Study of the impact of nanotechnology on plants. Specific hazards and risks from nanotechnology and nanomaterials

In March 2008, more than a hundred scientists from around the world met in Switzerland at the "nanoECO" conference to discuss the environmental impact of synthesized nanoparticles. Although nano-ecotoxicology is a young field of research, interesting and important results have been presented. Of course, the focus was on unsolved problems: how and in what quantities nanoparticles from “nanoproducts” get into the environment; what will be, for example, the level of pollution of rivers, soil; what analytical methods can be effectively used?

The question of the applicability of research methods is very important. H.Krug in his report emphasized that the data on the toxicity of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), along with metal impurities present in them (a recognized effect), can also be affected by the reagents used for experiments. in vitro! In this case, the conclusions about the dangers of nanotubes may turn out to be false. Therefore, when assessing toxicity, it is very important to correctly characterize not only the nanomaterials themselves, but also the analytical methods used in the studies.

"Green" chemistry, "green" energy... These terms appeared at the end of the last century and immediately became very popular. In recent years, interest in resource-saving environmentally friendly green technologies has increased tremendously, and investment in green technology firms is constantly increasing. "Green nanotechnology" is devoted to the report of B.Karn. Green nanotechnology, as the author explains, is a way to create and use nanomaterials and nanoproducts without harming the environment and human health. Thus, on the one hand, green nanotechnology refers to the production of nanomaterials and products using the principles of green chemistry and green technologies (which improves the environment indirectly), and on the other hand, the creation of nanoproducts that are directly involved in solving past, present and future problems, related to the protection of nature and human health (for example, sorbents for wastewater or drinking water treatment, new catalysts, energy systems).

The results of computer simulation of the transport of the three most common types of nanoparticles (nano-Ag, nano-TiO 2 and CNT), presented in the report of Swiss scientists B.Nowack and N.Mueller, turned out to be so interesting that they were completely published in the journal "Environmental Science & Technology" and commented on in the June issue of Nature Nanotechnology. Let's consider them in more detail.

Ag and TiO 2 nanoparticles are the most widely used in consumer products. Nano-silver is believed to have antimicrobial, antifungal and other beneficial properties, and nano-TiO 2 is produced in large quantities for use in self-cleaning, antifouling, antimicrobial coatings and paints, and cosmetics as a UV absorber (only Australia has more 300 registered sun protection products containing TiO 2 nanoparticles). The third studied nanomaterial - carbon nanotubes - does not need to be introduced to our regular readers.

The model used the following input data: estimates of global production, nanoparticle concentrations in various products, nanoparticle yields from products, and flow parameters to the environment (from waste incinerators, landfills, and/or wastewater treatment plants) and between areas (air, soil, water). The entire cycle of using products containing nanoparticles is considered, from production to disposal. This type of model is commonly used in determining exposure to chemical products.

The authors made a risk assessment for three areas of the environment - water (rivers and lakes), air, soil in Switzerland (Fig. 1). Two scenarios were considered - realistic ( RE - realistic) based on available information, and the worst ( HE - high exposure) based on estimates suggesting higher concentrations. The results were compared with values ​​that, according to toxicological studies, do not cause adverse effects ( PNEC - predicted no-effect concentration). The risk was expressed as the ratio of the predicted environmental concentration PEC ( PEC - predicted environmental concentrations) to PNEC. Materials for which this ratio is less than one are considered safe.

Fig.1. Possible distribution of nanomaterials in the environment (air; soil, vegetation; soil covered with vegetation; water; sediments)

Unfortunately, it is not possible to find a list of all products containing nanoparticles. Many manufacturers do not inform about their availability. It is likely that the situation will change for the better in the coming years, but for now, the authors used parameters for analysis, some of which are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Parameters used in the simulation of nanoparticle transport in Switzerland

Nanoparticles Product Category % of total Selection method % Selection area
Nano-Ag textile 10 abrasion in use

wash abrasion



5 air

Cleaning of drains

garbage incineration

living system

living system

living system


25 usage


95 Cleaning of drains

garbage incineration







95 air, sewage, soil

garbage incineration

Cleaning of drains

metal products 5




47,5 living system

garbage incineration

living system

Cleaning of drains

plastics 10 disposal


50 garbage incineration

living system

soil, wastewater



45 living system

disposal site

nano-TiO 2 plastics 2 abrasion


5 air, waste water

garbage incineration


60 usage


95 waste water, water

garbage incineration

coatings 2



95 sewage, air

garbage incineration

metals 1



5 wastewater

living system

garbage incineration


energy production



25 garbage incineration

living system



50 wastewater, soil

disposal site

UNT plastics,



50 abrasion


5 air

garbage incineration

electronics, batteries 50 recycling


40 living system

garbage incineration

disposal site

export 50 living system

Table 2 the PEC values ​​obtained for two scenarios (RE and HE) are shown.

