When teachers get higher salaries. The State Duma proposed to increase the salaries of teachers

The income of teachers today is at the average level. After the economic crisis hit the country, the financial side of teachers only worsened. The approximate salary of teachers of general education school institutions today is 20,000 rubles.

If we take into account small settlements, then teachers there receive no more than 15,000 rubles. According to the May decrees, the remuneration of employees of school institutions will be increased.

Teacher salary increase program

In the period from 2012 to 2018, following the program, upon its completion, the salary increase should be 150%. After the decree came into force, the initial indexation was carried out. The state allocated a huge amount from the budget to increase the income of budget employees.

But then everything abruptly stopped. Due to the difficult economic situation, the implementation of the President's orders was suspended. The country stopped indexing. After some time, this procedure was resumed, but it was carried out partially.

This year, indexation was carried out in full at 5.5%. Indexation has reached the level of 6%. The main purpose of indexing is to cover the increase in the cost of food and utilities. Even with this turn of events, wages will not increase significantly. In 2017, the government introduced the "effective contracts" system. They will also be employment contracts.

One of the most important factors that are indicated in the documents is the quality and efficiency of work, as well as job responsibilities. Remuneration will largely depend on the employee's dedication, responsibility and diligence. According to the rules and new procedures, high wages will be awarded only to those employees who take their work seriously and strive for excellence.

The increase in teachers' salaries is carried out in order to motivate teachers to improve their qualifications, namely: defending dissertations, writing scientific papers, as well as obtaining new academic titles. In ordinary schools, teachers' salaries will not remain as high.

How has salary changed in recent years?

To assess the quality of education, it is necessary to know and determine the quality of teachers. The authority of the teaching profession in the country is constantly growing. This is evidenced by the rise in wages and the introduction of new approaches to vocational training. Over the past 3 years, the remuneration of teachers has almost doubled.

Real numbers and payroll

The amount of income of the teaching contingent depends on many factors. One of them is the region of work of this or that citizen. In the first place are such regions as the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Magadan Region and Khanty-Mansiysk.

Teachers there receive the highest salaries in the country. Minimum salaries are fixed in Mordovia, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and Dagestan. According to 2016 data, the average salary level is much higher than the average salary in these regions. This situation does not occur everywhere.

For example, in Kursk the salary of a teacher is less than the average salary of a teacher. In Moscow, the salary of a teacher is 70,000 rubles. School teacher in St. Petersburg - 5,000 less. In administrative cities, the salary does not exceed 44,000 rubles.

By the beginning of 2017, the income of teachers has not changed. In small towns, workers continue to receive wages of 15,000 rubles. An increase in wages will undoubtedly occur in 2017, but no more than 2,000 rubles. In Crimea, a teacher receives 22,000 rubles.

The salary of an employee directly depends on the following important factors:

  • Special Services
  • Additional workload: working with children from low-income families
  • cool guide
  • Seniority
  • Number of hours worked
  • Skill level

With an impressive length of service and work experience, additional payments will not be paid. Also, under the new program, young specialists who recently came to one or another institution will receive the same salary as teachers.

The head teacher's salary is 50,000 rubles every month. As for the director of the school, he is paid a salary of 200,000 thousand. In 2016, the salary of the school management was raised 1.5 times by decree of the state body.

  • at the base rate;
  • by student hourly wages;
  • at a fixed salary.

The first method provides for an increase in the premium to the base rate for checking notebooks, the number of students, conducting electives and the number of students who are winners of olympiads, and so on. You also need to know that other payments are often included in teachers' rates, namely:

  • incentive payments
  • Salary
  • Special payments

They include deviations in working conditions from the norm, the assigned category, supervised classes as a class teacher, holding meetings with students' parents, working on educational and methodological materials, checking notebooks, managing an office.

The calculation of wages for a fixed salary provides for such a method as "All Inclusive". The basis is an official salary at the rate of 36 hours of work of a teacher and incentive payments. The method is carried out taking into account new solutions and approaches in the field of education, as well as the implementation of particularly important management tasks.

Work experience also matters a lot. Calculating wages for hours worked is a rather complicated process. The most important concepts in this case are the stimulating and basic part. The base part takes into account the number of students and workload.

The most important factors are participation in competitions, development of educational and methodological material, and research work. In order to attract more and more young specialists to this field of activity, new wage systems are being introduced.

When it happens that the teacher begins his activity from the middle of the year, then the flat rate for one hour is multiplied by the total amount of hours of workload and divided by the number of full months that remain until the end of the year. To calculate the salary for an incomplete month, you need to know exactly the number of hours worked.

