intermediate testing.

For family education

If the individual form of education at school is expensive for parents, then they have the right to teach the child on their own. According to the Law on Education of the Russian Federation, this can be done at any time of the academic year. Steps for parents to take:

  1. In the name of the director, write a statement with a request to expel your child from school, indicate the reason.
  2. Write a notice of your decision to the Department of Education.
  3. Also, in the name of the director, write another application with a request to enroll a student in this educational institution for external certification.

Remote education

Important! An educational institution must have a license for the right to conduct distance learning.

Selected as desired or as needed. To transfer a student, you must:

  1. In the name of the director of the school where the child studied, write an application for expulsion.
  2. Take his personal file.
  3. Notify the municipal education committee (by phone or in writing).
  4. Choose an institution that will teach remotely.

There are several reasons why students are switching to distance learning. Among them:

  • education for a disabled child;
  • individual interaction between the student and the teacher;
  • education during illness;
  • gifted student;
  • additional education for students of art, sports and other professional schools.


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The concept of homeschooling (translated from English, “homeschooling”, has become increasingly popular lately. In order to understand what it is, I suggest first turning to Wikipedia:

"The term homeschooling refers to the education of children at home, usually by parents, although it is possible to involve other teachers, as opposed to teaching children in public or private schools."

At the same time, the concept is not limited only to the fact that children study at home. Homeschooling has several types:

Unschooling- this is teaching children without a pre-thought-out and clearly scheduled program. Also, unschooling does not have predetermined goals and objectives. But at the same time, the method does not mean that children are not taught anything. This is a method that assumes the absence of a pre-planned training program.

The term unschooling was coined in 1977 by John Holt in Growing Up Without School. Holt talked about how children learn best from experience in accordance with their interests. He suggested that parents abandon artificial learning conditions, and use real life for this. John Holt criticized the school system and wrote that compulsory schooling was harmful to the health and psyche of children. As a result, he proposed to get rid of schools and systematic education in general. Adherents of the theory consider such training to be natural, starting from the needs of the child himself.

What are the types of homeschooling?

Family Learning

Parents enter into an agreement with the school, which specifies the forms and terms of certification, the timing of practical and laboratory work. The child can go to classes that he likes.

external student

The child independently studies the school curriculum at a pace convenient for him and then passes intermediate exams. You can study two years of the school curriculum in six months.

Home education

Homeschooling can be arranged if you have a medical recommendation. Then school teachers come home and conduct classes - from 8 to 12 hours a week, depending on the age of the child.

Nonschooling- here the child is really not specifically taught anything, nothing is forbidden to him. Everything that he wants to do himself is seen as a natural need to acquire new knowledge.

Homeschooling advantages and disadvantages

Homeschoolers Arguments

- School discourages a person's natural desire for knowledge (curiosity), replacing it with discipline and the desire to get good grades.

“Normal socialization does not take place in the school, because the school community is not built the way a normal community is built. Socialization is replaced by "social Darwinism" ("survival of the fittest") or the discipline of teachers. Also, schoolchildren cannot dose the amount of communication, as they are constantly in the company of other children.

- Constant compulsion to study discourages not only the desire, but also the ability to study independently, set tasks for yourself and solve them, even if you want to do it.

- The school unifies children, smoothes individuality.

- The school limits the child's cognitive interest in the situation "here and now", replacing it with the need to follow the school curriculum.

Criticism of homeschooling

- Without school, children do not socialize, do not learn to communicate and work in a team.

- Without school, children will not receive systematic fundamental knowledge, they will not learn to think. The school still teaches to think.

Not all parents can stay at home with their children. And not all parents can effectively organize the education of their children outside of school.

– In the future, it may be difficult to adapt to study at the university and find a job

Marina Ozerova, Head of the remote family center, educational psychologist, Israel

I choose home education primarily because I want to provide a child with an individual approach to learning. I want freedom of choice - what and how to teach, when and how much. And, most importantly, that education should not be divorced from practical activities and the active life of the family.
The degree of sociability (which is often confused with socialization) does not depend on home schooling, but on the character and temperament of the person. In addition to home (or school education), the ability to be in society depends on many factors.


Children receive primary, basic general and complete secondary education at school. But according to the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, parents have the right to transfer their child to home schooling. We'll tell you how to do it.

Part 1, paragraph 2, Art. 17 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" lists the grounds for transferring a child to home schooling: family circumstances; medical indications (health problems do not allow the child to study within the walls of the school).

Switching to home schooling for family reasons

The law does not specify what kind of “family circumstances” are due to which parents transfer their child to home schooling. It's just the decision of the parents. To teach a child at home, you need to follow a few steps.

