Astrology 12 houses meaning of each house. The twelfth (12) house in astrology - characteristics and meaning

The 12th house of the horoscope is considered the most mysterious, confusing and complex in astrology, it causes a lot of controversy and discussion among professionals.

Meanings of the 12th house in traditional and modern astrology

Most astrological schools can be divided into two conditional camps:

  1. Traditional astrologers believe that the 12th house contains only negativity, it is dark, full of fear, troubles in fate are associated with it.
  2. Some modern astrologers argue that when the planet is in the 12th house, a person enters a treasury of unknown talents and opportunities.

Traditional astrology defines the 12th house as the home of demons, evil entities and temptations. In their perception and interpretation, the 12th house was considered the home of the inner figures living in us.
He is associated with prisons, imprisonment, self-destruction, that is, a person under his influence was in captivity of his needs and passions.

The sacred meaning of the 12th house in astrology

For many years, the ruling forces, such as religious structures and political power, suppressed individuality and the desire for self-knowledge in people in order to control the masses and obey general laws.

As a result of this, from generation to generation, all suppressed aspirations and denied talents for several centuries were concentrated in the 12th house.

Few people know, but symbolically the 12th house of the horoscope is the collective unconscious, which is why it is associated with what is hidden and hidden, this is the house of secrets.

Moreover, according to Jungian psychotherapy, the repressed energy of talents is “packed” into the framework of mental trauma, distorted ideas about the world that are passed down from generation to generation. A traumatized society is very easy to manage.

Some researchers of modern astropsychology have made a great contribution to the study of the 12th house and have identified a connection between the negative impact of this house and suppressed childhood fears, hidden traumas.

That is why the 12th house is traditionally associated with fears and vicious addictions. So, the 12th house in the horoscope has a sacred meaning and for each planet it can turn out to be both a destructive force and a true revelation.

Contact with higher

When a small child is born, he has an innate connection with the collective and the unconscious, he knows who he is, why he came into this world, where is his best path and how to achieve the highest happiness.
But, growing up, he finds himself in an environment full of restrictions, where he is dictated by the rules of what can be done and what cannot be done, so he loses contact with the self.

The connection with the unconscious, lost from infancy, can be revived by discovering the secret of the unknown through working through the 12th house.

Distorted essence of planets in the 12th house

If a planet falls into the 12th house, it is very difficult for a person to manifest on this planet, since this house is full of restrictions and misunderstanding, but at the same time the desire to prove oneself remains, because the energy of the planet does not go anywhere. Because of this, conflict arises within a person.

The energy of the 12th house is directed inward, towards the self-destruction of a person, which can subsequently lead to severe forms of alcoholism, drug addiction and an inexplicable craving for a criminal lifestyle.

  • If a Sun is in the 12th house, then it will be difficult for a person to openly manifest himself in this world, so he will assert his individuality and try to achieve what he wants through intrigues, squabbles and dirty tricks.
  • Moon, being in the 12th house, will not allow you to open up, be realized as a woman and mother. For example, the natal horoscope of a 28-year-old girl who does not date men, does not think about marriage and does not want to have children, shows that she has the Moon in the 12th house.
  • Position Mercury in 12th house detrimental to writing. In this case, a person ignores this ability, he is tormented by doubts, it seems to him that he will remain misunderstood and he does not have enough knowledge and skill to become a writer.
  • If a Venus located in the 12th house, a person denies marriage and family relationships. In this case, the Venus man will cheat on his wife and lead a secret double life. But if a man grows spiritually, then Venus will open the way for him to great talent in art.
  • Mars in 12th house reveals the consequences of childhood psychological trauma. If a child is constantly suppressed aggression, not taught to stand up for himself, he grows up emotionally failed person. So, a man-Mars in the 12th house often lives life “under the heel of his wife” and cannot realize himself in anything.
  • Jupiter in 12th house will deny the hidden talent of the teacher and crush the desire to travel. A person will consider that he does not have enough knowledge and it is better not to try to take any action so as not to look ridiculous.
  • Saturn in 12th house responsible for fears and limitations, reveals psychological trauma and sets rigid limits. It is difficult for a person to manifest himself in any structure, although in fact he is a leader and a talented leader.
  • Uranus in 12th house displaces inventive talent. He feels chained in a rigid framework, and it seems to him that society will never accept his creations.
  • Neptune associated with alternative medicine, healing and magic. Therefore, being under the influence of the 12th house, a person can harm himself by getting carried away by dark practices.
  • Pluto in 12th house keeps a person at the ultimate level, but does not allow to overcome the crisis. A well-developed 12th house will allow a Pluto person to become a test pilot or stuntman. From Pluto, a brilliant doctor can turn out, able to pull a person out of the other world.

A person whose planet is in the 12th house feels chained in an invisible frame, as if he is bound hand and foot

12th house work

The level of spiritual development of a person depends on what effect the planet in the 12th house will have on him. If he leads a philistine way of life, without wondering about the meaning of life, then it will be much more difficult for him to avoid the harmful influence of this house of the horoscope than for people prone to introspection.

When the secret of the 12th house is revealed to a person, a turning point occurs in his life: he begins to be pushed out of his daily routine, new aspirations and talents are revealed to him. So a person gets access to this storehouse of knowledge and wisdom of ancestors.

A well-developed 12th house can be the key to creative discoveries and new achievements.

The 12th house hides a colossal amount of useful information, but it is not so easy to open it, it is always difficult, a person feels very lonely and thinks that no one can help him.

Contact with yourself

To direct the energy of the 12th house in the right direction and find out about your hidden talents, you need to seek contact with yourself. First you need to ask yourself questions: why am I here, what do I really want, do I like what I'm doing?

Foot work

Astrology is full of symbolism, and the 12th house, as the very last house in astrology, is responsible for the feet. To stimulate the 12th house, you need to walk barefoot as often as possible, preferably in natural areas.

Leaving for nature, cottage or sea, do not miss the chance: take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the grass or sand.

Template break

To fully work out the 12th house, you need to do something extraordinary - this will help you awaken and realize your self, understand your difference from others. For example, while walking along the road, you can suddenly turn around and go with your back or open the door not with your right hand, as usual, but with your left.

Gradually, you need to accustom your brain to think not stereotypically, then individuality will begin to wake up and the 12th house will appear.

But, alas, this is not painless. Everyone around continues to live within these limits and stereotypes, so it seems that by destroying the limits, a person becomes superfluous and alien.

Having overcome this period, the person discovers a connection with the collective unconscious, there are like-minded people and teachers right there, and the 12th house ceases to seem so creepy.

Well, if you want to master all the secrets of working through the 12th house, as well as plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

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The twelfth house has always been seen as the "house of sacrifice", the house where we neglect ourselves for the sake of a higher ideal. But it also entails the threat of bifurcation, destruction of the personality and loss of connection with the action ... >>>>>

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The twelfth house was, is and always will be a hidden house, symbolizing the connection with the unconscious, and especially with the collective unconscious. What is the duality of the 12th house of the planet's horoscope in e...

The Twelfth House can be compared to a decal. A decal has an image on one side and almost none on the other. But when you begin to develop this image, it clearly emerges. The same is with the 12th House - the events associated with this House appear very slowly, as if under the influence of some kind of developer. And the reverse process is also possible, i.e. from the manifested state everything turns into a blurred, clear content turns into formlessness.

The action of the 12th House on us can be different depending on the characteristics of the House and the path of development you have chosen. It all depends on the choice that the person has made. And he makes a choice according to the 11th House. What is the 12th House? 12 Home is the final destination, what you deserve, the results of your whole life. This House is the result of everything that we have done in this life.

People with a strong positive 12th House know the end of any business even before it begins. Or, at the very least, as soon as it starts, they are given information about how it will end. They feel that it will be this way and not otherwise.

Information on an intuitive level will be when the cosmogram confirms it. For example, a strongly pronounced Water cosmogram gives a person the possibility of an intuitive sense. And if there is Fiery, then a person will feel at the level of signs, signals, i.e. he will be made to understand. Such people judge everything by the end result.