Table 3

Risk assessment (PEC/PNEC) in the environment
Nano-Ag Nano - TiO 2 UNT
Air n/a n/a 0,0015 0,004 1.5x10 -5 2.3x10 -3
Water 0,0008 0,002 >0,7 >16 0,005 0,008
The soil but but but but but but

but– not determined due to lack of ecotoxicological data

As can be seen from Table. 2, the PEC values ​​for CNTs are the lowest (although, of course, the situation may change in the future with an increase in production). The air content is low for all three types of nanoparticles. The particles of nanosilver and nanotitanium oxide are mainly found in water and soil, while the content of nano-Ag is 20–200 times lower than that of nano-TiO 2 . CNTs practically do not get into water.

Based on the obtained PEC values, it is now possible to determine which nanoparticles pose the greatest risk and where (Table 3).

The simulation results show that at present, CNTs do not pose a risk to the environment. The main part of the products containing nanotubes is either recycled or ends up in waste incineration plants, where CNTs burn out almost completely in the presence of oxygen (the temperature in the plants is about 850 o C). But the PEC/PNEC ratio for nano-TiO 2 in water approaches one or even more, indicating a significant risk.

Of course, these are preliminary results. For example, the transformation, degradation, and bioaccumulation of nanoparticles are not deliberately considered, although these processes can play an important role. Emissions from production sites are not taken into account. Nevertheless, the results provide a risk assessment and can serve as a starting point for further studies, which, among other things, will more fully reflect the specific properties of nanoparticles.

  • 1.nanoECO. Nanoparticles in the Environment. Implications and Applications 2–7 March, 2008 Centro Stefano Franscini Monte Verità Ascona, Switzerland
  • 2.H.F. Krug et al., nanoECO Book of Abstracts 2–7 March, 2008, p.53
  • 3. B. Karn. nanoECO Book of Abstracts 2–7 March, 2008, p.77
  • 4. N. Mueller, B. Nowack., Environ. sci. Technol. 42, 4447 (2008)
  • 5. M. Scheringer, Nature Nanotechnol. 3, 332 (2008)

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Job Files" tab in PDF format

1. Introduction.

    It can be assumed that the complete elimination of the harmful effects of human activity on the environment can be prevented.

    Firstly, by saturating the ecosphere with molecular orderly robots that turn human waste into raw materials.

    Secondly, by transferring industry and agriculture to non-waste nanotechnological methods.

    The problem of ecology has occupied mankind since ancient times. And with the growth of progress, respectively, environmental pollution, environmental problems are becoming more important. Recently, they are increasingly trying to solve with the help of nanotechnology.

    Nanotechnology is a field of science and technology that deals with a set of theoretical and practical research methods, analysis and synthesis, and methods for manufacturing and using products that have a given atomic structure. The production of such products is carried out by controlled manipulation of individual molecules and atoms. The use of nanotechnology helps to significantly reduce environmental pollution. Nanotechnology methods are used in various fields in many countries of the world.

    However, nanotechnology is a new science, and, despite its advantages and merits, it also causes concern. However, any medallion always has two sides. Therefore, despite the many obvious positive effects of nanotechnologies on the lives of modern people, nanoparticles can also cause harm when used in some industries. Nanotechnology is now used in almost all spheres of modern life. Nanoparticles are used, for example, even in cosmetics and perfumery. For example, titanium oxide nanoparticles are found in some sunscreens. These nanoparticles absorb ultraviolet radiation with great efficiency, which undoubtedly makes such creams much more effective than conventional ones. However, later studies were conducted that showed that, for example, carbon nanotubes had a detrimental effect on rats. Carbon nanotubes, getting into the lungs of rats, caused severe disturbances, and then they were carried by the blood throughout the body.

    The main problem is that nanoparticles penetrate absolutely all cleaning filters that exist today. Therefore, as the use of nanotechnology becomes more and more active, there will be some kind of revolution in ecology. Special filters will be created to trap nanoparticles.

    Since nanotechnologies apparently make life easier for a person, it can be assumed that, firstly, nanotechnologies will be used not in all industries, but only in those where it is necessary. And, secondly, soon the negative impact of nanoparticles will be studied and new methods of protection will be invented.