What can teachers expect in 2018? May Decrees

The indexation of salaries for public sector employees is part of Vladimir Putin's 2012 election program. Thanks to presidential decrees, which came into force in May 2012, wages will increase by 200% for employees of budgetary organizations. In the first place for salary increases are teachers in general education organizations and teachers.

It should be noted that some public sector employees in 2018 will have to increase the salaries of the authorities due to an increase in the minimum wage, regardless of indexation.
From May 1, 2018, the minimum wage will be equal to the subsistence level to the level of 11,163 rubles. This increase in salaries will affect approximately 1.6 million people in the public sector.

The year 2019 is preparing many serious tests in connection with the pension reform, as well as a number of other changes in the economy.

The government has submitted a proposal to the federal budget for 3 years to raise the salaries of teachers in 2019.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has come up with a proposal to increase the salaries of teachers from 2019 onwards. The corresponding letter was sent by representatives of the department to the Ministry of Labor on March 19. So what rate can educators hope to continue to hope for?

There is good news for teachers: from January, their monthly earnings will increase by 6%. Next year, the increase will already be 5.4%. So, school teachers, those who teach in lyceums, colleges, other secondary special, as well as specialized institutions, boarding schools, will earn much more. The indicated percentages are minimal: in each region, separate salary supplements are additionally paid to the budget.

The composition of the teacher's salary in 2019 includes:

  1. fixed salary;
  2. additional accruals (for class management, extracurricular lessons with sections);
  3. qualification.

The amount of salary cannot be less than 11,280 rubles. The government promises that by 2020-2022 the average salary of teachers will rise to 70,000-75,000 rubles throughout Russia.

In the coming year, about 5 billion rubles were allocated to increase the salaries of state employees. It was decided to share this amount of funds:

  1. 1.4 billion rubles will be transferred to increase the salaries of employees of federal institutions;
  2. 3.6 billion rubles - for employees of regional and municipal institutions.

Meanwhile, Tatyana Golikova reminded: a maximum of 8,000 rubles and a minimum of 1,900 rubles will be the amount of unemployment benefits.

How wages are calculated

The salary of teachers and teachers consists of several components at once, some of which are fixed, while others rely on good work, experience, etc. We are talking about:

  1. Salary. It is this indicator that is of particular importance for representatives of the educational sphere, because. it is calculated according to the hours actually worked. Based on the amount of salary, teachers, as a rule, form their own budget, plan expenses, etc.
  2. Premium payouts.
  3. Additional payments (for example, for working overtime, preparing extra-curricular activities with children, etc.).
  4. Bonus for qualification work experience. For experienced and competent teachers, it is possible to receive a percentage bonus, which is calculated depending on a number of factors - the actual qualifications and experience, as well as the region, position, achievements, workload, etc.

The good news is that teachers will see an increase in both salaries and bonuses. This means that, on the one hand, the general standard of living of state employees in general will improve, and, on the other hand, they will be interested in the maximum possible return in order to receive a higher bonus in the future.

Expert opinion

About 60% of teachers were dissatisfied with the values ​​of their salaries in 2017. For the whole year (from 2016 to 2017), their labor incomes remained almost unchanged at about 34,000 rubles, and in 4 Russian regions they even decreased, albeit slightly. This is still less than what employees of institutes and universities receive (about 36,000 rubles a month).

Despite the fact that the planned reform should partially resolve existing problems and mitigate negative public sentiment, not everyone is positive about the upcoming changes. For example, Vsevolod Lukhovitsky, co-chairman of the trade union "Teacher", took the latest news about the increase in teachers' salaries with caution. He said that from 2019 the regions will feel an unprecedented financial burden, because all the costs are likely to be borne by them. As a result, the reforms may lead to layoffs, although this is not officially planned. However, in order not to pay a lot and immediately to everyone, librarians, psychologists and some teachers will have to be fired, while the other part will be mired in overtime.

Alexander Shurakov, Senior Specialist of the Analytical Credit Rating Agency, has a similar view on the situation. According to his calculations, after the changes come into force, the regions will have to spend more - by about 500-600 billion rubles a year. The federal government will need to support the subjects in financing the reform, but all this can only lead to an increase in regional debts, the need to restructure budget loans, etc.

