Summary of a conversation on the development of speech. Lesson on the development of speech "talk about Chukovsky and his books"

Synopsis on the development of speech in the senior group. Conversation about Chukovsky and his books

"Conversation about K. I. Chukovsky and his books"

Tasks: Help children remember the content of Chukovsky's fairy tales known to them. Introduce the new fairy tale "Aibolit" Highlight the features of the content of the new fairy tale.

Dictionary activation: Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, Aibolit, Moidadyr, Cockroach.

Arouse interest, feeling for the writer.

Preliminary work: A conversation about books by different writers.

Organization of children: Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.

Equipment: Portrait of a writer, illustrations for fairy tales, landscape sheet 1/2, pencils.


On the table is a portrait of K. I. Chukovsky, the children sit on chairs, on the board there are illustrations for the works.

Guys, remember who wrote the fairy tale Moidadyr?

Today I brought a portrait of a writer who wrote many fairy tales.

Do any of you know what his name is? - Do you know what books he wrote?

Let me help you. Who wrote the tale of the Cockroach?

The guys of this writer are called Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Let's all say together.

What do you like about Chukovsky's fairy tales? - Do you have his fairy tales at home?

Do you like fairy tales? Children: yes. Educator. What fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky do you know?

Children. “Phone”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Moydodyr”, “Fly-Tsokotuha”,

"Fedorino grief". Educator. Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales.

Today we will get acquainted with his new fairy tale "Aibolit"

Now I will read it to you, and you listen carefully, and then answer my questions.

I am reading a fairy tale. Questions: Who wrote the fairy tale? Who is the main character of the fairy tale?

Tell Katya who wrote it? What is this fairy tale about?

Tell me, Maxim, what does Korney Ivanovich teach us with this fairy tale?

Where did our hero go to which country? What is the name of the main character? Tell us Uliana (Aibolit).

What are the names of the animals that helped Aibolit? Tell us Anya.

Where did Aibolit rush to treat sick animals? (To Africa, to Limpopo)

List the ways how Aibolit treated sick animals in Africa? (he gave a chocolate bar, put thermometers, regaled him with eggnog). Did you like the fairy tale? What new did you learn today?

And now who will briefly retell the tale to us. Let's listen to Maxim. Listen carefully to continue the story of Ulyana.

Here are the good guys. Now let's rest a little.

Fizminutka: There is a forest on the mountain

circular motions of the hands

He is neither low nor tall

sit down, stand up, hands up

eyes and hands up, stretch

Two tourists on the path

Went home from afar

walking in place

They say: "We have not heard such a whistle yet"

raise your shoulders

And now let's play the game "Tell the word." I will read the beginning of the line, and you continue.

Educator. Did you enjoy playing? What story are these lines from?

Children. Yes! From the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”

And now draw Aibolit. (children draw)

Summary of the lesson: What did we talk about today? What is the writer's name? What does this tale teach us? Did you like the fairy tale Aibolit? What game did we play? Well done, they did a good job, answered questions. The drawings turned out very beautiful. Class is over. Goodbye.

In the remaining time, the teacher invites the children to play. They must quickly answer the questions "What is this?", "Who is this?" (the use of generalizing words and words related to a specific group of objects). For example: "Karp. Who is this? (Fish.) Oak. What's this? (Wood.) Tulip? (Flower.) Headdress? (Hat, beret, hat…) Kitchen appliance? (Meat grinder, blender, juicer...) Bedding? (Sheet, duvet cover, pillowcase.) Part of an airplane? (Wings…) And so on.


Lesson 1. Conversation on the topic "About friends and friendship"

Target. Continue to help children learn the norms of behavior, teach goodwill.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks if the children have friends, and why they are friends with these guys.

Listens to answers. Their essence most often boils down to the fact that a friend is someone with whom it is interesting, who does not fight, is not greedy.

“Are you good friends?” the teacher asks and explains: “Being friends is not an easy task, you have to learn to be a friend. There are many cases in life when, without understanding something, getting excited and flaming up, you can offend a friend.

Here, listen to what happened to my favorite bear cub Ushastik.

Ushastik brought a wonderful wooden car to a toy kindergarten.

"What a beautiful one!" the little animals admired. "Can I ride it?"

“Of course, of course, play,” Ushastik allowed.