The place of nanotechnologies among branches of knowledge

2.Main part

2.1 Nanohistory

Technology determines the quality of life for each of us and the power of the state in which we live.

    400 BC the Greek philosopher Democritus first used the word "atom";

    1704 Isaac Newton - assumptions about the study of the "mystery of corpuscles";

    1959 Richard Feyman - the assumption of the mechanical movement of single atoms;

    1974 Norio Taniguchi first used the term "nanotechnology";

    1980 Eric Drexler used the term.

2.2 Problems of ecology.

2.2.1 The problem of ecology due to nanotechnology.

In our time, only the lazy does not talk about the prospects of nanotechnology. Anyone who is interested in this topic will instantly find information about fullerenes and quantum dots, about nanotubes, which are 60 times stronger than steel and can withstand a temperature of 2500 degrees and a pressure of 6000 atmospheres. Dozens of analytical articles have been written about the fantastic advantages of nanoindustry products. About unpredictable dangers too. Due to their size and unique properties, nanoparticles in manufactured products require careful study - whether they can enter the human body, and if so, how long they will remain there. In addition, it is necessary to study the behavior and movement of nanoparticles in the environment and, most importantly, whether these materials will affect human health and the state of nature.

    Another problem is the study of the behavior of nanoparticles in water. At the moment, this issue is poorly developed. The issue is complicated by the fact that comprehensive studies are needed on the ability of each type of soil or artificial filters to retain certain nanoparticles. This issue is currently being investigated by scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Institute of Technology). They carried out a series of experiments, during which water containing fullerenes was passed through flasks filled with sand, soil, glass microgranules and other materials. It turned out that sand retains up to 80% of nanoparticles, but scientists also came to the conclusion that the filtration is affected by the composition of the water. The presence of humic acid or surfactants in the water will allow the nanoparticles to pass freely through the sand.

    In general, the picture emerging on the basis of the analysis of the research data allows us to conclude that nanotechnologies are not as harmful as one might assume: nanoparticles do not poison the earth and water, and their entry into the body is not fatal and can be limited by filtration systems. The history of environmental and social problems of nanotechnology is not new - similar ideas arose several hundred years ago.

    You should not, of course, consider the future of technology rosy and chaotic. A correct understanding of nanoprocesses and side effects, the creation of next-generation filtration systems, the restriction of unscrupulous manufacturers and terrorists are just some of the items on the list of tasks that we have to solve. However, we should be aware that the benefits of using nanotechnology will outweigh the possible difficulties in the way of its implementation.

    Scientists from Purdue University in the United States have concluded that nanoparticles that enter the soil will not cause any noticeable harm to the ecosystem. A number of experiments were carried out in which fullerenes were placed in various types of soil and then their behavior and their effect on microorganisms and minerals were investigated. Let us remind our readers that fullerenes are frame spherical polyhedra composed of regular pentagons and hexagons with carbon atoms at the vertices. Significant changes could be fatal for the elements of plant food chains. However, the results of observations show that it does not produce any negative dynamics: microorganisms are alive and well, the balance of substances is not affected.

Another global problem may be the presence of nanoparticles in the atmosphere. According to American scientists, these particles, reflecting the sun's rays, can change the climate on the planet, provoking another ice age. Already now there is information about their significant impact on weather conditions, and not always positive. One of the questions asked by both scientists and ordinary people, especially residents of megacities, is the air that we breathe. It's no secret that the presence of a huge number of diseases of chronic bronchitis and asthma, including congenital cases of this disease, are explained by toxic and polluted emissions into the atmosphere of industrial enterprises and household devices. The picture of the world in which, in order not to die from lung cancer at the age of 30, you need to breathe through a filter, depicted by Stephen King in "Running Man" is not so fantastic.

2.2.2 The problem of ecology due to man.

The consequences of environmental problems due to man

Global warming

    One of the most important environmental problems is the long-term increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere of our planet. For the period 1960-2000. this value increased by about 0.5, and this growth became particularly stable in the 1980s. Scientists are sure that the main reason for this increase is the ever-increasing amount of fuel burned (coal, oil, etc.), industrial plants, cars, etc. It is the combustion products (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) and their interaction with solar radiation that are the main factors in the growth of atmospheric temperature (greenhouse effect).

