Mini-project “Excursion to the library for older children. “Excursion to the library Notes on speech development excursion to the library

Organization: GBOU School No. 1195

Location: Moscow

Program content :

  1. Introduce children to the profession of a librarian and show the significance of his work.
  2. To develop a love for books and a caring attitude towards them.
  3. Deepen interest in school.
  4. Cultivate the ability to show initiative and curiosity in order to gain knowledge about the school.

Preliminary work:

  1. Inform parents about the upcoming excursion.
  2. Arrange in advance with the librarian about the time of the excursion, and obtain permission from the school director to visit the library.
  3. Talk about a book (talk about the origin of the word “library”; that a book consists of a cover, pages, illustrations, binding, and that each book has a title and an author).
  4. Role-playing game "Library"
  5. Work in the book corner.
  6. Development of an excursion outline.

Activating the dictionary:

library, librarian, books, shelves, racks, reader, form,

carefully, neatly.

1. Introductory part.

Guys, today we will go on an excursion to the school library.

Who knows what a library is?

(There are many books there, books are kept there.)

Yes, a library is a repository of books. We will see this today.

(Remember the rules of conduct for children at school and the library:

2. Main part.

Guys, we came to the school library. It's beautiful, clean, cozy, with a lot of books.

Meet the librarian

(Children meet the librarian, approach the shelves with books, look at them).

Guys, pay attention to the bookshelves. They are called "racks"

What's on the shelves?


Notice how neatly they are arranged on the shelves, all in neat rows. All books have a neat appearance. Why?

(They are handled carefully).

How should we treat books?


How should you take care of books?

(Do not bend corners, tear, throw, stain, scribble or draw on them).

What are books for?

Tell me again, guys, what is a library?

(Book storage).

What are the people called who borrow books from the library?


- (first name and patronymic) Tell us about your work.

A librarian's story.

I give out books. I constantly communicate with readers, answer their questions, and advise them on what book to read. After all, the book helps the young reader “build a life.” I tell readers about children's writers, their new books, and introduce them to the latest issues of magazines for children.

From time to time I organize colorful book exhibitions dedicated to the anniversary of a writer or poet. These exhibitions are often decorated with children's drawings.

In the spring I organize the biggest celebration of children's books - “Book Week”.

What qualities should a librarian have?

The most important quality of his soul is his selfless and endless love for books.

Excellent memory - after all, a librarian must remember perfectly where this or that book is located.

Sociability, knowledge of literary works and their authors. In addition, the librarian must have self-control, listening skills, tact and attentiveness to readers.

So what is the job of a librarian, guys?

(Help the reader choose a book, write it down on a card - a form. The librarian explains for how long the book is given, how to handle it).

Educator: Guys, let us also take an interesting book and read it in the group.

The librarian shows interesting books and offers to take one of them to the group. Children look at books and thank the librarian for the story.

3. Final part.

Dunno enters the library. He welcomes the children and talks about the importance of reading for all children.

Dunno: While adults read books to you. but when you learn to read yourself, you will be able to get acquainted with the heroes of various literary works. Today let's play with you! Now, guys, I will tell you riddles. Be careful!

2. Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but talking. (book)

3. Who speaks silently? (book)

4. Talk to her more often, you will be four times smarter. (book)

5. We stand side by side on the shelf, there are a lot of us - thick, thin,

We help children become reasonable people.

The kids carry us to class, but the lazy guy doesn’t like us.


Well done! Right! All these riddles were about books.

Physical education minute

There is a hut in the dark forest. (Children walk.)

It's standing backwards. (Children turn.)

There is an old woman in that hut. (They shake a finger.)

Grandmother Yaga lives. (They shake the finger of the other hand.)

Hooked nose (Point with finger.)

The eyes are big, (Show.)

Like coals burning. (Shakes head.)

Wow, how angry! (Running in place.)

My hair stands on end. (Hands up.)

