Work on the syllabic structure of the word according to Markov. Forms of work on the formation of the syllabic structure of the word in children with general underdevelopment of speech

Every year the number of children suffering from general underdevelopment of speech increases. This type of impairment in children with normal hearing and intact intelligence is a specific manifestation of a speech anomaly, in which the formation of the main components of the speech system: vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics is impaired or behind the norm. Most of these children have some degree of distortion syllable structure of the word, which are recognized as leading and persistent in the structure of the speech defect in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

The practice of speech therapy work shows that the correction of the syllabic structure of a word is one of the priority and most difficult tasks in working with preschoolers with systemic speech disorders. It should be noted that this type of speech pathology occurs in all children with motor alalia, in whom phonetic speech disorders are not leading in the syndrome, but only accompany vocabulary disorders. The importance of this problem is also evidenced by the fact that the insufficient degree of correction of this type of phonological pathology at preschool age subsequently leads to the occurrence of dysgraphia in schoolchildren due to a violation of language analysis and synthesis of words and phonemic dyslexia.

Research by A.K. Markova on the features of assimilation of the syllabic structure of a word by children suffering from alalia shows that the speech of children is replete with pronounced deviations in the reproduction of the syllabic composition of a word, which are preserved even in reflected speech. These deviations are in the nature of one or another deformation of the correct sounding of the word, reflecting the difficulties in reproducing the syllabic structure. From this it follows that in cases of speech pathology, age-related disorders by the age of three do not disappear from children's speech, but, on the contrary, acquire a pronounced, persistent character. A child with a general underdevelopment of speech cannot independently master the pronunciation of the syllabic structure of a word, just as he is not able to independently learn the pronunciation of individual sounds. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the long process of spontaneous formation of the syllabic structure of a word with a purposeful and conscious process of teaching this skill.

Numerous studies carried out within the framework of the subject under consideration contribute to the clarification and concretization of the prerequisites that determine the assimilation of the syllabic structure of a word. There is a dependence of mastering the syllabic structure of a word on the state of phonemic perception, articulatory capabilities, semantic insufficiency, and the motivational sphere of the child; and according to recent studies - from the features of the development of non-speech processes: optical-spatial orientation, rhythmic and dynamic organization of movements, the ability to serially sequential information processing (G.V. Babina, N.Yu. Safonkina).

In the domestic literature, the study of the syllabic structure in children with systemic speech disorders is most widely represented.

A.K.Markova defines the syllabic structure of a word as an alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables of varying degrees of complexity. The syllabic structure of a word is characterized by four parameters: 1) stress, 2) the number of syllables, 3) the linear sequence of syllables, 4) the model of the syllable itself. The speech therapist must know how the structure of words becomes more complicated, how the structure of words becomes more complicated, and examine the thirteen classes of syllabic structures that are the most frequent. The purpose of this survey is not only to determine those syllabic classes that are formed in the child, but also to identify those that need to be formed. The speech therapist also needs to determine the type of violation of the syllabic structure of the word. As a rule, the range of these violations varies widely: from minor difficulties in pronunciation of words of a complex syllabic structure to gross violations.

Violations of the syllabic structure modify the syllabic composition of the word in different ways. Distortions are clearly distinguished, consisting in a pronounced violation of the syllabic composition of the word. Words can be deformed by:

1. Violations of the number of syllables:

a) Elysia - reduction (omission) of syllables): “hank” (hammer).

The child does not fully reproduce the number of syllables of the word. When the number of syllables is reduced, syllables may be omitted at the beginning of the word (“on” - the moon), in its middle (“gunitsa” - caterpillar), the word may not be agreed to the end (“kapu” - cabbage).

Depending on the degree of underdevelopment of speech, some children reduce even a two-syllable word to a one-syllable one (“ka” - porridge, “pi” - wrote), others find it difficult only at the level of four-syllable structures, replacing them with three-syllable ones (“button” - button):

Omission of a syllable-forming vowel.

The syllabic structure can be reduced due to the loss of only syllable-forming vowels, while the other element of the word, the consonant, is preserved (“prosonik” - a piglet; “sugar bowl” - a sugar bowl). This type of violation of the syllabic structure is less common.

b) Iterations:

An increase in the number of syllables by adding a syllable-forming vowel in the place where there is a confluence of consonants (“tarava” - grass). Such an elongation of the structure of the word is due to its peculiar dissected pronunciation, which is, as it were, the “unfolding” of the word and especially the confluence of consonants into constituent sounds (“airship” - airship).

2. Violation of the sequence of syllables in a word:

Permutation of syllables in a word (“devore” - a tree);

Permutation of the sounds of neighboring syllables (“gebemot” - hippopotamus). These distortions occupy a special place, in which the number of syllables is not violated, while the syllabic composition undergoes gross violations.

3. Distortion of the structure of a single syllable:

Reducing the confluence of consonants, turning a closed syllable into an open one (“kaputa” - cabbage); a syllable with a confluence of consonants - into a syllable without a confluence (“tul” - a chair).

This defect is singled out by T.B. Filichev and G.V. Chirkin as the most common when pronouncing words of various syllabic structures by children suffering from OHP.

Inserting consonants into a syllable (“lemon” - lemon).

4. Anticipation, those. likening one syllable to another (“pipitan” - captain; “vevesiped” - bicycle).

5. Perseverations(from the Greek word for "I persevere"). This is an inert stuck on one syllable in a word (“pananama” - panama; “vvvalabey” - sparrow).

The most dangerous perseveration of the first syllable, because. this kind of disruption of syllabic structure can develop into stuttering.

6. Contamination - connecting parts of two words (“refrigerator” - refrigerator and bread box).

All of the listed types of distortions in the syllabic composition of a word are very common in children with systemic speech disorders. These disorders occur in children with speech underdevelopment at different (depending on the level of speech development) levels of syllabic difficulty. The delaying effect of syllabic distortions on the process of mastering speech is aggravated by the fact that they are highly persistent. All these features of the formation of the syllabic structure of a word interfere with the normal development of oral speech (accumulation of a dictionary, assimilation of concepts) and make it difficult for children to communicate, and, of course, hinder sound analysis and synthesis, therefore, interfere with learning to read and write.

Traditionally, when studying the syllabic structure of a word, the possibilities of reproducing the syllabic structure of words of different structures according to A.K. The complication lies in increasing the number and using different types of syllables.

Types of words (according to A.K. Markova)

Grade 1 - two-syllable words from open syllables (willow, children).

Grade 2 - three-syllable words from open syllables (hunting, raspberries).

Grade 3 - monosyllabic words (house, poppy).

Grade 4 - two-syllable words with one closed syllable (sofa, furniture).

Grade 5 - two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants in the middle of a word (bank, branch).

Grade 6 - two-syllable words with a closed syllable and a confluence of consonants (compote, tulip).

Grade 7 - three-syllable words with a closed syllable (hippopotamus, phone).

Grade 8 - three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants (room, shoes).

Grade 9 - three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable (lamb, ladle).

Grade 10 - three-syllable words with two consonant clusters (tablet, matryoshka).

Grade 11 - monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word (table, cabinet).

Grade 12 - monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the end of the word (elevator, umbrella).

Grade 13 - two-syllable words with two consonant clusters (whip, button).

Grade 14 - four-syllable words from open syllables (turtle, piano).

In addition to the words that make up the 14 classes, the pronunciation of more complex words is also assessed: “cinema”, “policeman”, “teacher”, “thermometer”, “scuba diver”, “traveler”, etc.

The possibility of reproducing the rhythmic pattern of words, the perception and reproduction of rhythmic structures (isolated beats, a series of simple beats, a series of accented beats) is also being explored.

Types of jobs:

Name subject pictures;

Repeat the words reflected after the speech therapist;

Answer the questions. (Where do they buy groceries?).

Thus, during the examination, the speech therapist reveals the degree and level of violation of the syllabic structure of words in each particular case and the most typical mistakes that the child makes in speech, identifies those frequency classes of syllables whose syllabic structure is preserved in the child’s speech, classes of the syllabic structure of words that are rough are violated in the speech of the child, and also determines the type and type of violation of the syllabic structure of the word. This allows you to set the boundaries of the level available to the child, from which corrective exercises should be started.

Many modern authors deal with the correction of the syllabic structure of a word. In the methodological manual by S.E. Bolshakova “Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of a word in children”, the author describes the reasons for the difficulties in forming the syllabic structure of a word, types of errors, and methods of work. Attention is paid to the development of such prerequisites for the formation of the syllabic structure of a word as optical and somato-spatial representations, orientation in two-dimensional space, dynamic and rhythmic organization of movements. The author suggests a method of manual reinforcement, which makes it easier for children to switch articulations and prevent omissions and substitutions of syllables. The order of mastering words with a confluence of consonants is given. The games of each stage contain speech material, selected taking into account speech therapy training programs.

The order of working out words with different types of syllabic structure was proposed by E.S. Bolshakova in the manual “Work of a speech therapist with preschoolers”, where the author suggests a sequence of work that helps to clarify the contour of the word. (Types of syllables according to A.K. Markova)

The teaching aid “Formation of the syllabic structure of a word: speech therapy tasks” by N.V. Kurdvanovskaya and L.S. Vanyukova highlights the features of correctional work on the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in children with severe speech disorders. The material is selected by the authors in such a way that when working on the automation of one sound, the presence in the words of other sounds that are difficult to pronounce is excluded. The given illustrative material is aimed at the development of fine motor skills (pictures can be colored or shaded), and the order of its location will help the formation of a syllabic structure at the stage of onomatopoeia.

In his manual “Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in children”, Z.E. Agranovich also offers a system of speech therapy measures to eliminate in children of preschool and primary school age such a difficult-to-correct, specific type of speech pathology as a violation of the syllabic structure of words. The author sums up all the correctional work from the development of speech-auditory perception and speech-motor skills and identifies two main stages:

Preparatory (the work is carried out on non-verbal and verbal material; the purpose of this stage is to prepare the child for mastering the rhythmic structure of the words of the native language;

Actually corrective (the work is carried out on verbal material and consists of several levels (the level of vowels, the level of syllables, the level of the word). The author assigns special importance at each level to “inclusion in the work”, in addition to the speech analyzer, also auditory, visual and tactile. The purpose of this stage – direct correction of defects in the syllabic structure of words in a particular child-logopath.