This is how any person born under the sign of Pisces will argue. Pisces correspond to the 12th House. Usually in life situations, as a rule, there is no final result, our whole life is an intricate chaos of relationships, events, various phenomena that we cannot understand. People with a strongly pronounced 12th House are passive and indifferent to life, as they often do not see the end result.

Therefore, people with a strongly pronounced 12th House do not know what to do. They say, "I would go there if there was something there." Since they see that aimlessness and futility reign everywhere, they are forced to maneuver, focusing on what life presents them, not counting on the final result. Therefore, people of the 12th House very often form a stable pessimism, especially if they are only involved in the real world, which is tangible with five senses. If their view of the World is limited only to this, a narrow gap in reality, then their attitude to the World will be narrowed enough.

Of course, they have a choice, but the choice had to be made earlier, according to the 11th House. There are people who are lucky, they have moved the boundaries of 11 and 12 Houses. Then they live both here and there at the same time. They are given the opportunity to choose in any situation, they are mysterious to others. And we often do not understand why they do what they do and they succeed. One of these people was Grigory Rasputin. In his horoscope, one of the planets stood on the border of 11 and 12 Houses.

12 The house allows you to open your eyes to this World, but gives you a narrow perception of it. It is necessary to rise above this, and the 12th House gives such an opportunity. Many people who are at a low level of development perceive the World as a prison, as isolation, and themselves, too, in constant isolation. They consider their existence aimless, hopeless. The more a person sinks, the more he feels it.

On the 12th House, you can go down very much, since there is already a fall from the 10th House, and you can fall beyond the horizon line and start all over again, from the point of Aries. You can even slow down at some stage and constantly incarnate in the same form. With each incarnation, a person will degrade more and more, and not develop. And no matter what horoscope he was born with, he will not influence him.

The Twelfth House helps to reveal any secrets. Think how many people were born on the same day as Pushkin, Gogol, Christ. The babies born with Christ on the same day were all destroyed, so Christ took upon himself this terrible karma for the destruction of children. Only one or two people out of all these people were able to achieve an understanding of their horoscope, were able to perceive the Divine law written in Heaven, and all the rest could not. Build a horoscope for any simple person, and he will not be able to fully realize his horoscope and does not even set himself such tasks. He only uses 5 to 7 percent of his brain. Similarly, the horoscope is used for 5 - 7 percent.

Why, out of many people, only one or two can achieve more? How is this determined? The fact that a person's birth horoscope is not the only one. There is a point of assembly of the horoscope - the horoscope of the spirit, there is a horoscope of conception. That's when all this is mutually penetrated, as if strung on a fiery thread and turned on together, then a person becomes marked. He penetrates into this World, accepts the conditions of its laws, even accepts the karma of those people with whom he was born on the same day, takes responsibility for them.

Many people born with him on the same day die, others become drunkards, and still others do nothing at all. But the higher he rises, the more he unconsciously or even consciously feels responsible for them and leads them along. The higher it is, the more people are unconsciously guided by it. We are all connected as if by a system of communicating vessels. We just don't know.

According to the 11th House, we considered a kind of chain reaction. If you have not paid attention to this, then you have missed one of the most important laws of magic. This is the same magic that underlies the Brownian movement. Think about it.

If a person asserts himself according to JUPITER, which is at 16 ° Gemini, then this is reflected in those people who are weaker than him and have a planet at 16 ° Gemini. We are all interconnected, and a certain collective karma is obtained.

And if a person has a strong resonant horoscope, then everything will be reflected on him. All this can be seen in the 11th House. If for a person of the 11th House "life is a roulette", then for a person of the 12th House "life is a photo laboratory", where everything is manifested. Faces emerge from the darkness, there is a transition from negative to positive, and much earlier than others. The more active such a person is according to his cosmogram, the more he strives for the manifestation of all that is hidden for others. Secrets are indeed revealed to him.

If others do not see the goal, the end result, then for a person of the 12th House everything is clear here. It seems to others that he imposes a certain seal on everything. But people with 1 House start everything on their own, they want to try everything, like Aries, they make their way with a horn. And until they break off their horns, you can't prove anything to them.

The Twelfth House is mysterious to your personality, so a lot is revealed to a person, but he does not understand why this is happening, and especially if he is not yet at a high enough level.

With an evil and strong 12th House, even the most obvious becomes confusing, mysterious and threatening. Why? Because a person exaggerates too much the danger that can threaten him. This gives rise to severe fear, fear, complexes.

Therefore, an eternal expectation of something terrible, mysterious, a rejection from the real World can be born. By such a person, as by a barometer, it is possible to determine in advance thunderstorms, weather changes, catastrophes, moreover, threatening not only him, but also world catastrophes. This can be embodied in real events of his life. After all, the mystery of the House is played not only at a deep level, where we are more confronted with the cosmogram, i.e. the sign of Pisces, which unwind this mystery in their essence. But in the 12th House, this should already translate into real events. These events in one way or another are reduced to events in matters related to the sacraments, and it does not matter in what way these sacraments will be manifested.

For example, such a person can calmly reveal secrets, the secrets of others. And it will be difficult to figure him out himself, because. it will be a mystery to others. And not because he wants to hide something, but precisely because others simply have not reached the level to which he has come.

Therefore, the 12th House is located above the horizon line, because everything that is in sight is hidden. The most secret, the most intimate - this is what lies in sight and what we do not notice, to which we do not pay any attention. And the people of the 12th House use their position and see everyone, show everyone, transfer from negative to positive.

Usually spies, scouts have a strong 12 House. This mystery can give creative people, and for others it can manifest itself on a tougher level in the form of an eternal expectation of something terrible, some inevitable end, an unknown World. These may be believers, but most likely superstitious, who do not assume that our embodied World is only a narrow perceiving slit from the whole World. We really know very little about our World.

For such a person, the World seems to be something terrible, terrible, some kind of frightening ocean. Indeed, Pisces, corresponding to the 12th House, is associated with the ocean. The ocean is determined by the 12th House and the same by Pisces.

Only for this person they acquire tremendous power, and it begins to act on him. As Nietzsche said, "If you look into the abyss for a long time, then the abyss begins to look into you." Indeed, people of the 12th House look into the abyss for a very long time.

Can they spell trouble? Yes, they can attract trouble. Their whole life becomes waiting for something inevitable. The world before them loses its real shape.

If the House is evil, then the planets that are in this House in fall or in exile acquire the features of a stable complex. What kind of planets could they be in exile or in fall? This is primarily the fallen or exiled MERCURY. And MERCURY is connections, contacts. Hence the inability to distinguish true contacts from false connections. There is confusion in information, superstition and a complete mess in thoughts.

PROSERPINA is also in exile, and PROSERPINA is all life's little things. A person with a strong PROSERPINA perceives every little thing absolutely objectively and adequately, pays attention to everything, and treats everything scrupulously. And what happens with the evil PROSERPINE? The whole world is falling apart into separate pieces. The real world is supplanted by the world of illusions, invented, they fall under the influence of this Solaris. Thus Solaris is well applicable to the 12th house of the horoscope. This was described by a person who had a strongly pronounced 12 House of the horoscope - Stanislav Lem.

SUN in Virgo, ASC - Libra. Central European time is taken, this is 1 hour from Greenwich.

He had PROSERPINA in the 12th House, which manifests the essence of this complex of the 12th House. Remember the guests of Solaris who came to the station to see the astronauts. Generated by their own subconscious, they displaced the real world in people. These same guests may be born of you, and they may devour you like ghosts. You can even fall in love with such a ghost and worship him (Krishna). This manifests itself in different ways. This can lead to the sleep of the mind, which gives birth to monsters. For such a person, dreams are not much different from reality. Often there are prophetic dreams.

One example of such a creative person is Dostoevsky. He has the sign of Aries in the 12th House. There is also a large cluster of planets: in conjunction - SATURN, JUPITER and CHIRON, here is PLUTO in Pisces. These planets are associated with Almuten, the Significator and the Elevator of the House. It turns out that this House is strong in all respects.

