Genetic relationship of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Genetic connection of hydrocarbons Which countries are the leaders in oil production

"Genetic connection" - H2. Na2O. NaOH. Check the correctness of the diagram. It's called a genetic series. Acid. Define the concept of “Genetic connection”. Oxides. HNO3. Salt. Na. Na2SO4. SO3. Na3PO4. Formulate a definition of the concept “Genetic series”. Acids. Simple. Salt. Draw up diagrams of possible connections between classes of substances formed by Na and S.

“Unsaturated hydrocarbons” - Ethylene is truly a gas. Cooking process. Obtaining ethylene from polyethylene Proof of the unsaturated nature of ethylene. Project. Conducting an experiment. Our results. Problem. Unsaturated hydrocarbons: materials of the future. Conclusions. Start. Ending. From hypothesis to research. Why is ethylene a gas and polyethylene a solid?

“Diene hydrocarbons” - Diene hydrocarbons. Rubber requirements. Parenchymal - guayule. 1493 Rubbers. Trans -. Natural rubber. Composition and structure of natural rubber. It’s not enough to want, you have to do it.” J.W. Goethe. Elastic. Latex - Hevea brasiliensis. The first synthetic rubbers. Per year up to 7.5 kg from one tree. Trans isomer of isoprene.

“Hydrocarbons” - Qualitative reaction to alkenes. Methods for extracting natural gas and oil. Aromatic hydrocarbons. Naphthalene. Lesson summary. Markovnikov Vladimir Vasilievich (1837 - 1904). Solvents Synthetic rubber Plastics. Petrol. Explosives. Propose a scheme for the production of polyvinyl chloride from methane.

"Aromatic hydrocarbons" - Amide. 12. Petroleum xylene is part of mixed solvents. Target. Clinker. 26. Oil pumping machine. Allotropic modification of carbon. 19. Varnish. 25. Ruby. 27. Transparent variety of corundum. 27. Dialysis. 13. Nomenclature. 15. Xylene. Inert gas. Nepheline. 28. Flammable and fire hazardous. Red brass. 17.

“Saturated hydrocarbons chemistry” - 1. The most characteristic reactions of saturated hydrocarbons are substitution reactions. Receipt. C3H8. CH4. CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O + 880kJ. C2H6. In the laboratory. Propane. Limit carbohydrates (alkanes or paraffins). Give examples. 2. All saturated hydrocarbons burn to form carbon monoxide (IV) and water.

Lesson topic “Genetic relationship of hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones” Goal To develop the ability to compile structural formulas using this information. To develop the skill of implementing chains of transformations of organic substances. Improve knowledge of the classification and nomenclature of organic substances.

Activity program “Drawing up a structural formula of a substance using this information” 1) Translate this information into the language of diagrams. 2) Guess the connection class. 3) Establish the class of the compound and its structural formula. 4) Write the equations for the reactions that occur.

Activity program: “Implementation of chains of transformations” 1). Number the chemical reactions. 2).Determine and label the class of each substance in the chain of transformations. 3).Analyze the chain: A) Write the formulas of the reagents and reaction conditions above the arrow; B) Under the arrow, write the formulas of additional products with a minus sign. 4).Write the reaction equations: A) Arrange the coefficients; B) Name the reaction products.

Classification of organic compounds according to the structure of the carbon chain 1. Depending on the nature of the carbon skeleton, acyclic (linear and branched and cyclic) compounds are distinguished. Acyclic (aliphatic, non-cyclic) compounds - compounds that have an open linear or branched carbon chain are often called normal. Cyclic compounds - compounds, containing molecules closed in the CA cycle

Classification of individual carbon atoms In the carbon skeletons themselves, it is customary to classify individual carbon atoms according to the number of carbon atoms chemically bonded to it. If a given carbon atom is connected to one carbon atom, then it is called primary, with two - secondary, three - tertiary and four - quaternary. In carbon skeletons themselves, it is customary to classify individual carbon atoms according to the number of carbon atoms chemically bonded to them. If a given carbon atom is connected to one carbon atom, then it is called primary, with two - secondary, three - tertiary and four - quaternary. What is the name of the carbon atom shown: What is the name of the carbon atom shown: a) inside the circle _________________; b) inside the square __________________; c) inside the heart __________________; d) inside the triangle _________________;

Tsepkova E.I.,

chemistry teacher



Grade 10

UMK.Chemistry.10th grade Textbook for general education organizations: basic

level/G.E.Rudzitiis, F.G.Feldman - 2nd edition - M.: Education, 2012.