    Therefore, for a long time the main problem of ecology has been to reduce the level of consumption of the so-called fossil fuels (oil and coal), which should also reduce the amount of carbon monoxide and other combustion products emitted into the atmosphere. Therefore, the search for alternative energy sources and the development of efficient methods of energy conservation and transfer (for example, the creation of solar batteries and fuel cells of a new type) have become an important scientific and technical task. Recently, it has become clear that the use of carbon nanotubes can lead to a significant increase in the efficiency of existing solar energy converters. In addition, it was found that carbon nanotubes can adsorb large amounts of hydrogen very efficiently, which immediately intensified various studies related to the development of fuel cells, batteries, and the like.

Destruction of the ozone layer.

    Another important environmental problem is the preservation of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, which is located at an altitude of about 20 kilometers and plays an extremely important role in protecting the planet's surface from ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. It is known that in recent years the ozone layer is destroyed under the influence of many chemicals used in everyday life and industry. The main role in the processes of destruction of the ozone layer is played by freons, which are not "natural", but artificial products and are produced by the chemical industry for various purposes (aerosols, refrigerants, air conditioning units, etc.).

    A 1% decrease in the ozone layer immediately leads to an increase in the incidence of skin cancer by 3-6% and leukemia by 1%. A 10% decrease in the ozone layer would have catastrophic consequences, since, according to some forecasts, the number of skin cancer sufferers would immediately increase by 20%, and the number of leukemia patients by 1.6-1.7 million people. For about 10 years, there has been a noticeable destruction of the ozone layer, which scientists attribute to the increasing release of various freon compounds into the atmosphere. The best solution to the problem would be, of course, a complete ban on the use of freons, but this is unrealistic, and in our time there is an intensive search for substances that could replace freons in various applications. Nanotechnologies can provide quite effective methods for solving this problem.

acid rain

A very serious environmental problem for many countries (and especially for Japan) are the so-called acid rains (i.e., rains in which sulfuric and hydrochloric acid fall out along with water). The reason for the occurrence of such rains was that a large amount of waste from the industrial production of car exhaust gases enters the atmosphere. Such waste can form a variety of sulfur and nitrogen oxides in rain clouds (), which react with water vapor, resulting in a weak solution of acids instead of rain.

    For Japan, such acid rain has been a problem since the late 1990s. According to statistics relating to the central regions of Japan, the number of respiratory diseases increased sharply during this period, although it should be noted that as early as 1974 in the Tohoku region, during acid rain, an additional 30,000 patients were recorded complaining of visual disorders and skin diseases.

    The most radical means of combating acid rain would be a transition to new energy sources that are not associated with burning oil, coal, etc. Nanotechnologies open up broad prospects for increasing the efficiency.

2.2.3 Solving environmental problems with the help of nanotechnology.

Green nanotechnology.

    Nanotechnology has the potential to change manufacturing processes in two ways. First, by rapidly reducing production waste and increasing its efficiency. Secondly, through the use of nanomaterials as catalysts, which will increase the efficiency of production processes and get rid of toxic and dirty materials, as well as end products.

    "Green" nanotechnologies are technologies that use environmentally friendly chemical and technological processes. Ideally, green nanotechnology should improve manufacturing processes, material requirements, chemical procedures, and replace current unsafe substances and processes. This will reduce energy and material costs.

    The importance of "green" chemistry and "green" technologies was appreciated in 2005, when the Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his contribution to the development of the method of metathesis in organic synthesis" was awarded to Robert Grubbs from the California Institute of Technology (USA), Richard Schrock from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and Yves Chauvin from the Petroleum Institute (France). Metathesis means such a “switching” of a pair of chemical bonds, in which a rearrangement of atoms occurs, that is, the carbon skeleton of one or two molecules changes.


There are no international rules for green building. Everyone solves the problem of saving resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their own way. National Geographic magazine picked up ten striking examples of this. (3 examples below):

1) Singapore.

    In Singapore, there are unique Gardens by the Bay, covering 1 million m². The complex was created not only for beauty and relaxation, but also to curb the effect of local overheating.

    The central place is given to the glass atrium, where there are about 220 thousand species of vegetation (80% of the plant species of the world, according to the National Park Board of Singapore).

    Outside, there is a grove of 18 "supertrees" - vertical gardens up to 50 m high, which collect rainwater, filter exhaust gases and recycle solar energy, illuminating themselves at night.

    The effect of localized overheating occurs in cities due to the fact that the pavement, asphalt and concrete absorb heat. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the average annual temperature in the millionaire is about 3 ˚С higher than in neighboring rural areas. The effect reaches its peak on the hottest days of summer due to the widespread use of air conditioners.