Dostoevsky attached great importance to dreams. He has a whole work called "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man". A dream for such a person means even more than reality. The theme of doubles in Dostoevsky was played very clearly. It is through the 3rd House, which is ruled by the MOON, which is in Gemini in conjunction with SELENA.

He lost the mystery of the 12th House at all levels. His SUN is in Scorpio and his SUN dispositor PLUTO is in Pisces. In his horoscope, 8 and 12 Houses are strongly expressed, in the cosmogram and horoscope, the Water element is very pronounced. Therefore, it is a psychological gift of insight into the essence, the revelation of secrets.

He tore off the masks, revealed the shortcomings of other people. Much was clear to him at the beginning of a new business. So, at the beginning of the novel, he has indications of how it will end, but the end is followed by the beginning.

Therefore, the 12th House is not only the end, but it is also the beginning of a new round, this is the connection of two Pisces - one floating down and the other up. The end of a business is the beginning of a new business. This is the interaction of two different flows and their mutual winding on one rod. It would seem a contradiction, but our life consists of many contradictions. Naturally, a person who does not understand this mystery can become entangled in it and become superstitious. For such a person, the World breaks up into atoms and the fallen PROSERPINA is played.

A person who understands the essence of the whole process, who has come to this consciously through the choice to whom this choice is given, will really penetrate into the essence of any phenomena and reveal secrets. For such a person, the real World will be only a door, a window to the World surrounding this reality... Such a person will live as if on the eve of a temple.

The Hindus called the 12th House the threshold of the temple. Therefore, only the prophets could use the 12th House, they perceived this life as an illusion. Such was the Buddha, who penetrated the essence of the illusion of the entire embodied World and discovered the eightfold path to the cessation of suffering. These are the four noble truths.

The horoscope of Buddha is also preserved, and he has a giant 12th House. This is the only one of the world Teachers born under the sign of Taurus.


Born in 576 BC, on May 9, when the SUN was at 19 degrees of Taurus (the degree of the holy spirit). He was born during the May full moon and the May lunar eclipse (on the 16th lunar day).

The Taurus Mystery played out with him, as the mystery of "porto-inferno", the gates of hell and the transformation of the entire material World.

Why does he have the eightfold path of ending suffering?

This is the eight year law of VENUS and the number 8 corresponds to URANUS which is in its fall in Taurus. Therefore, the eightfold path is a compensation for the impotence of URANUS. He had 4 noble truths, so he had the Genius of Birth MERCURY, who was in the 12th House in the sign of Taurus.

The days of the week are clearly related to numbers:

The SUN governs the first day - Sunday - 1, the MOON - Monday - 2, MARS - Tuesday - 3, MERCURY - Wednesday - 4, JUPITER - Thursday - 5, VENUS - Friday - 6, SATURN - Saturday - 7. Higher planets: URANUS - 8, NEPTUNE - 9, PLUTO - 10, PROSERPINE - 11. CHIRON did not exist then, there was PHAETON. VOLCANO didn't show up. Therefore, next are multiples of 11, that is, paired double numbers: 22, 33, 44, and they are associated with unmanifested planets. Here is a simple key to numerology for you. This simple system is built into the natural rhythm of our lives.

Each sign has a full octave. From the mystery of any sign, you can unwind the entire Zodiac. Our entire World is arranged according to the principle of a hologram. What is the principle of a hologram? Take a part out of it, and you can still restore the whole. In each piece will be the same as in the whole image. Therefore, any sign of the Zodiac is complete and contains the same as other signs of the Zodiac. Even any degree, any minute of the sign of the Zodiac speaks of the same.

So the Buddha, fixed on the number 8, untwisted the whole mystery of the universe through his horoscope. He fully expressed his own myth, his own mystery. So, following his path, one can come to understand people with different horoscopes. Therefore, he gave only the keys. And since he was embodied in the conditions of this World, he had to accept the conditions of the game of this World.

Using his horoscope as a key, a person can find his own key. Especially if the mystery of the 12th House is manifested in him. Therefore, no matter what a person runs around, no matter where his life throws him, he will always be returned to the beginning.

What does the mystery of the 12th House require from a person?

He demands to complete what he started, that is, to lay the last brick in the foundation of his House.


Her whole life was spent in anticipation of something terrible, mysterious, because. she was born with a fatal horoscope.

She was born on June 6, 1872 (during a total solar eclipse). The main band of this eclipse passed through the Urals and Western Siberia, Central Asia. Many signs were associated with her: she came to Russia for the coffin of Alexander III; her wedding ring fell during the wedding, etc.

Her mystery and the mystery of the solar eclipse played out through the 12th House. The eclipse was still observed at 5 am at the time of her birth in Darmstadt. The eclipse passed through the Tobolsk Province, where Rasputin was born, with whom she had a karmic connection. See how clearly the eclipse works. Alexander I (also known as Fyodor Kuzmich) also died there. In general, there are a lot of mysterious and strange phenomena in Russian history.

Indeed, in Russia the mystery of the 11th House is being played out: the kings could go to the people. There are two Aquarius countries in the world - Ethiopia and Russia, Canada has not yet manifested itself. Ethiopia and Russia have long been interconnected. Since the 17th century, there were Russian embassies in Ethiopia. Pushkin's ancestor is an Ethiopian. Many events in Russia and Ethiopia are taking place simultaneously: in 1991, the communist regime was liquidated in Ethiopia, and the same thing happened in our country a month later.

MC - 26 ° Aquarius (its target points to the Aquarian country, to Russia)
11th House - 28° Pisces
12th House - 17th Taurus
ASC - 30 ° Gemini (In the twentieth century, on the border of the Aquarian era, many people have border planets between signs in their horoscopes. These are mutants - Stalin, Hitler, Gorbachev. Gorbachev has MERCURY at 30 ° Aquarius. And this is a processional degree, therefore he "was the detonator of an explosion in our country. Alexandra Fedorovna's 30 ° Gemini manifested itself in her appearance. As a child, she was tall, thin, long arms, a long face, lips with a bow. Over the years, she showed a cancerous appearance - sad eyes, fullness, blurred facial features)
2nd House - 16° Cancer
3rd House - 4th Leo
SUN - 18° Gemini
MOON - 16 ° Gemini (I feel a relationship with her, since my JUPITER is at 16 ° Gemini. To some extent, she also hooked Pushkin's horoscope, because Pushkin's SUN was also at 16 ° Gemini. Pushkin was not an ordinary person - he had many planets in Cancer, SATURN in conjunction with PROSERPINA, several degrees of a prophetic gift - he was a conductor of cosmic information. But Pushkin did not realize his task, and his personal life did not correspond to higher tasks, therefore his departure at the age of 38, when the karmic MOON NODES returned to their place, was predetermined.

If the 8th House enters the sign of Virgo, then death may occur due to an injury to the upper abdomen. The bullet hit him in the upper abdomen. The Frenchman killed him, since France is under the Virgin.

I noticed that in people marked with fatal horoscopes, the mystery is played out very accurately, so that even by the horoscope you can determine the place where certain events will occur for them.

Each city has 12 houses of the horoscope. By superimposing your fatal horoscope on the horoscope of the city, you can determine the zone of death according to the 8th House, the zone of love - where the 5th House falls, etc. If your horoscope is fatal, then you will be fatally connected with your place of residence, and if the horoscope is not fatal, then there is no such dependence.

Alexandra Fedorovna clearly lost it. Many tragic events in her life took place in the Tsarskoye Selo region near St. Petersburg. He will fall into the Capricorn region, and she has Capricorn in the 8th House of the horoscope. The overthrow and loss of power took place just in Tsarskoye Selo. In St. Petersburg, many of her events took place in the Cancer region (this is the city center). She had a BLACK MOON in Cancer.