If you guys aren't tired, I have one more task for you. We need to name a Russian folk tale

"Riddles based on fairy tales":

The fires are burning high,

Cast iron boilers are boiling,

Damask knives are sharpened,

They want to kill me! (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka, little goat)

Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

I messed up a little:

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. ("Cat, Rooster and Fox")

There is no river or pond.

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

Said a word -

The stove rolled

Straight from the village

To the king and princess.

And for what, I don’t know

Lucky lazy person? ("By magic")

Dunno: Well done guys! I hope you will be regular readers of the library!

List of used literature.

  1. Bezrukikh M.M. Steps to the school. – M.: Bustard, 2004.
  2. Romantseva L.N. Once again about continuity. // Management of a preschool educational institution. 2003. No. 2.
  3. Tsukerman G.A., Polivanova K.N. Introduction to school life. Program for children's adaptation to school life. – M.: Genesis, 2003
  4. Collection of Russian folk tales. Publishing house AST. 2015

Irina Lokteva

Summary of the excursion on the topic “Getting to know the library.”

Target: introduce children to the profession of a librarian.


Educational: to form in children realistic ideas about the work of adults, to introduce children to the profession of a librarian, the content and significance of his work for residents of the village, to expand children’s vocabulary on the topic;

Educational: develop observation, attention, memory, coherent speech, interest and desire to visit the library.

Educators: to cultivate respect for the work of a librarian and respect for books, to cultivate the rules of cultural behavior on the street and in public places.

Preliminary work: draw up a plan for the preliminary conversation for the librarian. Set a tour time.

Progress of the excursion.

Organizing time. Statement of a problematic question.

Educator: Guys, today I wanted to read you the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the book.

What do we do? Where do we get the book, do you think? (children make assumptions)

Repetition of what has been covered.

In our village there is a house where many books live. Who knows what this house is called?

Every house has a mistress who keeps order and follows traditions. Do you think there is a mistress in the library? Do you know what traditions she observes and how she keeps order?

Then I suggest you take a trip to the library. Find out who the owner is and what she does, what traditions she observes.

But first let's repeat rules of behavior on the street.

1. Go out and line up in pairs.

2. Don’t run ahead and don’t lag behind.

3. Walk on the left side of the road.

4. When crossing the road, look left, then right. Make sure there are no cars and cross the road.

As we move towards the object of observation (the library), I draw the children’s attention to the names of the streets, the numbers of houses that the children pass, I emphasize changing the direction of movement (let’s turn right, left, walk a little forward, what is left behind us). I remind children of the importance and necessity of strict adherence to traffic rules.

When approaching the object of observation, I draw the children’s attention to the appearance of the building, the features of its structure, and the decoration of the surrounding area.

Before entering the library, I suggest repeating the rules of behavior when visiting.

Do you know how to behave in the library?

Every library has rules that are common to all. Now I will read a poem about the rules of behavior in the library, and you listen carefully and remember.

There is a wonderful country in the world,

It's called the Library.

Adults and children come here

Because books live here. But in the land of a big library

There are special rules: You definitely need to know them,

I'll tell you there are six of these rules.

As you enter the country of the Library,

Don't forget to say hello to everyone.

And behave with dignity and calm,

Be polite and quiet, my friend.

And when you get what you need,

Say “thank you” politely.

Return the book you received

Be sure to do so within the time period specified therein.

If these rules, guys,

You will strictly comply

Then the country of the Library,

We will always be glad to receive you!

After the poem I ask what rules the children remember

Say hello.

Conduct yourself with dignity and calm

When you receive the book, say “Thank you.”

Return the book within the specified period.

Main part

Let's go to the library

Educator: Hello! We wanted to read a book called “Little Red Riding Hood” written by Charles Perrault, but, unfortunately, we didn’t have one, and we came to you for this fairy tale.

A librarian's story.

Hello guys, my name is Elena Vasilievna, I work as a librarian. Would you like me to tell you what I'm doing here? (Librarian's story).