    The value of vegetation in urban areas goes beyond cooling and shade. Urban plantings help improve air and water quality through natural filtration mechanisms. For example, a recent study showed that grasses, ivies, and other plants (not just trees) can reduce nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in the air by as much as 40% and 60%, respectively.

2) New York

    The "science barge", which can be found on the Hudson River in New York, is a school classroom and a greenhouse. Powered by solar, wind and biofuel, the barge, built in 2007, boasts zero greenhouse gas emissions. Vegetables are grown using hydroponics, plants get all the nutrients they need from water: good soil (and soil in general) is not easy to find in urban areas. For irrigation, rainwater and purified river water are used, pesticides are prohibited. The New York Sun Works came up with the barge as a prototype for a self-sustaining garden that can be set up on the roof of a building.

The UK's first eco-village was opened in London in 2002. The BedZED complex consists of hundreds of homes and office visits. Rooftop gardens, recycled building materials, effective thermal insulation, faster recycling, very close distances between home and work have all contributed to the settlement's carbon footprint being halved compared to that of an ordinary city.

International Nanotechnology Council

    In 2004, enthusiasts established an international organization - the International Council on Nanotechnology (ICON), which collects and disseminates all available information about nanotechnology. Members of this organization try to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnology (eg environmental risks) and disseminate information about it.

2.2.4 Chemical nanotechnoecological solution of the problem.

Self-cleaning surface

Such a surface is called nanograss, it is a set of parallel nanowires (nanorods) of the same length, located at an equal distance from each other.

Self-cleaning of a fleecy surface from dirt particles is called the “lotus effect”.


Self-cleaning surfaces and coatings

Molecular compounds of allotropic forms of carbon.

Molecular compounds of allotropic forms of carbon in the form of closed polyhedra. A fullerene molecule consists of 60 carbon atoms. The diameter of C60 is about 1 nm.


Fire retardant paints;

artificial diamonds;

New drugs;


titanium oxide

Titanium oxide has strong catalytic activity. In the presence of ultraviolet radiation, it breaks down water molecules into free radicals.


Purification of water, air, various surfaces from organic compounds;

Self-cleaning glasses

3. Conclusion.

I had an idea how to build purification plants that will purify the air around the world.

    For example, I will cite buildings that will be built in the center, next to pollutants and on the outskirts of cities, in which special condensers will be installed and a large number of plants will be grown that will purify the air.

purification plant

Purification Plant Generator

Primitive generator example and process:

Description of the operation of the generator in the purification plant.

When direct current is turned on in water, the following reaction occurs:

Distribution of treatment facilities

    It is possible that some new materials may pose a risk to manufacturers and consumers, as well as to society and the environment. Therefore, scientists strive to study the potential risks associated with new nanotechnologies as carefully and comprehensively as possible in order to guarantee the safety of their use.

    The development of nanotechnologies continues and it is quite possible that humanity will really solve global problems with their help.

List of used sources and literature. National Park Service

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    Nanotechnology in the next decade / Ed. M.K. Roco, R.S. Williams, P. Alivisatos. M., 2012.

    Ibragimov I. M. Application of nanotechnology for environmental protection / I. M. Ibragimov, E. A. Perfilova // Izv. Acad. prom. ecology. - 2015. - No. 3. - S. 76.

Nanotechnology for me is primarily a) a variety of sensors and b) computers with low power consumption and high computing power.

Within literally five years, there will be huge progress in the sensors of all senses, and in a mobile version. Military technology will very quickly be in the possession of many, many people - in camera phones, telenetbooks and other strange devices. Advanced optical matrices, advanced optics, advanced mechanics for all this to instantly focus and track the subject, huge computing power for video processing, bottomless memory that will swallow any video stream and carefully store it, distributed torrent systems that will transmit it all video for those interested. Olfactory chips that smell everything that is interesting to their owner, and with which every camera phone, book reader, etc. will be equipped. The ubiquitous GPS and Galileo navigation. The ubiquitous Internet, "permanent connection". Microphones that can be heard from great distances. Clear shots through any haze. I constantly write about such technological innovations in my journal (and now I don’t even provide links, it all happened). And all this is nanotechnology.

