Quantum transition is a concept in physics. Quantum Leap: What's Keeping You From It

(Your clarifications and additions to the text are welcome.)

December 21, 2012 The day that many have been waiting for has arrived. They waited, some with joy, some with fear. Welcome to the holiday of Light and Transfiguration, to honor Mother Earth! In the name of the Human Spirit and Love!

As you can see, horror stories and horror stories that scared and on which many people were energetically fed did not come true. Today is December 21, but no "end of the world" has happened. :) Except that the end of another grand scam, which aimed to cloud the minds and enslave the hearts of people. It was one of the technologies of the system of implicit control over people - to intimidate, disorient, confuse, distract from pressing problems and ways to solve them. At the same time, make good economic and political capital on this. Partially, this goal has been achieved: the consciousness of most people is away from true knowledge. As a result, 99% of the population really knows almost nothing about the ongoing 2012 process and does not feel the beauty and grandeur of the current moment - the so-called Quantum Transition (what it is, read more below).

In confirmation, I suggest to look video " December 21, 2012 - just another day" (3 min.). In it, astronomers competently refute astronomical horror stories and fictions associated with this date. However, I want to draw attention to the need for a cautious attitude to information about some phenomena that are still poorly understood by science (for example, the change of the Earth's magnetic poles), but voiced too self-confidently. I also note that these phenomena are even less understood by the opponents of science. (You can watch the videos to confirm this " Armageddon - December 21, 2012?" and " December 21, 2012 - Great alignment of planets". The last video contains outright nonsense.)


Speaking essentially, in fact today is the end of the era of Darkness, and tomorrow is the beginning of the era of Light. It's conditional. Because such a process does not have a singularly expressed date. It is a gradual, smooth transition from one state of the system to another. Today is just a holiday, a day to celebrate such a transition! December 21, 2012 - celebration of the end of the big ~26000-year cosmic cycle (precession)! Celebration of the end of a long era of captivity and barbarism - the era of Pisces! And tomorrow, December 22, is also a holiday. The whole Earth is celebrating the beginning of a new ~26,000-year cosmic cycle and the beginning of a new era of Aquarius, an era of freedom and prosperity. During these two days all over the Earth, millions of people of Light, involved in the Quantum Transition, rejoice and purposefully meditate.Thanks to this, a special field of consciousness, a special psychic energy will be generated. And if an inexperienced person in meditation tunes in to this wave and connects to this field of consciousness, then, by virtue of the law of resonance, a miracle may happen! For example, there will be a quantum leap and there will be a state of a higher level of consciousness, or even enlightenment. This will become the point of "end of darkness" and "beginning of light" for a particular person! (However, it was necessary to purposefully prepare yourself for this long before 21.12. :)

This is not a joke, but quite seriously. The "subtle" energy of the last week fluctuated greatly. For example, the day 12/12/2012 was considered a "dress rehearsal" for today's date. That was the last special combination of numbers in this century. And this is a fact - I felt the "wave" of that date. In particular, the meditative state of consciousness came on its own shortly after my awakening. I didn't do anything specifically for it, just let it happen. And after 12 noon, especially around 12 minutes, I really felt an influx of indescribable grace and unearthly, all-encompassing, unconditional love... I was enveloped in a special atmosphere of sensuality... I was completely in it, of course, without any I visualized my dear people, wildlife, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, planet Earth and sent them my love and compassion. Previously, such a force of feeling visited me only occasionally. I knew intellectually and later read that at that time millions of people were meditating on this purposefully, thereby creating a certain energy field.

Similarly, on December 18, 2012, from the very morning, a state close to samadhi descended - concentration in one's deepest center of consciousness, absolute peace and a complete stop of thinking when it is not needed for mental work. Very deep and stable state. This, moreover, which came by itself, without special preparatory exercises and tuning, rarely happened. I stayed in it all day. The same thing happened yesterday, 21/20/2012. But today December 21, 2012, something special. From the very morning I am in a state of complete peace and absolute calmness, in a feeling of unity with myself and all that exists. Complete relaxation of the mind and body, there are no emotions and extraneous thoughts. There is not even a sense of bliss. Complete peace, buddhahood… It feels like a long, hard work has just ended, all worries have disappeared at once, and finally you can let go of everything old in peace in order to calmly and confidently move into the future. The soul looks back and there is a slight sadness from the feeling of a long past, both good and not very good ... A lot has been experienced. The time has come for the transition from the old to the different... Words are powerless to express the feelings of the soul... I wish you all peace and wisdom!

What is Quantum Jump?

And now about the second part, rendered in the title - what is the Quantum Transition, which we are now going through ? And how is it related to 12/21/2012? A recent discussion about this on my LiveJournal forum with val000 , as well as a private discussion with gitel_kam_rai and morgen2008 convince of the need to give a clear definition and a comprehensive description of this phenomenon (process). Although there is already a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, however, upon detailed analysis, it turns out that for the most part it is either general, or partial, fragmentary, or confused, or presented from incomprehensible primary sources (often just gag). There is good quality information, but it is in short supply in a well-structured form. This is connected, in my opinion, with the complexity of the topic itself and with the lack of clear certainty on a number of its constituent issues. Therefore, in my brief analysis, I will first try to give only a general description of the phenomenon called the Quantum Transition (they also use the expressions-synonyms Big Transition and Great Transition), and explain the main points associated with it. In this I do not at all pretend to be the ultimate truth and I will be grateful for constructive corrections and additions.

The expression "quantum transition"- scientific, from quantum physics. However, do not rush to immediately draw final conclusions. Not everything here is as simple and unambiguous as it might seem at first glance. This is due, firstly, to the extreme complexity of the phenomenon under consideration and, secondly, to the fact that science itself still does not know much about this. For example, what is singularity, multidimensionality and emptiness, why exactly do quantum effects occur. That is, we are dealing with the most complex world, the scale, structure and functioning of which goes far beyond the limits of our current scientific knowledge and philistine ideas. "Don't think you understand because you don't. You don't understand because no one understands. It's like quantum mechanics, no one understands it. We know how to use it. We know how to predict it. But it nobody understands." (Leni Sasking, professor, theoretical physicist)

Quantum transition, or more precisely, a quantum leap is jump transition quantum system (atom, molecule, atomic nucleus, solid body) from one state to another, from one energy level to another. The concept was introduced by Niels Bohr and represents a characteristic difference between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics, where any transitions are smooth. Thus, one can say "jump quantum transition" or simply "quantum transition", which will mean the same thing.