All authors note the need for specific targeted speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of the word, which is part of the general correctional work in overcoming speech disorders.

Conducting specially selected games in group, subgroup and individual speech therapy classes creates the most favorable conditions for the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

For example, the didactic game "Merry Houses".

This didactic game consists of three houses with pockets for inserting pictures, envelopes with a set of subject pictures for a variety of game options.

Option number 1


Purpose: to develop the ability to divide words into syllables.

Equipment: three houses with a different number of flowers in the windows (one, two, three), with pockets for inserting pictures, a set of subject pictures: a hedgehog, a wolf, a bear, a fox, a hare, an elk, a rhinoceros, a zebra, a camel, a lynx, a squirrel, cat, rhinoceros, crocodile, giraffe…)

Game progress: the speech therapist says that new houses have been made for animals in the zoo. The child is invited to determine which animals can be placed in which house. The child takes a picture of an animal, pronounces its name and determines the number of syllables in the word. If it is difficult to count the number of syllables, the child is offered to “clap” the word: pronounce it by syllables, accompanying the pronunciation with clapping. By the number of syllables, he finds a house with the corresponding number of flowers in the window for the named animal and puts the picture in the pocket of this house. It is desirable that the children's answers be complete, for example: “In the word crocodile three syllables." After all the animals have been placed in the houses, it is necessary to say the words shown in the pictures again.

Option number 2


Purpose: development of the ability to guess riddles and divide into syllables words-guesses.

Equipment: three houses with a different number of flowers in the windows (one, two, three), with pockets for inserting pictures, a set of subject pictures: a squirrel, a woodpecker, a dog, a hare, a pillow, a wolf).

Game progress: the speech therapist invites the child to listen carefully and guess the riddle, find a picture with the guess word, determine the number of syllables in the word (clapping, tapping on the table, steps, etc.). By the number of syllables, find a house with the appropriate number of windows, insert a picture into the pocket of this house.

Who deftly jumps on the trees
And climbs oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dry mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Sleeping in a booth
The house is guarded.
Who goes to the owner
She lets you know. (Dog)

Filled with fluff
Is it under the ear? (Pillow)

Knocking all the time
Trees are hollowed out
But they are not crippled
But only heals. (Woodpecker)

White in winter
gray in summer
Doesn't offend anyone
And everyone is afraid. (Hare)

Who is cold in winter
Wandering angry, hungry. (Wolf)

You can simply use pictures whose names consist of a different number of syllables. The child takes a card, names the picture depicted on it, determines the number of syllables in the word and independently inserts it into the corresponding pocket of the house, depending on the number of flowers in the window.

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The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the correction of the syllabic structure of a word is one of the most important tasks of speech therapy work with preschool children suffering from systemic speech disorders.

Today there is a clear progress in the development of speech therapy science. On the basis of psycholinguistic analysis, the necessary information about the mechanisms of the most complex forms of speech pathology (aphasia, alalia and general underdevelopment of speech, dysarthria) was obtained.

In particular, a noticeable development is also observed in speech therapy of an early age: the features of the pre-speech development of children are studied, criteria for early diagnosis and prognosis of speech disorders are established, and techniques and methods of preventive (preventing the development of a defect) speech therapy are selected.

The development of speech, including the ability to correctly pronounce sounds and distinguish them, to own the articulatory apparatus, to be able to correctly construct a sentence, and more, is one of the most important current problems facing a preschool institution.

Correct speech is one of the indicators of a child’s readiness for schooling, a guarantee of timely mastering of writing and reading: written speech develops on the basis of oral speech, and children with insufficiently developed phonemic hearing are potential dysgraphics and dyslexics (children with writing and reading disorders). underdevelopment speech linguistic correctional

The lag in the development of speech (A.N. Gvozdev, I.A. Sikorsky, N.Kh. Shvachkin, B. Kiterman) is identified as a violation of the processes in the pronunciation of the native language in children with various speech disorders as a result of defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes.

It is possible to cope with such violations through targeted speech therapy work to correct the sound side of speech and phonemic underdevelopment.

For the first time, the problem of speech underdevelopment in children was formulated and proved by R.E. Levina and a team of researchers from the Research Institute of Defectology in the 50-60s of the twentieth century. Delays in the formation of speech began to be studied as developmental disorders occurring according to the laws of the hierarchical structure of higher mental functions.

The system of education and upbringing of preschoolers with defects in the syllabic structure of the word consists of correcting speech deviation and preparing for full-fledged learning to read and write (G. A. Kashe, T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, V. V. Konovalenko, S. V. Konovalenko). I. A. Sikorsky, as confirmation, cites facts from his own research, showing the possibility of assimilation by some children to a greater extent of the sound or syllabic part of speech. In his studies, for preschoolers of the so-called sound direction, the correct pronunciation of one or more sounds of a word is inherent, children of the syllabic direction grasp the syllabic composition of the word, violating its sound composition and using a very small number of sounds.

A. N. Gvozdev, conducting research on the assimilation of the syllabic composition of a word, sums up that the peculiarities of the syllabic structure of Russian words, consisting in the fact that the strength of unstressed syllables in it is different. When mastering the syllabic structure, the preschooler masters the ability to correctly pronounce syllables, words in the correct order: first of all, only the stressed syllable is pronounced from the whole word, after which the first pre-stressed and, at the end, weak unstressed syllables. The omission of weak unstressed syllables is an obstacle to the assimilation of the sounds included in them, and therefore the fate of various sounds and sound combinations is directly related to the assimilation of the syllabic structure.

Since correct speech is one of the most important prerequisites for the subsequent full development of the child, his social adaptation, it is important to detect and eliminate speech disorders as early as possible. A large number of speech disorders are manifested in preschool children, since this age is a sensitive period of speech development. Detection of speech disorders allows you to eliminate them as quickly as possible, prevents the negative impact of speech disorders on the formation of personality and on the entire mental development of the child.

This thesis is devoted to speech therapy work on the formation of the syllabic structure of the word in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Research problem. Violations of the syllabic composition of a word are the main and persistent defects in the structure of the speech system of a child with a general underdevelopment of speech. In the Russian literature, many studies have been carried out on this issue. But, despite this, the theory and practice of speech therapy does not have information about the factors that are essential for mastering the syllabic structure of a word.

Object of research: features of syllable composition in children with ONR.

Subject of study: the process of formation of the syllabic structure of a word in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.

The purpose of the study: to study the features of the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

1. To characterize the features of the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in preschool children;

2. Consider the specifics of violations of the syllabic structure of a word in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech;

3. To identify violations and carry out corrective and speech therapy work on the formation of the syllabic structure of the word in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech;

4. To develop individual corrective exercises for the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in preschool children in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Research hypothesis: speech therapy work on the formation of the syllabic structure of a word will be effective if specially designed corrective exercises are used in the work.

Research methods:

* theoretical: the study of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic.

* empirical: observation, experiment.

Theoretical significance of the study: it consists in clarifying and expanding scientific ideas about the nature and originality of the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in children with ONR.

The practical significance of the study: is determined by the obtained scientific results of the study, which can complement the theory and methodology for the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in children with ONR.

Experimental base of the study: the study was conducted on the basis of MBDOU Kindergarten of combined type No. 30, Sergiev Posad, Moscow region.

The structure of the thesis: The work with a total volume of 65 pages, consists of: introduction, two chapters, conclusion, list of references (41 sources), and applications.


1.1 Linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects of the study syllable and syllable composition in children with ONR

To date, linguistic studies confirm that syllable formation is one of the most complex and urgent problems of general phonetics.

In a linguistic dictionary, a syllable is defined as a phonetic-phonological unit that occupies an intermediate position between sound and speech tact. A.A. Leontiev (1956) defines a syllable as the minimum segment of a flow of speech that can be uttered in an isolated position: "A syllable is a particularly elusive unit, a psycholinguistic unit, has many correlates, both in and out of the locale, at various levels of physiological activity. organism." .

A.L. Trakhterov (1956) argues that syllables are more complex phonetic formations, have a different composition, but common physical and acoustic properties. Physical properties of syllable selection, according to A.L. Trakhterov, should be embedded in it regardless of the stress, since they provide a linguistic feature of the syllable. A.L. Trakhterova refers to the material means of highlighting the syllable all the physical properties of sound: strength, height, longitude, timbre. In the aggregate of their accent peaks, syllables are the shortest links in the rhythmic organization of speech, and the resulting melodic pattern of a syllable is the phonetic design of a syntagma and a sentence. The main linguistic function of the syllable, according to the author, is to be the shortest link in the accent-tonic structure of speech.

According to the generally accepted opinion, it is believed that the constituent elements of the syllable are monolithic. Monolithicity is, according to the definition of A.L. Trakhterov - the unity of a homogeneous element and the greatest fusion of elements among themselves. Psychological, linguistic, psycholinguistic studies confirm that they are related to the processes of perception, recognition and pronunciation of syllables and words of varying structural complexity. The most basic data for us are data related to the study of the mechanisms of the child's speech activity.

Analysis of N.I. Zhinkina (1958), L.R. Zinder (1958), I.A. Zimnyaya (1973) and other specialists confirm that in the perceptual gnostic activity of a person, the principle of anticipatory reflection manifests itself in the most complex form - probabilistic forecasting (in the course of speech perception), and in the praxic sphere - in anticipatory synthesis (in the course of speech production) . It is known that anticipatory synthesis, as a mechanism that works in the course of speech production, affects all speech formations - syllables, words, phrases, as well as the method of their connection. In this regard, forecasting, anticipation, anticipation of further action is the psychological feature that determines the commonality of the processes of perception and speech pronunciation.

Research works of I.A. Winter (1958, 2001) showed that the evaluation of the input speech signal is a multifaceted function. The process of perception from the side of the nature of the processing of the speech message can be represented as a priori-a posteriori, parallel-sequential, continuous-discrete and current-delayed. The perception and pronunciation of words of various structures is defined as the process of creating a spatial scheme in parallel with its temporal analysis.

Having studied this issue in the literature on psychology, psycholinguistics, linguistics, we can conclude that for the correct perception and pronunciation of speech, a number of mechanisms are necessary: ​​probabilistic forecasting and proactive synthesis, identification and generalization, linear segment-by-segment analysis of language units, control of their linguistic correctness.