Further empowering (turning each individual lamer into a cool pro). Empowering is when I now have 200g hanging on my belt. camera ready to shoot HD. And in five years, almost everyone will have this, and those who are especially interested will have the third generation of Micro Four Thirds format cameras. Why is it important that it be HD? Because it's an emotional broad band. On the other hand, few spies have the kind of equipment that any teenager armed with a cell phone has today. Extrapolate this for another five years. All citizens will be equipped as journalists who want to conduct a cool journalistic investigation. DNA analysis in five to ten years will no longer be a problem. Analyze the pedigree of your dogs, birds, as well as relatives and politicians passing by. All this is nanotechnology.

So what? Now in Russia newspapers freely publish information about politicians, because of which in decent countries these politicians cease to be such. But in Russia they do not stop. And not all politics is public.

My first point: empowering makes all policies public, even if government disclosure tends to zero. People are curious and tend to share information. Nanotechnology will rapidly reduce the cost of extracting interesting information.

Oddly enough, I believe that empowering (when one person with the help of technology begins to work with the same productivity as a team) is now taking place at a much faster speed than technology helps various groups by interest. Including political interest groups. All these "social networks" are at the very beginning of their journey, because social networks should be based on emotional broadband technologies. Video, audio, 3D. In social networks, virtual worlds have not yet shown themselves in any way. It is still impossible to get into virtual worlds in your own image, you need avatars. You can't hold a remote family meeting on the same Cisco Telepresence technology that the board of directors of some large company passes on (recall what Cisco sells in this technology: life-size people, eye contact, voice without delay and from the right direction, the ability to maintain a standard behavior in the room during the meeting).

Webinar technologies are gloomy, lags are detrimental to normal discussions. In asynchronous social networking services, there is no organization support yet (at least in the scope of issue tracking of the basic version of Trac) - no one can entrust anything to anyone, and then check the execution (I mean Habermas's theory of communicative action). But it normal. Software, as always, lags behind. For the equipment is almost ready: cameras do not require special lighting, screens are made with a pocket spotlight from any wall, Internet traffic, after some inevitable restrictions, will again explode into the clouds. In five to ten years, this equipment will cost a penny, and the software will still be free, as it is today.

And then interesting scenarios are possible, such as those that we observed in India during the liquidation of the colonial regime. Only these scenarios will not be on a country scale, but rather local. But at the epicenter of these scenarios, few will seem to anyone, because it will be such a kind of lynching. It is the lynchings: I am by no means claiming that technology will give way to the best properties of human nature. The mechanism here is exactly the same as in the famous Maneki-neko,, but each society will receive from these technologies what it deserves to the extent of its barbarism.

Although the savage society will have many more opportunities to become less savage: new technologies are primarily informational, they promote primarily educational processes, in whatever perverse form (discussion of very unsightly situations) these educational processes take place. Politics is, first of all, the education of the masses, moreover, through competitive educational programs. It is this kind of competition from the most unexpected sides that new technologies will provide. The competition of savagery and civilization as well. But civilization can also win disputes, just as the barbarian usually wins in a forceful physical clash.

New technologies will turn out into the light of day as much dirt as humanity has ever seen. The world is not yet a big village twice - twice, because in addition to the traditional meaning "everyone knows everyone" there is also an unexpected meaning - the vast majority of the inhabitants of the planet are still villagers, even if they have already managed to move to some suburbs of megacities. The world is just beginning to turn into this double village. And it is good that new technologies are primarily educational technologies. But first, the village savages will have empowerment for their savage designs ("savage good") and the means for their savage organization into hordes, and only then will these same technologies turn savages into civilized people using their abilities for good ("good of civilization") goals . The same technologies will allow civilized people to discuss what exactly is this "good of civilization" - and not come to any consensus.

But everything will start with the transformation of intelligence technologies into mass ones. Not all people can get a detailed reference on the Internet about the current speaker at a meeting where important (including political) decisions are made. In five years, this will be an instinctive action. And often other decisions will be made after that, "based on intelligence" and not on the basis of the carefully filtered information provided. Information wants to be free, and on the basis of the released information, many, many people will begin to make the most unexpected decisions.

The world will change, and it will change very dramatically. I'm not saying that the world will change for the better. Just all(including politics) will happen much faster and more diverse, and not better or worse. And at the heart of these changes are nanotechnologies - they allow you to get cheap aspherical lenses, it is they who allow Intel these days to demonstrate a new generation of processors for mobile phones that consume ten times less energy, it is these nanotechnologies that make it possible to create pocket projectors of high definition and brightness, it is nanotechnology that makes it possible to have many hours of video recording in a flash drive the size of a fingernail, it is nanotechnology that will transfer the communication infrastructure to optoelectronics, which is now being developed on expensive GRID networks. And then - the emotional broadband, through which the new politics will break into us. Just imagine some kind of student unrest in five years, in which every student has mobile devices that the military now only dreams of. And no Internet shutdown will threaten them, because mesh networks are also on the way. And no "bookmarks" in processors, because open source code for processors is also already appearing.