After the librarian's story, there is a knock on the door. Little Red Riding Hood comes to visit the children.

She spends Quiz on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault.

Librarian: And now you and I will find the book you came to me for.

Educator. Let's thank Elena Vasilievna for the book and say goodbye.

Thank you very much for the interesting story about your profession, and the guys and I will go read a fairy tale. Goodbye.

Final part.

To reflect and clarify the level of children’s assimilation of new material, I conduct a mini-training “Discussion in a Circle” during which I invite the children to talk about where they have been, what the name of the librarian is, how a library differs from a store, why we need a library in our village.

Summing up the excursion, I make an assessment of who was the most attentive and active of the children.

When organizing free activities for children, I suggest playing the role-playing game “Library”.

Publications on the topic:

Every year, the older children of different age groups and I go to the library in our village. The owner of the library, Svetlana Viktorovna, meets you.

You don’t remember a big country that you traveled and got to know. You remember the Motherland as you saw it as a child” Simonov in a poem.

For several years now we have been working closely with the Central Children's Library. We are invited to various thematic meetings dedicated to...

One day, with the children from the preparatory group, we visited the regional children's library. The children were pleasantly surprised when they crossed the threshold of the “book house”.

Photo report of the excursion to the children's library. In our city there is a children's library, which is located in the cultural center. We decided to take it there.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Snezhinka"

Summary of educational activities on the topic “Excursion to the children's library”

(preparatory group MBDOU kindergarten "Snezhinka")

Developed and carried out:

Teacher Zorkina N.N.

Igrim 2017

GCD type: mastering new knowledge.

Form of organization: excursion.

Main educational area:“Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one’s horizons, was in integration with the educational region. “Communication” (speech development); “Socialization” (development of gaming activities).

Types of children's activities:cognitive, communicative, playful, productive.

Target: introduce children to the profession of librarian,Encourage children and their parents to regularly visit the library.


Educational:to form in children realistic ideas about the work of a librarian, to show the importance of the library; consolidate knowledge of traffic rules in practice when crossing an intersection.

Educational: enrichment of new words: librarian, shelving, bookshelves; activation of the dictionary: readers, books, magazines, illustrations.

Educators: cultivate interest in books, caring attitude and respect for the work of a librarian; develop the skills to independently care for a book.

Methods and techniques : questions, clarification, explanation, experiments, playful, visual, practical.

Preliminary work:Reading a work of fiction, talking about the work of a librarian. In advance, the teacher agrees on the possibility of conducting an excursion, both with the parents of the students and with the librarian.

Equipment: books, shelves, all located in the library.

Literature: General educational program of preschool education “From birth to school”, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Excursion progress:

1. Introductory part.

1) The children left the kindergarten in pairs. Repetition of the rules of behavior in public places and on the street.

2) Repetition of traffic rules (traffic rules).Approaching the first intersection, the teacher draws the children’s attention to why we decided to cross the road here?

Children: because there is a sign, a transitional transition (children together with the teacher look at the sign and remember its meaning).

The teacher also explains that everyone must make sure, before starting to move, that the cars have stopped and are allowing the pedestrian to pass. You cannot approach a pedestrian crossing and start moving across the road; the driver of the car might not have noticed them because of the bushes on the side of the road or for another reason. Be sure to make sure that the car has stopped, and only then start driving.

2. Main stage.

Educator: here we come to the library, let's rememberrules of conduct in the library.


We must listen carefully

You can only talk in a whisper

If you want to ask a question, you need to raise your hand

I took it to look, put it back

Educator: Well done guys, remember all the rules, then I invite you to the house where books live.

Librarian: Hello children! There is a house in the world in which guides to life are collected for you. This house is big or small, but always amazing, it’s called...

Let's try to solve the riddle:

From the outside you look -

Home is like home

But there are no ordinary residents in it.

It contains interesting books

They stand in close rows.