However, the concept of "Quantum Transition" in esotericism is understood more widely than in physics. In this case, it's more metaphor than scientific. It implies invisible complex changes at the basic level of matter and consciousness, which are visibly manifested in the material world, primarily in the appearance and strengthening of unusual human abilities. We can say that we have witnessed the birth of an expanded understanding and interpretation of the term. The term "Quantum Transition" is beautiful, poetic and mystical in its sound. Visualizing, something cosmically large-scale, bewitching, transcendent, poetic, romantic arises in my mind, which captures and takes away somewhere into the infinite... The term has already become so firmly established among esotericists that there is no turning back. This is unusual for physicists and subconsciously, as the first reaction, causes protest and rejection. But this happens from time to time. For example, this was once the case with the word "ecology": originally it denoted the name of science ( ecology - a science that studies the relationship of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment and the impact of human activity on these relationships). And then the term went far beyond its primary meaning: here the ecology of the city (instead of the environment of the city), and the ecology of the soul (instead of the harmony of the soul), etc. That is, in addition to scientific, the word in addition acquired a philosophical and poetic meaning. Environmental scientists (myself included) tried to fight this at first, but failed miserably. Because the beautiful consonance of the word caresses the ear and penetrates deep into the human soul. On that they agreed. At the same time, they themselves began to use the term in an expanded interpretation, where appropriate.

2. There are even more radical statements, purely along the line of esoteric knowledge. As a result of the Quantum Transition, the Earth from a planet of the 3rd density (dimension) will become a planet of the 4th density (dimension). The further fate of people will presumably be divided depending on the compliance / non-compliance with these changes. Why are safety options and scenarios for their transition being prepared. In view of the uncertainty and insufficient argumentation of such a scenario, I consider it inexpedient to describe it in more detail here.

There is a point of view based on channeled information that in connection with the Quantum Transition, all the basic constants of matter, space and time of our 3D world change synchronously, as a result of which its energy "vibration" increases. However, being inside it, it is impossible to determine this, since all instruments and instruments of measurement are recalibrated accordingly at the same elementary level. This can only be established by an external observer from outside the 3D world. In view of the uncertainty and difficulty of argumentation, a more detailed description of this phenomenon is also considered inexpedient here for the time being.

However, I would like to suggest video " How Worlds Arise and Quantum Leaps Occur" (4 min.). It shows how matter acquires and complicates forms depending on the frequency of sound vibrations. Taking this as an analogy, one can imagine what has just been described above.

(This video is located at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VdS6cNlENA)

3. Another rather radical prediction - Ascension. Ascension is the transformation of the material body of a person into a thin-wave "light" body, as a result of which a person "dissolves" in the light and disappears from the material world. The phenomenon of ascension is described in the Bible when the prophet Elijah ascended to heaven in the presence of the prophet Elisha who accompanied him. I also met information that the great Teachers and Yogis of the East also ascended. It is assumed that the process of ascension will be facilitated after the Quantum Shift. This is the basis for the expectations of many. However, it seems to me that the most reliable information is that no one really knows anything and most fantasize from themselves. Only the future will show how it will be and whether there will be changes at all.

One thing is more or less clear - during this period, certain changes at the energy-informational level of the soul will occur in the period between death and a new birth (incarnation) on Earth. This phenomenon is already manifesting itself and has received its name - indigo children. These children are programmed to higher vibrational frequencies of consciousness, many are born with special psychological and creative abilities. It is expected that after 2012 more and more of these children will be born. And after 2 generations (after 50 years) or a little later, they will come to rule states and nations.

For this reason, I suggest looking video " About the quantum leap" (19 min.). In it, Vyacheslav Gubanov talks about the change in vibrational frequencies in the environment, the restructuring of consciousness and the birth of new children with new rhythms of the brain.

(This video is located at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCn4CmV6eJs)

Quantum Transition is not a one-time process, tied to a specific date, in particular, to December 21, 2012. It is stretched in time and changes will occur gradually over a certain period of time. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the human mind and body will not withstand the abrupt changes described above without serious negative consequences. On the other hand, the collective consciousness in principle changes slowly. This requires the internal work of a large number of people on themselves, as well as a change of generations, the emergence of carriers of new knowledge and consciousness. We are talking about about a 36-year period - about the window of the Quantum Transition (information from the messages of Kryon). It began approximately in 1994 from the moment of changes in parameters in the multidimensional crystal and magnetic lattices of the Earth. This period will end approximately in 2030, when the main parameters of changes will be stabilized. Thus, 2012 is a conditional middle of time in the slow process of the Quantum Transition. In general, significant changes in the consciousness of all mankind will occur only after 50 years or later, when at least two generations of people will change, when the current babies will become the heads of societies and nations.

The quantum transition is accompanied by some astronomical phenomena associated with the spatial position of celestial bodies and through this formation of combinations of magnetic fields and other interactions. I must say that on the Internet a lot is confused and mixed in connection with this. :) Definitely, no one promised on 21.12. there is no parade of planets in the solar system. These are inventions. Significant planets are in different places at an angle of at least 30 degrees. Just as there is no galactic parade of planets of star systems. This is generally complete nonsense. The only thing that can be said more or less confidently is that the ~26,000-year cycle of the Earth's precession (precisely 25,765 years) has come to an end, associated with the oscillation of the Earth's axis of rotation, during which it describes a circle in the sky. In this case, the conditional end of the axis passes through 12 zodiac constellations. Presumably, the periodic change in the Earth's climate is associated with precession, and in esotericism it is believed that it is also a flow of subtle energies.

The sun and the solar system move around the center of the Milky Way galaxy not in a straight circular line, but in a spiral. This is due to the rotation of the Sun around a common gravitational center formed by the nearest gravitationally interacting stars, in particular, from the Pleiades star cluster. In this movement inside the galactic arm, the Sun goes around a small circle in tens of millions of years and at the same time crosses the conditional galactic equator. This can be understood as alignment with the galactic center. In turn, this stellar group revolves around the center of the galaxy in about 220 million years. In this motion, the Sun passes through space with varying densities of interstellar gas. Our galaxy also rotates in the Local Group of galaxies around a common gravitational center and, at the same time, moves in the expanding Universe.

Statistical scientific data on the impact of these long-term cycles on the planet Earth does not exist. The only thing we can talk about is the passage of the galactic equator by the Sun (galactic alignment), the so-called synchronization with the center of the galaxy. There is information that this is happening right now. Due to this, the fluxes of magnetic fields change. It is believed that all this together resonantly affects the change in the Earth's magnetic field, the quantum field of DNA and, ultimately, human consciousness. Thus, a person will be able to more easily and quickly switch to higher vibrational rhythms of the brain.