MERCURY - 27 ° Taurus (this is a good degree, close to genius, gives abundance, fertility, great intelligence, excellent abilities. She has a large cluster of planets in Gemini, and MERCURY was in Taurus, which strengthened mentality, mental and mental abilities, gave abilities to awareness, to firmness of thought. If MERCURY were in her Gemini, then she could only chat incessantly. But Alexandra Fedorovna wrote beautifully, well expressed her thoughts)
VENUS - 5° Gemini (in the degree of exaltation of PROSERPINE. A very good degree associated with transformation and rebirth)
MARS - 11° Gemini
JUPITER - 29° Cancer
SATURN (p) - 21 ° Capricorn (in the 8th House of the horoscope). This is the same planet-satellite, located in its House. SATURN is evil and strong. He was one of the indicators of a tragic death. And since SATURN is very strong in Capricorn, such a person cannot give in to danger, cannot be a coward. The closer the danger, the more such a person will shrink, feel as if in a shell. But the danger itself did not become less because of this, but, on the contrary, may increase.
URANUS - 29 ° Cancer (in full conjunction with JUPITER and in the 2nd House of the horoscope, in the House of its fall. It is good to have JUPITER in conjunction with URANUS for those people who are in power and strive for reformist activities).

In general, the connection of JUPITER and URANUS in people involved in reforms has a positive effect. But if a person is conservative, and it's hard not to be like that with an exalted JUPITER in Cancer and in the 2nd House of the horoscope - "what I have, I protect." And here URANUS intervenes, introducing contradictions. It turns out that you need to change your position, develop new ways, look for new solutions. And if this does not happen, then URAN will organize a coup: it will suddenly undermine the prestige of a person in the eyes of those who are below him on the social ladder.

Very often this happens with people who have changed their place of residence, because they did not fit into the natural rhythm of events and did not change under its influence. And if you try to stop the flow, it will simply wash you away.

Alexandra Fedorovna won the conservative position. Thus, she signed her own death warrant, stepping on the ground, which could tip over at any moment. Especially through the 2nd House, in which Uranus is in the fall. She did not understand the need for reform, a change in position, and since she had a fatal horoscope, it played out in a fatal way.
NEPTUNE - 25 ° Aries (in the 11th House of the horoscope. It is located in the center of the taukadrat, which includes JUPITER with URANUS, SATURN and LILITH. She has an evil and strong NEPTUNE, which is the Significator of the 12th House. Of course, he could lead her to her tragic end , to the triumph of illusions and the victory of the irrational over common sense, passivity in the face of danger and inability to resist sudden and unexpected events)
PLUTO - 19° Taurus (exiled PLUTO is in the 12th house of the horoscope)
PROSERPINA - 7 ° Virgo (in the 4th House of the horoscope. She does not have her own House, which she would rule)
CHIRON - 14 ° Aries (the first planet of the cosmogram is in a degree of isolation, prison, captivity. Comparing this with the 12th House of the horoscope, we see an interesting picture, especially since CHIRON controls the 5th House of the horoscope. And the 5th House is also children. Therefore , she could go to jail because of her children. She tried to protect her children from enemies, and her enemies in the opposite 11th House are unpredictable, unexpected cases)
SUNDAY NODE - 13 ° Gemini (destructive degree, and it was here that the eclipse took place. It was this degree, karmic, that provoked terrible events in the 12th House of the horoscope)
ENTRY. KNOT - 13° Sagittarius (shows a man with his hands tied)
LILITH - 23° Cancer
SELENA - 10° Virgo.

NEPTUNE in the center of the tauksquare with SATURN, LILITH. Involved 2, 8, 11 Houses - the hardest, most powerful taukadrat. He closed himself in the cross at the time of her death. At her death, the SUN exactly passed over her BLACK MOON. She was shot on July 16, 1918 before midnight at the age of 47. Again, in antiphase of the MOON NODES. Usually a person born in an eclipse and dies on the anti-phase of the MOON NODES. By the way, she was shot in the eclipse zone. The eclipse of the SUN and the MOON was during the next new moon at the end of June 1918. The eclipse lasts for a month. As you can see, her birth and death were fatally lost.

Consider her 12 House of the horoscope. NEPTUNE, ruler of the 12th House, is in the 11th House in a semi-sextile with MERCURY, the Almuten of this House. The elevator of the 12th House (VENUS) is located in the same place, in the 12th House. VENUS with NEPTUNE are in Nonagon. It strengthens the House. JUPITER is also related to the 12th House, he is his second Significator. JUPITER and NEPTUNE are in square to each other, and between JUPITER and MERCURY - Sextile. Therefore, all the planets related to the 12th House are in aspects. Such a fatal horoscope and the recurring combination of an eclipse and a new moon on MARS gives an eternal expectation of something terrible, a coming storm, or severe trials. Such a person can even attract all this. After all, it was no coincidence that it was called a curse on the Royal House of the Romanovs.

Alexandra (Alice) Fedorovna was born in the year when L. Carroll wrote the book "Alice in Wonderland". This is not a coincidence. Alice in Wonderland played on it, and Russia is also a wonderland.

You need to comprehend two Carroll's tales, like Living and Dead Water. Carroll himself was born under the sign of Aquarius on January 27, 1832, on the ASC he has Sagittarius. He was born around 5 o'clock in the morning. He could predict events related to the Aquarian country. Compare his myths with the life of Russia at the time when Alexandra Feodorovna appeared. Carroll here acted as a prophet. He has a strong 1st House, MARS on ASC. He was an excellent teacher, professor, mathematician. His creative manifestation goes through Aquarius, through a strongly pronounced MERCURY with PROSERPINE and URANUS.

Returning to Alice, who later became Alexandra Fedorovna ... (It is interesting that after her Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky came to power, as if her double. He was born approximately in the same place where the eclipse zone passed. He was born in Simbirsk, studied in the same gymnasium with Ulyanov.By the way, the eclipse of K. Marx also pointed to this place) ... Her whole life was, like a barometer, tuned in to the expectation of a storm. MARS is at the center of the Gemini cluster of planets. And if this is so, then the constant expectation can be something terrible, the whole life turns into the expectation of prison, isolation, termination of ties with other people. Why? This person is completely different, he is not of this world, but he is forced to be here and now. Therefore, he cannot but be an extra person in our world. Yes, he is given the choice to go up, but he cannot go, because there is no strength, or he has a fatal horoscope. In this case, his whole life will be a prison, even if he does not sit in it. After all, she has the ruler of the 4th House, that is, her place of residence, is in Leo, and Leo is controlled by the SUN, and this is a creative disclosure, i.e. The fruits of the 11th House are in the 12th House. And it turns out that the 4th House is a place of residence, and the 12th House is isolation, prison, hard labor, so for such a person we can say that the house will be a prison for him. The walls of the house pressed on her, she could not find peace anywhere. A lot of things she decided through the affairs of the 12th House. The rulers of many Houses of the horoscope were in the 12th House - 4, 3, 2 and 1 Houses. She was one on one with this Solaris, with her illusions. The BLACK MOON in the 2nd House gave the destruction of all its foundations, potentials, accumulations. Her whole life had to go through the 12th House and give something mystical. She saw through the people who surrounded her husband, and in them she did not see any hope and support, and sought to save and protect the house from them. Few understood it, because the 12th House is the last point of development, and few have reached it.