On long shelves along the wall

Old tales included:

And Chernomor, and Tsar Guidon,

And good grandfather Mazai...

What is this house called?

Try it and guess.

Well done, of course it is library ! “Biblio” in Greek means book, “theka” means storage. My name is ___________________ and I work in this amazing house librarian

A little history of libraries.

A long time ago, when people did not yet know paper, but wanted to pass on their knowledge to others, words were written down on whatever they had: they carved icons on stone, and later the letters were embossed on clay tablets. In Ancient Egypt they wrote on papyrus, a material made from a perennial plant of the same name. And in Russia they tanned thin leather and wrote on parchment, on birch bark.

People tried to preserve these letters: clay tablets, papyri, and parchments. The first libraries were created. But over time, the words were erased, the planks and birch bark deteriorated. Then people learned to make paper and print books. People who write books are called writers. Writers wrote about what they saw and heard. They wrote poems and came up with stories and fairy tales. There are a lot of books that we all need to know our past, present and future. Find out about everything that is happening in the world, happening on Earth. Where can we get books? (Buy at the store, at the library.)

Well done boys! I was convinced that you want to become smart, you want to learn a lot of new things.

So, a library is a house of books.

The library has a lot of books, magazines and all this is called book fund. In order for us to quickly find the book we need, it must be in its place. In other words, we can say that each book has its own house and its own apartment.Each book has its own number made up of letters and numbers - cipher . Using this code you can find out the address of the book: the floor and shelf where it is stored. In boxes- catalogs cards with the names and codes of all books are stored. The librarian will look at such a card, go to the storage room and bring you the book you need (the librarian shows the cards, the children look at them). And this, guys,reader's form(shows) where all the books you read are recorded.

Our library has two main departments: subscription and reading room . A library subscription means a place that lends books to your home. We have books that are not issued at home - these are encyclopedias and dictionaries. These are books that readers may need on any day (the librarian tells how the books are arranged, what is the issue and return of the book)

Librarian: Books are like people: they are born, live, grow old and can get sick. The main reasons are time and careless attitude towards the book. The book may be completely destroyed.

Reading a poem by S.Ya. Marshak “A book about books.”Guys, to prevent this from happening to your books, remember the rules for using the book:

Rules for handling the book

  • Before you start reading a book, wrap it in paper or put on a cover.
  • Use a bookmark when reading books.
  • Don't fold book pages.
  • You can't bend books. The book may crumble into separate leaves.
  • You cannot put pencils and pens in books.
  • Don't read while eating. There will be stains on the pages that cannot be cleaned.
  • Don't throw books around - you might lose them.

Librarian. To become real readers, you need to know how to behave in the library.

"Rules for using the library"

  • You have to be quiet in the library, because... noise disturbs other readers.
  • State your class and last name clearly and clearly so that the librarian can cross out the book.
  • Library books must be handled with special care so that as many students as possible can read them.
  • Library books must not be lost, otherwise there will not be a single book left in the library.
  • Books in the library must be placed exactly in the place where you got them.

Librarian: Guys, do you like reading books? What is your favorite book? (children answer)

And now, guys, I’ll tell you some riddles.

Be careful!


2. Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but talking.


3. Who speaks silently?


4. Talk to her more often, you will be four times smarter.


5. We stand side by side on the shelf, there are a lot of us - thick, thin,

We help children become reasonable people.

The kids carry us to class, but the lazy guy doesn’t like us.


Well done! All these riddles were about books.

Educator: Guys, what new words did you learn today? The guys repeat (vocabulary work technique).

Teacher and librarian:Well done boys! You behaved so well, and most importantly, did you remember how to behave in the library, in the reading room?

Children: Quiet, don't make noise!

Educator: Guys, what have you learned about the librarian profession? (reflection) (generalization) (children answer)

Librarian. Guys, this is the end of our tour. I am always glad to see you in our library with your parents.

The teacher and children thank the librarian for the interesting, educational excursion and book and say goodbye.