The available information in the field of linguistics proves that the syllabic arrangement in the process of speech reproduction is not random, it depends on the canons of euphony. The laws of euphony are implemented at the level of linguistic possibility, including its phonoprosody element. The phonoprosodic element is a component of the language ability and has its own structure. Harmony, rhythm and mode, most likely, act as its background components, duration and proportionality are considered prosodic components. All considered components of the phonoprosody link take part in the product of the syllabic structure of the word.

Some studies note that speech pronunciation is the implementation of a language program, which means that the transition from a language rule directly to action is based on a certain structure of norms characteristic of a given language. The similarity of the psychological properties of the production and understanding of speech is considered as one of the manifestations of the polymorphism of their connection with each other in the course of verbal communication, which suggests that the production and perception of speech is one of the manifestations of a single linguistic ability.

General speech underdevelopment (OHP) is a systemic disorder in the development of all components of the speech apparatus (sound structure, phonemic processes, vocabulary, grammatical structure, semantic side of speech) in children with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence.

One of the components of the general underdevelopment of speech is a defect in the syllabic structure of the word. Consideration of the syllabic structure of the word, the reasons for its occurrence and the formation of exercises aimed at its correction were carried out by specialists: Markova A.K., Babina G.V., Sharipova N.Yu., Agranovich Z.E., Bolshakova S.E. and others.

With defects in the syllabic structure of a word in speech, the child has noticeable deviations in the pronunciation of individual words. Violations can have a different nature of violations of syllabic sound.

Frequent errors associated with the rearrangement or addition of syllables indicate a primary underdevelopment of auditory perception. Errors associated with a reduction in the number of syllables, the similarity of various syllables, a decrease in confluence of consonants mean a violation of the articulatory sphere.

An important role for the correct reproduction of the syllabic composition of a word is played by the level of familiarity with the word. Words that the child does not know well enough are more likely to be misspelled than well-known words.

Defects in the syllabic structure of a word may remain in the speech of preschool children with speech disorders somewhat longer than defects in the reproduction of individual sounds.

Timely mastery of normal speech pronunciation and sentence construction plays an important role in the development of a full-fledged personality of a child, and the assimilation of the syllabic structure of a word is one of the prerequisites for mastering writing and reading, as well as subsequent successful schooling.

1.2 Psychological, psychophysiological and neuropsychological foundations of the study of the prerequisites for mastering the syllabic structure of a word in children with ONR

An important role for the perception and pronunciation of lexical units of syllabic complexity is played by such processes as optical-spatial orientation, the possibility of tempo-rhythmic organization of serial movements and actions.

The study of the spatial factor as one of the reasons for the correct formation of the syllabic structure of a word has been proven by studies in the field of psycholinguistics, philosophy, psychology, neuropsychology and other areas.

A special method of organizing the space-time continuum of matter is rhythm, to varying degrees, revealing itself in a certain manifestation of it and considered a universal cosmic category. There are also studies confirming that for the proper functioning of the entire human psyche, it is important to constantly feel a distributed pulsation that accumulates in time and space from various segments of speech. This relationship is the basis for the intuitive choice of any rhythm of oral pronunciation.

The scarcity of spatial representations, manifested to varying degrees, can be observed in any speech development - both normal and pathological. Such features are the cause of the linearity of the construction and violate the staging of the passage of any sensory and motor program. The lack of spatial representations affects the perception and pronunciation of sequences of word elements.

According to modern research in the field of neuropsychology, it is known that spatial representations are the basis on which the entire general system of higher mental processes in a child is built - writing, reading, counting, and more. The special significance of the spatial factor in the pronunciation of speech is the ability to understand the simultaneous schemes and their subsequent restructuring into a normative sequence of segments.

As another reason for the formation of the syllabic structure of a word, we study the complex parameters of movements and actions, the possibilities of organizing serial-sequential activity. Any higher mental function has the most complex conscious form of mental activity and has certain properties. Based on the Russian neuropsychological tradition, two aspects of dynamic activity are considered: regulatory and energy.

Regulatory processes include the processes that determine programming, the implementation of a phased scheme of actions in accordance with the existing program, and control over the results obtained. Energy includes processes that have an effect on the energy or activation part of mental activity, which is determined by speed, duration, uniformity, productivity.

The motor function of a verbal stimulus can perform actions in the presence of a coordinated serial sequence of articulatory acts. “For the reproduction of words, a sufficiently well-established serial organization of successive articulations is necessary with the correct denervation of previous movements and smooth switching to subsequent ones ... with a plastic change in the articulation of any sound.”

K.V. Tarasova (1976, 1989) notes that the sensorimotor substance, otherwise defined as the "sense of rhythm", develops gradually in ontogenesis. At first, the ability to perceive and reproduce the tempo of following sound signals arises (at the age of 2-3 years). Further, the ability to perceive and reproduce the ratio of accented and unaccented sounds is formed (at the age of 4 years). Lastly, the ability to perceive and reproduce a rhythmic pattern is formed (by the end of the 4th year - the beginning of the 5th year).

The analysis of the available results of the performance of tasks by children with speech disorders provides an opportunity to identify the distinctive features of the state of optical-spatial orientation, the abilities of the serial organization of movements and actions by children of this category: the lack of the ability to correctly build and long-term retention of motor series; incorrect pronunciation of rhythmic patterns of any level of complexity; the presence of distinctive features of a serially organized activity; manifested lack of formation of spatial representations; spatial disorientation; arrhythmia, randomness, aimlessness of the actions carried out; inability to maintain a sequence of serial actions and a plan of spatially oriented activities.

1.3 Features of the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in preschool children

The principle of development is the basis for the formation and development of children's speech, in accordance with which there is a general dependence of speech ontogenesis in normal and abnormal development (L. S. Vygotsky). In this regard, when studying the process of development of the syllabic structure of a word in children with speech disorders, it is important to be based on its laws. Therefore, the definition of the problem of the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in preschoolers with a general lag in speech development involves the study of normal ontogenesis.

The definition of the concept of "syllabic structure of the word" by various scientists has its own characteristics. Many experts divide the term "sound-syllabic structure of a word" into two terms "sound structure of a word" and "syllabic structure of a word". This opinion is shared by I.A. Sikorskaya, who divides children into "sound" and "syllabic". N.Kh. also joined this opinion. Shvachkin, A.N. Gvozdev and other specialists. But in the studies of N.I. Zhinkin, the unity of sound and syllabic structures is affirmed.

From one point of view, not a single sound of speech can be reproduced outside the syllable, and without it, not a single language unit can be formed. Also, sounds, synthesizing in a syllabic composition, form both the recognition of words and facilitate the connection of the syllables themselves through fusion. The existing direct connection and interpenetration of the sound and syllabic composition of the word is also visible in the first fundamental analysis of the process of formation of the syllabic structure of the word, carried out by A.K. Markova.

Based on this, we can conclude that in the studies of experienced Russian specialists, there is a tendency from the separate use of the concepts of "sound structure of the word" and "syllabic structure of the word" to the generalized term "sound-syllabic structure of the word", which is one of the most significant criteria, affecting the correct phonetic development. To date, the sound-syllabic structure of a word is defined as a characteristic of a word in terms of the number, sequence and types of its constituent sounds and syllables. This means that the study of the process of assimilation of the sound-syllabic structure of a word must be studied in two directions: the mastery of sound pronunciation and the rhythmic-syllabic structure of a word.

Even in a newborn child, vowel-like sounds are heard in a cry, with a pronounced nasal tinge. The child can also make sounds that are similar to consonants (g, k, n). But such sounds are of a reflex nature and are not taken into account by specialists studying children's speech (T.V. Bazzina). The precursors of phonemes appear at the stage of cooing. Initially, at this stage, vocal-like sounds of the mid-back row of a non-upper rise appear, along with consonant overtones, that is, a certain averageness of vocal elements is noticeable (N. I. Lepskaya).

Among the first sounds, “intermediate” sounds are most pronounced, gravitating towards both the consonant and the vocals: [w], [j]. Of the concordant-like sounds, semi-voiced, palatalized with characteristic nasalization of the posterior-lingual-uvular sounds are noted, which eventually give way to the posterior-lingual-velar type.

Front-lingual sounds at the first stage of cooing, as a rule, are not observed (V.I. Beltyukov, E.N. Vinarskaya, N.I. Lepskaya, S.M. Nosikov, A.D. Salakhova). This confirms that during the humming period, two types of sounds are distinguished - vocals and consonants. A child at this age pronounces the sounds of all the languages ​​of the world. In the process of babbling, significant changes occur in the vocal elements present in the child. In the future, vowel-like sounds are freed from noise components, their differentiation proceeds through a change in the row (a -\u003e a), rise (a - "g), labialization (a -" b). And at the age when babbling stops, vocal elements are replaced by vowel sounds, and the first opposition arises in the child: vowel - consonant. Consistent-like sounds also receive subsequent development, which lose their nasalized overtone already at the first stage of babbling. There is a differentiation of sounds according to the type of nasal - oral ([t] - [p]). In addition to stop sounds, gap sounds arise, after which the child begins to reproduce the sounds of a different place of formation, pronouncing them in the most contrasting syllables (V. I. Beltyukov, A. D. Salakhova, O. N. Usanova and others). At this stage, the formation of articulatory oppositions takes place according to the signs of slotted - closed, deaf - voiced and for the period of the end of babble - hard - soft. The sounds of babble eventually acquire acoustic-articulatory certainty and become close to the phonetic structure of the native language. At the stage of mastering speech, the development of sound pronunciation occurs.

Scientists-researchers V.I. Beltyukov and A.D. Salakhova proved that the existing sequence of the occurrence of sounds is the same in babble and in verbal speech. After two years, words begin to accumulate, which leads to the need to distinguish them in the course of communication. In this regard, the sounds in speech acquire a functional significance associated with the consistent mastery of the methods of opposition used in the phonetic system of the language. First of all, solid labial [m], [b], [p], dental-lingual [v] and back-lingual sounds [k], [g] appear. From soft sounds, the middle language [j] first arises. Later, a trend occurs: at first, children speak soft variants of phonemes of sounds, then hard ones. In this case, explosive sounds appear earlier than fricatives. Of the fricative sounds, the sounds of the lower rise are first noted - whistling, after the upper one - hissing. And the very last ones that children begin to reproduce are occlusive-slit and trembling articulation (V.I. Beltyukov).