Level of training: basic.

Lesson topic:Genetic relationship of saturated monohydric alcohols with hydrocarbons.

The total number of hours allocated to study the topic is 6 hours.

Lesson location - 4th lesson on topic

Lesson type: lesson of generalization of knowledge.

Lesson objectives: consolidate, generalize and systematize knowledge on oxygen-containing organic compounds, including on the basis of genetic connections between classes of these substances.


educational: repeat basic terms and concepts on the topic, consolidate knowledge about the composition, structure and properties of alcohols;

developing: the ability to analyze, compare, establish connections between the structure and properties of compounds, develop students’ creative abilities and cognitive interest in chemistry;

educational: pay special attention to the things we use in life.

Methods: verbal, visual, problem-search, knowledge control.

Equipment: computer, screen, projector, table “Classification of oxygen-containing organic substances”, supporting summary “Functional group determines the properties of a substance.”

Planned learning outcomes

Subject. Know the relationship between the composition, structure and properties of substances. Be able to give examples and draw up equations of chemical reactions that reveal

genetic connections between alcohols and hydrocarbons. Practice the ability to make calculations using chemical equations if one of the reactants is taken in excess.

Metasubject. Be able to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with a teacher and peers, work individually and in a group (find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on coordinating positions and taking into account interests), formulate, argue and defend your opinion.

Personal. To form a holistic worldview that corresponds to the modern level of development of science, based on ideas about the genetic connection between different

classes of organic substances. Develop communication competence.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Guys, today in the lesson we will solve genetic problems, on which we will consolidate the knowledge gained during the study of topics.

The properties of hydrocarbons depend on the chemical, spatial, electronic structure of molecules and the nature of chemical bonds.

The study of the structure, chemical properties and methods of producing hydrocarbons of various groups shows that all of them genetically related among themselves, i.e. transformation of some hydrocarbons into others is possible:

This allows for targeted synthesis of specified compounds using a series of necessary chemical reactions (chain of transformations).

Task 1. Name the intermediate products in the transformation scheme:

Ethyl alcohol H 2 SO 4 (k), t X HBr Y Na Z Cr 2 O 3 Al 2 O 3 butadiene-1,3

Solution. In this chain of transformations, including 4 reactions, from ethyl alcohol WITH 2 N 5 HE butadiene-1,3 must be obtained CH 2 =CH–CH=CH 2 .
1. When heating alcohols with concentrated sulfuric acid
H 2 SO 4 (water-removing agent) occurs dehydration with the formation of an alkene. The elimination of water from ethyl alcohol leads to the formation of ethylene:

2. Ethylene is a representative of alkenes. Being an unsaturated compound, it is capable of entering into addition reactions. As a result hydrobromination ethylene:

3.When bromoethane is heated in the presence of sodium metal ( Wurtz reaction, n-butane is formed (substance Z):

4.Dehydrogenation n-butane in the presence of a catalyst is one of the methods for producing butadiene-1,3 CH 2 =CH–CH=CH 2
(Section 5.4. Preparation of alkadienes).


1. Carry out transformations:

Performing exercises to consolidate knowledge.

Students complete assignments in their workbooks.

Using the genetic connection diagram, indicate from which substances, the formulas of which are given in the task, alcohols can be obtained in one stage? Write down the equations for the corresponding reactions. Name the starting materials and products of the reaction. For suffixes in the names of hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons, underline the multiplicity of the bond accordingly.

Name the class of substances and establish a genetic relationship (show this with arrows).

