Planned interaction table. On the organization of interaction in operations

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one of the main documents of the operation plan, which reflects the order of joint actions of troops (forces) when they perform operational tasks (combat missions) (see Interaction). Developed by the headquarters of the unit. (connection) together with the headquarters of the interacting troops (forces), branches of the armed forces (forces), special. troops, as well as the chiefs of the respective. departments, departments and services. P.v. performed on the card with an explanatory note attached. In P.V. reflected: operational formation (order of battle), DOS. tasks, the sequence of their implementation, the order of actions of troops (forces) in terms of tasks, directions, boundaries (regions), time; ensuring combat operations, organizing command and control of troops (forces), the procedure for mutual information; organization of mutual identification, warning, target designation and guidance. In lunch to P.V. Attached is a combat control schedule. In the conn. a planned table of interaction is being developed, in part - an interaction scheme.

^ 19. Types and purpose of combat documents.

Combat documents are all documents related to the organization, preparation and conduct of hostilities, as well as those related to the movement of troops and their location on the spot.

^ The meaning of combat documents primarily due to their widespread use in the development of the most important measures for command and control of troops. They are, in particular. the only tool that provides rapid development and visual display of combat planning issues. In a number of cases, combat documents may turn out to be the most expedient way of bringing combat missions to the attention of executors or providing (reporting) to a senior commander information about changes in the situation and measures taken in connection with this. In addition, without combat documents, it is impossible to prepare various kinds of auxiliary (reference) materials for officials. Without them, it is also impossible to practically generalize and disseminate the experience of combat operations and, on this basis, to improve the methods of troop command and control.

^ According to their purpose and content, combat documents are divided into three types: documents on command and control of troops, reporting and information and reference documents.

Documents on command and control of troops are developed for planning combat operations, communicating tasks to the executors and monitoring their implementation. These documents include: working maps, the commander's decision, drawn up on a separate card, preliminary orders, combat orders (combat orders), a planned table of interaction, a plan for fire and nuclear destruction, a plan and order for reconnaissance and other documents.

Reporting and information documents are intended to report to a higher commander or headquarters on the results of the implementation of the received combat missions and the decision taken, as well as to inform subordinates, cooperating troops and neighbors about the situation and to study and disseminate combat experience. These include: combat reports, reconnaissance reports, operational and reconnaissance reports, reports, logs of combat operations, orders and reports, reconnaissance schemes, reporting cards and diagrams, protocols of interrogation of a prisoner of war.

Reference documents are developed as initial and auxiliary (working) documents when planning combat operations and carrying out other measures for commanding troops. These include various kinds of calculations, statements, tables, references, diagrams.

^ Combat documents can also be textual, graphic and tabular.

The number of combat documents in all cases is limited by the strict necessity caused by the situation.

The assignment of combat missions to subordinate and support units is carried out by communicating combat orders, combat (preliminary combat) orders and instructions on the types of comprehensive support. Tasks are set by the commander personally or at his direction by the chief of staff orally and by technical means of communication.

The main combat document of command and control in combat is combat order. At the headquarters of the battalion and above, it is always drawn up in writing and has a general structure.

A combat order is a combat document on command and control of troops, one of the forms of bringing combat missions to the troops. A combat order may be given orally and in writing (in terms of formations and formations) on the ground and on the map. A combat order given in a unit, formation, association orally, then is issued by the headquarters in writing.

The combat order of the battalion (company) indicates: in the first paragraph - brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation; in the second - the combat composition and tasks of the battalion (company);

in the third - tasks performed in the interests of the battalion (company) by the forces and means of the senior commander;

in the fourth - the tasks of neighbors and interacting units; in the fifth - after the word "decided" the plan of the battle (fulfillment of the received task) is brought;

in the sixth - after the word “I order”, combat missions are set for units of the first and second echelons (combined arms reserve), artillery units and fire weapons remaining directly subordinate to the battalion (company) commander, with clarification of their combat strength, forces and means of reinforcement, their order reassignment of the allocated number of missiles and ammunition;

in the seventh - places and time of deployment of control points and the procedure for transferring control;

in the eighth - the time of readiness for battle (completion of the task).

^ combat order - a combat document on command and control of troops: combat orders to subordinate formations, formations, units and subunits (given instead of a combat order and briefly repeat their content).