The formation of sound pronunciation is normally completed by 4-5 years. Mastering the rhythmic-syllabic structure of the word. The beginning of mastering the syllabic structure of a word is the age at the end of the cooing stage, when a stable syllable is established in the child. At the stage of babbling, the child tends to reduplication of homogeneous syllables, which provokes the development of a babbling chain. The duration of this chain is 7-8 months. (the heyday of babbling) is from 3 to 5 syllables.

An inherent feature of the organization of babble chains is the openness of the syllable:. Babble chains are formed by repeating many times syllables that are homogeneous in sound composition and structure. Gradually, these chains increase in length and variety, and a “dissimilarity” of syllables is formed.

According to S. M. Nosikov’s research, “the last syllable-like element from the end is most often dissimilar ... if the structure of syllable-like elements is dissimilar, then the same consonant-like ones are most noticeable in them than vowel-like ones” . At the age of one year, the number of babbling segments decreases to two or three, which is the average number of syllables in Russian speech. Babble chains have the character of "holistic pseudo-words".

At the age when the child begins to master speech, he initially pronounces a word consisting of 1 syllable (bo - it hurts). In the future, he can speak the first two-syllable words, consisting of the repetition of the same syllable (bobo - it hurts).

Approximately by a year and three months, the complication of reproduced words occurs, that is, the appearance of words consisting of two different syllables is observed. A.K. Markova identified two directions for the complication of a reproduced word - this is the transition from monosyllabic words to polysyllabic ones and the transition from words with the same syllables to words with several different syllables.

At the age when the child masters the syntactic side of speech, the further development of the syllabic structure of the word occurs. A.K. Markova revealed the connection between the resolution of a sentence and the formation of a syllabic structure. The child begins to speak sentences consisting of three or more syllables earlier than three-syllable words. The occurrence of sentences of four or more syllables is observed earlier than the appearance of four-syllable words. Before that, polysyllabic words are reduced. The process of mastering the syllabic structure of a sentence occurs quite intensively at the age of 2-2.5 years; after 2.5 years, a decrease in the syllabic composition is observed quite rarely. But, despite this, according to the studies of A.K. Markova, not all polysyllabic words go through the stage of abbreviated pronunciation. Some words that appear in any period of speech development, the child is able to immediately pronounce correctly. All this indicates "a high degree of generalization of the motor and auditory abilities of the child with the correct development of speech and the rapid use of the acquired skills from one word to another" . The emergence of this type of generalization suggests that the sound side of speech becomes the subject of the child's consciousness, and that active cognitive activity is an inherent feature for the formation of the syllabic structure of the word.

As practice shows, before a child begins to pronounce words correctly, he takes a rather complicated and long way to improve his pronunciation. A.K. Markova emphasizes that after the emergence of a new word, after a certain period of time (up to several months), the child returns to it many times, reproduces, sometimes closer, sometimes further from the correct pronunciation. The word reproduced for the first time is the beginning of the search for the correct, more or less correct pronunciation, which will later be included in the child's vocabulary. Therefore, there is a relationship that, as a result of mastering the syllabic structure of a word, a child has various inaccuracies, without which there cannot be a correct development of speech. These errors were studied by specialists in children's speech in order to determine the patterns of mastering the syllabic structure, the mechanism and causes of their violations.

Many experts (A.N. Gvozdev, R.E. Levina, A.K. Markova, N.Kh. Shvachkin and many others) determine such temporary violations of the syllabic structure of a word in children with normal speech: omissions of syllables and sounds in a word , incorrect addition of the number of syllables, errors in the reduction of consonant groups, the similarity of sounds and syllables, changing the places of sounds and syllables in a word. The most frequent violation of the syllabic structure of a word is the omission of sounds and syllables in the word ("elisions"). A.N. Gvozdev associated the emergence of elision with the significant power of syllables. When reproducing words, the stressed syllable is mainly preserved. N.Kh. Shvachkin considered the determining cause of elision in the specificity of the child to perceive the speech of an adult in a certain rhythmic structure. N.I. Zhinkin explained such a violation by the fact that the pharynx does not have time to carry out syllabic modulations or performs them weakly. G.M. Lyamina considered the cause of elision to be the inability to adapt the movements of the organs of the speech-motor mechanism to audible patterns. Experts note that this violation is normally a temporary fact and is eliminated by the time of primary school age.

In studies, there is a description of errors in adding the number of syllables. Studying this type of violation, N.Kh. Shvachkin concluded that "too much increase in the energy of the explosion when consonants are connected" is the reason for the formation of a "rudimentary syllable", prolonging the bow with a vowel sound. A.K. Markova, investigating errors in the lengthening of the syllabic structure, determined that this type of violation is due to the child's focus on the sound side of the word. “Sound-by-sound” reproduction of the consonant confluence causes its “unfolding”: deniki (money), uncles (woodpeckers) and prepares a continuous reproduction of the consonant confluence.

The reduction of consonant clusters is related to their place in the word. Most often, consonant groups are reduced in the middle of a word. A.K. Markova noted such a feature by the fact that during reproduction it is possible to distribute the confluence between two adjacent syllables (reblog - camel). Difficulties in reproducing consonant clusters are due to their strong phonetic diversity. A decrease in consonant groups is, to a certain extent, characteristic of children at all stages of speech development.

In a child with normal speech development at the age of 2-3 years, assimilation of syllables and sounds (assimilation) is quite often observed. This phenomenon is explained by the discrepancy between the formation of the vocabulary and the limited number of learned sounds.

Syllable similarity is one of the easiest methods to fill in a syllable outline. Children of the “syllabic” type of development (according to I.A. Sikorsky) liken syllables, since they focus all their attention on the reproduction of the syllabic contour, filling it with possible sounds, and subsequently learn by pronouncing the sound composition of the word. S.N. Zeitlin wrote about the distant assimilation (similarity) of sounds, which consists in the influence of one sound on another. At the same time, there is a partial or complete likening of one sound to another within the word (Nadya - nanny, Pasha - dad). Based on this, in the course of the formation of the syllabic structure of the word, the child goes through a rather long and difficult path of development.

With the development of speech therapy and the new acquired practice, physiology and psychology of speech, it became obvious that with disorders of the articular interpretation of audible sound, its perception may also decrease to one degree or another. In children with ONR, there is an incomplete development of articulation and perception of sounds that have subtle acoustic-articulatory features. The state of phonemic development of children has a significant impact on the mastery of sound analysis.

The correctness of sound reproduction is expressed in different ways. For example, voiced ones are replaced by deaf, r and l sounds l, and iot, s and sh sound f, etc., some children replace the entire group of whistling and hissing sounds, in other words, fricative sounds, with the most accessible plosive sounds in terms of articulation, etc. .

In some cases, the process of differentiation of sounds has not yet occurred, and the child first reproduces an average, indistinct sound, for example: a soft sound sh, instead of sh, s - s, instead of h - t, etc.

The most common form of violation is the incorrect reproduction of sounds, in which a certain similarity of sound with the normative sound is preserved. Basically, the perception of hearing and differentiation with close sounds is not disturbed.

This violation, as the absence of sound or replacement by articulation close ones, creates conditions for mixing the corresponding phonemes and complications in acquiring literacy.

When mixing close sounds, the child develops articulation, but the process of phoneme formation has not yet been completed. In these situations, it is difficult to distinguish between close sounds from several phonemic groups, similar letters are displaced.

The following violations of the syllabic structure of the word are distinguished:

Incorrect discrimination and difficulty in assessing only sounds that are disturbed in pronunciation. The rest of the sound composition of the word and the syllabic structure is assessed correctly. This is the simplest degree of violations.

Incorrect discrimination of a large number of sounds from several phonetic groups with their well-formed articulation in oral speech. In such a situation, sound analysis has more significant violations.

The child "does not hear" the sounds in the word, is not able to distinguish the relationship between the sound elements, cannot single them out from the composition of the word and indicate the sequence.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that violations of sound pronunciation can be reduced to such manifestations:

Replacing sounds with lighter articulation;

The presence of diffuse articulation of sounds, replacing a whole group of sounds;

Unstable use of sounds in different forms of speech;

Incorrect reproduction of one or more sounds.

Errors in pronunciation must be analyzed in accordance with their significance for verbal communication. Some of them cover only the formation of shades of phonemes and do not contribute to the violation of the semantic meaning of the sentence, and some entail the mixing of phonemes, their similarity. Especially the last manifestations are considered the most significant, as they violate the meaning of the sentences.

With a large number of defective sounds, there is mainly a violation of the pronunciation of polysyllabic words with a confluence of consonants (kachikha instead of weaver).

A low level of phonemic perception is more clearly manifested in the following:

Indistinct distinction by ear of phonemes in one's speech and the speech of others (primarily deaf - voiced, whistling - hissing, hard - soft, and so on);

Lack of readiness for simple forms of sound analysis and synthesis, difficulty in analyzing the sound composition of speech.

In children, there is a certain relationship between the level of phonemic perception and the number of available defective sounds, which means that the more unformed sounds there are, the less phonemic perception. But there is not always an exact correspondence between pronunciation and perception of sounds.

For example, a child may incorrectly reproduce 2-4 sounds, and by ear is not able to distinguish more, while from different groups.

In children lagging behind in speech development, there is a general blurring of speech, "compressed" articulation, not bright expressiveness and clarity of speech. Often there is instability of attention, distractibility. Such children remember words much more slowly than children with normal speech development. In addition, they perform tasks, making more mistakes associated with active speech activity. The help of a speech therapist for such children is provided in special kindergartens, in a polyclinic, and for children of primary school age - at speech therapy stations.

Studies of children with speech development disorders have shown that children have various manifestations of this disorder. Such violations can be classified into three main groups.

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Children of the first group show signs of only a general underdevelopment of speech, without other deviations. This is the mildest form of general underdevelopment of speech. These children do not have lesions of the central nervous system.

Outwardly, such children may have specific features of general emotional-volitional immaturity, poor regulation of voluntary activity.

Despite the absence of obvious neuropsychiatric disorders in preschool children, such children need speech therapy correctional work, and subsequently - in special learning conditions. As practice shows, sending children with mild speech disorders to a regular school can lead to the appearance of repeated neurotic and neurosis-like disorders.