Carry out transformations:

CaC 2 → A → B → H 3 C-CH 2 -Cl → B → H 3 C-CH 2 -O-C 3 H 7

    CaC 2 + 2H 2 O → HC≡CH + Ca(OH) 2 A

2) HC≡CH + 2H 2 → H 3 C-CH 3 B

3) H 3 C-CH 3 + C1 2 → H 3 C-CH 2 -C1 + HC1

4) H 3 C-CH 2 -C1 + KOH (aq.) → H 3 C-CH 2 -OH + KS1 B

5) H 3 C-CH 2 -OH + HO-C 3 H 7 → H 3 C-CH 2 -O-C 3 H 7 + H 2 O

Now let's complicate our task a little. . Make a chain of transformations from proposed connections. Among the formulas of substances there are “extra” ones. How does this task compare to the previous one?

a ) C 6H5- OH, b) C 4H8, c) C 6H5- Br, d) C 5H11-Cl, e) C 6H6, f) C 3H6, g )HC≡CH, h)H 2 C =CH 2 i) CH 4 .

CH 4 → HC≡CH → C 6 H 6 → C 6 H 5 -Br → C 6 H 5 -OH

    2CH 4 → HC≡CH + 3H 2

    3HC≡CH → C 6 H 6

3. C 6 H 6 + Br 2 → C 6 H 5 Br + HBr

4. C 6 H 5 -Br + KOH → C 6 H 5 -OH + KBr

Reinforcing the properties of hydrocarbons in the form of a game “No-yes”»
1. Can you get alcohol from ethene? (Yes)
2. Is ethanol found in plant leaves? (No)
3. Fermentation of sugary substances produces methanol? (No)
4. Can ethanol be produced from wood chips by fermentation? (No)
5. If you freeze potatoes, can you get ethyl alcohol? (Yes)

.Reflective test:
1. This will be useful to me in life.
2. There was a lot to think about during the lesson.
3. I received answers to all the questions I had.
4. I worked conscientiously during the lesson.

Homework. Pov.§20-21, transformation schemes exercises 14,15*,

Carry out the transformations:

    Chemistry.Organic chemistry.10th grade: textbook. for general education institutions: basic level G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. – 13th ed.-M.: Education, 2009.

    Chemistry grades 8-11 (thematic planning according to the textbook by G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman) / comp. Breiger L.M.-Volgograd: Teacher-AST, 1999

    Chemistry. Large reference book for preparing for the Unified State Exam: educational and methodological manual / Edited by V.N. Doronkina. - 2nd edition, revised - Rostov n/D: Legion, 2016.

    Surovtseva R.P. and others. Chemistry. 10-11 grades: Methodological manual. - M.: Bustard, 2000.

“Properties of alkanes” - Alkanes. Study the information in the paragraph. IUPAC nomenclature. Connections. Physical properties of alkanes. We solve problems. Alkenes and alkynes. Natural sources of hydrocarbons. Saturated hydrocarbons. Methane halogenation. Nomenclature. Natural gas as a fuel. Hydrogen. Chemical properties of alkanes. Variant of special exercises.

“Methane” - First aid for severe asphyxia: removing the victim from the harmful atmosphere. Methane. Concentrations are often expressed in parts per million or billion. The history of atmospheric methane detection is short. The increase in methane and nitrogen trifluoride in the Earth's atmosphere is causing concern. The role of methane in environmental processes is extremely important.

“Chemistry Saturated hydrocarbons” - 8. Application. Used in the form of natural gas, methane is used as a fuel. The angles between the orbitals are 109 degrees 28 minutes. 1. The most characteristic reactions of saturated hydrocarbons are substitution reactions. In alkane molecules, all carbon atoms are in the SP3 state of hybridization.

“Saturated hydrocarbons chemistry” - Table of saturated hydrocarbons. Organic chemistry. In the laboratory. C2H6. The carbon chain therefore takes on a zigzag shape. Limit carbohydrates (alkanes or paraffins). Where is methane used? Receipt. Methane. What compounds are called saturated hydrocarbons? Questions and assignments. Application.

Gas mixtures obtained from associated gas. Natural gas. Natural gaseous mixtures of hydrocarbons. Origin of oil. Therefore, saturated hydrocarbons contain the maximum number of hydrogen atoms in the molecule. 1. Concept of alkanes 2. Natural sources 3. Oil as a source 4. Natural gas. Natural springs.