The Quantum Transition implies a historically sharp, significant, revolutionary change and transformation in our world. Spiritually awakened people will have a different attitude to many things, it will be easier to distinguish between truth and lies. The world they will create will not be a world of survival, as it is now, but a world of harmonious relationships based on love, compassion, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, cooperation and progress. These will be global changes. And today there are many signs of this. The world is changing before our eyes. He becomes one. Much has already been done. But there is more to be done. Briefly, this is:

  • In a short time, significant political changes have taken place on Earth. In connection with the fall of the USSR, the confrontation between the West and the East ("cold war") was terminated and the threat of a world nuclear war was removed. The trend towards ending wars will only intensify.
  • Gradually, the borders of states are weakened. States tend to unite in unions of interest.
  • The process of democratization is growing. Power is becoming more and more transparent, and public opinion is gaining more and more weight. Gradually dictatorial regimes go into oblivion. The rights and freedoms of people occupy an increasingly important place in the life of society.
  • The economy is becoming global, unified. The growing crisis requires a change in the very basis of the old economic relations, their renewal and restructuring under a single world.
  • The boundaries of nations and cultures are blurred. People move more. Tendencies towards dialogue and unity of nations are intensifying.
  • The social movement for the conservation of nature is gradually increasing.
  • As education grows, a person becomes more and more independent and independent in thought. Creativity in knowledge is becoming increasingly important.
  • Society is gradually becoming more humane. The self-worth of a person rises.
  • The world is becoming informationally more transparent and communicative. The Internet has played a significant role in this.
  • The pace of scientific knowledge and technological progress is growing.
  • World religions are facing the need for a more tolerant attitude towards each other and internal reformation.
  • People's interest in the spiritual is growing. There is a convergence between scientific and religious knowledge.

Finally I SUGGEST and CALL those "strongly asleep" and those who have doubts to think again about who we really are and what is the meaning of our stay, our life here. As a help, I recommend a wonderful video presentation" Secret message - 2012. The transition has already begun" (42 min.). It tunes in to a new perception of the world and to inspiring, positive energy changes within oneself. This is facilitated by harmoniously combined text, images, mandalas and music.

(This video is located at http://www.znaxar.com/video-roliki/5815-vkontakte.html)

For those who are impatient, who "feel sorry" for 40 minutes of relaxation and who love esoteric "extreme", you can see about the same in 5 minutes in video " Wake up in the fifth dimension. Awakening is everywhere!!!" (5 minutes.).

(This video is located at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exfXjjpNpU8)

Welcome to a new era of new knowledge and spirituality. And so be it!

With respect and love to all,

Georgy Kazulko

Bialowieza Forest

(Your feedback, thoughts, ideas, questions, comments or disagreements, write in the comments below (anonymous users sometimes need to send a comment in a separate window enter code english text from the picture) or send to my email address:

The modern information field is so saturated that today it is no longer possible to be completely sure that you understand the usual, it would seem, concepts and terms correctly. When the great Danish scientist, one of the “fathers” of modern physics, Niels Bohr, formulated the concept of a quantum transition (or quantum leap), he could hardly imagine even in the most unbridled fantasies what significance people would put into it at the beginning of the 21st century. That this purely scientific term will become part of the doctrine, which has practically nothing in common with science ...

Quantum Leap in Scientific Theory

Still, not all the population of the Earth has forgotten that the quantum transition belongs to the sphere of scientific interests and uses an academic definition. Which says that the quantum leap this is the transition of a quantum system (which includes elementary particles with the presence of quanta) from one energy state to another. On a domestic example, this can be compared with a change in water in its state of aggregation: now it is liquid, then it will become steam, and before it was in a solid ice form. In each of its states of aggregation, water has special properties, which is explained by the different structure of the arrangement of its elementary particles.

Approximately the same thing happens during a quantum phase transition, when a particle "jumps" from one energy level to another. The fundamental difference is that during a classical phase transition, as with water, the process proceeds gradually and is due to a change in the thermodynamic conditions of the environment. The ice melts and turns into water, and the water then evaporates not just like that, but under the influence of a rising temperature.

Quantum transitions are carried out in a short period of time, almost instantly, and at the same time they are in no way determined by thermodynamics.

Temperature has no effect on quantum jumps. In most cases, science has not yet established what triggers determine quantum transitions. Although there are already some discoveries: it has been established that the quantum transitions of elementary particles of some substances are due to changes in atmospheric pressure.

Quantum Leap in Scientific Practice

Often, within the framework of the scientific worldview, one can meet the erroneous use of the term "quantum transition" - it is confused with another concept, quantum teleportation . The reason is that often articles and messages on this topic are translated from English. Considering the fact that translator programs are increasingly used to translate Internet content these days, it is not surprising that “teleportation” and “transition”, “jump” are perceived as synonyms. In fact, quantum teleportation this is a different phenomenon, although it is also associated with a change in the properties of the quanta. Quantum teleportation is not that colorful and magical teleportation that almost no modern novel or film in the science fiction genre, scientific or non-science, can do without.

The disappearance of a material object at one point in space and its instantaneous appearance at a perfect other point, while maintaining its characteristics and qualities, contradicts the scientific picture of the world.

Quantum teleportation is a phenomenon of transferring information (that is, properties) from one elementary particle to another without physical contact between them. The theoretical possibility of such teleportation was described by Einstein, who suggested that elementary particles are connected by invisible networks of quanta, through which information can be transmitted. Subsequently, this phenomenon was confirmed experimentally and is currently successfully carried out in the laboratory. And not only with quanta, as originally, but also with atoms, and with particles of different nature (atoms and quanta), and over vast distances (for tens of kilometers).

Quantum Leap in Anti-Science Theory

But to a person who does not know the scientific background of a quantum transition, whether it is a quantum phase jump or quantum teleportation, this term is most likely familiar in a completely different meaning. The quantum transition was “privatized” by modern esotericists, moreover, from the most radical and not looking back at the reality surrounding them, a part of mystical-minded citizens. Their theories, which are somewhere between fantasy novels and mind games of specific psychiatric interest, offer their own theory of the evolution of mankind, the Earth and the entire Universe. They are looking for signs of a quantum transition of our entire planet, along with all living beings that live on it.

And, we must give them credit for their ingenuity, they find such signs in real or fictional events. Global warming, climate change , the increase in the number and quality of natural disasters, the increasing activity of the Sun, fluctuations in the thickness of the ozone layer, the movement of the Earth's magnetic poles - in all this and much more, these enthusiasts see evidence of the transition of the world to a new energy state. This quantum transition will allegedly mean a transition from the reality of three dimensions to the reality of four dimensions. Accordingly, people will also make this transition, for whom it will become a natural stage of evolution.