3. Final stage.In the afternoon, role-playing game “Librarian” and “Book Hospital” (repairing books in a group)


« Excursion to the library»

Chugui Inna Nikolaevna

With. Elizavetovka

1) to form realistic ideas about work in children


2) involve parents in familiarizing children with

the profession of a librarian;

3) instill in children responsiveness and respect for the work of adults.


Reading with children A. Lopatina’s fairy tale “Living Books”

Set a tour time.


Teacher: asks the children: - what book are you and I reading?

Children: let's read "The Tale of Lost Time"

(The teacher tries to find a fairy tale, but does not find it, and invites the children to go to the library and take this book there.)

Teacher: children, do you know what a library is?

Children: yes, this is a place where many books are kept.

Teacher: That's right, the library contains a huge number of books, and there we can find the book we need.

(The teacher and children come to the library, and the librarian meets them there.)

Teacher: Hello! We wanted to read a book called

“The Tale of Lost Time,” but unfortunately, we did not have such a book, and we came to you for this tale.

Librarian: Hello guys, my name is Olga Alekseevna, I work as a librarian.

Librarian: Would you like me to tell you what I do here?

Children: we want very much.

Librarian: come in, I’ll tell you about this fascinating profession.

A librarian is a very important and necessary profession. The word librarian comes from the word “bible,” which means “book.” Many people have home libraries. Books are on shelves and in cabinets. They are read by adults and children. They know all their books. But there are also huge repositories of books - libraries. The work of a librarian takes place in the library, among books. We have a huge number of libraries in Russia. Moscow is home to the most important Russian State Library, which contains millions of books, ancient and modern. ( A LIBRARY TAKES A TOUR OF THE LIBRARY. Each library is an entire city, long, long rows of bookshelves stretch there like streets. These storage facilities occupy many floors. They contain books from different countries. A librarian can help you find the book you need in a city like this.

Each book has its own number made up of letters and numbers - a code. Using this code you can find out the address of the book: the floor and shelf where it is stored. Cards with the names and codes of all books are stored in catalog boxes. The librarian will look at such a card, go to the storage room and bring you the book you need. Read and become smarter. ( SHOWS CARDS).

But I would like to tell you about the work of a librarian in a children's library. No matter how many books you have collected at home, the library has an immeasurably larger selection of books! The librarian issues books. He constantly communicates with the reader, answers his questions, and advises which book to read. The librarian talks about children's writers, their new books, and introduces the latest issues of magazines for children.

The librarian arranges colorful book exhibitions dedicated to the anniversary of the writer or poet. These exhibitions are often decorated with children's drawings. Librarians invite authors of well-known and beloved books by children to meet with young readers.


Children: A librarian must love books and must have a good memory.

Librarian: Right! The most important quality of his soul is his selfless and endless love for books! Excellent memory - after all, a librarian must remember perfectly where this or that book is located. Sociability, knowledge of literary works and their authors. In addition, the librarian must have self-control, listening skills, tact and attentiveness to the reader.

Guys, have you ever been to the library?

Name your favorite book. Who wrote it?

What is the job of a librarian?

And now, I want to invite you to play a little game “Guess the Book”.

(Divide the children into groups. Give each group cards with the names of different famous children's books, for example: “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Three Fat Men”, etc. Each group talks about their book, without naming this book, its author or characters. Based on each other's stories, children guess what books they are talking about.)

Librarian: This is my profession. And now you and I will find the book you came to me for. Do you want to read “The Tale of Lost Time” written by Evgeny Schwartz?

Children: Yes.

Librarian: then come with me.


The teacher and children thank Olga Alekseevna for the book and say goodbye.

Teacher: Thank you Olga Alekseevna for the interesting excursion and for the story about your wonderful profession, and the guys and I will go read a fairy tale. Goodbye!!!

Librarian: come to the library with your moms and dads, I will be very glad to see you, goodbye guys,

Summary of the excursion to the library.