The truth about teacher salaries: video

At the end of 2018, the State Duma approved an updated version of the recommendations on the establishment of an updated remuneration system for employees of budgetary institutions, including teachers. This decision was determined by the tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations. At the same time, the rules that were in force before that have lost their force and will not be used in 2019. Today we will talk about changes in the system of remuneration of teachers and how the approach to this issue will change.

In 2019 with new indicators and without wage cuts

Starting from 2019, the remuneration of teachers will be calculated taking into account the new indicator. From now on, when forming the income of teachers and professors, the average monthly earnings of employees of private companies and individual entrepreneurs are taken into account without fail. Starting this year, this criterion must be taken into account when developing cost plans aimed at increasing the wages of teachers and employees of other budgetary areas. In July 2018, the government of the Russian Federation issued a decree, according to which Rosstat was obliged to prepare the above data by 04/15/2019.

When the tripartite group discussed the new regulations, a clause was introduced into the document on the inadmissibility of lowering the wages of employees of kindergartens, schools and state universities. In accordance with this norm, in 2019 the level of remuneration of teachers will not be lower than in 2018. Accordingly, teachers from kindergartens will receive a salary not lower than the average for Russia (last year - just over 28,000 rubles).

Another important news for teachers was the inclusion of the minimum wage indicator. Last year, this figure was at the level of 6,200 rubles. The new recommendations determine that an employee of an educational institution cannot receive a salary below the established indicator, provided that he fully complied with the established norm and worked a sufficient number of hours. However, no one is immune from situations in which the teacher will work less time than he should. If an employee had to face such a nuisance, the calculation of wages will be based on the actual hours worked, starting from the minimum wage.

In order to ensure the full implementation of the recommendations in the institution, the employer, as well as representatives of the authorities, need to pay attention to some aspects. In particular, these include:

  1. Establishment of wages should be carried out in accordance with the qualification group of the employee.
  2. If an employee of a budgetary institution works in a position that is not related to professional categories, his salary rate is calculated based on the difficulty of the duties assigned to him.
  3. It is imperative to take into account the need to use incentive payments and all kinds of compensation. This issue should be reflected in regional and municipal regulations.
  4. Only the head of a kindergarten, school, university, or other budget organization has the right to approve the staffing table.
  5. After the introduction of new recommendations in an educational institution, the teacher's income should not be less than it was before. This rule applies to all employees, without exception, whose work rate has remained at the same level or has increased.
  6. The rate of remuneration should be determined based on the performance of the employee's own professional duties over a certain period of time (week, month, year).

As for the labor norm of teachers, now its change in one direction or another will directly affect the final earnings. Therefore, the recommendations provide for the reflection of the actual workload of the teacher in the labor agreement. This rule applies to employees such as:

  • school teachers;
  • university teachers;
  • coaches of children's sports sections;
  • persons involved in activities in the field of additional education.

Taking into account these innovations, any changes in the working time of the teacher should also be reflected in the labor agreement. In this case, you should remember the conditions under which this may become possible:

  • by agreement of the parties to the contract;
  • in exceptional cases - unilaterally by the head of the educational institution. This norm can be used if the amount of working time according to the curriculum has decreased, the educational organization has not recruited a sufficient number of students, etc.

Another important innovation is the additional attention to teachers with secondary specialized education. The recommendations provide for the impossibility of infringing on the labor rights of employees who do not have a higher education. Accordingly, reduction coefficients can no longer be used for a specialty that requires an employee with a diploma of higher education. Thus, the absence of the necessary document will no longer allow the employer to save on the remuneration of an employee of an educational institution. In this regard, he is equal in rights with teachers with higher education.

Today, these recommendations have been approved by a considerable number of educators. Indeed, the new document significantly expanded their opportunities in terms of remuneration and increased their protection from illegal actions of the head of the educational organization. It is expected that these recommendations will be valid in the next few years and gradually refined so that the income of teachers has grown to a decent level.

At the end of September this year, at a meeting of the Government, a preliminary draft law on wage increases for certain categories of public sector employees was submitted. These are specialists in education and medicine. The salary increase for teachers in 2019 is provided not only for one year, but with the possibility of a permanent increase in the rate until 2021. It is understood that the draft on wage indexation will be adopted on an ongoing basis - primarily in pursuance of the May decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

Recall that there was regular news about the constant increase in wages for teachers, doctors and social workers. As conceived by the legislator, from January 1, 2019, the salary of a teacher should exceed the average income in the region by at least 100% (some subjects of the federation planned to increase the increase to 200%). Thus, the average salary of a teacher in 2018-2019 is becoming one of the most attractive in the public sector.