Step 1. We notify the regional educational authorities (Ministry/Department/Department) that you are transferring your child to family education. Parents are obliged to do this in accordance with Art. 63 part 5 of the new Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation". The application shall be submitted in writing in two copies. The law allows you to submit a notice in person or by mail.

If you notify in person, the institution will stamp and date the document on the second copy. The application is advisory in nature. You simply inform the relevant authority of your choice. So that the regulatory authorities do not decide that the child is skipping school. The education authority can only take note of your decision. Officials do not have the right to prohibit, not allow or disapprove of the choice.

Step 2. Let's go to school.

At school, parents write a statement that they are transferring the child to home schooling and asking to be expelled from school. The application is written in free form. Within a week, the school is required to hand over the student's personal file and medical card.

The principal of the school does not have the right to refuse to expel a child from school for home schooling. If the school refuses to expel, we demand a written explanation from the director and complain about it to the educational authorities.

After the child has been expelled from school, the parents draw up an individual educational plan. From that moment on, the responsibility for the education of the child lies with the parents.

By the way, earlier (until 2012, when the current law “On Education” was adopted), parents signed an agreement with the school. It prescribed the forms and terms of certification, the timing of practical and laboratory work. The student was invited to study, practical and other classes according to the school schedule. Now there is no need to sign a contract. Those parents who were dissatisfied with the school's requirement to attend tests or other classes at school breathed a sigh of relief.

"Semeynik" acquires the status of "external" - he goes to school only for intermediate and final assessments. Minus - those who regularly came to school for free consultations can forget about it. What subjects to study - the school decides, and how to teach them - the parents decide. The school does not interfere in this process and does not check. Parents themselves determine the methods of teaching, the time allotted for each topic, the amount of material that can be given outside the program, and much more.

Textbooks do not have to be bought - the school should give out free ones to the "family man".

The child also enjoys other rights of an ordinary student: he can participate in olympiads and competitions, use the school library, etc. Until the 9th grade, the parent has the right not to report to the school at all about what and how the child is teaching.

The first mandatory exam is the GIA in the 9th grade. The next one is the USE in the 11th. The list of schools where the child will take these exams (mandatory attestation) can be requested from the Department of Education.

From the list of schools, parents choose the one where the child will take exams - and write an application addressed to the director. Like the notice, the application must be handed over to the school office against receipt on the second copy or sent by mail in a valuable first class letter with a return receipt and a description of the attachment.

After that, the school issues an administrative act, which will indicate the admission of a person to an educational institution for certification. This assessment is free of charge. At the request of the child and the parent, exams (intermediate certification) can be taken once a year.

Switching to homeschooling for medical reasons

To study at home for medical reasons, the law allows children to:

- with chronic diseases;

- with a protracted illness;

- who are treated on an outpatient basis for a long time.

Recommendations to switch to home schooling are given by the attending physician. Sometimes parents make this decision on their own. The school will release the child to study at home for the duration of the illness if there is a certificate issued through the Control and Expert Commission (CEC). It is issued in a regular clinic to which the child is attached.

Be sure to check! The certificate must be signed by the doctor who issued the document; a doctor observing a child; head of the children's clinic; chief physician of the children's clinic. The document is stamped with the round seal of the polyclinic.

After the parents received a certificate in their hands, you need to go to school. A free-form application is written to the principal of the school with a request to transfer the student to home schooling. A certificate is attached to the application.

The maximum period of study at home is one year (training), the minimum is a month (as a rule, for injuries and operations).

Olga Slastukhina

2017-11-10 14:23:02 Princess T.V.

The article did not disclose the most important thing: in the first case, you yourself teach the child on your own, and in the second, the teacher is provided by the school at your own expense. According to medical testimony, it turned out to be not so easy to transfer a child! There is a list of 60 diagnoses with which they transfer, with the rest, they pass. Even if your child is sick, no one cares. Let him go and earn money with each illness, the diagnosis is more difficult for himself. (This is very sad, you have to miss a lot due to protracted illnesses and then make up for it at your own expense. Everything is for people, as always.

2017-10-31 16:35:53 Putsko Marina Nikolaevna

Thank you for the information, very useful, because. we'll probably have to pick up the grandson of a first grader from school. Studying at school №14, class with the experimental program "Harmony". The child reads fluently, retells, counts rather quickly examples of the 2nd grade of the "Planet of Knowledge" program. But the program "Harmony" with squares and zeros introduces him into a stupor. The grandson categorically does not want to go to school, although he studied with great pleasure before this program. For two months of attending school, he could not bear even a grain of knowledge. Our family is horrified. We wonder why they were allowed to experiment on our children without the consent of their parents and cripple the psyche of young children.

2017-09-07 14:09:04 Music by V.A.