1) to form in children realistic ideas about the work of adults;
2) involve parents in introducing children to the profession of a librarian;
3) instill in children responsiveness and respect for the work of adults.



Summary of the excursion to the library

(for children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions)

1) to form in children realistic ideas about the work of adults;
2) involve parents in introducing children to the profession of a librarian;
3) instill in children responsiveness and respect for the work of adults.
Reading with children the fairy tale by A. Lopatina “Living Books”
Set a tour time.
Teacher : asks the children: - what book are we reading?
Children : let’s read the fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio”
(The teacher tries to find a fairy tale, but does not find it, and invites the children to go to the library and get this book there.)
Teacher: children, do you know what a library is?
Children : Yes, this is a place where many books are kept.
Teacher : That's right, the library contains a huge number of books, and there we can find the book we need.
(The teacher and children come to the library, where the librarian meets them.)
Teacher : Hello! We wanted to read a book called
“The Adventures of Pinocchio”, but unfortunately, we did not have such a book, and we came to you for this fairy tale.
Librarian: Hello guys, my name is Elena Nikolaevna, I work as a librarian.
Librarian: Would you like me to tell you what I do here?
Children: we really want to.
Librarian: come in, I’ll tell you about this fascinating profession.
A librarian is a very important and necessary profession. The word librarian comes from the word “bible,” which means “book.” Many people have home libraries. Books are on shelves and in cabinets. They are read by adults and children. They know all their books. But there are also huge repositories of books - libraries. The work of a librarian takes place in the library, among books. We have a huge number of libraries in Russia. Moscow is home to the most important Russian State Library, which contains millions of books, ancient and modern. (LIBRARY TAKES A TOUR OF THE LIBRARY). Each library is an entire city, long, long rows of bookshelves stretch there like streets. These storage facilities occupy many floors. They contain books from different countries. A librarian can help you find the book you need in a city like this.
Each book has its own number made up of letters and numbers - a code. Using this code you can find out the address of the book: the floor and shelf where it is stored. Cards with the names and codes of all books are stored in catalog boxes. The librarian will look at such a card, go to the storage room and bring you the book you need. Read and become smarter. (SHOWS CARDS).
But I would like to tell you about the work of a librarian in a children's library. No matter how many books you have collected at home, the library has an immeasurably larger selection of books! The librarian issues books. He constantly communicates with the reader, answers his questions, and advises which book to read. The librarian talks about children's writers, their new books, and introduces the latest issues of magazines for children.
The librarian arranges colorful book exhibitions dedicated to the anniversary of the writer or poet. These exhibitions are often decorated with children's drawings. Librarians invite authors of well-known and beloved books by children to meet with young readers.
Children: A librarian must love books and have a good memory.
Librarian: Right! The most important quality of his soul is his selfless and endless love for books! Excellent memory - after all, a librarian must remember perfectly where this or that book is located. Sociability, knowledge of literary works and their authors. In addition, the librarian must have self-control, listening skills, tact and attentiveness to the reader.
Guys, have you ever been to the library?
Do you like to read books, can you read? Maybe your mother or grandmother read books to you?
Name your favorite book. Who wrote it?
What is the job of a librarian?
And now, I want to invite you to play a little game"Guess the book."
(Divide the children into groups. Give each group cards with the names of different famous children's books, for example: “The Living Hat”, “Three Fat Men”, etc. Each group talks about their book, without naming this book, its author or characters. Based on each other's stories, children guess what books they are talking about.)
Librarian: This is my profession. And now you and I will find the book you came to me for. Do you want to read the fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio”?
Children: Yes.
Librarian : Then come with me.
The teacher and children thank Elena Nikolaevna for the book and say goodbye.
Teacher: Thank you Elena Nikolaevna for the interesting excursion and for the story about your wonderful profession, and the guys and I will go read a fairy tale. Goodbye!!!
Librarian: come to the library with your moms and dads, I will be very glad to see you, goodbye guys,