Will there be a pay rise in 2019?

Yes, the government has set a minimum percentage by which the base salary must increase.

From January 1, 2019, teachers' salaries in Russia in 2019 will be increased by 6.0%, in 2020 the growth will be 5.4%, and finally, in the last year of the legislative initiative, salaries will rise by another 6.6%.

The salary increase in 2019 will affect the following specialists:

  • Teachers of schools and lyceums (regardless of the city or locality of location);
  • Teachers of colleges and other secondary specialized educational institutions;
  • Teachers of boarding schools and other specialized and auxiliary institutions

The increase interest rates mentioned above are the minimum. Each region additionally, in agreement with the trade unions, conducts separate wage increments in the budgets.

Salaries of teachers in 2019 will consist of the following parts:

  • Fixed salary based on hours worked. Please note that the salaries of teachers in 2019 in Russia cannot be less than the established subsistence minimum of 11,280 rubles (provided that the teacher does not work at a rate of 0.5);
  • Additional accruals for leading the class, conducting sections and extracurricular lessons;
  • Each teacher can be tested annually for the assignment of a teacher's qualification. Salary directly depends on the number of years worked and the assigned category;

On the first point - the level of salary depends on the local regional authorities. The calculation consists of the cost of living in this subject.

For example, the highest salaries were not for Moscow teachers, but for specialists teaching in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The average income of a teacher in Moscow, St. Petersburg or Magadan before taxes fluctuates between 70,000 and 80,000 rubles. As of September 1, 2018, the average salary of a teacher did not exceed 38 thousand rubles.

Changes in teacher salaries in 2019

The main pressure of pressure regarding the allocation of money for salary projects of teachers falls on the regional budget. At least 4% of the 6.0% annual increase in teaching income comes from regional spending. Will salaries be increased in 2019, given that most subjects receive transfers to support their own regional budgets?

The government is reassuring - this is done primarily to attract young professionals and make them financially interested in teaching. The numbers are really not very good. In Moscow and the region, the shortage of teaching vacancies is about 31% (in second place is the Volga District with 15%).

The salaries of teachers in 2019 have been intensively increasing for the last three years - and before that, funding was carried out more on a residual basis.

Teacher salary indexation 2019

The salary increase for teachers in 2019 will affect not only them, but also preschool education specialists. The Government plans to conduct annual indexation. From January to September 2018, the average inflation rate was 2.88%.

The Ministry of Education announced that the indexation will affect the entire teaching staff in the next 5 years. The size of the indexed part will be much higher than the average inflation rate and will be about 5%.

By 2020-22, therefore, the average wage should increase from the current 38,000 rubles to an average of 70,000-75,000 rubles across the country. The price of the issue is the allocation of at least 200-300 billion rubles by the consolidated budget every year. According to sources, such items of expenditure are provided.

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The salaries of teachers at all levels will be increased by 6% from the beginning of 2019, which will cost the budget additional subsidies of 109,077.8 million rubles. After indexation, the salary of secondary school teachers will reach 44,760 rubles, teachers teaching at universities - 93,000 rubles, teachers of preschool education - 34,700 rubles. Since 2013, the remuneration of teachers has increased by 40-117%. Further growth of salaries by 5.4-6.6% annually is planned for the next 3 years.

Will there be a salary increase for teachers in 2019?

Teachers, regardless of the field of activity, belong to the category of "May state employees", that is, their salaries are regulated and controlled at the government level. This is due to the catastrophically low incomes of teachers, especially young professionals, the outflow of professional workers from the industry, and the decrease in the prestige of the profession itself.

The order to systematically increase the income of teachers was first given by the President of the country V.V. Putin. in May 2012, according to which, by 2018, salaries should increase to 100% of the average regional income for:

  • school teachers;
  • teachers and masters of educational institutions of professional education;
  • teachers working with orphans.

In addition, wages should not be lower than 100% of the average salary in the field of education in the region, and teachers of additional education - 100% of teachers' income.

For 6 years, the salaries of the teaching staff were indexed at the federal and regional levels, which made it possible to achieve high rates across the country. But if we consider nominal wages at the level of regions and municipal entities, the picture is not so rosy.