Finally, people can break away from totalitarianism. Stop making our children a statistical mass. They drove people to a dead end with these new standards of education. Put blinders on your eyes and think it will work. NO! Gentlemen. Our children also have the right to a free life, and not just your Majors. Let's see who will grow out of whom. THANK YOU to Fair RUSSIA.! With all my heart, I wish them good luck. I would like to tell us good luck, but I unfortunately not a member of this party.

Formally, it seems to be the same thing: the child studies at home. But in fact, they are completely different concepts. To avoid confusion, we will talk about the essence of each of them, reveal the advantages and disadvantages.

Home education

This is a way of organizing the educational process for children who are seriously ill. By law, home schooling is not a form of education.

With the preservation of the intellect, the child can study according to general educational programs, but at home or in the hospital. For example, if it is necessary to give injections on an hourly basis or the school is not adapted for a wheelchair.

For students in need of long-term treatment, disabled children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational organizations, training in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education is organized at home or in medical organizations.

Article 66 of the Federal Law "On Education".

A home-schooled child remains in the school contingent. He is given textbooks, he, like everyone else, writes tests and takes exams. If desired, he can attend some lessons at school, and if possible, study using distance learning technologies (more on that later).

The list of diseases that give the right to home education was approved by the Ministry of Health in 2016. To transfer a child to such training, a conclusion of a medical and social examination and a statement from the parents are required.

On the basis of medical documents and regulations of the subject of the Federation, the school issues an order to organize homeschooling. An individual curriculum, schedule is approved, teachers who will visit the child are determined.

Advantages of home learning

  1. Gives sick children the opportunity to study in ordinary, rather than specialized schools.
  2. Allows you to keep up with the school curriculum during long-term treatment or rehabilitation.

Cons of home learning

  1. You can not use if the child is in poor health, but there is no disability.
  2. The curriculum includes only the main disciplines. According to technology, life safety and other “optional” subjects, the child, most likely, will not be certified.
  3. Often, teachers have no material or personal interest, and they are not very conscientious about their duties towards homeworkers.
  4. Almost complete lack of socialization.

Distance learning

This is a way for teachers to interact with students at a distance. When a child communicates with a teacher via video link, does assignments online, or simply sends some work electronically. At the same time, certifications, as a rule, are given in person.

Legally distance learning is not a form of education. Children studying in this way are usually on a part-time basis and master the program using distance learning technologies (DOT).

Distance educational technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication networks with indirect (at a distance) interaction between students and teachers.

Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Education"

The procedure for the use of DOT is regulated by the Ministry of Education and Science of January 9, 2014. In ordinary schools, they are used most often as an aid in teaching children with disabilities, as well as for conducting lessons in remote settlements.

Advantages of distance learning

  1. Allows you not to go to school every day. This is especially true for children who live far from it and have health problems.
  2. You can study without leaving home. The main thing is to have a computer and the Internet at hand.

Disadvantages of distance learning

  1. Not all schools work with DOT. Most often they are private and paid.
  2. The child is in the contingent of the school and must obey its rules: attend consultations and exams on strictly defined dates, complete tasks according to the established schedule, and so on.
  3. Live contact with teachers is usually minimal, most of the program is designed for self-study.

Family Learning

This is a form of education outside the educational organization. It implies a conscious voluntary departure from school and the education of the child by the forces of the family. At the same time, he, like all schoolchildren, receives a certificate, since he is obliged to pass the state final certification.

In the Russian Federation, education can be obtained in organizations that carry out educational activities; outside organizations engaged in educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Education"

The reasons for homeschooling are varied:

  • Parents and children are dissatisfied with the school. When they teach something and somehow or there are constant conflicts.
  • The child's abilities are above average and he is bored in ordinary lessons. The opposite is also possible when you need your own pace of training.
  • The child is a professional athlete or musician and does not have time to attend classes.
  • The family often moves or lives in another country.

The transition to family education is carried out as follows: notification of local authorities, selection of schools for passing intermediate (final) certifications and organization of the educational process.

The confusion between home schooling and home schooling arises because in both cases the child is at home. But home study is not a form of education, but a necessary measure for children with disabilities. The homeworker is assigned to teachers who receive a salary at the school. Family education, on the contrary, is a manifestation of freedom, and it is available to absolutely everyone. The organization of the educational process lies with the parents, it is not provided for in all regions.

Family and distance learning are confused due to the fact that parents often connect online schools for their children. This is really very convenient, since moms and dads do not need to deal with the guys themselves. For example, at Foxford Home School, lessons are held in the form of webinars and are conducted by professional teachers.

The benefits of family education

  1. This is a complete form of education.
  2. This is the most flexible form of education, giving maximum freedom - from choosing a program to choosing a school for certification.
  3. Available to everyone.
  4. Allows you to give the child high-quality knowledge, taking into account his interests and needs.
  5. You can study online at a convenient pace, without being tied to the place and rules of a particular school.