Oh, let's get drunk. However, this is true for any level of technology: past, present, future. Oh, choke, choke, chug.

During the conference dedicated to the problems of biosafety of nanotechnology, the scientists suggested that the government adopt a certain regulation for the control of nanoindustry products.

The governments of many countries nowadays organize special conferences and allocate significant funds to study the impact of nanotechnology on the environment.

One of the questions asked by both scientists and ordinary people, especially residents of megacities, is the air that we breathe. It's no secret that the presence of a huge number of diseases of chronic bronchitis and asthma, including congenital cases of this disease, are explained by toxic and polluted emissions into the atmosphere of industrial enterprises and household devices.

In this regard, scientists are conducting a study of the behavior of nanoparticles in the atmosphere and the consequences of their inhalation by humans. As a result of experiments on laboratory rodents, a high sensitivity of the epithelial cells of the respiratory system to nanoparticles was revealed, which accumulated in the nasal passages of experimental animals, causing rhinitis and other more severe diseases.

No less attention is drawn to the problem of the impact of nanomaterials on the environment. Thus, a study was conducted on the environmental risk of five main types of nanomaterials, including nanotubes, quantum dots and buckyballs. The researchers identified different types of pollution risks for different technological operations, including drug production, oil refining. Based on the data obtained, the professor of environmental protection concludes in the article that the creation of nanomaterials is less risky than current industrial processes.

Nanoparticles that enter the soil will not cause any noticeable harm to the ecosystem. A number of experiments were carried out in which fullerenes were placed in various types of soil and then their behavior and their effect on microorganisms and minerals were investigated. Fullerenes are frame spherical polyhedra composed of regular pentagons and hexagons with carbon atoms at the vertices. Significant changes could be fatal for the elements of plant food chains. However, the results of observations showed that it does not produce any negative dynamics: microorganisms are alive and well, the balance of substances is not affected.

Nanotechnologies, of course, contribute to the technological progress of mankind - scientists regularly report on new successes that can change the life and life of people for the better. Developed using nanotechnology, nanoparticles can help treat cancer, but some nanoparticles, on the contrary, can cause cancer in the human body. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles, which are now found in many foods, accumulate in the body and lead to systemic genetic damage. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles lead to breakage of single- and double-stranded DNA, as well as damage to chromosomes.

Once in the body, titanium nanoparticles accumulate in various organs, since there are no mechanisms for their excretion in the body. Due to their small size, they easily penetrate cells and begin to influence their elements.

The scale of the use of nanoparticles in the production of cosmetics is growing every year, and, according to manufacturers, there is nothing wrong with this. Some ecologists take a different position. The use of nanoparticles in cosmetics is no less harmful than arsenic and lead additives, according to Australian representatives of the international environmental organization Friends of the Earth. In all randomly selected product test groups, the researchers found nanoparticles.

Nanotechnology is used in cosmetics much more widely than consumers think. In addition to the presence of nanoparticles, seventy percent of the products tested contain chemical enhancers that facilitate the penetration of nanoparticles through the skin into the bloodstream. Many popular manufacturers and brands of cosmetics have not escaped accusations. Nanoparticles were found in the products of Clinic, Lacome, L "Oreal, Max Factor, Revlon, Yves San Laurent, despite the fact that they were not indicated in the composition. But the cosmetics manufacturer Christian Dior not only included nanoparticles in the composition of the products, but also indicated them in the ingredient list.

The results of the study clearly indicate the dangers of new cosmetics. In 2009, the European Union introduced a law requiring all sunscreens containing nanomaterials and nanoparticles to be tested by 2012.

This case is far from the first time that environmentalists and scientists have raised the issue of the danger that modern nanotechnology may pose. In particular, some scientists believe that the appearance of nanoparticles in the atmosphere on an industrial scale can change the Earth's climate, and also warn of the dangers of eating food created using nanotechnology.

American scientists have found a significant amount of nanoparticles in the Earth's atmosphere, which continues to increase. In their opinion, nanoparticles, reflecting the sun's rays, can seriously change the climate on the planet, causing another Ice Age.

According to the latest observations of American scientists, in the atmosphere of our planet there is already a significant amount of nanoparticles, invisible to the eye, but which can affect both weather processes.