Preparation for the quantum transition should be carried out by all people through the development of their emotional, mental and energy potential (the doctrine of subtle bodies, etc.).

The selection rule for quantum transitions of people has not yet been formulated unambiguously, but it is obvious that in a world of four dimensions, an ordinary person cannot.

According to the calculations of esotericists, only a quarter of earthlings will have sufficient spiritual potential to rebuild and become superhumans, a new form of conscious life. What awaits the remaining three quarters, "experts" argue: some say that they will be given time for spiritual improvement. Others believe that the "primitives" will be relocated to other backward planets in a three-dimensional system. But there are those who do not recognize half-measures and warn that those who are not included in the number of the elect will simply disappear from the face of the Earth and from the energy field of the Universe.

Alexander Babitsky

The quantum transition COMPLETES the centuries-old, independent stage of the existence of mankind in the Material World.

In 2012, the first stage of the transfer of people from the material plane to the astral plane, to the New World, will take place, where the criterion for human development will not be material interests, but a high level of consciousness.

All long-term programs and projects are pointless, including a flight to Mars, and the 2014 Olympic Games may not take place! Everything on earth will change.

The main thing is to have time to prepare the population for the energy impacts of the Cosmos!

Such sensational information about the Quantum transition and the future of Russia is conveyed by the Russian physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Presidium of the European Business Congress Leonid Maslov, who deals with the environmental safety of the planet.

Scientists from different countries report on global changes on Earth. This is confirmed by ancient writings and all contactees, and according to the calculations of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergey Kapitsa, a demographic “failure” will occur. If the Quantum Leap were to peak today, only a few percent of the population would survive!

Having believed in the “omnipotence” of finance and scientific and technological progress, people turned out to be absolutely unprepared for the “restructuring” of the Universe that had begun.

This unpreparedness is many times more dangerous than the fall to Earth of any of the asteroids that everyone is so afraid of. But in the face of a real and imminent threat, people show amazing carelessness and a complete lack of an elementary sense of self-preservation bordering on recklessness! It's time to declare a Worldwide Alert and solve the problem at the level of governments and the UN.

Humanity has passed the entire path of its development in aggressive wars, choosing enrichment at any cost as the meaning of its life and ignoring the promptings of the Higher powers. The best minds on Earth cannot explain why a person lives? Cultivating greed, immoral madness and ecological chaos, people lost their bearings and came to the edge of the abyss of non-existence.

Many hope that nothing terrible will happen and everything will resolve itself or God will sort everything out. But it turned out that without changing the people themselves, the problems will no longer resolve and will not be settled. Only at the end of the earthly life path or in moments of tragedies and catastrophes do people remember God, when nothing can be done. But there would be no wasted life, no climate surprises, if people understood that material things are always secondary.

In the Universe, all objects, including humans, consist of the ENERGY of information (matter) of varying degrees of density and polarity. (Plus and minus).

And there is a Single Law of energy exchange: "How much you took, so much you gave away." This is the main Law of the existence of the Worlds and the existence of man. Receiving “free” energy of health and endless minerals, created specifically for the comfortable life of everyone, so that a person has opportunities for self-improvement, people are obliged to return positive energy to the Creator through their thoughts and feelings.

Those who understand this would never doubt that in the Universe, in this strict energy System, there is a Control Center and there is a Creator who controls everything and does not allow imbalance of energy.

And the expression “Faith” would no longer have only a religious meaning, but would be a scientific statement of the existence of the Energy Exchange System and the controlling Force of the Universe. And it doesn't matter what this Force is called - the Heavenly Father, the Most High or the Highest Cosmic Mind.

Quantum transition, quantum leap - what is it?

A quantum transition is a transition of a system (a galaxy, a constellation, a planet, a living being, a thing in form) from one density (vibration intensity) to another.

The concept of "quantum" in physics is a "wave-particle". That is, a quantum is both a wave-vibration and a particle-body. Both movement and rest - two aspects of unity-one exist in this particle, as well as in the whole universe. The entire manifested (visible) world is a combination of these particle-energies.

The environment constitutes and is the building material of bodies. Any medium (earth, air, water, fire) is a state of a certain vibrational intensity of quanta.

A quantum transition is a state of change in the intensity of vibration-waves, the medium. A quantum leap is a sharp, revolutionary change in the environment. A quantum leap occurs in the solar system when changing epochs, eras, or under the influence of the constellations of the Zodiac.

The current transition is characterized by an increase in the intensity of vibrations, although at one time (when the densification or creation of the visible world was going on), the reverse process took place, that is, the environment condensed, the forms that existed in that environment also condensed. Figuratively, these processes can be compared with warming (increasing the intensity of vibrations - evolution) and cooling (decrease in the intensity of vibrations - involution).

According to the law of similarity, when warming up, a person throws off excess clothes and becomes lighter; when it gets cold, he puts on more clothes - it becomes denser.

This leads to a completely logical conclusion.: in order to preserve the form-body during the quantum transition, we must lighten-refine it, that is, get rid of dense vibrations, or instincts, emotions and thoughts that lead to pride and selfishness, and contribute to the development of egocentrism.


1. “catching growth”, the second is a program to overcome the catcher, which boils down to purification or rejection of the false. The graphics of writing the number "6" is not accidental and symbolizes concentration in the lower part, that is, in the lower nature of man.

Three sixes, or the "number of the Beast", is the identification of oneself with the personality-body or the world of material things.

The first six are attachment to earthly riches; the second six - emotions "love-hate", the desire to satisfy desires-emotions, the third six - thoughts-ideas "right-wrong" and dependence on orthodox ideas, ideas-"fix". All this is the animal principle in man.

At one time, these three sixes did a good service for the formation of mankind. But today they are fetters on the way to creating or identifying oneself with the soul or the individual. Three sixes is the number of a transient personality, which ceases to be with the physical death of a person.

So, the first condition for the transition while maintaining the physical form is the overcoming of the "animal in oneself", because low-frequency dense vibrations will be destroyed by high-frequency ones, just as fire devours everything dense and erases all forms.

In principle, this is the first stage of the impact of the high-frequency environment on all earthly kingdoms of nature. This stage is increasingly manifested in diseases of people, plants, animals, in wars, natural disasters.

The second stage is nothing but the purification of individual souls. In other words, identification of oneself with the soul guarantees the preservation of the form only at the beginning of the transition, but does not yet ensure the complete transition.

Those who recognize themselves as a soul will recognize the accumulations of the soul, their individuality, for many incarnations in personality, and this will be a great purification by fire, and it will be accompanied by a great number of mentally ill people.

