Preparing for ket. Cambridge English Exam Preparation Materials

Greetings, my dear readers.

Sometimes, to realize our dreams, we just need to take a step in the right direction. Many of my friends dream all their lives about going somewhere to Australia, enjoying the sun and the ocean. But this dream remains a dream.

But that's not possible! Dreams to fulfill!

If you want to go to Australia, take the exam and move there to live for a couple of months! Take at least one small step towards your happiness.

This small step can be an international English exam KET.

Have you heard of this?

Today I will tell you what it is for, what parts it consists of, what traps you can fall into, and what benefits to prepare for in order to avoid these very traps.

What is KET?

This is the first Cambridge exam in a series that tests knowledge of general English. It is suitable for adults who have been studying the language for some time, as well as for children whose age is at least 12 years old. This test confirms knowledge of level A2 - Pre-Intermediate .

The certificate of this exam has no expiration date, which means you can use it in a year, and in 10 years!

What does KET give?

By passing this exam, you will have proof that you can:

  • Speak English on simple topics;
  • Understand simple texts by ear;
  • Read simple ads and texts;
  • Write small letters well and beautifully.

What to do with all this knowledge? - you ask.

And here's what:

  • You can go and no longer feel stupid and strange in a foreign country, communicating only with the phrases " how much? and " I'm fine».
  • You can travel to another country for work. This certificate allows you to apply for simple positions such as tourism, sales, hospitality, etc.

Exam Structure

The exam consists of 3 parts: reading and writing, listening and speaking.

  • Reading and writing.

9 tasks for which 70 minutes are given. The tasks here are varied:

- Fill in the text with one of three word options;
- Determine whether the information in the sentence based on the text is correct;
- Write a short letter in a few sentences;
Based on the read definition of the word, write what kind of word it is.

The most “terrible” thing that candidates can face here is misunderstanding vocabulary. After all, as we are used to: if you don’t understand at least one word, that’s it, the text is littered. But in reality, you can just guess this word (by the way, this is also an important skill and it is called linguistic guess!) Of course, expand your own, but remember: you won’t learn all the words!

  • listening .

A very interesting part of the exam. In fact, more than half of my students love it. Especially children - for the colorfulness of the material presented and the interesting construction of tasks.

In general, this part takes 30 minutes of time to complete 5 tasks. Please note that this time period also includes the time to complete the answers (which must be entered on a separate sheet!)

Here, what tasks can be found here:

- Choose from 3 pictures the one that was mentioned in the dialogue;
- Connect words from two lists based on what you hear;
- Answer questions on the dialogue;
- Listen to a note, dialogue or monologue and write down the information correctly;

As in the case of speaking, many students are afraid not to understand what is said and, in the future, not to understand what is the correct answer. Your salvation is practice, practice and again. Yes, and also replenishment of the lexical base, where without it!

  • speaking.

Passing this part of the exam is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because you will have to do everything in tandem with another candidate. And for two, you will have no more than 10 minutes to fully demonstrate your abilities.

First part are answers to questions about yourself. It takes about 5-6 minutes in total. But in the second part one candidate receives a card with a topic, and the second one with . Accordingly, the first will have to answer the questions of the second. Then they switch roles.

So that all this description is not unfounded and incomprehensible, I offer you an example of tasks for this testing. The archive contains a complete exam sample, by which you can determine your strengths, assess weaknesses and start thinking about a preparation plan.

Good news for all students: they can get a certificate of this level by passing an exam KET for Schools. The most important difference of this exam is in the subject of materials, so that schoolchildren from 11 to 14 years old would understand and be interested.

How and why to prepare?

It is necessary to prepare according to high-quality and proven textbooks. Here are my favorite preparation aids:

1. KET Practice Tests
Lots and lots of practice for your exam success.

2. Vocabulary for KET.
What I spoke about more than once today is your vocabulary. Here's a great way to build up your vocabulary quickly and efficiently.

3. Objective KET.
Comprehensive preparation for all parts of the exam: repeating grammar and learning a new one, learning new words, gaining listening and speaking skills - everything is here.

4. Key for Schools Result
A book for the comprehensive preparation of a child for passing a rather difficult test for him.