Table 1. The level of salaries of teachers in the first quarter of 2018

Speciality Planned indicators Actual salary
Around the country At the federal level At the regional level In municipal institutions
% 100 88,5 113 120,9 86,2
rub. 36 974 32 718 41 773 44 716 31 876
% 100 112,4 197 161 100,8
rub. 37 564 42 226 73 990 60 466 37 876
% 100 95,2 115,7 121,3 90,8
rub. 41 698 39697 48245 50580 37862
% 100 109,5 109,4 109,6 69,8
rub. 37 564 41 146 41 080 41 171 26 210
% 100 101,7 98,8 122,5
rub. 37 564 38 201 37 101 46 004
University teachers % 200 230 230 270 137,6
rub. 75 128 87 695 87 347 101 225 51 688

Source: Rosstat

The most striking examples of the run-up in earnings in federal and municipal educational institutions are:

  1. Income from the labor activity of school teachers. So, in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Arkhangelsk region. salary in the region - 101,681 rubles. and even in a rural school in the Yamalo-Nenets District - 113,826 rubles. Whereas in Dagestan a teacher receives 21,389 rubles, and in rural schools in the Kostroma region. ‒ 24,051 rubles
  2. Remuneration of teachers of the university. In relative terms, income levels range from 137 to 270%. Taking into account the regional coefficients, the run-up in physical terms is even more striking: for example, in Ugra, top-level teachers are paid 162,932 rubles, and in the Ivanovo region at a municipal university - 45,419 rubles.

Such a range of indicators is explained not only by the regional level of income of the population, but also by the inability of some subjects to provide high salaries to state employees.

In order to maintain the achieved indicators, the government is forced to subsidize the regions. Therefore, the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Science in March 2018 to increase all teachers or school teachers, in particular, wages up to 150%, remained without support.

However, in May, the President made a recommendation to keep the incomes of teachers at the achieved level and prevent their decline against the backdrop of an increase in the minimum wage and the growth of the well-being of Russians. The presidential decrees are reflected in the draft budget for 2019, which clearly reflects whether there will be a salary increase for teachers.

The bill provides for a systematic plan for the period from 2019 to 2021, including the salaries of educators, teachers and teachers of universities and colleges.

How much will the salary increase

According to the explanatory note to the draft budget, teachers' salaries in 2019 should increase by 6%. For these purposes, appropriations in the amount of 109 billion rubles will be required. To keep incomes at the same level and raise salaries, subsidies will be increased by 16.1% compared to last year. Such calculations were provided by the Accounts Chamber to the State Duma for the adoption of the federal budget.

In addition, a further increase in the remuneration of educators, teachers, teachers of the middle and higher levels is also laid down:

  • by 5.4% in 2020, which will require 120 billion rubles;
  • by 6.6% in 2021, which will require additional allocations in the amount of about 134 billion rubles.

First of all, the increase will affect teachers of federal educational institutions. Similar steps must be taken in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the amount of salary growth may be more than the recommended 6%.

By the end of October 2018, in most regions, projects should be considered or local budgets approved, after which it will be clear how much teachers' salaries will increase in regional and municipal schools and other educational institutions.

When will there be a raise

Many traditionally tie the recalculation of teachers' salaries to September 1. Indeed, from the beginning of the school year, there is often an increase at the local level. So, in, and in St. Petersburg, wages were increased by 4,000 rubles.

However, the target increase for 2019 is planned from the beginning of the calendar year, that is, teachers should receive wages in a new way already at the end of January. But this does not exclude repeated recalculations throughout the year, for example, by September 1 or Teacher's Day. But teachers usually receive such “gifts” from local authorities.

What is the average salary of teachers

The remuneration system for teachers provides for the use, in addition to salaries, incentive payments and other allowances. Moreover, some increases are distributed according to the decision of the leadership of the educational institution. Often, teachers, in order to earn a decent salary, work for 1.5-2 rates. Even for two specialists with the same education and specialty, the actual salary can differ significantly. Teachers have already adapted to the new working conditions and the complex system of payroll.

But information about average earnings does not reflect the real picture. In addition, the increase will directly affect salaries and allowances tied to tariffs. Therefore, the actual wages after recalculation may increase by different amounts.

The size of average salaries will approach the values ​​indicated in the table.

Table 2. Average salary of teachers in 2019

Around the country At the federal level At the regional level In municipal institutions
Educators and teachers of preschool education 34 681 44 279 47 399 33 789
Secondary school teachers 44 760 78 429 64 094 40 149
Teachers of additional education 42 079 51 140 53 615 40 134
Masters and teachers of vocational education 43 615 43 545 43 641 27 783
Teachers working with orphans 40 493 39 327 48 764
University teachers 92 957 92 588 107 299 54 789