The subdispositor of the 12th House is the MOON, because 17° Taurus is ruled by the MOON. Isn't this a classic? And since Gemini is strongly expressed in the 12th House, then there was a problem of twins. A person was supposed to appear who, to some extent, was her double. She had to treat her double as if she were herself. These doppelgangers could incarnate into anyone, men, women, children. Rasputin for her was a double of her secret thoughts. Rasputin was the embodiment of LILITH. Therefore, she was interested in the occult, sought to know the secret sources of energy, was engaged in spiritualism. No foreigners could seduce her, because. she quickly unmasked them. She had SELENA, along with PROSERPINA, in Virgo, so she exposed any blackness immediately. She warned against the Japanese war in 1904-1905 because she foresaw heavy defeats. Another thing is when the embodiment of her hopes came from Russia itself. And a man came from the hinterland of Russia, and after all, Russia was also the 9th House for her, the House of long-distance travels and wanderings, and revealed to her the purpose of her life. It was Rasputin. Could she not perceive him as a messenger of the gods? Of course not. Moreover, Cancer and Aquarius are strongly expressed in Rasputin's horoscope, she has LILITH in Cancer, and the goal is in Aquarius. He was for her the incarnation of a demon, on the one hand, and on the other, he showed the way, i.e. protector angel. Rasputin was born a few days after the death of Alexander I, the elder Fyodor Kuzmich, also in the Tobolsk province. Rasputin died shortly before the revolution on December 30, 1916. Exactly 6 years after that, the Soviet Union was founded, when JUPITER was in antiphase. Almuten 12 Houses (MERCURY) was an anti-elevator and an anti-significator. The whole mystery of it could be played out as a mystery of destruction. And the evil and strong SATURN in the taukadrat in the 8th House gave fearlessness and the attraction of danger. JUPITER ruling Goal in conjunction with URANUS, ruler of the zenith and also of the 9th and 10th Houses. Evil Uranus is in the fall and in the 2nd House of the horoscope. What does it say? URANUS gives misfortune in a foreign land, according to the 10th House - loss of power. URANUS and NEPTUNE are connected with the 10th House by square - and this gives the danger of an unexpected, sudden loss of power. JUPITER in conjunction with URANUS forced her to carry out reforms, but she did not understand this, which means that an overthrow followed. Whatever indicator we take in the horoscope of Alexandra Fedorovna, it will work, because she was born in a very pronounced eclipse, and even in a destructive degree in the 12th House. Consequently, the whole mystery of the 12th house will be played out tragically for her. Her relatives lived in England, she was brought up by Queen Victoria. She must have seen a lot of evil in Germany, since her first exiled planet is in Aries. After all, the center of the tauksquare in the 11th House indicates these unpredictability in life through Aries, i.e. to Germany. Chiron, the ruler of Libra (the ruler of England), who is in the 5th House, also points to Germany, that is, she must receive creative development through England. But since CHIRON is a flawed planet, this could have played out in the form of a painful craving for England. Its relationship with Germany was influenced by the evil NEPTUNE, the Significator of the 12th House, which was in the 11th House in Aries, in the center of the taukadrat. Therefore, she had to wait only for blows from her cousin, who was the Kaiser of Germany. She was not supposed to have a pro-German orientation. She should have had a craving for France, since Virgo is in the 4th House. 4th house begins at 28° Virgo. SELENA with PROSERPINA is also in Virgo, so she had to perceive everything bright in France and bring it into her home. Also, her horoscope can be promoted in all countries.

In general, if you take the fatal horoscope of a famous historical figure, then it can be untwisted by countries that are included in the Houses of his horoscope, and by planets.

So, she has the whole mystery of the 12th House:
- Mystical fog, mystical horror;
- Prophetic dreams, eternal premonitions, anticipation of events;
- Definition of everything secret and terrible;
- Secret enemies, secret phenomena;
- Passion for the occult;
- Distance from other people: she was considered a "black sheep", in the Romanov dynasty they could not stand her.

But here's the lucky thing: despite the fact that SATURN is heavy and evil, but he is in 21 ° Capricorn. SATURN (ruler of the 7th House) is in the 8th House, which gives a strong marriage. The 21st degree of Capricorn gives the husband's love, and this is one of the stable degrees of marriage. As you can see, we have a classic horoscope for all sections. Before her tragic death, she had several references for 1.5 years. Before that, she had many years of isolation, complete silence around her, mystical events, Rasputin. Terrible illness of the son. Chiron at 14° Aries (ruler of children) gives passivity, exile, captivity, difficulties, the cross that a person bears. The ruler of the 5th House is in the 11th House, therefore, there will always be a struggle for children. She had a constant contraction in the 12th house and in the end the tragic 13 ° Gemini worked when there was an anti-phase of the MOON NODES.

Let's see the mystery of her life. It was at the age of 19 that she had a desire to get married and at the age of 18.5 there was a marriage with the viceroy of the Russian throne in the first phase of the KNOTS, that is, after the return of the BLACK MOON to its place. She lost her first eclipse when she approached Russia. She got married at 22, that is, in the solar cycle. The second tragic manifestation - 1894, came to Russia through the death of Tsar Alexander III. Interestingly, 9 years after her birth, Alexander II was killed in Russia, in 1881, according to the BLACK MOON cycle. Although it has not yet been connected with Russia, it has already fallen into its field. When she was 38 years old, Stolypin was assassinated (1911). Stolypin was a Ram, and she should have been as afraid of him as she was of Germany. She didn't trust him and ended up taking him out. And the next phase of NODES is 46-47 years, the repetition of the eclipse and the physical end. When the February events of 1917 began, the BLACK MOON returned to its place. Everything fell into place and this coincided with the death of Rasputin. Rasputin somehow restrained the manifestation of demonism, but as soon as he was removed, everything was immediately lost to her. There was also an eclipse on MARS, so it failed in that at the time of her death, MARS was in conjunction with her LILITH. Initially, MARS with LILITH was in nonagon: LILITH at 23° Cancer, and the eclipse point at 13° Gemini. Hence there was a karmic manifestation of black forces in her life. So this is the incarnation of the demon she deserved. All the time, according to the cycles of the BLACK MOON, there is an incarnation of a demon. MARS and LILITH united in the 5th House, in the House of Children - they killed her, killed the children in the sign of Libra, the embodiment of injustice, a violation of justice and balance, and the SUN passed through the BLACK MOON. CHIRON, ruler of the 5th House, at the time of her death was in opposition to the BLACK MOON in the sign of Aries. SATURN, lord of the 8th House, squared PLUTO at her death. And PLUTO is also an element, a mass catastrophe and collective death. PLUTO itself was at this time in square with LILITH and MARS. All this classically points to death.

Can anything be countered to this? You can, if you penetrate into the illusion of this World, if you know that it hides another World. You can even do things in prison that other people can't do outside.

Of course, we are now analyzing the mystery of the 12th House with a bias towards tragedy, but such people do not have to be in prison. So resisted the fate of TOMASO CAMPANELLA, whose 12th House is heavily filled. He spent 36 years in prison, and managed to write a lot of books, improved his health, gained life experience, got out of there amnestied, subjugated Pope Urban VIII - he practically ruled instead of him, motivating all his actions with the bad influence of some star. He used astrology for selfish purposes, for which he suffered. He also died during the eclipse. He also had a fatal horoscope. He wrote a pro-communist book - "City of the Sun". He was born on September 5, 1568 in Stilo, Italy. He died in Paris on May 21, 1639.

Another example is Dostoevsky, in whom the mystery of the 12th House was expressed in creativity. His whole life was hard labor. He also had mystical revelations.

But there is another option, when something mystical, fatal passes through this person to other people. Such a person seems to be open to everyone, but the one who comes into contact with him perceives secrets through him. Such a person dissolves in life as in an ocean, discovers more and more mysteries for himself, or rather, he immediately foresees these mysteries, and other people, entering into contact with him, also conduct these sacraments and perceive for themselves as tragic revelations.


One such mystical, strange femme fatale was the famous ballerina Isadora Duncan. She also has a fatal death. Her horoscope was closely connected with Yesenin's horoscope, and Yesenin also died through the throat. Of course, she is a femme fatale. All the men who came into contact with her did not die by their own death!

She was born on May 27, 1878 at 3 am in San Francisco.
ASC - 3 ° Taurus (Gemini, and even Taurus on ASC. This gave beauty, plasticity)
2nd House - 5° Gemini
3rd House - 28° Gemini
MC - 19° Capricorn (Dostoevsky also had MC in the same degree)
11th House - 14° Aquarius
12th House - 17° Pisces
SUN - 6° Gemini
MOON - 13 ° Aries (Amazon, a woman with a very sharp manifestation. That's how they were attracted to Yesenin, and then repelled. Yesenin's MOON is also in Aries. This is almost always repelled)
MERCURY - 13° Taurus (it's good for Gemini to have MERCURY in Taurus)
VENUS - 22.7 ° Aries (in a destructive degree, she is the ruler of ASC and in the 12th House)
MARS - 14° Cancer
JUPITER - 8° Aquarius
SATURN - 1° Aries (karmic degree)
URANUS - 26° Leo
NEPTUNE - 9° Taurus
PLUTO - 26° Taurus
PROSERPINE - 10° Virgo
CHIRON - 6 ° Taurus (degree of beauty, genius, music and talent. CHIRON near ASC and together with NEPTUNE)
SUNDAY NODE - 17° Aquarius
ENTRY. NODE - 17° Leo (in taukadrat to MERCURY - the dispositor of the SUN)
LILITH - 29 ° Pisces (in conjunction with SATURN)
SELENA - 19 ° Cancer (at the beginning of the 4th House, in Nadir).