In children of the second group, the lag in the development of speech proceeds along with a number of neurological and psychopathological syndromes. This is a more complex form of general underdevelopment of speech of cerebral-organic origin, which may be accompanied by a dysontogenetic encephalopathic symptom complex of disorders.

A more detailed neurological examination of children of the second group reveals noticeable neurological symptoms, confirming both a delay in the maturation of the central nervous system and slight damage to individual brain structures. Examination of such children determines the presence of cognitive impairment in them, the cause of which is both the speech defect itself and low working capacity.

In children of the third group, a rather strong speech lag is observed, which is defined as motor alalia. In such children, lesions (or underdevelopment) of the cortical speech areas of the brain and, above all, Broca's area are noted. With motor alalia, severe dysontogenetic-encephalopathic disorders can be observed. The characteristic features of motor alalia are the following: a clear underdevelopment of speech in general - phonemic, lexical, syntactic, morphological, all forms of speech activity and all types of oral and written speech.

Motor alalia is a more stable speech underdevelopment, noted in cases where there is a lesion or underdevelopment of the speech areas of the cerebral cortex. In children of this group, there is a later (after 2.5-3 years) the onset of speech, the slow appearance of new words, the use of mainly facial expressions and gestures in speech. At the age of 6, Alaliki children have a clear lack of language resources. With the relative preservation of the understanding of everyday vocabulary, they can hardly name many objects and phenomena, primarily those that do not have a specific visual representation (generalizations, abstract concepts, nuances of the meaning of a word, and others).

For children with motor alalia, a persistent gross violation of the syllabic structure and sound filling of words is also inherent. If there may be no errors in the worked out, learned words of 4-5 sounds, then new, even the simplest words are pronounced with distortions.

Such children have significant difficulties in phrasal and coherent speech, coarse and persistent agrammatisms, learning to read and write occurs with great difficulty.

In terms of pronunciation, Alaliki children with impaired motor skills quickly master non-verbal articulations, but they are not able to use such abilities when reproducing words. Automation of the correct pronunciation of words, as well as the differentiation of set sounds in children of this group, proceeds over a relatively long period of time.

A more detailed study of children with OHP showed the extreme heterogeneity of the group under consideration in terms of the severity of the speech defect, which made it possible for R. E. Levina to establish three levels of speech development of these children.

The first level, described in the literature as "absence of common speech". Often, when characterizing the speech abilities of children of the first level, the name “speechless children” is encountered, which should not be taken literally, since a speechless child uses a number of verbal means in independent communication. These can be individual sounds and some of their combinations - sound complexes and onomatopoeia, scraps of babbling words ("sina" - machine). The speech of such children may include diffuse words that have no analogues in their native language (“kia” - jacket, sweater). A distinctive feature of children of the first level of speech development is the ability to use the multi-purpose means of language available to them: these onomatopoeia and words can denote both the names of objects, and any of their signs and actions performed with them (“bika”, pronounced with different intonation, means "car", "rides", "beeps").

These facts indicate an insufficient number of words in the vocabulary, because of this, the child is forced to resort to the active use of non-linguistic means - gestures, facial expressions, intonation.

At the same time, there is a clearly expressed lack in the development of the impressive side of speech. It is difficult to understand both simple prepositions and grammatical categories of singular and plural, masculine and feminine, past and present tense of verbs and the like. Thus, the development of children's speech at the first level lags noticeably behind, and is almost incomprehensible to others, while it has a rigid situational attachment.

Children belonging to the second level of speech development are characterized as "The beginnings of common speech." A feature of such children is the appearance in the speech of children of two or three, and in some cases even a four-word phrase. By combining words in a phrase and a phrase, the same child can both correctly apply the methods of coordination and control, and pronounce them incorrectly.

Such children often pronounce simple prepositions and their babbling variants. In some cases, skipping a preposition in a sentence, the child incorrectly changes the members of the sentence according to grammatical categories: “Asik yazi tai” - “The ball is on the table”.

In contrast to the first level, children in the second group have a noticeable increase in the number of words in their vocabulary, including the improvement in the quality of words. But at the same time, the lack of word-formation operations is the cause of numerous errors in speech and understanding of prefixed verbs, relative and possessive adjectives, nouns with the meaning of the acting person. Difficulties are noted in the formation of generalizing and abstract concepts, a system of synonyms and antonyms.

The speech of children in this group in most cases is poorly understood by others due to a gross violation of sound pronunciation and the syllabic structure of words.

The third level of speech development is determined by extended phrasal speech with slight underdevelopment of vocabulary, grammar and phonetics. Typical for such children is the use of simple common, as well as some types of complex sentences. In this case, their structure may be violated. The ability of children to use prepositional constructions has increased with the inclusion in some cases of simple prepositions.

In independent speech, the number of errors associated with changing words according to the grammatical categories of gender, number, case, person, tense, and more has decreased. But at the same time, specially directed tasks make it possible to identify difficulties in the use of neuter nouns, verbs of the future tense, in agreeing nouns with adjectives and numerals in indirect cases.

It will also be clearly insufficient to understand and use complex prepositions, which are either completely omitted or replaced by simple ones.

A child with OHP level 3 understands and can independently form new words according to some of the most common word-formation patterns. At the same time, the child often has difficulties in choosing the right generating base (“the person who builds houses” - “homemaker”), uses inadequate affixal elements (instead of “washer” - “washer”; instead of “fox” - “fox” ). Typical for this level is an inaccurate understanding and use of generalizing concepts, words with an abstract and abstract meaning, as well as words with a figurative meaning.

Vocabulary may seem sufficient in the framework of everyday everyday situations, however, a detailed examination may reveal that children do not know such parts of the body as the elbow, bridge of the nose, nostrils, and eyelids. A detailed analysis of the speech abilities of children makes it possible to determine the difficulties in reproducing words and phrases of a complex syllabic structure.

Along with a noticeable improvement in sound pronunciation, there is insufficient differentiation of sounds by ear: children have difficulty completing tasks for isolating the first and last sound in a word, picking up pictures whose names contain a given sound. Thus, in a child with the third level of speech development, the sound operations of syllabic analysis and synthesis turn out to be insufficiently formed, and this, in turn, will serve as an obstacle to mastering reading and writing.

Samples of coherent speech indicate a violation of the logical-temporal connections in the narrative: children can rearrange parts of the story, skip important elements of the plot and impoverish its content.

To prevent severe forms of general underdevelopment of speech in preschool age, early diagnosis of speech development disorders in children and timely medical and pedagogical assistance provided to them are of great importance. The risk group includes children of the first two years of life who have a predisposition to the appearance of speech development disorders, and therefore they need special speech therapy, and often medical treatment. Timely identification of such children and the implementation of appropriate corrective measures can greatly accelerate the course of their speech and mental development.

If we compare the ways of acquiring the native language by children, reported by researchers of normal children's speech, with the ways of the formation of children's speech in violation of its development, then it is impossible not to notice a certain similarity in them: no matter what form of speech pathology is inherent in the child, he will not bypass in his development those three main periods, which are highlighted by Alexander Nikolaevich Gvozdev in his unique study "Issues of the study of children's speech".

For example, the first level of speech development, which in speech therapy is characterized as “the absence of commonly used verbal means of communication”, easily correlates with the first period, called by A.N. Gvozdev “One-word sentence. A sentence of two words - roots.

The second level of abnormal development of speech, which is described in speech therapy as “the beginnings of phrasal speech”, corresponds to the period of the norm “Assimilation of the grammatical structure of a sentence”.

The third level of abnormal speech development, which is characterized as "everyday phrasal speech with problems of the lexico-grammatical and phonetic structure", is a kind of variant of the period when the child learns the morphological system of the language.

Of course, no periodization can reflect the complexity of the dialectical interpenetration of the stages of development and coexistence in each subsequent stage of the qualities of the previous one. “For all the conventionality, periodization is needed, both to take into account the changing qualities of the psyche in ontogenesis, to develop differentiated methods of educating and enriching the child with knowledge of an adequate level, and to create a system of prevention ...” .

As in the norm, so in pathology, the development of children's speech is a complex and diverse process. Children do not immediately and suddenly master the lexical and grammatical structure, the syllabic structure of words, sound pronunciation, inflection, etc. Some language groups are assimilated earlier, others much later. Therefore, at various stages in the development of children's speech, some elements of the language are already mastered, while others are not yet mastered or are mastered only partially. Hence such a variety of violations of conversational norms by children.

Up to a certain point, children's speech is replete with inaccuracies that testify to the original, unimitated use of such building material of language as morphological elements. Gradually mixed elements of words are distinguished by types of declension, conjugation and other grammatical categories, and single, rarely occurring forms begin to be used constantly. Gradually, the free use of morphological elements of words is on the wane and the use of word forms becomes stable, i.e. their lexicalization is carried out.

The sequence with which both categories of children master the types of sentences, the ways of connecting words within them, the syllabic structure of words, proceeds in line with general patterns and interdependence, which makes it possible to characterize the process of the formation of children's speech both in the norm and in conditions of violation as a systemic process.

If we compare the process of assimilation of phonetics by both categories of children, then one cannot fail to notice general patterns in it, which consist in the fact that the assimilation of sound pronunciation follows the path of an increasingly complex and differentiating work of the articulatory apparatus. The assimilation of phonetics is closely connected with the general progressive course of the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of the native language.

The time of the appearance of the first words in children with speech development disorders does not differ sharply from the norm. However, the periods during which children continue to use individual words without combining them into a two-word amorphous sentence are purely individual. The complete absence of phrasal speech can occur at the age of 2-3 years, and at 4-6 years. Regardless of whether the child began to pronounce the first words in their entirety or only certain parts of them; it is necessary to distinguish between "speechless" children according to the levels of understanding or someone else's speech. In some children, the level of speech understanding (i.e., impressive speech) includes a fairly large vocabulary and a fairly subtle understanding of the meanings of words. Parents usually say about such a child that “he understands everything, he just doesn’t speak.” However, a speech therapy examination will always reveal the shortcomings of their impressive speech.

Other children find it difficult to orient themselves in the verbal material addressed to them.

A striking feature of speech dysontogenesis is the persistent and long-term absence of speech imitation of new words for the child. In this case, the child repeats only the words originally acquired by him, but stubbornly refuses words that are not in his active vocabulary.