“Structure of saturated hydrocarbons” - Combustion of alkanes. Examples of isomers. Homologous series of alkanes. Saturated hydrocarbons. Positive and negative consequences. Properties of methane. Characteristics of a single bond. Formation of new knowledge and skills. Radicals. Physical properties of alkanes. Alkanes. Decomposition reactions. Production of synthesis gas.

There are a total of 14 presentations in the topic

Coal, oil, gas

Genetic linkage of hydrocarbon compounds “Natural sources of hydrocarbons and their processing”

Prepared by: Chemistry teacher

Kazikhanova Elmira Bilikbaevna

Classification and genetic relationship of hydrocarbons







C n H 2 n

C n H 2 n -2

C n H 2 n+ 2

C n H 2 n

C n H 2 n -6

C n H 2 n -2

Carry out transformations:

Methane → acetylene → ethanal




Ethane → ethylene → acetylene → benzene

WITH 2 N 6 → C 2 N 4 → C 2 N 2 → C 6 N 6

Methane → acetylene → ethanal

1. C 2 N 6 → C 2 N 4 + N 2

CH 4 → C 2 N 2 → CH 3 DREAM

2. C 2 N 4 → C 2 N 2 + N 2

1. 2 dc 4 → C 2 N 2 + 3 N 2

3. 3 C 2 N 2 → C 6 N 6

2. C 2 N 2 + N 2 O → CH 3 COH

Ethyl alcohol → ethylene → 1,2 - dibromoethane



WITH 2 N 5 OH → C 2 N 4 → C 2 N 2 Br - C 2 N 2 Br

(-CH 2 - CH 2 -) n

1. C 2 N 5 OH → C 2 N 4 + N 2 ABOUT

2. nС 2 N 4 → (-CH 2 - CH 2 -) n

3. C 2 N 4 +Br 2 → C 2 N 2 Br - C 2 N 2 Br

Black as a raven, but warm as the sun,

It brings warmth to homes,

It makes the houses light,

Helps melt steel

Making paints and enamels.

In mom's kitchen

He won't run without it

Excellent assistant

No taxi, no motorcycle,

He is a blue flower

The rocket won't rise

Blooms from matches.

Guess what it is?

Problematic issues:

1 . What unites the following formulas:

WITH 2 N 2 , WITH 2 N 6 , WITH 2 N 4 , WITH 3 N 8 , CH 4.

2.Where can these hydrocarbons be found?

3. What are the most important sources of hydrocarbons in nature?

4. On what continents are these sources currently being mined?

5. On which continent is hydrocarbon sources not being extracted today?

6. Name the countries that are major suppliers of natural gas to the world market?

7. Which countries are the leaders in oil production?

8. What are the composition and areas of application of natural and associated petroleum gases?

9. Oil – composition, processing?

10. Hard coal – origin, use of coking products?

11. Environmental problems?

The most important sources of hydrocarbons

Natural gas


Russia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Azerbaijan

Russia, Algeria, Iran, USA

Associated petroleum gas


Rectification – the process of thermal separation of oil and petroleum products into fractions.

Fraction a mixture of hydrocarbons boiling in a certain temperature range.

Cracking – the process of splitting (at temperature or in the presence of a catalyst) of heavy hydrocarbons into lighter ones (alkanes or alkenes).

Detonation – explosive combustion of gasoline in an internal combustion engine.

Reforming is a process of aromatization of gasoline, carried out by heating them in the presence of a platinum catalyst.

Cracking This is the process of thermal or catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbons contained in oil. (English to crack - to prick, split).

Thermal cracking carried out at a temperature of about 470°C -550°C and low pressure, .

Catalytic cracking carried out in the presence of a catalyst (aluminosilicates: a mixture of aluminum oxide and silicon oxide) at a temperature of 450 - 500°C and atmospheric pressure. This process was first carried out in 1918 by N.D. Zelinsky

Distillation it is a physical method of separating a mixture of components with different boiling points.

Pyrolysis – decomposition of organic matter at high temperatures without air access.

During the lesson we fill out the table...

Critical Components

Processing method

Main Products

Natural gas

The economy of any state depends on natural sources of hydrocarbons, so we will pay special attention to them in our lesson.

The first oil well in the world was drilled in 1848 in Baku.