At first, goods were transported to the construction site by car. Then a hedgehog got into it - he wanted to ride. A hare and a duckling followed the hedgehog. They were so happy and having fun, driving around in a car, that Ushastik also wanted to ride with his friends. He got into the back and the car fell apart. And Ushastik ... What do you think happened next?

The teacher listens to the children's answers. Then he says: “See how differently you can act in such a case. Imagine that Ushastik, seeing a mutilated car, got angry and shouted: “Why did you get into the car! You deliberately wanted to crush her, because you did not have such a beautiful car!

And the hedgehog objected to him: "But you got into the car too! But there was no more room there - you saw it!"

“This is my car!” Ushastik shouted again. “I wanted to and got into it. And I don’t want to hang out with you anymore.

Of course, another bear cub might have done what I said. But Ushastik behaved differently.

Seeing the broken car, Ushastik really almost cried and shouted at his friends, but he caught himself: “They didn’t do it on purpose.

Ushastik looked at his friends. They stood bewildered, upset and did not know what to do.

“It’s a pity for the car,” the bear cub said quietly, “but maybe it will still be possible to fix it?”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and hugged the bear cub.

Sasha and Andreika got so naughty and ran away that they crushed the flowers in the flower bed.

It's Andrew's fault! Sasha immediately shouted when he saw the teacher.

Andrew, is it your fault? the boy's teacher asked sternly.

“I am,” Andreika answered and turned away from Sasha.

“Although only Andrey is to blame, I will punish you both,” said Olga Ivanovna.

– And me for what?! Sasha whimpered.

Olga Ivanovna looked at him attentively, sighed and turned away. And Andrei moved away and stood with his back to Sasha.

“My friend is also called a friend,” Sasha muttered, but Andreika did not react in any way to his grumbling. And he did the right thing. Do you agree with me?"

The teacher invites the children to listen to one more story: “Yura had a birthday. The children came and brought gifts. And Olya, Yuri’s best friend, forgot the gift at home. She told the boy about this, having reached these words, the teacher stops and asks the children to think what Yura answered the girl.

Having let the children speak, he continues: "Yura smiled and said:" Is a forgotten gift a reason for grief? I was expecting you to visit, not a gift!"

What do you think, did Yura do the right thing? Can he be considered a true friend? Repeat the words with which Yura consoled Olechka.

Lesson 2. Storytelling on the topic "My favorite toy." Didactic exercise "Suggest the word"

Target. Teach children to write stories on topics from personal experience. Exercise in the formation of antonyms.

Preliminary work. The teacher invites the children to talk about their favorite toys. He asks them to carefully consider their favorite toy at home, so that later they can tell about it in detail and interestingly, without repetition.

Lesson progress

The teacher reminds the children about homework. He asks who wants to talk about what toy. (“And tell it in such a way that, without seeing the toy, we can imagine it well.”)

“And I will listen and make some marks in my notebook. They will allow me to note the merits of the story,” the teacher says and calls the child. If it's a boy, he will most likely talk about the car.

After listening to the story, the teacher asks if the children have any questions for the narrator, if they want to know anything else about the toy. The teacher himself asks a question so that the children gradually join the form of a joint conversation, for example: "Tell me, please, how often do you have to change the battery in the car?"

The teacher invites another child to talk about his favorite car, provided that he has a completely different car than the previous narrator.

The teacher makes sure that the introductory phrases of the stories are not stereotyped.

Then he asks one of the children to tell about a soft toy. And he also asks the children, if necessary, to ask clarifying questions. (“How long have you had this toy? Where did you get it?” And so on.)

The teacher listens to one or two more narrators.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher informs the children that he is going to find out if they can name words that are opposite in meaning to those that he will now call: "Dark, damp, sunny, cheerful, greedy, cowardly, tall, close, loud, fat ... "

The teacher praises the children for understanding what words are - opposite in meaning. And he says that it will be very good if during the walk the guys remember and name words that are opposite in meaning.

Note. The teacher reminds the children of the story about the little eared bear and that the toys they let their peers play with sometimes break (see February, activity 1).

Lesson 3. Reading the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess"

Target. Introduce children to the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" (arranged by M. Bulatov).

Lesson progress

The educator, as a saying, reads to the children an excerpt "At the seashore there is a green oak ..." from A. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". (This passage is desirable to read before reading each program fairy tale.)