The first words of abnormal baby speech can be classified as follows:

* correctly pronounced: mom, dad, give, no, etc.;

* fragment words, i.e. such. In which only parts of the word are preserved, for example: “mako” (milk), “deka” (girl), “yabi” (apple), “sima” (car), etc .;

* words-onomatopoeia with which the child denotes objects, actions, situations: “bee-bee” (car), “meow” (cat), “mu” (cow), “bang” (fell), etc .;

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Formation of the syllabic structure of the word: speech therapy tasks

Kurdvanovskaya N.V.,

Vanyukova L.S.


The manual highlights the features of correctional work on the formation of the syllabic structure of the word in children with severe speech disorders. Systematization and selection of speech and didactic material, lexical saturation of classes will help speech therapists solve these problems, taking into account the main stages in the development of speech skills in preschool children.

The manual is intended for speech therapists, educators and parents working with children with speech pathology.


Every year the number of children suffering from severe speech disorders is increasing. Most of them, to one degree or another, have a violation of the syllabic structure of the word. If this violation is not corrected in time, in the future it will lead to negative changes in the development of the child's personality, such as the formation of isolation and complexes, which will interfere with him not only in learning, but also in communicating with peers and adults.

Since this topic has not been sufficiently studied and covered in educational and methodological literature, speech therapists experience difficulties in organizing work on the formation of the syllabic structure of a word: in systematizing and selecting speech didactic material, providing classes with lexical richness.

A.K. Markova identifies the following types of violations of the syllabic structure of a word.

♦ Truncation of the syllabic contour of a word due to the loss of a whole syllable or several syllables, or a syllable-forming vowel (for example, “vesiped” or “siped” instead of “bike”, “prasonik” instead of “pig”).

♦ Inert stuck on any syllable (for example, "vvvo-dichka" or "va-va-vodichka"). Perseveration of the first syllable is especially dangerous, as it can develop into stuttering.

♦ Likening one syllable to another (for example, "mimidor" instead of "tomato").

♦ Adding an extra syllabic vowel at the junction of consonants, thereby increasing the number of syllables (for example, "hollow" instead of "hollow").

♦ Violation of the sequence of syllables in a word (for example, “chimkhistka” instead of “dry cleaning”).

♦ Merging parts of words or words into one (for example, “persin” - a peach and an orange, “devolat” - a girl is walking).

This manual offers a carefully selected speech material, taking into account the classification of productive classes, developed by A.K. Markova, with some changes:


Two-syllable words from open syllables;

Trisyllabic words from open syllables;

Monosyllabic words from closed syllables;

Two-syllable words from closed syllables;

Two-syllable words with consonants in the middle of the word and an open syllable;

Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word and an open syllable;

Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants in the middle of a word and a closed syllable;

Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word and a closed syllable;

Three-syllable words with a closed syllable;

Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants (in different positions) and an open syllable;

Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants (in different positions) and a closed syllable;

Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning and end of the word;

Two-syllable words with two confluences;

Trisyllabic words with two confluences;

Four-syllable words from open syllables;

Five-syllable words from open syllables;

Four-syllable words with a closed syllable and (or) confluences;

Five-syllable words with a closed syllable and (or) confluences;

Words with a complex confluence (more than three consonants side by side).

Work on the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in a non-speaking child should begin with the development of onomatopoeia.

If all groups of sounds are disturbed in a child and the formation of the phonetic side of speech was not carried out, then we recommend using the material of the first paragraphs from each section when working on the syllabic structure of speech. The sections are arranged in such a way that their consistent use implies compliance with the structure of classes on the formation of a syllabic structure in children with severe speech disorders. The manual is supplemented with an appendix and illustrative material for the section "Onomatopoeia".

If, in parallel with working on the syllabic structure of a word, you automate any sound, we recommend using the appropriate speech material. It is chosen in such a way that it excludes the presence in the words of other sounds that are difficult for children. For example: the material for the sound [w] does not contain sounds such as [g], [s], [s "], [h], [h"], [c], [l], [l "], [ p], [p"]. The material for the sound [l] does not contain sounds such as [w], [g], [s], [s "], [h], [h"], [p], [p "], but start working nevertheless follows from the first paragraphs.Clean tongues contain only simple prepositions, such as on the and y.

Each vocabulary block also follows the systematization: singular and plural nouns, common nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs.

The material containing four-syllable and five-syllable words, like the last sentences, is the final stage of work on the formation of the syllabic structure of the word, but it will not be superfluous in the work on the development of speech skills in children who do not have severe impairments. It should be noted that in each specific case there should always be an opportunity to vary the sequence of work, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child.

The work of a speech therapist cannot and should not be standardized. The activation of various analyzers during classes using this lexical material (when the child must observe, listen to the name of an object or action, make a sign or purpose with a gesture, name himself) contributes to a more solid consolidation of the material. We recommend using a predominantly game form of classes, only in this way can arouse the need for communication, interest in exercises, which, in turn, will provide emotional impact and contribute to the development of speech imitation.

The lack of formation of the syllabic structure of a word in children with general underdevelopment of speech has a different characteristic at different levels of speech development.

At the first level, the sound design of speech is very fuzzy and unstable. Children own the articulation of the simplest sounds, which replace those that are absent from them. Characteristic of their speech is the absence of words. Children are not able to reproduce their syllabic structure. As a rule, these are non-speaking children. Their active speech consists of separate amorphous root words. (ma instead of mom pa instead of dad aw- dog, BBC- car, etc.). In non-speaking children, as a rule, there is no need to imitate the word of an adult, and in the presence of imitative activity, it is realized in syllabic complexes consisting of two or three poorly articulated sounds: “consonant + vowel” or, conversely, “vowel + consonant”. In the active vocabulary of non-speaking children, there are from 5-10 to 25-27 words.

At the second level of speech development, difficulties in reproducing syllabic structures are clearly revealed. Children can reproduce monosyllabic and only in some cases - two-syllable words consisting of direct syllables. The greatest difficulty is the pronunciation of one- and two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants in a syllable, as well as three-syllable ones. Polysyllabic structures are often reduced. All these distortions of the syllabic structure are most clearly manifested in independent phrasal speech. The quantitative stock of words and the volume of amorphous sentences may be different, but a characteristic feature of this level is the complete or partial lack of the ability to inflection. In other words, in their speech, children use words only in the form that they have learned from others. For example, the nominative singular form is used in place of all other case forms. In more developed children, two forms of the same word can be identified.

At the third level of speech development, there is often a mixture of sounds that are similar in articulatory and acoustic features. Developing the ability to use words. complex syllabic structure, but this process is difficult, as evidenced by the tendency of children to rearrange sounds and syllables.

Methods of work on the formation of the syllabic structure of the word in children with severe speech disorders

Throughout the entire period of work, it should be borne in mind that the formation of the syllabic structure of the word is carried out in two directions:

The development of imitation ability, i.e. the formation of skills for the reflected reproduction of the syllabic contour;

Constant control over the sound-syllabic content of the word.

It should also be remembered that it is recommended to move on to a more complex syllabic class after practicing the words of the studied productive syllabic class in phrasal speech.

Directly, the methodology of work in this section includes propaedeutic and basic stages.

The leader at the propaedeutic stage is training:

Perception and reproduction of various non-speech rhythmic circuits (slapping, tapping, jumping, etc.);

Distinguish between long and short words;

Distinguishing by ear syllabic contours in length. The main task of the main stage is the formation of the skill of correctly pronouncing the words of productive classes.

propaedeutic stage

At first, the speech therapist does not require the child to have a conscious attitude to the syllable as part of the word. Children learn to divide words into syllables unconsciously, and this work is based on a clear syllable-by-syllable pronunciation of the word by adults. N.S. Zhukova proposes to associate this pronunciation with the rhythmic movements of the right hand, which, in time, slaps the number of syllables pronounced in the word on the table. Thus, the number of syllables is rhythmically combined with simultaneous up and down movements of the right hand. In addition, the child is given a visual support of the syllable in the form of any objects (chips, circles, cards) laid out one after another on the table. The speech therapist explains to the child that the word can be “tapped on the cards”, that the words are long (shows three cards laid out one after another) and short (removes two cards, leaving one lying on the left). Pronouncing the word in syllables, the speech therapist simultaneously slaps the spread out pieces of paper or chips so that the syllable falls on a separate card. Then the speech therapist asks the child to determine whether the word is long or short. For comparison, one- and three-, four-syllable words are given.

Excellence in Kindergarten Teaching Experience

Forms of work on the formation of the syllabic structure of the word
in children with general underdevelopment of speech

Sent by: Volkova Natalya Nikolaevna, speech therapist, 1st quarter. categories
MADOU "TsRR - Kindergarten No. 378" of the Kirovsky district of Kazan

In accordance with the principles of the psychological and pedagogical classification of speech disorders, a category of children with general underdevelopment of speech was identified, in which there is an insufficient formation of all language structures. Speech suffers as an integral functional system, all its components are violated: the phonetic-phonemic side, vocabulary, grammatical structure. Among the various speech disorders in preschool children, one of the most difficult to correct is such a special manifestation of speech pathology as a violation of the syllabic structure of words. This defect of speech development is characterized by difficulties in pronouncing words of a complex syllabic composition. (violation of the order of syllables in a word, omissions or additions of new syllables or sounds). Violation of the syllabic structure of words is usually detected during a speech therapy examination of children with general underdevelopment of speech, but it can also be in children suffering only from phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. As a rule, the range of these violations varies widely: from minor difficulties in pronunciation of words of a complex syllabic structure in conditions of spontaneous speech to gross violations when a child repeats two and three-syllable words without a confluence of consonants, even relying on visualization.

Logopedic work on the correction of violations of the sound-syllabic structure of the word is part of the general correctional work in overcoming speech disorders.

Work on the syllabic, phonemic and morphological composition of the word is carried out in parallel with work on clarifying, expanding, activating the passive and active vocabulary, developing the grammatical structure of speech, forming coherent speech, and also mental functions.

It is necessary to attract the child's attention to the syllabic, articulatory, phonetic and morphological composition of the word, which occurs through a system of games and exercises.

Various directions are used in work on the sound-syllabic composition of the word:

  1. work on the perception of various types of intonations;
  2. development of tactile sensations;
  3. development of rhythmic abilities;
  4. work on the sound composition of the word;
  5. work on the preservation and development of the syllabic composition of the word;
  6. working out the grammatical forms of words and including them in a phrase.