Her cosmogram is folded into one point, this is when the last and first planets are in conjunction. It turns out DEAD FISH, the tragic outcome of life, the hardest trials. 29 ° Pisces, and the ruler of Pisces - NEPTUNE is on ASC, further enhances this tragedy. Strong 1st House gives the attraction of danger, independent searches for it, also because there is a connection between the first and last planets of the cosmogram.

The connection of the first and last planets in the cosmogram forms the so-called KARMIC RING, especially if one of the planets is also karmic. Here the karmic planet is LILITH.

With a karmic ring, a lot of things repeat in a person’s life, and instead of a spiral, he can walk in the same circles. Moreover, she has many quicons in her horoscope and, in particular, a quicon from URANUS, the ruler of Russia, from the 5th House of the horoscope, from the House of Children, from the House of Creative Realization, is strongly pronounced. This further confirms the importance of these indicators.

Of course, it is impossible to call her horoscope too tragic, this is not Alexandra Fedorovna's horoscope, but nevertheless, the combination of the first and last planets did not give her the opportunity to escape to another circle.

Lord of the 12th House (NEPTUNE) together with another ruler - MARS, Almuten 12th Houses are in sextile to each other.

VENUS, the 12th House Elevator, is in the 12th House of the horoscope. There are strongly pronounced aspects from NEPTUNE and from MARS to planets in the 12th House. There are 4 planets in the 12th House and 4 planets in the 1st House. Therefore, she was inclined to punish herself, was inclined to search, to achieve everything on her own. But she did not have such a tragic alienation as Alexandra Feodorovna. Her strong 12th house was playing on another level! Moreover, through the 12th House, the problems of her personality could be solved, because ASC is in Taurus, and the ruler of ASC (VENUS) is in the 12th House in the destructive 23° of Aries.

Of course, she gave charm, extravagance, creative realization, since VENUS was in a trine to URANUS in the 5th House, and URANUS is the ruler of the 11th House. She has Aquarius in the 11th House, there is also the ASCENDING NODE, that is, innovations, happy occasions, a lot was determined by chance, especially in creativity. Yes, and CHIRON on ASC is very important for an actress. He was in the 6th degree of Taurus, in the degree of genius, artistic talent, music, dance, etc. That's how she showed up. Musicality was also emphasized by NEPTUNE on ASC.

But two karmic planets closed her karmic ring (LILITH with SATURN) and it manifested itself in her life through the mystical 12th House.

If it did not affect her herself, then it began to involve, like in a black bag, the people who surrounded her. 1 ° Aries gives that a person pays for all his sins in this life.

Example. Peter I had SATURN at 1° Aries, Vysotsky too, but none of them had such a karmic loop.

The karmic loop, or ring, is also called the BLACK SACK. In this case, the karmic planet closes the beginning and end of the cosmogram, and the House in which this planet is located is a stumbling block for this person. If the horoscope is expressed in terms of resonance, then this will affect its entire environment. This situation made her a femme fatale.

The stumbling block she had was SATURN. Not only did she pay off during her lifetime for all her sins, for demonism, but she also involved other people in it. And her personality was very charming, as VENUS in trine with URANUS speaks. I picked up the keys to everyone, since CHIRON is on ASC, diplomatic abilities. She was not even bothered by her temper and dissatisfaction in love (this is because of VENUS and the MOON in ARIES). All this was in the 12th House and took place on a hidden level. And all this did not interfere with her in her position in life.

She retained her appearance for a very long time. After all, CHIRON on ASC stabilizes youth very much, a CHIRON person changes very little, he can be recognized after many years. CHIRON fixes a certain average age.

Chiron governs Libra, and Libra just falls into the middle age of a person. Interestingly, in childhood, the Chironians look older than their years, and reaching a certain limit, they remain unchanged.

She has CHIRON on ASC, and even with NEPTUNE, which gives some mystery. And NEPTUNE she also has the Significator of the strong 12th house and the ruler of the demon, the BLACK MOON.


This man foresaw the illusions of this World. He was first considered a strange person, and then declared a saint.

He had a terminal planet on the border of the 11th and 12th Houses. This is an Indian mystic philosopher and religious reformer, a representative of neo-Hinduism. He has the strongest 12 House of the horoscope, in which both luminaries fell. Ramakrishna perceived this life as a thin shell of that World in which he really really lived. He was perceived as a holy fool because of the terminal planet on the border of 11 m 12 Houses. However, he could exercise his will, there were sudden and unexpected outbursts, since the terminal planet was MARS, the Significator of the 1st House.

Ramakrishna was born on February 18, 1836 at 7:30 am in the town of Kamarpukur (West Bengal). He died on the return of CHIRON at the age of 50.5 years on August 16, 1886 in Calcutta.
ASC - 18 ° Pisces (He has the Sun in Aquarius, ASC in Pisces. Read about the life of Ramakrishna and you will find many revelations there regarding our time, our transitional era from Pisces to Aquarius. It is necessary to look at our real history for such figures. Ramakrishna was born in beginning of the 3rd Lunar day, on the day of the Leopard)
2nd House - 26° Aries
3rd House - 26° Taurus
MS - 22° Sagittarius (hence teaching, achieving the goal through the Teaching, spread throughout the World)
11th House - 16° Capricorn
12 House - 15 ° Aquarius
SUN - 29° 01" Aquarius
MOON - 15 ° Pisces (on ASC in the 12th House. As you can see, he has the SUN in Aquarius, the MOON in Pisces, this is a man of our time)
MERCURY - 15° Pisces
VENUS - 1 ° Aries (in a karmic degree).

People who have planets in 1° Aries or 30° Pisces are always very unusual. There is always something karmic in them. Either they always get what they deserve in this life, or they dump their sins on others, and their loved ones pay for them (if it is 30 ° Pisces), or labels are hung on them. And together two degrees is already a karmic loop, a karmic bag. It was lost to Isadora Duncan and Yesenin. Yesenin was secretly killed, and then the dead body was hung behind a heating pipe.

MARS - 15 ° Aquarius (terminal planet. MARS cuts the border of 11 and 12 Houses. Therefore, 11 and 12 Houses are expanded through MARS as the Significator and the second Almuten 1 House of the horoscope. MARS is the Doryphorium of the SUN, helps the personality to open up)
JUPITER - 6 ° Cancer (exalted JUPITER in the degree of the prodigal son. He really left home, wandered, fornicated, then returned and realized that he was wrong. Wandered in order to gain the Teaching, realized exalted JUPITER and returned home)
SATURN (r) - 5 ° Scorpio (a closed trine between MERCURY and JUPITER, SATURN - a trine of Water in 4, 8 and 12 Houses, just in the trigon of transformation, unexpected mystical events)
URANUS - 1 ° Pisces (this is a super interesting degree. Just now the transitional era of Aquarius, he has two planets right here: the SUN and his dispositor URANUS, in a semi-sextile to VENUS. But MARS has a semi-square to VENUS, which destroys his satisfaction with life destroys marriage)
NEPTUNE - 3° Aquarius (exalted)
PLUTO - 16° Aries
PROSERPINA - 17 ° Leo (gives opposition to MARS in the 6th House of the horoscope. PROSERPINA is heavy, evil, could affect the disease sharply and sharply)
CHIRON - 26° Gemini (in Nadir)
SUNDAY NODE - 24 ° Taurus (in the 2nd House of the horoscope)
ENTRY. NODE - 24° Scorpio
LILITH - 16° Gemini
SELENA - 5° Cancer (in conjunction with JUPITER).