The teacher lists Russian folk tales with which the children are already familiar. Then he reads a new fairy tale "The Frog Princess".

Topic: Creative storytelling. "Let's talk on the phone."

Target: to teach children the features of dialogic speech; coherently, consistently, expressively build questions and answers; to activate various verbal forms of politeness in children's speech, to consolidate the rules of speech behavior during a telephone conversation.

Lesson progress

Guys, who has a phone at home?

Who are you calling? (Grandma, grandpa, neighbors, friends, etc.)

The phone is a wonderful thing. You dial a number and you can talk to whoever you want. It must have been difficult to come up with it - try to hide a human voice in a thin wire! As soon as he fits in it ... Moreover, he runs so fast along the wire ...

(Gabe "Telephone")

Indeed, the phone is so convenient. If you can't meet a friend - call by phone. Missed your grandmother - pick up the phone and tell her that you love her. If someone is sick, call the doctor.

Why else do you need a telephone in the house? (Children's answers. Children say when they and their parents use the phone).

Guys, are you familiar with such a situation as in E. Ruzhentseva's poem "Telephone"?

Our phone is hanging

The phone rings all day.

I stand on my toes

I don't get my phone.

I climbed on a stool

I say there is no dad.

Do you guys know how to speak politely on the phone? (Answers of children).

The teacher invites the children to beat some situations.

Nadia calls Valya, finds out which cartoon will be shown today. Where to start a conversation? What is the best way to finish it? What “polite” words should be used in this conversation?

Katya calls her mother at work. A stranger comes to the phone. How to start a conversation in this case? What words of apology should be said, because you are tearing people away from work.

You can come up with many interesting situations, and topics for conversation are very diverse.

Each of you must choose a mate, a friend with whom you would like to talk. (Children choose each other.)

The teacher distributes cards to each pair, on which various topics are proposed, who will get what.

Look carefully at the picture, think up a telephone conversation on the topic shown in the picture. (Festive fireworks. Hike for mushrooms. At the circus. We are fishing. Mom bought a toy, etc.)

Children play out the proposed topics on their own, the teacher helps them make the right decisions.

And now, guys, listen to an excerpt from N. Nosov's story "Telephone".

Mishka and I bought a wonderful toy - a telephone. Came home from the store with a box. One phone was installed for me, the other for Mishka. And connected them through the window with wires.

- Well, - says Mishka, - let's talk. Run upstairs and listen.

I ran to my room, picked up the receiver and listened, and the receiver was already shouting in Mishka's voice:

- Hello! Hello!

And I'm screaming

- Hello!

- Do you hear anything? - Mishka screams.

-I hear. And you?

- I hear. That's great! Do you hear well?

- Good. And you?

- And I'm fine! Ha ha ha! Do you hear how I laugh?

- I hear.

- Listen, I'll come to you now.

The bear came running to me, and we began to hug for joy.

- It's good that you bought a phone! Truth? Mishka says.

"Of course," I say, "well...

And here are the conversations the boys began to have:

- Hello!

- Hello!

- Let's talk?

“Come on,” I say. - And what to talk about?

- Well, about what ... about something ...

- Why don't you talk?

- Why aren't you talking?

“Yes, I don’t know what to talk about,” says Mishka.

- It always happens like this: when you need to talk, you don’t know what to talk about, and when you don’t need to talk, you talk and talk like that ...

- Let's do this: we'll think about it, and when we figure it out, then we'll call.

- Okay.

I hung up the phone and began to think. Suddenly a call. I picked up the phone.

- Well, did you think of it? - asks Mishka.

- No, I haven't thought of it yet.

Why are you calling if you didn't think of it?

- And I thought you came up with it.

- I would have called then.

- I thought you wouldn't guess.

- Well, okay, goodbye!

- Goodbye!

Guys, do you think the boys figured out what to talk about? Do you think these were interesting topics?

Think of something your friends could talk about and play in pairs the game “Hello! Hello!"

Children independently in pairs come up with a topic of conversation, beat it.

Synopsis of a lesson-conversation on the development of speech in the senior group on the topic "My favorite toy"

Class type: Communicative.

Target: To teach children to write stories on a topic from personal experience. exercise in the formation of words - antonyms.



* Continue to teach children how to write a descriptive story.


* Improve your writing skills.

* Development of coherent speech.