In speech therapy work with children, overcoming the shortcomings of sound pronunciation is often brought to the fore and the importance of developing the syllabic structure of a word is underestimated. Difficulties in pronouncing individual sounds, as well as focusing on overcoming them, lead to the fact that the sound, and not the syllable, becomes the unit of pronunciation. This to some extent contradicts the natural process of speech development. Therefore, determining the correct relationship between the development of sound pronunciation and mastery of the syllabic structure of a word is of particular importance. In this case, the individual level of speech development of each child and the type of speech pathology should be taken into account.

Corrective work to overcome the violation of the syllabic structure of words consists of the development of speech-auditory perception and speech-motor skills. Corrective action can be divided into two stages:

1. Preparatory (the work is carried out on non-verbal and verbal material; the purpose of this stage is to prepare the child for mastering the rhythmic structure of the words of the native language);

At this stage, the child is offered tasks first on non-verbal material, and then on verbal.

Work on non-verbal material.

1) Games and exercises to develop the concentration of auditory attention, auditory gnosis and auditory memory on the material of non-speech sounds (Where did you call? Recognize the musical instrument? Etc.).

2) The development of rhythmic abilities is the basis for mastering the sound-syllabic composition of the words of the native language, intonation, and stress. It is necessary to combine correct rhythmic speech with rhythmic movements. In addition, children with general underdevelopment of speech, as a rule, have metrorhythm disturbances, which manifests itself in irregular walking, in impaired coordination of movements. In this regard, you can use various types of walking with musical and speech accompaniment, dance movements in combination with clapping

Particular attention should be paid to work on rhythm, as one of the main characteristics in violation of the syllabic structure. There are two rhythms: musical - alternation and correlation in time of sounds and pauses of the same or different duration, and speech - rhythm at the word level, in which the presence of stress and the absence of pauses in words are mandatory. Undoubtedly, any work on rhythm, including musical rhythm, is useful for children with ONR. Even with the improvement of fine and gross motor skills (which are usually impaired in children with ONR) it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to tasks that rhythmize the activity of children.

Various ways of reproducing the rhythm are proposed: clapping your hands, tapping the ball on the floor, using musical instruments - a drum, a tambourine, a metallophone.

The types of tasks are as follows:

  • Clap your hands as many times as there are dots on the dice;
  • Rhythm Comparison! - !; !! -!! -!;
  • Playing a certain rhythm according to a pattern;
  • Tasks using stress to highlight part of a rhythmic pattern: ! !!; !!! ! !;
  • Arbitrary reproduction of a rhythm with the subsequent recording of a rhythmic pattern with symbols;

3) Formation of a general correction of movements to rhythmic music: marching, running, walking.

4) Exercise for the development of hand coordination: performing movements alternately with the right and left hands, and then simultaneously with both hands (fist of the left hand - rib of the right hand, etc.).

Such work in the classroom should be done by educators, and a physical education instructor, and a music director.

The work on speech rhythm or rhythm at the word level is based on slapping words by syllables with the emphasis on the stressed syllable in the voice and louder clap. When pronouncing and simultaneously clapping words, they should be pronounced without pauses between syllables. For example, we pronounce the word machine not ma - shi - on (between syllables - pauses, all syllables of the same volume, claps of the same strength), and the machine (without pauses, the syllable shI is pronounced longer and louder; quiet clap, loud clap, quiet clap). Similarly, the word milk, not ma-la-ko, and even more so not mo-lo-ko, but malakO (without pauses, the syllable ko is pronounced longer and louder).

Clapping words in this way, in addition to working out the syllabic structure, significantly contributes to the easier selection of stressed syllables by children in literacy classes.

Before starting work on words, it is necessary to teach the child to clap softly and loudly, clap once and many times with different rhythms. When these tasks are performed clearly enough, you can proceed to pronunciation with the simultaneous clapping of sound combinations consisting of vowel sounds. Then we move on to the level of direct syllables (equally repetitive), then syllables with different sounds of early ontogenesis (for example, mA - pa, pa - mA, pa - ta - kA, etc.). Then you can go to the word level.

Work on the syllabic structure should go in parallel with the development of phonemic hearing and the production of sounds. It is recommended to start work on the syllabic structure not with words of the type that is disturbed in the child, but first with words of a simpler syllabic composition.

Violations of the syllabic structure of the word are retained in the speech of preschoolers with OHP longer than the shortcomings in the pronunciation of individual sounds. The syllabic structure of a word, learned in isolated pronunciation, is often distorted again when the word is included in a phrase or independent speech.

Of great importance for the correct pronunciation of the syllabic composition of a word is the degree of familiarity with it - unfamiliar words are distorted more often than words well known to the child.

Of paramount importance in the work is an individual approach to children, which suggests taking into account mental characteristics, working capacity, speech capabilities of a preschooler and the nature of the violation of the syllabic structure of a word. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out work on the formation of the syllabic structure of a word individually, as part of a lesson on correcting sound pronunciation. A characteristic feature of the lesson on the formation of the correct syllabic structure of the word is the frequent repetition of types of work on different speech material with the inclusion of elements of novelty in content and form.

Correction of violations of the syllabic structure of a word in children with general underdevelopment of speech is a poorly studied and insufficiently described topic. Methodological recommendations for correcting this violation are contradictory and incomplete, despite the fact that this problem is relevant. The importance of this problem is evidenced by the fact that the timely mastery of correct speech is of great importance for the development of a full-fledged personality of the child, and the assimilation of the syllabic structure of the word is one of the prerequisites for mastering literacy and further successful education of the child at school.

Attachment 1

The level of vowels.

Children are offered the following tasks:

Pronounce the sound A as many times as there are dots on the die;

Say the sound O as many times as the speech therapist clapped his hands;

Singing a series of sounds with clear articulation, repeating sounds after a speech therapist, reading letters, writing down a series of letters (auditory and visual dictations): AU IA OA; AUI IAU; AUA UAU; AUIA UIAO;

The same tasks with emphasis on percussive sound: BUT UA, A At Ah, AU BUT;

Recognition of a series of sounds by soundless articulation and pronouncing them with a voice;

The speech therapist taps out the rhythm, and the child must, in accordance with this rhythm, pronounce vowel sounds as follows: A-AA; AA-A; BUT AA; BUT BUT BUT; AA BUT .

syllable level.

It is advisable to carry out this type of work at the stage of automation and differentiation of sounds worked out by a speech therapist. Tasks can be as follows:

Composing words from the proposed letters (C H O - sleep, nose).

Stringing rings on a rod while pronouncing a chain of syllables.

Count how many syllables the speech therapist said (syllables direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants).

Name the stressed syllable in the chain of syllables heard.

Repetition of chains of syllables: sa-so-su-sy; sy-sa-so-su.

Repetition after a speech therapist of a series of syllables with a confluence of consonants:


a-hundred, a-hundred, a-hundred, a-hundred.

and-hundred, and-hundred, and-hundred, and-hundred.

The game "Say the opposite": sa-as, co-os, tsa-ast.

Recording syllables of various types from dictation.

word level.

When working out words of various syllabic structures, the following should be taken into account:

  1. the structure of the words being mastered expands and becomes more complicated due to the constructions already existing in the child's speech;
  2. the formation of the syllabic structure of words is carried out on the basis of certain word schemes, which are fixed both isolated and as part of a phrase;
  3. in the most severe cases, work should begin with the evoking or fixing of onomatopoeic words in the child's speech. (Particular attention should be paid to the repetition of onomatopoeia, which creates certain opportunities for mastering the syllable series, for example: av-av, meow-meow);
  4. the transition to two-syllable words is carried out with the help of already learned simple syllabic constructions: children are offered two-syllable words like mom, dad, baba.

Every year the number of children suffering from general underdevelopment of speech increases. This type of impairment in children with normal hearing and intact intelligence is a specific manifestation of a speech anomaly, in which the formation of the main components of the speech system: vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics is impaired or behind the norm. Most of these children have some degree of distortion syllable structure of the word, which are recognized as leading and persistent in the structure of the speech defect in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

The practice of speech therapy work shows that the correction of the syllabic structure of a word is one of the priority and most difficult tasks in working with preschoolers with systemic speech disorders. It should be noted that this type of speech pathology occurs in all children with motor alalia, in whom phonetic speech disorders are not leading in the syndrome, but only accompany vocabulary disorders. The importance of this problem is also evidenced by the fact that the insufficient degree of correction of this type of phonological pathology at preschool age subsequently leads to the occurrence of dysgraphia in schoolchildren due to a violation of language analysis and synthesis of words and phonemic dyslexia.

Research by A.K. Markova on the features of assimilation of the syllabic structure of a word by children suffering from alalia shows that the speech of children is replete with pronounced deviations in the reproduction of the syllabic composition of a word, which are preserved even in reflected speech. These deviations are in the nature of one or another deformation of the correct sounding of the word, reflecting the difficulties in reproducing the syllabic structure. From this it follows that in cases of speech pathology, age-related disorders by the age of three do not disappear from children's speech, but, on the contrary, acquire a pronounced, persistent character. A child with a general underdevelopment of speech cannot independently master the pronunciation of the syllabic structure of a word, just as he is not able to independently learn the pronunciation of individual sounds. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the long process of spontaneous formation of the syllabic structure of a word with a purposeful and conscious process of teaching this skill.

Numerous studies carried out within the framework of the subject under consideration contribute to the clarification and concretization of the prerequisites that determine the assimilation of the syllabic structure of a word. There is a dependence of mastering the syllabic structure of a word on the state of phonemic perception, articulatory capabilities, semantic insufficiency, and the motivational sphere of the child; and according to recent studies - from the features of the development of non-speech processes: optical-spatial orientation, rhythmic and dynamic organization of movements, the ability to serially sequential information processing (G.V. Babina, N.Yu. Safonkina).

In the domestic literature, the study of the syllabic structure in children with systemic speech disorders is most widely represented.