The combat order of the subunit shall indicate: brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation;

the combat composition and task of the subunit, specifying the means of reinforcement and the procedure for their reassignment;

tasks performed in the interests of units by the forces and means of the senior commander;

tasks of neighbors and dividing lines with them (if they are assigned);

main issues of interaction;

the main issues of comprehensive support;

basic management issues;

time and place of the decision report.

^ Advance combat order - with limited time limits for preparing an operation (combat), after the commanders (commanders) have developed a plan, preliminary combat orders may be issued, which indicate the approximate task for which you must be ready.

The preliminary combat order usually indicates:

information about the enemy;

combat composition of the unit;

tentative combat mission of the subunit;

neighbors and dividing lines with them;

time of readiness for action and other data.

^ 20. The procedure for compiling and maintaining combat documents (on the example of a combat order and a work card for a motorized rifle battalion commander).

When developing combat documents, the established requirements and rules for their execution must be observed. Documents should be standard in form and acceptable for transmission through various means of command, but if necessary, other forms can be used that most fully meet the conditions of the situation, the nature of the actions of the troops and the requirements for ensuring command and control. In terms of content, they should be concise, not allowing ambiguous interpretation. Particular attention should be paid to the mutual consistency of all documents. The number of documents being developed should correspond to the real need for combat command and control of troops. The development and distribution of unnecessary documents to the troops is unacceptable.

^ Battle order can be given orally and in writing (in terms of formations and associations) on the ground and on the map. At the headquarters of the battalion and above, it is always drawn up in writing and has a general structure. It usually indicates: brief conclusions from the assessment of the situation; the combat mission of the battalion and the tasks performed in their interests by the senior commander; tasks of neighbors and dividing lines with them; battle plan; combat missions for distributed forces and means; consumption of the main types of ammunition; places and time of deployment of command posts and directions of their movement; task readiness time.

A combat order should be brief, extremely clear, excluding any possibility of a different interpretation.

The battalion commander draws up the decision on his working map. With the help of this card, the commander exercises control over subunits during preparation and during the battle, reports the situation and his decision to the senior commander, and informs neighbors. Part of the data from the decision of the commander is applied to the work cards of other persons involved in the management.

As the decision is made, the map displays: known information about the enemy, and sometimes his probable actions; directions of concentration of the main efforts of the battalion (in the defense, in addition, areas of terrain, the retention of which depends on the stability of the defense); tasks of the battalion (company) and neighbors, dividing lines with them; tasks of fire weapons performed by the forces and means of senior commanders; tasks of subordinate units, methods and terms of their implementation; locations of the KNP of the battalion and companies and the direction of their movement; the main issues of interaction, support and management. In addition to the graphic part, the working map also contains tables reflecting the composition of the reinforcements, the distribution of forces and means, the balance of forces and means, etc.

On the working map of the battalion (company) commander, all the elements of the decision set out in the content of the combat order items and combat (preliminary combat) orders are displayed.

It should be noted that only those data are entered on the work card that are relevant to the implementation of the task and do not exceed the competence of this official.

(For more information on the procedure for compiling and maintaining combat documents, see the Combat Charter for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat. The procedure for developing and maintaining combat documents, as well as the training manual Fundamentals of military topography, pp. 84-112)

^ 21. Defense: definitions, goals, requirements.

Defense is a type of combined arms combat. The main purpose of the defense is: to repulse the offensive of superior enemy forces; causing him maximum losses; holding important areas (boundaries) of the terrain and thereby creating conditions for subsequent actions.

The requirements for defense are those basic qualities (properties) that it must possess in order to ensure the achievement of the goal.

Defense must be:

  • sustainable.

  • Active.

  • Capable of resisting enemy attacks.

  • Able to repel the onset of his superior forces.

  • Able to prevent the landing of air (airmobile) assault forces in the rear, and in the event of a landing, to destroy them.
^ 22. Types of defense and their characteristics.

Depending on the situation, positional or mobile defense, as well as a combination of them, can be used.

Positional defense It is used in those areas where the loss of the defended territory is unacceptable, and is carried out with the aim of a strong and long-term retention of defensive lines, strips and sections of terrain, as well as important objects. It is characterized by a system of defensive positions, areas and lines developed in depth and developed in engineering terms, a prepared system of fire engagement of the enemy, relying on which the troops do not allow the enemy to break through into the depth of defense and inflict maximum defeat on his advancing troops.