5. Key English Tests.
And finally, a few more tests for confidence;).

Just remember, my dear ones, that you don't need to rush at all the books at once. Take a systematic approach. For example, choose one book that you will go through step by step. In addition to it, take a book on vocabulary. And with certain breaks study the book with tests. Do everything in order and systematically, and then a good result will not be long in coming.

how to make the process of passing the exam much easier.

  • Vocabulary.

Today I have already spoken more than once about how important a good lexical base is. It all starts with her! The probability of not understanding the text, the probability of not understanding the dialogue heard, the probability of not remembering a word during a conversation - all this hangs over you if you are not expanding your vocabulary!

What can be done? Read and listen! Read literature adapted to your level, watch simple films or even cartoons, listen to English speech and practice! You will not notice how your vocabulary will be replenished, and you will become much more confident in your knowledge!

  • Make a mistake.

Many at this level have a stronger fear than public speaking - it is a conversation with another person - and especially with a foreigner - in English. But it must be overcome. Do you know where he comes from? From fear of seeming stupid, saying the wrong word or making a mistake. But how without it? This is the only way you can improve your abilities! Make mistakes, analyze and remember! This is the way I advise you to go!

How much does it cost to take the exam?

The cost of passing the exam is approximately 5,000 rubles. Of course, in five years, the figure may change, but today it is approximately the same (2015-2016)

Here, my dears, this is what the famous exam looks like. I hope that this material will help you clearly understand how this exam differs from all the others. Although, I'll tell you a secret, they are all very similar. Just shhh…!!!

By the way, you can watch the video right now and put yourself in the place of students taking this test. Get some air and breathe deeply))

And for today I say goodbye. Good luck!

KET is short for Key English Test, so the phrase "ket exam" is basically a tautology. This name was coined at the University of Cambridge by specialists from the ESOL department, focused on foreigners. More precisely, the study of English by native speakers of other languages. So, for you and me.

To test knowledge and proficiency in the language of foreigners, a special approach is needed. Special international tests were developed from 1991 to 1994. In 2004, they were significantly improved, and today every student in 130 countries around the world can take the Cambridge English test.

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Cambridge English: Key Shows the basics of English proficiency. This is the level through which you can communicate in simple everyday situations (shopping, traveling in public transport, dating, tourism, etc.) and continue to study the next levels. In other classifications, a similar preparation is called Pre-Intermediate, or A1-A2 on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) scale.

As for the requirements for students, the age is not strictly regulated. You can take the KET when you feel ready and/or when you have completed the appropriate course at an English language school. And if this happened before the 15th birthday, then you will probably be asked to take the KET for schools exam. It is designed to test the same knowledge, but the topics of the tasks focus on school life and related situations.

Where and how is the Key English Test taken?

KET consists of three compulsory parts: Reading and Writing, Listening, Speaking.

Reading and Writing



Lead time

Number of tasks


Each correct answer earns 1 point

You need to have time to transfer the answers to the form

Performed in pairs

Task examples

It is necessary to fill in the gaps in words and / or sentences on your own or from the proposed options; choose the correct answers in the dialogues; answer the questions correctly according to the information in the given text, etc.

You need to choose suitable illustrations for the fragments you have listened to; answer questions about what was heard in the audio fragment; write down the information given.

Answer a few questions that the teacher will ask; in a dialogue with a partner, ask questions to each other and give answers to them.

KET exams are accepted all over the world, including in Moscow. In the capital of Russia there are several centers where you can not only learn English, but also pass Cambridge exams. To do this, you need to find out the dates of the tests - as a rule, they are held throughout the year. Moreover, please note that knowledge of grammar, listening comprehension (listening), vocabulary and reading technique are checked on one day, and oral speech on another (a little earlier or later).

How is KET rated?

The test results are expressed in points. The maximum success is 100 points, or all correct answers. But in order to pass KET, it is permissible to make a mistake several times.

  • 90-100 points is an excellent result, or Pass with Distinction.
  • 85-89 points - satisfactory, that is, Pass with Merit.
  • 70-84 points - the exam is accepted and counted, just Pass.
  • 45-69 points say that the level of your knowledge reaches A1 (A1 Level)
  • 0-44 points - too low, the exam is not passed, this is Fail.