A.K.Markova defines the syllabic structure of a word as an alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables of varying degrees of complexity. The syllabic structure of a word is characterized by four parameters: 1) stress, 2) the number of syllables, 3) the linear sequence of syllables, 4) the model of the syllable itself. The speech therapist must know how the structure of words becomes more complicated, how the structure of words becomes more complicated, and examine the thirteen classes of syllabic structures that are the most frequent. The purpose of this survey is not only to determine those syllabic classes that are formed in the child, but also to identify those that need to be formed. The speech therapist also needs to determine the type of violation of the syllabic structure of the word. As a rule, the range of these violations varies widely: from minor difficulties in pronunciation of words of a complex syllabic structure to gross violations.

Violations of the syllabic structure modify the syllabic composition of the word in different ways. Distortions are clearly distinguished, consisting in a pronounced violation of the syllabic composition of the word. Words can be deformed by:

1. Violations of the number of syllables:

a) Elysia - reduction (omission) of syllables): “hank” (hammer).

The child does not fully reproduce the number of syllables of the word. When the number of syllables is reduced, syllables may be omitted at the beginning of the word (“on” - the moon), in its middle (“gunitsa” - caterpillar), the word may not be agreed to the end (“kapu” - cabbage).

Depending on the degree of underdevelopment of speech, some children reduce even a two-syllable word to a one-syllable one (“ka” - porridge, “pi” - wrote), others find it difficult only at the level of four-syllable structures, replacing them with three-syllable ones (“button” - button):

Omission of a syllable-forming vowel.

The syllabic structure can be reduced due to the loss of only syllable-forming vowels, while the other element of the word, the consonant, is preserved (“prosonik” - a pig; “sugar bowl” - a sugar bowl). This type of violation of the syllabic structure is less common.

b) Iterations:

An increase in the number of syllables by adding a syllable-forming vowel in the place where there is a confluence of consonants (“tarava” - grass). Such an elongation of the structure of the word is due to its peculiar dissected pronunciation, which is, as it were, the “unfolding” of the word and especially the confluence of consonants into constituent sounds (“airship” - airship).

2. Violation of the sequence of syllables in a word:

Permutation of syllables in a word (“devore” - a tree);

Permutation of the sounds of neighboring syllables (“gebemot” - hippopotamus). These distortions occupy a special place, in which the number of syllables is not violated, while the syllabic composition undergoes gross violations.

3. Distortion of the structure of a single syllable:

Reducing the confluence of consonants, turning a closed syllable into an open one (“kaputa” - cabbage); a syllable with a confluence of consonants - into a syllable without a confluence (“tul” - a chair).

This defect is singled out by T.B. Filichev and G.V. Chirkin as the most common when pronouncing words of various syllabic structures by children suffering from OHP.

Inserting consonants into a syllable (“lemon” - lemon).

4. Anticipation, those. likening one syllable to another (“pipitan” - captain; “vevesiped” - bicycle).

5. Perseverations(from the Greek word for "I persevere"). This is an inert stuck on one syllable in a word (“pananama” - panama; “vvvalabey” - sparrow).

The most dangerous perseveration of the first syllable, because. this kind of disruption of syllabic structure can develop into stuttering.

6. Contamination - connecting parts of two words (“refrigerator” - refrigerator and bread box).

All of the listed types of distortions in the syllabic composition of a word are very common in children with systemic speech disorders. These disorders occur in children with speech underdevelopment at different (depending on the level of speech development) levels of syllabic difficulty. The delaying effect of syllabic distortions on the process of mastering speech is aggravated by the fact that they are highly persistent. All these features of the formation of the syllabic structure of a word interfere with the normal development of oral speech (accumulation of a dictionary, assimilation of concepts) and make it difficult for children to communicate, and, of course, hinder sound analysis and synthesis, therefore, interfere with learning to read and write.

Traditionally, when studying the syllabic structure of a word, the possibilities of reproducing the syllabic structure of words of different structures according to A.K. The complication lies in increasing the number and using different types of syllables.

Types of words (according to A.K. Markova)

Grade 1 - two-syllable words from open syllables (willow, children).

Grade 2 - three-syllable words from open syllables (hunting, raspberries).

Grade 3 - monosyllabic words (house, poppy).

Grade 4 - two-syllable words with one closed syllable (sofa, furniture).

Grade 5 - two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants in the middle of a word (bank, branch).

Grade 6 - two-syllable words with a closed syllable and a confluence of consonants (compote, tulip).

Grade 7 - three-syllable words with a closed syllable (hippopotamus, phone).

Grade 8 - three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants (room, shoes).

Grade 9 - three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable (lamb, ladle).

Grade 10 - three-syllable words with two consonant clusters (tablet, matryoshka).

Grade 11 - monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word (table, cabinet).

Grade 12 - monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the end of the word (elevator, umbrella).

Grade 13 - two-syllable words with two consonant clusters (whip, button).

Grade 14 - four-syllable words from open syllables (turtle, piano).

In addition to the words that make up the 14 classes, the pronunciation of more complex words is also assessed: “cinema”, “policeman”, “teacher”, “thermometer”, “scuba diver”, “traveler”, etc.

The possibility of reproducing the rhythmic pattern of words, the perception and reproduction of rhythmic structures (isolated beats, a series of simple beats, a series of accented beats) is also being explored.

Types of jobs:

Name subject pictures;

Repeat the words reflected after the speech therapist;

Answer the questions. (Where do they buy groceries?).

Thus, during the examination, the speech therapist reveals the degree and level of violation of the syllabic structure of words in each particular case and the most typical mistakes that the child makes in speech, identifies those frequency classes of syllables whose syllabic structure is preserved in the child’s speech, classes of the syllabic structure of words that are rough are violated in the speech of the child, and also determines the type and type of violation of the syllabic structure of the word. This allows you to set the boundaries of the level available to the child, from which corrective exercises should be started.

Many modern authors deal with the correction of the syllabic structure of a word. In the methodological manual by S.E. Bolshakova “Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of a word in children”, the author describes the reasons for the difficulties in forming the syllabic structure of a word, types of errors, and methods of work. Attention is paid to the development of such prerequisites for the formation of the syllabic structure of a word as optical and somato-spatial representations, orientation in two-dimensional space, dynamic and rhythmic organization of movements. The author suggests a method of manual reinforcement, which makes it easier for children to switch articulations and prevent omissions and substitutions of syllables. The order of mastering words with a confluence of consonants is given. The games of each stage contain speech material, selected taking into account speech therapy training programs.

The order of working out words with different types of syllabic structure was proposed by E.S. Bolshakova in the manual “Work of a speech therapist with preschoolers”, where the author suggests a sequence of work that helps to clarify the contour of the word. (Types of syllables according to A.K. Markova)

The teaching aid “Formation of the syllabic structure of a word: speech therapy tasks” by N.V. Kurdvanovskaya and L.S. Vanyukova highlights the features of correctional work on the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in children with severe speech disorders. The material is selected by the authors in such a way that when working on the automation of one sound, the presence in the words of other sounds that are difficult to pronounce is excluded. The given illustrative material is aimed at the development of fine motor skills (pictures can be colored or shaded), and the order of its location will help the formation of a syllabic structure at the stage of onomatopoeia.

In his manual “Speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of words in children”, Z.E. Agranovich also offers a system of speech therapy measures to eliminate in children of preschool and primary school age such a difficult-to-correct, specific type of speech pathology as a violation of the syllabic structure of words. The author sums up all the correctional work from the development of speech-auditory perception and speech-motor skills and identifies two main stages:

Preparatory (the work is carried out on non-verbal and verbal material; the purpose of this stage is to prepare the child for mastering the rhythmic structure of the words of the native language;

Actually corrective (the work is carried out on verbal material and consists of several levels (the level of vowels, the level of syllables, the level of the word). The author assigns special importance at each level to “inclusion in the work”, in addition to the speech analyzer, also auditory, visual and tactile. The purpose of this stage - direct correction of defects in the syllabic structure of words in a particular child-logopath.

All authors note the need for specific targeted speech therapy work to overcome violations of the syllabic structure of the word, which is part of the general correctional work in overcoming speech disorders.

Conducting specially selected games in group, subgroup and individual speech therapy classes creates the most favorable conditions for the formation of the syllabic structure of a word in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

For example, the didactic game "Merry Houses".

This didactic game consists of three houses with pockets for inserting pictures, envelopes with a set of subject pictures for a variety of game options.

Option number 1


Target: development of the ability to divide words into syllables.

Equipment: three houses with a different number of flowers in the windows (one, two, three), with pockets for inserting pictures, a set of subject pictures: a hedgehog, a wolf, a bear, a fox, a hare, an elk, a rhinoceros, a zebra, a camel, a lynx, a squirrel, a cat, rhino, crocodile, giraffe...)

Game progress: the speech therapist says that new houses have been made for animals in the zoo. The child is invited to determine which animals can be placed in which house. The child takes a picture of an animal, pronounces its name and determines the number of syllables in the word. If it is difficult to count the number of syllables, the child is offered to “clap” the word: pronounce it by syllables, accompanying the pronunciation with clapping. By the number of syllables, he finds a house with the corresponding number of flowers in the window for the named animal and puts the picture in the pocket of this house. It is desirable that the children's answers be complete, for example: “In the word crocodile three syllables." After all the animals have been placed in the houses, it is necessary to say the words shown in the pictures again.

Option number 2


Target: development of the ability to guess riddles and divide into syllables words-guesses.

Equipment: three houses with a different number of flowers in the windows (one, two, three), with pockets for inserting pictures, a set of subject pictures: a squirrel, a woodpecker, a dog, a hare, a pillow, a wolf).

Game progress: the speech therapist invites the child to listen carefully and guess the riddle, find a picture with the guess word, determine the number of syllables in the word (clapping, tapping on the table, steps, etc.). By the number of syllables, find a house with the appropriate number of windows, insert a picture into the pocket of this house.

Who deftly jumps on the trees
And climbs oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dry mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Sleeping in a booth
The house is guarded.
Who goes to the owner
She lets you know. (Dog)

Filled with fluff
Is it under the ear? (Pillow)

Knocking all the time
Trees are hollowed out
But they are not crippled
But only heals. (Woodpecker)

White in winter
gray in summer
Doesn't offend anyone
And everyone is afraid. (Hare)

Who is cold in winter
Wandering angry, hungry. (Wolf)

You can simply use pictures whose names consist of a different number of syllables. The child takes a card, names the picture depicted on it, determines the number of syllables in the word and independently inserts it into the corresponding pocket of the house, depending on the number of flowers in the window.