Oil is measured barrels . One barrel – about 136 kg . or 142l

Pipeline laying .

Offshore oil production .

Information about oil came to us from Middle


People started mining it 6-8 thousand years ago.

The ancient Sumerians used asphalt (oil oxidation product) for embalming mummies.



  • Oily flammable liquid,
  • Dark color
  • Lighter than water
  • Smell
  • Does not dissolve in water
  • Does not have a specific boiling point

A complex mixture of hydrocarbons (150) – alkanes, cycloalkanes, linear and branched arenes






Processing methods



Physical processing method - rectification

Direct fractional distillation


  • Gas
  • Petrol
  • Naphtha
  • Kerosene
  • Diesel fuel
  • Fuel oil

Most Valuable Second Faction

  • A fraction is a part of a bulk or lumpy solid material or a liquid mixture, separated according to a certain characteristic.
  • Rectification is the separation of multicomponent liquid mixtures into individual components.
  • Oil distillation is based on the difference in boiling points of the hydrocarbons that make up its composition.

Flaw the yield of gasoline fraction is 17-20%, which does not meet the needs of modern industry

Chemical processing method - Cracking

Indirect oil refining is the process of splitting petroleum products into hydrocarbons with fewer C atoms

  • Industrial cracking was invented by Russian engineer V.G. Shukhov in 1891.
  • Shukhov V.G. – “Russian Edison”, his name is written in golden letters in the history of civilization.
  • Created river tank barges for transporting oil.
  • Used steam boilers for loading and unloading rather than muscle power.
  • Invented the first heated pumping pipeline .

Caspian Oil Pipeline Consortium: (CPC),

oil pipeline "Western Kazakhstan - Baku-Ceyhan",

Oil pipeline: “Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran”,

Oil pipeline: “Kenkiyak-Kumkol-China”

Investors in Karachaganak:

1) British company - British gas,

2) Italian – Eni,

3) American - Chevron,

4) Lukoil-Russia

The largest oil field is Kashagan.

(Shelf in the Caspian Sea)

Its geological reserves amount to 7-9 billion barrels of oil.

It ranks second in the world after the oil field in Alaska in the USA.

Difficulties: higher content of hydrogen sulfide, deep occurrence of layers. In the Kashagan field, KazMunayGas has a 16% stake. (waste-free production with innovative technologies is being created, oil refining)

Kashagan - giant shelf oil and gas field Kazakhstan , located 80 km from the city Atyrau , in the northern part of the Caspian Sea. The shelf depth is 3-7 m.

JSC NC “KazMunayGas” (KMG Kashagan B.V.) -16.88%;

ENI S.p.A. (Agip Caspian Sea B.V.) – 16.81%;

Exxon Mobil Corporation (ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc.) - 16.81%;

Royal Dutch Shell plc. (Shell Kazakhstan Development B.V.) - 16.81%;

Total S.A. (Total E&P Kazakhstan) - 16.81%;

CNPC (CNPC Kazakhstan B.V.) - 8.33%;

INPEX Corporation (INPEX North Caspian Sea) - 7.56%.

OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (headquarters Vienna-Austria):

Algeria, Venezuela. Gabon, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran,

China, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador.

Guardian (ORES)- from the English name of the union

"Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries"

Unique oil fields:

in Kuwait – Greater Burgan

in Saudi Arabia - Ghawar

in Iran - Rumaila

in Russia – Western Siberia

in Kazakhstan – Caspian Sea









Unsaturated hydrocarbons


fruit ripening

Aromatic hydrocarbons


Ethylene - glycol


Wine spirit












The appearance of ugly, non-viable individuals

Death of eggs, fry, juvenile fish

Death of waterfowl

Environmental consequences of oil pollution

Disruption of exchange in the ocean-atmosphere system

Accumulation of carcinogens along food chains

Violation of photosynthesis - reduction of primary bioproduction by 10%

Composition of natural gas

Want to know more?

Want to know more?

Want to know more?

Want to know more?