^ Maneuverable defense It is used in those areas where there is a significant superiority of the enemy and a temporary abandonment of the territory is possible, as well as in cases where, according to the conditions of the situation, it is expedient to leave the territory, gain time, create strong groupings to inflict a decisive defeat on the advancing enemy. It consists in the consistent conduct of defensive battles to hold lines (positions) echeloned in depth, combined with short counterattacks. As a result of its conduct, the enemy strike force must be stretched out, exhausted and directed to areas that provide favorable conditions for defeating it with second-echelon strikes and reserves.

Maneuverable defense is based on consistent fire engagement of the enemy while holding each line (position), timely maneuver by units, subunits, surprise counterattacks, bold raid actions, and extensive use of fire ambushes and engineering barriers. Separate sections (districts) in important directions, especially cities, can be defended, as in positional defense.

^ 23. Conditions for transition to defense.

Under the conditions of the transition to the defense, one must understand the totality of objective factors of the situation that will significantly influence the transition to the defense and the conduct of a defensive battle.

Defense can be prepared and engaged in advance, even before the outbreak of war, or in the course of hostilities.

Defense can be applied intentionally or forcedly. Subunits and units can go over to the defensive in the absence of contact with the enemy or direct contact with him. Defense can be prepared for a long time or in a short time.

^ 24. The place of the SSB (tb) in the defense of the brigade and its purpose (based on the place).

Place of the battalion in the defense of the brigade- this is his position in the battle order of the brigade. Motorized rifle and tank battalions can take up defense both in the first and second echelon of the brigade, be in the combined arms reserve, anti-amphibious reserve, defend in the supply zone, in the forward position. When leaving the battle and withdrawing the battalion may be assigned to the rearguard.

^ The battalion of the first echelon in defense is intended to inflict defeat on enemy units during their deployment and transition to the attack; repelling their offensive and holding the occupied area; preventing the enemy from penetrating into the depths of the defense; crushing an invading enemy. He prepares and takes up defense in the first defensive position.

^ Second echelon battalion to securely hold the occupied area; preventing the enemy from penetrating into the depths of the defense; defeating the wedged enemy with the help of counterattacks and restoring the position along the first edge. The battalion prepares and takes up defense in the second position, as a rule, in the most important direction.

^ Motorized rifle (tank) battalion assigned for defense in the supply zone , acts as the first detachment with the aim of delaying the advance of superior enemy forces, forcing him to turn around prematurely and advance in a direction unfavorable for him, inflict losses on him and buy time to prepare a defense.

In the absence of a security zone, the battalion can defend itself in a forward position created at a distance of 6-8 km from the enemy’s front line, in order to mislead the enemy about the outline of the front line and the construction of defense, to prevent a surprise attack by the enemy on first-echelon units, to repel his reconnaissance combat and force the premature deployment of their main forces.

^ Battalion constituting the combined arms reserve formation (unit), occupies the concentration area indicated to it and is in readiness to perform suddenly arising tasks or to strengthen (replace) first-echelon units in case they lose their combat capability.

^ Battalion assigned to the antiamphibious reserve occupies the indicated area, conducts reconnaissance of an air enemy, arranges obstacles, prepares fire ambushes and is in readiness to destroy enemy landings in areas of their possible dropping and on probable directions of action, enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups and irregular armed formations independently or in cooperation with combined arms reserve.

^ 25. The combat composition of the small and medium-sized and large brigade (TB) defending in the first echelon of the brigade: definition, reveal the combat composition.

The combat strength of the SME (TB) is the regular forces and means of the SME (TB), as well as attached forces and means.

Established forces and means of SMEs.

OShS SME includes:

1) management: command, headquarters;

2) communications platoon - a means of control;

3) combat units: 3 motorized rifle companies, a mortar battery, a grenade launcher platoon, and in the SME on an armored personnel carrier there is also an anti-tank platoon;

4) support units: support platoon and medical platoon (point)

The main armament of the SMEs: 37 infantry fighting vehicles (42 armored personnel carriers), 82 mm mortars 2B9 "Vasilek" -3, 82 mm mortars 2B14 "Tray" -6, 6 AGS-17, and in the SMEs on the armored personnel carrier there are 6 Fagot ATGMs and 9 ATGMs "Metis", 3 SPG-9.