Only the first two options, that is, the test result for 89 points inclusive, allow you to get a KET certificate. In addition, an excellent score (between 90 and 100 points) automatically entitles you to the CEFR “B1” certificate. Those who score at least 45 points will be issued a CEFR "A1" certificate. Everyone else will have to repeat the basic training, improve their knowledge and retake the exam.

How to prepare for the CAT test?

Since the number of tasks in the three parts is not the same, the points for their completion are awarded differently. As much as 50% of the exam depends on Reading and Writing. Listening and Speaking, respectively, add 25% points each. This means that only a comprehensive study of English will prepare you for the successful passing of the Key English Test. The ideal option is if the language school is accredited to take the Cambridge exams. But this is not a prerequisite. You can enroll in preparation courses or prepare for the test yourself.

To prepare for the exam, you need to complete as many practice exercises as possible. And although the test itself is taken exclusively with the personal presence of the examiner, examples of KET tasks are available online, and their completion depends only on your self-discipline. Knowledge of the rules, a good vocabulary and experience with typical questions and tasks - and you can get a high assessment of your knowledge.

You will be convinced by passing the ket exam that this is only the first step on the way to learning English. It is no less important than the following because it will give you confidence in your abilities and the desire to continue your studies. And there, you see, the time will come to take the PET (Preliminary English Test) - but this is a topic for another article.

The upper limit is the exam CPE, which is taken by those who speak English almost like . Accordingly, the international exam KET, to which this article is devoted, is the first step in improving your knowledge.

International exam KET Designed for adults and children over 15 years of age. For younger children, namely from 11 to 14 years old, there is a group of exams, which we will talk about separately. Exam Key English Test, being developed directly by the examination department of the university of the same name Cambridge ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). International Exam Launched KET in the early nineties (1991-1994). It was revised five years later. A new structure and content of the exam was developed and entered into force in March 2004. It should be noted that there is not only a simple KET, but also KET for schools(for schoolchildren). There is no difference between the two versions of this exam. In the second case, the topics and content of the exam are more focused on the interests, hobbies, experience and age of the students.

The structure of the international exam KET

Every year international exam KET seek to pass about 40,000 people from 60 countries. To get into their number, you just need to register at the British Council training center, which takes this exam, pay the cost of the exam, and pass all types of tests at the appointed time, and there are three of them in this exam:

  1. Reading and writing(reading and writing), which is devoted to 1 hour 10 minutes of examination time. You are offered simple information from brochures, newspapers and magazines in English, on the basis of which you must complete several types of tasks - fill in gaps in sentences, complete sentences, write a short text up to 25 words.
  2. listening(), for the implementation of which you are given half an hour. After listening to announcements and monologues in the form of audio recordings, which will be delivered at a slow pace, you will have to answer a certain number of questions. In this way, your ability to understand English speech by ear is tested.
  3. Speaking(speaking), taking 8-10 minutes of your time. Usually this test takes place in the presence of two examiners, one of whom communicates with you, and the other evaluates your abilities. In addition, in speaking you are paired with another candidate who is taking an international exam KET. This is necessary to complete the joint task. Accordingly, this stage KET implies a conversation containing questions and answers to them, as well as the ability to introduce yourself to a stranger.

Completed tasks are checked by accredited experts Cambridge ESOL, which evaluate your knowledge by the sum of points for all tests (stage 1 - 50%, 2nd and 3rd - 25% each). After a couple of months, you will be able to find out if you passed this exam (70% -84%), whether you achieved success in it (85% -100%), or coped with the task, but not quite well, so you get a level certificate A 1, which means that you can take part in a simple dialogue in English on a predictable topic, are able to write a simple questionnaire or note with the time, date and place, but this is not enough for an international exam KET. If your score percentage is 0%-44% correct, you have failed the exam.

As a self-preparation for the international exam KET I would recommend the following courses:

  • KET Practice Test Plus
  • Key English Test
  • Objective KET

Or use the materials offered by the official website of the Cambridge exams - .


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You will receive a separate score for each of the three papers (Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking), giving you a clear understanding of your performance. These three scores are averaged to give you an overall result for the exam. You will also be given a grade and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) level.

When will I get my A2 Key Statement of Results?

All candidates receive a Statement of Results, and if you are successful in the exam you will also receive a certificate.

Your Statement of Results is released online, approximately four to six weeks after the exam for paper-based exams, and two to three weeks after the exam for computer-based exams. The fastest way to get your results is to sign up to our .