Fiery Cleansing- there is a cleansing by high-frequency vibrations of the environment, and the torn-off sky has already happened, this is the transition of the interstellar space into new vibrations, and the inflamed hell is the earth and its inhabitants, and the approximate paradise is the era of Atsamaz. This whole process is also symbolically described in the revelations of John.

The third stage of the transition in the scriptures it is called "Judgment Day". In terms of energy, souls-individuals who failed to purify themselves will be decomposed by high and subtle vibrations and will turn into dust - material.

Souls living and glowing with love will pass without any problems, automatically; the souls of justice will also pass. Love and justice - that's the motto of the new era. Unconditional love is higher than justice, because the latter is conditioned by the desire for good.

And the only criterion for evaluating the deeds of the soul is the desire for good. And the blessing in the period of evolutions is the striving for refinement, for love.

Quantum transition to a century "New Jerusalem" could be instantaneous, stressful, a planetary catastrophe could occur, however, by the will of the spiritual leaders of mankind, who make decisions according to the laws of expediency and mercy, the instantaneous transition has been replaced by a time-consuming process in order to allow more souls and form-bodies to ease, clear and transition.

This is a very complex and responsible decision, because it slows down the natural-automatic change in the environment, in our case, the planet as a living being with its form-body, and softens the spatial fine-vibration energies pouring onto the Earth from the Cosmos, mainly from the Aquarius constellation.

The global transition is inevitable, it is close.

In many souls, body-forms it is already happening, in some it has already happened. This transition was talked about, warned about, spiritual teachers prepared for it through their co-workers in physical bodies: Roerichs, A. Bailey, A. Besant and others. Through E.P. Blavatsky was given a new doctrine of the universe, already focused on educated people, capable of perceiving not only parables and exhortations, but also scientific logic.

However, for the most part, people did not understand the parables, and they did not take the admonitions in the same way, and, ultimately, they did not contain the logical doctrine. And this is unfortunate... It is unfortunate that people-children and the likeness of a heavenly father-creator - have become isolated and entangled in their bestial nature and do not ask themselves the question “who am I?”, “Where am I going?”, “Why?

Verily, the path of knowledge is difficult and painful, and doubly difficult for those who walk without a reliable guide, or without instructions-recommendations-maps-guidebook. And yet, do not despair, the bright brothers of humanity are waiting for a call for help. They will help. "Knock and open." That is the law.

take it easy, people, - all happened:
and End Sveta and Start ...

In connection with the supposedly unoccurred End of the World and with great excitement of the masses, as well as great disappointment among the long-awaited "grand universal show with thunder and lightning", I consider it appropriate to make some clarifications on this issue...

  • firstly: there will be no "doomsday", because it was not expected; and if someone managed to buy tickets for it, then it’s easy - they were deceived by scammers;
  • secondly: it's time for humanity to become at least a little older - to remove their children's New Year's expectations from the Universe, for example, about end-of-the-world "fireworks" and similar external tinsel - the Universe does not owe him anything, and will not indulge his cute human stupidities ;
  • thirdly: to those who, in spite of everything, still insist on the need to hold any "spectacular events" about the End of the World, we kindly request: please calm down and wait for the New Year Holidays - there will be many opportunities - and watch other people's shows, and arrange your own, if desired.
For those who are finally interested in the "problem of the end of the world", or it seems to him that the End of the World did not happen, ... or, perhaps, it happened, but somehow "not quite like that" - I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the big, enough versatile, well-written, article on the subject, excerpts from which I quote below:

December 21, 2012 The day that many have been waiting for has arrived. They waited, some with joy, some with fear. Welcome to the holiday of Light and Transfiguration, to honor Mother Earth! In the name of the Human Spirit and Love!

As a result, 99% of the population really knows almost nothing about the ongoing 2012 process and does not feel the beauty and grandeur of the current moment - the so-called Quantum Transition (what it is, read more below). ...

Speaking essentially, in fact today is the end of the era of Darkness, and tomorrow is the beginning of the era of Light. It's conditional. Because such a process does not have a singularly expressed date. It is a gradual, smooth transition from one state of the system to another. Today is just a holiday, a day to celebrate such a transition! December 21, 2012 - celebration of the end of the big ~26000-year cosmic cycle (precession)! Celebration of the end of a long era of captivity and barbarism - the era of Pisces! And tomorrow, December 22, is also a holiday. The whole Earth is celebrating the beginning of a new ~26,000-year cosmic cycle and the beginning of a new era of Aquarius, an era of freedom and prosperity. During these two days all over the Earth, millions of people of Light, involved in the Quantum Transition, rejoice and purposefully meditate. ...

What is Quantum Jump?

The expression "quantum transition"- scientific, from quantum physics. However, do not rush to immediately draw final conclusions. Not everything here is as simple and unambiguous as it might seem at first glance. This is due, firstly, to the extreme complexity of the phenomenon under consideration and, secondly, to the fact that science itself still does not know much about this. For example, what is singularity , multidimensionality and emptiness why quantum effects happen this way. That is, we are dealing with the most complex world, the scale, structure and functioning of which goes far beyond the limits of our current scientific knowledge and philistine ideas. "Don't think you understand because you don't. You don't understand because no one understands. It's like quantum mechanics, no one understands it. We know how to use it. We know how to predict it. But it nobody understands." (Leni Sasking, professor, theoretical physicist)

Quantum transition, or more precisely, quantum leap - this is jump transition quantum system (atom, molecule, atomic nucleus, solid body) from one state to another, from one energy level to another. The concept was introduced by Niels Bohr and represents a characteristic difference between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics, where any transitions are smooth. Thus, one can say "jump quantum transition" or simply "quantum transition", which will mean the same thing.

However, the concept of "Quantum Transition" in esotericism is understood more widely than in physics. In this case, it's more metaphor than scientific. It implies invisible complex changes at the basic level of matter and consciousness, which are visibly manifested in the material world, primarily in the appearance and strengthening of unusual human abilities. We can say that we have witnessed the birth of an expanded understanding and interpretation of the term. The term "Quantum Transition" is beautiful, poetic and mystical in its sound. Visualizing, something cosmically large-scale, bewitching, transcendent, poetic, romantic arises in my mind, which captures and takes away somewhere into the infinite... The term has already become so firmly established among esotericists that there is no turning back. This is unusual for physicists and subconsciously, as the first reaction, causes protest and rejection. ...