  • Natural (independent accumulation)
  • Associated (found in oil)
  • Gas condensate (mixture of oil and gas)

Gas consists of:

  • hydrocarbons with nitrogen admixture
  • carbon dioxide
  • hydrogen sulfide
  • argon
  • helium

(gas reserves 9.5 trillion cubic meters

68% - WKO)

Natural gas

A mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons of various origins, filling the pores and voids of rocks dispersed in the soil


1.Fuel 90%

2. Chemical raw materials 10%

(carbon black, hydrogen, acetylene, solvents)


98% - CH 4

2% - WITH 2 N 6 , WITH 3 N 8,

WITH 4 N 10, N 2, CO 2, N 2 N 2 S

Associated petroleum gas - a “cap” above oil

A mixture of hydrocarbons associated with oil and released during its production


Previously they were burned, now they are captured and used:


2. Chemical raw materials - receiving: plastics, rubbers, dry gas, propane-butane mixture, gas gasoline


30-40% - CH 4

7,5% - WITH 2 N 6 , 21.8% - C 3 N 8,

20.5% -C 4 N 10

Impurities - N 2, CO 2, N 2 ABOUT , N 2 S

Gas is a valuable raw material for the production of:

  • synthetic fibers
  • rubber
  • plastics
  • alcohols
  • fat
  • fertilizers
  • ammonia
  • acetylene
  • explosives
  • medicines



World gas reserves are concentrated in

  • Russia
  • Iran
  • USA
  • Algeria
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Norway

The most important products obtained from natural gas and associated petroleum gas










Synthetic rubber


Ammonium salts

Nitric acid


Synthesis - gas



Hydrogen sulfide



Sulfuric acid



Rock of sedimentary origin (Carboniferous period)


Complex mixture of BMC-C, H 2, N 2, O 2, S

Coking (pyrolysis) – decomposition of substances without access to oxygen at high temperatures

Ammonia water

N.H. 4 OH,C 6 H 5 OH, H 2 S

Coke gas

CH 4, N 2 , CO 2 , CO, H 2 , NН 3


Coal tar

C 6 H 6 and its homologues

C 6 H 5 OH, heterocyclic


Clean coal C

Coals are divided into:

Humus formed from higher plants

Sapropelic formed from algae


carbon 60-90%

hydrogen 1-12%

oxygen 2-20%


as well as moisture

Coal formation



Under high pressure and temperature

coal can be converted into GRAPHITE and SHUNGITE


Place of Birth:

Carboniferous - Tungussky, Lensky, Taimyr

In Russia, Appalachian in the USA, Karaganda in Kazakhstan. (400 deposits produce 100 million tons

coal reserves of the Kyrgyz Republic 160 billion tons)

Lignite – Lensky, Kansko-Achinsky in Russia.

Coal mining:

  • Open way

2.Underground method

Coal processing products

















Salicylic acids






Check the correctness of the completed table

The most important sources of hydrocarbons

Critical Components


Processing method

Organic and inorganic substances.



Main Products

Fuel, raw materials for the chemical industry.



Natural gas

Methane, associated petroleum gas.


Gas oil,


Fuel in blast furnaces, production of ammonia and hydrogen.


Fuel oil.


Preparation of acetylene.

Independent work No. 1

Write down the equation for the combustion reaction

Methane – CH 4

Etana – C 2 N 6

Propane - C 3 N 8

Arrange the coefficients.

Show that these are thermochemical equations, namely exothermic ones.

What is the thermal effect of a reaction?


Methane CH 4 + 2О 2 = CO 2 + 2H 2 O + Q

Ethane 2C 2 N 6 + 7О 2 = 4СО 2 + 6H 2 O + Q

Propane WITH 3 N 8 + 5О 2 = 3СО 2 + 4H 2 O + Q

Independent work No. 2


Calculate how much coal was burned if it released 11.2 liters CO 2

Given: Find:

V(CO 2 ) = 11.2l m(C) = ?



C + O 2 = CO 2

υ=1mol υ=1mol

M=12g/mol V m=22.4l/mol

M=12g V=22.4l

Let us take the mass of coal to be X, compose and solve the proportion:

X g / 12 g = 11.2 l / 22.4 l

X = 12 11.2 / 22.4 = 6 g

ANSWER : 6 g of coal burned.

Independent work No. 3

  • Oil
  • Diamonds
  • Coal
  • Natural gas
  • Graphite
  • Brown coal


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