When will I get my A2 Key certificate?

We send your certificate to your exam center about three weeks after results are available. Your exam center then send it on to you.

  • If you took a paper-based exam, your certificate will be sent to your center seven to nine weeks after the date of your exam.
  • If you took a computer-based exam, your certificate will be sent to your center five to six weeks after your exam date.

A2 Key Scale Scores

Depending on which university, college or organization you are applying to, you may be asked to achieve a specific score or grade, either overall or for a particular skill. For A2 Key, the following scores will be used to report results:

Cambridge English Scale Score grade CEFR Level
140–150 A B1
133–139 B A2
120–132 C A2
100–119 Level A1 A1

The exam is targeted at Level A2 of the CEFR. The examination also provides reliable assessment at the level above A2 (Level B1) and the level below (Level A1).

Scores between 100 and 119 are also reported on your Statement of Results, but you will not receive the Key English Test certificate.

Key English Test (KET)- an international exam in English, the result of which is an indicator of English language proficiency at an elementary level (CEFR A2). There are 2 types of exam - for adults (from 15 years old) and for children and teenagers (it is called KET for Schools) - for children 11-14 years old. They differ in topics - for example, schoolchildren will be offered to read topics such as school, hobbies or plans for the future, and adults - work or study at the university. At the moment, it is possible to pass the test in a paper version or in a computer version - your choice. In any case, the exam is taken at an authorized center.

Exam Modules KET

The KET testing process includes 3 modules: Reading and Writing (reading and writing), Listening (listening comprehension) and Speaking (interview).


The Reading and Writing module lasts 1 hour and 10 minutes. It includes 9 parts with the following types of tasks:

  • Matching offers with short ads
  • Reading text and answering multiple choice questions
  • Comparison of question and answer
  • Spelling and spelling task
  • Text with gaps to be filled in
  • Letter

The results of KET are evaluated according to the following system: in total, a 230-point scale is adopted in the assessment system. The maximum score for KET is 150. With a result of 120 to 133 points, you get a Pass (Passed), from 134 to 140 points - Pass with Merit (Passed with dignity) and receive a level certificate A2. If you score 140-150 points, you get a Pass with Distinction grade (Passed with honors). When a Pass with Distinction score is received, the level is affixed to the certificate B1. If you scored less than 120 points, then the level is affixed in the certificate A1.

How to take the KET exam

In order to pass the exam, you need to find an authorized center in your city. After that, you need to choose a convenient session - as a rule, they take place three times a year: in March, in June and in December. Then you need to register at the selected center - send an application and pay for the exam. Registration usually starts 3 months before the exam. The cost of the KET exam in Moscow is now about 6,000 rubles. When registering, you will immediately find out the date of the written part, but the oral part, as a rule, is held on another day. First, only the frames are indicated (for example, from December 3 to December 17), and after paying and confirming the registration, approximately 3-4 weeks before the exam, you will receive the exact schedule and information about the exam venue.

You must have your schedule and identification document with you for the exam. When you enter the auditorium, you will be asked to remove all things, and mobile phones will be collected, giving you a number in return, like in a wardrobe. Only a document and a bottle of water can be left on the table. All stationery is provided by the center. All parts of the exam, except for Writing, are done with a simple pencil, and Writing with a pen. Erasers are also provided, so even if you make a mistake, you can change your answer. For each part, you will receive a booklet with tasks and an answer sheet. The booklet can be used as a draft, and final answers can be transferred to the form. For the Writing part, you will be provided with a draft. Even if you made a mistake in the clean copy - it's okay, it can be corrected. The most important thing is to write the text so that it is easy to read.

You will know the result in 4-6 weeks after passing the exam. It can be viewed on the website. And after a few weeks in your center you receive your certificate.

Why you need a KET certificate

The KET certificate is valid for life and is a recognized international document in the business and academic environment.
Having a KET certificate will be a significant plus when entering prestigious educational institutions in the UK and the USA, and will also greatly help you in your search for work in large foreign companies. The KET certificate is proof of the owner's basic knowledge of the English language.
Despite the fact that KET is an entry level exam, it gives you a unique opportunity to learn the strengths and weaknesses of your English and determine what you need to “pull up” in the future, as well as allow you to pass higher levels of exams in the future: and.