How (with positions of physics ) is there a quantum leap in the microcosm, at the level of the atom? The electron, revolving around the nucleus, does not move to another orbit of motion gradually, as ordinary objects do in the macrocosm, but jumps instantly. That is, it simply disappears from one orbit and appears (materializes) on another, dividing it without a motion vector, without crossing the space between the orbits. If an electron jumps to a lower orbit, it loses energy and, accordingly, emits a quantum of light - a photon of fixed energy with a fixed wavelength. By eye, we distinguish photons of different energies by color - a copper wire heated on a fire glows blue, and a sodium street lamp glows yellow. To move to a higher orbit, the electron must, accordingly, absorb a photon. It is impossible to determine exactly where an electron will appear or when it will make a jump. The maximum that can be done is to indicate the probability of a new location of the electron. Thus, material objects at the micro level behave otherwise than material objects at the macro level, sometimes their behavior cannot be explained at all from the standpoint of modern science and generally accepted logic.

Thus, if quantum changes occur with one atom, we are talking about quantum changes of the atom. If these changes affect all the atoms of a particular system (for example, a piece of a solid, a volume of liquid or gas), we are talking about a quantum transition of the entire system. Implying at the same time an instant transition. But what if the atoms of the system make a quantum leap not all at the same time, but sequentially, over a certain period of time? In this case, we observe the final change of the system, its transition to a new quality, possibly missing the beginning of this transition and the process itself. It is this (second), as I see it, that has to do with the Quantum Transition in relation to the modern transitional stage in the evolution of human civilization.

Science is gradually moving towards recognizing consciousness as a special kind of matter (fine-wave field), which is also subject to the laws of quantumness. In addition, if one asks where all the matter came from (i.e., what is a singularity?), then one will have to admit the existence of another, more global, multidimensional world, in which the laws of quantumness must also manifest themselves. In this case, it is permissible and legitimate to speak about the possibility of some general global change in the basic parameters of the matter of our 3D world in comparison and under the influence of another world. All this is also directly related to the current Quantum Transition.

1. According to the theory, The Quantum Transition of 2012 is a phase transition of the consciousness of humanity, the consciousness of the planet Earth and everything on it, which is on the next turn of the spiral of evolution in the conditions of the so-called galactic alignment. This is the transition of the accumulated amount of energy into a new quality. It is stated that the Earth and humanity are now moving from a four dimensional consciousness to a five dimensional consciousness (which exists beyond the limitations of time and space as you understand it). This is a transition to higher vibrations of consciousness. In the process, tension arises between the old and the new world, between the old and the new energy. 2012 is the conditional center of this transition process.

The transition of consciousness to a different state (another dimension) is accompanied by the spiritual awakening of people, especially old souls. The phrase expansion of consciousness is also used. This is a transition from the limited perception of only 3D material reality to the perception of the multidimensional reality of the universe. Purely 3D-linear thinking changes to conceptual, when the whole picture is seen as a whole, both in time and in space, as well as its place and role in all this. A person begins to perceive and feel himself not as a body and mind, but as something more - as a soul, as an eternal particle of the Existing. This is truly cosmic thinking. This is the transition from the consciousness of Darkness to the consciousness of spiritual Light.

Changes in the consciousness of people, its transition to a higher vibrational level, when feelings of love and compassion are manifested brighter and stronger, lead to changes in the multidimensional crystal lattice of planet Earth. The grid is being rebuilt, adjusted and enters into resonance with the consciousness of people. In this process, the magnetic grid of the planet also changes. All this ultimately leads to changes in the multidimensional quantum field of human DNA and catalyzes the further process of changing consciousness, manifested in the unity of man and the Earth. It's pure internal process .

There is also outer side this process. It manifests itself in changes at the cellular and DNA levels. They begin to function in a slightly different way. Which in turn affects the physiology of the body. As a result, opportunities for health and healing increase.

Its transition to a high-vibrational level of consciousness leads to the phenomenon of the so-called "softening" of matter. This means that the barriers of human consciousness (imprint), due to which spiritual memory closes after birth and almost insurmountable obstacles to direct contact with the Spiritual world, with one's Higher Self, are weakened. As a result, a person gets more opportunities to look behind the "veil" and communicate with the "beyond".

Ultimately, everything interacts with everything. Therefore, changes in a person occur holistically. It is believed that today DNA works at 30% of its capabilities. Due to changes in the multidimensional quantum field of DNA, the efficiency of its work in the near future may increase to 35 or even 40%. It is believed that a person in the waking state uses from 5 to 15% of the capabilities of his brain. Increased awareness and a meditative state increase the functionality of the brain. Which also leads to positive changes in the perception of the world, mental health and self-awareness of a person. Ultimately, this contributes to the development and releases hidden parapsychological abilities - hypnosis, clairvoyance, telepathy, channeling, etc.

2. There are even more radical statements, purely along the line of esoteric knowledge. As a result of the Quantum Transition, the Earth from a planet of the 3rd density (dimension) will become a planet of the 4th density (dimension). The further fate of people will presumably be divided depending on the compliance / non-compliance with these changes. Why are safety options and scenarios for their transition being prepared. In view of the uncertainty and insufficient argumentation of such a scenario, I consider it inexpedient to describe it in more detail here.

There is a point of view based on channeled information that in connection with the Quantum Transition, all the basic constants of matter, space and time of our 3D world change synchronously, as a result of which its energy "vibration" increases. However, being inside it, it is impossible to determine this, since all instruments and instruments of measurement are recalibrated accordingly at the same elementary level. This can only be established by an external observer from outside the 3D world. In view of the uncertainty and difficulty of argumentation, a more detailed description of this phenomenon is also considered inexpedient here for the time being.

However, I would like to suggest video " How Worlds Arise and Quantum Leaps Occur" (4 min.). It shows how matter acquires and complicates forms depending on the frequency of sound vibrations. Taking this as an analogy, one can imagine what has just been described above.

3. Another rather radical prediction - Ascension. Ascension is the transformation of the material body of a person into a thin-wave "light" body, as a result of which a person "dissolves" in the light and disappears from the material world. The phenomenon of ascension is described in the Bible when prophet Elijah ascended to heaven in the presence of the prophet Elisha who accompanied him. I also met information that the great Teachers and Yogis of the East also ascended. It is assumed that the process of ascension will be facilitated after the Quantum Shift. This is the basis for the expectations of many. However, it seems to me that the most reliable information is that no one really knows anything and most fantasize from themselves. Only the future will show how it will be and whether there will be changes at all.

One thing is more or less clear - during this period, certain changes at the energy-informational level of the soul will occur in the period between death and a new birth (incarnation) on Earth. This phenomenon is already manifesting itself and has received its name - indigo children. These children are programmed to higher vibrational frequencies of consciousness, many are born with special psychological and creative abilities. It is expected that after 2012 more and more of these children will be born. And after 2 generations (after 50 years) or a little later, they will come to rule states and nations.