Consider the 12th House of the horoscope, through which the mystery of the end of one era and the beginning of the second was played. He has the MOON and the SUN in the 12th House, Almuten 12 Houses - Uranus. The second Almuten of the 12th House (NEPTUNE) is in the 11th House and in a semi-sextile with URANUS, he is also the Significator of this House. The second Significator of the 12th House (JUPITER) is in a closed trine with URANUS.

Elevator 12 Houses (VENUS) is also in semi-sextile to URANUS. The planets are interconnected with each other and are in sextile to NEPTUNE. It turns out two semi-sextiles and one sextile, which form the ROOF configuration. Since there is a configuration of aspects, and even a closed trine for the 12th House, then the 12th House is very significant for him. He has a strongly pronounced trine of Water in the horoscope - a mystical orientation, traditionalism. JUPITER in conjunction with SELENA in Cancer, in the 4th House, gives him the opportunity to be a Teacher who is destined to renew deep traditions. Why? JUPITER is the ruler of the 9th and 10th Houses, the ruler of the MC, is in exaltation in conjunction with SELENA, inspired by the guardian angel in the 4th House, in the House of Traditions.

And why upgrade, why bring to a new level? Because it is in a closed trine with URANUS, which renews traditions, and URANUS is in conjunction with the SUN and MERCURY. This gives the intervention of surprises, reformism, which is based on a deep knowledge of traditions. This is also indicated by the strongly pronounced 11th House of the horoscope, which is connected to the 12th House through the terminal planet MARS.

The elevator of the 11th House (NEPTUNE) is in the 11th House and in its exaltation sign, Aquarius. Almuten 11 Houses (SATURN) square NEPTUNE in 11 Houses. The Significator of the 11th House (URANUS) is in a semi-sextile with NEPTUNE and in a trine with SATURN. Therefore, the 11th House is very significant, and its life is largely determined by chance. But most of the 11th House is not filled with planets, there is only NEPTUNE, and the 12th House is very full: both luminaries and other planets are there. Therefore, the 12th House is more significant for him.

Therefore, this is the perception of the World as an illusion and the opening of eyes to the big World, the completion of the work begun. He saw in the beginning what will be in the end. And it is no coincidence that as soon as he saw Vivekananda, he knelt before him and told him that he was his best student and introduced him to the state of mahasamadhi. Vivekananda had a strongly expressed 1st House of the horoscope, and therefore he still did not know anything about himself, he was a materialist, a double Capricorn. He needed to realize his goal, and when he realized, then you can’t turn Capricorn off the path. He has a rising SUN. Introduced into the state of mahasamadhi, having received spiritual experience, he went further along this path on his own.

He was perceived as a strange, mysterious person, precisely because for him this World was a splinter in the ocean, great and unknown to other people.

He really foresaw all this, he had the highest spiritual experience, and he no longer needed earthly life. He treated secret issues freely, because there was Aquarius, and he saw the true essence of the sacrament, and besides this, there was a strong sign of Pisces, filled with planets. He had three planets in Pisces and three in Aquarius.

Many people who have Aquarius and Pisces clusters of planets will embody either the best or the worst of our time.

I am constantly accompanied by such people, and indeed, they are like living and dead water. My horoscope is clearly combined with the horoscope of Russia, and the mystery of the Romanov dynasty somehow played out in me. I perceive all this mysteriously, but since my 12th House is not very pronounced, I cannot always understand and may not see what this will lead to. Ramakrishna did not need to be in prison, since he had closed trines and many good, kind planets.

But there is another hypostasis of the 12th House - this is voluntary solitude, this is the bosom of nature, in which a person dissolves, as in the ocean of the universe, and a particle of which he feels himself. Therefore, people with a strong 12th House can be hermits, like Ramakrishna. They can be the center of attraction for other people, but they themselves do not need it, but they know that other people need it. And based on this, they can give them their accumulated experience.

This may also come about in another form. For example, the creation of full-fledged and full-octave works of art that make an impression and push the doors of the real World.

For example, DANTE Alighieri is an Italian poet. He is also a Gemini, born on May 14 (old style) 1265 in France. He died on September 14, 1321 in Ravenna. He had 5 planets in the 12th House - MOON, URANUS, JUPITER, SUN and SATURN. SATURN near ASC. He has a Saturnian appearance, a pure embodiment of SATURN: sunken cheeks, gloominess. Ascending SATURN is in full conjunction with the SUN. He is the Genius of birth, in the 12th House. His MOON is in Aries, in conjunction with URANUS, which gave him a temper and militancy, and in square with MARS. His "Divine Comedy" was completed in 1321 and depicts the poet's journey through the afterlife and consists of three parts: Hell, Purgatory, Paradise. He was twice sentenced to death, and the sentence was overturned only in 1966! He has VENUS in Cancer. And if she was in Pisces, then he would try to embody this mystery in his own life. He did nothing to live up to his ideal. He married and was a great Don Juan, he had children. He only expressed his love in his works.

People with VENUS in 3° Cancer in life are completely different than they say about themselves (3° Cancer is a degree of Don Juan, boyfriend). But there are other people with a strong 12th House who came to hermitage, to solitude.


I urge you to pray for his health, as he may soon have a difficult situation, and Russia still needs him. Born on December 11, 1918 at 10:30 am in Kislovodsk.
ASC - 7° Capricorn. Through acquaintances, I learned that he was born in the morning after sunrise. He obviously cannot be a double Sagittarius! Firstly, he became bald late, his bald head was uneven, like that of Capricorn, his appearance was sunken cheeks, his nose was Saturian, his eyes were sunken, slightly slanted, like those of Capricorn, the corners of his eyes were slightly lowered, a pointed capricorn chin).
2nd House - 25° Aquarius (He had two terminal planets)
3rd House - 10° Aries
MC - 10° Scorpio (of course, his goal is through destruction)
11 House - 1° Sagittarius
12 House - 19 ° Sagittarius (this is the degree of destruction, fire, a very heavy degree, the degree of combustion).

Take the planets yourself from the tables, and take SELENA and LILITH from the tables of the book "Analysis and Synthesis of Cosmograms". There was no fixed time then.
SUN - 19 ° Sagittarius (terminal planet on the border of 11 and 12 Houses. Is this a coincidence with Ramakrishna?)
MOON - 18° Pisces (where Ramakrishna's ASC)
There are many accidents in his life. He has prison, exile and isolation in his horoscope. In the 12th House he has the SUN, VENUS and MERCURY. The Twelfth House is strongly expressed, which gave him prison, isolation, and now - the life of a hermit in the bosom of nature, a tendency to voluntary seclusion as a substitute for forced exile. He is a Sagittarius - the desire to teach. The search for harmony gives the SUN with VENUS and the ASCENDING NODE. BLACK MOON in Libra, which gives him an unfair condemnation. He was once a judge, he judged others. In this life he was condemned by the BLACK MOON in Libra.


We can say that "the end is the crown of business." And even if you see an outstanding person with a strongly pronounced 12th House, it means that he still has something, a lot of reserves, a lot more that he himself has not yet manifested in himself, which should come up from the bottom. This gives the 12th House. There are a lot of mysteries that will open before him and manifest through him and appear to the World. Of course, he will be drawn to places where no human has gone before. So, the traveler Livingston, Pisces by sign, died in Africa, in its central part. The mystery of Vysotsky was lost on it. He was born in 29° Pisces, with a strong 12th House. Why did he travel? In the 9th and 12th Houses there is one and the same Significator, NEPTUNE; there must be a connection between these Houses. Travelers are different. If he travels with some kind of educational mission, imposing ideas on other peoples (communism), then there must be a strong 9th House. And if he does not have a desire to enlighten someone, but just wants to wander where there are few people, then such trips are determined by the strong 12th House. Usually a person with the 12th House does not like to sit in one place unless he is imprisoned. There are no people who would voluntarily want to go to jail. If a person does not want to go to prison, and he knows that he can be imprisoned, then he travels, wanders.

Strong 12 House happens to people who are somehow connected with the sea. After all, the sea is an element; in the sea, a person is left alone with the unknown. The sea is almost a model of the entire universe, because most of the Earth is covered by sea. Usually, people associated with water have a strong 12th House, and not 3, 4, 8, 9 Houses of the horoscope. And all because it is an element, here we are left face to face with the unknown. Here, everything superficial is washed off a person, the mask is torn off, and the person is left alone with his own soul.