Personnel in the SME on the BMP-461 people, and in the SME on the BTR-539.

Established forces and means of TB.

TB has a similar SME structure. The difference lies in the fact that in TB combat units are 3 tank companies. The main armament of the TB: 31 T-90 (T-80) tanks.

A motorized rifle (tank) battalion, when conducting combined arms combat, may be attached to or allocated to support subunits of military branches and special forces. When performing a number of tasks, subunits of other troops can be attached to combined-arms subunits.

Attached units are fully subordinate to the combined arms commander and carry out the tasks assigned to him.

Supporting subunits remain subordinate to the senior commander and perform the tasks assigned to him, as well as the tasks assigned by the commander of the supported subunit, within the allocated resource (outfit of forces).

A motorized rifle (tank) battalion may be attached to an artillery battalion (battery), an anti-tank weapons unit, units of engineering troops and troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection, and when operating in isolation from the main forces, an anti-aircraft missile (rocket-artillery, artillery) unit.

SSB can be attached to tank units, and TB to motorized rifle units.

The battalion in battle, in addition, can be supported by artillery fire, strikes by front-line, army aviation, and other means of destruction of the senior commander.

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The main content of management is:

    continuous acquisition, collection, processing, study, generalization, analysis, evaluation and display of situational data, taking into account the forecast of its development during the preparation of the battle, during its conduct and after the completion of the combat mission;


    bringing tasks to subordinates;

    battle planning, organization and maintenance of interaction;

    organizing and holding events by types of support;

    leadership in the preparation of lower staffs and troops for combat, as well as the organization and implementation of control and assistance;

    direct control of the actions of troops in the performance of their combat missions;

    maintaining a high moral and psychological state of the troops and other measures.

The basis of control is the decision of the commander.

Commander's decision to fight- this is based on knowledge of the laws and principles of military art, the result of creative thinking and the will of the commander, which determines the goal of the battle, forces and means, tasks and methods for their implementation, coordinated in place and time.

The commander makes the decision alone. based:

    clarification of the received task,

    assessment of the situation

    conducted tactical calculations.

In the decision he defines:

    battle plan;

    combat missions for subdivisions;

    main issues of interaction;

    comprehensive provision

    bases of the organization of management.

The basis of the solution is battle plan, which defines:

    direction of concentration of the main efforts;

    methods of defeating the enemy for the entire period of the battle (which enemy, where, in what sequence and how to defeat with an indication of the order of fire engagement and measures to deceive him);

    battle order.

In each specific case, the plan must correspond to the type of combined arms combat for which it was developed by the commander.

Combat missions for subordinate subunits are determined in strict accordance with the intended plan.

    the order of destruction of objects and targets by attached and supporting units,

    terms of readiness for the performance of combat missions.

Interaction is organized by the regiment (battalion) commander between regular and attached units with the participation of deputies, key staff officials, chiefs of military branches and services, as well as commanders of regular and attached units. It is usually organized on the ground to the depth of visibility, and on the layout of the terrain or on the map - to the entire depth of the combat mission.

Organizing interaction, regimental commander(battalion) must:

    to coordinate the efforts of the troops in the interests of motorized rifle and tank units operating in the direction of concentration of the main efforts (the main attack):

    achieve a common understanding by all commanders of the purpose of the battle, combat missions and methods for their implementation;

    outline and agree on options for joint actions of subunits and measures to deceive the enemy, based on the nature of his possible actions,

    indicate signals for warning, control, interaction, mutual identification and target designation.

Management organization is to determine the commander

    place, time of deployment of the command post of the regiment,

    KNP subdivisions,

    the order of control from these points of their movement during the battle;

    the procedure for maintaining communication and radio exchange;

    methods and terms of submission of reports;

    degrees of KNP engineering equipment and the procedure for their protection,

    measures to restore control in case of its violation.

In addition to the commander's decision, the regiment is developing:

    combat order (combat orders);

    orders for technical support and rear;

    planned table (scheme) of interaction;

    plans for air defense, reconnaissance, communications, commandant service, engineering, technical and logistics support.