For this reason, I suggest looking video " About the quantum leap" (19 min.). In it, Vyacheslav Gubanov talks about the change in vibrational frequencies in the environment, the restructuring of consciousness and the birth of new children with new rhythms of the brain.

Quantum Transition is not a one-time process, tied to a specific date, in particular, to December 21, 2012. It is extended in time and changes will occur gradually over a certain period of time. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the human mind and body will not withstand the abrupt changes described above without serious negative consequences. On the other hand, the collective consciousness in principle changes slowly. This requires the internal work of a large number of people on themselves, as well as a change of generations, the emergence of carriers of new knowledge and consciousness. We are talking about about a 36-year period - about the window of the Quantum Transition (information from the messages of Kryon). It began approximately in 1994 from the moment of changes in parameters in the multidimensional crystal and magnetic lattices of the Earth. This period will end approximately in 2030, when the main parameters of changes will be stabilized. Thus, 2012 is a conditional middle of time in the slow process of the Quantum Transition. In general, significant changes in the consciousness of all mankind will occur only after 50 years or later, when at least two generations of people will change, when the current babies will become the heads of societies and nations.

The Quantum Transition implies a historically sharp, significant, revolutionary change and transformation in our world. Spiritually awakened people will have a different attitude to many things, it will be easier to distinguish between truth and lies. The world they will create will not be a world of survival, as it is now, but a world of harmonious relationships based on love, compassion, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, cooperation and progress. These will be global changes. And today there are many signs of this. The world is changing before our eyes. He becomes one. Much has already been done. But there is more to be done. ...

They still remember the expectations of 2012, the fear of the unknown, the expectations of the cataclysm that scared us ...

The transition took place, but not where it was expected ...

In January 2013, it was told about the experiment, which lasted 10 years, since 2003.

Nuclear scientists worked with the hydrogen atom (it is also a proton) and first recorded the pulsation of a proton particle, it then decreased, then again became of normal size.

Scientists considered this a mistake, the influence of other components from the outside, but, in the end, the proton took on a new meaning.

It was discovered that the proton particle decreased by 4%. Everything has changed - its speed, rotation, direction, diameter.

At first glance, you would think that the proton has changed, nonsense! But after him, all organics “went”, because. it is made up of hydrogen. The density of Matter has changed.

(Levashov wrote about the properties of Matter, that we will move to another Space, where there will be more light)

The rest of the particles followed the proton, and what was considered unshakable by nuclear physics appeared in a completely different form, in someone else's. It's like we're aliens and landed on another planet. Those laws that were established before 2013 suddenly stopped working, because the density of Matter became different.

This huge work of many laboratories of the scientific world forced the scientists of the whole world to unite, forgetting all strife. About 10 leading Institutes of Atomic Physics, Reactors, Laser Technology checked each other, but all the time they came to one new size of the hydrogen atom.

Judging by the Laws of the three-dimensional World, this is not possible, but, nevertheless, physics has begun to reveal its measurements. This is confirmed by astrophysicists by calculations of the multidimensionality of our Space. We live in another dimension!

A Quantum Transition took place, a particle moved from one energy level to another energy level, while behaving like a Neutron Star - it was big, but became small. Consider that we live on another Planet, therefore all the Laws begin to work differently. Scientists face this at every turn. Our Laws are the World of the past!

January - March 2013 was rich in radical scientific discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics, which fell like a cornucopia.

The German Spitzer telescope flies in orbit of the Earth, which is several orders of magnitude more accurate than the famous Hubble, it saw infrared (we know infrared radiation, and here, ultra - a new physical term, means even deeper into Matter) Galaxies, they are 60 times brighter than ordinary ones. This discovery was made spontaneously.

Judge for yourself, back in December 2012 they were not there, and in January 2013 they appeared, in a day. It doesn't happen! They either exist or they don't... so something happened during these days that made the world change?

The ordinary electromagnetic scale, which is presented in physics textbooks, reference books, has increased by three octaves in the infrared range and three octaves in the ultraviolet. We have become six octaves higher. It was the discovery of Matter, which did not exist until 2013, it was not manifested for various reasons, and now it has manifested itself and physical devices can detect it.

Another discovery - until 2013, scientists knew, and they scared us, that our solar system was moving into a black hole. Scientists from Novosibirsk said that we are moving into a region of completely unexplored energies, which did not exist before, and it is not clear what will happen to this in the future. And now there is no hole!

And this is an astrophysical object and it is gone. There is no black hole at the center of our Galaxy now. Scientists were very scared, this discovery was classified and it disappeared from the Internet two months after the announcement. There was such a site "Membrane", where scientists published their findings, now this electronic journal does not exist. On the Black Hole, he ceased to exist)).

What happened? It turned out that the Black Hole is the door that we passed through, and the door closed.

But, instead of the Black Hole, another Object appeared, this is also a scientific discovery, already in 2014 - Magnitar. Pulsating Star, but not a Pulsar. This Star sprays a liquid magnetic field in all directions. This is a kind of substance that does not yet have a name (it is not plasma). It is intelligent, composed of granules. Its granules are small, at the level of elementary particles, and large, for example, the size of the Earth.

First, this Magnitar was heard in March 2014 in the radio band and began to be observed, and in May it was seen. By cosmic standards, this is a colossal time. Usually they either hear or see, that is, the brain was ready to perceive this information.

Thus, we ended up on the first floors of the Subtle Plan, in fact, “in the other World”, with which we congratulate you!))

The frequencies are different and the organics are different, this should not frighten you in any way, our bodies open up on their own. And here, Magnitar lit up, in blue (until May 2014, it did not glow).

Back in 2005, neurophysiologists discovered a region in the human hippocampus called the Blue or Blue Spot. It has been known for a long time, but they did not pay much attention to it, well, you never know what a person has in the brain ... By itself, the human brain is a black box.

In the summer of 2014, this Blue spot in the brain also lit up, for everyone. The hippocampus is projected onto the point of Life and governs the life of a person on the Thin Plan and above. This blue color, if you squint, is sometimes visible as a silver halo above your head. This is a new organic Body and it pulsates in tune with the Magnetar. This is a single system, they have one basic rhythm - a waltz.

The basic rhythm of the Universe is also a waltz, in different performances, in different octaves. The octave on which the waltz is performed by the Blue Spot and Magnitar in the center of the Galaxy - it works in a new scale, including three new octaves.

It turns out that the energy spectrum of the new hydrogen is completely different from the spectrum of the old hydrogen. This is the spectrum of infrared color, deeper than infrared color. It was this range that became the leader. We live and do not know that we perceive completely different energy spectra. And it all goes back to human consciousness.