The number of nanoparticles in different parts of the world is increasing, but why this is happening remains a mystery. Scientists have been studying the question of how nanoparticles are formed and how their number increases when they interact with various organic vapors.

However, they managed to find out that some types of organic matter grow rapidly in the atmosphere. Collecting in large numbers, they reflect sunlight back into space - a kind of reverse greenhouse effect. In addition, scientists note that the spread of nanoparticles in the air can exacerbate diseases such as asthma, emphysema and other lung diseases.

In the future, nanotechnology can play a significant role in solving many problems related to environmental protection. We are talking, first of all, about the use of nanodevices in systems for research and control of products and wastes of various chemical industries, about the creation of new "clean" technologies with a minimum output of hazardous production wastes, as well as about recycling garbage in landfills and cleaning polluted water bodies. In the future, it is planned to carry out continuous monitoring and processing of large areas of the environment in order to clean them from very small particles of pollutants contained in water (size< 300 нм) и в воздухе (< 20 нм).

It should also be taken into account that nanostructured materials themselves can cause environmental pollution that threatens human health. Pollution can be associated with both existing technology (for example, nanoparticles in diesel exhaust gases) and new substances or technological processes. In many cases nanotechnology are new manufacturing processes and their potential environmental hazard must be carefully assessed.

Complex physicochemical processes involving nanostructures play a significant role in many phenomena that determine the isolation, release, mobility, and bioavailability of various substances (beneficial and harmful) in the environment. Microprocesses occurring at the interfaces between natural physical and biological systems determine various problems in medicine and biology. The study of the dynamics of processes specific to nanostructures in natural systems will allow not only to understand the mechanisms of transfer and biological absorption of substances, but also to use them to improve the ecological situation.

A wide variety of natural nanoparticles and nanostructured substances are present in the atmosphere, geological rocks, aquatic environment and biological systems, but their impact on human health has not yet been systematically studied. In some cases (for example, when using quartz and asbestos fibers), the harmful effects of nanoparticles have been found, in others, the potential hazards seem to be insignificant. In addition, it should be taken into account that aerosols from nanosized particles are constantly involved in various atmospheric physical and chemical processes.

Nanotechnology have already had a significant impact on many industries related to the environment and energy. Some examples of such technologies are given below.

Reducing production waste and increasing energy efficiency

The most noticeable progress has been made in the development of new methods of catalysis, where the use of nanosized reagents in many cases has made it possible to sharply increase the efficiency of catalytic reactions (rate, yield) both in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. The use of nanoscale materials (for example, airgel or xerogel V205) in the cathodes of lithium batteries significantly increases their capacity, service life, and charge/discharge rate.

Environmentally friendly composite materials

The compatibility of composite materials with nanoscale foreign inclusions opens up the possibility of producing high-quality materials for special purposes (for example, for filtration systems). On the basis of such composites, it is possible to create systems that are characterized by increased resistance to environmental influences, long service life, low maintenance and repair costs, and low environmental impact. On their basis, it is possible to produce light and small structures and devices characterized by low energy consumption. Composite nanomaterials are characterized by great structural diversity and can be either very simple (steel with inclusions of oxides or nitrides) or very complex (heterogeneous composites with a predetermined, highly functional structure).

Waste recycling

Nanostructured materials are increasingly used in the processes of waste processing and disposal, from the oxidation of organic pollutants with the help of TiO2 particles to the binding of heavy metal atoms by nanoscale absorbers. In many cases, radiation-activated particles (in solutions or aerosols) can be used as oxidizing agents. It has recently been discovered that UV-irradiated TiO2 nanoparticles can purify the air of a variety of pollutants, including hazardous organic compounds, cells, viruses, and toxic chemicals. Nanosized particles, after appropriate chemical treatment of their surface (formation of derivative compounds) with ligands or reagents, can effectively bind heavy metal atoms or passivate contaminated surfaces. In addition, it is assumed that nanotechnology will allow organizing chemical production processes in such a way that less waste will be generated during them. In surface chemistry, materials are studied with specially designed nanostructured surfaces that will ensure that the required reactions are carried out with the formation of a minimum amount of waste.

Energy conversion

The processes associated with obtaining energy (including both the direct production of electrical energy and the extraction of fuel to be transported) cause irreparable harm to the environment. Nanosystems can form the basis of energy production on renewable energy sources, the operation of which generates much less hazardous waste. An example is the use of nanoscale or mesoscale materials mentioned above in battery electrodes or vehicle fuel cells.