* Development of a moderate rate of speech.


* Cultivate interest in the lesson.

* Cultivate a positive response to the lesson.


Demo material:Cards with the image of toys on the board. a toy made of hard material - a car, a toy made of soft material - Pinocchio.




Guys come to me and stand in a circle.

We are all in the group like a family,

Everyone is happy - you and me.

We love to be together

Good words to everyone.


Let's join hands, look into each other's eyes, and give kind words and a smile. After all, it is with a smile that pleasant communication begins, the mood improves. (Children stand in a circle and hold hands). And now let's sit down on the chairs for our further conversation. Guys, now look at the board, please. I have prepared pictures for you. Name these items (The teacher addresses each child).

Children answer the names of objects in the pictures (toys).


Guys, how can you call all these objects in one word?

Children's answers.


That's right guys, well done. These are all toys. Today we will talk about toys. Do you like to receive toys as a gift? Guys, do you know in which store you can see a lot of toys? (Answers of children). Do you have any favorite toys at home? (Answers of children). Guys, who wants to talk about their favorite toy so that without seeing it, we can imagine this toy well (the child comes out and presents his toy in the story).

After each story, the teacher asks if the children have a question for the storyteller, if they want to know something else about the storyteller's toy. If the children have no questions, the teacher asks questions himself. The teacher makes sure that the introductory phrases of the stories are not stereotyped.


Well done boys. you talked very interestingly about your toys, and now let's have a little rest. Let's get up from our chairs and settle down in any place convenient for you, but not far from me. The eyes look at me, the ears listen carefully, and we repeat the movements after me.


The wind blows from above. (Raise hands up).

Tends to herbs and flowers. (Tilts to the side)

Right - left, left - right.

Now let's get together

Let's all jump in place. (Jumping).

Above! Above! Have fun!

Like this. Like this.

Let's go one step at a time. (Walking in place).

Here the game is over.

It's time for us to get busy. (Children sit on their chairs.)


Well guys, take a break. And now we will conduct an interesting exercise, which is called "Prompt the word." What does this mean? I will name words for you, and you say a word that is opposite to mine in meaning.


Guys, everyone understands the rules of the game? Well then, let's get started.

* Close - Far

* Cheerful - Sad

* Sunny - Cloudy

* Many - Few

* Silent - Speak

* Day Night

* Wide narrow

* Damp - Dry

* Rest - Work



Well done boys. You correctly understood the meaning of the word - the opposite. So, what did we talk about today? (Answers of children). Correctly. today they told us about their favorite toys (we list the performing children). Also, we learned what words that are opposite in meaning are. How do you think we coped with the stories? (Answers of children). Well, guys, I thank you for the wonderful stories. In the next lesson, we will draw our favorite toys. This concludes our conversation with you.


Performed by the educator of the 1st category MBDOU d / s No. 36 of Taganrog Teslenko E.N.


  • To promote the formation of the ability to independently build a coherent and expressive speech statement using a scheme.
  • Improve the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case).
  • Exercise in the selection of definitions for a noun, keeping children active Encourage the formation of definitions from two words (long ears - long-eared, long legs - long-legged, short tail - short-tailed, grass eats - herbivore, slanting eyes - cross-eyed), develop grammatically correct speech, based on answers to questions.
  • develop imagination, logical thinking, Attention.
  • Contribute to the formation of correct posture.
  • Activate vocabulary: herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, scanty.
  • Contribute to the formation of interest in the nature of the native land.

Materials and equipment for the lesson:

Image of wild animals, birds, models of forest trees, reproductions of pictures of the forest, a reference diagram for compiling a story about forest animals, a ball, a cassette with the voices of forest birds, a tape recorder, a magnetic board, a Dunno doll, a didactic game "Guess Who" .

Preliminary work:

Examining illustrations of wild animals and talking about them.

Stories: L.N. Tolstoy "Lambs and the Wolf" , V. Bianchi "Bathing the cubs" , A.K. Tolstoy "Lisa Patrikeevna" , E. Charushin "Volchishko" , "Bear and cubs" , N. Sladkov "The Fox and the Hedgehog" , "Fox and Hare" , G. Snegirev "Bear" .

Didactic games: "When does it happen?" , "Whose house is this?" , "Who eats what?" , "Who's lost?" , "Guess who it is?" , "Guess Who" .