The time has come, about which we were told - now you will live in the Subtle World, and there - everything is controlled by thought, if you wanted - you moved the chair, if you wanted - it took off by itself ... But, until we reached such a concentration of thought and self-awareness.

In connection with this, various phenomena began ....

The first basic phenomenon is the glow of the halo, before the Transition it was Golden (the halos of the saints on the icons ...) and only the Masters possessed this, because there was a very hard magnetic field around the Earth, this field was hard, and it held back our genetic structure. And now this field, in fact, has ceased to be rigid, i.e., it exists, but it is completely different. It is very soft and tender, and yet very strong, like a cobweb, try to tear it, it is stronger than steel to tear. Here, about such a structure is a new magnetic field.

You have all heard the term Akash, this is the Golden Structure, which is called Proteus, Blavatsky also mentions it. So this Proteus went into incarnation. This has become our new nervous system, now we have it saturated with Proteus light.

We have a different nervous system, we have stopped seeing in three dimensions, we have different eyes.

During the last thousand years before the Shift, at least 26,000 years, we all had a so-called blind spot in our eye. This is the optic nerve, which goes deep into the skull, it was shut up by some kind of protein tissue, like a plug. This blind spot covered three quarters of our spherical vision. We do not see the Black Hole, and since the brain levels out various nuances, the illusion is created that we see everything. Nevertheless, the presence of a blind spot allowed us to live in a 3-dimensional Space, limited, rigid. This was the condition of the Experiment. We had to study the dense Plan and we completed this task.

Now we have passed to “the other Light”, our Experiment has been successfully completed and this blind spot has begun to dissolve and disappear in the eye, and now we have access to the vision of multidimensionality. This discovery is on a planetary scale, and scientists of all countries have noticed it.

The thymus, the thymus gland has changed, it is very sacred in itself. Helena Blavatsky mentioned her, and the Roerichs. Now the same Proteus lives in the Thymus. Here it is localized, and then it is sprayed through all our subtle nerve channels. The solar and lunar meridians, everything is involved here, they have also become different.

And the immune surveillance of Proteus has changed, if earlier this immune system was formal, now it tracks every human thought and now it has become so important - to be able to think!

Think before you think. It all comes true right there and now, and the main thing is clear why ...

The next change in the body is the amygdala. This is also in the Hippocampus region, Mozhevichka. She switches to conscious awareness. Before the Shift, it was a "house of fear" ruled by the limbic system. And the limbic system is "fight" or "run" like in animals.

Now it is being rewritten at the level of the cellular machinery. Instead of "hit" and "run", a conscious perception of the current moment begins to appear. Ra-z-Smart. Do not sit and be afraid, think: how will it be there? Now everything is as it comes: I will come and figure it out. Live Here and Now.

We do not need to know how to do it, our new organics do it themselves.

You all know that there is cosmic humor, the Universe sometimes jokes kindly. And all new changes - this is cosmic humor, or - Divine freebie.

You don't sit in meditation, you don't eat only vegetarian food, you live as you used to live, and the organic matter changes itself. That is, your Higher Self gave permission to change this situation, permission to change your current consciousness. Don't you need to know how it goes? This is the Divine Freebie. Previously, we were responsible for our actions, but now we will learn to be responsible for our thoughts!

Old packets of neurons will dissolve in the brain. How does this manifest itself in everyday life?

The old packets of neurons are all materialized habits that have entered our blood, flesh, everything that we do mechanically at the autopilot level (I took a match, put the kettle on, lit the gas ....) Everything that we have become accustomed to since childhood and that we no longer is realized, but they are materialized, we often do actions and do not notice how.

Now comes pseudo memory loss, it comes when a person is not exposed to any external influence. For example, he sits on a bench or at home in a calm state and suddenly once - I don’t remember anything ... It lasts for an instant, 3-5 seconds and you again enter your current life. But at the same time, some old Packages, old knowledge are turned off.

For example: old childhood habits that you no longer need, you are an adult and the situation will not happen again. In terms of energy, they were in the structure of the brain, and so the brain got rid of these old habits. (We learned to walk, sit, talk.) Now you don’t need it anymore, but this is a large energy layer. Pseudo-forgetfulness - this makes room for the new. It fills up with this new and, at the right moment, I just start to know something new. Clarity is coming.

Before the Transition, we did not have this, we had to go through the School, gain experience, gain knowledge, and now the experience appears by itself, like a Gift!

Up to a certain point, you don’t know what else you have, but a situation arises and you begin to use the ready-made experience. Time is saved, strength is saved, and much more... And you see the situation not from one side, but from several sides at once, and you see it not with the aim of condemning, but simply as information.

For yourself, accept that when you have pseudo-forgetfulness or something like sclerosis, you will accept it completely calmly and know that this is not a disease, but a Planetary Transition.

And this is only the first stage.

The striatum in the brain is the conscious coordination of muscular activity. Previously, you could sit and chat with your foot, and not think at all - chat and chat. And after the Transition, you begin to realize: why am I dangling my foot? It’s not comfortable for me ...)) Other connections in the brain have gone, axons have changed, other nerve impulses have changed. They are not bad - they are different!

Hydrogen and proton are one and the same. Hydrogen is found in all organic matter, there is an expression: oil is a hydrocarbon. If you pour a little oil into a jar and put it on the sunny side of the window, then after a while the oil ceases to be oil, but is converted into just pure water.

Water on the new Subtle level is a boiling substance, but not boiling water. It's just that the new hydrogen instantly rearranges the structure of the water. Her formula was H2O, and now it fluctuates.

Calm thoughts - water of one formula, active consciousness - water takes on the properties of another formula. This can change within a second and the whole biochemistry changes immediately, a completely different cell metabolism. The Kreps cycle "went" in the other direction, the Kreps cycle is an energy mill, where hydrogen is released where it is necessary, it is absorbed where it is necessary. And if the hydrogen is different, then there is a different biochemistry.

Doctors, by the way, know this and pharmacologists sounded the alarm, because pharmacological drugs suddenly became poison. Since the proton is different, the symmetry inside the atom of the nucleus has changed, it has simply become different. Not mirrored, but different. If there is a different symmetry inside the atom of the nucleus, then, accordingly, is it a different molecular substance? And it all started in the spring of 2013.

At first there were timid statements - well, you never know what you imagined? At first it was isolated cases, but now - an avalanche! "Save yourself, who can!" A colossal wave is rushing.

Many pharmaceutical companies have sounded the alarm because they are forced to stop their lines in the full sense of the word. Do not produce your own products, but this is a business, this is money. The economy will change. Formally, the hydrogen atom changed, but dragged economic affairs along with it. No one thought about it, the Quantum Transition is to blame for everything. (...)