Indicators pointing to prison:

1. Must be related to the 12th House of SATURN.

2. The relationship between SATURN, NEPTUNE and the MOON in relation to the 12th House.

3. Chiron, the lord of justice, condemnation, must also have something to do with the 12th House.

4. CHIRON - SATURN should be related to the 12th House.

5. CHIRON - JUPITER - also to the 12th House.

6. An unfair condemnation can be given by LILITH, which is related to the 12th House.

7. Where MARS - NEPTUNE, or the MOON - MARS in different positions adjoins the 12th House, different options are possible. Suppose MARS is a subdispositor of the 12th House, the MOON is in the 12th House, the ruler of this House. Here is your connection. Maybe the MOON with MARS in one and a half square, but is related to the 12th House.

Indicators indicating a psychiatric hospital:

1. MOON with MARS often define a psychiatric hospital.

2. MARS - NEPTUNE are related to the 12th House.

3. MOON - PLUTO, MARS - PLUTO, MOON - SATURN, related to the 12th House, often give ghosts that come to life, horrors, vampires, nightmares. Especially if a person has pronounced EARTH and the ruler of the 12th House is in an earth sign, then he can simply be put in a psychiatric hospital for nothing.

Indicators of a person secluded from the world:

We need the relationship of MERCURY with SATURN, MERCURY with NEPTUNE and MERCURY with PROSERPINA in relation to the 12th House. Why MERCURY? MERCURY gives intelligence, compensation. The person does not want to communicate with anyone. 12 The house is really that abyss, that whirlpool that can drag us in. A person with the 12th House can sow illusions from which there will be no way out. But he can receive the highest initiation and perceive life as a particle of a certain cosmic process, for this he definitely needs nature, the ocean, he needs some kind of separation of contacts with other people, since they give him only a superficial perception of the world, and he needs a more complete one, full octave. And then they can come through it - that pure stream and depths to which all other people can join.

Twelfth House of Secrets, Sorrows and Self-Sacrifice. The twelfth house is the most mystical, final, final circle. It is not always a bad and gloomy place, but it really defines the limits of your life. He governs disappointment, accidents, troubles and defeats, patronizes invisible forces, secret enemies, escape from reality, psychiatric hospitals, hospitals and prisons. The twelfth house is called the house of karma, spiritual duty, because it contains rewards and punishments for everything a person has done in this world. It is also associated with supernatural powers and the ability to comprehend the meaning of life.

As we enter the 12th house, we are approaching the end of this cycle of development. We are tempted to view the 12th house as a "garbage house" where we dump everything that we could not find a match for in any of the previous eleven houses. And as an excuse, you can offer such considerations: if you cannot find what you need in the chart, if you cannot understand some of your client’s life situation or are simply confused, try to analyze the 12th house. You may not find the answer, but you will see things that are often misunderstood, difficult to deal with rationally, or completely incomprehensible.

The traditional interpretation of the 12th house reflects a rather negative view of this house: "karma" (presumably "bad karma"), forced isolation, imprisonment, torment, disorder, deceit, addiction to drug use or other means of escaping reality and even insanity. This horror list is endless. If we look into the "black list" of classical astrology, we will see that Saturn is the most negative planet. Scorpio is the most malevolent sign and the 12th house is the most feared house. What makes them treat them so badly? In fact - nothing, with the possible exception of the unpleasant power factors that these three "outcasts" have, and nothing more. In fact, they are no more negative than other planets, signs, houses.

Since the 1st house indicates the emergence of self-consciousness, which is analogous to the birth of the "I", the 12th house demonstrates everything that precedes the emergence of self-consciousness, precedes birth. This is all that is below or outside the ordinary levels of consciousness - in the primary environment, in the "womb". This house can also be related to dreams or other types of mental creativity, to the receptivity of intuitive messages and images, etc.

If the 1st house is the sphere of radiation of a person into the environment, his self-manifestation, then the 12th house demonstrates the distance from this environment - isolation from other people. Yes, this isolation can mean a restriction of freedom or a sense of imprisonment, but such isolation can also be voluntary. Often the world around us penetrates deeply into us, and usually we are too firmly attached to it, often to everything that contributes to at least some fulfillment of our desires. Solitude can be a welcome respite. Periodically, we need to leave the struggle for power. We need this distance from life, we need a return to the primary environment, a calm immersion in the ocean of consciousness from which we originate. We need privacy.

Extended retreats, either during vacations or during meditation or yoga classes, are important to us because they remind us of who we really are, they can refresh our relationship with life. Short-term seclusion is also very helpful. Breaks in work for a cup of coffee are milestones that measure the length of the working day, they literally break into pieces the tediousness of daily work, provide an opportunity to dream up and thus avert the danger of mental shock from us.

The twelfth house manifests itself in two ways: either we are in the world, and some part of us is outside it; or vice versa. It's like we're standing with one foot in the real world and the other on something that doesn't have a name. The trick is not to separate these worlds from each other, not to focus on one world, so as not to return like a boomerang to another world. Properly understood, the 12th house is the realm of positive selflessness - liberation from self-mastery. It is perfection through liberation, carried out for the sake of virtue, which comes from true humility. This house calls for the rebirth of the self through liberation.

Yes, the 12th house can be the garbage dump of spiritual evolution. He may demonstrate disintegration into meaningless parts, withdrawal into fantasy, a tendency to narcotic illusions. However, the negative qualities of the 12th house, as well as any symbolic factor in astrology, will or will not manifest itself - it depends on the person. The requirement of the 12th house is the revival of faith. He insists that we cleanse ourselves from all sins, from all battles, eliminate the fragmentation of the ego and thus harmonize everything that is skewed and angular in ourselves.

Following this path, we "finish" ourselves. We are completing another cycle of development and preparing to begin a new cycle of developing self-awareness, a new cycle of acquiring life experiences in homes. The Twelfth House determines the sign of the zodiac

Symbolizes the zodiac sign Pisces, the natural ruler is Neptune

The meaning of the twelfth house of the natal chart: the desire for the eternal, a sense of one's exclusivity and connection with the world.

The twelfth house in astrology is associated with the desire to merge with the whole. In the depths of our souls, we realize that our true essence is limitless and immortal, therefore the connection with the absolute is the meaning of the twelfth house of the horoscope.

The energy of this house is transformed into a mystical desire to merge with the divine. However, this desire creates conflict, because one part of our personality wants to experience the bliss of nirvana, while the other is afraid of the unknown.

Characteristics of the twelfth house

The last house, it contains little by little the meaning of all the previous houses, so it is the most difficult to characterize. On the one hand, this is the end of the cycle, which symbolizes completeness. On the other hand, it is located just above the horizon line and is the first to meet the rays of dawn, marking the beginning of a new cycle.

The twelfth house of the horoscope is associated with the sign of Pisces and the planet Neptune. In the symbol of the Pisces sign, two fish swim in different directions, personifying the internal conflict of nature. On the one hand, we strive to get rid of loneliness, on the other hand, we do not want to lose individuality. As we begin to recognize ourselves as part of humanity, we will learn to be more in touch with the feelings of other people, although blurring the boundaries between ourselves and others can be confusing.

Due to the special position of the twelfth house in the natal chart, its energy can be very sensitive to childhood impressions. If this energy seems threatening, the ego will push it into the subconscious. But these hidden fears will eventually be reborn in complexes or events that undermine our strength. Because of this, the house is associated with bad health and secret enemies. However, by renouncing the ego and sacrificing some of its most beloved superstitions, we can assimilate the energy of the twelfth house and set new goals for ourselves.

People with a noticeable influence of the twelfth house in the natal chart can be healers, martyrs, saviors who are always trying to understand the motives of another and help him, and at the same time themselves. A large number of planets in the twelfth house may indicate a lack of purpose in life. The favorable location of the planets in this house symbolizes the qualities that a person has acquired over past lives, testifies to the merits in past incarnations.