Games - dramatizations: B. Zakhoder "Hedgehog" , S. Marshak "Hedgehog and Fox" .

Methodical methods:

  • visual - actionable (demonstration, illustration)
  • verbal (explanation, clarification, telling)

Practical (gaming).

Course progress.

Educator: - Guys, do you like to travel? (children's answers).

Listen to the riddle and guess where we are going:

The hero stands rich,

Treats all children:

Vanya - strawberries,

Tanya - bone,

Mashenka - a nut,

Petya - russula,

Katenka - raspberries,

Vanya - a twig!


(children's answers).

Educator: - Right. Let's close our eyes and hear the magical sounds of the forest. (Record sounds "sounds of the forest" ) . Guys, we can not only enjoy the sounds of the forest, but also admire its beauty.

While you are admiring the pictures, let's listen to a poem about the forest. (child reads).

"Step!" - beckoned

Forest path.

And so he walked

On the way Alyoshka!

After all, in the summer in the forest

Interesting, like in a fairy tale:

bushes and trees,

Flowers and frogs,

And the grass is green

Softer pillows!

Stranger: Hello guys! You know, I saw a red wolf in the forest, he was sitting under a bush and trembling, and he also had long ears. (children laugh)

Educator: - Does a wolf have long ears, is it red? Dunno, you probably messed something up. We will now tell you about the forest dwellers.

(children's stories according to the scheme: who, appearance, where they live, what they eat, what they fear

Educator: -Tell me, if a hare has long ears, how can I say it in one word? (long-eared)

And you can say about the hare - long-tailed? (reasonable responses of children) So what is he? short-tailed or they say stubby (ask the children to repeat the word "stubby" and give an explanation

Well, Dunno, remember the forest animals?

Dunno: - Yes, thank you guys!

Educator: - I suggest you get up and take a walk through the forest.

We walk through the forest together (physical minute).

We walk through the forest together

We are not in a hurry, we are not behind.

Here we go to the meadow. (Walking in place.)

A thousand flowers around! (sipping-hands to the sides.)

Here is chamomile, cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is spread

Both right and left. (Bend over and touch the left foot with the right hand, then vice versa.)

Hands stretched to the sky

The spine was stretched. (Sipping - hands up.)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)

Dunno: -Although I got confused with the animals, but I know the riddle about them, you will never guess.

-Believe or don't believe

An animal ran through the forest.

He carried on his forehead for a reason

Two spreading bushes. (deer)

That's right, how clever you are!

Dunno: -I want to offer you to play one more game, it is called “Whose tail, whose head? ".

(When giving pictures to children, Dunno “inadvertently scatters them”). -Ouch! Guys! What should I do. Please help me collect them. (Pictures depicting tails and animals whose tails they are)

Whose tail does the bear have? -bearish

whose paw? - bearish

Whose ear? - bearish

Whose paws does the rabbit have? - hare

Whose tail does the fox have? - fox

Whose needles does the hedgehog have? - hedgehogs

Whose head is the wolf? - wolf

Whose ear? - wolf

Whose back? - wolf

Whose antlers does a deer have? - reindeer

Children attach tails and heads as intended, explaining why they did it.

Educator: - Well in the forest, take care of its beauty. And you guys, what proverbs and sayings do you know?

To live near the forest - not to see hunger.

Be afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.

The forest waters, feeds, clothes, shelters, warms.

Whoever loves and knows the forest, he helps.

Forests protect from the wind, help the harvest.

Educator: - Guys, do you think you know everything? Where else can you learn more about the forest and its inhabitants? (children's answers).

Dunno: - How much do you know! How interesting you are! I learned so much interesting things, but unfortunately it's time for me to go, goodbye!


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  2. I.A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature" .
  3. Bidyukova G.F. – Blagosklonov K.N. Programs for out-of-school institutions. M. Enlightenment 1995
  4. Podyakova N.N. Intellectual education of preschoolers.
  5. Zebzeeva V.O. On the forms and methods of environmental education of preschoolers / / Preschool education, 1998, No. 7, p. 45-49.
  6. Nikolaeva S.N. Communication with nature begins from childhood. Perm 1992
  7. Vinogradova N.F. Nature and the world around us. M. 1992
  8. The development of speech in preschool children / Ed. F. Sokhina -M.: Enlightenment, 1984.