Cons of home schooling

  1. Not all children are able to learn without school supervision, and parents have the resources to streamline the learning process.
  2. Family education in Russia is still a novelty. I have to explain that you can study outside of school and that's fine.


  • Home and distance learning are not forms of education in the Russian Federation and are not suitable for everyone.
  • Family education is a form of education established by federal law. It is available to everyone.
  • Homeschooling is often confused with homeschooling because in both cases the child does not go to school.
  • Family and remote are mixed, because both there and there, training takes place remotely, using gadgets and various programs.

For greater clarity, we will demonstrate the differences between the three types of homeschooling through the table.

Some children know about school life only through the stories of friends and acquaintances. These are children who study at home, and they are also considered schoolchildren, however, they do not study at a school desk under the guidance of a teacher, but at a home desk under the guidance of parents or tutors. And only parents decide whether the child needs to be transferred to this type of education.

When is it necessary to transfer to home schooling?

Sometimes it is more correct not to force the child to go to school every day, but to transfer him to home schooling. Here are five main reasons why you should really do it:

1. If the child is far ahead of peers in mental development. For example, he studied the entire school curriculum and he is not interested in sitting in class, he is distracted, interferes with others, so the child may completely lose interest in learning at all. There is an option - to jump over a year or two to study with older guys, but then the child will lag behind in physical, mental and social development.

2. The child has a serious hobby, for example, professionally goes in for sports, music or drawing. It is difficult to combine such a hobby with schoolwork.

3. If your work or the work of your husband is connected with constant moving, when the child has to constantly change schools. This hurts him a lot. Difficulties with academic performance may arise, and it is psychologically difficult to get used to new teachers, classmates, and new surroundings.

4. You do not want to send your child to a regular public school for ideological or religious reasons.

5. The child has serious health problems (schooling at home, then teachers come to the child themselves).

How to get homeschooled

In order to transfer a child to homeschooling, a few documents are required: an application for the transition to homeschooling, a birth certificate or a child's passport, and medical certificates if the reason for the transfer is the child's health.

The first thing you need to do is to find out if the charter of the school you have chosen, to which you will be attached, has a clause on homeschooling, otherwise the school will refuse you. Then you can apply to another school or immediately to the department of education of the local administration, they should have a list of those schools in which homeschooling is provided.

If you yourself want to arrange homeschooling, then only an application and documents for the child will be enough, and if the child switches to homeschooling for health reasons, then you need to contact the local doctor to give him a referral to the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, on which it will be decided whether the child needs to switch to home schooling, and will issue a certificate that is valid for a year.

An application for the transition to home schooling must be written in the name of the principal, but it is possible that he does not want to take responsibility, then he will send an application to the department of education. Or you can immediately write a statement to the administration.

The application must indicate which subjects and how many hours the child will study. On this issue, you can consult with the teachers of the school.

The schedule of training must be agreed with the school administration. You can both teach the child yourself and hire repeaters, teachers from the school can come in certain subjects (this is already by your agreement). For some subjects, the child can come to school to the teachers, but when the lessons are over, and again, if you agree.

After everything is completed, you should be given a journal where you will mark the topics that have been covered with the child and rate him.

As soon as the child is transferred to home schooling, an agreement is concluded that spells out the rights and obligations between the school, parents and the child, as well as the terms of certification.

How is homeschooling

With home schooling, the child receives all the knowledge either from tutors hired by the parents, or the parents themselves teach, or the child independently studies subjects, for example, those that he likes the most.

The child comes to school only for intermediate and final certification. If the child studies according to the program of the school itself, then his own assessment will coincide with the assessment that takes place at the school. And if the child is studying under an accelerated program, then initially the parents and the school administration will draw up a schedule for the delivery of final works according to the individual plan of the child. Typically, certification takes place every six months. The child has two attempts to pass it, but if he fails, then most likely he will return to study at a regular school.

The school, in theory, should provide you and your child with textbooks and other methodological literature.

And the state, for its part, pays the parents funds for the education of the child - about 500 rubles a month. But in some regions it is higher due to the compensation of the local administration.

Advantages and disadvantages of home schooling

There is a lot of debate about the benefits of homeschooling, and each side has its own arguments. To virtues Homeschooling can include:

  • The ability to regulate the pace of learning yourself: stretch or go through the program of several classes in one year.
  • The child learns to rely only on his knowledge and strength.
  • The child can study subjects of interest to him in more depth.
  • You yourself can adjust the school curriculum, taking into account its shortcomings.

To shortcomings also include the following:

  • The child does not socialize, does not learn to communicate and work in a team.
  • He has no experience of speaking in public, defending his opinion in front of his peers.
  • Not all parents can effectively organize the education of children at home.
  • In the future, the child may have difficulty adapting to studying at the university and finding a job.